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Sean Carattini
Barbara Monaghan

Westbury Court

An individuals environment can influence ones thoughts
and decisions as evidenced in Danticats Westbury Court. Her
surroundings shaped her life in a multitude of ways. For
example, her interaction with others, her motivations in life,
and her perspective as it relates to the world around her. A
persons views are created in their formative years and are
adjusted as they enter adulthood. Part of who Danticat is today
derives from her years spent in Westbury Court. People are
the summation of their experiences and Danticats time in that
six-story building in a cul-de-sac off of Flatbush Avenue, in
Brooklyn (pg. 80.), is an integral part of that equation.
Prior to arriving in Brooklyn, Danticat was born in Port-
au-Prince, Haiti. During her time there, she lived in extreme
poverty. Additionally, where there is poverty there is a high
level of crime and a lack of education. Then her family moved to
Westbury Court where according to Danticat, there was
graffiti on most of the wallsand piles of trash piled up
outsideand the heat and hot water werent always on(pg. 81).
This account signified the living conditions were sub-standard.
Moreover, while living at Westbury Court she encountered


issues that no fourteen-year old adolescent should endure. She
witnessed death, crime and inherited the responsibilities of an
adult quite early. Danticat was tasked with navigating the
streets of Brooklyn while picking up her youngest brother from
daycare. All of these elements combined, are capable of making
a person guarded and skeptical of others.
An individual such as Danticat, used her environment as a
motivating factor in which to escape her harsh reality. She
earned her M.F.A. from Brown University and graduated from
Barnard College (pg. 82). Instead of becoming a statistic and
falling victim to Westbury Court, she became an inspiration
for others who were experiencing similar situations. What did
not kill her strengthened her convictions toward taking control
of her life.
Danticat indulged in General Hospital to escape her
reality. Additionally, she wrote I had been so wrapped up in
the made-up drama of a world where even though the adults lives
were often in turmoil(pg.82); Danticat acknowledges little
children were still cared for. A concept unfamiliar to her
responsibility filled lifestyle. This alternate reality offered
a sense of stability and security that her actual reality
couldnt. A portion of this reality involved the demise of the
children down the hall. This entailed there were no mommies


and nannies (pg.82) available to rescue Danticat and her
brothers from the flames, but fireman on that tragic day.
Danticat stated, we lived in a six-story brick building in
a cul-de-sac (pg.80). There is a familiarity that comes with
living in this particular type of community. There is a
connection shared amongst those that reside here. They are
connected through their proximity towards one and other. The
actions of a singular person could influence the lives of many.
People who take residence in big cities tend to feel
disconnected to those around them. The volume of men and women
they interact with is immeasurable. Interactions in this
environment are superficial at best.
Furthermore, environment is extremely influential with
regards to shaping a persons life. Danticat began writing
literature in her adolescence and was published at the age of
fourteen. The origins for some of her stories stemmed from the
effectuation of her environment and life experiences within said
environment. Her surroundings assisted in crafting and molding
her into an attentive, self-sufficient, motivated individual.
Subsequently, her youth was inundated with struggle and negative
reinforcement. However, she had the ability to overcome the
obstacles placed before her. Therefore, it can be said that
these early trials and tribulations endured, prepared her for
any future struggles that may arise.


Finally, an individuals environment is influential when
defining a person but a person can also define their
environment. Danticat is a fine example of such a person. Many
have succumb to the pitfalls encountered while living under such
conditions. Few tend to thrive when emulsified in despair and
hopelessness. It takes an unbreakable spirit forged through
years of endurance and fortitude to prevail against numerous
odds. Danticat possessed this type of quality.

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