Proposal Konferensi Internasional

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Table of Contents
Acknowledge Sheet
General Remark 1
ICCGIS 2014 at Glance
Selection Process
Delegates Profile
Proposed Budget
Closing Remark
Fund Raising Proposal
Letter of Agreement
Acceptance and Invitation Letter

Acknowledgement Sheet

The 5
I nternational Conference on Cartography and GI S

Delegate 1

Khalifah Insan Nur Rahmi
NIM 10/301321/GE/06851
Delegate 2

Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah
NIM 10/301720/GE/06886


Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik
dan Kemahasiswaan
Fakultas Geografi UGM
Direktur Kemahasiswaan
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Dr. R. Suharyadi, M.Sc
NIP 196005061986031002

Dr. Drs. Senawi, M.P.
NIP. 19640310 199003 1001

General Remark

International Cartographic Association hereby confirm that Khalifah Insan Nur Rahmi
and Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah are invited to participate in The 5
International Conference on
Cartograhic and GIS (ICCGIS 2014). This time, ICCGIS 2014 will be held from 15
to 21

June 2014 in Riviera, Varna, Bulgaria.
We consider it most important that we can attend ICCGIS 2014. Therefore, we hope that
universities, companies and embassies will do the best to help the selected participants.

ICCGIS 2013 At Glance

The 5
International Conference on Cartographic and Remote Sensing is organized by
International Cartographic Association (ICA) and Bulgarian Cartographic Association. ICCGIS
2014 is recognize as scientific meeting which is consist researchers, engineers, academicians and
industrial professionals from all over the world in the field Cartography and GIS. The aim of the
conference is to collect knowledge and share experience about the latest achievements in the
field of cartography and GIS. In the conference participants will exchange new ideas and
application experience face to face to establish business or research relations to find global
partners for future collaborations. In this event to will be held ICA meeting to discuss about
Cartography and children, Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management and Map
Projection. This meeting can make advancement to Cartographic science in all over the world
and we as the participant from Indonesia can share this information to cartographic science in

Selection Process

ICCGIS 2014 committee has received over 200 applications from all over the world. All
applications have been reviewed by at least two reviewers drawn from the chairs of committees
depending on the subject matter of the paper. The selected participants who will represent
Universitas Gadjah Mada in ICCGIS 2014 are Khalifah Insan Nur Rahmi and Vidya Nahdhiyatul
Fikriyah. The profile of each delegate is describe in the next chapter.

Delegates Profile

Khalifah Insan Nur Rahmi is an undergraduate student of
Cartography and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Geography, Univ
eristas Gadjah Mada (UGM). She was born in Kebumen, December
, 1992. As the college student, she was doing some research,
some of them were presented in national seminar and international
conference. The paper with the title Deteksi dan Monitoring
Hotspot Berbasis Teknologi Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem
Informasi Geografis Guna Pembentukan Prototype Early Warning
System di Kalimantan Barat presented in national seminar, and her
paper with the title Estimating Rice Productivity to Achieve Self-
Supporting Needs: An Ecological Approach Based On Remote Sensing Data and GIS Analysis
presented in international conference. With that several research also she won several
competition such as: 3
Winner Scientific Writing Competition in Geodetic Engineering UGM,
2nd Winner Oil Spill Paper Competition in PT. Oil Spill Combat Team (OSCT) Indonesia, and
2nd Winner in Geo-Environment Student Challenge 2013 Geography Study Club, Faculty of
Geography, UGM. In the 2013, she became an best performance student Faculty of Geography,
UGM, presented paper in international conference ONSUSTAIN in Hiroshima Japan, and also
join ASEAN Youth Friendship Network (AYFN) and became Indonesian delegation in
International Youth Friendship Camp. Beside her study and organization, she also has some
experience as project surveyor and instructor at PUSPICS, UGM.

Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah, as a student in the
Cartography and Remote Sensing Departement, Faculty of
Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Vidya Nahdhiyatul F. is
one of the students with the best GPA in the faculty. She is an
active student in a variety of activities both on campus and
university organizations. She also often follows the committee
activities both nationally and internationally. She served as the
team in 2012 National Geography Olympiad, a competition
coordinator in Geo - Environment Scholars Championship 2012,
and Student Ambassador on Geography International
Symposium, with theme ' Climate Change for Sustainability '
2012. In addition, she was elected as General Secretary in the Geography Study Club in 2013.
She coordinated things related to the member's programs and activities. In the university scope,
she joins some organization. She has ever been a volunteer in a'Indonesian Future Leaders '
program to teach the children in the Code region, which got the impact of lava floods of Merapi
Eruption. She conducted voluntary services in IIWC (Indonesia International Workcamp) and
WRC (Waste Refinery Club). During her studies, Vidya often participated in various
competitions, seminars (both as participants and speakers / presenters ) and conducted research,
such as English Speech Contest, became an assistant, and joined scientific writing competition.
The research with the lecturer, entitled ' Optimizing Software Flow Map Tobbler for Producing
Digital Flow Map ' was granted in the Lecturer - Student Collaboration Grant program from the
Ministry of Education. She has also been a paper presenter at the National Seminar on Disaster
Mitigation at the University of Sultan Agung, Semarang. Her team presented a study entitled '
Evaluation of Shelter Location Suitability from Merapi Volcano Eruption '. In international
events, her paper Entitled 'Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
for Land Use Classification Settlement Planning in Bantul Based on Earthquake Disaster
Mitigation (Case Study: Bantul Earthquake, May 27th 2006) was accepted to be presented in
the International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN) 2012 in
Kyoto University 2012.Vidya also granted the Tanoto Scholarship from Tanoto Foundation.


Indonesia has a bog potential to be built in the future through the next generation. One
important effort that has to be done is increasing the capability of the youth, in order to make
them ready to face globalization era. This is the main reason why, as youth, delegates should
attend ICCGIS 2014. By attending the international conference, delegates can promote the
importance of international diplomacy to stand for our nations interest for the future of
Indonesia. By ICCGIS delegates can apply experiences and the lesons from the conference to the
community in order to create the better Indonesia in the future also to advantages Cartographic
science that will be disscuse by international cartographic association in this conference. The
result of the meeting can make progression this science and can make better Indonesia


To develop expertise in research, writing and public speaking
be publish in Springer Book
To represent Universitas Gadjah Mada and Indonesia in international level conference.

Proposed Budget

Quantity Frequency Unit Cost
Total (Rupiah)
Flight Ticket
3 1
@ $ 1.743 $ 3.486
Visa 3 1
@ 80 160
Registration 3 1
@ 180 360
Hotel Fee 3 5 Days @ 15 210
Transportation in
3 5
@ 65
Meal 3 5 Days @ 6 288

Closing Remark

Indonesia has potential to build the future through its young generations. ICCGIS 2014 is
a chance for young generations to speak up their voices and to establish international networks
that will have an essential role as a bridge of understanding among nations. LS&BE 2013 would
be one of the stepping stones for the Indonesian youth to learn and create outcomes that will be
essential in the development of Indonesia as a nation and as part of the world. It is a meeting
place where future leaders are given a chance to be heard and learn from each other.

For futher information please contact:
Khalifah Insan Nur Rahmi
Universitas Gadjah Mada, ICCGIS 2014 Delegate +62 877 3859 2785

Official website of ICCGIS 2014

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