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20th Century Classroom vs.

the 21st Century Classroom

USA 1960s typical classroom teacher-centered,
fragmented curriculum, students woring in isolation,
memori!ing facts"
A classroom at the School of #n$ironmental Studies,
aa the %oo School, in &inneapolis" A perfect
e'ample of real-life, rele$ant, pro(ect-)ased
century education"
Time-based Outcome-based
Focus: memorization of discrete facts Focus: what students Know, Can Do and Are Like
after all the details are forotten!
Lessons focus on the lower le"el of #loom$s Ta%onom& '
knowlede, com(rehension and a((lication!
Learnin is desined on u((er le"els of #looms$ '
s&nthesis, anal&sis and e"aluation )and include lower
le"els as curriculum is desined down from the to(!*
Te%tbook-dri"en +esearch-dri"en
,assi"e learnin Acti"e Learnin
Learners work in isolation ' classroom within - walls Learners work collaborati"el& with classmates and
others around the world ' the .lobal Classroom
Teacher-centered: teacher is center of attention and
(ro"ider of information
/tudent-centered: teacher is facilitator0coach
Little to no student freedom .reat deal of student freedom
1Disci(line (roblems2 ' educators do not trust students and
"ice "ersa! 3o student moti"ation!
3o 1disci(line (roblems4 ' students and teachers
ha"e mutuall& res(ectful relationshi( as co-learners5
students are hihl& moti"ated!
Framented curriculum 6nterated and 6nterdisci(linar& curriculum
.rades a"eraed .rades based on what was learned
Low e%(ectations 7ih e%(ectations ' 16f it isn$t ood it isn$t done!4 8e
e%(ect, and ensure, that all students succeed in
learnin at hih le"els! /ome ma& o hiher ' we et
out of their wa& to let them do that!

Teacher is 9ude! 3o one else sees student work! /elf, ,eer and Other assessments! ,ublic audience,
authentic assessments!

Curriculum0/chool is irrele"ant and meaninless to the
Curriculum is connected to students$ interests,
e%(eriences, talents and the real world!

,rint is the (rimar& "ehicle of learnin and assessment! ,erformances, (ro9ects and multi(le forms of media
are used for learnin and assessment

Di"ersit& in students is inored! Curriculum and instruction address student di"ersit&

Literac& is the : +$s ' readin, writin and math
;ulti(le literacies of the <=
centur& ' alined to li"in
and workin in a lobalized new millennium!

Factor& model, based u(on the needs of em(lo&ers for the
6ndustrial Ae of the =>th centur&! /cientific manaement!

.lobal model, based u(on the needs of a lobalized,
hih-tech societ&!
Dri"en b& the 3CL# and standardized testin mania!

/tandardized testin has its (lace! ?ducation is not
dri"en b& the 3CL# and standardized testin mania!

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