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Arief Faizin 11522204
Nur Amin 11525005

Team Introducing

Picture 1. Team Introducing

We are AVANT GARDE, AVANT GARDE means "advance guard" or
"vanguard", the form of the adjectives used in English to refer to people or works are
experimental or innovative, particularly homage to the arts, culture, and politics. we
create a solution to household users, especially on hanger products. We create a solution
to household users, particularly on the hanger products by using the concept of
ergonomics, so that reducing the risk of injury and provide ease of use of the product.
Our major is Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty of
Industrial Technology at University of Islamic Indonesia. The member of AVANT
GARDE are Arief Faizin as a leader, and Nur Amin.

Background of Products
Household is a terminology used to refers to houseware or stuff used to do daily
activities at home. Basically, household is used to ease the effort to do the daily
activities at home. As the massive development of technology, household-is nowadays
designed to follow the development of the technology. In this case the consumer is most
commonly used household is the mother-housewife.
Mother-housewife doing some homework using household, one of which is washing
clothes, based on 20 samples from the housewife, the problems frequently encountered
include difficulty in drying clothes and garments are stretchy. Things which often done
by housewives when drying clothes are going to use a hanger, hanger position but
sometimes not in accordance with the dimensions of the human body, so it takes more
energy to hang clothes on. If it is done on an ongoing basis, it can harm the human back
and spine because the uncomfortable posture and receives a huge load continuously.
According to data from the United States Department of Labor (Accident Facts, 1990)
spinal cord injury is one of the most common (22% of all workplace accidents that
occur) and maximum costs for treatment. One cause of this injury is borne by the
overload of the spine (> 60%) and 60% of the overload is caused by lifting job.
Based on the above issues, the solutions which can be given is to design a household
product which ergonomically designed to provide comfort and ease in drying clothes.
According to (Enget, et al., 2008) in the process of designing product is not only pursue
its function. But also consider the safety aspects in the use, convenient in use, efficient
use of materials, and interesting shapes considered (aesthetically). To fulfill all of that, it
would require consideration of Ergonomics in creation process itself, especially in the
design process. Ergonomics or often referred to as the "Human Factor Engineering",
according to NIOSH Ergonomic is the application of science which is focused design of
the facility equipment, tools with the appropriate allocation of tasks to the
characteristics, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, perceptions and attitudes of human
behaviour. Moreover, according to (Pile, 1995) planning and designing a facility design
has 4 criteria, they are the function of the product, structure of material/ materials,

design and cost. Based on these definitions, there are three main aspects ergonomic,
product usability, anthropometry, aesthetics and safety. And Ergonomics have been
included in the design of the four criteria. Criteria and this aspect is very important for
application in product design to create product especially tools for the human appliances
that can be adapted to human limitations or users. Products can be deemed successful
only when people are able to use them well. This is in accordance with the fundamental
principle of ergonomics which is to fit the task to the human (Kroemer and Grandjean,
1997). Anthropometric measurements needed to measure the dimensions of the human
body to fit the product to be made. Anthropometric data are useful in achieving
effective design for high performance and productivity (Klamklay et al., 2008).

Product Description
Portable Hanger is a product which accommodates hanger for easy to carry and
easy to use. The design on this product using the concept of ergonomics, using
anthropometric measurements. A lack of anthropometric consideration in equipment
design may lead to work-related injuries such as musculoskeletal disorder.

Picture 2. Product Design

Product Specification
The product is a hanger with easiest to bring and use. The idea is according to
hanger used by people in their daily activity.

Picture 3. Product Specification
The design of this hanger is combining umbrella design and the hanger tools.This
hanger has 3 advantage, which are :
1. Easy to use and easy to bring
2. Avoiding stretchy clothes
3. Design created using anthropometric measurements, to reduce the risk of injury to
the operator.

Structure and the Materials
The basic material used in the product "Portable Hanger" is alumunium, plastic,
and wood. The structure in this product contains stretcher and shaft like an umbrella

From the materials and features used in producing Portable Hanger price that we
proposed estimated about IDR 150000 for each item.

1. Innovation points (creativity and usability)
Innovation is the transformation of knowledge to products, processes and
services; act of using something new (Rosenfeld, 2002), while Thompson (1967)
defines innovation as same as technology, which design is used for instrumental action
in order to reduce the irregularity of a relationship cause and effect in achieving a
certain goal. Thus, innovation can be seen as an effort to achieve a particular goal.
Innovations from Portable Hanger product offers more features when compared to the
other hanger products.
It is designed to facilitate the consumers who love to do traveling and housewives
who do homework. Innovation and usability "Portable Hanger" is highlighted in the
design, because the design is attractive with respect to the aesthetic value but keep it
simple and consider the size in order to stay on the concept of using anthropometry.
This product is made by considering the ergonomic side so the potential for an accident
or injury while drying clothes can be minimized or even eliminated. Tool is easy to
carry because of using the framework as an umbrella framework.

2. Explanation of the ergonomic side
Ergonomics or Human Factor Engineering according to Helander (1997) is an
applicative science to design system, organization, tools and equipment, machine, and
consumer product so that it will obtain safe and comfort good. Ergonomic describes
consequently as the safety factor (Sagot et al, 2003). From the ergonomic side, there are
some aspects will be discussed based on this product, are: product usability,
anthropometry product, aesthetics aspect, and safety.

a. Product usability
Usability has correlation with the effectiveness, easiness, and satisfaction. Usability of a
product is an important thing to satisfy the consumers. From usability aspect, the user
will get many benefits from this product named Portable Hanger. It shaft "Portable

Hanger" product using the framework as an umbrella framework. So this product serves
to facilitate the users when they want to bring this product and can be used for all types
of operators. Usually people have difficulties when trying to dry clothes when traveling
out. Actually, most people do not feel comfortable when they use a clothesline that has
a position that is too high, especially for when traveling out. As a result, they will be
reluctant to drying out the clothes as when traveling. Of these cases, feature easy in take
will increase the usability of the "Portable Hanger" product.

b. Anthropometry
In designing process, Anthropometric science is used to determine the size of some
dimension of Portable Hanger. The product size itself is determined based on bodys
dimension which is used. In this product designing, bodys dimensions used are:
1. Shoulder length (SL)
For determining the maximum length of portable hanger, The maximum length is
determined by the minimum size of a shoulder length, this is because these tools can be
used by all types of operators and reduce excessive force on the arm.
2. Shoulder breadth (SB)
For determining the width of the hanger, then use the minimum size at shoulder breadth
operator, this is due to the hanger can be used for all types of clothing sizes. In
anthtropometric measurement, use to uniformity data and percentile measurement. We
use data from 20 sample contains mother-housewives with age between 45-60.
Table 1. Anthropometric Data
Numb Name Age Ethnic Group SB SL
1 Juanda 55 Java 35 130
2 Endang 50 Java 38.3 123.2
3 Sutilah 57 Java 36 120
4 Karyati 51 Java 43 132
5 Sutarmi 53 Java 40 125.5
6 Sri Utami 45 Java 44 127
7 Subiyah 45 Java 34 127
8 Poniyem 58 Java 39 118

Numb Name Age Ethnic Group SB SL
9 Sukarni 45 Java 45 127
10 Istiyani 47 Java 38 120
11 Wiji Sutan 56 Java 37.8 120.3
12 Widya 45 Java 38 123.7
13 Mujinah 53 Java 46 121
14 Sumini 45 Java 38 126.2
15 Rusti 45 Java 37.7 121.5
Tri Wahyu
50 Java 37 135
17 Asih 57 Java 40 122
18 Sri Rahayu 45 Java 33 126
19 Afifah 50 Java 45 138
20 Samsiah 55 Java 45 117

1. Uniformity of data
Shoulder Length (SL)
Upper Control Limit (UCL) = 141,66
Lower Control Limit (LCL) = 108,37

Picture 4. Control Limit Shoulder Length
Shoulder Breadth (SB)
Upper Control Limit (UCL) = 51,24
Lower Control Limit (LCL) = 27,73
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Shoulder Length

Picture 5. Control Limit Shoulder Length

2. Percentile Measurement
Shoulder Length (SL)
Maximum length using P
= 115.89 cm
Shoulder Breadth (SB)
Maximum length using P
= 45.94 cm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Shoulder Breadth

Picture 6. Product Design with Antropometric Measurement
c. Aesthetics
The Portable Hanger product is designed considering aesthetics value. It was in
the combination of the umbrella framework and the hanger to be one product that can be
increase the usability. The simple and unique design can make the consumer choose this
Portable Hanger product. Besides that, the color choice can attract the consumer.

d. Safety
This Portable Hanger product is designed also considering the safety aspect. Shaft
with antropometric measurement can minimalize even disappearing the incident
because work-related injuries such as musculoskeletal disorder. This product surely
different with the common hanger because the common one no antropometric
measurement so that it can be that the product will be less safety to the people when
drying the clothes.


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