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Chapter 3:

Micah stepped backwards, nearly falling to the ground because he was fighting
against his own weight. He was turning into liquid from his feet up; it was rising
to his chest, through his palpitating heart, into his lungs, pumping vile
abhorrence into the oxygen that he breathed, and finally, to the brain, where the
liquid was met with electricity, short-circuiting his cerebral cortex to create a new
current, a new consciousness. He wanted to shut the door on the detectives, but
he had no arms; nothing to help him close the door in which he had opened. He
wanted to run, but he had no legs; he couldnt even crawl away. He wanted to
explain his innocence or guilt to the detectives, but he couldnt talk; he couldnt
think; he wasnt even sure he could feel. His limbs and his consciousness were
nothing but a puddle on the ground, no shape or form. Time was his sculptor; she
watched the way the water moved with the current, and she decided if it was
worthy of carving shape into, chiseling in solidarity where there was dissonance.
When she saw nothing in the water, she abandoned the project, as she knew
nothing could come of it; nothing would ever come of it. She worked while
hymning a tune of ambiguity layered with certainty, singing, It is within each
second that these paradoxes exist.
He looks kind of ill, wouldnt you say, Hank? Andrew Lander stepped in
front of his partner and put his hand on the door as if Micah had the resolve to
try and close it.
Id say that he looks pretty flush. Would you mind if we come in, Micah?
Hank Macey didnt wait for an answer; he stepped inside of Micahs house and
took a long look around, not because he was curious of the dcor, but because he
wanted to make sure that Micah wouldnt find any comfort in the familiarity of
his own home. Hank was willing to play mind games with his suspects and their
affiliates, making them susceptible to breaking and providing the information
that he wanted. His colleagues would sometimes joke, saying that he would
probably be a criminal in another life; however in this life, the lines between cop
and criminal, good and evil, were often blurred to Hank when he was on the job.
Andrew, Hank nodded to the hunched over Micah, Why dont you check on
the boy. You used to want to be a doctor, or a psychologist or was it a butcher?
Ah, I suppose they are all one in the same.
Andrew did not laugh at his partners remarks. He stepped inside the house
and closed the door behind him. He was 62, in his mid-thirties, built like a grey
boar with heavy muscles that were slowly degenerating as he became older, and
he had a soft, battle-hardened face that knew when to deny witticism and when to
accept solemnity. He looked down at Micah, his eyes pressing, trying to make the
boy collapse. Micah looked up; he could see that Andrew was as sickened by him
as he was of himself.
Finally, Andrew responded to his partner, speaking with fury that yearns for
justice. A butcher is some animal to be. Its terrifying, how I once wanted to
devote my life to such a barbaric profession. I think youre worse than a butcher,
Micah. A butcher leaves behind hair, some form of useless remains, but you, you
leave nothing behind. Thats more terrifying than anything. Tell me, how do you
do it?
I didnt do anything, Micah muttered. He could feel the acidity of disgust
burning in his throat. The vomit was rising. Quickly, he bolted to the kitchen,
catching the detectives off guard. They shouted for him to stop and hurried after
him with one hand on their respective firearms. When they found Micah puking
out green chunks of last nights dinner into the sink, they relaxed and withdrew
their hands from their guns.
Andrew advised with a raised voice, Dont run from us like that; we couldve
shot you.
Micah turned on the sink and splashed his face with cold water. He wiped off
the bits of vomit from around his mouth. He felt better than before, but he knew
his alleviation wouldnt last long, so he would have to take advantage of it.
Micah responded, That wouldnt have been the first time the cops have shot
an unarmed adolescent.
Hank replied, taking off his coat, Hey, fuck you, kid. Were just doing our
Fuck you too, preying on someone who is clearly in shock and accusing them
of murder before youve even talked to him. Listen, I think you have the wrong
idea of me, so give me a proper opportunity to explain myself.
Without speaking, the detectives took a seat at the kitchen table and waited
for Micah to join them. Micah nodded towards the coffeepot and asked if they
wanted coffee. They shook their heads, so Micah poured a glass for himself and
joined them at the round wooden table.
Micah took a sip of the black, bitter beverage and inquired, May I ask why
you two decided to act so unconventional back there? Is it because youre both
dirty cops? Or, did you think that the initial evidence weighing against me
validated your tactics to strong-arm me into confessing to a crime, a crime that I
didnt commit. Its just that you guys seem like seasoned veterans, so its
surprising that youd try to solve a case by being so forward with your
accusations. Its very unprofessional.
Fine, Hank admitted, Youre smart, but if you think that you can outsmart
the people around you like it's simple math, then its going to lead to your
undoing, one way or another; thats not an accusation, just some advice.
I dont want your advice; I just want your trust. Micah wasnt going to fall
for Hanks scheme, trying to make him believe that he was on his side.
Suit yourself.
Micah looked at Hanks thin, wrinkled face; it was a face that concealed his
thoughts well. He was intimidating; despite his average height of 59, his years of
experience carried a wisdom that lifted him up to a height that rivaled mountains.
He had a slender body type, not very muscular or strong, but he used that to his
advantage; he was dangerous, and he loved to watch the surprise in his victims
eyes as they realize that they had underestimated him.
Micah sighed and solemnly explained, Yes, I know Im the first person to be
questioned about his disappearance because of the fight we had yesterday, but I
left the party early, and I went home; both my mother and my friend, Lucas, who
was the one that drove me home last night, can verify this. I know my stepfather
is also missing, and I seem to be connected to both incidents, so you guys are just
trying to put together the pieces, but honestly, you saw my reaction to Stephens
disappearance I never got along with the kid, but thats no motive to take his
Hank Macey tapped his wedding band on the wooden table, slowly and
deliberately. Micah waited for him to offer something to the conversation, but he
just sat there, tapping his finger on the table, one slow knock after another; it was
the only sound in the room. Micah looked at Andrew, who was sitting to Hanks
right; he sat with his chin rested on his hand, staring through Micah, looking for
weakness. After a dozen of seconds that felt like minutes, Hank asked, So youre
implying that Stephen is murdered, not missing? Does that go for your stepfather
as well?
Andrew added an extra blow, Do you know something that we dont?
No, Micah shook his head, I dont know if theyre missing or dead; I just
kind of assumed that the worst had happened to them. I guess Im very
pessimistic, but I pray that theyre both okay. I hope you guys at least figure out
what happened to them
Well, Micah, Hank stopped tapping his finger on the table and looked at the
kitchen floor, pretending to think carefully about the information he was about to
present when he already knew exactly what he was going to say. He looked up at
Micah and crossed his arms around his chest. A hunch tells me that you know
more than what youre willing to tell. But thats just a hunch. What I know for a
fact, is that you and Stephen fought last night, and we found a couple of his
missing teeth and a large bloodstain on the floor, as well as a small pool of blood
in the snow outside of the house. Now, the pool of blood outside was found at a
point halfway between where people parked their cars and where the house was;
there were traces of blood leading from the house to that small pool outside, but
after that point there was nothing, no trail. Some claim that they didnt see
Stephen come back inside the party after he ran outside, so why does the trail end
there. Some people say that he was running outside to go talk to you. What did
you guys talk about?
Micah resisted the urge to shift in his seat. He replied, He apologized. He had
a grudge against me since I dated this girl that he liked a few years back. He said
that he picked on me because of his troubled life at home.
Andrew asked, And you accepted his apology?
Of course, Micah instantly replied, I can relate to losing a parent, so I know
how its possible to lose yourself to unjustifiable rage and take it out on other
Andrew asked the inevitable question, And youve never lost yourself to this
sort of rage, and youve never taken it out on someone else?
No, Micah leaned forward, But I can emphasize with it. I was angry at the
world when my father died, and I was looking for something to take away that
anger. I tried karate, kickboxing, running, writing, and anything else that I
believed would nullify the feelings that I was having. It wasnt until a year later
that I realized that the anger would always be there, and when I accepted that, I
was once again open to feeling other emotions, including happiness. I started to
live my life again. When Damon went missing, the house felt so lonely, and I was
reminded of that dark place that I was once in, but all I can do is move on and try
to hope for the best. He sighed, Look, I know what Stephen was going through
in his personal life, so hearing this, whatever has happened to him, makes it so
much more heartbreaking to me. No one deserves to suffer the loss of a parent
and then go through this.
Hank shrugged, You still beat him up pretty good.
Micah explained, That was because he sucker punched me, and I didnt
understand the real reason he had been bullying me for all of these years. I just
didnt know.
I understand, said Hank, but Micah wasnt sure he did. But what I dont
understand, Micah, is how he seems to have disappeared the same way that your
stepfather did, without a trace. If I ignore coincidence, then youre an obvious
link between the two separate cases. Theres always a possibility that Im wrong,
but you have to understand the gravity of the situation. Youre a good kid, and I
truly hope you had nothing to do with it, but you have to understand that were
keeping all possibilities open.
I get it, youre just doing your job, but I was at home when both Stephen and
my stepfather went missing, so how could I be involved?
Andrew answered, Maybe you werent directly involved.
His partner continued, Were looking at each disappearance separately for
now, but in Stephens case, one way that you can be involved, is if we find his
body, dead, in the snow somewhere. If thats the case, then we have to assume
that one possibility is that the wounds he had sustained in your fight led to his
death. You would be charged with murder.
He shocked Micah with that information. I, Micah stuttered, I didnt try to
hurt him that bad.
Hank was about to reply when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
Micahs mother entered the kitchen in her nightgown; she asked in confusion,
Whats going on down here?
Hank and Andrew stood up and showed her their badges. Andrew explained,
Were just asking Micah a few questions.
About what?
Hank explained, The boy he fought went missing last night.
She looked at Micahs black eye and then back at the detectives. She rose her
voice in anger, Thats awful, but my son had nothing to do with it; he came home
early last night!
Calm down, Maam, Hank put his hand out to ward off the hostility, Were
just trying to figure out what happened. We were just wrapping things up.
Micah took a sip of coffee; he was saved by his mother and regained control of
the situation. He asked the detectives, Ive told you all Ive known, so what other
questions do you have to ask me?
No more questions for now, Hank answered, But well be back once we talk
to other witnesses and gather more evidence. Well find out what happened to
Stephen. Im sorry about the rough introduction, but we thought we had our
culprit. I guess time will tell if we were right.
Micah stood up and shook his head, Like I said before, I had nothing to do
with it. Time will only tell you that you were wrong.
Hank slowly put on his coat and straightened his tie. After, he announced,
Well see ourselves out.
Micahs mother reluctantly moved out of their way. She scowled, You guys
are sick, blaming my son for something he didnt do.
They walked by her and out the door without saying a word. Once they were
gone, Micah explained, They think Im involved with Damon and this kid going
missing. He started to cry at the magnitude of the situation, letting his mother
believe that his tears were solely the result of being unjustly attacked by the
detectives; his tears poured because not only was he scared of the detectives, he
was scared of his involvement in this mess, and he was scared because he didnt
understand what was going on. He cried out, They were accusing me when they
had no evidence, and they still think I could have something to do with it!
His mother came to his side and hugged him. He told her his versions of
events; how he fought Stephen, and why Stephen wanted to fight him; how he
accepted Stephens apology; how the detectives came to the door and minutes
after introducing themselves, they called him a murderer without any evidence.
She took his side and consoled her son while she condemned the detectives for
their actions. Those detectives are the really criminals! I cant believe they would
have the indecency to accuse a boy who is already dealing with tragedy. And their
accusations dont even make sense! How would you even be involved in this, its
Micah swallowed his tears and replied, I just really hope theyre okay. I hope
the detectives focus on finding them rather than blaming innocent people for
their disappearances. Who knows if the two cases are even related.
He finished his cup of coffee and told his mother, I was going to make you
breakfast in bed, but Im feeling very shocked. I think I need to go take a nap.
His mother frowned and told him that she would make brunch for the two of
them when he got up. Micah gave his mother a hug before he left the kitchen to
go to his room.
He closed the door behind him as he entered his room; after standing still for
a minute, he suddenly collapsed to his knees and covered his face with his hands.
He couldnt comprehend what Stephens disappearance meant. It couldnt be a
coincidence that both Damon and Stephen disappeared after he prayed for it to
happen. They both vanished, leaving no traces behind as if they went straight to
the afterlife. His prayers appeared to be getting answered. He wondered if it even
had anything to do with religion; he thought, maybe its my will, my wishes that
are causing this. Was it a power that he had, or did it have something to do with
the supernatural. Was he insane? He didnt know what to believe. Was he to
blame, or was God to blame? Did Micah have power over life and death?
He wanted to know how it worked. He wondered if all he had to do was to
pray or wish for someone to die or disappear and then they would. He wanted to
verify that he had this power, but he didnt want to kill a person to find out it was
real. He didnt want to believe that it was real, yet he knew in his mind that it
was. He wanted someone to tell him what was going on. He needed to know that
he wasnt crazy. He wanted to know why; if he had this power, then why did he
have it?
Why was he so special?
Micah didnt intend for his prayer to be answered last night; he never thought
it would come true. He didnt like Stephen, but he didnt deserve to suffer the
same fate as Damon. The blood was on his hands. He wondered, if I can take
someone out of this world, would it be possible to bring them back?
He clasped his hands together and stood up, looking at the heavens, he
requested in a somber whisper, Please, bring back Stephen. Whoever you are,
whatever you are, I didnt mean to remove him from his existence. I dont want to
his family to suffer I dont want his friends to suffer I dont want to suffer
knowing that I am to blame
And then he leaned down, putting his hands behind his neck, and with his
eyes closed, he looked deep within himself and thought, If this power is truly
inside me, disregarding the laws within our perception of reality, then is it not
unlikely that I should be able to give life, as well as take it? Stephen Langdon, I
wish for you to come back to this world.
Although he felt less guilty after his attempts to bring back Stephen from the
afterlife, he knew it wouldnt work; Stephen was gone forever. He knew that he
would always carry the regret of Stephens disappearance, but knowing that he
tried to bring him back offered Micah a small amount of retribution.
Micah moved to his dresser by his bed and opened the first drawer. Inside, he
found a baseball signed by Sathariel Thog, buried under signed vinyls of his
favorite records. He picked up the ball and started to juggle it slowly between his
hands. He looked around his room at all of the signed movie posters that were
framed and mounted on the walls, he looked at his Fender Stratocaster that was
signed by Win Butler, and he felt nothing as he looked at these objects. They were
only possessions, offering him none of the release that he used to find in them.
Two years ago, he had started to collect items that were signed by celebrities; he
had purchased most of them online, but he also had personally met celebrities
and brought his own memorabilia for them to sign. He found it exhilarating to
own things that were touched by a celebrity; he used to think it was the coolest
thing in the world, and now, he felt nothing towards his old hobby. As he grew
older, more things became insignificant to him, and he wondered if there would
ever be a point in his life where there was nothing special to him.
He desperately needed something to save him from his own thoughts. He
knew that he was in shock from the situation at hand, and he was scared of what
would happen when the shock had worn off. He needed something to take his
mind off the situation; he needed someone to ease the pain he would feel when he
fully returned to his senses. He needed Lily.
He texted her saying how distraught he was when the police came to the door
and told him what happened to Stephen, and he told her the truth; how he felt
awful about fighting Stephen; he told her that he wanted to be with her to take his
mind off the situation. He was nervous what she would think of the text. Paranoia
came creeping into his head, telling him that she believed that he had something
to do with it. He was petrified of the idea that Stephens disappearance would end
their relationship that was just beginning to start. He started to regret texting
her, fearing rejection would be too much for his mind to handle. After the cloud
of doubt had passed, he sat down and stared at his phone, thoughtless, waiting
for a reply.
When his phone buzzed, his hand snatched it excitedly. He read the writing on
the screen: I cant believe it, its crazy! Cathy was talking to the police all
morning. And I think we all need to take our mind off of this tragedy, lets go for
dinner & a movie with Cathy and Lucas tonight. I heard that they were rerunning
Fight Club on the big screen!
He smiled at the outcome of his decision to text her. He waited five minutes to
reply because he didnt want to appear as desperate as he actually was. He texted,
I love that movie! Not only are you beautiful, you also have an exquisite taste for
good cinema. Im truly impressed. Okay, Ill talk to Lucas if you talk to Cathy.
She responded a minute later, Im adept in all of the cultural arts. Movies,
Music, and Mojitos are the three Ms that I live by. So Ill buy the tickets online
for you and I if you buy our dinner, deal?
Micah was ecstatic that he had something to look forward to tonight. He
texted Lucas, briefly talking about Stephens disappearance, and then he told
Lucas about Lilys double date idea. Lucas was hesitant to accept the proposal at
first; he debated whether or not it was ethically acceptable to go out tonight when
they should be mourning the loss of their peer. Micah convinced him that the
double date was a way of mourning, a way of bonding together to get through a
difficult situation. Lucas skeptically agreed with his reasoning. Micah was certain
he would have declined his offer if he didnt like Cathy as much as he did.
Lily bought tickets for the 9:00 P.M. showing of the film and told Micah to
pick her up at 6:30. Micah had nearly four hours to kill before he would have to
get ready. He tried to read East of Eden by Steinbeck, yet he abandoned the idea
after twenty minutes of not being able to concentrate on the words. His mind
kept wandering between excitement and depression, Lily and Stephen. His
feelings became a blended mixture of obscure and overwhelming emotion; it was
tiring. He hovered to his bed, fell within the sheets, and started to drift into a
state of semi-consciousness.
He dreamt of Stephen, burning alive in a secluded prison chamber within the
devils abyss. There was no light; the flames were black, searing Stephens flesh
slowly, but the heat of the fire was greater than any heat on earth. It didnt just
burn, it took. Once every few minutes, three ashes of his soul would float up in
the darkness as blue embers. The ashes contained his consciousness, his
personality; they would bring light to the abyss for a moment before they would
burn out, eternally erased from existence. Micah was watching the process from
his own eyes, floating in oblivion; he had to avoid touching the ground. His being
was encompassed by an aura that was the same colour as the embers of Stephens
flesh. Micah flew next to Stephen to get a better view of his dismay. Half of his
skin was burnt off; from his chest to his face, only bone was visible. He thought
Stephen couldnt see him, but he screamed at Micah in a hollow shriek, You did
this to me.
Micah told him that he didnt mean to do it.
I was supposed to get more time for redemption. I wasnt supposed to end up
here. Stephen repeated, You did this to me. Stephen disintegrated in a blue
explosion, leaving behind no ashes or remains. He became one with the rest of
the souls in hell.
You did this to us. The darkness voice echoed around Micah. A million
voices repeated the statement, some saying it slower, and others saying it so fast
that the words were incomprehensible.
You Did this to us. Over and over again, the voices didnt end. The
voices were growing closer as time went on, but time didnt exist in this place.
Micah tried flying to the top, but ended up back at the bottom. The exit didnt
exist, but neither did the entrance, so how did he end up here?

Look, they got here before us, the ones that organized this gathering. This is
bad etiquette on our part; they probably hate us!
Micah playfully nudged Lily with his elbow and replied, I was fashionably late
because I was trying to get you to think that I was cool
Lets go, you loser! Lily took his hand, and they weaved through the busy
sushi restaurant, narrowly avoiding the servers that were rushing back and forth
from the kitchen to the tables. Cathy and Lucas managed to get a secluded booth
in the corner of the restaurant. The table was dimly lit with four fake lanterns
hanging from the ceiling, and a bamboo wall separated them from the table next
to them. Despite the commotion of the restaurant, the ambience was rather
If it isnt the two lovebirds that weve been patiently waiting for! Cathy stood
up and gave them both a hug. We almost thought that you guys were nesting
with each other in some tree.
Lily playfully rustled her friends hair, ignoring her protests, and she replied
with a smile, Youre a very sick and disturbed individual.
Micah concurred with Lily and sat next to Lucas. Micah asked him, How are
you holding up?
Its awful, Lucas sighed, Life is so precious. I pray that they find him alive.
Micah involuntarily responded, I know, Ive been praying too. After he said
that, his stomach dropped and his throat swelled; he felt sick.
Lily and Cathy sat down with each other on the other side of the table. Lucas
told Micah, These detectives came and talked to me today. They were very
aggressive, but I suppose that they just wanted to figure out what happened, so I
guess its understandable. They asked me about you, and I told them that I drove
you home last night, so there was no way that you could have been involved. I
also told them that I know you and that you are a compassionate and rational
person, so even if you were at the party when he went missing, you would be the
last person to be involved.
Micah put his hand on his shoulder and looked into his dark brown eyes,
appreciating his friends virtues. Thanks for standing up for me. The detectives
didnt respect me at all, so maybe your opinion will persuade them that Im not
who they think I am.
Cathy joked, That black eye really doesnt help your cause, Micah!
Micah smiled at her joke out of courtesy, and then he grimly replied, I wish
we never fought. Not because it implicates me as a prime suspect, but because it
was never the answer. I lost my edge when he punched me, and I wish I could
take back all that happened afterwards.
Lily wasnt concentrated on the conversation; she was diligently dissecting
the menu and deciding what she wanted to ingest tonight. She thought out loud,
never taking her eyes off of the laminated menu, Micah, dont worry about being
a suspect. Im sure the detectives have gathered enough information today to rule
you out.
Micah asked her in surprise, How would you know?
Lily dodged the question and gleefully exclaimed, I think I want the crab
rolls, calamari, and California rolls.
Cathy frowned, I dont even like sushi.
The waitress came around and took their drink orders. Micah ordered a bottle
of iced tea, Lucas ordered a glass of water, Cathy ordered a bottle of Japanese
beer, and Lily ordered a bottle of warm sake, along with four glasses. Everyone
voiced their surprised at Lilys choice of beverage.
Well, she explained, I thought it would be the proper thing to do. We drink
to Stephen and hope that he turns up okay. She laughed, I also love sake, so it
works out for the best.
Micah couldnt figure her out; she was unlike any other girl that he had ever
known; she was a bird, flying through carefree skies with wings that would never
fall short. She had a personality that would cause people to gravitate towards her,
whether they wanted to or not.
Micah smiled and told Lily, Thats a great idea, but the fact that you like sake
is perplexing.
Cathy added, She is the most confusing girl Ive ever met. Weve been friends
for three years, and I still dont know what goes on in her head.
Lily leaned back and smiled, but there was sadness in her eyes. A girl has to
be mysterious, but dont worry, even I confuse myself sometimes. Many have
tried to know me, few have survived to tell the tale.
I dont know, Micah, Lucas joked, You better run away from this one.
Micah shrugged, Ive never been one to run away from a challenge.
The waitress came around with their beverages, and Lily ordered her food,
pressuring everyone else at the table to quickly make a decision and order the
first appealing thing they saw on the menu. The waitress impatiently tapped her
foot on the floor while they looked at the menu. Once she got all of the orders, she
snatched the menus from their hands and stormed off, but not before she
hollered an insincere and extended, Thank you!
Cathy scowled, I cant believe you would order when we werent ready, Lily!
Lily gave her friend a suffocating hug and explained, I was helping out with
your indecision. Usually the first thing that sticks out to you on the menu is the
right thing to get!
Micah asked in disbelief, Do you have any scientific proof?
No, Lily innocently answered, But I did get an A in psychology, so that has
to count for something, right?
Micah chuckled, Okay, please dont tell me you want to be a psychologist
though. I knew you were crazy, but not that crazy.
Of course, Lily replied and laughed at Micahs horror. I meant to say, of
course not. My bad!
Lucas knew his friends were joking, but he offered his position on psychology
anyway, I know that some psychologists are just as crazy as their patients, but I
dont think every psychologist should be viewed in that light. If a person wants to
be a psychologist, then you have to trust that their interest is to benefit the world
without pretention.
Micah patted his friends back. Youre too trusting of human nature. A little
cynicism never hurt anyone!
Cathy admitted after she took a sip of beer, Im a narcissist and a cynic, and
opposites attract, so thats why I think Lucas and I get along so well.
No, Lucas laughed, You and I get along because were very similar, even if
you dont admit it! We both like to help people; at your party, you told me that
you volunteered at a homeless shelter every Sunday.
Shush, Cathy kicked Lucas foot under the table. I have a thing for homeless
Everyone looked at her strangely.
Okay, Cathy explained, I like volunteering because I like to lend a hand to
people in need. But, its no fun being the girl with a soft heart in the public eye.
Id rather have people view me as the devil; its much more fun that way!
Micah was reminded of his dream; he felt like the devil. Micah reflected in a
soft, solemn voice, I think Id rather be viewed as a saint than the devil.
Everyone looked at him strangely.
He looked at everyones reaction and apologized, Sorry, I got lost in my
thoughts. Hoping to relieve the tension, he cheerfully asked, But Lucas, how
does it feel to be a saint?
Lucas answered, Im not a saint, and I dont ever want to be one; I hear
theyre not allowed to listen to rock music. Seriously though, I only want to be the
best possible person I can be, and I want to make every effort I can to make my
friends and family as happy as they can be. Its simple, but I think thats all that
Cathy laughed, Sounds pretty saint-like to me!
Time for sake! Lily had already poured four glasses.
Lucas apologized, Sorry Lily, Im not going to have any because Im driving.
Definitely a saint, Lily said as she handed two glasses to Micah and Cathy.
Micah rose his glass and honored the memory of Stephen; he tried to speak
earnestly, but it was almost entirely a lie. Stephen, this is for you. We made
peace when you apologized, and I thought it was the start of an unlikely
friendship, but then you went missing. I have hope that you will be found, and we
will be on good terms and become friends. Lily, Lucas, and Cathy, its selfish, but
Im scared. I cant help but wonder if theres someone murdering people; I cant
help but wonder whos next. Its probably not the case, but I want this drink to
represent how thankful we are to be alive and well. Its good to be with you guys
to mourn the loss of our peer, and its helping me get through it.
Everyone told Micah that his words were meaningful and appreciated. Lucas
added a few words, Even though he bullied Micah, no life is worth more or less
than another. Stephen, I hope you find peace; we all deserve peace in the end.
This whole situation is an important reminder to take nothing for granted.
Although we just met, Lily and Cathy, I can tell that youre both very special and
youre both great people. I dont take you guys for granted, and I want you guys to
know how much I care about you all.
Everyone thanked Lucas for his words.
Lets live while were still young! Lily concluded, To Stephen!
They put their glasses to the middle and cheersed. Micah and Cathy struggled
to get down the entire glass of sake while Lily did it effortlessly.
Lily laughed at her friends reaction to the alcohol. Micah cringed, That was
I dont know how you can sip this stuff without dying, Cathy muttered under
her breath as she gagged.
Lily poured herself another glass and responded, It makes your tummy feel so
warm and sweet. Its an acquired taste. As you guys get older, youll probably
enjoy sipping various hard liquors like I do.
Micah shook his head and joked, When were older, well have to visit you in
Lily mockingly stuck her tongue out at him and replied, Hey, dont hate me
because I like to enjoy everything in its entirety. Seriously, its not just alcohol; I
swear I appreciate other things! I hope to one day become a famous musician, or
a veterinarian, or maybe both, I havent decided yet.
Micah could see the passion glowing in her eyes; it burned so bright that he
knew that she could do anything that she put her mind to. He could only dream
of feeling the fire that burned within her heart, but watching her talk with an
incomparable confidence was satisfying enough.
Lucas replied, Maybe I can be in your band, or at least help you out.
Lily asked him, What instruments do you play?
Acoustic and electric guitar, violin, flute, drums, and production with
Ableton studios. Im average with all of those, but I can focus at mastering a
couple instruments if you need me too.
Lilys jaw-dropped in surprise, Screw the saint idea, youre like the Jesus of
Cathy looked at Lucas in shock; she offered, I cant believe you cant play the
triangle. It looks like your band will require my skills.
Micah sighed, Well, I guess since Cathy took my job then Ill have to be a
The waitress came with their food and departed before Micah and Lucas had a
chance to ask for another glass of water. Micah got the chicken yakitori, Cathy got
the chicken fried rice, and Lucas got two orders of goyza. Lily was right; they were
all enjoying their food that they had ordered while under pressure, without any
complaints whatsoever. They talked about music while they ate; Lily and Lucas
were doing most of the talking, but Micah and Cathy tried to add something to
the conversation whenever they recognized an artists name. Once they were
finished dinner, the topic switched to Fight club, and it was Cathy and Lucas turn
to listen as Lily and Micah exchanged facts and trivia about the film that only fans
would know. The waitress came with their bill twenty minutes after they were
finished eating, so they tipped her horribly and fled the restaurant before she
collected their money.
They didnt make it out of the sushi restaurant until 8:30, so they hurried to
the movie theatre, hoping that they would still get good seats; it was nice that all
they had to worry about was getting to the theatre on time. After the tragedy that
they had experienced today, they appreciated the simplicity of the evening; it was
a blessing to have their minds preoccupied with something else other than
thoughts of consternation. It was one of the last nights that Micah would ever feel
young again.
The theatre was packed when they arrived, but everyone there was seeing the
latest Hollywood blockbuster that was released this weekend. Cathy and Lucas
were forced to wait in line because they didnt pre-purchase tickets. Lily ruffled
through her purse for the tickets that she printed at home, while Micah looked at
the overpriced items on the movie theatre menu. After a minute of concentrated
digging, she found the two crumpled pieces of paper and handed Micah his ticket.
Micah thanked her for buying the tickets and suggested, Maybe you should
become a gold miner or something. He glanced at all of the belongings in her
purse. Or you should become a quantum physicist, and study how one purse can
fit so many belongings because it doesnt make sense.
Oh, shut up! She looked at the prices of the popcorn, candy, and beverages;
she wondered aloud, In twenty years, I bet were going to have to start writing
cheques to buy a large popcorn and a coke!
I wouldnt disagree, He said as he uncrumpled his ticket. Micah looked at
the name on the ticket and felt light-headed: Lily Macey.
She noticed his pale face and asked in concern, Whats wrong?
Your dad He stuttered, Your dad is detective Hank Macey?
Yes, she answered with a warm smile, But its not like hes a ghost, so you
can relax.
When Micah remained stunned and didnt smile, she comforted him with a
hug. She told him, I know he gave you an unpleasant visit today, but now he
thinks better of you. I talked to him, and he loves me more than anything, so he
values my opinion considerably. Everything is going to be okay; you dont have to
worry. Dont let this ruin your night, alright?
Her words were comforting. He replied, Okay, its just a big shock that hes
your dad.
She hugged him tighter and said, I know, I feel bad that he shook you up so
Micah started to blush; he was embarrassed. Not only because she knew about
his breakdown, but also because he never figured out that she was Hanks
daughter, as he knew her last name and had heard it before at school. He figured
that his mind was too occupied to put two and two together.
He admitted to Lily, I was pretty shocked, and I still am, but being here with
you guys makes it easier to cope.
Lily kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear, Ill be here for you
when you need me.
She was everything he could possibly want in this world.
Before Lucas and Cathy had purchased their tickets, Lily hurried to the
concession to buy skittles and iced tea. Micah watched how differently she moved
compared to the people around her. Her spirit was immortal; all you had to do
was look at her to see it was true. But it didnt stop her from being humble and
kind. She talked to the drained people in line and filled them with energy, making
them see life through her eyes for a moment. She had the older, unenthused
employee at the register laughing so hard that he nearly collapsed to the ground.
She was a special type of girl, the kind of girl that would talk to a stranger for a
single second, yet they would carry her in their mind for the rest of the day. The
more and more he got to know her, Micah was beginning to think that she wasnt
any type of girl; she was only her, the last and the first of her kind. He looked at
her, and he saw the true form of love. It wasnt perfect, nor was it what everyone
wanted, but it was real and that meant everything.
When they were watching the movie, and when Micah had his arm around
Lily, he felt the feeling that he so desperately wanted to bottle up. He felt the
future and the past disappear, and he was free to enjoy the present; worries and
pains simply didnt exist anymore. If heaven were half as enchanting as this
feeling, Micah would accept death with no fear, but he had his doubts about it. He
realized that heaven could be any place when he was with her.

The detectives didnt visit Micah on Sunday. Lily told him that they were
frustrated because they couldnt find a single lead. This troubled Micah because
he didnt know what to make of the situation, yet he was glad that another visit
from the detectives was unlikely. Despite his mind being in a better place than
yesterday, he still didnt, conclusively, know what to make of the disappearances.
He still thought it was a possibility that something unexplainable was happening
to him. He decided that the only way to find out was to wait and test out his
possible power on some deserving person. He knew that it was absurd to think in
such a way, but he had to determine what was going on. Until then, he would try
to go on living his normal life.
Micah spent Sunday morning searching through the junk in his room. He was
never one for organization, but he managed to sort through his belongings and
free up space for the future by discarding things that he no longer needed.
While he was cleaning, he found his old journal in a shoebox in his closet. It
was a black moleskin filled with roughly 100 unwritten pages aside from the first
three pages, which were polluted by his near-unreadable handwriting. The pages
that he had wrote were dated two years back; he didnt dare to read what he had
written down, for fear that his teenage angst would find a way to emotionally
attack him, whether it shot arrows of misery or humiliation, he did not care to
find out. He decided that he would begin to write in this journal once again,
whenever he felt the need to.

October 18th

I wish I could understand what was going on. All my other wishes seem to be
coming true, but this is the most important wish. I dont know whats happening
to me, but I feel numb when Im not with Lily. Is it guilt? My thoughts are a
mess. I dont even know what I hope to accomplish by writing in here.

It took Micah one hour to write that short passage, but he felt unexplainably
better after he wrote it.
Micahs mother was showing signs of recovery today. Her smiles were
becoming real again, and Micah could tell that she was on a course to returning to
how she was before Damon. She was going to take a week off with both of her
jobs. Micah was planning to take more shifts at his catering gig to help her out
and ease the pressure.
The day passed by slowly. Micah read a few chapters of East of Eden and was
texting Lily all day. She said that Cathy and Lucas were going to the pub tonight.
Micah was extremely happy for Lucas; he, above all the people Micah knew,
deserved a girl that cared for him as much as he cared for other people. Although,
thats not to say that Micah thought Griff and Booker didnt deserve the same as
Lucas. Griff had a couple of girlfriends before, but he decided that he didnt want
to waste time on any girl that he didnt truly love. Booker, on the other hand,
loved every girl, and he truly loved them; he could see at least one beautiful thing
about any girl in a room and fall in love with it, but he could also point out their
imperfections as easily as he could see their beauty. Micah knew that Booker
would probably burst into flames if he found a girl that he loved everything
Around 10:02 P.M., Micah got a text from Booker, reading, Hey man, do you
want to come hangout for a bit. I texted Griff, but he said he cant because hes at
a movie with his dad, and Lucas is on a date. So youre my last resort. I dont
mean that in a negative way, sorry.
Micah texted back and said that he would come over. Booker sounded
depressed and unusual, so Micah left his house right away.

Booker was drinking from a bottle of rum on his balcony when Micah arrived.
Come join me! He shouted when Micah got out of his car.
Micah told him that he was coming up and went inside his house. It smelled
like rotting food and stale cigarette smoke inside. There was dirty laundry
scattered across the floors. Two of the three light bulbs in the main hallway were
burnt out. If he didnt know better, he would have thought that this was a crack
house. Micah had forgotten the last time that he was inside this place, but he was
sure that it was more welcoming than this. He made his way up the staircase and
joined Booker on the balcony.
Hey man, hows it going? Booker asked Micah as he opened the sliding glass
Good, Micah said as he sat down next to his friend. Can I have a smoke?
Booker tossed him the pack and acknowledged, Youre smoking a lot now.
Micah smiled and looked at the black bags under his eyes, Yea, I do that
when I see my friends like this. Whats up man, wheres your mom?
Booker lit up the half-smoked cigarette sitting on his lap and answered, Shes
been staying over at her new boyfriends house a lot. I dont know, as long as shes
happy, you know?
Micah found a lighter on the ground and lit his smoke. He took a drag and
answered, I think I do.
So, this whole Stephen shit is pretty crazy. It got me thinking about life, and
where I am in it. I dont know what the fuck I want to do man.
Tears were starting to form in Bookers green eyes.
Micah reassured, Dont worry, no one does. I dont have anything figured
out, and Im terrified, but you just gotta hope things will find a way to work
themselves out.
I dont think I can do it anymore.
Do what? Micah asked.
Live, Booker broke down into hysterics. I dont have any inspiration or
motivation. I feel so fucking empty, so hollow. I feel so utterly unreal. A person
cant live like this. Ive been so depressed lately; I dont see any other solution.
Micah shook his head, Dont say that man.
Actually, thats a lie, Ive been depressed for so long, but I cant bottle it up
anymore. I need to say this shit because its been weighing down my soul I dont
think anything can fill the void. He took a sip of rum and waged war with the
tears; he managed to fight some back and dried his eyes, but the battle wasnt
won. Micah, Ive reached my breaking point. Theres nothing left for me in this
Micah took a long, deep drag of his cigarette and stood up. He told Booker,
My mom tried to kill herself two days ago.
Booker looked up at him, stunned, and said, Im sorry.
No, Micah ordered, Stand up.
Booker stood up and looked at Micah in confusion. Micah hugged him. He
didnt say anything for a minute; he just let his friend calm down. Booker, I dont
know what I would do if I lost you, or any of you guys or my mother, but listen,
you are the one person that I look up to the most. You and I are very similar, but
you are like the better version of me; youre almost everything I want to be, and I
admire you. If you cant persevere, then I dont know how I can.
Micah looked Booker in the eyes with tears in his own. He emotionally told
him, You will always have me to talk to, and you will find something to fill the
void. I felt like you did, but I found a girl, and shes changing my world.
Booker wiped the fresh tears from his eyes and asked, That Lily girl? She
seems pretty special, Im happy for you, man.
Yes, Micah answered, And you will find someone like her. Now, lets sit
down and have some rum and talk to each other about the futility of life like
grown men.

Lucas loved the way she smiled; it reminded him of the song, I cant turn you
loose, by Otis Redding. She was a wild one though, and he doubted his ability to
keep up with her in the long run. He thought that maybe some of his shyness
would rub off on her; then he concluded that he could probably keep up with her
crazy heart if it meant keeping it.
Cathy convinced Lucas to come out to the bar with her and have a couple of
drinks. So they met at the bar, and three drinks later, they fell greater into depths
of love.
Youve never had a girlfriend! Cathy immediately apologized for her
outburst. She explained, Its just that youre so handsome and so nice!
Lucas let the liquor mix with his heart and asked, Will you be my girlfriend?
Cathy started to blush, and she took a large sip of her vodka martini. She
grabbed Lucas hands from across the table and answered, Well, I just got out of
a relationship, so I dont want to seem like Im jumping from one guy to another,
but yes, I would like to be your girlfriend, but lets keep it a secret for now.
Lucas was happier than he had even been, but he was also curious about her
ex-boyfriend. He asked about him.
Cathy explained, We werent really compatible. He had a short temper, but
dont worry, he never hit me or anything; we just didnt get along once we started
dating. He was kind of a loser, a polar opposite of you!
Lucas promised her, I won't ever treat you wrong, I promise. Ill do my best
to keep you happy, Cathy.
Cathy leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Now, Lucas was happier
than he had ever been. Cathy asked, Lets get another drink?
No, Lucas shook his head, Its 12:04 and we have school tomorrow, but we
can hangout after school.
Cathy laughed, Youre so responsible, its so sexy!
They got the bill and left the bar. Since Cathy lived in the countryside, she
wasnt close to a train line, so Lucas got her a cab outside of the bar and paid the
cab driver to take her home. She had given him a goodnight kiss before she got in
the cab.
Lucas put on his Ipod and nearly skipped to the train station. Knowing that
she felt the same way about him was the best feeling in the world. He couldnt
believe that she was his girlfriend! Wow, he thought, Im the luckiest man in the
world, and I will do my absolute best to make her happier than she has ever been!
Hotel Yorba, by the White Stripes came on. Even fate was on Lucas side.
If he wasnt listening to music, he would have heard the three sets of feet that
approached from behind. Suddenly, everything went black for Lucas.
He woke up surrounded in darkness. He was disorientated. It took a moment
to realize that he was blindfolded and in the back of a moving vehicle. His arms
and legs were bound with rope. He felt blood dripping from the back of his head
down to his neck. He was in pain, shocked, wondering what was happening.
Without warning, the vehicle came to a screeching stop, causing Lucas to smack
his head on something hard in front of him. He heard the trunk of the vehicle
open. He felt arms grab him. He started to scream, but a male voice told him to
shut up and smacked him in the mouth. He was pulled out of the van and onto a
grassy surface. He continued the scream, and he was punched in the face again.
His blindfold was taken off.
Three men stood in front of him, wearing all black with ski masks covering
their face and sunglasses hiding their eyes. They were in the middle of a football
field enclosed in darkness. Lucas didnt recognize which football field they were
at. He screamed in terror. One man, who was taller than the other two, kicked
him in the face with all of his might.
The man in the middle spit on Lucas and then punched him in the face
several times. Lucas screamed, blood and saliva dripping from his mouth, Why
are you doing this?
The man in the middle shouted back, You stole my fucking girlfriend, you
nigger! He kicked him in the stomach.
The man to the left of Cathys ex-boyfriend whispered something in his ear.
Cathys ex-boyfriend nodded. Lucas screamed, Im sorry, please!
Cathys ex-boyfriend pulled out a knife. Lucas screamed, Please, dont!
Cathys ex-boyfriend cut the rope from Lucas feet and hands; he yelled at
Lucas, Fight me! He handed the knife to the man that whispered in his ear.
Lucas shouted back, sobbing, I wont!
Cathys ex-boyfriend kicked him in the stomach and repeated, Fight me, you
fucking faggot.
Lucas cried, No. He was in so much pain. He couldnt breathe.
Cathys ex-boyfriend kept kicking him while he yelled racial slurs in a fit of
unrelenting rage. Lucas tried to defend himself, but he could not; his arms were
pushed away and he was punched back to the ground every time he tried to get
up. Lucas kept screaming that he was sorry, but it didnt matter, the attack kept
coming. He prepared to die.
One of Cathys ex-boyfriends friends handed him a baseball bat, and he
shattered Lucas kneecaps. He screamed at Lucas, You deserve this, nigger!
Lucas jaw was shattered, so his apology came out as a slur of inaudible sound.
All he could do was sob and scream. He wished he were knocked out, so he
couldnt feel the pain, but he was conscious for every moment of it.
Finally, Cathys ex-boyfriend ended the onslaught by plunging his knife into
Lucas stomach. After he had stabbed him, he and his friends fled the football
field and left Lucas to die.

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