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Have Fun Abroad, Just Not Too Much!

So you are ready to study abroad and have a good time! The odds
are you will be safe while abroad, but it is always better to be safe
than sorry Here are a few ti!s that will "ee! you from getting into
com!romising situations that could get you into trouble with the
law, or even worse, be harmful to your health
1. Follow the Law
#hen abroad, follow the local laws $our host country%s laws may
differ from &S laws Ty!ically, you%ll learn about s!ecific laws
during your !rogram orientation 'ut remember, ultimately it%s
your res!onsibility to "now your host country(s local laws As a
*f something is illegal in the &S, it !robably will be illegal in
your host country
+on(t fool yourself and thin" that local authorities will give you
a brea" because you(re a foreign student
*nfractions considered minor in the &S oftentimes carry severe
!enalties in other countries

2. Rights of the United States Do Not Apply Abroad
,nce you leave the &S, the civil rights and liberties accorded to
you by the &S constitution don%t a!!ly Some countries don%t even
have basic laws that we are granted in the &S *f you%re
uncomfortable with this, consider studying in a different country
3. If in ro!ble
*f you find yourself in trouble for brea"ing the law in your host
country, contact the local &S embassy or consulate
*f you are arrested, the embassy and consulate can visit you in -ail
#ith your authori.ation, the consulate can notify your family or
friends and deliver re/uest for money or aid The consulate can
hel! you choose a local attorney to ensure you are receiving all of
your rights under the law of your host country 0onsulates,
however, cannot guarantee your release from -ail
". Al#ohol Use Abroad
1esearch your host country(s drin"ing laws and customs *n many
countries, the legal drin"ing age is lower than that of the &S
However, in some !arts of the world, drin"ing alcohol is highly
restricted or even illegal
*f drin"ing alcohol at your age is legal, remember to be smart
about how much you consume 'eing drun" in an unfamiliar
country could lead to dangerous situations Also, be aware of the
ris" of date ra!e, which can ha!!en to both women and men
Sometimes, !eo!le will buy you drin"s and add date ra!e drugs to
them For your safety, you should buy your own drin"s and never
leave your drin" unattended
The as"ing yourself the following /uestions will hel! ma"e your
time abroad not only fun but safe!
#hat should * do in case of emergency2 #ho should * contact2
#hat is the e/uivalent of 344 in my host country2
+o * have any health issues that * will need to ta"e care of while
*(m abroad2
#hat medications will * need to ta"e with me2
#hat are the local laws2
#hat are common crimes in my host country2
How can * safely get around2 *s !ublic transit safe and reliable2
Are there things * should loo" out for as a !edestrian2
#hat is a!!ro!riate dress and behavior in my host country2
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