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Lee Congdon
VP & Chief Information Officer,
Red Hat
May 8, 2012
Forward-looking statements

Certain statements contained in this ress re!ease may constit"te #for$ard%!oo&ing statements# $ithin the meaning of
the Pri'ate (ec"rities Litigation Reform )ct of 1**+, -or$ard%!oo&ing statements ro'ide c"rrent e.ectations of
f"t"re e'ents /ased on certain ass"mtions and inc!"de any statement that does not direct!y re!ate to any historica! or
c"rrent fact, )ct"a! res"!ts may differ materia!!y from those indicated /y s"ch for$ard%!oo&ing statements as a res"!t of
'ario"s imortant factors, inc!"ding0 ris&s re!ated to de!ays or red"ctions in information techno!ogy sending1 the
effects of ind"stry conso!idation1 the a/i!ity of the Comany to comete effecti'e!y1 "ncertainty and ad'erse res"!ts in
!itigation and re!ated sett!ements1 the integration of ac2"isitions and the a/i!ity to mar&et s"ccessf"!!y ac2"ired
techno!ogies and rod"cts1 the ina/i!ity to ade2"ate!y rotect Comany inte!!ect"a! roerty and the otentia! for
infringement or /reach of !icense c!aims of or re!ating to third arty inte!!ect"a! roerty1 the a/i!ity to de!i'er and
stim"!ate demand for ne$ rod"cts and techno!ogica! inno'ations on a time!y /asis1 ris&s re!ated to data and
information sec"rity '"!nera/i!ities1 ineffecti'e management of, and contro! o'er, the Comany3s gro$th and
internationa! oerations1 f!"ct"ations in e.change rates1 and changes in and a deendence on &ey ersonne!, as $e!!
as other factors contained in o"r most recent )nn"a! Reort on -orm 10%4 5coies of $hich may /e accessed thro"gh
the (ec"rities and 6.change Commission3s $e/site at htt077$$$,sec,go'8, inc!"ding those fo"nd therein "nder the
cations #Ris& -actors# and #Management3s 9isc"ssion and )na!ysis of -inancia! Condition and Res"!ts of
Oerations#, In addition to these factors, act"a! f"t"re erformance, o"tcomes, and res"!ts may differ materia!!y
/eca"se of more genera! factors inc!"ding 5$itho"t !imitation8 genera! ind"stry and mar&et conditions and gro$th
rates, economic and o!itica! conditions, go'ernmenta! and "/!ic o!icy changes and the imact of nat"ra! disasters
s"ch as earth2"a&es and f!oods, :he for$ard%!oo&ing statements inc!"ded in this ress re!ease reresent the
Comany3s 'ie$s as of the date of this ress re!ease and these 'ie$s co"!d change, Ho$e'er, $hi!e the Comany
may e!ect to "date these for$ard%!oo&ing statements at some oint in the f"t"re, the Comany secifica!!y disc!aims
any o/!igation to do so, :hese for$ard%!oo&ing statements sho"!d not /e re!ied "on as reresenting the Comany3s
'ie$s as of any date s"/se2"ent to May 8, 2012,
-o"nded in 1**;, IPO in 1***
:raded on the <=(6 "nder tic&er RH:
)dded to the (&P +00 on >72?70*
Mar&et Caita!i@ation A B11,* Ci!!ion on ;72*712
Head2"arters in Ra!eigh, <C $ith more than >0 $or!d$ide offices
Long History of Oerating Profita/i!ity and (trong Cash -!o$s
(trong Ca!ance (heet 5reorted as of 272*7128
B1,2D Ci!!ion in Cash & 62"i'a!ents and essentia!!y de/t free
B*?>m 9eferred Re'en"es, " 2;E =7=
)ro.imate!y ?,+D0 6m!oyees For!d$ide
9emands for C"siness Inno'ation
Cost Contro!
:echno!ogy Infrastr"ct"re Management Cha!!enges
Lin". and 'irt"a!i@ation are the fo"ndations for most
Oen so"rce so!"tions are o"tstanding for fostering
Red Hat de!i'ers e.ce!!ent 'a!"e for o"r c"stomers
("ort s"/scritions faci!itate resi!ient, sec"re and
re!ia/!e Lin". and midd!e$are systems

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