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8y Lukas Wlnklerprlns
verslon 2.4p
1able of ConLenLs
1able of ConLenLs
! #$%&'()*+'$ ,$( -)./0
a. MaLerlals
b. layer 1urn
c. 1he laylng lleld
d. Cb[ecuves
e. 1he ArgumenL 8ule
1 23,*/*&,4 5 2%,%0
a. Spacecra
b. SLaLs and Appllcauon
c. LoS and 1argeung
d. SLrang
6 78,*9:$; 5 </,3'$0
a. rocess of auacklng
b. Weapons
= >?/&@%A:$; >.0/
a. CredlLs
b. 1hlngs l mlghL add
c. Average SLaLs
ln order Lo play Lhls game you wlll need:
- AL leasL 2 people wllllng Lo ghL each oLher vla small,
plasuc spaceshlps.
- 6-slded, 8-slded, and 12-slded dle.
1he more Lhe beuer.
- A Lego ruler- measuremenLs wlll be ln sLud dlsLances.
- aper and pencll/pen, because you have Lo keep Lrack of
- 1wo or more small eeLs of mlcroscale Lego spaceshlps.
- An area of play. lL can be anywhere you have a aL
[1] lnLroducuon & 8ules
1he layer 1urn
llrsL, declde Lhe order of players. 8oll of dlce ls good.
uurlng a player's Lurn, Lhey dlrecL only one shlp aL a ume. Lach shlp may move and
do one acuon (elLher auacklng or lnluaung an acuve ablllLy).
A shlp does noL have Lo do anyLhlng lf deslred, and lL ls also able Lo only move C8
do one acuon. 1he acuon may Lake place aL any polnL durlng movemenL- before,
aer, or even ln-beLween movemenL.
Cnce Lhe player has gone Lhrough wlLh Lhe Lransacuons for every shlp, hls or her
Lurn ls over. unless speclally noLed, a player may noL do anyLhlng durlng Lhe Lurns
of oLhers.
[1] lnLroducuon & 8ules
Some generlc spaceshlps Lo help explaln rules
1he laylng lleld
8aslcally all you need ls a large aL area. AnyLhlng smaller Lhan
3 square feeL ls probably Loo small. uon'L make lL Loo blg-
shlps can geL ouL of Lhe baule Loo easlly. Make lL [usL large
enough so LhaL when Lhe Leams begln, Lhey won'L really be ln
range Lo auack each oLher (Lhe excepuon ls Lhe beam weapon,
buL don'L worry abouL LhaL now).
[1] lnLroducuon & 8ules
Also, debrls adds lnLeresL and sLraLegy. AsLerolds,
chunks of losL spaceshlps, and oLher space Lrash
all make greaL obsLacles Lo zoom and shooL
use whaLever works
lor Lhe mosL parL, Lhe ob[ecuve of Lhls game ls Lo 'klll
everyLhlng LhaL moves.' 1hls ls easy, qulck, and fun. lf
you wanL Lo add anoLher elemenL Lo your gameplay
however, conslder a more complex ob[ecuve or goal for
a Leam Lo reach. Some ldeas:
- llrsL Leam Lo 10 kllls
- uefend a clvlllan shlp (and Lhe oLher Leam(s) auack)
- LasL a cerLaln amounL of Lurns agalnsL a large
- Asslgn polnL values for dlerenL shlps and keep Lrack of
score LhaL way
[1] lnLroducuon & 8ules
1he ArgumenL 8ule
1hls ls preuy baslc. lf you and your LeammaLes
geL ln an argumenL and can'L come Lo a
concluslon, roll dlce. Whoever rolls hlghesL
geLs Lhelr way. 1haL slmple. keeps Lhe game
1hls rule ls lnsplred by 8rlkwars' 'WhaL l Say
Coes 8ule.' 1hank you Mlke.
[1] lnLroducuon & 8ules
1here are Lhree spacecra classlcauons: SLrlke Cra,
lrlgaLes, and SpeclalLy shlps. When Largeung shlps,
classlcauon ls Laken lnLo conslderauon. See Lhe
auacklng poruon for more lnfo on Accuracy.
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
SLrlke Cra are Lhe smallesL baule-capable shlps
ln your eeL. 1hey should be on a sLand LhaL ls
2x2 sLuds, and should be no larger Lhan 2x2x3
sLud dlmenslons. SLrlke cra have a slngle
weapon sloL. SLrlke cra may CnL? equlp
auLoguns, llghL LurreLs, lasers, bombs, and llghL
noLe LhaL Lhe scale on Lhe frlgaLes and sLrlke cra are
o. 1he dlmenslons of Lhe sLrlke cra acLually
represenL an enure squadron of shlps.
8alga bomber cra
Spacecra conL.
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
SpeclalLy Shlps are meanL Lo be shlps LhaL don'L ll
Lhe normal roles. neuLral shlps, space sLauons, and
oLher mlscellany Lhlngs go lnLo Lhls caLegory. 1hey
rarely have any weapons and can have sLaLs of
varlable amounLs. Cn sLaL cards lndlcaLe wheLher
Lhe speclalLy shlp ls small or large, based upon slze
resLrlcuons on frlgaLes and sLrlke cra.
lrlgaLes are Lhe power of your eeL. 1hey should
resL on a sLand LhaL ls elLher 3x3 or 4x4 sLuds, and
should have dlmenslons no larger Lhan 4x2x8 sLuds.
lrlgaLes are medlum/large slzed, and have sloLs for
2 weapons. lrlgaLes may use all weapons excepL
auLoguns, lasers, and bombs. lf deslred, a frlgaLe
may spend boLh of lLs weapon sloLs Lo equlp 3 llghL
1hls cargo shlp ls large
8alga long-range frlgaLe
SLaLs and Appllcauon
Lach shlp has a cerLaln seL of sLaLs.
1hese sLaLs are:
- name [name] - LlLher a
classlcauon or a personallzed name
for Lhe shlp.
- Classlcauon [small, large, or
speclalLy (S or L)] - ?ou know whaL
Lhls ls.
- Armor [number value] - 1he
amounL of damage a shlp can Lake
before lL explodes ln a masslve
reball! (.S. re does noL exlsL ln
- Speed [sLud value] - 1he number
of sLuds a shlp may move ln a Lurn.
- Weapons [names] - More on Lhese
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
Culck llule sLaL card l made
SLaLs conL.
Shlps may move ln any dlrecuon. Small shlps may
roLaLe aL wlll, buL Large shlps musL exchange 2 sLuds of
movemenL for a 43 roLauon ln elLher dlrecuon. 1hls ls
useful when sLrang a LargeL. lrlgaLes do noL have Lo
be faclng Lhe dlrecuon Lhey move.
When movlng a shlp, place your sLud ruler so LhaL lL
Louches Lhe base of Lhe shlp, and polnL lL ln Lhe
dlrecuon Lhe shlp ls golng Lo move. Slmply sllde Lhe
shlp down Lhe ruler Lhe amounL of sLuds you wlsh, wlLh
Lhe maxlmum range of movemenL specled by Lhe
speed raung. AL Lhe end of movlng, Lhe edge of Lhe
shlp's sLand should Louch Lhe lasL sLud lncremenL lL
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
SLaLs conL.
Lvery auack agalnsL a shlp does a cerLaln amounL
of damage Lowards Lhe LargeL's armor (assumlng
Lhe auack hlLs). 1hls ls whaL you need Lhe paper
and pencll for.
When Lhe armor reaches 0 or below, you may
elLher remove Lhe shlp from play, or break lL lnLo
llule chunks lluered around Lhe eld. LlLher way,
Lhe shlp ls 'desLroyed' or 'dead' and may no
longer carry ouL auacks, movemenL, or speclal
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
Llne of SlghL and 1argeung
ln order for a shlp Lo be able Lo auack, Lhere musL be a clear llne of
slghL down Lhe barrel of Lhe weapon (mlsslles/melee don'L counL)
Lo Lhe LargeL. 8ecause sLrlke cra can roLaLe freely, Lhls almosL does
noL mauer. Cn shlps LhaL musL roLaLe slowly (l.e. frlgaLes), lL makes
LurreLs appeallng, as Lhey can roLaLe freely. Powever, Lhere are sull
some problems.
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
lor lnsLance, lf Lhere ls a LurreL on Lhe le slde
of a shlp buL Lhe LargeL lL wanLs Lo hlL ls on Lhe
rlghL slde, lL musL spln a cerLaln amounL before
belng able Lo re wlLh LhaL LurreL. CbsLacles on
Lhe sLage, oLher shlps, and parLs of Lhe shlp
rlng can geL ln Lhe way of Lhe LargeL.
Cnly Lhe LurreL on Lhe le
slde of Lhe grey frlgaLe could hlL Lhe
blue, unless lL roLaLes
'SLrang' ls Lhe slow movemenL and roLauon of a shlp ln
order Lo maxlmlze Lhe number of weapons allowed Lo
auack a slngle LargeL aL once. lor mlsslles, lL does noL
mauer, as all mlsslle weapons are auLo-Largeung (Lhls does
noL mean Lhey wlll always hlL Lhe LargeL however).
1hls geLs dlmculL when large shlps are
equlpped wlLh lon 8eams. 1hey musL
roLaLe unul Lhe weapon ls polnung as
close Lo Lhe LargeL as posslble. 8ecause
shlps can only roLaLe ln 43 lncremenLs,
some shlps wlll noL be dlrecLly ln llne
wlLh Lhe barrel of Lhe lon beam. !usL Lry
Lo geL lL as close as posslble. ?ou and
Lhe guy you are shooung aL can baule lL
ouL- remember Lhe argumenL rule.
[2] Spacecra & SLaLs
rocess of Auacklng
When a shlp decldes Lo auack wlLh one of lLs
weapons (remember, every Lurn a shlp may
auack wlLh all of Lhe weapons lL has), Lhere ls a
cerLaln process lL musL go Lhrough before
acLually dolng damage Lo Lhe LargeL.
- ueclare auack.
- Check range of weapon, and range Lo LargeL.
- 8e sure of Llne of SlghL (LoS), lf necessary.
- 8oll hlL (A 12-slded dle. Lach weapon has 2
accuracy raungs, one when auacklng small
cras (sLrlke cra/speclalLy), one for larger
(frlgaLes/speclalLy). 1o hlL Lhe LargeL, Lhe
auacker musL roll equal Lo or above Lhe number
LhaL corresponds wlLh Lhe slze of Lhe LargeL ln
order Lo hlL.
- Assumlng you hlL, roll damage of Lhe
weapon, and deal LhaL damage Lo Lhe armor of
Lhe LargeL spacecra.
CongraLulauons, you [usL auacked!
[3] Auacklng & Weapons
Auacklng conL.
Lach seL of mlsslle weapon Lubes ls calculaLed ln one hlL roll and one damage roll.
lf Lhe LargeL ls noL ln range or Lhere ls no llne of slghL, Lhe auack ls cancelled. lf Lhe
player reposluons hls/her shlp, Lhey may Lry agaln wlLh Lhe same weapon.
lf you mlss, you may noL auempL Lo auack wlLh LhaL weapon agaln ln Lhe same Lurn.
[3] Auacklng & Weapons
1he grey frlgaLe could hlL Lhe blue lf lL's weapon had
aL leasL a range of 16 sLuds.
Weapons 1
noLe: l glve generlc names for Lhe weapons here. leel free Lo call
Lhem whaLever you wlsh. Addluonally, Lry maklng your own
weapons for speclal occaslons.
[3] Auacklng & Weapons
AuLogun [ro[ecule]
8ange: 10 sLuds uamage: 1d6
PlL: 4/3 (agalnsL small/large)
lece(s): lnvlslble on sLrlke cra
1hls sLrlke cra ls equlpped wlLh
an auLogun
Weapons 2
[3] Auacklng & Weapons
Peavy 1urreL [ro[ecule 1urreL]
8ange: 20 sLuds
uamage: 1d12 -1 (mlnlmum 1)
PlL: 7/2
lece(s): 8lnocular wlLh opuonal
ex Lublng lnserLed
Laser [Laser]
8ange: 13 sLuds
uamage: 1d6+1
PlL: 6/3
lece(s): Screwdrlver
LlghL 1urreL [ro[ecule 1urreL]
8ange: 13 sLuds
uamage: 1d8
PlL: 6/4
lece(s): Lever base wlLh Lever
1hls lever ls modled
Weapons 3
[3] Auacklng & Weapons
LlghL Mlsslles [Mlsslle]
8ange: 23 sLuds
uamage: 1d6+1
PlL: 4/6/6
lece(s): 1ravls brlck wlLh ex
Lublng lnserLed
Peavy Mlsslles [Mlsslle]
8ange: 30 sLuds
uamage: 1d8+1
PlL: 9/4
lece(s): 1ravls brlck
Melee (crazy l know) [LLc]
8ange: **
uamage: 2d12+2
PlL: 13/3
lece(s): AnyLhlng polnLy. Cears.
** 1o be ln range, Lhere musL be 1 sLud or less ln
beLween Lhe up of Lhe acLual melee weapon and
Lhe hull of Lhe LargeL shlp.
Weapons 4
[3] Auacklng & Weapons
8ombs [LLc]
8ange: 10 sLuds
uamage: 2d6
PlL: 11/7
lece(s): Color-conLrasung 1x2 grllle
ules, or 1x1 ule cllps
8eam [Laser]
8ange: lnnlLe
uamage: 2d6+1
PlL: 12/3
lece(s): 1echnlc pln or half-pln
lon beams may noL be red unless Lhe auack and LargeL ls announced Lhe Lurn
before. lf Lhe LargeL moves behlnd cover durlng LhaL ume, Lhe auack ls
cancelled, and Lhe player wlLh Lhe lon beam may declare a new auack on Lhe
Lurn Lhey would have auacked. 1hls makes lL so LhaL an lon beam may only re
once every 2 Lurns.
1hanks Lo:
1lm Z.
Mlke 8ayhawk
[4] LveryLhlng Llse
1hlngs l Should Add
- Pyperspace/Cravwells
- lnlLrauon
- uefense measures (ares, shlelds)
- 8oosLers
- Sensor !ammlng/Command capablllues
vecLor MovemenL
[4] LveryLhlng Llse
Average SLaLs
Average SLrlke Cra [small]
Armor: ~9 Speed: ~20
1 Weapon
Average lrlgaLe [large]
Armor: ~23 Speed: ~12
2 Weapons
[4] LveryLhlng Llse

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