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The command used to display a specified file is:

A. mkdir
B. chmod
C. cat
D. compress

2. What command do you have to use to go to the parent directory?
A. cd -
B. cd ~
C. cd /up
D. cd ..

3. How can you display a list of all files, including the hidden files?
A. find all
B. ls a
C. ls b
D. all the answer, a,b and c

4. root in Unix operating system is represented by:
A. %
B. \
C. $
D. /

5. What is the correct command to list files and folders in UNIX?
A. list
B. ls
C. dir
D. listfiles

6. Why is PWD Command Used?
A. show current user
B. show present working directory
C. to display error massages
D. to copy files

7. What command makes an empty directory?
A. mkdirectory
B. makedirectory
C. mkdir
D. newdir

8. What does cd .. do?
A. Not a valid UNIX command
B. Logs out of the computer
C. Changes the working directory to the login directory
D. Changes the working directory to the parent of the current working

9. What does the command ls do?
A. Opening a file
B. Display of the contents of a file
C. Display of files and folders, present in the folder where you are
D. Shows a calendar

10. Why is man command used?
A. To Shutdown A System
B. Search All Files
C. Deleting Files
D. Getting Help Command on Format

11. How do you delete a file?
A. rm filename
B. dl filename
C. touch filename
D. less filename

12. With what command you can see what folder you are in?
A. whereami
B. place
C. map

13. What does the command ls
A. Shows a calendar
B. Display of files and folders, present in the folder where you
C. Opening a
D. Display of the contents of a file

14. How do you find out whats your shell?
A. whomam
B. pw

C. echo
D. $sh

15. With what command you can see your user name?
A. pwd
B. I
C. whoami

16.Which command moves a batch file to a specific label or location, enabling a user to rerun a batch file
or skip other lines depending on user inputs or events.

17.When you save a file, it is permently saved on the...
B. Monitor
C. Hard drive
E. Keyboard

18. From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?
E.None of the above

19.Which of the following is not an output device?
D. Speakers
20.Which command is used to display the top of the file?
21.Which of the following commands is used to display the directory attributes rather than its contents?
ls -1 d
ls -1
ls x
ls F
22.Which command is used to extract specific columns from the file?
23.Which of the following files will displayed by this command cat *ch*

24.The operating program does
A. Software that is embedded in a hardware device
B. A specific type of software developed to allow interaction with hardware devices
C. A program that manages all other programs on the computer
25. Application programs do what?
A. Enables the computer to talk to the hardware.
B. Enables the user to perform a task.
C. Enables software to run concurrently
26. What are the two types of software?
A. application and os
B. application and system
C. user and system
27. _____ displays or changes file attributes like read, archive, system and hidden.
A. change
B. attrib
C. file
D. modify
28. Is a command which allows the user to clear the complete contents of the screen and leave only a
A. enter
B. clear screen
C. clear
D. cls
29. _____ allows you to delete empty directories.
A. cls
B. rd
C. del
D. delete
30. _____ allows you to list all the files in a directory.
A. ls
B. dir
C. list
D. directory
31. _____ is a command used to switch directories in MS-DOS
A. cd
B. rd
C. md
D. all, a), b) and c) are ok
32. For quick reference help with MS-DOS commands in any of the versions of MS-DOS or Windows you
can also use _____ after a command.
A. /h
B. /help
C. /?
D. /
33. _____ allows you to create your own directories in DOS.
A. md
B. mkdir
C. makedir
D. createdir
34. ________ actually means All File Names with All Extension
A. /all
B. select all
C. all
D. *.*
35. _____ allows you to duplicate files.
A. copy
B. copy paste
C. cp
D. paste
36. _____ is a command used to remove FILES from the computer
A. clear
B. del
C. rd
D. cls

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