World Peace Book

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World Peace

An excerpt on how to achieve World Peace.

Sadiq Salawudeen

To my mum and dad; Yetunde and Ahmed
You deserve this credit


IntroductionHow I stumbled upon world peace
Chapter 1The power of giving and good will
Chapter 2Resolving conflicts through understanding
Chapter 3Understanding the need of both parties through love
Chapter 4Hunger crisis
Chapter 5Reformation of the financial institutions
Chapter 6Urging right governance of the people
Chapter 7Unity of world governments
Chapter 8Love and understanding
Chapter 9Wishing every person well
Chapter 10Wealth creation and technology
Chapter 11Rebuilding the dead earth and providing for the lost children
Chapter 12The international community and the abolishment of the World Bank, IMF, United Nations and
other related bodies
Chapter 13Creating a one world government for the benefit of all humans
Chapter 14The last wars
Chapter 15Principles of peace, love and understanding
Chapter 16Establishing one religion for people of all races
Chapter 17Racial and tribal barriers broken
Chapter 18Ways of fixing Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine conflict, war in Syria
Chapter 19Peace on earth
Chapter 20Conclusive remarks

Am thankful to those who have encouraged me to write this book and make the publication a success. To my
brother Foluso who steered me up when the going wasnt so easy. To my friend Kareem Radwan who kept on
looking for ways to help me get it published. And also to my mentors at the American University in Cairo,
Shems Friedlander and Fatma Youssefyou are gems to me. Also my professor, Scott Macleod, thank you for
encouraging me and advising me in my final year at college. And to you readers, you mean a lot to me. Thank
you for your love and appreciation. God bless you all!
It is with my utmost sincerity and well wishing that I hope this book reaches you well and happy. The world as
we know it has been plagued with poverty, wars, destructive brutality, nepotism, racism and all other vices.
Watching the media every day we read in headlines of nations fighting one another, economic sanction
imposed by powerful nations over the weaker, and the collapse of the global economy just to name a few. It is
at this point that clearly shows that there is something wrong with our world, we need to fix the problem. In this
book, is a practical guide on how to achieve world peace on an individual level (inner peace) and then, the
advocacy to the world as a whole.
I pray this book makes a change in the way you view our world, the one world we have. It is a duty and
conscious responsibility that we take care of the planet, and heal the wounds amounting to conflicts from within
families to nations and the world. The world has to unite and become one people, believing in one central
message which is peace, love and understanding. And hopeful coming to one faith or belief system.
Sadiq Salawudeen
A world peace advocate
IntroductionHow I stumbled upon world peace
Just to briefly say, this is not an academic jargon nor a scholarly work. As far as practicality and pragmatism is
concerned all what you need to find inner peace and peace with the world is here. Most people in the world
today live in the fear of the unknown, they dont know what to expect in the future. They are cautious of the
people they meet, the friends and colleagues they associate with. And when someone not known to them
suddenly appear with a handshake, they can be frightened. The result of this, the society we live in. Our
societies are deeply based on fear and loyalty. We are loyal to those we hold to be family, friends and
associates, sometimes not loyal to thembut in most cases, those are they we pay allegiance. People of other
cultures or social background might not be of our interest, except in a few cases of tourism or international
relations. Of course, this may sound like an overgeneralization, but thats how we are mostly conditioned to
live. Love my country, my race or tribe, and people within my own community.
But how about reaching out? Extending a hand to those we do not know at all from anywhere. People that may
or may not be of immediate benefit to us. It might seem adventurous to some, and to others unnecessary. I
started my way up into seeing the world as one, and having peace since the year 2012. Well, it might be too
soon to write a book on a topic that I desire to convince the entire world about. Here is my story. I have lived in
Egypt for four years although I am originally Nigerian. I study Journalism and Mass Communication at a
prestigious university many black Africans would ever have dreamt of. All through my stay in Egypt, I have
perceived the people well and good enough to live with. I will be perfectly honest with you in my writing and will
not hide what I prefer you know that may be of benefit. My brother on the other hand had always had distrust
for Egyptians. He believes many of them are only out there to take your money and their love with you is only
ephemeral. I always doubted him. To me, Egyptians were excellent!
All that my perception changed all of a sudden one day. After my 4 years going to the fifth year in Egypt, I took
a cab to a mall and then wanted to receive change from the taxi driver, his name Mohammad. Mohammad told
me he had no change and that I should go to the local vendor right in front of him to change the money. I did,
but the local vendor said: Walahi no change. Walahi in Arabic means by God. The local vendor swore by God
not to have change and I believed him. It might seem nave to some, but I being a regular reader of the Koran,
the Moslem holy text know and understand the weight of the word. However, I do not think the local vendor
knew. I returned back to Mohammad the taxi driver and told him in English to go to the local store opposite the
vendor. Instead of cab driver going to the store he went to the same vendor and the vendor immediately
without hesitation changed the money for the cab driver. My brother called me to the attention because I was
facing the rear of them both. When I saw that, I became shocked. This is what dramatists call the inciting
incidence. From this point onwards, I understood there was racism in Egypt. And because of that for the next 6
months, I couldnt cope with Egyptians and greatly distrusted themwith fear. This was the first time in my
entire life to witness an obvious discrimination, and believe me, it was not a pleasant experience.
Not to talk too far, I started remembering songs from Michael Jackson such as Black or White, Heal the World,
and later on the Man in the Mirror. These songs call for world unity and seek to address world problems such
as racism, tribalism and the other human vices that we acknowledge our oneness. I became transformed into
an advocate of peace because during the next 6 months, I was searching for peace and did find it. It was so
close and appeared to be far off. I still have to complete my education in Egypt, so I wasnt fleeing to Nigeria or
the United States soon. And even in these countries, I realize there are classisms of all sorts that divide us as
humans. Whenever I see someone from other countries today, I want to know more about them and their
culture, I come to understand that what unites us as humans is our feeling and respect for one another. Not our
attachment based on race or color. The true essence of freedom of the human spirit is to be able to express the
love we have in our hearts, without prejudice, fear or utter disregard of who we are. The who should remain
peace, loving people willing to understand each of the others need, and trying to give and share for the true
appreciation of it. With love; racism, tribalism, wars, genocide, diseases, structural classism that destroy and
plague the human race will be replaced by development, progress, peace, love and understanding and growth.
Ever since I found inner peace, I have being an advocate of world peace that peradventure woes may end here
on earth, and prosperity would flourish. Take your time to read this book from cover to cover, and read it again
and again till the message sinks right in your heart, and share with others also.
Chapter 1The power of giving and good will
One can win many friends by freely giving gifts and having a good will towards people in general. The principle
is simple; give whatever you are able to give, however small or great to any random person. It may be a man
on the street, a family member, or a young or old person. It doesnt matter who you give, giving increases your
chance to becoming a happy person in life. However, if one is not able to give gift or wealth because of material
limitation owing to poverty or not being enough, then one can still share his or her good will. Those who have
material things to give because they are wealthy have a good chance to becoming happy, if they can practice
the principle of regular charity. You do not give because you want a benefit in return, but because you desire to
make someone needy happyand you in turn gain happiness. As I have said earlier, good will and charity go
hand in hand. Someone not able to give a gift should least be able to assist people in what he is good at. A
smile will not hurt anyone right mannered and sharing smiles and compliments do heal wounds. People can be
deeply hurt or affected by some tragedy, or may be worrying at the loss of somethinglike a job opening, the
loss of a dear one. Consoling them with kind words and wishing them all the best in their lives can help them
get along and make them feel there is still hope. This is good will. The ability of having good intentions for a
fellow man and showing you care or love them without the aims of exploitation from the relationship.
Since I developed inner peace within my mind, I meet approximately 15 to 25 new people every day. I just
turned into a celebrity overnight. I discuss projects with them, and they are so happy to help. I show I care for
them and desire to know more about them. I am very open minded and honest down to earth. There is
absolutely nothing you will use in getting me wrong because I have already proved to you my mistakes or merit.
What I found was that many of the people I meet also desire to have peace. They want to live happy lives, and
be content with nature. They want to meet new happy people, and few have declined towards the ultimate
objective. This is as the result of giving, sharing things I have with people, and when I do not have enough to
go round, my good will does the magic. I hold affectionately, pat or blow a kiss. This at first may seem weird or
absurd to someone who is unfamiliar with the act, but with a constant practice your heart will become soft and
warm enough to give it, and share it with others.
You can offer to pay the coffee bill of someone at a local coffee shop, as long as you have the change to spare.
Do not do more than you can truly afford. Charity and good will must not take a wool from your hair. That is,
they should be given at ease. If you give charity at adverse times, you should understand that if hurts, it
probably may deter you from giving the next timeexcept of course, the one you give it to is more worthy to
receive your charity than you are to keep. But please do not do things to hurt yourself, what goes easy must
come from your heart to those you love, or those you want to express your new love to.
The easiest way to win the love of others and gain great happiness is to practice charity and have a good will.
Never make negative influences turn you around to make you feel otherwise. If you want to become a happy
person, then you need to learn how to give, and how to encourage people in a positive way. Remain hopeful
and remain youthful. There are several things you can take from childhood even to adulthood, such as
innocence, and living in a world of mystery where everything is unfolded piecemeal. If we are innocent in the
adult life, there will be no reasons to suspect people of wrong doing. The secret intelligence agencies will not
exist. We will not have to turn on our alarm systems right before we left our cars. But there is distrust in our
societies, and the reason why distrust continues to plague our societies is the lack of good will and shared
responsibilities among ourselves, this has to stop. It will stop by you reading this book, sharing the information
there with other people, and promoting peace in our environment.
We live in a world that is inter-connected, being kind and giving however much or little we have enlivens the
souls, sets us on a plane to begin a greater good and creates a spiral of kind effects among those who witness
the kind act. Good-will makes us alive. It keeps us safe from harming ourselves and others, and makes us and
nature remain in a harmonious relationship. Give your heart to wishing good to your fellow man. Whether they
are white, black, red, brown or whatevertheir color does not matter, what matter is us being human. We
should also be kind to animals, such as dogs, cats, horses. Feed them, caress them and adopt one if you dont
have one. They make you kind enough to care for others. I never say what I dont do; I think I will adopt a cat
Chapter 2Resolving conflicts through understanding
When we watch the T.V or any news media, what we witness is that most of the issues and topics of discussion
are about unresolved conflicts. Nations accusing nations of wrong doing, customers complaining about a
company or corporation for mismanagement or corruption, economic collapse and all types of drama. What is
most striking is if we take a look at ourselves, we should be looking for ways to resolve these conflicts than
merely talking about them. In the family and individual level, conflicts should be resolved by means of
understanding. If we begin to understand each others needs, and respect one another with utmost sincerity,
conflicts will be easily resolved and we will have peace.
We as humans have to come to an agreement, that one faction will not purposefully invade on the right of
another faction. There are laws that have being created by governments, religious groups, or by God intended
to be followed to avoid these problems of oppression and unlawful treatment, but they are mostly not followed
by men who the laws were intended. Except we begin to respect every human, and ensure we take the right
direction of doing what is right and good, there will be no conflicts resolved, neither will there be any form of
understanding. A person cannot come to understanding if the case is against him or her though he or she be in
the right, neither can understanding be achieved without knowing the consequence of falling short in judgment.
Take a simple example, a car is parked along the street. Michael, a man that owns the right to park his car on
that side of the street is not there. So Gabriel parked his car there at the absence of Michael. When Michael
returned from his trip, he found a car parked on the spot reserved for him. Instead of parking his car at another
spot, he reported the case to the local traffic man who in turned locked the wheels of Gabriels car. When
Gabriel returned, he argued with the traffic man and told him to unlock his wheels. The traffic man said he had
to pay a fine, and Michael on seeing Gabriel threw insulting remarks on him. A fight broke out, and a stone was
thrown on Gabriels windshield. Then they all went to the local police station to make a case.
From this simple example, you can see there is a conflict. Something that happened by the means of someone
trampling over the rights of another person. But must there be a fight? And why should it escalate to the point
of going into a police station? In the first instance, it clearly shows there is a lack of understanding between the
two parties. Michael could simply have parked his car in another car spot, paid for the spot if possible, or inform
the traffic warder to charge Gabriel for parking his car at his own spot by that means he can pay for his
temporal parking space. There is no reason to fight here if we see clearly. Michael could have asked the traffic
warder for a new parking space since there is enough, and if he has a good will and intention, he might have
paid for it without asking Gabriel for anything. On the other hand, if Michael approached Gabriel in a friendly
manner without going to the formality of asking the traffic warder to lock his wheels, they probably would have
resolved the conflict, made friends, and established a new connection. It is all in the mind. The way we
approach people and affairs really determine the outcome. If we approach them by brute and force, we will
expect a similar response. And if we approach it by peace and understanding, we will expect a more peaceful
and positive response.
Many nations and politicians go to war this day because they do not understand how to resolve conflicts by
peaceful means. We all have differences, we cannot at all times agree at one thing. Thats because we are
different and are of diverse opinions and understanding. But if compassion and mercy become the hallmark on
how we deal with each other, many of our differences will be easily resolved and we will live happily, and
prosperously. In my interaction with people, I have hardly met any person that does not appreciate a kind
treatment that springs directly from the heart. We all yearn for peace, we will have peace when every human
makes a resolution to treat every person regardless of race or gender with love, respect and mutuality. This is
the only way understanding can come into existence, and we will know our needs and the needs of others, and
determine to serve themwithout taking abusive advantage of a situation, or treating others as the lesser
Many in the world of politics have disagreements between their parties, followers, and fellow politicians. How
about having a political union that seeks to mend the human differences and address the problems we face.
Perchance we can work our problems out, and solve them that every person becomes happy. This can only be
done if we are to reach an agreement despite our differences. Our agreement must be directed towards only
one goal, doing the right. If two parties fall into disagreement, ideologies at times do not solely solve the
problem but rationale minds can definitely solve them. We need politicians and rulers who are after the
peoples interest, not those who only want to achieve a goal by selfish means. We need leaders who are
selfless, people who can be relied upon. This goes to heads of family units, such as fathers, to statesmen and
world leaders. A resolution to do right and consider each party concerned fairly is important if we ever are to
attain inner peace, and world peace as a whole. Once each individual has an inner peace, world peace will be
easily attainable. I strongly believe each individual can attain inner peace, it is a thing to be sought. Since I
have developed inner peace, I advocate the same to the entire world. If one person can have it, all people
canif they are determined to seek it. Through this, crimes and complex security apparatus will cease to exist
but every man will live responsibly and respectfully without treading underfoot the rights of other people.
Therefore, to resolve conflicts we need understanding. Knowing and considering the other parties perceptive
while not completely undermining ours, and then coming to an agreement to do the right thing. The right thing
is not hard to know. If an oil well for example is owned by a group of people, say Africans. It is in the best
interest of those who are in need of the oil well to give something in return for what they take. They are not to
exploit the resources of the Africans, nor pollute their land. Rather, they are to develop their land in exchange
for the oil they take. We are not to live or govern our lives selfishly, for by doing sowe create a resentment.
And from this resentment comes wars, terrorism, and corruption. As the old principle goes: Do as you want it to
be done to you. Do not exploit or corrupt a people, rather wish every person well, that it may be well with you
and your nation. Understanding the others need and being able to serve them is vital for inner peace and world
peace. We cannot have world peace if we continue to selfishly look to ourselves only. And through this
process, we will live in safety not fear, in wealth and not poverty, and in advancement and not under-
Chapter 3Understanding the need of both parties through love
Though the title of this chapter makes mention of both parties in the practical sense, we may be in a situation
that we need to properly understand the need of three of more group of people, this is a case also considered.
Suppose there is a child that has an ice cream, his name is Paul only 6 years old. His ice cream melted and fell
on the floor before licking it. His mum is not around to buy him another one, and the ice cream man thinks he
deserves another payment before he refills Pauls cone. Paul at this point is crying, you walk near the ice
cream shop and you see a little boy crying. You ask him why through concern but you find you do not have 8
pounds to pay for the ice cream at the moment. What do you do? Do you walk away without giving help, or do
you try your best to talk on Pauls behalf? I choose the later, because I do not want anyone to feel hurt when I
know I can render some help. I look at the ice cream guy with a smile. He complains to me that the little kid had
mostly taken ice cream from him for free when his mother was not around, and he got it by his cry. He argues
that if he kept doing so for every child, his potential customershe was going to run out of business.
Now this is a dilemma, you do not want to disappoint Paul, nor ask the ice cream vendor for another ice cream
all for free. You have about 4 pounds in your pocket to give away, and you see a grandma walking down the
mallyou present the case to her if she could spare you 4 more pounds for the poor kid. Then she smiles, and
says, I have a grandchild around the age of Paul, they are all naughty and playful. She hands you 5 pounds to
pay for Pauls ice cream, you take your 4 pounds and keep one pound. You give the ice cream guy 8 pounds
for the ice cream, and Paul thanked you blushingly and went away. What is the lesson here?
For every person or people you meet, there is a need. A need to be loved, to be cared for, or be nurtured.
There no human without a need for something. We all want and deserve attention and care. And with love,
things can be resolved easily. The ice cream guy could have given the young child an ice cream for free, but he
has not made any money and it was already two in the afternoon, no customers. You understood that he
needed the money, you are not asking him to give it for free because it is a business. Although giving it might
have being nice and more virtuous, now he had refused. It doesnt end there, you have to do something to
satisfy his need, and the little boys need. Love is all we need. Love is what makes us grow, and faith
accompanied with love shows the brighter side of humanity.
Because many people despair of ever getting help in a helpless situation, the world becomes dark or gloomy.
Once love is asserted, by means of good will and charityhope is reignited and faith sails through. The light of
this world is not to despair in any situation. We have to have faith in the Almighty and practice acts of kindness
and love. There is no way to resolve conflicts if we do no justice to the parties involved, and if we fear no case
of accountability to the people involved. If we must judge a case, let us judge with love and justice. Mercy is a
requirement for a just judge or leader. Love and mercy encircles human beings willing to make changes within
their lives and environment. Do not be quick, that you become biased in making a decision, but do right, and
judge justlythat is nearer to the human duty.
We must not take everything that comes our way as a chance to prove we are superior or better than others. If
we have a better understanding of any situation, we are to remain humble enough to make the right decisions.
Our decisions do affect our individual lives on how people will see us. They can either see us as self-serving
people who do not care for others, or people that are humble enough to show love to others, and accept a
mistake when we fall short. The wars in the Middle East can come to an end if the people begin to treat
themselves with respect and love. There will be understanding reached, and every warring faction will see the
need to resolve their differences. Similarly this can be done in every nation seeking peace and tranquility.
Bombings and destructions must end now, and sanity and good will must reign in the lands. Understanding can
be reached, not by compromising good with evil, but by urging the people to do good and act right while not
giving in to any evil.
People become receptive of the idea that there is a need for peace. The world of politics often hinder the peace
process than resolve it. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a classic example. If the leaders in the region
considered desire peace and fair dealing, a peace agreement should have being reached since the inception of
the state of Israel, but since most leaders are unconcerned about true peace, there is no peace. The ordinary
Israeli person will not have a hard time living with a Palestinian because putting aside their religious
differences; they are humans needing basic necessity such as food, shelter, and recreation. They can live in
peace with one another, however, ideologies rob away their similarities and asserts a differences. We have to
realize that at the end of the day what matters the most is love. Racism, structural classism, gender
inequalities, bigotry, tribalism, nepotism and the rest are all human vices. We need to address these problems
and ensure we realize our commonness as humans, serving One Godand being loyal to all peoples without
When we read scholarly books or newspaper articles, what we see are detailed analysis of the requirement for
war or armed conflict. The number of weaponry required to complete a mission, what the generals think of the
war, the dilemma facing the politicians, and more stories about the rising conflict. There is hardly any
newspaper or scholarly work out there calling for calm and ways to resolve the conflict. What they talk about is
the conflict and its analysis, not how to make an end to it and make the people live peacefully and happily. It is
a human conditioning to believe that tragedy or conflict must be the topic of discussion. Peace and human
prosperity come last, and every man is deeply considered on how to make his own profit. What many fail to
realize is that if we begin to see a wider picture, of not just a party profiting while others run at a loss. If we
begin to show we care for each party, showing justice and lovethere will be a great number of benefactors.
God did not leave the Scripture alone that they should only be read on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundaysbut as
a guide on what we ought to do and not to do in our daily lives. The center core of any believer is to believe in
God, respect every man and show that you love people in your own way. This will heal our world, because that
is the only thing that can mend hearts together. If we continue hating, destroying and hurting people or animals,
we are fighting against nature. Men are meant to be maintainers of the earth, they are not meant to destroy nor
harm one another in an unjust manner.
Love and understanding goes hand in hand. If you care for someone, the last thing you want to do is to
purposefully harm such person. Your allegiance shouldnt be only to those you care for, but the whole world.
Let us be world citizens, the central objective of the world peace project is to unite all races, tribes and religious
entity into one people. When you meet someone completely new to you, do not treat him as a stranger. Offer a
gift, a good will by doing things easy for you to please him or her. It may even be a hand shake, or a pat, hold
him or hernot for sexual gratification but for genuine love that springs from a clean heart. Show that you love
people. Do not be afraid in the practice. Remember I told you I meet the average of 40 to 70 people every day.
Each person I meet, I try to show some friendliness. I offer them something, get them involved in a chat, pat
them, smile to them, offer a good advice, and desire to know how I can help them. With this openness, I have
being able to win many hearts and minds. You can also do the same. When kids in your area fight over
anything, get involved. Tell them to stop fighting and do something friendly to them. Rub their heads lightly, and
say to the one affected: Sorry. All these and more are ways of resolving conflict with kindness and love. Put
what is said in this book in practice. This book is short and brief, it is not just informing you on what to do as for
an examination in a scholarly piece, it is guiding you to become free and prosperous. To live a life of use and
happiness. Never become shy in meeting new people, your approach to them defines who you are at the first
moment. Hold them and touch them, make them feel you care about them. That will ultimately bring peace to
you and our world at large.
Chapter 4Hunger crisis
Whenever we look at the news, we see people particularly Africans as starving people immediately calling for
aid and relief. However, the hunger epidemic is not an African problem alone. Not all Africans are that hungry,
and many people from all parts of world live in poverty and are very hungry. What is most saddening is that the
world as we know it today has enough resources to satisfy everyone from hunger. Many of the international aid
and relief effort has not being able to create an atmosphere where the most needy for food are fed to their fill.
This is not to say these hunger relief organizations are not doing anything at all to resolve the hunger epidemic,
but there is significantly more to be done. Starting with the government, the government of every nation need to
combat the hunger crisis by setting up food distribution systems, where needy people can have a decent food
of about $10 dollars per meal. Each person that is hungry or unemployed and has no means of sustaining him
or herself should receive this aid daily three times every day. If the world governments are determined to
resolve this issue, they can. But only if they have the interest of their people at heart can this be achievable.
Wealth can be created by government through the means of a sound and new banking system I do advocate
and which I will discuss in the later chapter.
Some African countries do have rainfall and rich vegetation fields, by the means of modern technology, food
will become cultivated and harvested in mass to the entire world, and sold at cheap rates. This way, there will
be enough food for the average income earner, and life will be easier than hard. This also applies of other parts
of the world such as Asia, Europe and North America. Places that do have greenery and where livestock are
bred can create a global abundance of food.
International relief organizations do not only need to remember people when a catastrophe such as
earthquakes, or hurricane befall a people but at all times. There are children and parents that are severely
hungry and malnourished, while there are others with excess food that eat to their fill and waste a lot of
resources. This is wrong, and there is a need for a balance. People are not to eat excessively that they become
obese, neither are they to be underfed causing malnutrition and diseases. We as a people need to change the
way we eat. Let us share our food with the less fortunate. Invite them to a dinner or breakfast and give them the
well cooked meals you yourself do eat. Going back to the relief organizations, they are to work closely with
government, and the affluent within society and go into every neighborhood and feed the people without food.
A careful assessment of the relief effort involves knowing the number of hungry people, providing food for them
in a weekly or biweekly manner. If they have enough rice to eat for the week as given by the relief agency, then
next week must come gracefully, and food must be shared and tailored to each and every needy persons need.
Speaking on, a computerized system is needed that needy people may be counted and registered that the
foods from large farms reach them by distribution trucks in very needy neighborhoods. The most pragmatic way
to do this is the following:
Set up a local government within a vicinity about 15Km or 9.32mi where people live
Count the entire number of people living in the assigned area, and obtain the actual number of those in
need of food through the computerized system
Work with the state government or regional government demanding the right of those without food
Through the farms, poultry, fishery and so forth set up by government nationwide, trucks can transport
food to local stations which are close to the vicinity deliver food to needy and hungry people.
The benefit of this is simple and very obvious. No man will remain hungry nor beg for food. This is the right way
for setting institutions that do combat the hunger epidemic. There is no use in arguing against it except you
propose a better way that food may reach them fast. Do something, you can do it. Tell your governments to
adopt this. Money is not a problem in order to set up farms in places with green vegetation. This is because
more money can be printed with the hope to feed the many who in turn will be empowered to serve humanity.
They are not to be froward nor not abiding with the right law that should be in place. Also, food agencies can
get assistance from noble philanthropists willing to support the world peace projectgiving an opportunity for
all to prosper. We are as the world we make. Even though my father gives me very little money, I still try my
best at all times to share that little with people. They may be people I know, or complete strangers. It doesnt
matter who they are. The goal is to spread love, kindness, peace and satisfaction to the human heart, and all
heartsincluding those of animals. Never hit a tree out of aggression if it did nothing to you, it is living. This will
be attended to in another chapter.
Chapter 5Reformation of the financial institutions
I will briefly talk about the World Economic Program (W.E.P). This subject is sub-divided into five parts, so read
them, but most importantlyrequest your government to adopt this way. It is right.
This treatise is based on the true economic standing of the world. It aims to address how the wealth nations
use as a means of exchange for goods and services should bring about human prosperity in all fields in life
that is useful for humankinds growth. God Himself attest to this treatise as true, only those who do not believe
in God will disagree with its foundation and fundamental perspective on how the world economic system should
run. If it runs as advocated in this treatise, poverty will be destroyed and wealth will be in abundance to all the
nations of the world. There will be no need for war where a nation, greed of wealth and gain, destroys and
conquers another nation weak in strength but rich in resources. There will be no need for human competition
for material gains, while cooperation is most desirable. And poverty will come to an end. Therefore, believe in
this treatise and advocate it to all the banks and financial institution in the world that you may prosper
individually and collectively as a nation, a continent and a world which is one.
The Essence of Wealth
If wealth is in abundance, no one should suffer. If wealth is diminished, then it is the responsibility of humankind
to look into the cause and address it as soon as they can. For this earth is rich enough for all to spend therein.
The purpose of having wealth, whether a legal tender note, or liable property is to share the wealth with others
that do not have or to engage in a business transaction where all parties are well contented with the bargain.
Any other form of assumption is false and works in contrary to assuming wealth to oneself. The wealth shared
in turn brings a brighter future or happiness to the one who shares it, and the one who receives the wealth.
Similarly, in a business transaction, once goods or services are exchanged for legal tender note or property,
both the buyer and seller must gain satisfaction if their bargain is true and honest. If one of the parties suspects
he is cheated, such transaction bears no fruit if the buyer or seller is cheated. The graveness of cheating in a
transaction causes men to be more careful when dealing with one another. It causes distrust and voids the
society of truthfulness in monetary understanding.
Wealth is accumulated by the rich in society while the poor has no wealth to engage in and do business. It is
not true, that all gates are sealed against the poor for the earth vast as it is bears fruit night and day. It is
incumbent on the rich in a society to give back, and help the truly poor and honest person rise up in order to
accumulate wealth and spend freely. He that helps the poor honest has helped the world to become a better
place, and he is surely changing the world in his own way, though he may be unaware of it. God knows. The
purpose of having wealth is not to accumulate it and spend only on oneself or family, but to share generously
with the world for one true purposethe improvement of humanity. He that spends wealth this way will end up
being a happy man. He that does the contrary will live a very miserable life though he has much.
It is the task of the society if it be prosperous to follow the guideline detailed in this booklet. It is not to follow
the old ways of doing things or engaging in a transaction that leads to the misery of many, and only a selected
few benefit from the system. Though systems come and go, the true economic system has come to stay, and
stand firm in the minds of men who know. It is thus advocated that every leader of an institution that deals with
financial benefits to the employer or employee to adopt this model, and erase all models past; for they have
failed. In the year 2008, the world witnessed the collapse of the world economy, and the American Wall Street,
a financial hub to many was sunken in debt by derivates and compounded interest. Not only that, Greece and
Iceland were recently attacked by an economic meltdown which called European leaders to question the
legitimacy of their financial structure.
The habit of continuously redoing and enacting the same financial structure with some bits of modification
clearly cannot solve the problem. The only solution of the worlds economic problem is written in this treatise,
and all nations must accept it if they are to prosper.
The Banking System
If there is a rise and fall in the market, people buy and do not buy. There is a need to run goods more efficiently
The Banks as we know today hold the power to borrow money to a lender, with promissory notes and property
in exchange for legal tender note. The central bank in any nation has the right to print and publish legal tender
note to government and other banks or financial institution. How this money is created, not many people
understand the fact. They are faced with burdens of financial mathematics and graphs which deters one from
looking closely to what the figures say. And many economists claim they have ways to alleviate poverty, but
what we see is that poverty never vanishes. It remains so, till the system is changed.
Therefore let us look into the old way
of creating money. A government or another powerful institution is in
need of money. Let us say they are in need of $30,000,000 (Thirty Million U.S Dollars), the Central Bank
responds to the call demanding the government to give promissory notes in form of government bonds. What
these bonds means is that a pledge is signed in the equivalent of $30,000,000 to be paid back after the
transaction. Once the exchange is made, the government then deposit the money into a commercial bank,
since it may seem outrageous to keep the money in the house for fear of thieves for man is ever anxious. Now
according to the old way, commercial banks do operate using the fractional reserve system. What the fractional
reserve system does is to keep 10% (Ten percent) of the money deposited in their vault and then another
$27,000,000 (Twenty seven thousand US Dollars) is ready for loan.
Therefore this is the math.
Money Deposited: $30,000,000
Money that must be kept from that deposited: 10 percent ($3,000,000)
Money available for new loan: $27,000,000
What is now to be taken seriously is that the $27,000,000 given as new available loan does not come from the
existing $30,000,000. It is just well adjusted and created out of what many critics call out of thin air. For in the
fractional reserve system it is said according to Peter Joseph creator of Zeitgeist, They the banks do not use
the current money available ($30,000,000 in our case) as a basis for loan, if they did this there will be no
money for further loans. What they do is create new money available for loan ($27,000,000) so long there is
someone ready to borrow the money. These cases can the multiplied infinitely, and it is said that for every
money deposited in a bank, ten times more can be created.
Another instrument that makes the money-loan transaction dubious is the application of interest rates. For only
the principle is available for circulation, so if there is interest imposed by the banks, where is the money? It
does not exist. What this means is that there will always be someone bankrupt in the monetary scheme of the
old system. People become less attached to their societal responsibility of being good and righteous, saving
lives and issuing wealthand they become attached to strive and get the money that is believed to be scarce
to pay their bills. If they cannot pay their bills, then they have to submit to labor. Washing away all their dreams
when they were infants and pursing their ends-meet, thereby powering a system that only benefits the elite at
the top of the pyramid scheme. It is one of the most ingenious schemes ever created, and the public must be
aware to break free from servitude. Thats why I write.
Not to talk about the old way without a solution, I advocate a new way for the economy. It is the World
Economic Program (W.E.P). The World Economic Program (W.E.P) aims to address the woes in the current
economic system and provide viable alternative to the pit falls of the present system.
I have called this old way because the new way is what I want us as humans to adopt and believe. If we adopt
the new way, things will change and humanity will prosper as was written in the Scripture.

World Economic Program (W.E.P)
Reforming the worlds economy today is not a hard thing, so long people are ready for change.
Every time you read the news, you hear of people hungry in Africa, the American Economy is in debt, Europe is
having a failing economy and the like. All these shows to the right minded that something is wrong with the
current economic system of the world. Although, not just the economy, the spirituality in men to find answers
with God and His Scripture is on the decline. There are various sorts of crimes and human misgiving on our
planet earth this day. It is evident that the human race is at its lowest peak as I write. A reform is necessary,
and from that reform will every human respect his neighbor, care for helpless people and animals, and live a
very productive life. It is however not just speaking about improvement, but working towards that goal in a
collective sense that brings and binds us all together.
The World Economic Program (W.E.P) addresses the pit fall in terms of economic maturity in some parts of the
world, and economic justice in others. Countries such as the United States have succeeded to build an empire
all around the world, it cannot be undermined but it seems to the seeing that they have a maturity. Whether
their wealth acquisition was received by unjust means or not is not deliberated in this treatise, what this treatise
tends to look into is how the problems facing nations all around the world can be addressed in the fullest
attention to detail. Many Africans however deserves the economic justice to grow and prosper, that not just
western nations succeed while others remain hungry. We as a people need to look at one another with a
common goal of growth, world-wide. We are not people who bring others down to rise, we are not competitors,
we should be creative and cooperative. This is what W.E.P is all about.
First is to address to all banks and financial corporation. The money or legal tender note issued by banks must
be one currency. One currency for the whole world to use. There is a great injustice when currencies in the
world are floated together in the financial market, or bought as exchange. Today, (One US dollar equates One
Sixty five Nigerian Naira $1=N161). Imagine having your own child at an American University and you pay a
sum of ($12,500) for each semester on that child alone, and you may have others attending a similar institution,
all in the name of having a good education an African government cant provide. Will it not be unjust that an
African C.E.O pays one hundred and sixty five times what the wealthy American business man pays his child? I
hope you understand my argument.
The one currency advocated to the world must have its value. And the value of the one unit of this currency is
about $258 (Two hundred and fifty eight US dollars). Therefore, the money and legal tender is a hard
currency. And the minor units making a 100 to 1 are spent individually to buy goods and commodities, and to
do business which are profitable to the society and the world at large. The bank which is going to issue this
currency must be named: Allahs Vault which traditional means: Gods Vault in English.
The money is to be given not as a loan as many traditional banks work today, but the money must be given as
a gift to each and every child of Ahmed
, where the highest that works is paid #AV# 1,800,000 (One million,
Eight hundred thousand Value from Allah), while the least that works less be paid #AV# 300,000 (Three
hundred thousand Value from Allah).
With this money, and its circulation on earthwhich all must agree with save the wicked whose aim is only to
enslave men, goods and services will flourish like never before on earth and every human being will be thankful
to the Creator having helped him with such abundance. The people who are most eligible to receive this fund
are the Children of Ahmed within the age bracket [15-39], others above the age may get the same, but families
are established within that union.
As it is said earlier, I will summarize. The name of the Banks that issue this currency is named: Allahs Vault
traditionally meaning; Gods Vault. Those that are most eligible to receive the currency are the Children of
Ahmed, their age bracket is within 15-39 years of age. A unit of the currency is about $258, the money is
received as a gift and not a loan, and furthermore, there is no interest rate charge on it.
Results of this new system provide and benefit men to carry out their objective with little hindrances that God
alone knows of. It is not to be abused or used as a means to hinder mens path to dignity but to free them from
servitude to lying gods. There is no god save Him. Therefore, support the cause now. Tell your leaders in your
country that you want this, not their system.
Ahmed is the name of my father, and your father if you believe. He is righteous and corrects all the people he
sees as children, between the age of 15-39. And he does so at all times.
Labor and Capital
Where there is labor there must be a capital to support it, labor without gains is fruitless.
Labor in the new society must not be that of slavery. For machines and automotive endeavors must be
replaced by human labor. Those in society that desires to labor will only labor by doing what they are pleased
with, not what they are not pleased with. An industrial designer can labor to bring his machine to life because of
an aspiration to help humanity. A gold miner also can work to dig up gold and adorn someone special to him, or
a group of people to find contentment. However, there is capital to every business, though a huge sum is paid
irrespective of what people may do in this society, it is important that the capital for the business is acquired
from the banks named: Allahs Vault. It is thus taken in this process. An aspiring business person, or field
worker or expert has an idea and wants it to be actualized, he registers his name with the bank (Allahs Vault)
and the monetary equivalent is given to him for his work, the labor. The benefit the bank receives by issuing
him the currency is that people within the society can purchase his product at the lowest possible price, with the
highest manufacturing build.
Concerning the lowest possible price, with the highest manufacturing build: In traditional economics, it is
believed that products or materials with high quality are often expensive while those of cheap build are cheaper
and less expensive. The World Economic Program (W.E.P) aims to reverse the trend unto normal, where
what you buy of low cost provides goods and services at the highest quality. The reason behind this is that
resources are in abundance and are not truly scarce, and a bank generous and founded on truth principles aids
its own customers with the right facilities to alleviate the problem of scarcity. Therefore when the resources are
in abundance, it is for man to seek those resources and use his own hands to create a product for the use of
humankind. The bank provides extra capital (aside the #AV# 1,800,000) for great business ideas that need to
be implemented for the progress of humankind.
The reward for these capital gains from the bank or employer of a business assures no slavery to the
employee, for most of the works that involve hard or dangerous actions will be replaced by automation. It is
therefore important to members of the society and the world as a whole to give thanks to God having saved
them from slavery, and making them the masters of the earth. And from that, each person can be a star, and
there will be role models to copy from, such as Abraham the father of faith, Ishmael or Isaac, Jesus,
Muhammad the prophet and so on. We will no longer be slaves but masters of the earth. Thats the plan to be
Concerning how goods and services meet equilibrium, so long there are goods and services, and people are
ready to purchase what is good and best for themselves, there is a way in, way out. The buyer buys, the seller
sells. And the market is monitored and will never fail. There will not be plunges such as a bear, and it
constantly rises [even the value of #AV# appreciates with time]. Those things that fall in this economic system
are things unlawful, such as bribe, prostitution, hard drugs sales, false news sellers from paparazzi and so on.
In short there will be world peace and prosperity which will begin even in your very neighborhood.
Technocratic Society
In a world governed by religious technocrats, there can hardly be a mistake
Technology and religion are not two opposed themes as many may perceive. In truth, technology and religion
are interconnected. I see all the signs of truth in technology on or off, 1 or 0, go or end call etc. It can be
compared to rise up, or die, move in Gods way, or end your mission. It may sound delusional to some people,
but to people who understand, it is not. Everything is connected in a cosmos; we live in an atmosphere where
everything is interconnected, interchangeable and well established. Technology is an extension of mans hand,
it relieves man of a burden higher than he can take. It is the true thing that has being of use for the
development of humankind. Religion on the main side guides man to the essence of why he was created, and
how to lead him on the path to live better lives. When you turn on the bulb, you press 1, this pressing also
attest that God is One. When you turn off the bulb and press 0, this pressing also attest that it is powered off,
meaning no god (save the 1). And remember that 1/0 has an infinite calculation. In this way, you will begin to
understand that everything that man creates consciously or unconsciously has a religious connotation relating
to one God in principle. This is not a religious text but I write down that you might understand. For without God,
all works are vain. And the end result of such action is vanished, for then you have no control over it.
Addressing the merits of technology, fields of engineering, designs and arts have to be expanded. With enough
capital to run a technologically firm, the limits to human intelligence is only in the confines of his understanding
and imagination. A great creative thinker can make and manufacture a lot of equipment or products for the
betterment of humanity. This thinker will not be shot out because of the lower capital when there is enough
money in circulation to go around. There also can be no inflation, for men are always creating and using their
talents in the best way to improve the lives of other men. There are many jobs today that can be reduced from
human labor, such as dangerous construction works, to factory work involving volatile chemicals and so on.
The true gift in us as humans is the human ingenuity.
In conclusive remarks, we can have our society run better by advocating a new economic system to the world.
If Allahs Vault is opened to humankind, then none can stop it. It also will admit many people to the true faith of
Islam and belief and worship of One God only, and relief them from the burdens of worshipping lying gods that
have no portion.
Chapter 6Urging right governance of the people
I may have sounded more religious in the previous chapter, that was because of two reasons. First, religion is
the basis of why God wants the human race to prosper; secondchapter five as an excerpt that I took from a
previous writing. Now, we move toward urging right governance of the people.
Some public officials that are meant to represent the people and create better lives and opportunities for people
do the opposite. They make live hard and unbearable for their subjects. The number one reason why people
chose or elected an official to public office is to serve people with a selfless spirit. A selfless spirit means
making every person within society regardless of their race, tribe, and social status be treated well and justly.
When corrupt officials assume office, they corrupt their subjects. Either by exploiting the nations resources,
advocating lewdness, encouraging bribes or nepotism, supporting racial segregation, or even causing armed
conflict for the sake of division among men. These set of political office holders need to be removed from office,
while those intending good governance must be empowered. In the Scripture, the Koran which I strongly
believe in, Allah or God made a covenant with Abraham saying, I have made thee a leader of mankind.
Abraham said: And of my offspring (those who come from the seed of Ishmael and Isaac) will there be leaders?
Allah answered: My covenant includeth not wrong doers (or misleaders)
. Those who cause corruption to
thrive on earth, such as those who support same sex marriage, wrong disposal of oil waste, ultra nationalism,
tribal or racial wars, stealing of public funds and taking them to France, Switzerland or other parts of Europe
they must be removed from power. And if they refuse, a global revolution is needed to take these leaders out of
office. They are the enemies of humankind, and do no reform to improve lives.
They only who improve lives include those who bind various races together, those who reduce tribal tension
among men and hope that they speak with one voice, serving One God only. Those who love poor people, and
are willing to give from the abundance of the earthsomething to make these group of people satisfied and
contented. Also those who enjoin mankind to worship One God only and revive the dead traditions of the
prophets (both in the Bible and Koran); these only are the savers of humanity. They are the ones who urge
right governance, and only these people will win through at the end. As for the latter, they are losers, in the
world and in the hereafter. They do not reckon that there is an afterlife and thus, they do as they please. Do not
follow them.
Right governance is the watch word of any successful transition from misery into abundance, from fear into
hope, from despair into faith and surety. I tell you this because I know the truth, and I stand on it firmly, no
shaking at all. A nation and the world as a whole need to become one people, serving and honoring God,
giving in charity to those who have less, smiling and loving each loving one and ultimately drawing closer to the
end of righteous men, paradise. Let no
Al Baqarah (2:124)
public official lie that there is abundance, giving hope to their subject if the spoil is but few. Let them cooperate
with others that have abundance, whether of knowledge or resources that they may prosper also. It is my
intention, that the United States of America, rebuild my country Nigeria, and teach Nigerians the way to
prosper. They do take oil from our nation, it is therefore important that they leave not the country into misery.
And let their policies with Africa become straight forward. They are not to exploit and steal from African nations
that have abundant resources without meaningful development strategies. What seem not to be enough, will
become plenty as time evolves. And that time is short, you just have to start believing and acting in the right

It is believed in some western tradition that right is relative, and there may be no wrong or right. This is a false
doctrine. When you see a dog eating from a public bin, adopting the dog and making it a part of your family is
right. Stoning the dog and chasing out from the place it takes a little provision is wrong, if you will only see the
difference. There is right action, and there is wrong action. Right actions arent blameworthy; they are praise
worthy actions for those who engage in them. Wrong actions arent praise worthy, they are blame worthy
actions for those who engage in them, and all men should condemn it. If Africa is merely to rely on aid America
or other western powers give it, where is the study that teaches men to work their way up? It is not there, but
only for a few elites. When a few are a beneficiary of a system, the system is either corrupt or malfunctioning.
The correct system benefits all men, and all men are contented with it. African leaders also add to the gross
corruption that plagues the African society. They think their money and power asserts that they are strong, but
what strength is it for them when men die of hunger, preventable diseases, and under development? They are
delusional but they know not. That God may judge each fairly, He leaves them to do as they please. But this of
course is for a short time.
Urging right governance is the fundamental objective of every global citizen. Governments must be held
accountable unto their people, there is no room for mediocrity or inefficiency. If an official is corrupt, trial in a
just court of judgment serves him right. If the people do not comply to the command of a just authority, fight
them. This is the only way that the world will know peace, and the only way towards attaining prosperity. I have
preached love and kindness, though wars are inevitable in some cases. That is to those who do not
compromise with good. May God help you and I establish a just system on earth, and we will. Just keep the
good faith. Peace on this.
Chapter 7Unity of world governments
Whenever a decision is made in government, there is a disagreement on who is right. As discussed in the
previous chapter, there is no veil on what right is, and what wrong isthe only form of disparity is among the
men who make the decisions. If the decisions made will affect the lives of men positively, then that is the right
decision. If the decision made will affect the lives of men negatively, then that is a wrong decision and must be
corrected to right. When world leaders come to meet one another, they mostly have separate agendas. Each
pursuing its own agenda rather than act cooperatively. Whenever there is a disagreement among world
leaders, they must have a level ground stating: What benefit is this to all nations? Will it create a better world or
a more chaotic world? Will it give people peace of mind and relieve their tension? These and more are the
questions well meaning leaders need to ask before finalizing a decision. A decision made that creates injustice
to another people is a blameworthy decision. It creates tension, and will not bring world peace. For world peace
to come to fruition, each and every leader in the world, state and nation must come to terms and call for unity of
all men.
Wise counsel and decisions are to be made which ensure while granting benefit to others, others right are not
infringed nor treated unjustly. Justice is the basis of all forms of human advancement. Despite the fact that men
have advanced in the fields of science, technology and artsthey still fight for resources which otherwise will
be plentiful if they cooperated. Those who fail to cooperate with a just system must be brought to book and
penalized as unfit to hold public office, or relegated to other duties that do not concern human evolution. We as
humans have evolved from the early stage of life; the creation of Adam when every person was a keeper of his
brothers affairsave Cain, the first human murderer, to a stage of wars and clashes which still goes on today.
We are to return to the truth, where every man will be a keeper to his brother affairs, and where the decisions
made is to the benefit of all humans. If we fall short in this, we delay our pace towards progress and will be in
terms with uncertainty which is disbelief. We must come to an understanding. This is relatively important and
straight enough for all those who have eyes to see.
Prayer changes things for a better situation. The prayers of the true believers in God will not go in vain. A
survivor will come to save humanity in these distressful times, and the wicked will not reign forever. For the
throne of grace is to the King of all menAllah. He will rule His earth under the command of a just king, wait
and you will see it so.
World powers are to unite under one flag or banner bearing: There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His
The structure in which governments are to unite called the down-up approach, and it goes as follows:
There will cooperation of local governments with individual neighborhood they govern (about 15km
area. And their duty must be not unattended to.
Local governments are to cooperate with neighboring local governments beyond the 15km
. First
stage will be 30km2 range, second stage cooperation will be 45km2 range and the expand
cooperation to the last within the country. While the last helps the first, and the first also helps the last,
and all between them should inter cooperate with each other for progress.
State governments are to look to the local governments need and then offer help. The State
governments are to cooperate with neighboring state government sharing information not secret
intelligence and urging each member state to do good and affect the lives of their state members well.
The State government should report to the Federal government of their needs. And the federal
government must not lag in providing resources for growth.
The Federal government of a country must share its people, not by stealing money and taking them to
France or Switzerland as some federal officials behave since they fear not the Almighty, nor His doom
the Fire which is at hand.
The Federal government should cooperate with other federal governments of neighboring nation to
share resources in what they may be lacking. If a country is blessed with oil, and the other is blessed
with the technical knowhow, then that which is blessed with oil should give its oil in exchange for
knowledge to grow. Or the knowing country build infrastructure on a very wide scale for the one
without the knowhow. But men are supposed to be intelligent. Setting up schools in not knowing
countries and teaching the masses, not the elites only will generate great growth. Also, not knowing
nations can send citizens to knowing countries to gain expertise to revive their nation.
Demographics which are divided into north, west, south and east from each continent should together.
The Northern demographic from a continent must work with the west, and the south with the east. And
then the east with the north. They may work interconnectedly alsothere is no boundary here.
Continents also must become united as one people. Therefore, leaders are to work to establish a true
North American Union, a true South American union. A true Asian union, a true African union, and a
true European Union. Nations such as Australia and the Arctic and Antatica regions are separated and
divided in the course of the earth. The people living here should not be excluded, they are the
separate from us but we are together these places should form unions in their individual member
When the continents are all united, Allah will appoint a just leader for them. And he will guide them unto a
straight path. God willing. For he is perfect.
So that is a short detail on how the world governments should unite. Under truth, love and justice. There should
be no room for wrongful partiality or injustice. All men must be treated equal before the law of God.
Chapter 8Love and understanding
For us to survive in this planet earth, love is important. It is one of the most vital task that every society need to
cultivate. Love and understanding goes hand in hand. With love and understanding, peace will reign easily.
Because many people are only concerned about what they will get from something or someone without looking
into the consequence of anotherstrife prevails, but it is just for a short time. When the world knows peace,
love and understanding will be the guiding tool to human advancement. Live and let live, that should be our
watch word as humans. There are people who are too selfish to understand the importance of living and let
others live. Rather what they choose is live and let die. There is a contention here, crises does eschew.
For the world to become peaceful each and every person must love his brother or sister just as he loves
himself. But a man cannot love himself if he does harm to himself, even if he doesnt know he harms himself.
What can be the harm then? It is by doing things opposed to the Scripture of God, defying His laws and
following desires which are empty. This will cause the man to become an enemy unto himself. Understanding
entails knowing the right word, action and step on ought to take at every instant. There is none that guides one
to such except God Himself. A blind man cannot see anything the seeing sees, neither can they be compared.
Their similitude is as the difference between the lowest depth of the earth, to the highest peak of the heavens,
which is beyond mountain heights of course. There will be no arguments among couples if there is
understanding. There are two types of good women, the one that is like a cat, and the one that is like a dog.
The cat is quiet, tender and soft hearted. It needs the attention of her husband at all times, and if ignored will
feel not loved. But the dog is different; it is always willing to give her husband all the attention the world has. It
is independent and can function alone.
Love and understanding entails knowing the need of people and getting ready to give and share your provision
with them. Love is sufficient to make our world go round. However, love does not mean you should love people
cruelly given to evil. This type of people must be condemned, and banished from societythats because they
are anti-human. Their hearts are dead, and there is nothing to give life to it except the Book of God (Koran). It
is a Light that dispels all forms of darkness. Those who still wonder after this will not be found, for they are
astray and will not tread the right path. Let this suffice you concerning love and understanding.
Chapter 9Wishing every person well
Wishing every person well is not a hard thing to do if you have a functioning heart. That is, it is not dead nor
does it not see with its eyes. A pure heart will be warm enough to accommodate people of different classes,
social backgrounds, ethnic or racial groups. What constitute wishing every person well is a goodwill. As
discussed before, goodwill drives us towards progress. There is absolutely nothing wrong in greeting everyone
you see. Those who pass on the streets, those who come into your place of work or your homeand those
who come to inquire something from you. Say hello to each and every one of them. This might seem strange,
but it is practical and the teachers of men, the prophets have always enjoined this. The practice of well-wishing
is fundamental to raising hope to every living creature. Man and animals inclusive. It surely is an abhorrent
behavior for people who wish well of others to become negatively affected at the reception of their behavior. A
few people remain adamant to change and do not see the beauty of life. This could be because of the way they
were raised up when a child, or due to personal experiences they have undergone in the world. We need to
build trust. There is an overall plan concerning this lecture, the world peace project aims to make positive
changes on how humans view their selves and all creatures of the earth.
With the mercy of God on men, the human race will reconcile themselves and do the right thing which has
always being the cause of progress. Wishing every person well entails you to have a feeling for their need. If
you have something to calm a situation, offer it now. If someone is bothered about a thing or matter you can
comfort him or her by soft words. Soft words do heal hearts. Do not be harsh in speech except people treated
you or someone wrongly. If someone comes for a job offer, you do not need to go through heavy resume
requirement to offer him a job. If he or she is welling to learn the trade or business, teach him or her that they
may be able to feed their family. Give hope to people who lost hope and try and amend their ways to right by
taking good actions. Speak good words, take right actions and do not fall into treating people badly. This is
what the world deserves to make a better place for all people. If someone is in need of food and you run a
restaurant, yet he cannot afford a decent food. Feed him and make him satisfied. Everything in the world will
prosper not because of the excessive money you gain or have, but because of the change to put into it. In the
Scripture, it is said: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Observing this verse alone is able to cure much
of planet earths problem. Let us wish every person well, in deed and by words and good will come to us. We
will become happy people. No matter how wealthy a man can become, money will not buy him happiness if he
dejects the notion of helping and showing favor to people. We must love everyone on earth, especially those
among us that are weak and need help. We need to wish every person well, everyday. It comes as a practice
but with time, it will be the respondent of why we truly live.
Show your brother or sister how to succeed in a business venture. Do not be afraid that you will go out of
business because of his or her prosperity. The earth vast is it is has abundance of resources, we should testify
to that. Do not create scarcity because who desire to make excess profit, this is a moral perversion and also
encourages corruption. The act of wishing every person well is fundamental if the human race is to become
prosperous. We are not to argue or fight, but we are to come to the agreement that we do all we do for the love
of God, and then for the love of all His creation. Do not let anyone rob you of your well wishing to humans and
beastthis is key to your own happiness and success in the world. Embrace each other and love each other
out of true friendship. In the abundance of the heart does the word speak from. For if it is alive and heavenly, it
will wish every person well regardless of their race, nationality, social status or other differences not mentioned
therein. When you borrow someone money, wait till he can repay you back. If he cannot repay you back, forgo
it is an act of charity. Do not seize properties and land of people because they owe you some sum of money
and cannot repay. What is money except a printed paper that serves as a legal tender because it is acceptable
by all? More can be printed and distributed freely to make the world go aright.
The old pattern of doing things in which we only trust those who are near to us, who at times might be unfaithful
is failing to work. We have to see it that way. The new direction humanity is headed now is to increase our trust
of people, that people become trustworthy because there is surely enough to go round. And that the human
race observe the statues of God and pay ordinance unto the truth revealed by the servants of God, the
prophets. We cannot still remain in the old system where everyone is suspicious of his brother and where no
trust is guaranteed. To think about well wishing, we need to start to trust again. If your intentions are pure, the
only prayer you hold is that the intention of your brother or sister is pure as yours. Like poles do attract one
another. We are not to become selfish caring for ourselves and family alone. Let us move beyond our families,
and go into uniting the humankind as one big family. We will do this in the world peace project by holding
seminars, engaging people and politicians, religious institutions, business institution and every social institution
world-wide. God is with us. Instead of creating endless alarm systems on our vehicles, homes and property
let us make sure we build trust in society. This way, there will be no need for panic or fear. There will be no
secret information agencies that gather intelligence on what they suppose the other guy is doing wrong. To
wish people well, we must:
Trust people and stop being afraid that they will harm us.
The governments across the world must create programs enlightening the people about the need of
Bestow our wealth on those in need to change the world to positive growth. Through this, armed
robbery, financial corrupt practices and all forms of fraud will seize to exist.
Give good advices to people, and never to give wrong advices because it leads them astray.
Lastly, we need to wake up that it is each and every human responsibility to handle his or her affairs
just, even as it is enjoined in the Scripture.
Chapter 10Wealth creation and technology
Wealth creation and the use of technology goes hand in hand. There is a genius in every single human that if
unleashed the advancement in science, technology and art will reach a peak. Many corporations have
succeeded in employing bright minded people to turn their dreams into a reality. Technology is an
advancement of the human hand, and saves many people from excessive toil. From the creation of the
automobile and aircraft, to the invention of advanced computers and artificial intelligence. The creation of the
humankind is endless. However, something does hinder the growth of technology, and that is the insufficiency
in the amount of money. For to start a technological firm, one needs money as capital, and when there is no
capitalthere can be little or no business. Therefore, addressing the banking system we have today and
correcting its mode of operation will guarantee the use of technology in its highest peak.
Whatever we draw down, and believe can be manufactured. As long as the law of physics or mathematics
supports it, then it is do-able. When there is money available for all, people with bright ideas can come on stage
to try and make an impact in the technological sphere. Planes will run faster, computers will perform more
advanced tasks, and there will be more progress made.
The wealth creation through technology can be derived on how well food are produced in farms and poultry.
How people join hands together to establish several businesses that puts away the human toil. This is not to
say this is not happening already. Many car manufacturing plants today rely heavily on robotics to produce
vehicles. Unemployment is on the rise at this. We as humans are not to be challenged nor perceive technology
as a threat. Rather we are to see it as a vehicle to channel our creative thoughts and make the world a better
place. Technology is really what we need to further the cause of human prosperity. With advanced technology,
houses can be built in a matter of days, roads and bridges can be constructed without the need of engineers
who risk their lives. Safety in road accidents can be prevented. For each and every invention, there is a
rewardand that reward is the wealth created from that invention. For people will buy it, use it for their own
goodand maintain ease at the use of it.
The internet is a tremendous invention that has made communication easy. We are not to abuse its use by
scams, pornography and blood or gore. We are to use this tool for the advancement of the human race. The
world peace project is an example. On our facebook page: We are
inviting people to join the cause of world peace. That peace reigns on earth. That is just an example of what the
internet is capable of doing; uniting the human race. From this, ideas can be proposed, marketed and explored
to keep the dream alive.
Business models designed to make products last less or become obsolete with time are unwelcomed. For this
waste earthly resources that should create a long lasting invention that could only be replaced through
interchangeability of components. We are not to dump our electronic products that have essential panels
within them and buy new ones for replacement. For the components being displaced takes time to make, and if
a single component is defective, why replace the whole body? This is wastefulness and we are not to engage
in it. Take your time to explore the world, as long as Allahs Vault (Gods Vault) is established, people will get
money to design and develop what they will so long it is good us for as humans or other earthly creatures.
The creation of wealth must not be through scarcity but rather through global abundance. If there is the need
for gold or diamond, miners with the help of technicians can create and harvest them and deposit their lot into
the Bank. This will then be available for every person willing to purchase or sell an idea to a corporation or start
it all by him or herself.
We need to change our outlook in life. Things that come free are good. It is the decision and choice of every
human whether he or she desires to live freely or become enslaved. If you do not want to be enslaved then you
must demand your government to adopt the new banking system namely; Allahs Vault or Gods Vaultto
make wealth abundant. There are a sizable number of people who desire that this change is made, and you
should join that group rather than working tirelessly and earning a low wage. Back on technology, religion and
technology have no conflicting ideas as the atheist or materialist tends to put it. True religion and technology go
hand in hand, for in the Scripture are hidden ideas on how humans are to advance if their race is to prosper.
The Koran for example clearly details one form of technology in one verse or anotherbut only the men of
deep eye sight can ever see it. We can create an operating system that always reminds us of Gods blessing.
For logic and reasoning are not opposed to religion. Take your time to see. If you are a willing or upcoming
engineer, I desire you support the Pure Sapphire Corporation. This is a corporation especially founded by the
author to give way to technological products never invented before, or if invented, modified and enhanced to
give a better service. We are after the peoples interest, and it is our vision to change the world in the field of
For every idea you have, the fundamentals is the same. As long as they work well in the field of physics or
mathematics, then it is do-able. What holds many back from the venture is capital, and your capital will be free
in Allahs Vaultthe Bank to be established on earth for the good of all humankind. If you see a man with a
horse carrying some load on a carrier, you can think of a machine that does the job better. Sitting with
likeminded people can then be the cause of you creating the machine. Similarly, when the sun is too hot, and
people need to feel coolyou can think of a machine or device to keep them cool and safe from the sun rays.
We create wealth through solving problems, not by creating the problem. Those who destroy buildings by
bombs, drone attacks, and machine guns do cause problems. The only way to resolve this problem is having
empathy, and technology is founded on empathy for the human race, though some use it for destruction which
is evil, desist. With enough money to go round, people will start to appreciate their use of technologythey will
start to live meaningful lives that put an end to hate, injustice, and abhorrent behaviors. All the hidden cameras
now activated to watch or spy on people will be replaced with watchful electronics bidding humans to do right,
and to do well. We can get there. It surely is a struggle, but we need to be united to answer all those things that
have ever pulled us down. Let us rise!
Chapter 11Rebuilding the dead earth and providing for the lost children
The earth as we know it is destroyed on a fast basis. There is the need to rebuild the entire earth and make it
the Garden of Eden which we have all dreamed of. Because of the hate, poverty stricken places, and attacks
on buildings or the lack of maintenance of themour earth looks ugly. Not of course in the advanced places of
the world, like the New York in the United States. But not everywhere is alike, and besides thatthose which
have been developed can reach a greater stride by the use of technology if everything doesnt become
commercialized as it is today. To rebuild the earth, we have to change as a people. We do not have to pretend
that we do not see slums, poor people, and places destroyed by some earthly disaster. We need to raise our
consciousness to feel the need to rebuild the earth.
Part of the world peace projects aim is to rebuild the earth and make it an abode that is excellent for every
living being. That our homes becomes well built and well organized, that roads and bridges become wider, that
there are guiding lights on street to tell pedestrians what to do, and that corporate interest avoid polluting the
air, soil or water. To harness this objective, we need a huge amount to wealth which the Banks today are
greedy not to give. With Allahs Vault established, building engineers will build countless homes for every
person. They may be poor or rich, the end line is that they both have an equal abode that is beautiful for all to
see. Engineers from various countries will hold meetings and will acquire wealth from Allahs Vault to engage in
the task of building homes, business centers, recreation centers, religious institution and all places of social
activities. This task is vital if the human race is to become one people, worshipping One God and thanking Him
for the favor given unto them.
The way to build slums is simple, just as it is easy enough for people to build fairly good homes. This will be
done by:
1. Having a graphic image, whether through satellite communication or word of mouth to call to the
attention of rebuilding the place.
2. Transferring these class of people to temporary homes such as excellent tents with good food and
water before the buildings are built
3. Accessing the building materials required to make the people comfortable and wiping away all dirt into
a central waste disposal system
4. Using advanced engineering technics to build the slums in a matter of days
5. Imploring the people through acts of maintenance on how manage their buildings after completion
Many of the steps written in this world peace excerpts are not in detail. If you have questions regarding
detailing the information, please ask at: I will be willing to answer your
We all must desire to see the earth flourish. It is the duty of every human that wants the human race to prosper
to support strongly the ideas permeated from this book.
Again there are many children without good homes to live in. This is mainly due to parental negligence or
incapability of taking care of these classes of children. They need to be loved, taken care of and given a good
abode and eat well. There are many children who do die to preventable diseases, mass starvation and not
good homes across the world. The governments of the worlds need to take an urgent attention into this. They
need to be the guiding fathers for the fatherless. Orphanage homes should be established within every 15km

that is not an industrial estate. There should children be taught daily, given money to buy toys and recreational
facilities should be well established in orphanages. The rich in society should take it as a duty to donate in
charity on regular basis, and the guardians of these classes of children must be trustworthy not to embezzle the
funds given them to maintain the children because they are helpless. Lets give a helping hand. There are
several reports on the news, and from the United Nations that mentions children dying daily because of hunger,
inappropriate shelter, neglect or violence. This does not have to be if we take our time lending a helping hand
towards children.
It is the duty and honor of every respectable human on our planet that is old enough to show care, affection
and love to these children. We are not to pretend that we do not see them, nor that they belong not to our
family. The allegiance only to ones family is in fact a selfish attitude to life; let us pay our allegiance to helping
the world become a better place. This will start by helping those in need of help; do something positive today to
alleviate the problem. If you do, you are changing the world for the better. Personally speaking, I am a changed
individual, and I do desire everyone to become changed also. This is one of the few things that will prevent God
from being wroth to humankind, and bless them in every sphere. We can do it.
People like Michael Jackson, Mother Teresa tried to change the world by their sympathy and affection to the
needy ones. We do not need just two or more individuals to make change, we need you and me. The entire
world as a whole has to change, for with change comes great blessings. We will not work in excessive toil, nor
will we have fear for our own very neighborsbut we will work in peace to make the earth grow well from the
thick darkness, into light, believe this.
Chapter 12The international community and the abolishment of the World
Bank, IMF, United Nations and other related bodies
This might seem controversial and perhaps surprising to others. Sadiq wants the World Bank, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations and other related bodies to become abolished. This is true. Many of
these institutions claim to advocate peace and fair dealing, but we do not see their efforts fruitful or positive in
any way to the world.
Take the World Bank for example: There are many nations in Africa that have borrowed huge funds from the
World Bank for the cause of development and growth. These funds are hardly repayable because the
development programs do not yield much profit. Aside from this, many corrupt African leaders have enriched
themselves and their families with the believed borrowed money and had left their entire population bankrupt
with a financial burden which is not repayable. The interest rates in their monetary transaction are
unbearableand what happens if the nation cannot repay its borrowed debt? Structural adjustment policies are
enforced which includes:
1. Currency devaluationAs this policy becomes enforced, many of the countrys product become cheap
and becomes of much less worth than their actual price before the debt was incurred. The value of that
countrys currency versus the United dollars for example is less. If it was 2 units to 1 US dollar before,
it might become 50 units to 1 US dollar afterward. This is part of the reason why the World Bank is
truly not after the development of poor countries, but after their enslavement.
2. Social programs cutThe most important programs such as good housing, and health care programs
are cut. Undermining the peoples welfare for policies that were actually meant to bring supposed
development. Think about it, if people do not have good housing and the health care of a nation is
compromised, what is left for them in well being except diseases and underdevelopment?
3. PrivatizationWhen the state owned enterprises are privatized, foreign corporations that do have new
rights to own these businesses and enterprises can easily do whatever they feel is best to their interest
and leave the entire populace of the country vulnerable to exploitation and increased cost of living.
4. Trade liberalizationThis opens the door way for corporations to sell their product in mass to the
populace of a country. However, the down side to this is that local companies may not and often
usually than not, they (the local companies) are unable to compete causing local businesses to shut
down at the expense of giant corporations that have the liberty to trade freely in these countries.
The United Nations have tried in its history to unite nations under the banner that they come to an
agreement and speak one language of unity. However, most efforts to bring this to fruition have failed, for
there are more countries divided now than ever. Russia is in rift with the United States, China with
neighboring Japan, there is a crisis in Central African Republic just to name a few. The decisions held in
the United Nations are not mostly objective. The United States holds the veto to override any decision not
favorable to its interest. However, the United Nations is not made of just one country or five countries; it is
meant to be the union of all countries, agreeing to a common cause that is right and just. If the United
Nations can stick to the fundamental notion that it will work independently of what great nations decide and
will face the world with a genuine objective of spreading peace, peace would have easily reigned in the
world as a whole. The UN, protects the interest of the big powersthat is why there is always a contention
whether to go on a peace keeping mission or not. And if the peace keeping is undertaken, whether there
will be a side to defend or just observe people dying without doing much. What they do is report the
incidence. Actions such as this do not reflect that peace is genuinely sort out.
For there to be peace in the world, the fundamental objectives of organizations such as the World Bank,
IMF, United Nations, NATO and many other organizations working under these organizations has to be
observed and rewritten. Leaders are hereby called to review the charter of these organizations. They have
a choice to base their work on the charter with complete sincerity to change its perspective by promoting
liberty to the weak and oppressed and correcting the wrongs to right. Or that the organizations should be
completely overhauled and give way to new organizations that seek to improve the lives of men only.
Chapter 13Creating a one world government for the benefit of all humans
For there to be world peace, there is the need that the world has just one center government maintaining all the
affairs that people need. This is not a new world order proposal as the illuminati might be proposing, but a just
government that takes care of all living beingshumans, animals, plants or trees. I have first advocated the
need for all continents to have governing unions, such as the European Union, North American Union, African
Union, Asian Union, Union of Australia and the Arctic regions, North and South. The current unions such as the
African Union and the European Union have not delivered the promises for a just and better world. Most of
these unions only gather together when there is the need for war or an epidemic that may be striking the
affected areas, or when there is the need for trading and commerce. There is the need that unions formed and
based on truth must:
1. Call the people into the attention of the worship of One God.
2. Enjoin kindness and fair living among each individual state (country).
3. Maintain the resources of each state and use them with fair consideration of give and take
among the
4. Ensure that there is maximum cooperation among unions for the need of peace, understanding and
purposeful reconciliation if there is any argument which there shouldnt be.
5. Ensure technological transfer or sharing is provided with utmost sincerity in dealing. This is from more
advanced unions to less advanced unions i.e. North American and European Unions transfer
technology to African and Asian Unions.
Give and take means a country or union gives something maybe resources in exchange for something
that the recipient has in place, for example: technology.
When continental unions are formed, states (countries) within them can easily commerce and deal with
one another without the need for restrictive measures such as visas. Once the world union is formed,
restrictive measures such as visas or taxes must become abolished.
There are several conflicts we see on the media among politicians that needs to be resolved. This can only
happen when leaders focus more on their need for unity rather than asserting a difference. The world as it is
is only divided based on how world leaders have in past times conquered nations, acquired some parts,
breaking apart some other nation into two or more nationalities. This only arises because of the lack of
understanding among the people and their leaders. True leaders in the 21
century must draw their attention to
the need of a Deity, Godthat the people are to respond to His call, as advocated by the prophets. Whatever
the prophets forbid let them forbid it too. And whatever the prophets permit let them say it is right. This is the
only way that will lead mankind into the salvation they ever needed and wanted for a long while. There is the
need for selfless men and women to rise up and take the place of leadership with the aim to guide humankind
aright. I am a Moslem, and I believe the Koran leads unto the straight road. It calls you and I to do right, and
forbade that which is wrong. If you do not practice the sayings of a religious text, it does not mean that the text
is wrongit rather means you are not threading the even path. To thread the even path, you have to follow the
truth for only the truth can set you free.
It is the duty of politicians, religious leaders, leaders of various social classes to call those who follow them to
attention towards the truth. If truth is followed, there will be no need for us as humans to lie, to cheat, to
condemn someone for acting right, or to act exultantly or boastfully above others. We are one. That has always
being the goal of every striving prophet, I am not here calling myself a prophetbut I am a man lead unto the
truth and asking you to join me. The army of peace will be the conquerors of the world. It is not to say that war
must not be fought, if there is evil that cannot be conquered by love then war is provoked. But not all wars are
justified also. We as a people must strive to put an end to war and destruction and become guided by one
world governmentthat aims rightly and is after the interest of all people. I do not expect people to become
advocates of world peace overnight. It indeed takes some time to have that mindset wired into you. But with
your persistent effort to care for people and other living beings such as animals and treesyou may one day
become an advocate of world peace.
This centralized government will be directed by one leader, governing the people in truth and justice; and never
to fall short in the terms of governance and guiding aright. The materialist society we live in, where everything
of joy comes from material things we use in satisfying our needs will be replaced by the need for spiritual
enlightenment, mutual companionship, love, understanding and peacemaking. Through this positive attributes,
many things will be accomplished even above material comforts. Some the things that will be accomplished
1. Having whatever good you want at the desired time as long as it is right and lawful.
2. Bonding again lost family ties and making new friends among neighbors.
3. Understanding the true beauty of life and the wonderment that comes from a pure heart.
4. Giving of gifts freely among the people to people they know, or people they just came across now.
5. Security and peace in every sphere of the earth. (**You will sleep in the woods and there will be no
fear of any attacking you**)
Remember this book is an excerpt, it is not meant to go deep into every sphere but to make you attain inner
peace on the individual level, and advocate peace to the world. I say this that you might not assume my writing
is brief.
Chapter 14The Last Wars
Wars have been fought almost throughout the history of humankind. There is the need to end wars, and end
conflicts that may be affecting the human race from prosperity. To start with, wars are fought because there is a
major disagreement of one party over another party. Or when there is the need for conquest. Societies can
begin to function without wars when the last remnant of discord and disagreement is ended. And this will only
happen when evil is completely wiped off the face of the earth. Humans like in the wildlife continue to be in war
with another just because there is the need for survival. That a group becomes triumphant over the other. We
are to set a collision within the human race on those who desire humans should live a better life, serving just
One God as enjoined in the true religionagainst the few who are anti-human and desire evil not to be
eschewed. I have talked at length with those who have a zeal and inner desire to have world peace. There only
have been few who are opposed to it. They most probably oppose the unity of humankind because they feel
they may run at a loss, which should not be so. Or because they feel the gain in world unity is scant.
There has to be a final battle between good and evil. Since the beginning of human creation, men have devised
sports or act of recreation such as in the stage fights, or in Hollywood movies where there is the need for there
to be a good guy and set of bad guys. The good guy often becomes victorious over the villain. There is the
need for a separation of good people from evil people who do not want world peace. Once this great separation
is made, a battle will begin where those who are committed to evil are wiped out, while those committed to a
good cause remain alive. This book is not a war book but a peace seeking writing. Those who do not want
peace, cannot find it. We do not need to compromise good over evil, but there is the need to vanquish evil once
and for all. Men of various sects and creeds who do have the vital concern towards the prosperity of humankind
need to address the need for peace and joyful living. Those who oppose this stance are anti-human. They are
the enemies of the human race and need to be done without. Take for example, someone offers you a drink or
food, and the only reward for such an offer is that the one to whom the drink or meal is offered poses a fight.
Though a favor is done to him that he can appreciate it, he decides to revolt and cause panic or harm. These
categories of people however few do exist, and they need to be eliminated. Once this is done, the consensus of
the elders in the land can guide the youth in a direction that is fitting and right. And the youth can also find a
way to lead their direction.
Therefore, there is the need for there to be last wars being fought. Superior nations such as the United States
of America can take a lead in ending conflict when allied with other nations to end conflicts around the globe.
This will be done when the great nation fights wars only in the case of wrongful oppression of a peopleand
aiming to right the wrong. I have not said the wars America wages on various parts of the world, particularly the
Moslem world is justified. There is the need for the Moslem army and the American or Western army to
overlook their differences. So as to say: We are fighting for the sake of one God over another shouldnt be
justified. But it is crucial that these parties cooperate with one another by ensuring that they look into the
benefits of helping one another to stop corruption on earth; than fighting endlessly while destroying the earth.
We must be builders of the earth. It is easier to destroy places already built than rebuilding them. The rate at
which hate does erupt in the minds of men against each other shows there is hardly any love. Instead of
heavily investing on military might and artilleries, there is the need of investing on building good roads, feeding
the needy, and helping all those who are weak or disabled in our society. I had an American education in my
college years, but there is still the traditional form of Islam in me that believes Jihad is a noble objective.
However, Jihad must only be fought to stop oppression, it is not to contribute to more problems. The problem in
Syria which I will talk about in latter chapters and other countries in the Middle East shows that their form of
Jihad is more of a destructive force living a lot of havocwithout much spoil to gain for the betterment of the
Moslem Ummah. All these and more shows that we indeed need to review why we fight wars. If wars can be
effaced or prevented, then dialogue is important. We are not to leave thousands homeless, or without food or
basic necessity of life if our intent is not to reduce or eliminate corrupt practices. The East and the West (the
Moslem and the Western world government) need to come to an agreement and fulfill covenants and pledges
that they will not fight one anotherbut will cooperate for fair living. The East is blessed with good spiritual and
moral teachings while the West is blessed with advances of intelligence and knowledge. When I understood a
deeper truth, I understand that most of these two entities do not conflict on the basis of truth, but their practices
are unlike. We ultimately need to understand ourselves better.
When the last wars are fought; uniting the East and West for a common purposemost of the way we interact
will change. There will be no need for fighting because we will understand one another, and fields of film,
cartoon, entertainment and even video games will have a revolution on how they are posed. For example, a
combat video game will have players cooperating and avoiding them to kill or fight, and the best that saves a
life will be mostly rewarded. In cartoon, the classic Tom and Jerry show will have Tom the cat helping Jerry
and they will be staged in peace. This is the future once the human race evolves beyond the thinking of self
Chapter 15Principles of peace, love and understanding
Whenever we spread the message of peace to our neighbor, we begin to have peace within our own lives. This
is obviously true because I have tried it myself. We have to love people regardless of their race, social
background or class setting. This is the only thing that can heal our world and make it a better place for all. We
also need to begin understanding the need of people and fulfilling them if we are able. If we understand
ourselves in dialogues, seeking peace instead of strife or arguments, our world will begin to grow blossom. The
principles of peace, love and understanding is by having a heart that does feel the need and concern of other
people within oneself. We can live in peace with people by saying hello to each and every person we do meet
in our daily lives. They might at first be unreceptive of the idea, and you might see it weird or strange. But with
the daily practice thereof, we will begin to understand the power of peace making. We do not need to fight nor
take lives of men unjustlyinstead we are to save those oppressed and provide them with food, safety and
shelter within our confines. For two people or more to come to understanding and agreement towards what is
right, they at first need to have a living heart. A heart that does feel things for the sake of unity and love. Jesus
says we are to continue to love; never stop loving. With peace and love the world will become a better place.
Those to whom you held grudges against and those who are your enemies may begin to love you if you treat
them right even though they wronged you. Try and practice the virtue of forgiveness and mercy. Vengeance is
not the best alternative to ending strife. With peacemaking, your enemies may begin to see the beauty of you
and may begin to show they do love you. Although not in all cases does this appear true but the power of love
is very strong, it does overcome many problems. Love is freely given by the abundant heart, and through
mercyunderstanding will readily be obtained. Giving back to the society when one has acquired from it is a
philanthropic duty for all those blessed with abundant wealth. When we begin giving what we have that is still of
excess to relieve the suffering of others, it makes us live happier lives and gains reward from God as a good
Peace, love and understanding are three sisters or blocks that will solve the worlds problem as we know it
today. When world leaders begin to enjoin on those who follow them these three virtues, our world will change
for the best. There is still hope that the darkness in this world will be replaced with light and truth. With the
continuous change people do seek across the world, demanding their governments and the people in power to
do right, there is hope for humanity. We are not to despair nor feel everything is just bound to fail, our
successes are derived from faith in God, and then in ourselves. We must keep the faith, and become loyal
trustees of our brothers all across the globe. Wherever we travel to, let us instill in the minds of those we meet
there a positive outlook to life. Let us be kind to our fellow travelers, our friends, our neighbors, those who are
our family members and those who are not related to us by blood. The reward of this kind behavior does
manifest itself by the happiness we gain, and also the good pleasure of eschewing evil. The practice of what is
enjoined in this book is very practical once we are ready for change; it is not some fictional book that has its
base on philosophy.
Having peace of mind is not as hard as many people do see it. One has to pray, enjoin good and right actions
on others just as one practices himself, speak good words and have thoughts that are good likewise. It might
not come to you in a day, but once we begin seeking peace, our minds will start having rest. I for one do listen
to the Koran, the Islamic religious text in English to have peace of mind, and it does give me peace (by Gods
will). Instead of causing trouble and havoc wherever we are, we are to bring peace to that very place because
the people are in need of it. Never feel shy to say hello to people, even strangers. Say peace to them, and they
will be happy with you. In some cases, people are unreceptive of this idea, but that is because they personally
do not have peace of mind. The only thing that can ever bring that to them is the understanding. Understanding
as we know it, is knowing exactly why things do occur, come to agreement with the truthand not seeking a
way to go against it. We will begin to understand one another provided we know we have a common need
which is love. Treating people kindly is not a foolish act, but a wise one. It does bring with it love of every living
creaturehumans and beast. Always take sometime of the day to reflect on whom you have impacted a
positive feeling. You can share that with people or keep it within yourself. Whichever you do, there is no wrong
as long as you are sincere.
Chapter 16Establishing one religion for people of all races
Seeking a way of understanding that all agree towards is important if there is to be world peace. We cannot
have divergent views about divinity and expect ourselves to live in absolute peace. This is because people with
different views and belief systems other than the right and true belief are straying from the path and they may
desire to impose their false doctrine on others. The true belief system is to believe in One God, One God that
has none that He does depend on, nor does He have a partner in the Sovereignty and ruling of this world. The
belief that our actions must be accounted for, and that the Hereafter and the promise of paradise or hell fire is
true. Bearing this in mind, all humans most especially those who fear the reward of an awful retribution will fear
this One God and do what He commanded them, while doing their best to abstain from all the evils He bided
them to avoid. The fear of God is indeed the beginning of wisdom, he that has ears, let him hear. And he that
has two functioning eyes let him see. The Bible and the Koran are two books that are to be believed are
revelations of the One true God, sent to the prophets of God to guide men aright. If humans do follow the
commands in these books, life will have a unique meaning to each and every person, and our nations will
become one nationstrictly commanding the good and forbidding evil actions.
The prophet Muhammad was the final prophet sent to humankind and he on Gods account is a lamp that
summons people from the realm of darkness into light. In the Koran, Gods revelation to humankind is the road
made plain and the straight path is enjoined. That whosoever follows the straight path commanded by God
unto His prophet will be rewarded paradise, the vegetation of abundance and plenty. And whosoever disobeys
and does not follow the straight path commanded by God unto His prophet will be rewarded hell fire, an evil
abode where there is naught there save punishment. It is therefore important for every man that has a sense of
good thought to follow the guidance contained in the Koran as a way of life. Just as a reminder, we are not
debating here on which religion is more superior to the other. The idea of this book is to promote inner peace
on the individual level and world peace on a whole scale level to each and every individual. I do rehearsal the
Koran and it brings to me peace of mind. You do not need to be troubled while you read it, or hear it in your
native language. If you are guilty of a crime that it speaks against, abstain from it. And if you do a deed that it
does encourage, persist in the doing.
The world as a whole need to come under the banner of the true religion, Al-Islam if we are to be saved from
earthly troubles or disasters. There are other people who do advocate a new way of living as compared to the
old system. Some of these people do not advocate religion in their affairs. But this is a mistake, for if we
abandon religious practices altogether, first the consciousness of doing right and preventing wrong actions will
be greatly diminished. Secondly, the Owner of the Earth (God) can destroy the world at the glimpse of an eye if
people do not thank Him for the favors we do enjoy as humans. Let us consider the true faith by reading the
true Scripture, the Koran. It is a light to the whole of humankind, and calls them to believe that there is only One
God who all praise it worthy to be directed.
Here are the benefits of the world embracing Islam as the true religion:
1. Every person will be a keeper of his brothers or sisters affairs.
2. Evil actions such as terrorism will be greatly reduced and the need for global security will lessen
3. There will be mutual trust and companionship around the world.
4. The weak and helpless in society will be well taken care of, and there will be an increase in wealth.
5. People will come to understand God has He has enjoined them and evil will be eschewed among the
6. Good actions will be the ceremony of each and every person while competition, greed, selfishness will
be replaced by cooperation, sharing, and selflessness.
7. The laws of men to solve problems will be replaced by divine laws guiding a way to right.
At this juncture, it is up to every scholar of religious faith to hold interfaith relations with Moslem scholars on the
true faith that can save humanity from the destitution that do occur today.
Chapter 17Racial and tribal barriers broken
What separates us as humans with a common purpose of goodness and understanding at times is the race we
belong or ethical or tribal group. What many people fail to see is that even though we be of different races or
tribes we are all humans. The humanness in humankind is to be uplifted above those allegiances that do
separate us. A white or black person should not necessarily see him or herself superior or inferior to the other
person of a different color. Similarly, tribes of the human race are a multifaceted group of people exhibiting their
own uniqueness and way of life. Some of these differences between people are to be celebrated; their foods,
dances, clothing, and cultural practices. But their uniqueness has to conform to the requirement of the universal
way of life that is the preordained religion. If in practice, a racial or tribal group eat swine flesh or carrion, this is
harmful to them and made unlawful in the Scripture, they are not to eat this any long. Similarly if they dress as
half naked or completely naked people as some people in West or the Africa do dress, then there is the need to
conform into a proper, more decent way of dressing. There is the need to conform with a certain way of life
while we as human still celebrate our diversity. There is nothing wrong from eating foods that taste different
from what you are accustomed to, so long as you enjoy it, and also long it is lawful
Everyone is in need of good housing, good clothing, a good partner and all the like. We can seek this from our
race or tribe, or from other races or tribes we prefer. We are not to solely seek our fulfillment from our own tribe
or race if we have a feeling for an intertribal or interracial relationship. When religion becomes the sole identity
of people, people will see themselves more as brothers and sisters under the same banner rather than having
a close unity to their race or tribe which in turn causes racism and tribalism. There have been many conflicts
between tribal and racial groups in our recent history. The Tutsi and Utis in Rwanda and also the White
Americans and Red Indians. These conflicts amounted to several deaths and also alienation of the weaker
colony. Many of such conflicts could have being avoided if there was not a strong affirmation or supremacy call
of one tribe or race above the other. The result was a reaction that provoked war and killed many although
relatively speaking, we are all humans.
The racial and tribal barriers that holds men apart from each other has to be broken. If we understand the truth,
that we all descended from the same ancestral origin, and that our two parents were Adam and Evethough
they gave birth to a multitude of men and women ranging widely, we will begin to know that we are one.
Celebrating the oneness of the human race begins with you. Do not behave like a tribal biased individual to
people. See everyone you deal with fairly, dont judge people because of the tribe they belong to, truly
speakingit has nothing to do with the individual himself. If there is a tension between some people of other
tribes as against yours, ask yourself this question: Will treating him or her harshly resolve the matter or not?
Treat people with kindness and the same will be reciprocated to you. Look beyond the skin color of people,
start to look into their hearts. Are they warm hearted people or cold hearted. If they are warm hearted, there is
room for you to be treated nicely by them. And if they are cold, do not react to them in like manner except they
act as bigots willing to attack you. We are to become helpers of one another. People who truly care for people
regardless of their race or tribal background. Once the racial and tribal barriers are broken, we will begin to live
as humans. We will stop judging people right before they have proven themselves to be so. We will see
everyone equal before the law, and within our own judgment. This can only be the fair way to deal with people.
I was raised in an environment not to hate people of other tribes. This was because my parents did have
friends from other tribes in Nigeria and also because they never told me it was wrong to deal with people of a
certain skin type or tribe. Governments all around the world need to be creating programs to better inform their
people that there is a cause for unity. Instead of nations, ethical lines or tribes becoming divided, we are to
unite and become one people. That is the ultimate objective of humanity, and it is a duty of every well meaning
man or woman that aspires that the human race should prosper, to support this. From the United Artists song,
We are the world the song clearly depicts the message of this book. We are to become one people, loving
each other and sharing what we have with ourselves and other people. This does not only apply to those we
know, but the new people we come across in our everyday lives.
Chapter 18Ways of fixing Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine conflict, war
in Syria
There has been a lengthy conflict in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and more recently Syria. The wars and
misunderstandings in these regions has taken and robbed many from these places their joy, love, peace of
mind and tranquility. Take Iraq for example, since the American troops went there to fight Saddam Hussein
who was believed to possess weapons of mass destructionIraq has being unstable. The current crisis in Iraq
include the fight between the Sunni and Shia, sporadic bombing and killing of innocent civilians. The
government has not being stable enough to stop this crisis from enshrouding. The only solution to Iraqs
problem is to call all those nearly concerned from the warring faction, look into their grievances and address the
problem with a wise solution technique. The wise solution technique will be to get a group to peace making
individuals with no inner agenda towards their goal except to put an end to the reigning crisis. People in Iraq
should be educated on their need to live in harmony with one another through public banners, videos online or
freely distributed. The government in Iraq must call for peace and send those who do not want peace in the
country out by banishment. Good will has to be instilled in the minds of the people so that they can begin to
love each other. Charity work must be heavily undertaken in damaged areas and buildings have to be
reconstructed. Preventing bombs and killing innocent citizens must be addressed by installing anti-bomb
detectors in almost every place in the country. The world peace project does not fully support having excessive
security measures such as hidden cameras, bomb or weapon detectors installed in places. This is because we
are building trust among men that they will act rightly when the atmosphere or condition supports that.
However, places that are dangerous to human life still need some measure of securitytill calm and peace
comes to fruition.
Similarly Afghanistan has been plagued with war and destruction for several years with that most recent crisis
after the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, 2001. We are not looking into the connection of
Afghanistan regarding the incidence since this book is only advocating peace. What we are looking at is how to
end the conflict. If you have good suggestions beyond what the author of this book may be advocating
regarding peace, please say it and make it reach the government for consideration. We all at one point need
the help of others as a contributory end to our noble objective, ending world crisis. The Taliban has been
fighting against the American and its Western allies for some time. There is the urgent need to end the crisis
that is outgoing. The Taliban fighters are fighting for the Islamic domination of Afghanistan while the West is
fighting that in what they regard as ending terrorism. The truth is that terrorism cannot be ended if the two
parties insist on holding their grounds without a peaceful compromise. The West has to be sincere with their
intention towards developing Afghanistan and not support hard drug production, and the Taliban has to be
empowered to assume roles in government without the West assuming that role is merely to destroy their
interest. When this is set, and politics is set apartpeace will begin to reign. To bring this peace into
Afghanistan, over restrictive measures such as no female education supported by the Taliban (if this allegation
itself is true) has to be uplifted. Every child and person deserves a fair amount of education in the world today
to be able to get along with life. And besides this, those young girls will be mothers tomorrow, and mothers do
have a major role to play in childhood education. For the sake of the children these young Afghan children will
bear, there is the need for their education. The world is interconnected as we speak. There is the need for both
a moral education such as the Islamic education does propose, and the Western education to be well equipped
with modern sciences and technology. Afghan leaders from the Taliban and Western leaders need to meet in
courtesy to put an end to this conflict. Pledging meaningful treatises and covenants which must not be broken
but observed strictly.
The Israeli-Palestine conflict has been going on for a very long time. Even since the time of David, former King
of Israel. At the time, the Palestinians were regarded as unbelievers. But now things have changed. The
Palestinians are mostly Christians and Moslems and they believe in the worship of God. So what excuse do the
Israelis have not to live in harmony with these people? Are they not humans likewise? They are. The main thing
that does separate many Israelis from the Palestinians is on account of their religion or political ideology. But
every heavenly religion which includes Judaism, Christianity and Islam is intended to bring the believers in the
One true God together, and eliminate their differences if there is any. Just because the Israelis have the upper-
hand this day does not mean they are to oppress the weaker faction such as the Palestinians among them. The
settlements that have been claimed to be Israelis need to be divided equally among the groups based on their
population densities. The faction with more population should have more land allocated to them than the fewer.
Also, instead of thinking of a two state solution, an integrated state solution is best advice, where a Jew and
Moslem can live hand in hand as neighbors without hostilities; but as brethren of the Abrahamic faith. Both the
Israelis and Palestinians have a right to their land. No one should be driven out because they are of a different
religion or race. This by itself is bigotry, and bigotry is not to be tolerated if world peace is to succeed.
Therefore this book calls on every leader that does have a conscience to right the wrong, which serves people
without a form of biased judgment that we work together to hand a fair share of the encroached land taken by
the Israelis back to the Palestinians. And that they both the Israeli and Palestinian see the urgent need to end
their crisis and embrace their oneness, rather than the affirmation of an impending difference. This will heal the
wounds of many Arabs, and will also prevent the Israelis being talked about by various people that they should
be hated. I tell you things from an honest perspective, and I still have not hidden much from you. It takes a
genuine appreciation of people, to love people, and to be loved by people. Take this advice and work towards
the ultimate goal humanity has always longed forunity.
Syria has become the most recent place in the Middle Eastern region that has witnessed lots of bloodshed.
This has to stop. The Syrian opposition may have gained the upper hand in the war at hand, but there are
many people displaced and killed in their aim to gain victory. What started as a peaceful demonstration has
become a large full scaled war. The most disturbing issue is that it is the Moslems at this time fighting against
Moslems. They are members of the same religion yet have a deep hatred of one another. To end the Syrian
crisis, the same method advocated to the Iraqis is most desirable. A wise solution advocacy group must come
together addressing the grievances of the Syrian people and restoring sanity and calm in Syria. This must be
made up of people who do have the interest of Syria and humanity at heart and are willing to sacrifice their time
and effort to put an end to the conflict. Politicians are not to merely debate who is right or wrong but work
together to have a viable and practical objective on how to end the crisis. Ending wars is not hard once the
parties involved are given to understanding. Those who did wrong to the others must be brought to justice,
while those who are in the right must be acknowledged and given a 100 percent support by the world as a
whole. We are not to merely watch our earth being destroyed but we are to contribute our own efforts without
us being selfish to do our best to interfere and end problems. Solutions are devised, but more importantly
people need to accept these solutions without debating against it, even if it is against them. This is the way to
go, and the future of humanity. We are to begin loving each other. Once we begin to love each other, hatred
will be greatly reduced and humans will not despair of hope. There is hope for this set of generation. You are
the hope. Make it happen today!

Chapter 19Peace on earth
If many of the things advocated in this book are laid to practice, peace will finally reign on earth. People will
begin to have inner peace and they will one day become advocates of world peacethat the collective human
race becomes peaceful people. With peace, there will be global abundance in trade, security and all spheres
that do matter for human existence will be taken care of. Governments will begin to look with sincerity towards
the problems people within their societies do face and will address them readily. But that will first begin with
you. Each and every individual on earth has to be committed to acting right and ensuring that they do not
trespass their beyond over another, be they strong or weak. It is important at this juncture that we embrace
every human, young or old, female or male as members of the same family. Under the banner of love, we can
co-exist without wars or strife. Every man or woman will give the little or great thing he or she has to the young
or elderly without a selfish interest because of the charity. Love is very important, we must love each other. We
must show we care for each other and understand ourselves more. Its okay to say you are wrong if you truly
are. People should not persecute you for a misdeed as long as you admitted it and are pleading for
forgiveness. Even God forgive all sins, so because of this benevolent mercy, we should be merciful to one
another. Adopt a pet and feed it daily. Put this to practice, thats because if you start even by caring for a single
animal, you are training yourself to be caring, loving and affectionate. It goes a long way, and kind people do
meet each other in their adventure to find happiness and fulfillment. I have met with countless numbers of
people who just love being greeted and waved at. Even if you are so poor that you do not have any money to
give away, saying a warm hello to people still instills happiness. We can do this, and that is what we should be
I love every reader of this concise book from my heart though I might not have met the manyI love you. I was
inspired into advocating peace in the world by none but God. Peace should reign on earth. We are tired of the
countless wars and disagreements that do erupt in our precious earth. We only have one earth, and our lives
here together is twice. It will so sweet that the believers in the idea of this book meet again in paradise. Let us
begin to cooperate with one another and ensure each and everyone get a fair share of everything. No more
stinginess and greed, no more crying without getting the necessary help and attention. When peace reigns on
earth, our world will be renewed. Even the scrub will be carefully cut or eaten and herbivores and carnivores
may begin to live in peace. This is not wishful thinking, it is a known fact that some animal guardians do breed
wild animals and play with them without the animals harming them. We can do this on a massive scale, God
willing. The earth is at this moment seeking peace loving people such as you and I do fix the earthly problems
together, being the ones who will give light to people when at the moment all that seems to be a thick darkness.
We are the forces of light, the forces of truth, and the forces of peace. Do not be expecting a Messiah to come
all of a sudden to fix this earthly problems, it begins with you and I. When the way is well laid, then the Messiah
can come to complete the work. It is the vision of the writer to see peace manifest within yourself, your friend,
your neighbor and the world. There has been many music artists that also advocated peace, some of these
people are great teachers of humanity and not just mere entertainers. We just have to wake up and listen to
what they said. When peace reigns, there will be no need of us cheating on one another, we will become
sincere people. I have transcended to this realm and I do believe everyone can do the same.
We should bond again with our families. We are not to become separated from them simply because of our
businesses or other engagements. Let us fix schedules on having family meetings, celebrating the gift of life
and living honorably. Peace on earth means the banking institutions will be well reformed and there will be no
need for strict security measures out of distrust to withdraw fundsthere will be abundance of wealth. And God
will answer the prayers of everyman that is good, raining waters from the sky in abundance to bring the green
vegetation. Music and arts will seize to be dark or horrifying. They will preach true love and not lustand most
creative people will paint or make music for people because they truly want to share their talents with them.
The reward for this earthly companionship is heavenly and not merely vain. Governments will become
supporters of people and people will love their governments. The pensions and salaries that have always not
been enough will become sufficient, and overflowing. We just have to believe that this is workable. We are not
to despair, we are to have faithfor without faith we will become lost. At this note I introduce the world peace
project at the ending remarks. I hope you have found this book worthwhile reading. Please read it again and
again till you have mastered and implemented the information.
Chapter 20Conclusive remarks
In conclusion, I have discussed how world peace can be achievable. In a closer scale, I introduce the world
peace project. The world peace project is a program that aims to bring peace to the world by engaging
politicians, elites, people of the society into fair living and taking care of their environment. The world peace
project has divided its scope into various areas that includes but not limited to:
1. TechnologyA technological corporation named Pure Sapphire Corporation aims to invent new
technological products for both consumer and industrial product for the ease of men. These products
are well engineered and designed with affordable prices that they be produced on a massive scale. It
also aims to use the media to spread peaceful messages across the world. Help support it by investing
or asking venture capitalists or angel investors to provide finances to make the corporations vision
2. MediaThe Peace Maker Magazine and the Public Service Network are two instrumental media
establishments that advocate peaceful means to ending societal crisis with a central objective of
instilling positivity in news making. Therefore, instead of the conventional news media that broadcast
depressing information, at the Public Service Network, we provide good and well informed information
and proposing solutions to societal problems and not merely talking about them. The Peace Maker
Magazine is an advocacy magazine promoting peace and fruitful discussion among statesmen around
the world that aims to put an end of pressing issues such as poverty, gender or racial discrimination
just to name a few.
3. ConferencesThe world peace project aims to hold conferences with people of various sect of society
into putting an end to their conflicts. These people include politicians, university professors, doctors of
medicine, technological experts, economists; religious leaders just to name a few. The central
objective of these conferences is not merely to debate on who is right or wrong but to urgently address
the wrongs in society and correct it to rightthat people may live well. There is an aim to hold these
conferences in different places around the world.
4. CharityThe world peace project will engage in charity work. This charity begins with helping those
that are immediate. The source of wealth from which this charity will come from should be from the
affluent in society that desires that the world become a better place for all. Their names might be
mentioned, or not mentioned depending on their wishbut this charity goes to the helpless, hungry,
most needy in society where the world peace project is based. As we expand our offices world-wide, it
will reach those with a pressing need for food, shelter or clothing. Unlike other charity organizations,
the world peace project is an establishment that aims to bring peace to the whole earththerefore, its
charity work must be universal. People can donate funds to the organizations website, and the charity
will be used to help people within the area that is donated, or far awaydepending on those who are
most eligible to receive the fund. It is the fundamental aim of the Pure Sapphire Corporation to use
some of the money gotten from profits of its technological product to support charity work.
5. Assembling people for changeThis is the most important aspect of the world peace project. The
world peace project desires to get a huge amount of people to support the cause of changing the world
by gathering sincere people from different spheres of society to change their organizations, businesses
or governments. This will be done by members of the world peace project who work in these various
unions holding meetings and advocating the right system to be in place for all people. Members will
report on the progress made and will support one another on how to improve our world. The guidelines
towards support of members on how to effect these changes will be published, and organizations
leaders of the world peace project will access changes that are being made accordingly.
Bye-bye and God bless.
Sadiq Salawudeen

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