Expect More For Forest Hills

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Expect More For Forest Hills

Concerns Regarding FHSD Bond and Permanent Improvement Levy

Bond Levy
$103 Million
$98 million to renovate 8
buildings and rebuild Wilson
Elementary + $5 million for
the opportunity to consider
the gradual implementation of
all-day kindergarten and
relocate transportation facility
9-Building Configuration
7 of 9 buildings will be between
70 and 85 years old when bond
is complete in 32.5 years
Cost Per Square Foot
Between $77 and $90/sq. ft.*;
OFCC recommends $165/sq. ft.
for our elementary schools
To What Standard?
The Forest Hills School District consulted the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission to
assess the needs of all 9 buildings. The OFCC is a state organization that provides districts
with evaluations and recommendations. Forest Hills used the OFCC to determine necessary
renovations, but ignored OFCC standards when developing the current bond levy.
Spending is significantly less than standards in these key areas*:
Electrical Security Handicap
Anderson 76% 38% 59% 63%
Turpin 59% 49% 50% 58%
Ayer 25% 38% 40% 53%
Sherwood 25% 38% 40% 53%
Mercer 26% 26% 46% 62%
Summit 39% 27% 43% 56%
Maddux 10% 21% 35% 53%
Source: Forest Hills/SSOE Master Planning documents, 08.01.14
Districts that have renovated or built to OFCC: Batavia, West Clermont, Cincinnati Public.
Renovat e to New?
Renovate to New is a term used by the districts consultant to describe the proposal.
District-provided photos showing examples of other schools that have been extensively
renovated feature a Toledo high school renovated to OFCC/LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design) standards at an estimated cost of $148/sq. ft. Mariemont
Elementary, also used as an example, was renovated to 98% of OFCC standards at a cost of
about $175/sq. ft. Two independent architecture consultants estimate the average cost per
square foot of the Forest Hills proposal between $77 and $90*. Can buildings be
considered renovated to new when many existing operational systems remain on the
same maintenance and replacement cycle?
Success for All Students?
The plan estimates $15.6 million to rebuild Wilson Elementary, which is equal to 114% of
OFCC recommended renovations. Budgeted renovations at the other 5 elementary schools
are an average of 54% of OFCC recommendations. Many of the cutbacks are in security,
electrical, and technology. At Maddux, $1 million in electrical repairs were recommended;
the plan allows for $100,000. At Anderson, $1.7 million in roof repair was recommended;
the plan allows for $660,000. Are all students and all neighborhoods served to the same
standard of excellence?
Mortgaging Our Future?
This bond lasts 32.5 years and suggests it will modernize Forest Hills for decades. By 2046,
the ages of our buildings will be: Wilson, 32; Anderson, 85; Maddux, 80; Summit, 79;
Sherwood, 76; Ayer, 73; Mercer, 73; Turpin, 70; Nagel, 47. This proposal ties us to a 9-
building configuration, yet provides $0 in operational savings. Is it sustainable to maintain
excellence in 9 aging buildings despite decreasing state and federal funding?
Best We Can Do?
Several members of the board of education claim its now or never if we dont do
something now, were accepting deterioration. They say this is the best we can do, yet
viable alternatives were presented and ignored. Nearby districts follow widely accepted,
fiscally sustainable building and education standards when planning for the future of their
facilities. How will Forest Hills remain a district of choice if we settle for less?
Quick Facts
Oper ational Costs
Saves $0 in operational costs;
locks in need for ongoing levies
Facilities Planning Process
Several architects offered
feedback, only one consultant
was retained; cost and
educational benefits of alternate
configurations were ignored
Inequitable Spending
$23,042 per student at Wilson
Elementary; average of $9,289
per student at five other
elementary schools
*Obtained from Forest Hills/SSOE Master Planning document, 08.01.14. Line item costs subject to change, but bond not to exceed $103 million.

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