LP One Eyed Mother

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Lesson Plan in English IV

Upper Bicutan National High School
Year and Section: IV-Acacia
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
infer character traits
point out lessons fro a selection
anifest ulti-intelligences through !aried group acti!ities
II. Subject Matter
"opic: One-eyed Mother
#eferences: Internet $ http://academictips.org/blogs/my-mom-only-
Boo% $ &'nglish Hands-(n, )inds-(n, Hearts-(n *or%text+
)aterials: ,ro-ector, .aptop, Visual Aids
Values: .o!e, #espect, /ooperation
III. Procedure
A. 0ail1 #outine
/lassroo anageent
Attendance update
Unifor update
'nergi3ers 4"ongue "5ister 6 ,oe #ecital7
B. )oti!ation
Singing of the song, &2lo5ing Inside+
*ho is the person that coes into 1our ind 5hile singing the
song8 *h18
C. Unloc%ing of 0i9culties
:or 5ords found in the stor1 ;1 rearranging the letters< "he
eaning of each 5ord is gi!en<
=< n ' r r ; a e t a s s a feeling of shae
>< l e Y l a loud utterance or shout
?< c % h S a a hut or ca;in
@< o l s ; i ! i u ( not a5are a;out 5hat is happening
A< . a g i u h n g c % t o S an o;-ect of laughter
D. ,resentation of the .esson
*ho aong 1ou are close to 1our parents, especiall1 to 1our
other8 *hat 5ould 1ou do if 1our other has a ph1sical
defect8 "oda1, 5e are going to 5atch !ideo presentation, also a
short stor1 entitled, &(ne-e1ed )other<+
E. .esson ,roper
#eading of the stor1 through a !ideo presentation
/oprehension Buestions
a< *ho are the ain characters in the stor18
;< Ho5 5ould 1ou descri;e the son8
Ho5 a;out the other8
c< Ho5 did the other sho5 her lo!e for the son8
d< *h1 did the son feel e;arrassed for his other8
Is it right to treat a other that 5a18
e< If 1ou 5ere the son in the stor1, ho5 5ould 1ou treat
1our other8
. Valuing
Ho5 can 1ou sho5 1our lo!e and respect to 1our parents8
I!. Eva"uation
"he stor1 reinds us that no;od1 is perfect, e!en our parents< All
5e can do for the is to respect their Ca5s ;ecause 5e o5e our li!es
to the< You 5ill not ;e 5ho 1ou are right no5 if not ;ecause of the<
No5, a%e a presentation sho5ing ho5 1ou express lo!e to 1our
4Students 5ill ;e as%ed to go to their assigned group<7
2roup = 4*ritersD 2roup7:
"as%: /onsidering that 1ouDre the son 5ho 5anted to as%
for forgi!eness, 5rite a repl1 to the otherDs letter<
"he group 5ill ;e graded according to the follo5ing
#ele!ance to the thee $ @EF
/ontent $ @EF
/ooperation $ >EFG
"otal: =EEF
2roup > 4ArtistsD 2roup7:
"as%: 0ra5 H illustrate a representation or s1;olis of
1our other<
"he group 5ill ;e graded according to the follo5ing
#ele!ance to the thee $ @EF
/reati!it1 $ @EF
/ooperation $ >EFG
"otal: =EEF
2roup ? 4SingersD 2roup7:
"as%: Sing and dedicate a song to 1our other<
"he group 5ill ;e graded according to the follo5ing
#ele!ance to the thee $ @EF
Voice Iualit1 $ @EF
/ooperation $ >EFG
"otal: =EEF
2roup @ 4ActorsD 2roup7:
"as%: ,erfor a scene in 5hich 1ou can sho5 1our lo!e and
respect to 1our parents<
"he group 5ill ;e graded according to the follo5ing
#ele!ance to the thee $ @EF
Acting perforance $ @EF
/ooperation $ >EFG
"otal: =EEF
Thoughts to Ponder:
&*e are so ;us1 gro5ing up that 5e often forget the1 are also gro5ing
old< .o!e 1our parents and treat the 5ith lo!e and care, for 1ou 5ill onl1
%no5 their !alue 5hen the1Dre gone<+
!. Assi#n$ent
(n a one 5hole sheet of pad paper, 5rite a paragraph a;out a
person 5ho 1ou lo!e and respect< /reate 1our o5n title<

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