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Sean Carattini

English 101
Professor Monaghan
Assignment 4
August 10, 2014

This Old House

As an adolescent, norms, culture, and tradition are things typically learned
through parental supervision and guidance. When a child evolves into adulthood there are
realizations made that derive from experiences out of the home. As a result of Sedaris
leaving his childhood home, lessons are learned in: time as an ever-dwindling commodity,
individuality, and an appreciation for history. The contrast between his birth home and
the house owned by Rosemary was vast.
While growing up, Sedaris was infatuated with a time period that pre-dated his
birth. He had an interest in the dcor, clothing, and music from a pre-war era. His
interest in this era was so profound he Started buying clothes from Goodwill(Sedaris,
p.2). Unfortunately for Sedaris, both his mother and father did not share his enthusiasm
for these times. His father would mock The environment youre looking for is called a
psychiatric hospital before demanding the removal of Sedaris old fashioned hat. He
felt misunderstood and out of place at home. He longed for a place where he would fit in.
His sense of individuality was stifled because of the difference in personalities and
style within the household. Sedaris believed that The world was simply grander back
then, somehow more civilized, and nicer to look at.(Sedaris). He felt strong ties to
this time period and appreciated its existence.
While visiting an old friend from high school, Sedaris found a place that he could
call his own. This room in Chapel Hill, North Carolina suited his particular style of
taste. According to Sedaris it was A home where history was respected(Sedaris) as
evidenced by the style of and inside the home. There was also an immediate connection
made between himself and the owner of the home Rosemary Dowd. The initial bond shared
between the two was there sense of fashion. Sedaris was dressed as an Unemployed factory
worker in tortoiseshell safety glasses and a tweed overcoat two sizes too
large(Sedaris) when he first met Mrs. Dowd. Upon meeting her the first time he admired
a hat she was wearing and verified if he was correct about its age. She was impressed
with his ability to recognize its age despite his youth. The inside of the house
decorated with its Velvet curtains[and] wallspapered in a faint, floral pattern, and
dollies were everywhere, laid flat on tabletops and sagging like cobwebs from the backs
of overstuffed chairs(Sedaris) was to his liking.
During his time in North Carolina, Sedaris became aware of how fleeting time can
be. When Rosemary decided to sell the house, Sedaris thought he:
was sad that the house was being sold, but another, bigger part-the part that
loved air-conditioning-was more than ready to move on. It was pretty clear that as
far as the restaurant was concerned I was never going to advance beyond
dishwashing. Then, too, it was hard to live in a college town and not go to
college. The students I saw out my window were a constant reminder that I was just
spinning my wheels, and I was beginning to imagine how I would feel in another ten
years, when they started looking like kids to me.
He was realizing that although infatuated with an older era, the present one would move
on with or without him. Young adults have a tendency to disregard time because of their
age. It is their belief that time will always be in abundance.
Sedaris also learned that there were like-minded individuals and other distinct
personalities that existed outside of his childhood home. Along with Rosemary, he met
Chaz who was a schizophrenic, Sister Sykes Rosemarys mother, and Ava Rosemarys
daughter. His individuality is something that Sedaris valued and now he had the
opportunity to value the individuality of others. Tolerance for those who do not share
the same values and traditions is a valuable lesson. Only upon leaving his home was he
able to grasp this concept. It would have been a hard idea to grasp if not given the
opportunity to converse and interact with others.
An appreciation for history and things from a past era is what led Sedaris to live
with Rosemary. There were people that were indifferent to Sedaris and Rosemary and she
acknowledges this when she says, If its not new and shiny, they dont want anything to
do with it Give them the Liberty Bell and theyd bitch about the crack. Thats how folks
are nowadays. Ive seen it(Sedaris). Individuality is not celebrated by people who
treasure uniformity, it is heralded by people who treasure their freedom of expression.
Sedaris embraced this concept and did so without hesitation. The unique blend of tenants
in his new home also reinforced his convictions. It can be a difficult thing to go
against the grain and stay true to ones self, and Sedaris had the fortitude to do so.
After leaving his parents home, Sedaris learned and reinforced valuable life
lessons. He learned that time is precious, individuality is fine, and there are things to
be appreciated from the past. Leaving home allowed Sedaris the opportunity to be exactly
who he wanted to be. He was able express himself as he saw fit. His appreciation for an
older era was shared by another, and he was comforted in this revelation.

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