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Christina Brown

1800 E Spring Creek Pkwy

Plano, TX 75074
(71! 7"5#"70"
To obtain a position as an accounting manager/ofice
manager or bookkeeper.
Summarized Qualifcations
1 Three years e*perien&e +,i&e -anager in the
p.$li& a&&o.nting an% Christian ra%io /el%s(
2 Se0en years e*perien&e as a payroll an% sales ta*
spe&ialist 1or s)all $.siness an% not#1or#pro/t(
3 Si* years e*perien&e as an 2&&o.nting -anager
1or s)all $.siness an% not#1or#pro/t(
4 Se0en years e*perien&e as 1.ll &harge Bookkeeper
1or se0eral s)all &o)panies an% not#1or#pro/ts,
.sing 3.i&k$ooks or Pea&htree
5 Twel0e years e*perien&e as B.siness4Syste)s
2nalyst an% &o)p.ter &ons.ltant 1or se0eral 100 &o)panies 1or 100
&o)panies s.&h as Xero*, 6B-, 7eneral Ele&tri&,
an% 8o%ak(
Specifc Skills
6 -anaging all operational4/nan&ial aspe&ts re9.ire% o1
an +,i&e -gr, in&l.%ing S.per0ision o1
a&&o.nting4o,i&e personnel(
7 Payroll spe&ialist# 1ro) pro&essing payroll to )onthly
ta* %eposits, in&l.%ing E5TPS, to 9.arterly an%
payroll ta* /ling# 1or s)all $.sinesses an% not#1or#
pro/ts# .sing 3.i&k$ooks(
8 3.arterly Sales Ta* pro&essing an% /ling 1or s)all
9 Preparation o1 /nan&ial reporting, state)ents,
analysis, an% ta* /ling : S#Corp an% 501C; .sing
ProSeries, <a&erte, an% -as=0
10 Preparation o1 )onthly /nan&ial reporting, state)ents,
analysis, an% $ank re&on&iliation 1or all ranges o1
enterprise, in&l.%ing not#1or#pro/t(
11 5.ll &harge $ookkeeping 1or )any types o1 $.sinesses,
s.&h as retail, ser0i&e, &onstr.&tion, resta.rants an%
not#1or#pro/ts .sing Pea&htree an% 3.i&k$ooks(
12 >? e*perien&e in payroll a%)inistration, $ene/ts
)anage)ent, personnel hires, ins.ran&e, C+B?2,
.ne)ploy)ent, Se&tion 1"5(
13 E*pert skills w4 -i&roso1t @or%, E*&el, Powerpoint,
14 2n e*pert in syste)4$.siness pro&ess strea)lining an%
&on0ersions# 1ro) s)all $.siness to 100
15 2 sy)$ioti& $len% o1 s.perior organiAational skills,
attention to %etail, &.sto)er ser0i&e, e*&ellen&e in
0er$al an% written &o)).ni&ations, ).lti#tasking,
a%apta$ility, tea) playing, an% te&hni&al aptit.%e(
16 6 a) %eeply &o))itte% to %oing the $est 6 &an %o, in all
aspe&ts o1 )y li1eB 1a)ily, work, &o)).nity, an%
Relevant Experience
James E. Cheney CPA, PLLC Ofice
Mgr/Acctng Specialist
2008 - present
17 5.ll &harge %aily $ookkeeping an% general a&&o.nting 1or a
)aCor &lientDs two &o)panies(
18 Bookkeeping an% preparation o1 /nan&ials 1or &lients(
19 @eekly &lient payroll pro&essing
20 -onthly payroll ta* %eposits, in&l.%ing E5TPS 1or &lients
21 3.arterly Payroll Ta* ?eport preparation 1or &lients
22 3.arterly Sales Ta* ?eport preparation 1or &lients
23 -onth#en% an% Eear#en% /nan&ial report preparation 1or &lients
24 5inal preparation o1 F &orporate ta* ret.rns
25 Preparation o1 ins.ran&e a.%its 1or &lients
26 5iling o1 in&orporation 1or &lients
27 Gaily o,i&e )anage)ent
Clients range from small !siness, s!ch as retail, ser"ice,
resta!rant to not#for#pro$ts s!ch as comm!nity
organi%ations, liraries, fo!n&ations, theatre an& religio!s
Acco!nting soft'are !se& is (!ic)oo)s an& ProSeries.
Cra'for& *roa&casting, +nc. Ofice Manager
28 S.per0ision o1 2ssistant +,i&e -anager
29 -onth#en% an% Eear#en% /nan&ial reporting, in0oi&ing, an%
analysis .sing @i&ks 24?, Tra,i&, -i&roso1t E*&el, <ot.s, @or%(
30 P.r&hase re9.isition an% appro0al
31 Geposit pro&essing
32 2&&o.nts ?e&ei0a$le : in0oi&ing, tra&king, &olle&tions
33 Petty Cash )aintenan&e an% re&on&iliation
34 Pri)ary liaison to Corporate +,i&e 1or all /nan&ial an% >?
35 &o)plian&e at o.r lo&al o,i&e with all Corporate poli&y
36 Gaily sales analysis .sing -i&roso1t E*&el, @i&ks 24? Tra,i&
(a&&o.nting syste)!
37 >? : hire, ter)ination, health4%ental4li1e ins.ran&e, payroll
38 Tra,i& <ogs# prep o1 %aily ra%io tra,i& logs
,he -oycroft Shops, +nc. an&
.o!n&ation for the Arts / Crafts Mo"ement at
Acco!nting Manager
2000 ! 200
39 S.per0ision o1 &lerks, %ata entry personnel, an% a%)in
40 Con0erte% a&&o.nting pro&ess 1ro) ) le%gers to
41 -onthly, 9.arterly, an% /nan&ial reporting# in&l.%ing
in&o)e state)ent an% $alan&e sheet(
42 5.ll &harge $ookkeeping# 24?, 24P, 74H, 74<, S4H, P4H, an%
in0entory .sing Pea&htree, -i&roso1t E*&el $ase% on the
a&& )etho% o1 a&&o.nting a&&or%ing to 722P(
43 Cash a&&o.nting, $ank re&s, sales 1ore&asting, &orporate ta*
reporting, sales ta* reporting, &onsign)ent a&&o.nting,
in0oi&ing, $illing, an% p.r&hasing(
44 @orke% &losely with o.r ta* a&&o.ntant an% attorney in
preparation o1 yearly ta* /nan&ial state)ents an% other
pertinent /nan&ial %o&.)ents(
45 @orke% &losely with attorneys to pro0i%e /nan&ial state)ents
an% history
46 in s.pport o1 patent )atters(
47 Create% a &onsign)ent a&&o.nting pro&ess, a&&or%ing to
48 2%)inistere% all /nan&ial aspe&ts o1 1.n%s, %onations
1.n%#raising, an% p.$li& e0ents(
B.siness4syste)s analyst an% &o)p.ter &ons.ltant 1or
se0eral 100 &o)panies 1or 100 &o)panies
s.&h as Xero*, 6B-, 7eneral Ele&tri&, 8o%ak, an% Iational
7ri% (a )aCor IE .tility!(
-ochester +nstit!te of ,echnology : three years in
6n1or)ation Te&hnology B(T( progra)(
5irst year &erti/&ation in American Sign Lang!age.
Ot$er Experience
Boar% -e)$er : I.trition Boar%, 6ro9.ois Central S&hools
-e)$er o1 Iiagara 5rontier Boy S&o.ts Co.n&il
-e)$er o1 Cal0ary >eights Baptist Ch.r&h
1==8#"000 : Iat.reDs -arket Geli : owner
1==7#"005: Personal Trainer, I.trition E%.&ator
1===#"001 : 5reelan&e writer 1or the B.,alo Spree an% >olisti&
>ealth -agaAine
-eferences a"ailale !pon re0!est

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