BSF - Life of Moses - Lesson01

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The Life of Moses Lesson 1 | www.bsfnternational.

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Lesson 1
Adult Questions
The Life of Moses
Scripture Memory Verse
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand
generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9 (NIV)
FIRST DAY:Read the notes and the references.
1. What from the lecture will you ask God to help you make a part of your life?
2. What from the notes encouraged, challenged or was new to you?
SECOND DAY:Read Exodus 1:1-21.
3. Read Genesis 15; 45:4-18; 46:3-4, 26-27. Why were the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham (Abram) and
Jacob, in Egypt?
4. a. What did the new king, who did not know about Joseph, fear?
b. What was his frst strategy to control the Israelites? (See Exodus 1:9-14.)
c. What were the two results of the frst stage of persecution?
d. What was the kings second plan to control the Hebrews? (See Exodus 1:15-21.)
5. a. What risks did Shiphrah and Puah take? What motivated them?
b. What does Gods response to the midwives teach you about Him?
THIRD DAY:Read Exodus 1:22.
6. a. What was Pharaohs third plan to control the Hebrews?
b. When have your problems increased, even as you trusted and obeyed God?
7. What do you learn about God and the suffering of His people from these verses?
Genesis 15:13-14
Isaiah 43:1-4
John 16:33
2 Corinthians 1:4, 9

8 | The Life of Moses Lesson 1

8. a. How would knowledge of Gods promise to Abram have affected the Hebrews as they faced a hostile culture
and persecution? (See Genesis 15:13-16.)
b. What promises of God motivate you to live openly for Him in your culture or to persevere in a current
FOURTH DAY:Read Exodus 1:22-2:10.
9. What were the names of Moses father, mother, brother and sister? (See Exodus 6:20; 15:20.)
10. a. Read Hebrews 11:1, 6, 23. How were Moses parents able to hide him?
b. (Challenge) Which promises of God might they have known and looked for God to keep?
c. How did Moses mothers actions blend faith and careful planning?
d. How did God bless her courageous faith?
e. Tell of a time when you carefully planned but also trusted God with the outcome.
FIFTH DAY:Read Exodus 2:1-10.
11. a. List ways God arranged for Moses safety and adoption by Pharaohs daughter.
b. How might she have known that Moses was a Hebrew baby?
c. What characteristics do you see in Moses sister, who would have been at least 8 years old at this time?
12. a. List the advantages to Moses of living as a young child with his own mother.
b. Read Acts 7:20-22. What advantages did Moses receive as the adopted son of Pharaohs daughter?
c. What advantages have you experienced because of the family or families in which God placed you as a
child? How will you thank God for these things?
d. How do the circumstances of Moses birth and childhood encourage you to trust God?
SIXTH DAY:Review Exodus 1:1-2:10.
13. What have you learned about God in this weeks study? How may your group pray for you as you make this truth
a part of your life?
COPYRIGHT BSF International 1963, 1999, 2013 (Note: According to copyright, no portion of this material may be reproduced in any form without written permission.)

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