Christina Brown - Whole Foods Cover Letter

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October 29, 2013

Christina Bolich Brown

1800 E. Spring Creek Blv !2"32
#lano, $% &'0&"
(&1)* ')0+2'1'
,ello, -hole .oos /ecr0iting $ea1+
2 hear 3o0 were looking 4or an enth0siastic, sel4+irecte, creative, 1otivate tea1 pla3er to
beco1e a 1e1ber o4 the -hole .oos 4a1il3, speci4icall3 in the position o4 #repare .oos
Specialist5B03er. 2 wo0l love to work 4or -hole .oos an 2 think 2 wo0l be a terri4ic 4it 4or 3o0r
#repare .oos $ea1 an the -hole .oos 4a1il3.
#eople are the 4irst an 1ain thing. 6o0r c0sto1ers (1e7*, o0r satis4action with ever3 roll own
the aisle we 1ake, with ever3 80estion we ask, with ever3 p0rchase we 1ake, with an3 iss0e that
re80ires insight, 0nerstaning an resol0tion wo0l be 13 pri1ar3 4oc0s. $he3 (1e* have to
leave with a s1ile on o0r 4ace an the tho0ght b0bble hanging over o0r collective heas that sa3s
92 reall3 like it here. 2:1 co1ing back.9 2 want to be the kin o4 e1plo3ee that 2 like to be greete,
1et, an serve b3 when 2 shop at 3o0r store ever3 week.
2 sincerel3 believe that having 40n is contagio0s an as a c0sto1er 2 know when the e1plo3ees
are gen0inel3 en;o3ing their ;obs, it rela<es 1e, 1akes 1e want to linger longer, 0na4rai to ask
80estions an, 0lti1atel3 o44er the store 13 patronage an lo3alt3. 2 want to work in a c0lt0re that
4osters that kin o4 attractiveness an gen0ine enth0sias1 in ever3 person:s shopping
e<perience. 2 want to be the e1plo3ee that 2, as a c0sto1er, val0e. $hat in t0rn wo0l 1ake 1e
val0able as a $ea1 =e1ber o4 -hole .oos.
-hole .oos =arket wants to hire people who have interests an val0es that align with 3o0r
corporate philosoph3. 2 have a passion 4or organic an nat0ral 4oos, an 13 belie4s in the
i1portance o4 4oo an its role in o0r lives, health, an co110nit3, as well as o0r responsiblit3 to
the stewarship an s0stainablit3 o4 4oo reso0rces are re4lecte not onl3 in 13 work, b0t with 13
social involve1ents an in 13 personal li4e. 2 4eel that working 4or 3o0r co1pan3 wo0l not onl3
be an asset to 3o0, an a growth e<perience 4or 1e> 2 believe wo0l have the kin o4 positive
i1pact on 3o0r c0sto1ers an the local co110nit3 that wo0l be re4lecte right back to 3o0.
$o s01 it 0p+ ? .ew Big /easons 4or selecting 1e to ;oin the -hole .oos $ea1@
1. 2 have the speci4ic skill sets 3o0 are looking 4or in a #repare .oos Specialist5B03er@ health
4oo grocer3 retail an c0sto1er service, 4oo preparation, cooking e<pertise in iverse ethnic
c0isines as well as vegetarian, vegan, an restricte iets, 1en0 esign, 1arketing, pro0ct
place1ent, inventor3, so0rcing s0ppliers, 1anaging all aspects o4 the p0rchase li4e c3cle,
aherence to ,ealth A Sanitation Coes an 1ore.
1. 2 whole+heartel3 e1brace the -hole .oos =ission an Core Bal0es, an will 2 appl3 13 set
o4 0ni80e talents an skills to
bring those tenets to li4e in 13 inivi0al participation in the growth o4 the Co1pan3.
2. Coo .oo, where it co1es 4ro1, o0r responsibilit3 an acco0ntabilit3 to o0r co110nties an
nat0ral reso0rces is 13 passion, 1ore than a ;ob, it is a wa3 o4 li4e, an so1ething 2 4eel calle to
share thro0gh active representation, e0cation, an participation in 13 work an in choosing
where 2 work, an that the co1pan3 2 want to evote 13 passions, energies, an co11itt1ent to
e1braces an e1boies the ver3 val0es an goals that 2 possess.
3. 2t is 13 4ir1 belie4 that ever3one sho0l have ?n ?1aDing Ea377
So, 2 hope we get to 1eet an an e<plore the opport0nit3 o4 beco1ing a new an co11itte
1e1ber o4 3o0r -hole .oo 4a1il3. $hank 3o0 4or 3o0r ti1e7
Ber3 sincerel3 3o0rs,
Christina Brown

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