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Alan Jenkins and Mick Healey

July 200
Alan Jenkins ( Reinvention Fellow for the Reinvention Centre
for Unergrauate Research! Universit" of #arwick an $%for &rookes Universit"' Consultant for the (igher )ucation Acae*"' +isiting
,rofessor -tafforshire Universit"
.ick (eale" (!"ealey#$l%s&ac&uk) /irector of Centre for Active 0earning in 1eogra2h"3
)nviron*ent an Relate /isci2lines3 Universit" of 1loucestershire
Ackn%'led$e!en(! 4he 2rouction of this listing was su22orte b" Alan Jenkins5
Fellowshi2 for the Reinvention Centre for Unergrauate Research at $%for &rookes an
#arwick Universities.
4his listing escribes known U6 base 7unergrauate research8 2rogra**es.
Co**ents an suggestions 9 2articularl" of other 2rogra**es not inclue here 9 are
welco*e. 4he listing is organise as follows!
A& De)ini(i%n and Sc%*e
B& Selec(ed Re)e+ences
C& P+%$+a!!es a( ,ns(i(u(i%nal -e.el
D& P+%$+a!!es a( De*a+(!en( -e.el
E& J%u+nals and S(uden( C%n)e+ences
/& O+$anisa(i%ns /undin$ and Su**%+(in$ Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c"0 T"e
Resea+c" C%uncils
G& O+$anisa(i%ns /undin$ and Su**%+(in$ Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c"0 O("e+
Na(i%nal O+$anisa(i%ns
74he research universities have often faile3 an continue to fail3 their unergrauate
2o2ulations3 thousans of stuents grauate without seeing the worl : fa*ous 2rofessors
or tasting genuine research.;
&o"er Co**ission (<==>3 ?)
7An Unergrauate Research $22ortunities ,rogra**e (UR$,) gives unergrauates
the o22ortunit" to 2artici2ate in the research activities of the institution5s acae*ic staff
an 2ostgrauates. 4he @*2erial College sche*e3 which is *oelle on that at
.assachusetts @nstitute of 4echnolog" ... was starte in <=>A following a visit fro* the late
,rofessor .argaret .ac+icar at .@4.8
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
Collier (<==>3 ?C=)
74he *essage for the (U6 Research) Councils is that vacation bursar" sche*es offer
ae:value in the 2ro*otion an su22ort of research careers3 2articularl" through!
1iving stuents a *ore realistic e%2erience of a research 2osition an research
(el2ing stuents *ake *ore infor*e career choices 9 even when the ecision is that
a research career oes not suit the*.
Creating an e%cite*ent aroun research careers in the stuent bo"3 when vacation
bursaries are seen as attractive an 2restigious o22ortunities.
.otivating research staff with renewe enthusias* about research careers3 an
2roviing the* with o22ortunities to co**unicate this to a stuent auience.8
),-RC +acation &ursar" 1oo ,ractice )vent3 D
Bove*ber DAAE
FUnergrauate research5 is taken to be a for* of curriculu*/learning that is *ost strongl"
base in U- higher eucation. 4here are variations to its for*. 4hese inclue!
unergrauate stuents learning through various for*s of research or inGuir"
base learning
often strongl" su22orte b" acae*ic staff an at ti*es on facult" research
often in the su**er vacation or in se*ester breaks
at ti*es reware b" creit an at ti*es b" 2a"
at ti*es involve in a scholarl" an research base wa" with local co**unities.
$ften unergrauate research is for selecte stuents an is outsie the for*al
institutional an e2art*ental curriculu*. (owever there is now an increasing e*2hasis
in so*e U- institutions to creit it an/or link *ore fir*l" with the F*ainstrea*5 curriculu*.
As with Fresearch5 b" universit" staff (&rew3 DAA<) there are conteste *eanings of the
wor Fresearch5 at unergrauate level. @n the U-3 the 2ractice an thinking 9 2articularl"
in the sciences 9 sees unergrauate research as stuents having to 2rouce Foriginal5
2erha2s Fcutting ege5 knowlege. $thers3 however3 focus on stuents learning through
courses which are esigne to be as close as 2ossible to the research 2rocesses in their
isci2line. 4he focus then is on the stuent learning an being assesse in wa"s that
2arallel/*i*ic how research is conucte in that isci2line. @n these cases3 what is
2rouce/learne *a" not be new knowlege 2er se 9 but it5s new to the stuent an3
2erha2s *ore significantl"3 transfor*s their unerstaning of knowlege/research.
4o e*onstrate this tension : the web site of the Council for Unergrauate Research
htt2!//*l (*ainl" su22orting unergrauate institutions outsie the
U.-. research elite) both focuses on Flearning through research5' but also offers this
efinition of unergrauate research! 7An inGuir" or investigation conucte b" an
unergrauate stuent that *akes an original3 intellectual3 or creative contribution to the
@n the U-A *ajor onors such as the Bational -cience Founation ((aggett3 DAAE) an
the (owar (ughes .eical @nstitute are i*2ortant financial su22orters of unergrauate
research' an the Council on Unergrauate Research3 in #ashington /C an its
affiliate institutions works with agencies an founations to su22ort unergrauate
$ur interest in U- unergrauate research ste*s out of a wier interest in bringing
teaching an isci2line base research together (e.g. Jenkins an (eale"3 DAAH' Jenkins3
(eale" an Ietter3 DAAJ). #e recognise that there are eucational3 2hiloso2hical an
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
organisational links (an ifferences) between unergrauate research an the U6
issertation/honours thesis which is one broa a22roach to bringing teaching an
research together. #e also recognise an value other for*s of inGuir" or active learning
such as 2roble* base learning. #e concur with Ia*orski (DAAD3 2.C<J) of the
i*2ortance of not 72rivileging a single a22roach to the integration of research3 teaching
an learning.8 4he research evience is as "et not clear as to the value of ifferent for*s
of Fresearch base learning5 nor of the conte%ts in which the" are *ost effective (Jenkins3
DAAC' -2ronken:-*ith et al.3 DAAJ).
4hus while recognising the various wa"s in which iniviual staff an institutions seek to
bring stuents into the worls of research3 our focus is here Guite tightl" rawn to U6
base 2rogra**es at e2art*ent3 institutional an national levels3 which have all or *ost
of these 2ro2erties!
4he" ter* the*selves Funergrauate research53 or use ter*s such as Fco**unit"
base unergrauate research5 an so on
4he 2hiloso2h"/values of the 2rogra**e inclue e%2licitl" bringing unergrauate
stuents (an 2ossibl" others e.g. librarians3 co**unit" activists) into the worls
of research
4he stuent learns in wa"s that 2arallel or re2licate the wa" staff research/learn in
their isci2line/2rofessional area
4he outco*es of learning/the assess*ent both for*ative an su**ative
2arallels/re2licates the wa" facult"/staff evelo2 an isse*inate their
research/learning in their isci2line/2rofessional area e.g. through unergrauate
research journals3 stuent research conferences an so on
4he 2rogra**e is clearl" visible an recognise as Funergrauate research5 b"
the universit" co**unities (in 2articular stuents) an 2arents3 the local
co**unit"' an 2ossible e%ternal s2onsors.
4he *ajorit" of 2rogra**es an initiatives liste below are relativel" s*all scale an
highl" selective. For us the challenge is how to *ainstrea* these o22ortunities an *ake
the* 2otentiall" available for *an" or inee all stuents in higher eucation (Jenkins an
(eale" in 2ress). $thers *a" wish for a *ore selective e%2ansion.
-uch e%2ansion is likel" to be riven b" these factors!
A) Research Councils an other national funers seeking to su22ort the ne%t
generation of researchers' such e%2ansion will clearl" be selective3 but *eeting a
strong national agena.
&) Research elite institutions seeking to e*onstrate to govern*ent3 stuents3 an
other stakeholers the 2articular benefits of unergrauates stu"ing in research:
intensive institutions' 2erha2s 2articularl" in the conte%t of increase fees.
C) 4eaching focusse institutions seeking to ensure research like learning for all
stuents an to su22ort staff in having a research career. @n this conte%t this will
reGuire new t"2e of 2rogra**es an 2erha2s a broaer efinition of what counts
as Funergrauate research5 (see entries in -ection C for Universit" of
1loucestershire an $%for &rookes Universit").
/) 1overn*ents 2roviing targete su22ort to su22ort unergrauate research for all
or *an" stuents (Jenkins DAAJ)
)) -trong research evience as to the effectiveness of such 2rogra**es
&o"er Co**ission (<==>) Reinventing undergraduate education: a blueprint for America's
research universities. -ton" &rook3 Bew Kork! Carnegie Founation for the
Avance*ent of 4eaching
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
&rew3 A. (DAA<) The nature of research inquiry in academic contexts. 0onon! Routlege
Collier 6 (<==>) Research o22ortunities for unergrauates, Studies in Higher ducation3
D?(?)3 ?C=:?HE
(aggett3 R (DAAE) 4he U- Bational -cience Founation3 the unergrauate curriculu*
an unergrauate research
Jenkins3 A (DAAC) A guide to the research evidence on teaching research relations. Kork!
(igher )ucation Acae*" htt2!//www.heacae*"
Jenkins3 A (DAAJ) @nGuiring *ins nee *ore than just teaching! Unergrauate research
can transfor* the sector3 Times Higher ducation Supplement3 June <?3<C
Jenkins3 A an (eale"3 . (DAAH) !nstitutional strategies to lin" teaching and research.
Kork! (igher )ucation Acae*"
Jenkins3 A3 (eale"3 . an Ietter3 R (DAAJ) #in"ing teaching and research in disciplines
and departments. Kork! (igher )ucation Acae*"
Jenkins3 A an (eale"3 . (in 2ress) CritiGuing e%cellence! unergrauate research for all
stuents3 in -kelton3 A (e) !nternational perspectives on teaching excellence in higher
education3 0onon! Routlege
-2ronken:-*ith3 R3 Angelo3 43 .atthews3 (3 $5-teen3 & an Robertson3 J

(DAAJ) (ow
effective is inGuir":base learning in linking teaching an researchM !nternational
policies and practices for academic enquiry: An international colloquium hel at .arwell
conference centre3 #inchester3 U63 <=9D< A2ril htt2!//2ortal:"/rtconference/DAAJ/resources/RachelPDA-2ronken:-*ith.2f
Ia*orski3 & (DAAD). Research:le teaching an learning in higher eucation! a case.
Teaching in Higher ducation J(C)3 C<<:CDJ
Articles on UK programmes
&lack*ore3 , an Cousin3 1 (DAA?) 0inking teaching an research through research :
base learning3 ducational $evelopments C(C)! DC9DJ (re Universit" of #arwick
Collier3 6 (<==>) Research o22ortunities for unergrauates, Studies in Higher ducation3
D?(?)3 ?C=:?HE (re @*2erial College sche*e)
Chang3 ( (DAAH) 4urning an unergrauate class into a 2rofessional research co**unit"
Teaching in Higher ducation3 <A(?)3 ?>J9?=C. -ee also htt2!//
archive/feature/newsite*.sht*lMhasok (re UC0 Che*istr")
Jenkins3 A (DAAC) -u22orting unergrauate research (in the U6)! an outline 2ro2osal3
2a2er 2resente to Research and Teaching: %losing the divide& An international
colloquia3 .arwell3 #inchester3 Februar" <?:<C
Selected US References
(aki* 4 F (DAAA) Ho' to develop and administer institutional undergraduate research
programs. #ashington /C! Council on Unergrauate Research
(uggins R3 Jenkins A an -curr" / (DAAJ) Unergrauate research in selecte U-
universities3 htt2!//"/research/cetl/ugresearch/
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
6arukstis3 63 an )lgren3 4 (DAAJ) Ho' to design, implement, and sustain a research(
supportive undergraduate curriculum) #ashington /C! Council for Unergrauate
Research3 available at! htt2!//*2eniu*.ht*l
6inkea3 J (e) (DAA?) *aluing and supporting undergraduate research3 +e' $irections in
Teaching and #earning =?3 -an Francisco! Josse" &ass
,eer Revie' (#inter DAAE) 4he*e issue! Unergrauate research! a 2ath to
engage*ent3 achieve*ent3 an integration3 htt2!//
Reinvention Center (DAAC) @ntegrating research into unergrauate eucation! the value
ae. Universit" of -ton" &rook3 4he Reinvention Center. #eb version of selecte
2a2ers at! htt2!//www.sun"*
Reinvention Center3 Universit" of .ia*i3 -electe U- web sites on unergrauate
research htt2!//www.sun"*l
Ca!2+id$e Uni.e+si(y
&egun in DAAD as a su**er e%change 2rogra**e with .@4 an fune b" the
Ca*brige .@4 @nstitute (htt2!//*brige:* with D> Ca*brige stuents
going to .@4 an an eGual nu*ber of .@4 stuents going to Ca*brige across a variet" of
subjects. 4he sche*e was localise in Ca*brige in DAA?3 an is now (DAAJ) establishe
in )ngineering3 ,lant -cience3 1enetics3 Co*2uter -cience3 ,h"sics with the intention of
e%tening it across the Universit". @t is o2en to first an secon "ear stuents at
Ca*brige. 4he focus is on the selecte stuents having a su**er 2lace*ent in a
research grou2 (generall" <A weeks). -tuents can work in their own or a ifferent
isci2line. @n DAAE HA stuents 2artici2ate3 so*e with su22ort fro* the ),-RC sche*e3
an in DAAJ with the su22ort of the @saac Bewton 4rust the target is <AA stuents.
-everal of the Universit"5s Colleges have their own sche*es. For e%a*2le3 -t Johns
College (htt2!//*
*akes available a nu*ber of grants fro* college funs to the *a%i*u* value of RHAA to
su22ort unergrauate acae*ic research 2rojects or acae*ic -u**er -chools relate
to their courses3 to be unertaken in the 0ong +acation DAAJ at a Universit"3 incluing
Ca*brige3 or other a22rove acae*ic institutions. Current unergrauates who will be
returning to Ca*brige for a course of stu" in $ctober DAAJ are eligible.
-hercliff3 ( (DAAE) Ca*brige Universit"5s unergrauate research o22ortunities
2rogra**e3 RCU6/(igher )ucation Acae*" Conference3 -ringing research and
teaching together, 0onon DC Bove*ber
Uni.e+si(y %) C"es(e+ 3UK4
$rigin is an in:house unergrauate journal which gives stuents the o22ortunit" to
2ublish results fro* successful research 2rojects unertaken in the /e2art*ent of
&iological -ciences. 4he stuent e%2erience of stanar research 2rocess is enhance3
eGui22ing the* with aitional skills reGuire for 2ublication of research3 whilst
isse*inating knowlege an unerstaning of wie:ranging biological issues gaine
through their research efforts to a wier auience. Chester is involve*e in the national
biolog" unergrauate research journal 9 -ioscience Hori.ons 9 see entr" in -ection ).
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
,!*e+ial C%lle$e -%nd%n 3UK4
4he Unergrauate Research $22ortunities ,rogra**e (UR$,) gives stuents the
chance to take 2art in the activities of College research grou2s. Foune in <=>A3 this is
the earliest e%a*2le of such a 2rogra**e in the U6 an was irectl" base on the .@4
sche*e. 4he sche*e focuses on stuents in "ear two an is often use to evelo2 ieas
for their final "ear issertation or 2roject. #hile *ost 2rojects are unertaken in the
su**er the" can also take 2lace in ter* ti*e. -tuents are aware bursaries for their
work fro* a variet" of sources but *ost co**onl" fro* su2ervisors5 research funs3
general e2art*ental funs or e%ternal funs such as the Buffiel Founation5s
Unergrauate Research -cience &ursaries. 4he sche*e is also o2en to stuents fro*
outsie @*2erial. ??AA stuents have 2artici2ate since <=>A. @n DAAH:E3 ?DA stuents
2artici2ate of who* <>H were fro* @*2erial (*ainl" su**er DAAE).

Collier3 6 (<==>) Research o22ortunities for unergrauates3 Studies in higher ducation3
D?(?)3 ?C=:?HE
(awksworth3 A an 6ingsbur"3 . (DAAE) Unergrauate research o22ortunit" 2rogra**e3
RCU6/(igher )ucation Acae*" Conference3 -ringing research and teaching together
Uni.e+si(y %) Gl%uces(e+s"i+e*
4he Universit" has recentl" begun work with the Carnegie Acae*" for the -cholarshi2 of
4eaching an 0earning (CA-40) 0eaershi2 ,rogra**e on Unergrauate Research
(*s/sub.as2Mke"ND<Osubke"NDADHOto2ke"ND<) to
evelo2 an e*be unergrauate research within the universit". 4he Universit"5s
efinition of unergrauate research inclues &o"er5s (<==A) scholarshi2s of iscover"3
integration an a22lication (engage*ent) an is characterise b" breath! 7unergrauate
research escribes stuent engage*ent fro* inuction to grauation3 iniviuall" an in
grou2s3 in research/inGuir" into isci2linar"3 2rofessional an co**unit":base 2roble*s
an issues3 incluing involve*ent in knowlege transfer/e%change activities.8 4he work
co*2le*ents the e*2hasis on active learning in the universit"3 which is being coorinate
through the Centre for Active 0earning ( 4he" are in the 2rocess of
collecting international case stuies of unergrauate research at course an
e2art*ent/institutional levels.
&o"er3 ) 0 (<==A) Scholarship reconsidered: priorities for the professoriate. ,rinceton
Universit" BJ! Carnegie Founation for the Avance*ent of 4eaching
Chils3 ,3 (eale"3 .3 0"nch3 63 .c)wen3 03 .ason $5Connor3 63 Roberts3 C3 an -hort3 C
(DAAJ) #eading, promoting and supporting undergraduate research in the ne'
university sector3 Bational 4eaching Fellowshi2 ,roject
O5)%+d B+%%kes Uni.e+si(y
0aunche in DAAJ b" the Reinvention Centre for Unergrauate Research at the
Universities of #arwick an $%for &rookes -i%teen
stuents (<H 2rojects) were fune in the first "ear. 4he &rookes sche*e o2erates
through staff sub*itting 2ro2osals for stuent 2rojects or research activities su22orting
research currentl" being unertaken within the Universit". -uccessful bis are aware
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
funing to 2rovie bursaries for no*inate stuents (u2 to R<3JAA each) to take 2art in the
-che*e an3 in so*e cases3 *a" be aware funing to contribute to the costs of an"
*aterials reGuire (u2 to R?AA). -tuent 2rojects *a" last for between C an <A weeksS
full ti*e3 or > an DA weeksS 2art:ti*e. ,rojects *a" be unertaken b" stuents either full:
ti*e in vacation3 2art:ti*e in se*ester alongsie their stuies or 2art:ti*e in vacation.
A new evelo2*ent in DAAJ is Reinvention: A /ournal of 0ndergraduate Research (see
Universit" of #arwick entr"). @n aition 2olicies to e*be or *ainstrea* unergrauate
research in $%for &rookes .oular Course are beginning i*2le*entation ((uggins et
al)3 DAAJ).
(uggins R3 Jenkins A an -curr" /3 Rust C an -*ith , (DAAJ) /evelo2ing
unergrauate research at $%for &rookes Universit"! reco**enations an *oels for
future evelo2*ent
Uni.e+si(y %) Readin$
At Reaing3 there has been a long traition in so*e subject:areas of stuents engaging
with acae*ics in their research3 so*eti*es through the use of Buffiel an #elco*e
4rust vacation scholarshi2s3 so*eti*es using other funing sources. @n DAAH3 the
Universit"5s achieve*ents in linking teaching an research were recognise in the funing
an creation of a Centre for )%cellence in 4eaching an 0earning3 s2ecialising in
Unergrauate Research skills (C)40:AUR-! htt2!// $ne
out2ut is an online guie to biolog" stuents on the research 2rocess
htt2!// Funs fro* the C)40 hel2e establish an
Unergrauate Research $22ortunities ,rogra**e.
4he 2rogra**e offers vacation research scholarshi2s of si% weeks uration3 enabling
unergrauates at the en of their secon "ear to work on a research 2roject with a
research tea* or iniviual acae*ic over the su**er. 4he sche*e ha the backing of
both the Universit" &oars for 4eaching an 0earning3 an for Research an was 2ilote
in DAAE with <J 2lace*ents across Agriculture3 Archaeolog"3 Ioolog"3 4"2ogra2h" an in
various locations a*ongst the Universit"5s .useu*s3 archives an collections. @n DAAJ it
is 2lanne to offer c?A 2lace*ents on a co*2etitive basis across the whole universit"3 an
iscussions are unerwa" to secure funing the sche*e when C)40 funing ens in
R%yal 1e(e+ina+y C%lle$e6 -%nd%n
-tuents fro* a range of isci2lines for* a research tea* to conuct research in a
evelo2ing countr".
Uni.e+si(y %) 7a+'ick 3UK4
4he Unergrauate Research -cholarshi2 -che*e (UR--) gives stuents the chance to
beco*e irectl" involve in the research work of the universit"3 share in the e%2erience of
being a *e*ber of a research tea* an take 2art in cutting:ege research. /e2art*ents
an research centres are invite to no*inate 2otential 2rojects which offer goo
o22ortunities for stuents to gain insight into research work an evelo2 valuable skills.
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
&ursaries of u2 to R<AAA are available for stuents to carr" these out either full ti*e uring
vacation or 2art ti*e uring ter* or vacation.
-ince the DAAH/AE acae*ic "ear3 the UR-- has been su22orte an 2art:fune b" the
Reinvention Centre for Unergrauate Research (a ()FC):fune C)40 establishe
jointl" at the Universit" of #arwick an $%for &rookes Universit")3 an uring that ti*e
the nu*ber of a22lications 2er "ear has risen fro* <D to >A. A list of the 2rojects aware
fune in DAAE/AJ is available at htt2!//
4he Reinvention Centre also 2rovies funing for research 2rojects evise b"
unergrauate stuents the*selves3 in the for* of its -*all 1rants Fun! further etails
are available at
A new evelo2*ent in DAAJ is Reinvention: A /ournal of 0ndergraduate Research. 4his
journal will be both *ulti:isci2linar" an cross:institutional3 an will be 2rouce3 eite
an *anage 2ri*aril" b" stuents at $%for &rookes an #arwick universities3 with
strong su22ort3 2articularl" in the earl" stages3 fro* Reinvention Centre staff. 4he journal
will be electronic an will be interactive to inclue links to fil* cli2s3 other websites3
2hotogra2hs an an" other resources linke to the 2ublishe 2a2er. 4he first issue of the
journal is ue to be launche at the Reinvention Centre5s Student as ,roducer conference
in -e2te*ber DAAJ.
&lack*ore3 , an Cousin3 1 (DAA?) 0inking teaching an research through research:
base learning3 ducational $evelopments C (C)3 DC9DJ
Edin2u+$"0 1e(e+ina+y Sc"%%l
-u**er +acation -cholarshi2s e%ist for Dn3 ?r an Cth "ear unergrauates. 4hese run
for an eight:week 2erio in the su**er vacation for which a sti2en of RDAA 2er week is
available. 4he stuent will be integrate into a research grou2 within the +4R@ ,artners
as a tea* *e*ber an 2rouce a well:efine 2roject which may result in 2ublication in
scientific journals. A su2ervisor will be assigne to the stuent who will write a short
re2ort on the outco*e of the 2roject.
Glas$%' Den(al Sc"%%l
Research in the /ental -chool is currentl" arrange uner three *ain the*es! $ral
@nfection3 ,erioontolog" an $ral @**unolog" an $ral (ealth -ciences. #ithin these
the*es3 a wie variet" of iniviual an collaborative research 2rojects is being
unertaken. -tuents have the o22ortunit" of beco*ing involve in research uring their
2erio of elective stu" in fourth "ear. /uring vacations3 there are o22ortunities for
stuents to work on e%ternall":fune 2rojects.
-eeds0 Bi%l%$y
htt2!//' htt2!//*
0eesS first unergrauate research eJournal3 -iolog(. 4his journal is 2ublishe on the
@nternet. @ts 2ri*ar" 2ur2ose is to 2ublicise unergrauate research to a wie auience3
but it is also a *eiu* for stuents to get *ore fro* the acae*ic environ*ent. -u**er
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
DAAE *arke the fifth issue of -iolog( an it has been 2rouce with increase in2ut
fro* current stuents3 incluing an unergrauate eitor. @t is now being e%tene with
biolog" e2art*ents at /ublin3 Bottingha* Reaing to a national journal 9&ioscience
(oriQons (see entr" uner -ection )).
6night3 C (DAAE) -iolog( an other unergrauate research ):Journals3 available at!
-eeds0 Medicine
0UR) is 0ees Unergrauate Research )nter2rise. 0UR) is an enter2rise sche*e to
nurture unergrauate *eical stuents with research a*bitions an as2irations to
beco*e clinical acae*ics. 4he awar of a 0UR) scholarshi2 is b" a22lication an
2resentation of a talk to a selection 2anel. 4he ne%t roun of recruit*ent is scheule for
A2ril DAA>. .ost 0UR) scholars start at the en of the secon "ear of the *eical
curriculu* conucting research in one of the Research @nstitutes of the Facult" of
.eicine an (ealth. 4he" continue this research interest in Kear ? an then intercalate in
a to2ic relevant to their research interests. @n Kears C an H3 0UR) scholars *entor *ore
junior 0UR) stuents. 0UR) scholars take 2art in activities organise b" 0ees #iening
Access to .eical -chool (#A.-) 2rogra**e an b" the -chool of .eicine #iening
,artici2ation office. 4he" interact with school stuents b" *aking 2resentations at schools
an b" *entoring 2u2ils. 0UR) scholars evelo2 leaershi2 an enter2rise skills b"
*eeting entre2reneurs3 both within an outsie .eicine.
N%((in$"a!0 Bi%science
&URB htt2!//www.nottingha**l/
-ioscience 0ndergraduate Research (-0R+) at the Universit" of Bottingha* is an
electronic journal (first issue $ctober DAAE) which showcases high level unergrauate
research b" stuents across the &ioscience ivisions. Bow being e%tene with biolog"
e2art*ents at /ublin3 0ees an Reaing to a national journal (see entr" uner national
-eices(e+0 SURE a( De*a+(!en( %) P"ysics and As(+%n%!y
-UR) is a si% week su**er 2rogra**e which su22orts unergrauate stuents to
unertake research within the /e2art*ent of ,h"sics an Astrono*" an the -2ace
Research Centre at the Universit" of 0eicester. A range of 2rojects are available in
astro2h"sics3 2las*a 2h"sics3 s2ace science3 an conense *atter 2h"sics. 4he
2rogra**e runs throughout Jul" an August3 although there is so*e fle%ibilit" with
iniviual starting an finishing ates. @niviual stuents are assigne a research
su2ervisor. Regular se*inars are hel on current research to2ics3 involving stuents an
staff. At the en of the su**er3 all 2artici2ating stuents 2rouce a written re2ort an
give a brief 2resentation about their work. -tuents receive a cost of living allowance.
(el2 with fining acco**oation is 2rovie as reGuire.
-%u$"2%+%u$" En$inee+in$
)ngineering -tuent Unergrauate Research )%2erience ()B-UR) DAAJ) is for U6 an
)U stuents with first class or u22er secon 2erfor*ance. -tuents take u2 this
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
co*2etitive awar in the su**er vacation before final "ear. 4he" are 2ai a ta% free
sti2en of R<>AA over <A:week 2erio. -tuents o iniviual research 2rojects uner
su2ervision an have a structure research training 2rogra**e.
O5)%+d B+%%kes Ge%$+a*"y
Foune in DAAJ with initial su22ort fro* the Reinvention Centre for Unergrauate
Research at &rookes an #arwick Universities (see institutional entr")! an online journal
for unergrauate research work at $%for &rookes Universit" in 1eogra2h". Journal
articles are written in ra2i co**unication st"le (u2 to D3AAA wors) or as e%tene
articles (u2 to C3AAA wors).( -ee also entr" for national geogra2h" journal in section ))
S"e))ield0 Medicine and Bi%sciences0 Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c" J%u+nal0
S"e))ield En(e+*+ise C%.e+in$ Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c" 9 Educa(i%n 3SECURE4
htt2!//*eicine/research/unergrauate an
4his unergrauate research journal was 2ublishe in DAAC an DAAH an was linke to
an unergrauate 2lace*ent base research course that oes not now run. 4he journal
is thus te*2oraril" sus2ene. -)CUR) was o2en to all unergrauate *eical stuents
within the Universities -chool of .eicine who felt that the" have 2rouce an
acco*2lishe 2iece of research/eucational *aterial.
Uni.e+si(y C%lle$e -%nd%n6 His(%+y %) Science6 a( ("e De*a+(!en( %) Science and
Tec"n%l%$y S(udies
Fro* DAAA to DAAH (asok Chang (ins2ire b" his e%2erience of unergrauate research
as a U- unergrauate) irecte a collaborative research 2roject with unergrauate
stuents3 through the final:"ear &-c *oule ;4o2ics in (istor" of the ,h"sical -ciences;
(htt2!//<?.ht*)3 in which stuents 2asse on their
works (incluing all research notes) fro* "ear to "ear for cu*ulative i*2rove*ent. 4he
*ain finings fro* this collective 2roject will be 2ublishe in DAAJ as an eite volu*e in
the *onogra2h series of the &ritish -ociet" for the (istor" of -cience (Chang an
Jackson3 forthco*ing). For a news article escribing this 2roject see!
Following the successful co*2letion of the 2ilot 2roject on chlorine3 Chang is now
2lanning a secon run of the sche*e starting in DAAJ:A> on an i*2rove 2lan3 this ti*e
on the the*e of electricit". 4he s2ecial course will now be given to secon:"ear stuents3
allowing intereste stuents to carr" on with their 2rojects in their thir:"ear issertations.
.eanwhile the sa*e *echanis* of inheritance will be in o2eration in the course3 with the
ae avantage that the 2revious "earSs stuents are still enrolle so that there can be
irect interaction between two successive cohorts. Asie fro* the 2articular 2roject the"
choose to work on3 stuents in the course will be given the highlights of 2revious research
as reGuire course reaings (on which the" will be e%a*ine)3 so that the entire grou2 can
acGuire a goo sense of the growing bo" of work.
(asok Chang has also evelo2e a sche*e ai*e at giving stuents a si*ulate
research e%2erience of 2ast scientists. @n this re:creation of an <>th:centur" 2erioical3
several issues of the web:base *irtual +icholson's /ournal3 *oelle after #illia*
BicholsonSs /ournal of %hemistry, +atural ,hilosophy and the Arts are 2ublishe each
"ear. -tuents are first introuce to a real ebate fro* the histor" of science3 an aske
to continue the ebate as if the" were ;gentle*en scientists; fro* the late <>th centur".
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
For further etails an sa*2le issues3 see!
Chang3 ( (DAAH) 4urning an unergrauate class into a 2rofessional research co**unit"3
Teaching in Higher ducation3 <A(?)3 ?>J:?=C
Chang3 ( an Jackson3 C ()s) (forthco*ing) An element of controversy: the life of
chlorine in science, medicine, technology and 'ar) #ondon: &ritish -ociet" for the
(istor" of -cience
:%+k0 Psyc"%l%$y0 Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c" E5*e+ience Sc"e!e 3URES4
4he 2rogra**e was initiate in DAAH an built on 2revious infor*al arrange*ents. 4he
sche*e enables stuents who wish to gain research e%2erience to volunteer to assist with
current e2art*ent staff 2rojects. An" first: or secon:"ear stuent can take 2art in the
sche*e3 though 2reference is nor*all" given to secon:"ear stuents (thir:"ear stuents
are t"2icall" bus" with their own 2rojects an ten not to 2artici2ate). -taff enter etails of
their 2rojects on ,s"ch#eb (www.""ch/www/research/ures/)3 together
with an outline of the research Guestions3 what research assistance is neee an the
rate of 2a". 1enerall" the 2a"*ents to stuents co*e fro* research grants.
1oebel3 -. an 1ennari3 -. (DAAE) @nvolving stuents in the research of facult" *e*bers
through the evelo2*ent of a e2art*ental unergrauate research sche*e3 available
Bioscience Horizons
4he Bational Unergrauate Research Journal. A consortiu* of Universities3 incluing
0ees3 Bottingha*3 Chester an Reaing with e%2erience or interest in 2ublishing
unergrauate research are working with $%for Universit" ,ress to 2rouce an on:line
journal to showcase the best of U6 unergrauate research. 4wo issues will be 2ublishe
in .arch an .a" DAA> as a 2ilot stu".
Internet Journal of Criminology
All unergrauate an .asters issertations that receive a JAU *ark are eligible for
sub*ission to the journal (at the *o*ent3 the @JC website onl" states FUnergrauate
/issertations53 but .asters work is also now acce2te3 though B$4 ,h/s). -u2ervisors
shoul therefore be encourage to facilitate this with their *ost able stuents3 which will
hel2 the* with their career 2rogression.
Geoverse ; ("e unde+$+adua(e +esea+c" <%u+nal )%+ $e%$+a*"y
1eoverse is a collaboration between $%for &rookes Universit"3 Universit" of Reaing3
Universit" of 1loucestershire an Vueen .ar"3 Universit" of 0onon with initial funing
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
su22ort fro* the 1eogra2h"3 )arth an )nviron*ental -ciences -ubject Centre (1))-
htt2!// 1eoverse 2ublishes the ver" best of original unergrauate
research an scholarshi2 in 2h"sical an hu*an geogra2h". 4he ai*s of 1eoverse are
to! allow stuents to 2ilot research writing skills in a su22ortive but rigorous environ*ent
of review an to enable high Gualit" unergrauate research to be accesse in the 2ublic
o*ain. Articles are reviewe b" a traine 2anel of 2ostgrauate stuents.
S(uden( C%n)e+ence %n C%nse+.a(i%n Science
4he -tuent Conference on Conservation -cience is one of ver" few conservation
conferences ai*e entirel" at stuents. @t hel2s "oung conservation scientists gain
e%2erience3 learn new ieas an *ake contacts that will be valuable for their future
careers. $ver the 2ast J "ears3 we have hoste elegates fro* over >A countries
worlwie. )ach a" the 2rogra**e starts with a 2lenar" lecture fro* a leaing
conservation scientist3 an is followe b" aroun <A stuent talks. About JA stuents also
2resent their work at the two 2oster sessions. As well as attening 2resentations3
conference elegates can take 2art in worksho2s3 which cover skills such as 2a2er:
writing3 fun:raising3 working with the *eia3 an *uch *ore. $ther events inclue
evening sessions where elegates can *eet conservation 2rofessionals fro* leaing U6
an international conservation boies. 4his "ear (DAAJ) we are also introucing a new
internshi2 sche*e3 enabling stuents to e%ten their visit to the U6 for u2 to four weeks
after the conference to carr" out *utuall" beneficial work with conservation organisations
or acae*ic institutions. #e e%2ect the internshi2 sche*e to hel2 evelo2 the careers of
2ro*ising conservation scientists an to strengthen an catal"se north:south
Resea+c" C%uncils UK
RCU6 is the organisation which is the strategic 2artnershi2 between J Research Councils
which su22ort research in the U6 higher eucation sector 74he role of the Research
Councils has evolve be"on its traitional 2lace on one sie of the /ual -u22ort s"ste*3
an the Councils are taking a *ore 2ro:active role in 2ro*oting an su22orting the
broaer conte%t for research an research careers. +acation &ursar" sche*es an the
RCU6 Acae*ic Fellowshi2s are two e%a*2les of the wa" in which Councils are seeking
to strengthen this broaer conte%t as one in which research3 an the innovative thinking of
the ne%t generation of researchers3 can evelo28 (0"ne DAAJ).
7+acation &ursar" sche*es o2erate b" the Research Councils (currentl" &&-RC an
),-RC) are a wa" of su22orting the recruit*ent of the best unergrauate stuents into
research egrees 9 an therefore ulti*atel" about i*2roving the su22l" of researchers8
()-,RC DAAE3 ?).
/ia*on3 @ (DAAE) 4he Relationshi2 between research an training3 RCU6/(igher
)ucation Acae*" Conference3 &ringing research an teaching together
),-RC (DAAE) *acation -ursary 1ood ,ractice vent3 D
Bove*ber3 Aston Universit"
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
0"ne3 @ (DAAE) RCU6 +acation &ursaries3 RCU6/(igher )ucation Acae*" Conference3
&ringing research an teaching together
0"ne3 @ (DAAJ) &ringing research an teaching together! a Research Council 2ers2ective3
!nternational policies and practices for academic enquiry: An international colloquium
hel at .arwell conference centre3 #inchester3 U63 <=9D< A2ril3 htt2!//2ortal:"/rtconference/DAAJ/resources/ianLl"ne.2f
T"e Bi%(ec"n%l%$y and Bi%l%$ical Sciences Resea+c" C%uncil
4he &iotechnolog" an &iological -ciences Research Council (&&-RC) in DAAC
establishe a 2ilot sche*e to offer +acation &ursaries to give 2ro*ising unergrauates
an o22ortunit" to e%2erience first han a 2erio of ti*e uring the su**er vacation in a
research laborator" in a U6 universit" or a &&-RC:s2onsore research institute to
encourage the* to consier a career in scientific research. 4he 2ilot in DAAC 2rove to be
so successful that in DAAE it was e%2ane to >A bursaries 2er "ear3 an also in DAAE
S+acation &ursaries in .athe*atical &iolog"S were introuce. @n DAAJ &&-RC aware
<AA +acation &ursaries to EH ifferent e2art*ents. 4he bursaries are 2ri*aril" allocate
2ro rata with the awar of our Vuota ,h/ stuentshi2s. -tuentshi2 Guotas are allocate
through a co*2etition 2rocess which looks at the broa training environ*ent offere b" a
e2art*ent. @n Bove*ber DAAE3 &&-RC an ),-RC hel a joint goo 2ractice event to
iscuss the use an objectives of +acation &ursaries.
),-RC (DAAE) *acation -ursary 1ood ,ractice vent3 D
Bove*ber3 Aston Universit"

T"e En$inee+in$ and P"ysical Sciences Resea+c" C%uncil
4he +acation &ursar" ,rogra**e 2rovies funing for unergrauate stuents to gain
first:han e%2erience of research in a U6 universit" to hel2 the* consier a research
career. A 2ilot 2rogra**e was carrie out in the su**er of DAAE. An evaluation of that
2rogra**e conclue that 7the 2ilot was shown to have been ver" successful for all those
involve. -tuents sai that it was a 2ositive e%2erience an that the" woul reco**en
to others. &ase on this evaluation3 we will now consier continuing the 2rogra**e in the
future an what i*2rove*ents can be *ae8 (),-RC3 DAAJ3 C). -tuents carr" out a
research 2roject lasting aroun <A weeks uring the su**er vacation. -tuents were in
the *ile "ears of a first egree within ),-RC5s re*it3 an coul fulfil ),-RC octoral
training grant eligibilit" reGuire*ents b" the en of their unergrauate egree.
,rojects have a clearl" efine objective within ),-RC5s re*it3 but are not to be 2art of a
nor*al egree course. @n DAAJ3 <H universities have been selecte to take 2art the
activit"3 base on their ),-RC research inco*e. ,rojects will take 2lace uring the DAAJ
su**er vacation. )ach universit" is aware RDA3AAA to su22ort u2 to <A stuents
(base on a suggeste sti2en of R<>A 2er week 2lus research consu*ables of RDAA).
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
),-RC (DAAJ) )valuation of the DAAE +acation &ursar" ,rogra**e3
B+i(is" S%cie(y )%+ Ani!al Science 3BSAS4 Su!!e+ Place!en( Sc"e!e
-ince <==H3 &-A-3 co**ercial co*2anies an research institutes have been coo2erating
together with *otivate college an universit" stuents on the -u**er ,lace*ent
-che*e. 4he sche*e enables co*2anies an institutes to have access to stuents to
hel2 co*2lete s2ecific 2rojects an tasks at a bus" ti*e of "ear. For stuents it *eans
2ractical work e%2erience in an environ*ent that will *atch their area of stu" or interests.
0ong ter* it will hel2 career 2ros2ects for "oung 2eo2le. /e2ening u2on the iniviual
co*2anies an institutes involve3 the work available ranges fro* 2ractical fiel work or
laborator" stuies to co*2uterise ata hanling of literature reviews an re2ort writing.
&-A- hel2s *atch a22ro2riate co*2anies an stuents an 2ut the* in touch with each
other. ,lace*ents last for a *ini*u* of E weeks. &-A- has RHAA for each 2roject. 4his
su* is e%2ecte to be *atche b" an institute or co*2an".
Cance+ Resea+c" UK Bu+sa+ies
4hese bursaries are use to encourage e%ce2tional unergrauates to consier a career
in cancer research3 b" 2roviing research e%2erience uring the long su**er vacation.
4he bursar" 2rovies a subsistence allowance for the stuent in the region of R<>A 2er
week. Bo location allowances are 2rovie. A contribution of RHAA is *ae towars
laborator" e%2enses. 4he uration of the 2roject is E:<A weeks. A22licants *ust be long:
ter* Cancer Research U6 grantees (ie in recei2t of core @nstitute3 ,rogra**e grant3
-enior Fellowshi2 or Career /evelo2*ent Fellowshi2 funing). A22lications shoul
inclue the na*e of a no*inate stuent who will take u2 the awar. -tuents shoul
nor*all" be co*2leting the 2enulti*ate "ear of their egree in the su**er in which the
awar is taken u2. Cancer Research U6 oes not antici2ate funing *ore than one
stuent in a 2articular laborator" in an" one "ear.
Ca+ne$ie T+us( 3Sc%(land4 1aca(i%n Sc"%la+s"i*s and Unde+$+adua(e Uni.e+si(y
Unergrauates who were born in -cotlan or who have a 2arent born in -cotlan or who
have at least two "ears of seconar" eucation in -cotlan3 *a" be consiere for the
awar of a *acation Scholarship for the 2ursuit of a full:ti*e research 2roject3 usuall" in
the vacation between their secon an thir "ears. +acation -cholarshi2s cannot be use
for attenance at conferences. Caniates can onl" be consiere on the no*ination of
/eans3 who are aske to rank in orer of *erit all a22licants fro* their Facult".
-cholarshi2s are for *aintenance of u2 to a *a%i*u* of eight weeks3 whether base at
ho*e3 elsewhere in the Unite 6ingo*3 or abroa. Bo*inees can co*e fro* an" Facult"
an no*inations b" /eans be *ust be receive b" A2ril <st. A22lications can onl" be
acce2te via Universit" Faculties.
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
4he 4rust will consier a22lications for a grant towars the cost of expeditions which are
a22rove an su22orte b" a -cottish Universit". 4he e%2eition3 which *ust bear the
na*e of the Universit" an co*2rise at least five unergrauates fro* that Universit"' it
*ust have as its 2ur2ose the training of unergrauates in research techniGues through
the iscover" of new knowlege. 4he e%2eition *ust have a coherent research
2rogra**e an *ust be acco*2anie throughout b" a *e*ber of staff or so*eone of
eGual staning acce2table to the 4rust.
E5*e+i!en(al Psyc"%l%$y S%cie(y0 Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c" Bu+sa+ies
4his sche*e finances a li*ite nu*ber of bursaries (H) to su22ort unergrauates in the
su**er vacation i**eiatel" 2rior to their final "ear. Awars are *ae to *e*bers of the
-ociet" an 2rovies u2 to <A weeks5 su22ort (RDAA 2er week) for their no*inate
unergrauate. @t is intene that the bursaries be targete at unergrauates who are
consiering a research career in e%2eri*ental 2s"cholog" (as efine b" the content of
the -ociet"5s journals). 4he bursar" is a*inistere3 an the research 2roject carrie out3
at the a22licant5s institution3 although this nee not be the institution at which the stuent
is currentl" registere for a egree. 4he 2ur2ose of these bursaries is to allow the stuent
to learn at first han about e%2eri*ental 2roceures an anal"ses e*2lo"e in the host
laborator". Awars will not be grante for work that is a central 2art of an alrea":fune
2roject. 4he awar is for a *a%i*u* of RD3AAA3 an an" aitional e%2enses *ust be
borne b" the host institution.
Gene(ics S%cie(y Su!!e+ Sc"%la+s"i*s
4he -u**er -cholarshi2s 2rovie financial su22ort for unergrauate stuents in an"
area of genetics3 to gain research e%2erience b" carr"ing out a research 2roject in the
long vacation3 usuall" 2rior to their final "ear. -tuentshi2s will onl" be aware for
stuents who have "et to co*2lete their first egree. A *a%i*u* of CA stuentshi2s will
be aware. 4he" will consist of an awar of R<HA 2er week for u2 to <A weeks to the
stuent 2lus an e%2enses grant of RHAA to the host laborator". 4he awar will be *ae to
the host institution. A22lications are invite fro* *e*bers of the 1enetics -ociet" who
run a research grou2 within a Universit" or Research @nstitute or an inustrial research
facilit". A22lications for a na*e stuent3 with C+ an reference fro* their tutor (or
eGuivalent) will be an avantage. Unergrauate stuents are encourage to seek a
s2onsor an evelo2 a 2roject a22lication with the s2onsor.
,ns(i(u(e %) S(+uc(u+al En$inee+s 3URGS4
4he Unergrauate Research 1rants sche*e s2onsors unergrauate research 2rojects
carrie out uring ter*:ti*e as 2art of a egree 2rogra**e. 4he sche*e is fune b"
the @nstitution5s Research Fun an ai*s to su22ort challenging an satisf"ing research at
unergrauate level. U2 to ten grants of u2 to RHAA each will be available in DAAE.
-u2ervisors sub*it a22lications uring .arch an A2ril for a 2articular 2roject iea to be
carrie out in the ne%t acae*ic "ear. @f the a22lication is successful the su2ervisor then
selects a suitable stuent to unertake the 2roject. 4he ti*ing of the 2roject is ecie b"
the su2ervisor an is intene to coincie with the universit"5s usual arrange*ents for
ter* ti*e unergrauate 2rojects that are assesse for a egree.
Nu))ield /%unda(i%n0 Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c" Bu+sa+ies in Science
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
4hese bursaries 2rovie su22ort to enable unergrauates who are consiering research
as a career to work in a research laborator" uring the su**er vacation before their final
"ear. 4he bursaries 2rovie stuent su22ort nor*all" for a 2erio between E an > weeks3
2lus a su* for research e%2enses. )stablishe in <==A with a linke sche*e at seconar"
school level3 CAAA unergrauate bursaries have been aware since then. A DAAE review
of both sche*es conclue the" were 7strikingl" effective W seen as crucial encounters at
a critical stage in career choice.8 @n DAAJ:DA<D the sche*e is to be e%2ane with R<
*illion co**itte to <HAA bursaries in DAAJ.
(ughes + (DAAE) 4he Buffiel Founation5s Unergrauate Research &ursaries in
-cience3 RCU6/(igher )ucation Acae*" Conference3 -ringing research and
teaching together htt2!//www.heacae*"
Paul Kelly0 Unde+$+adua(e Resea+c" O**%+(uni(ies in S%)('a+e Pe+)%+!ance
Unergrauate Research $22ortunities are 2rovie for u2 to three stuents to s2en the
su**er working in the -oftware ,erfor*ance $2ti*isation research grou2. 4he objective
is to involve the* in the 1rou2 research work. A successful UR$, 2roject shoul lea to
the* being co:authors on a 2ublishe 2a2er3 an/or being res2onsible for an o2en:source
software release. 4he criterion for selection is that the stuents nee to be able to get
stuck into ver" co*2le% software3 an *ake it work.
R%yal Me(e%+%l%$ical S%cie(y Unde+$+adua(e Sc"%la+s"i*s
4he Ro"al .eteorological -ociet" is offering u2 to eight unergrauate vacation su22ort
scholarshi2s in *eteorolog" an its relate isci2lines. 4he unergrauate scholarshi2s
are to su22ort vacation research 2lace*ents of eight weeks uration for stuents ue to
enter their final "ear of first egree stuies.
S%cie(y )%+ Gene+al Mic+%2i%l%$y 1aca(i%n Sc"%la+s"i*s
+acation -tuentshi2s are s*all awars to enable unergrauates in the U6 an Re2ublic
of @relan to work on *icrobiological research 2rojects for E:> weeks in the su**er
vacation before their final "ear. 4here are elective grants for *eical3 ental an
veterinar" science stuents. 4hese are s*all awars to enable *eical3 ental an
veterinar" science unergrauates to work on *icrobiological research 2rojects uring
their elective 2erios.
Uni.e+si(ies /ede+a(i%n )%+ Ani!al 7el)a+e 3U/A74 1aca(i%n Sc"%la+s"i*s
UFA# establishe the vacation scholarshi2 awar sche*e in <=>? to encourage stuents
to evelo2 an interest in ani*al welfare an to 2rovie the* with the o22ortunit" to
conuct relevant research. A22lications are welco*e fro* unergrauates (or eGuivalent)
in agricultural3 biological3 *eical3 veterinar" or Qoological sciences. -tuents *ust be
registere at a universit" or college in the &ritish @sles. ,reference is given to
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"
7elc%!e T+us( 1aca(i%n Sc"%la+s"i*s
4he +acation -cholarshi2 is intene to 2rovie 2ro*ising unergrauates with Shans:onS
e%2erience of research uring the su**er vacation an to encourage the* to consier a
career in research. A22licants shoul be universit" unergrauates in the *ile "ears of
their first egree stuies (i.e. not the first or last "ear) an registere for a basic science or
veterinar" egree3 or *eical stuents between the en of their secon "ear an the en
of their 2enulti*ate "ear. -cholarshi2s are not available for the co*2letion of stuent
2rojects that are 2art of the nor*al egree course. ,reference will be given to
unergrauates without 2revious research e%2erience. -tuents are encourage to
arrange their scholarshi2 awa" fro* their usual 2lace of stu".
U6 &A-)/ UB/)R1RA/UA4) R)-)ARC( ,R$1RA..)-! Alan Jenkins an .ick (eale"

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