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Hinduism in Danger

Hinduism is one of the largest religion in this world ,which occupy 1/6 of the world’s
population. It is mostly practiced in India ,Nepal , Fiji , maurisaus etc. it is the oldest
religion of these world . but now a days the number of Hindu population in these
countries are decreasing on .in Nepal the population of Hindu is now about 80%
some decades ago the population was about 90% and the decreasing rate of the
population is going on .

Why is the population of Hindu is decreasing?

In my view population of the hindu is decreasing because of these reasons:

1) some hindu old bad traditions,

2) the influence of the Christian which are donating to missionaries to spread
christianism among these country,
3) unbelieve of priest by the people
4) it has many festivals which are unaffordable to the poors, etc…….


Because Hinduism is the most oldest religion in this world it contain some bad
traditions like Varna -shram vyawastha or the caste(Varna) system(vyawastha)
according to work(shram) .according to this system the community is divided into
four caste according to its work ,Brahmin the priests ,teacher etc ,chhetriya the
warrior, politicians ,army, king etc ,baisya the merchant and sudra the servant
,carpenter , tailor, mechanics etc (this rank is in decreasing order).

The sudra are hated by the other castes ,they are also called untouchable ,because
the people of other caste don’t touch the sudra .they are in the bad position of the
society . this tradition is slowly decresing on .now a days the brahamin can’t change
into sudra and the sudra can’t change into brahamins but this was not so in the
Vedic period. In vedic period the sudra also could change into brahamins .the writer
of world’s largest epic Mahabharata ,ved vyas was not brahaman yet all but he
changed into brahamins because of his good work or knowledge. there is a saying in
Sanskrit that a man is not a sudra or the brahamins when he borns it is his work
which make him that. But this tradition is followed by the most of the hindu.

Because of the hating the sudra are praised to leave the Hinduism and follow
christianism or other religion, the sudra are about 30-40% in hindu population .so
the population of Hinduism is decreasing on . if the social unequality can be
vanished then the hindu population can be preserved .writer himself is a sudra

In the hindu countries such as Nepal and india ,the Christian missionaries are
spreading the christianism in many ways ,by lecturing about christianism ,by
helding seminar ,building churchs ,making christian clubs etc. the people are also
helped economically or given money to change into Christians at first but when the
person becomes very much faithful to christianism then money is also collected
from them .people are also given a message that if they are ill which isn’t recovered
by the hospitals then following christianism can recover it . so the people follow
christianism to recover illness, to overcome unsuccessful life and some in no reason
like to entertain having no solid reason.

My aunt also followed christiansism because she had regular 2 children which were
physically and mentally disabled, so to have a healthy child she followed
christianism ,luckily following this religion she gave birth to healthy child .this may
be the coincidence only because my brother who followed christianism to
overcome unsuccess is also not getting apparent success in his life and my
neighbor who followed to be well from mental problem isn’t apparently well .

This missionaries are getting charity from western Christian countries and
organization like US president Bill Clinton had helped to give charity to these
missionary to spread christianism.


The people now a days are not respecting to most of the priest that they did many
years ago ,because of their awareness and fault of some priests .Like a priest said
that a earthquake is coming in this specific day but it didn’t came . people are now
also questioning to the priest that whether most of them know the actual meaning
of the Sanskrit mantras(religious poems or epics) or they are actually reading the
mantras like a parrot unknowningly .they also ask questions about their knowledge
about vedic and pauranic epics .the fact is also that the most of the priest only
know the mantras unknowing the actual meaning of that .


Some hindu are also praised to change their religion because hinduism contains
many festivals which are expensive to celebrate.


So to stop the decresement of the Hinduism we should :

1) throw out the old bad traditions like untouchability,

2) priest should be knowledgeful in their religious text,
3) Hinduism should also be spread
But stopping the Christians in violence way should not
be done ,because it give wrong message to the
international community

Shiva Sunar ,Nepal

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