Contribution NTNU Dr. Lisnyk Student Competition

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ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
1hls reporL ls a conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe 2011-2012 ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon
by Lhe SocleLy of naval ArchlLechLs and Marlne Lnglneers (SnAML) and Lhe Amerlcan SocleLy of
naval Lnglneers (ASnL).
All group members are reglsLered as sLudenLs aL Lhe norweglan unlverslLy of Sclence and 1echnology
(n1nu), and are currenLly ln Lhelr Lhlrd year.
arLlclpaLlng ln Lhls conLesL has been very rewardlng for all group members. knowledge from
prevlous semesLers have been refreshed, and aL Lhe same Llme each of us have exLended our
knowledge wlLhln our area of speclallzaLlon. 1he maln resLrlcLlng elemenL has been Lhe Llme scale.
We would llke Lo Lhank our advlsor SLlan Lrlchsen, rofessor LmerlLlus aL n1nu, for all help and
supporL. Pe has always been avallable for quesLlons, and has always had answers Lo Lhem. We feel
very much lndebLed.
We have also beneflLed greaLly from Lhe ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology aL n1nu, rofessor
Parald valland, rofessor Anders Lndal, rofessor uag Myrhaug, rofessor Carl MarLln Larsen,
rofessor Maurlce WhlLe, rofessor !rgen Amdahl and AsslsLanL rofessor 8[rn Slllerud. lor help
wlLh Lhe 1wln 1all concepL, we would especlally llke Lo Lhank rofessor Sverre SLeen. 1he
compeLlLlons wlnners from 2010 have also been very helpful, and Lhls applles especlally Lo uanlel
nords and Magnus Lande, helplng wlLh sofLware, knowledge and moLlvaLlon.
1o all Lhe menLloned above, as well as oLhers helplng us LhroughouL Lhe deslgnlng process, we are
very graLeful.

1rondhelm, 13.06. 2012

Andreas k. krossholm (Leam leader)
#lu 20006933

Llrlk Slmonsen
#lu 2006980

krlsLlan Cdland
#lu 20006932

krlsLlna 8. kylllngsLad
#lu 2006934

?ngvlld SleLLevold
#lu 20006933

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
(%)*# +$ ,+-.#-./
1 LxecuLlve Summary ......................................................................................................................... 1
2 8ackground lnformaLlon ................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 lnLroducLlon ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Mlsslon uescrlpLlon ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Area of CperaLlon .................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 uuraLlon ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 orL 8esLrlcLlons ...................................................................................................................... 3
2 SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn ............................................................................................................... 4
3 ConcepL uevelopmenL ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 WanLed CuallLles ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Pull form .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2.1 Pull AlLernaLlves .............................................................................................................. 3
3.2.2 LvaluaLlon of Lhe AlLernaLlves ......................................................................................... 3
3.3 SelecLlon of Pullform ............................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Module Pandllng ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.4.1 WanLed CuallLles ............................................................................................................. 6
3.4.2 uevelopmenL of Lhe Module Pandllng SysLem ............................................................... 6
4.4.1 LlfL from seabed .............................................................................................................. 7
4.4.2 LlfL Lhrough openlng ln sLern ........................................................................................... 8
4.4.3 uevelopmenL of damplng sysLem ................................................................................... 8
4.4.4 1ransporLaLlon of Lhe module Lo deck .......................................................................... 10
4.4.3 Concluslon ..................................................................................................................... 10
4 Mlsslon equlpmenL ........................................................................................................................ 11
4.1 A-frame .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Peave compensaLed wlnches ................................................................................................ 11
4.3 Shock absorber ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.4 8emoLely operaLed vehlcles (8Cv) ....................................................................................... 12
4.3 Cleanlng sysLems ................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 Work moon pool .................................................................................................................... 12
4.7 Cranes .................................................................................................................................... 12
3 1lme CalculaLlon ............................................................................................................................ 13
6 lnlLlal ueflnlLlon and Slzlng ............................................................................................................ 13
6.1 LsLabllshlng prellmlnary Maln ulmenslons ........................................................................... 13
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
6.1.1 Shlp 8eam ...................................................................................................................... 13
6.1.2 ueck Area....................................................................................................................... 13
6.1.3 Shlp LengLh .................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.4 uraughL .......................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.3 ulsplacemenL ................................................................................................................. 16
6.1.6 LengLh of Lhe 1wln 1all .................................................................................................. 16
6.1.7 8readLh of openlng ln sLern........................................................................................... 16
7 Pull deslgn ..................................................................................................................................... 17
7.1 SofLware ................................................................................................................................ 17
7.2 ueslgn rocess ....................................................................................................................... 17
7.3 rlnclpal CharacLerlsLlcs ........................................................................................................ 18
8 Mannlng LsLlmaLes ........................................................................................................................ 19
9 luncLlon Analysls ........................................................................................................................... 20
9.1 Shlp funcLlons ........................................................................................................................ 20
9.1.1 ConsLrucLlon CuLflLLlng ................................................................................................. 20
9.1.2 Shlp CuLflLLlng ............................................................................................................... 21
9.1.3 Crew laclllLles ................................................................................................................ 22
9.1.4 Shlp laclllLles ................................................................................................................. 23
9.1.3 Machlnery, speed and power ........................................................................................ 23
9.1.6 1anks and vold spaces ................................................................................................... 23
9.1.7 volume summary .......................................................................................................... 27
10 WelghL CalculaLlons ................................................................................................................... 28
10.1 SLeel WelghL LsLlmaLe ........................................................................................................... 28
10.1.1 SLeel WelghL based on Lhe Mldshlp SecLlon ................................................................. 28
10.1.2 SLeel WelghL based on SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn ........................................................ 29
10.1.3 SLeel WelghL Summary .................................................................................................. 29
10.2 LlghLshlp WelghL .................................................................................................................... 30
10.2.1 ueparLure condlLlon ...................................................................................................... 31
10.2.2 Module Pandllng CondlLlon .......................................................................................... 32
10.2.3 Arrlval CondlLlon wlLh module ...................................................................................... 33
10.3 CenLre of CravlLy ................................................................................................................... 34
10.3.1 CenLer of CravlLy of Lhe LlghLshlp ................................................................................. 34
10.3.2 CenLer of CravlLy durlng module handllng .................................................................... 33
10.3.3 CenLer of CravlLy of Lhe Arrlval CondlLlon..................................................................... 33
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
11 Shlp urawlngs ............................................................................................................................ 36
11.1 Llne urawlngs ........................................................................................................................ 36
11.2 Curves of lorm ...................................................................................................................... 36
11.3 SAC ......................................................................................................................................... 37
11.4 Ceneral ArrangemenLs .......................................................................................................... 38
12 1rlm and SLablllLy....................................................................................................................... 39
12.1 SofLware ................................................................................................................................ 39
12.2 Speclal conslderaLlons regardlng Lhe llfLlng operaLlon ......................................................... 39
12.2.1 Crane llfL ........................................................................................................................ 39
12.2.2 uynamlc sLablllLy ........................................................................................................... 40
12.2.3 Change of Lrlm caused by llfLlng-operaLlon ................................................................... 40
12.2.4 Cpen moon pools .......................................................................................................... 40
12.3 1rlm and load facLor .............................................................................................................. 41
12.3.1 lnsLallaLlon ..................................................................................................................... 41
12.3.2 8ecoverlng ..................................................................................................................... 41
12.3.3 CperaLlng condlLlon and llghLshlp condlLlon................................................................. 42
12.4 SLablllLy .................................................................................................................................. 42
12.4.1 rlnclple ......................................................................................................................... 42
12.4.2 lree surface effecL ......................................................................................................... 42
12.3 PydrosLaLlc calculaLlons ........................................................................................................ 42
12.3.1 lnsLallaLlon ..................................................................................................................... 42
12.3.2 8ecoverlng ..................................................................................................................... 43
12.3.3 Module handllng condlLlon and llghLshlp condlLlon ..................................................... 43
12.6 lnLacL SLablllLy ........................................................................................................................ 43
12.6.1 lnsLallaLlon ..................................................................................................................... 43
12.6.2 8ecoverlng ..................................................................................................................... 44
12.6.3 Crane CperaLlon ............................................................................................................ 43
12.7 ConslderaLlons regardlng CM
.............................................................................................. 43
12.7.1 asslve anLl - roll Lanks .................................................................................................. 43
12.8 lloodable lengLh .................................................................................................................... 47
12.9 WaLerLlghL lnLegrlLy ............................................................................................................... 48
12.10 uamage sLablllLy ................................................................................................................ 48
12.10.1 ermeablllLy .............................................................................................................. 48
12.11 uamage cases .................................................................................................................... 49
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
12.11.1 3 damage cases ......................................................................................................... 49
12.11.2 Case 1 - Cff-cenLer floodlng of 1wln 1all .................................................................. 30
12.11.3 Case 2 - llre/Lxploslon ln Lhe englne room/LnC room ............................................ 30
12.11.4 Case 3 - Colllslon ln afL .............................................................................................. 31
12.11.3 Case 4 - lronL colllslon .............................................................................................. 31
12.11.6 Case 3 - Colllslon from slde ....................................................................................... 31
12.11.7 Approval .................................................................................................................... 31
13 redlcLlon of Calm WaLer 8eslsLance ........................................................................................ 32
13.1 Ceneral .................................................................................................................................. 32
13.2 Lmplrlcal MeLhods ................................................................................................................ 32
13.3 SofLware ................................................................................................................................ 32
13.4 Ceneral AssumpLlons ............................................................................................................ 32
13.3 PolLrop '84 ............................................................................................................................. 32
13.6 Pollenbach '98 ....................................................................................................................... 33
13.7 8esulLs ................................................................................................................................... 34
14 ropulsors and 1hrusLers .......................................................................................................... 36
14.1 1hrusL sysLem Lrade off ......................................................................................................... 36
14.1.1 AzlmuLh LhrusLer ........................................................................................................... 36
14.1.2 ConvenLlonal sLern propeller ........................................................................................ 36
14.1.3 LlecLrlc dlrecL drlve ........................................................................................................ 36
14.1.4 volLh Schnelder ............................................................................................................. 36
14.1.3 Scores ............................................................................................................................ 36
14.2 1hrusL sysLem selecLlon ......................................................................................................... 37
14.3 AzlmuLh LhrusLer selecLlon .................................................................................................... 37
14.3.1 ulllng LhrusLer mechanlcal Lransmlsslon ..................................................................... 37
14.3.2 ushlng LhrusLer mechanlcal Lransmlsslon ................................................................... 38
14.3.3 odded LhrusLer ............................................................................................................ 38
14.3.4 ConLra-roLaLlng LhrusLer ................................................................................................ 38
14.3.3 SelecLlon ........................................................................................................................ 38
13 ower llow ................................................................................................................................ 39
13.1 AlLernaLlng currenL ................................................................................................................ 39
13.2 ulrecL currenL ........................................................................................................................ 39
13.3 SelecLlon ................................................................................................................................ 60
16 ropulslon SysLem Lfflclency ..................................................................................................... 61
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
16.1 ropulslon efflclency ............................................................................................................. 61
16.1.1 ropeller efflclency, q
.................................................................................................. 61
16.1.2 8elaLlve roLaLlonal efflclency, q
................................................................................... 61
16.1.3 Pull efflclency, q
........................................................................................................... 61
16.1.4 ropeller clearance ........................................................................................................ 62
16.2 LlecLrlcal efflclency ................................................................................................................ 64
16.3 lnsLalled propulslon power.................................................................................................... 64
17 uynamlc oslLlonlng .................................................................................................................. 66
17.1 SofLware ................................................................................................................................ 66
17.2 CalculaLlon meLhod ............................................................................................................... 66
17.3 8equlred CapablllLles ............................................................................................................. 67
17.4 lorbldden zones .................................................................................................................... 67
17.3 8equlred power ..................................................................................................................... 68
17.6 1hrusLer conflguraLlon .......................................................................................................... 70
17.7 SysLem 8edundancy .............................................................................................................. 70
17.8 8eference SysLems ................................................................................................................ 71
18 LlecLrlcal ulsLrlbuLlon ................................................................................................................ 72
19 ower 8equlremenLs ................................................................................................................. 73
19.1 ropulslon .............................................................................................................................. 73
19.2 Auxlllary sysLems ................................................................................................................... 73
19.2.1 ump power requlremenL ............................................................................................. 73
19.2.2 WaLer coollng sysLem .................................................................................................... 73
19.2.3 Alr compresslon ............................................................................................................. 73
19.2.4 Lnglne room venLllaLlon ................................................................................................ 74
19.2.3 LubrlcaLlng oll sysLem .................................................................................................... 74
19.2.6 luel sysLem .................................................................................................................... 74
19.3 Pull machlnery ....................................................................................................................... 74
19.3.1 8allasL sysLem ................................................................................................................ 74
19.3.2 8llge sysLem ................................................................................................................... 74
19.4 ueck machlnery ..................................................................................................................... 73
19.4.1 Peave compensaLed A-frame and wlnches ................................................................... 73
19.4.2 Cranes and moorlng equlpmenL .................................................................................... 73
19.4.3 Launch and recovery sysLem for 8Cv ........................................................................... 73
19.4.4 navlgaLlon and deck llghLlng ......................................................................................... 73
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
19.3 PoLel funcLlon ........................................................................................................................ 73
19.6 Lmergency load ..................................................................................................................... 76
19.7 1oLal power demands ............................................................................................................ 77
19.8 CperaLlng proflle ................................................................................................................... 78
20 ower lanL ............................................................................................................................... 79
20.1 Lnglne Lypes .......................................................................................................................... 79
20.1.1 ulesel englnes ................................................................................................................ 79
20.1.2 Cas Lurblne .................................................................................................................... 79
20.1.3 uual fuel englnes ........................................................................................................... 80
20.1.4 SelecLlon ........................................................................................................................ 80
20.2 Machlnery SelecLlon .............................................................................................................. 81
20.2.1 AlLernaLlve 1 .................................................................................................................. 81
20.2.2 AlLernaLlve 2 .................................................................................................................. 82
20.3 luel ........................................................................................................................................ 82
20.3.1 ulesel Cll ........................................................................................................................ 82
20.3.2 naLural Cas .................................................................................................................... 83
21 Machlnery ArrangemenL ........................................................................................................... 84
21.1 CenseL dlmenslons ................................................................................................................ 84
21.2 ManufacLurer recommendaLlons .......................................................................................... 84
21.3 Lnglne room layouL ............................................................................................................... 84
21.4 Machlnery ArrangemenL urawlng ......................................................................................... 84
22 Lndurance .................................................................................................................................. 83
22.1 luel & LnC calculaLlons ......................................................................................................... 83
22.2 LubrlcaLlon oll ........................................................................................................................ 86
22.3 lreshwaLer ............................................................................................................................. 86
7.4 Sewage holdlng ..................................................................................................................... 86
23 Summary of Lank volumes ......................................................................................................... 87
23.1.1 luel ................................................................................................................................ 87
23.1.2 oLable WaLer ............................................................................................................... 87
23.1.3 Sewage and lubrlcaLlon oll ............................................................................................ 87
23.1.4 8allasL ............................................................................................................................ 88
24 Seakeeplng ................................................................................................................................ 89
24.1 SofLware ................................................................................................................................ 89
24.2 1heory .................................................................................................................................... 89
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
24.3 CalculaLlon parameLers ......................................................................................................... 90
24.3.1 vessel speed .................................................................................................................. 90
24.3.2 Peadlng .......................................................................................................................... 90
24.3.3 8oll damplng .................................................................................................................. 90
24.3.4 Wave loads .................................................................................................................... 91
24.4 LlmlLlng CrlLerla ..................................................................................................................... 91
24.4.1 naLural perlods .............................................................................................................. 91
24.4.2 Module Pandllng LlmlLs ................................................................................................. 91
24.4.3 Shlp SafeLy ..................................................................................................................... 92
24.4.4 Crew LffecLs ................................................................................................................... 92
24.3 8esulLs ................................................................................................................................... 93
24.3.1 Maxlmum CperaLlng LlmlLs ........................................................................................... 93
24.3.2 AvallablllLy ..................................................................................................................... 93
23 Maneuverlng ............................................................................................................................. 98
26 SLrucLural Analysls ..................................................................................................................... 99
26.1 SofLware ................................................................................................................................ 99
26.2 MaLerlal SelecLlon ................................................................................................................. 99
26.3 LonglLudlnal SLrengLh ............................................................................................................ 99
26.4 SLlll WaLer 8endlng MomenL and Shear lorces .................................................................... 99
26.4.1 ueslgn 8endlng MomenL ............................................................................................. 100
26.4.2 Wave 8endlng MomenL ............................................................................................... 101
26.4.3 Mld Shlp SecLlon .......................................................................................................... 102
26.4.4 8esulLs ......................................................................................................................... 103
26.3 SLrengLh analysls of Lhe 1wln 1all ........................................................................................ 103
26.3.1 LsLabllshlng a model .................................................................................................... 103
26.3.2 LsLlmaLlon of momenL and requlred secLlon modulus ............................................... 104
26.3.3 CommenLs ................................................................................................................... 104
27 CosL Analysls ............................................................................................................................ 106
27.1 8ulldlng cosL ........................................................................................................................ 106
!"#! CperaLlng cosLs.................................................................................................................... 109
27.2.1 voyage cosLs ................................................................................................................ 109
27.2.2 Shore slde expenses .................................................................................................... 111
27.2.3 ually runnlng cosL ........................................................................................................ 112
27.3 1oLal annual operaLlonal cosL.............................................................................................. 113
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
27.4 8equlred dally raLe .............................................................................................................. 113
28 8lsk AssessmenL ...................................................................................................................... 113
28.1 Concerns on module movemenL ......................................................................................... 113
28.2 uevelopmenL and lnLegraLlon of Lhe slde damplng sysLem ................................................ 113
28.3 uevelopmenL and lnLegraLlon of Lhe LransporLaLlon sysLem .............................................. 116
28.4 lnaccuraLe sLaLlon keeplng analysls .................................................................................... 116
28.3 roblems lnLegraLlng dlrecL currenL .................................................................................... 116
28.6 lnLegraLlon of dual fuel sysLem ........................................................................................... 116
28.7 uncerLalnLles regardlng Lhe sLrengLh analysls .................................................................... 116
28.8 Speclal concerns regardlng 1wln 1all sLrengLh analysls ...................................................... 117
28.9 Maneuverlng concerns ........................................................................................................ 117
28.10 uncerLalnLy regardlng reslsLance predlcLlon ................................................................... 117
28.11 Concluslon on rlsk assessmenL ........................................................................................ 117
29 8eferences ............................................................................................................................... 118
29.1 8ooks ................................................................................................................................... 118
29.2 apers .................................................................................................................................. 118
29.3 8ules and regulaLlons .......................................................................................................... 119
29.4 ConversaLlons/Correspondences ........................................................................................ 119
29.3 SofLware .............................................................................................................................. 120
29.6 Web-addresses .................................................................................................................... 121

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
01/. +$ (%)*#/

1able 1: rlnclpal CharacLerlsLlcs ............................................................................................................ 1
1able 2: Cholce of hullform ..................................................................................................................... 6
1able 3: 8Cv launch and recovery sysLem ............................................................................................ 12
1able 4: 1lme schedule recovery and relnsLallaLlon ............................................................................. 13
1able 3: 1ranslL schedule ....................................................................................................................... 14
1able 6: CperaLlon schedule ................................................................................................................. 14
1able 7: Comparlson shlps /67/............................................................................................................. 13
1able 8: rlnclpal CharacLerlsLlcs .......................................................................................................... 18
1able 9: Mannlng esLlmaLe, marlne personnel ..................................................................................... 19
1able 10: 1oLal mannlng esLlmaLe ......................................................................................................... 19
1able 11: ConsLrucLlon ouLflLLlng .......................................................................................................... 21
1able 12: Shlp ouLflLLlng ........................................................................................................................ 22
1able 13: Crew faclllLles......................................................................................................................... 23
1able 14: Shlp faclllLles .......................................................................................................................... 24
1able 13: Machlnery capaclLy ................................................................................................................ 23
1able 16: Machlnery spaces .................................................................................................................. 23
1able 17: 1anks and vold spaces ........................................................................................................... 26
1able 18: volume summary ................................................................................................................... 27
1able 19:SLeel welghL esLlmaLe based on mldshlp secLlon ................................................................... 29
1able 20:SLeel welghL esLlmaLe based on SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn .................................................. 29
1able 21:SLeel welghL comparlson ........................................................................................................ 29
1able 22: LlghLshlp welghL ..................................................................................................................... 30
1able 23: ueparLure condlLlon .............................................................................................................. 31
1able 24: Module handllng condlLlon ................................................................................................... 32
1able 23: Arrlval condlLlon .................................................................................................................... 33
1able 26: CenLer of gravlLy, llghLshlp .................................................................................................... 34
1able 27: CenLer of gravlLy, module handllng ....................................................................................... 33
1able 28: CenLer of gravlLy, arrlval ........................................................................................................ 33
1able 29: 1rlm durlng lnsLallaLlon ......................................................................................................... 41
1able 30: 1rlm durlng recoverlng .......................................................................................................... 41
1able 31: 1rlm durlng module handllng and llghLshlp condlLlon .......................................................... 42
1able 32: PydrosLaLlc daLa durlng lnsLallaLlon ...................................................................................... 42
1able 33: PydrosLaLlc daLa durlng recoverlng ....................................................................................... 43
1able 34: PydrosLaLlc daLa for module handllng and llghLshlp condlLlon ............................................. 43
1able 33: SLablllLy check for lnsLallaLlon ............................................................................................... 44
1able 36: SLablllLy check for recoverlng ................................................................................................ 44
1able 37: SLablllLy check for module handllng ...................................................................................... 43
1able 38: ermablllLles .......................................................................................................................... 49
1able 39: uamage cases ........................................................................................................................ 30
1able 40: uamage case resulLs .............................................................................................................. 31
1able 41: valld ranges of PolLrop '84 .................................................................................................... 33
1able 42: arameLers MvP ................................................................................................................... 33
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
1able 43: valld ranges of Pollenbach '98 .............................................................................................. 33
1able 44: 1hrusL sysLem Lrade off maLrlx .............................................................................................. 37
1able 43: ropeller lLeraLlon ................................................................................................................. 63
1able 46: Lfflclency elecLrlcal componenLs ........................................................................................... 64
1able 47: 8esulLlng power for each force generaLor ............................................................................ 69
1able 48: 8esulLlng power for each force generaLor, sLern azlmuLh porL slde ldle .............................. 69
1able 49: 1oLal requlred power u ....................................................................................................... 70
1able 30: Maxlmum requlred power for each force generaLor ............................................................ 70
1able 31: 1hrusLer conflguraLlon ........................................................................................................... 70
1able 32: Lmergency load ..................................................................................................................... 76
1able 33: ulesel englnes ........................................................................................................................ 79
1able 34: Cas Lurblnes ........................................................................................................................... 80
1able 33: 8elevanL dual fuel englnes..................................................................................................... 81
1able 36: llrsL alLernaLlve englne conflguraLlon ................................................................................... 81
1able 37: Second alLernaLlve englne conflguraLlon .............................................................................. 82
1able 38: CenseL dlmenslons ................................................................................................................ 84
1able 39: Speclflc consumpLlon of englnes ........................................................................................... 83
1able 60: luel consumpLlon ln LranslL ................................................................................................... 83
1able 61: luel consumpLlon ln oLher condlLlons ................................................................................... 83
1able 62: 1oLal consumpLlon of fuel durlng one operaLlon .................................................................. 83
1able 63: Consumables ......................................................................................................................... 86
1able 64: luel capaclLy .......................................................................................................................... 87
1able 63: oLable waLer capaclLy .......................................................................................................... 87
1able 66: Sewage and lub oll capaclLy ................................................................................................... 87
1able 67: 8allasL capaclLy ...................................................................................................................... 88
1able 68: Llgenperlods .......................................................................................................................... 91
1able 69: LlmlLs, heave compensaLor and wlnch .................................................................................. 91
1able 70: LlmlLs, shlp safeLy .................................................................................................................. 92
1able 71: LlmlLs, crew effecLs ................................................................................................................ 93
1able 72: ueslgn sLlll waLer bendlng momenL amldshlps ................................................................... 101
1able 73: Wave bendlng momenLs amldshlps .................................................................................... 102
1able 74: SecLlon Modulus .................................................................................................................. 103
1able 73: MaLerlals and labor cosLs .................................................................................................... 108
1able 76: 8ulldlng prlce ....................................................................................................................... 108
1able 77: 8unker cosLs ........................................................................................................................ 110
1able 78: orL cosLs ............................................................................................................................. 111
1able 79: Module handllng cosLs ........................................................................................................ 111
1able 80: Shore slde expenses ............................................................................................................ 111
1able 81: Shlp expenses ...................................................................................................................... 112
1able 82: Consumables ....................................................................................................................... 112
1able 83: Mannlng cosLs ...................................................................................................................... 113
1able 84: 1oLal annual operaLlonal cosL .............................................................................................. 113
1able 83: 8equred day raLe ................................................................................................................. 114
1able 86: LxpecLed resulL per year ...................................................................................................... 114

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
01/. +$ 2134"#/
llgure 1: Map showlng Lhe prlmary and secondary operaLlng flelds for Lhe vessel /73/. ...................... 3
llgure 2: 1he deslgn splral of SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn /1/ .................................................................. 4
llgure 3: SkeLch of Lhe new sLern............................................................................................................ 7
llgure 4: Slmpllfled lllusLraLlon of gulde wlres and damplng sysLem. .................................................... 8
llgure 3: Pydraullc damplng sysLem ....................................................................................................... 9
llgure 6: uamplng and supporL sysLem .................................................................................................. 9
llgure 7: 1ransporL sysLem .................................................................................................................... 10
llgure 8: Wlre arrangemenL .................................................................................................................. 11
llgure 9: 8Cv launch and recovery sysLem ........................................................................................... 12
llgure 10: Shlp funcLlons ....................................................................................................................... 20
llgure 11: ApproxlmaLe sLeel welghL dlsLrlbuLlon ................................................................................ 28
llgure 12: WelghL dlsLrlbuLlon llghLshlp ................................................................................................ 30
llgure 13: WelghL dlsLrlbuLlon deparLure ............................................................................................. 31
llgure 14: WelghL dlsLrlbuLlon module handllng .................................................................................. 32
llgure 13: WelghL dlsLrlbuLlon arrlval ................................................................................................... 33
llgure 16: Curves of form ...................................................................................................................... 36
llgure 17: Curves of form ...................................................................................................................... 36
llgure 18: Curves of form ...................................................................................................................... 37
llgure 19: SecLlonal Area Curve ............................................................................................................ 37
llgure 20: lncreased cenLer of gravlLy ................................................................................................... 39
llgure 21: CZ-curve for lnsLallaLlon ....................................................................................................... 43
llgure 22: CZ-curves durlng recoverlng ................................................................................................ 44
llgure 23: CZ-curve for module handllng.............................................................................................. 43
llgure 24: SkeLch of free surface Lank ................................................................................................... 46
llgure 23: u-Lank ................................................................................................................................... 47
llgure 26: lloodable lengLh curve ......................................................................................................... 47
llgure 27: WaLerLlghL doors ln Lhe englne room .................................................................................. 48
llgure 28: uamage cases ....................................................................................................................... 49
llgure 29: Cff-cenLer floodlng ............................................................................................................... 30
llgure 30: llre, exploslon ...................................................................................................................... 31
llgure 31: Colllslon ln afL ....................................................................................................................... 31
llgure 32: 8esulLs of reslsLance esLlmaLe .............................................................................................. 34
llgure 33: Lnglne fuel LesL aL varlable speed /23/ ................................................................................ 60
llgure 34 ropeller clearance ................................................................................................................ 62
llgure 33: ropeller lLeraLlon ................................................................................................................ 63
llgure 36: 8reak power ......................................................................................................................... 63
llgure 37: 1he !CnSWA specLrum for y=1-7 ....................................................................................... 66
llgure 38: 1wo of Lhe forbldden LhrusLer zones ................................................................................... 67
llgure 39: lorce generaLor resulLlng force ploL, envlronmenLal effecL 230 degrees ........................... 68
llgure 40: Maln swlLchboard ................................................................................................................. 72
llgure 41: CperaLlng proflle normal u load ........................................................................................ 78
llgure 42: CperaLlng proflle max u load ............................................................................................. 78
llgure 43: luel sysLem MuC ................................................................................................................. 82
llgure 44: luel sysLem LnC ................................................................................................................... 83
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
llgure 43: user lnLeracLlon ln seakeeplng analysls ............................................................................... 89
llgure 46: CperaLlng llmlLs, headlng 0 degrees .................................................................................... 94
llgure 47: CperaLlng llmlLs, headlng 20 degrees .................................................................................. 93
llgure 48: 3u scaLLer dlagram, 1he norweglan Sea .............................................................................. 96
llgure 49: robablllLy versus wave helghL ............................................................................................ 96
llgure 30: Load dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe arrlval condlLlon from Pydromax ro analysls ............................ 100
llgure 31: CalculaLed bendlng momenL and deslgn bendlng momenL ............................................... 101
llgure 32: Wave bendlng momenLs amldshlps accordlng Lo unv 8ule .............................................. 102
llgure 33: Slmpllfled load dlsLrlbuLlon for Lhe 1wln 1all ..................................................................... 104
llgure 34: Llfe cycle cosL...................................................................................................................... 106
llgure 33: 8ulldlng cosL ....................................................................................................................... 106
llgure 36: 8ulldlng cosL ....................................................................................................................... 108
llgure 37: CperaLlng cosL .................................................................................................................... 109

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
01/. +$ 2+"54*%/
lormula 1: lncreased cenLer of gravlLy ................................................................................................. 39
lormula 2: 1rlm changes ....................................................................................................................... 40
lormula 3: CZ-value .............................................................................................................................. 42
lormula 4: naLural perlod of a roll Lank ................................................................................................ 46
lormula 3: l11C'37 frlcLlonal coefflclenL llne for LurbulenL flow /7/ .................................................... 34
lormula 6: 8eynold's number ............................................................................................................... 34
lormula 7: 1oLal propulslon efflclency .................................................................................................. 61
lormula 8: ropulslon efflclency ........................................................................................................... 61
lormula 9: Pull efflclency ...................................................................................................................... 61
lormula 10: 8elaLlonshlp beLween vessel speed and waLer speed ln Lo propeller area ...................... 62
lormula 11: Lmplrlcal formula for wake coefflclenL /7/ ....................................................................... 62
lormula 12: 8elaLlonshlp beLween LhrusL reducLlon and wake coefflclenL /17/ ................................. 62
lormula 13: 1hrusL reducLlon coefflclenL /7/........................................................................................ 62
lormula 14: ropeller clearance ........................................................................................................... 62
lormula 13: 8 value /7/ ....................................................................................................................... 63
lormula 16: 1oLal propulslon efflclency ................................................................................................ 64
lormula 17: LlecLrlcal dlsLrlbuLlon efflclency ........................................................................................ 64
lormula 18: 1owlng power ................................................................................................................... 64
lormula 19: 8reak power ...................................................................................................................... 64
lormula 20: SpecLral denslLy funcLlon for Lhe !CnSWA specLrum /34/ ............................................. 66
lormula 21: ump power ...................................................................................................................... 73
lormula 22: volume flow, fuel .............................................................................................................. 74
lormula 23: ulameLer bllge plpes ......................................................................................................... 74
lormula 24: ump capaclLy bllge pump ................................................................................................ 73
lormula 23: vessel's responce specLrum .............................................................................................. 89
lormula 26: Mass momenL of lnerLla .................................................................................................... 90
lormula 27: 8adll of gyraLlon ................................................................................................................ 90
lormula 28: naLural perlods ................................................................................................................. 91
lormula 29: Slammlng crlLerla .............................................................................................................. 92
lormula 30: Shear and bendlng momenL ........................................................................................... 100
lormula 31: 1he Lrapezoldal rule ........................................................................................................ 100
lormula 32: SecLlon modulus .............................................................................................................. 104
lormula 33: 8eal lnLeresL raLe ............................................................................................................. 113
lormula 34: Llfe cycle cosLs ................................................................................................................. 113
lormula 33: needed yearly lncome .................................................................................................... 113
lormula 36: 8esulL margln .................................................................................................................. 114

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012
Lxpanded blade area
WaLer plane area
A AfL perpendlcular
8 8readLh
8M 8uoyancy Lo meLacenLre
8lock coefflclenL
lrlcLlonal reslsLance coefflclenL
CL CenLre Llne
Mld shlp coefflclenL
Carbon dloxlde
rlsmaLlc coefflclenL
1oLal reslsLance coefflclenL
WaLerllne coefflclenL
d ulameLer
unv ueL norske verlLas
uW1 uead welghL Lonnage
LA8 Lxpanded area raLlo
f lrlcLlon coefflclenL
lroude's number

lLC lloodable lengLh curve
l lore perpendlcular
g CravlLy
CM MeLacenLre helghL
1ransverse meLacenLre helghL
Cv Cross volume
SlgnlflcanL wave helghL
l MomenL of lnerLla
lMC lnLernaLlonal MarlLlme CrganlzaLlon
k lorm facLor
k8, vC8 verLlcal cenLre of buoyancy
kC, vCC verLlcal cenLre of gravlLy
kM 1ransverse meLacenLrlc helghL
LengLh over all

LengLh beLween perpendlculars

LengLh ln waLerllne
LC8 LonglLudlnal cenLre of buoyancy
LCC Llfe cycle cosL
LCl LonglLudlnal cenLre of floaLaLlon
LCC LonglLudlnal cenLre of gravlLy
LnC Llquefled naLural gas
M MomenL
MC8 Maxlmum conLlnuous raLlng
MuC Marlne dlesel oll
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

(caplLal) LffecL
C Shear force
r 8adlus
8AC 8esponse ampllLude operaLors
8Cv 8emoLely CperaLed vehlcle
8M 8ounds per mlnuLe
1oLal reslsLance
S WeLLed surface
SAC SecLlon area curve
S8Su SysLem based shlp deslgn
SCLAS lnLernaLlonal convenLlon of SafeLy of llfe aL sea
L 1hrusL reducLlon/Lhlckness
1 uraughL
v veloclLy
w Wake
WAC WaLerplane area curve
SLeel welghL
Cpen waLer efflclency
1oLal propulslve efflclency
Pull efflclency

8elaLlve roLaLlve efflclency

p uenslLy
A ulsplacemenL
o lllm coefflclenL
u lrequency
o SLress
( Wave moLlon


7 89#&4.1:# ;455%"<
1he Cwner's 8equlremenLs address a need for a vessel capable of execuLlng llfLlng operaLlons on subsea
modules wlLh dlmenslons of 23 meLers lengLh, 13 meLers breadLh and 12 meLers helghL. ApproxlmaLely Lhe
modules welghL 300 Lons.
1he module dlmenslons are Loo large for a consLrucLlon vessel ln servlce Loday, and Lhe deslgn Leam had Lo
Lhlnk of alLernaLlve module handllng concepLs Lo solve Lhe Lask.
1he soluLlon ls a module handllng sysLem LhaL comblnes advanLages from dlfferenL soluLlons exlsLlng Loday.
1he soluLlon comprehends a shlp hull spllLLlng asLern, converLlng Lhe mono hull lnLo a seml-caLamaran
named 1wln 1all. 1he 1wln 1all wlll be equlpped wlLh a module damplng sysLem ln order Lo launch and
recover Lhe module ln a safe manner. An A-frame capable of llfLlng such modules ls placed on deck ln fronL of
Lhe 1wln 1all.
1hls reporL sLaLes LhaL Lhe 1wln 1all concepL has Lhe capablllLy Lo comply wlLh Lhe Cwner's 8equlremenLs.
Some lssues have Lo be looked closely lnLo ln Lhe nexL deslgn lLeraLlon. Cf mosL lmporLance Lhe modules
ablllLy Lo cause damage Lo vessel, equlpmenL or personnel due Lo unconLrolled movemenL whlle execuLlng a
SysLem 8ased Shlp deslgn has been used Lo esLlmaLe necessary areas and volumes. 1he geomeLrlc deflnlLlons
of Lhe vessel are glven ln Lhe Lable below.

K3C.MCP5: Q9535MD23C6DCM6
R2.AD9 8B23 5::* R85 140 [m]
R2.AD9 12DS22. P23P2.4CM/:536 130 [m]
R2.AD9 8. S5D23:C.2 133,9 [m]
T3254D9 30 [m}
U35LD 6,3 [m]
T:8MH M82LLCMC2.D 0,64 [-]

V2CA9D 4C6P:5M202.D 16 200 [Lons]
W8:/02 4C6P:5M202.D 13 800 [m
K5F:854 X2Y/CP02.DZ 1 130 [Lons]
T23D96 130 [persons]

%5M9C.23F 6 x uual luel
"8D5: C.6D5::24 P8S23 21 612 [kW]
"3C5: 6P224 13 [knoLs]
,23BCM2 6P224 12 [knoLs]

T/C:4C.A M86D6 190 934 106 [uSu]
&2M26653F 35D2 P23 45F 132 090 [uSu]
"51:2 NJ K3C.MCP5: Q9535MD23C6DCM6
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

= >%&?3"+4-@ A-$+"5%.1+-
7B7 A-."+@4&.1+-
1he sgard fleld, dlscovered ln 1982, ranks among Lhe largesL oll and gas developmenLs on Lhe norweglan
conLlnenLal shelf. 1he fleld, aL approxlmaLe laLlLude of 63 degrees and longlLude of 6 degrees, ls embraclng a
LoLal of 32 wells spread over an area of 20 by 60 kllomeLers. ln order Lo reLrleve more gas from Lhe
reservolrs, Lhe operaLor, SLaLoll, now alms Lo lnsLall gas compressors on Lhe seabed. 1hls ls Lo be reallzed ln
2014, as Lhe world's flrsL pro[ecL of lLs klnd, and ls a sLep ln Lhe developmenL of compleLe subsea facLorles ln
Lhe norLh Sea. Slmllar gas compresslon pro[ecLs are planned for Lhe Cullfaks and Crmen Lange fleld. /73/
1he gas compresslon sysLem ls lnsLalled on a large LemplaLe aL Lhe seabed. 1he sLrucLure conslsLs of
compressors, pumps, scrubbers and coolers LhaL, puL LogeLher as larger subsea modules, wlll requlre
lnsLallaLlon-, recovery- and malnLenance operaLlons. /40/.
1oday, subsea modules are launched and recovered Lhrough moon pools wlLh Lyplcal dlmenslons of
approxlmaLely 7 by 7 meLers. lf Lhe moon pool of Lhe vessel ls Loo small, Lhe module musL be llfLed over Lhe
vessel's shlpslde or lnsLead handled by a heavy llfL vessel or crane vessel. 1he handllng of large modules over
Lhe shlpslde ls a crlLlcal slLuaLlon wlLh regard Lo boLh Lhe capslzlng of Lhe vessel and Lhe hazard of deck hands
belng hlL by hanglng ob[ecLs. lurLhermore, Lhe hlre raLe of heavy llfL vessels ls hlgh. lL ls Lhus llkely LhaL Lhere
wlll be a need for vessels LhaL can handle Lhe new, large modules boLh for lnsLallaLlon on Lhe seabed, and for
LransporLaLlon Lo malnLenance and repalr slLes.
7B= C1//1+- D#/&"1E.1+-
1he vessel ls Lo execuLe LransporLaLlon, launch and recovery of subsea modules, as well as oLher consLrucLlon
and lnLervenLlon relaLed Lasks. 1he operaLlons are requlrlng a llfLlng capaclLy of 300 Lons aL sgard and
handllng of subsea modules of approxlmaLely 23 meLers lengLh, 13 meLers wldLh and 12 meLers helghL, Lo be
ad[usLed Lo developlng demand /39/.
7BF G"#% +$ HE#"%.1+-
ln addlLlon Lo operaLlon on Lhe sgard fleld, gas compresslon sysLems aL Lhe Cullfaks and Crmen Lange flelds
are Laken lnLo conslderaLlon as secondary areas of operaLlon.
1he sea depLhs aL Lhese flelds vary beLween 130 and 1100 meLers. AL Lhe sgard fleld, Lhe sea depLh ls from
240 meLers Lo 310 meLers.
1he surface LemperaLure ln Lhe norLh- and norweglan Sea ls Lyplcally 3-6 degrees ln wlnLer and 12-13
degrees ln summer /74/. 1here ls Lhus no need for lce sLrengLhenlng.
A relevanL base for offshore operaLlons ls vesLbase near krlsLlansund aL Lhe wesL coasL of norway. vesLbase
holds a heavy llfL crane as well as necessary equlpmenL for malnLenance of Lhe modules. 1he dlsLance
beLween vesLbase and Lhe sgard fleld ls approxlmaLely 130 nauLlcal mlles.
7BI D4"%.1+-
A Lyplcal mlsslon for Lhe vessel wlll lnclude moblllzaLlon, LranslL and recovery and relnsLallaLlon of Lwo
respecLlve subsea modules. Assumlng an average speed of 12 knoLs, Lhe LoLal duraLlon of such a mlsslon wlll
be mlnlmum 23 days dependlng on Lhe weaLher.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7BJ !+". K#/."1&.1+-/
1he depLh ln Lhe porL of vesLbase ls 10 meLers, whlch ls Lhe only porL resLrlcLlon Lo be accounLed for.

[CA/32 NJ %5P 698SC.A D92 P3C053F 5.4 62M8.453F
8P235DC.A LC2:46 L83 D92 B2662: \O?\]

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

= ;</.#5 >%/#@ ;L1E D#/13-
1he chosen deslgn meLhod ls SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn" /1/. 8y uslng coefflclenLs of comparlson shlps and
facLors such as Lhe vessel's rouLe, resLrlcLlons and requlred capaclLles, Lhe necessary areas and volumes on
board Lhe vessel are esLlmaLed aL an early sLage ln Lhe pro[ecL.
ln S8Su, Lhe deslgn process ls dlvlded lnLo flve maln phases: Mlsslon", luncLlon", lorm", erformance"
and Lconomlcs". 1he deslgn work sLarLs wlLh deflnlng Lhe mlsslon of Lhe vessel, and based on Lhls a funcLlon
descrlpLlon can be made. Pere all Lhe sysLems needed for Lhe shlp Lo perform lLs Lasks are speclfled, and are
used Lo esLlmaLe Lhe maln characLerlsLlcs of Lhe shlp. 1hen lorm", erformance" and Lconomlcs" are
ad[usLed Lo each oLher as lndlcaLed by Lhe deslgn splral.
S8Su offers coefflclenL values for dlfferenL Lypes of vessels, buL lf values of Lhe coefflclenLs can be Laken from
a slmllar shlp, Lhls ls an advanLage. 1he chosen concepL makes lL a challenge Lo flnd correcL values of
coefflclenLs for S8Su, as no fully approprlaLe comparlson shlp ls Lo be found. Powever, coefflclenLs from
S8Su have been used lnlLlally. 1he resulLs have been checked agalnsL offshore vessels performlng slmllar
Lasks as Lhe vessel Lo be deslgned and professors aL Lhe norweglan unlverslLy of Sclence and 1echnology,
and have been re-evaluaLed accordlngly. CLher meLhods have also been applled when necessary.
uue Lo Lhe lLeraLlon process, some deLalls LhroughouL Lhe chapLers are based on calculaLlons and declslons
made laLer ln Lhe reporL.

[CA/32 ;J "92 426CA. 6PC35: 8L ,F6D20 T5624 ,9CP U26CA. \N\

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

F ,+-&#E. D#:#*+E5#-.
ulfferenL concepLs for hull form and module handllng wlll be dlscussed ln Lhe followlng secLlon.
FB7 M%-.#@ N4%*1.1#/
kemotk. 1be lofotmotloo below ls boseJ oo coovetsotloos ooJ moll cottespooJeoce wltb employees lo 5totoll,
Aket 5olotloos ooJ 5obseo 7 lo tbe eotly beqlooloq of tbls ptoject. 1bese compooles ote oll lovolveJ lo tbe oll
ooJ qos loJostty lo Notwoy /J8 / /J9/.
wbeo Jeveloploq tbe coocept fot moJole booJlloq teseotcb wos Jooe by lotetvlewloq employees lo offsbote
compooles ooJ Jlscossloq tbe oltetootlves wltb botb offlcets ooJ JeckbooJs wotkloq oo vessels offsbote. 1be
stotemeots lo tbls sectloo ote boseJ oo tbelt expetleoce. /51/
1he owner sLaLes Lhe need for a vessel wlLh 300 Lons llfLlng capaclLy aL 310 meLers deep.
1he deck area musL be sufflclenL for sLorlng Lhe subsea modules and auxlllary equlpmenL durlng LranslL, as
well as be a safe worklng area for Lhe deckhands. A large open deck wlll glve Lhe vessel flexlblllLy Lo perform
a specLer of work Lasks offshore whlch ls emphaslzed as an advanLage.
1he vessel's offshore operaLlon wlll be planned ahead of Llme, and a hlgh LranslL speed ls Lherefore noL
requlred from Lhe owner.
CapaclLy Lo perform Lhe deslgnaLed work durlng mosL weaLher condlLlons ln Lhe norweglan Sea ls necessary
Lo be a rellable lnsLrumenL for Lhe owner. Lven Lhough Lhe operaLlons wlll be planned ahead, a vessel
capable of worklng ln a sea sLaLe of slgnlflcanL wave helghL up Lo 3 meLer has been suggesLed as an
advanLage. lf Lhls ls achleved Lhe vessel wlll have a hlgher avallablllLy Lhan Lodays fleeL of offshore
consLrucLlon vessels.
Mlnlmal envlronmenLal lmpacL and economlcal aspecLs are also maLLers Lo be consldered.
FB= O4** $+"5
FB=B7 O4** G*.#"-%.1:#/
1he followlng hull alLernaLlves are consldered:
- 8arge
- Seml submerslble plaLform (seml-sub)
- Small WaLer plane Area 1wln Pull (SWA1P)
- ConvenLlonal mono hull
FB=B= 8:%*4%.1+- +$ .L# G*.#"-%.1:#/
none of Lhe hull alLernaLlves above are ruled ouL by Lhe requlred llfLlng capaclLy of 300 Lons, and all Lhe
alLernaLlves can easlly have a large open deck. 1he deslre for an envlronmenL frlendly vessel does noL
ellmlnaLe any of Lhe alLernaLlves slnce all vessels can be deslgned Lo leave a mlnlmal envlronmenLal
fooLprlnL. 1hls sald, convenLlonal hulls offer Lhe mosL energy efflclenL way of LransporLlng Loday.
1he avallablllLy of Lhe vessel ls sLrlcLly connecLed Lo Lhe seakeeplng capaclLy. 1he raLlo beLween dlsplacemenL
and waLer plane area for Lhe seml-sub and Lhe SWA1P cause small movemenLs ln almosL all weaLher
condlLlons. 1he same raLlo lmplles large movemenLs for Lhe barge alLernaLlve. 1he convenLlonal hull lles
somewhere ln beLween buL can experlence large roll movemenLs when waves ls hlLLlng Lhe vessel sldeways.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

CapablllLy of execuLlng llfLlng operaLlons ln slgnlflcanL wave helghL up Lo 3 meLers can be a challenge for Lhe
barge and Lhe convenLlonal hull.
1he LranslL speed of Lhe alLernaLlves favors Lhe SWA1P and Lhe convenLlonal hull. 1he barge and seml-sub
are dependenL on Lugs durlng LranslL and have much lower LranslL speed.
1he bulldlng cosLs are favorlng Lhe barge whlch ls an exLremely cheap hull form. 1he SWA1P and Lhe seml-
sub are Lhe mosL expenslve alLernaLlves due Lo Lhelr complex sLrucLures.
uurlng Lhe operaLlon, Lhe ablllLy Lo operaLe lndlvldually lnfluences Lhe cosLs slgnlflcanLly. 1he need for Lugs
for maneuverlng and propulslon ls a large dlsadvanLage wlLh a barge.
FBF ;#*#&.1+- +$ O4**$+"5
ln selecLlng Lhe opLlmal hullform a declslon maLrlx ls used. 1he sum of Lhe scores for one crlLerlon ls one. 1he
dlfferenL scores are mulLlplled wlLh Lhe welghL of each crlLerlon.
,M8326 X,Z
T53A2 ,20C-6/1 ,V$") Q8.B2.DC8.5:
,25H22PC.A 0,40 0,10 0,40 0,30 0,20 1
'P235DC8.5: M86D6 0,30 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 1
T/C:4C.A M86D6 0,13 0,30 0,10 0,10 0,30 1
"35.6CD 6P224 0,13 0,10 0,10 0,40 0,40 1
,/0 XV^,Z <*N= <*;? <*;I? <*E<? N
"51:2 ;J Q98CM2 8L 9/::L830

WlLh a besL LoLal score Lhe convenLlonal hull ls chosen. 1he nexL Llng Lo deLermlne ls whaL klnd of module
handllng sysLem whlch ls Lo be used.
FBI C+@4*# O%-@*1-3
ln Lhls chapLer, meLhod for module handllng wlll be declded.
FBIB7 M%-.#@ N4%*1.1#/
1he module handllng sysLem should noL expose Lhe module, vessel or deckhands for any rlsk durlng Lhe
llfLlng operaLlon. lL should be posslble Lo dlmenslonlng Lhe sysLem so lL ls capable of handllng modules durlng
mosL weaLher condlLlons ln Lhe area of operaLlon. 1he module's lengLh may be shorLer, buL Lhe wldLh ls
FBIB= D#:#*+E5#-. +$ .L# C+@4*# O%-@*1-3 ;</.#5
uurlng Lhe developmenL of Lhe concepL for module handllng, Lhe followlng sysLems were evaluaLed:
- Cver slde wlLh a knuckle boom crane
- Cver Lhe sLern wlLh an A-frame crane
- 1hrough moon pool by crane or llfLlng Lower
LlfLlng unlLs over Lhe shlp's slde by a crane ls Lhe mosL LradlLlonal way of performlng llfLlng operaLlons. 1hls
meLhod does noL lmmedlaLely seL a slze llmlL for Lhe modules, buL Lhe welghL has Lo be consldered carefully
wlLh regard Lo sLablllLy durlng llfLlng operaLlon.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

8y llfLlng Lhe module over Lhe sLern of Lhe vessel, Lhe llfLlng ls done Lhrough Lhe cenLer llne of Lhe vessel and
does noL expose Lhe vessel for a dlrecL momenL of LllL. 1he larger movemenL aL Lhe sLern, leads Lo hlgher
capaclLy requlremenLs for Lhe heave compensaLor and wlnch Lhan llfLlng near Lhe cenLer of floLaLlon.
8y llfLlng Lhe module Lhrough a moon pool placed near Lhe shlp's floLaLlon cenLer, Lhe movemenLs where Lhe
llfLlng ls done are mlnlmlzed. 1he posslblllLy of wave resonance ln Lhe moon pool, can also llmlL Lhe wave
perlods for whlch Lhe vessel can perform llfLlng operaLlons.
uurlng evaluaLlon of Lhese alLernaLlves, a new ldea of module handllng was suggesLed. 8y comblnlng
advanLages and prlnclples from already exlsLlng meLhods, a concepLual sLern developed.
SpllLLlng Lhe sLern, maklng an openlng wlde and long enough Lo llfL Lhe modules Lhrough uslng an A-frame,
can be a way of comblnlng several advanLages from Lhe oLher alLernaLlves:
- LlfLlng Lhe module wlll Lhen be done ln Lhe cenLerllne of Lhe shlp as for an A- frame llfLlng over Lhe
- Movlng Lhe llfLlng operaLlon some dlsLance Lowards Lhe floLaLlon cenLer reduces Lhe moLlons ln Lhe
poslLlon of Lhe llfL.
- lnsLalllng a supporL sysLem lnslde Lhe open sLern Lo gulde Lhe module Lhrough Lhe splash zone
lncreases Lhe maxlmum wave helghL accepLable for operaLlon.
- 1he rlsk of wave resonance lnslde Lhe llfLlng area wlll be ellmlnaLed as wave energy ls leL ouL of Lhe
1hls concepL has a numerous of lssues Lo be consldered before Lhe acLual feaslblllLy can be deLermlned. 1he
sLern musL be Laken Lhrough a deslgn process Lo calculaLe Lhe acLual effecL and posslble advanLages. llrsL of
all, a concepLual module handllng sysLem musL be developed.

[CA/32 EJ ,H2DM9 8L D92 .2S 6D23.

ln order Lo develop a sysLem for module handllng, Lhe sLeps of Lhe operaLlon musL be furLher evaluaLed.
1hree phases are Lo be consldered, llfL from seabed, llfL Lhrough openlng ln sLern and LransporLaLlon Lo deck.
M@M@K 01$. $"+5 /#%)#@
uue of Lhe slze of Lhe module, currenL and wave moLlon wlll have an lmpacL on Lhe modules movemenLs.
Culde wlres can Lhus be used Lo make Lhe module follow a glven paLh up Lo Lhe vessel. 1he wlres are
aLLached Lo Lhe module by remoLely operaLed vehlcles. ln order Lo gulde a module of 300 Lons, Lhe gulde
wlres wlll have Lo yleld abouL 3-10 Lons Lenslon /41/.
1o ensure a conslsLenL holsLlng speed of Lhe module and avold [erks ln Lhe wlre, Lhe sysLem should be heave
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

M@M@I 01$. .L"+43L +E#-1-3 1- /.#"-
1he wave force lncreases exponenLlally as Lhe module elevaLe Lowards Lhe surface, and Lhe movemenLs of
Lhe module can be crlLlcal ln Lhe splash zone of Lhe sLern openlng. 1o avold colllslons beLween Lhe module
and Lhe hull, a sysLem for guldlng Lhe module safely Lhrough Lhe sLern openlng ls necessary.
ln a moon pool llfLlng of modules are ofLen done by locked cursor frames. AfLer consulLlng wlLh rofessor 8.
eLLersen /37/, applylng such a soluLlon ln Lhe sLern was consldered dlfflculL due Lo Lhe large welghL and
dlmenslons of Lhe module. A grlpplng sysLem wlLh fenders lowered below Lhe hull was consldered as an
alLernaLlve meLhod, Lhe advanLage belng Lhe early guldlng of Lhe module. Powever, proLruslons have
weaknesses regardlng foundaLlon and Lhe meLhod was Lhus ellmlnaLed.
A damplng sysLem sLarLlng aL Lhe base of Lhe hull conslsLlng of verLlcal rows of reLracLable wheels ls
consldered posslble. 1he wheels can be mounLed on Lhe lnslde of Lhe sLern openlng, and damp Lhe modules
movemenLs Lhrough Lhe splash zone. Such a damplng sysLem ls developed furLher.

[CA/32 GJ ,C0P:CLC24 C::/6D35DC8. 8L A/C42 SC326 5.4 450PC.A 6F6D20]
M@M@N D#:#*+E5#-. +$ @%5E1-3 /</.#5
1he wheels can be placed on rods connecLed Lo shafLs golng Lhrough a caslng ln a waLerLlghL bulkhead. Lach
rod wlll be connecLed Lo a hydraullc cyllnder, maklng lL posslble Lo reLracL Lhe wheels durlng LranslL. 1hls ls ln
order Lo mlnlmlze Lhe effecL on reslsLance as well as reduclng Lhe wear of Lhe wheels. 1hls ls lllusLraLed ln
llgure 3.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 ?J )F435/:CM 450PC.A 6F6D20

ln order Lo exerL a damplng force on Lhe module, Lhe wheels wlll need supporL from pneumaLlc sprlngs.
1hese reacL Lo movemenLs and change ln load.
As more wheels lead Lo a more complex hydraullc sysLem, Lhe cosL also lncreases wlLh Lhe amounL of wheels.
1hus one would llke a mlnlmum number of wheels, whllsL malnLalnlng safe supporL. lL ls assumed LhaL lL wlll
be sufflclenL wlLh Lhree verLlcal rows of wheels on each slde of Lhe lnslde of Lhe sLern. Lach, wlLh wheels of
dlameLer 1.3 meLers and breadLh of 0.8 meLers. 1he LoLal number of wheels wlll depend on Lhe flnal hull
Assumlng operaLlons ln slgnlflcanL wave helghLs up Lo flve meLers, Lhe module should be damped from abouL
Lhree meLers beneaLh Lhe waLer llne/44/, requlrlng a hull drafL of aL leasL Lhree meLers aL Lhe flrsL sLep of
As Lhe drafL of Lhe sLern wlll be reduced Lowards Lhe afL (see chapLer 7, Pull ueslgn), Lhe module wlll flrsL be
damped aL Lwo polnLs, Lhen, as lL approaches Lhe surface, lL wlll be damped by four polnLs and flnally slx
polnLs as lL reaches Lhe splash zone as lllusLraLed ln llgure 6. 1he damplng sysLem ls exLended flve meLers
over Lhe maln deck ln order Lo prevenL sldeways moLlon of Lhe module when ouL of waLer.

[CA/32 =J U50PC.A 5.4 6/PP83D 6F6D20

ln Lhe followlng lL ls assumed LhaL such a slde damplng sysLem ls feaslble.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

M@M@M ("%-/E+".%.1+- +$ .L# 5+@4*# .+ @#&?
When ouL of waLer, Lhe module musL be LransporLed safely Lo deck. LlmlLlng Lhe llfLlng operaLlon Lo only
verLlcal movemenL ls consldered an advanLage especlally wlLh regard Lo Lhe safeLy of Lhe mannlng and
sLablllLy of Lhe shlp. LlfLlng Lhe module ln a pendulum moLlon should Lhus be avolded. lor Lhe LransporLaLlon
of Lhe module, a movlng A-frame was consldered. 1he A-frame legs would Lhen be mounLed on brackeLs able
Lo move ln Lhe longlLudlnal dlrecLlon. Powever, feaslblllLy was consldered unsaLlsfacLory due Lo concerns
regardlng Lhe large forces occurrlng aL Lhe foundaLlon of Lhe A-frame.
A soluLlon wlLh a plaLform runnlng on a rall sysLem was Lhen suggesLed. As Lhe module ls elevaLed, Lhe gulde
wlres can be dlsmounLed and Lhe plaLform can be moved over Lhe openlng ln Lhe sLern. 1he module can Lhen
be lowered onLo Lhe plaLform and LransporLed Lo Lhe maln deck. uue Lo Lhe verLlcally exLended damplng
sysLem descrlbed, Lhe plaLform musL pass Lhrough an lnroad sysLem.
lnvesLlgaLlons show LhaL a slmllar sysLem ls used on heavy consLrucLlon vessel lar Samson Lo move heavy
ploughs. lL ls assumed LhaL Lhe sysLem ls scalable for Lhe welghL of Lhe module.

[CA/32 OJ "35.6P83D 6F6D20
M@M@O ,+-&*4/1+-
AfLer consulLlng wlLh /28/, Lhe soluLlon descrlbed above was consldered feaslble and wlll be used furLher ln
Lhe deslgnlng. 1he sLern and accompanylng module handllng sysLem wlll from Lhls polnL on be referred Lo as
Lhe 1wln 1all.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

I C1//1+- #P41E5#-.
IB7 GQ$"%5#
1he A-frame musL be dlmensloned for Lhe sgard fleld, wlLh a maxlmum sea depLh of 310 meLers. 1he
welghL of Lhe wlre ls esLlmaLed Lo be 100 Lons, assumlng Lhe Lhlckness of Lhe wlre Lo be 140 [mm] /44/.
8equlred A-frame capaclLy ls Lhus mlnlmum 600 Lons.
1o resLrlcL roLaLlon, Lhe module ls hlnged ln four polnLs ln Lhe respecLlve Lop corners of Lhe module. 1wo
wlres are connecLed Lo Lhe A-frame by pulleys, leadlng Lhe wlre along Lhe legs of Lhe A-frame, and down
below deck.
1he worklng angle of Lhe wlres should noL be less Lhan 30 degrees wlLh respecL Lo sLraln /10/. 1he helghL of
Lhe flxlng polnL wlll Lhus be slx meLers above Lhe module. Assumlng one meLer of wlre from Lhe flxlng polnL
up Lo Lhe pulleys, a seven meLer clearance beLween Lhe module and pulley ls necessary.
lL ls assumed LhaL Lhe module musL be llfLed one meLer above maln deck level ln order Lo be placed on Lhe
LransporLaLlon plaLform. AL Lhe mldpolnL of Lhe module, Lhe verLlcal dlsLance beLween Lhe pulleys and Lhe
plaLform musL Lhus be 20 meLers. 1he A-frame can be placed 2 meLers forward of Lhe 1wln 1all. uue Lo Lhe
exLended damplng sysLem, Lhe maxlmum angle lL can heel ls 30 degrees. 1he helghL of Lhe A-frame musL
Lhen be 26.2 meLers.

IB= O#%:# &+5E#-/%.#@ R1-&L#/
1o mlnlmlze Lhe modules movemenLs due Lo waves, dynamlc loads and Lhe vessels movemenLs, each wlre
wlll be connecLed Lo one heave compensaLed subsea llfLlng wlnch. Peave compensaLed wlnches can
compensaLe vessel movemenL up Lo +/- Lhree meLers from sLaLlc poslLlon when 600 Lons ls llfLed /44/.
IBF ;L+&? %)/+")#"
Peave compensaLlon does noL work effecLlvely ln Lhe splash zone /30/and Lo avold [erk on Lhe wlres, a shock
absorber ls Lo be lnsLalled aL Lhe Llp of Lhe wlre. 1he shock absorber conslsLs of several accumulaLors ln
parallel fasLened Lo Lhe wlre. lL has been used wlLh welghLs up Lo 900 Lons /30/ and musL be deslgned
speclally accordlng Lo vessel and module movemenL characLerlsLlcs.
[CA/32 IJ VC32 5335.A202.D
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

IBI K#5+.#*< +E#"%.#@ :#L1&*#/ SKHTU
8emoLely operaLed vehlcles are needed Lo dlsconnecL
subsea modules from plplng sysLems, connecL gulde
wlres Lo subsea modules and for vlsual conLrol of Lhe
operaLlon. rovlded Llme for equlpplng, Lhe 8Cvs can be
used for all Lypes of lnLervenLlon Lasks and lnspecLlons.
1he work 8Cv CuanLum and Lhe observaLlon 8Cv Seaeye
1lger from l 1ech
were chosen.

"51:2 EJ ('W :5/.M9 5.4 32M8B23F 6F6D20
1he 8Cvs wlll be launched Lhrough Lwo flve meLer by flve
meLer moon pools. AfLer dlscusslons wlLh a 8Cv plloL
/49/, Lhe moon pool based sysLem from Sepro 1echnology was chosen. 1hls ls an acLlve heave compensaLed
cursor-based sysLem, wlLh Lhe cursor frame as a passlve devlce Lo conLrol Lhe laLch beam and resLrlcL
movemenL of Lhe 8Cv. AL a depLh abouL 30 meLers Lhe 8Cv ls unlocked from Lhe laLch beam. 1he LoLal
launchlng Llme Lo a depLh of 310 meLers ls esLlmaLed Lo 30 mlnuLes /49/.
1he launch and recovery sysLems for Lhe work 8Cv and observaLlon 8Cv are slmllar. Lach sysLem ls drlven by
a hydraullc power unlL placed beneaLh deck, and Lhe sysLems are connecLed Lo ensure redundancy.
IBJ ,*#%-1-3 /</.#5/
1he recovered subsea module may conLaln hydrocarbon resldues, whlch need Lo be removed safely. 1he
removal demand Lhree unlLs of speclal equlpmenL, MLC fllllng and dralnaLlon, hydrocarbon venLllaLlon
sysLem and nlLrogen sysLem wlLh necessary hoses and pumps /38/. 1hls ls usually porLable equlpmenL,
moblllzed for Lhe speclflc operaLlon /42/. 1he unlLs wlll be placed on deck durlng large module operaLlons.
uurlng oLher Lypes of operaLlons, Lhe deck space wlll be free for oLher equlpmenL.
IBV M+"? 5++- E++*
1he vessel wlll have a maln elghL meLer by elghL meLer moon pool dlmensloned for normal slzed subsea
IBW ,"%-#/
1he vessel wlll be equlpped wlLh one offshore crane wlLh capaclLy of 130 Lons and one shlpboard crane wlLh
capaclLy for 3 Lons. 1he offshore crane ls lnLended for consLrucLlon relaLed Lasks and launchlng and recovery
of sLandard modules Lhrough Lhe moon pool. 1he shlpboard crane ls lnLended for cargo handllng on board
and ouLslde Lhe vessel whlle ln harbor or ln shelLered waLers, and on board Lhe vessel whlle aL sea.
"FP2 _/5.D/0* S83H ('W
R2.AD9`0a 3,38
T3254D9`0a 2
)2CA9D`0a 2
V2CA9D `"2a 3,33
U2PD9`0a 3000
[CA/32 >J ('W :5/.M9 5.4 32M8B23F 6F6D20
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

J (15# ,%*&4*%.1+-
1he vessel ls Lo be deslgned for module lnsLallaLlon, recovery and relnsLallaLlon. AL Lhe sgard fleld Lhere wlll
be a need of Lwo Lo Lhree such recovery and relnsLallaLlon operaLlons per year as a parL of a malnLenance
program /39/, and are assumed Lo be planned ahead of Llme. 1he same need ls assumed for Lhe flelds of
Crmen Lange and Cullfaks.
Lach operaLlon sLarLs wlLh moblllzaLlon, where mlsslon speclflc equlpmenL and resources wlll be loaded.
Ma[or mlsslon such as llflng equlpmenL ls Lo be permanenL lnsLalled on Lhe shlp, whereas oLher equlpmenL
and supplles wlll be loaded for Lhe speclflc operaLlon. 1hls ls Lo ensure flexlblllLy of Lhe vessel and sufflclenL
deck space. As Lhe complexlLy of Lhe operaLlon may requlre exLra crew, Lhls phase wlll also lnclude
moblllzaLlon of human resources.
1he shlp ls dlmensloned for Lhe sgard fleld, whlch ls 130 nauLlcal mlles from Lhe porL vesLbase. 1he speed ls
assumed Lo be 12 knoLs based on comparlson shlps, whlch glves 13 hours per crosslng.
1he recovery operaLlon aL Lhe sgard fleld wlll lasL approxlmaLely Len days /39/, and Lhe flrsL sLep wlll be Lo
dlsconnecL Lhe module from Lhe plpellne sysLem. AfLerwards Lhe module wlll be connecLed Lo gulde wlres,
llfLed onboard, and cleanlng procedures wlll be done Lo ensure safe removal of hydrocarbon resldues. 1he
vessel wlll Lhen LransporL Lhe module Lo shore, where elLher malnLenance of Lhe module or replacemenL
wlLh a new module wlll be done ln accordance wlLh Lhe malnLenance program.
1he vessel ls Lhen Lo lnsLall or relnsLall a module and connecLs Lhe module Lo Lhe plpellne sysLem, and wlll
lasL Len days /39/. 1he operaLlon of recovery & relnsLallaLlon ls compleLed wlLh demoblllzaLlon.

'/D `98/36a T5MH `98/36a "8D5: `98/36a "8D5: `45F6a
"35.6CD 13 13 26 1,08
%81C:Cb5DC8. 16 16 32 1,33
%5.2/B23C.A C. P83D 2 2 4 0,17
(2M8B23F 8L 084/:2 240 10,00
U2081C:Cb5DC8.\081C:Cb5DC8. 16 16 32 1,33
"35.6CD 13 13 26 1,08
%5.2/B23C.A C. P83D 2 2 4 0,17
(2C.6D5::5DC8. 240 10
,/0 =<G ;?*NO
"51:2 GJ "C02 6M924/:2 32M8B23F 5.4 32C.6D5::5DC8.

1he shlp ls Lo operaLe 330 days per year. 13 days per year are reserved for malnLenance.
AfLer calculaLlon of dlsLance beLween Lhe maln flelds, movlng beLween flelds ls found Lo be approxlmaLely 23
days a year. 1he remalnlng Llme Lhe shlp wlll be avallable for oLher operaLlons. 1he duraLlon of Lhese may
vary, buL ls esLlmaLed wlLh an average of slx days.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

"35.6CD '/D T5MH "35.6L23 D3CP @253:F K23M2.D5A2
"C02 P23 :2A 13 [hours] 13 [hours] 26 [hours] 39 [days] 11
%81C:Cb5DC8.\ 42081C:Cb5DC8. 16 [hours] 16 [hours] 32 [hours] 16 [days] 3
%5.2/B23C.A C. P83D 2 [hours] 2 [hours] 4 [hours] 6 [days] 2
%8BC.A 12DS22. LC2:46 23 [days] 7
$B235A2 6P224 12 [knoLs] 12 [knoLs] 12 [knoLs] 12 [knoLs]
,/0 EN `98/36a EN `98/36a =; `98/36a I= `45F6a ;? c
"51:2 ?J "35.6CD 6M924/:2

'P235DC8. 5D LC2:4 U5F6 P23 8P235DC8. &/0123 8L
@253:F K23M2.D5A2
(2M8B23F 8L :53A2 6/1625
10 [days] 6 60 [days] 17,3
d.6D5::5DC8.\32M8B23F 8L :53A2
6/1625 084/:26
10 [days] 6 60 [days] 17,3
'D923 8P235DC8.6 6 [days] 24 144 [days] 40
,/0 ;= `45F6a E= ;=G `45F6a O? c
"51:2 =J 'P235DC8. 6M924/:2

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

V A-1.1%* D#$1-1.1+- %-@ ;1X1-3
1he concepL has been selecLed ln chapLer 3. ln Lhls chapLer a prellmlnary selecLlon of maln dlmenslons ls
made uslng comparlson vessels. Lven Lhough Lhere are no exlsLlng comparlson shlps wlLh 1wln 1all Loday,
Lhls approach has been used as a sLarLlng approach.
1he shlp Lo be deslgned shall perform heavy llfLlng operaLlons as well as offshore consLrucLlon and
lnLervenLlon relaLed Lasks. 1herefore offshore consLrucLlon vessels, lnspecLlon, malnLenance and repalr
vessels, anchor handllng vessels and plpe laylng vessels have been consldered as comparlson shlps. 1he mosL
efforL has been puL ln flndlng a vessel LhaL can handle slmllar llfLlng operaLlons, as well as havlng sufflclenL
deck space for Lhe lnLervenLlon and consLrucLlon Lasks.
1he followlng comparlson shlps were chosen based on Lhe assumpLlons menLloned above. normand
Cceanlc" ls used due Lo lLs llfLlng capaclLy, an lndusLrlal crane wlLh a capaclLy of 400 Lons. 8elng a
consLrucLlon vessel, lL may also carry ouL slmllar Lasks as Lhe MPv. 1he vessels ueep CrlenL" and Skandl
vlLorla" also are used, boLh equlpped for consLrucLlon relaLed Lasks and wlLh large deck areas.
name: normand Cceanlc Skandl vlLorla ueep CrlenL (under
1ype: Cffshore
ConsLrucLlon vessel
Cffshore ConsLrucLlon


SolsLad Cffshore ASA

uofcon do 8rasll
navegao LLda.

LengLh overall 136,9 [m] 142,2 [m] 133,63 [m]
LengLh beLween p.p.
on deslgn draughL
137,7 [m] 123 [m] 120,4 [m]
8readLh moulded 27 [m] 27,46 [m] 27 [m]
ueslgn draughL 8,3 [m] 6,3 [m] 6,83 [m]
Max draughL - 8,3 [m] -
uepLh moulded 12 [m] 12 [m] 9,7 [m]
ueck area 2100 [m
] 1700 [m
] 1900 [m
L/8 3,8 [-] 3,2 [-] 3,0 [-]
8/d 4,2 [-] 4,2 [-] 3,9 [-]
ueadwelghL 11986 [Lons] 9000 [Lons] 7000 [Lons]
ulsplacemenL 22800 [Lons] 18000 [Lons] 16000 [Lons]
"51:2 OJ Q80P53C68. 69CP6 \=O\
VB7 8/.%)*1/L1-3 E"#*151-%"< C%1- D15#-/1+-/
P@K@K ;L1E >#%5
A beam of 27 meLers ls suggesLed from comparlson shlps. Powever, Lhe 1wln 1all has Lo provlde enough
buoyancy for Lhe shlp Lo perform Lhe launch and recovery. lurLhermore, Lhere has Lo be enough space for
Lhe propulslon sysLem, and Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe 1wln 1all's sLrengLh needs Lo be sufflclenL. 1hus Lhe beam of
Lhe shlp should be Lo around 30 meLers.
P@K@I D#&? G"#%
1he deck area should be large enough Lo place one module on deck, as well as belng sufflclenL for Lhe shlp Lo
carry ouL oLher consLrucLlon and lnLervenLlon relaLed Lasks when noL engaged ln module operaLlons. 1he
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

module ls Lo be placed on deck forward of Lhe 1wln 1all. lor Lhe consLrucLlon and lnLervenLlon relaLed Lasks,
Lhe deck also needs Lo be equlpped revolvlng cranes, moon pools and space for 8Cvs. As a flrsL assumpLlon,
Lhe deck lengLh ls Lhus seL Lo 60 meLers.
1he LoLal deck area becomes 1800 m
. 1hls ls sufflclenL for carrylng ouL Lhe consLrucLlon and lnLervenLlon
Lasks ln comparlson wlLh Lhe Lhree shlps.
P@K@N ;L1E 0#-3.L
1he comparlson vessels suggesL LhaL a lengLh of 140 meLers should be enough Lo have sufflclenL deck space.
P@K@M D"%43L.
As an esLlmaLe, Lhe draughL ls seL Lo 6.3 meLers based on Lhe deslgn draughL of Lhe comparlson vessels.
P@K@O D1/E*%&#5#-.
8ased on Skandl vlLorla" and ueep CrlenL", Lhe vessels dlsplacemenL ls lnlLlally seL Lo 17 000 Lons.
P@K@P 0#-3.L +$ .L# (R1- (%1*
uue Lo uncerLalnLles regardlng Lhe plLchlng moLlon of Lhe vessel, slmpllfled calculaLlons have been
preformed Lo flnd Lhe necessary lengLh of Lhe 1wln 1all. 1he plLch angle of Lhe vessel ls assumed Lo be a
sLaLlc angle of four degrees /28/, and Lhe calculaLlons have been made assumlng Lhe module ls hanglng one
meLer above Lhe sea surface. uslng a verLlcal dlsLance beLween Lhe Lop of Lhe A-frame and Lhe boLLom of Lhe
module of 23 meLers, Lhe resulLlng longlLudlnal dlsplacemenL wlll be 1.8 meLers. lncludlng a safeLy margln
Lhe clearance ls Lhus seL Lo be 3 meLers.
P@K@Q >"#%@.L +$ +E#-1-3 1- /.#"-
1he beam of Lhe openlng ln Lhe sLern ls seL Lo be 16.3 meLers. 1hls ls based on Lhe prevlously dlmensloned
wheel dlameLer of 1.3 meLers.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

W O4** @#/13-
CpLlmlzlng Lhe hull has been a consLanL process LhroughouL Lhe deslgnlng. 1he hullform presenLed ls a resulL
of argumenLs and calculaLlons done laLer ln Lhe process.
WB7 ;+$.R%"#
1he hull ls formed uslng uLLl1shlp rofesslonal 2011 /33/. 1he user can form Lhe hull as a 3u model, and Lhe
program can Lhen carry ouL several hydrosLaLlc calculaLlons. ulfferenL loadlng condlLlons can be deflned, and
Lrlm and lnlLlal sLablllLy calculaLlons can easlly be checked as Lhe hull ls developlng.
WB= D#/13- !"+&#//
1he shape of Lhe bulb ls prellmlnary and should be furLher opLlmlzed for Lhe shlp ln a laLer deslgn phase.
lnlLlally Lhe wldLh ls seL Lo be 13 of Lhe shlp beam, Lo reduce Lhe plLchlng of Lhe shlp and Lhe vessel's wave
1he sLern hull form has been developed ln an lLeraLlve manner, consLanLly consulLlng wlLh professors aL Lhe
ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology aL n1nu. lnlLlally Lhe sLern was formed raLher convenLlonal before Lhe
requlred open area was cuL ouL. 1he slze of Lhe open area ln Lhe 1wln 1all ls deLermlned by Lhe maxlmum
module slze and Lhe requlred space for Lhe module handllng sysLem. 1he openlng ln Lhe 1wln 1all ls Lhus 16,3
meLer wlde and 28 meLers long.
ulfferenL beam and slzlng of Lhe 1wln 1all has been consldered. A wlder sLern wlLh a larger waLer plane area
ln Lhe afL was suggesLed ln order Lo move Lhe longlLudlnal floLaLlon cenLer Lowards Lhe sLern. 8y lncreaslng
Lhe wldLh of Lhe sLern Lhe vessel would geL lncreased sLablllLy, and slnce Lhe floLaLlon cenLer would be
moved Lo Lhe afL, Lhe verLlcal moLlons ln Lhe sLern would be reduced. 8y Lhls, Lhe vessel should be able Lo
operaLe aL hlgher seas when headlng Lhe wave dlrecLlon.
Pand calculaLlons wlLh slmpllfled waLer plane geomeLry, verlfled by Lhe compuLer sofLware, were done Lo
flnd Lhe effecL of Lhls wlde sLern. 1he Lrlm durlng llfLlng operaLlons was found Lo be smaller Lhan flrsL
expecLed, and Lhe flrsL seakeeplng analysls ln Shlpx/34/ revealed no need for a wlder sLern. 1he sLern of Lhe
flnal hull has Lhus Lhe same beam as amldshlps, whlch ls 30 meLers. 1he longlLudlnal cenLer of floLaLlon ls
locaLed 2 meLer behlnd amldshlps and Lhe need for lnboard volume for Lhe propulslon machlnery ls saLlsfled
wlLh Lhls beam.
When shaplng Lhe under waLer hull of Lhe 1wln 1all, Lhe Lransverse submerged sLern was made small Lo
reduce wake. 1hls reduced Lhe submerged volume ln Lhe afL. AL Lhe deslgn drafL, Lhe Lhree Lransverse sLern
areas are submerged 0,3 [m]. 1hls ls a submerglng LhaL wlll leL Lhe waLer separaLe from Lhe hull wlLh an
lnslgnlflcanL wake.
1o reduce Lhe rlsk of slammlng Lhe draughL of Lhe 1wln 1all was lncreased ln Lhe mlddle Lo push waLer Lo Lhe
sldes and backwards, and Lhus avold slammlng. 1he llmlLaLlon for Lhe draughL ls Lhe space needed for
propulslon and Lhe sLeepness of Lhe hull due Lo wake. 1he flnal hull has a sLeepness of 18 degrees.
1he draughL of Lhe vessel ls ad[usLed Lo glve Lhe vessel Lhe needed dlsplacemenL. 1he deslgn drafL ls 6,3
meLers, varylng wlLh Lhe loadlng condlLlon. 1he deslgn draughL ln Lhe 1wln 1all ls sufflclenL for Lhe module
handllng sysLem.
1he flnal characLerlsLlcs are shown ln Lable. Llne drawlngs generaLed ln uLLl1shlp can be seen ln Appendlx C.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

WBF !"1-&1E%* ,L%"%&.#"1/.1&/

R2.AD9 'B235::* R
140,0 [m]
R2.AD9 T2DS22. K23P2.4CM/:536* R
130,0 [m]
R2.AD9 8L V5D23:C.2* R
133,9 [m]
T250 30,0 [m]
U35/A9D 6,3 [m]
W8:/02 UC6P:5M202.D 13800 [m
V2CA9D UC6P:5M202.D 16200 [Lons]
0,64 [-]
0,63 [-]
V5D23 K:5.2 Q82LLCMC2.D* Q
0,77 [-]
V5D23 K:5.2 $325 3143 [m
V2DD24 ,/3L5M2 $325 4630 [m
R8.ACD/4C.5: Q2.D23 8L [:8D5DC8.* RQ[ 67,1 [m]
R8.ACD/4C.5: Q2.D23 8L T/8F5.MF* RQT 71,9 [m]
W23DCM5: Q2.D23 8L T/8F5.MF* WQT 3,3 [m]
"35.6CD 6P224 12 [knoLs]
#.4/35.M2 23 [days]
K5F:854 X8P235DC8.5: 2Y/CP02.DZ 1130 [Lons]
"51:2 IJ K3C.MCP5: Q9535MD23C6DCM6

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

Y C%--1-3 8/.15%.#/
1he mannlng esLlmaLe ls made Lo saLlsfy Lhe norweglan MarlLlme ulrecLoraLe's mannlng requlremenLs /23/.
1he crew on board Lhe MvP has Lhree maln Lasks. 1hey musL run and malnLaln Lhe vessel durlng LranslL and
offshore operaLlon, Lake parL ln Lhe launchlng and recovery of large subsea modules and conLrlbuLe Lo oLher
consLrucLlon and lnLervenLlon relaLed Lasks. 1he laLLer lncludes for example launchlng and recovery of subsea
modules Lhrough Lhe moon pool, runnlng and malnLalnlng Lhe 8Cvs and operaLlng Lhe offshore and
shlpboard cranes.
under Lhe assumpLlon LhaL Lhe crew wlll work 12 hour shlfLs, 130 people ls suggesLed /28/. 1hls lnvolves a
marlne personnel of abouL 33 people and a cllenL personnel of abouL 113 people.
1he marlne personnel are responslble for runnlng and malnLalnlng Lhe vessel. 1hey conslsL of offlcers and
crew for englne operaLlons, caLerlng, navlgaLlon, moorlng and deck work. An elecLrlclan and a medlc come ln
addlLlon dependlng on Lhe magnlLude of elecLrlcal lnsLallaLlons and number of persons on board
1he number of crew needed for launch and recovery of large subsea modules depends on Lhe complexlLy of
Lhe operaLlon.
When esLlmaLlng Lhe need for cablns and berLhs, accommodaLlon for 20 people has been added ln order Lo
ensure havlng some flexlblllLy ln hlrlng people.
%5..C.A* %53C.2 K2368..2:
K86CDC8. Cnboard
CapLaln 1
Chlef Cfflcer 1
Crew Members 3
Chlef Lnglneer 1
ueck and englne crew 3
LlecLrlclan 1
Chlef SLeward 1
PoLel ersonnel 14
Able seamen 4
LlecLrlclan 1
Medlc 1
"8D5: 05..C.A* %53C.2 K2368..2: 33
"51:2 >J %5..C.A 26DC05D2* 053C.2 P2368..2:

%5..C.A* Q:C2.D K2368..2:
K86CDC8. Cnboard
Mlsslon ersonnel 93
Spare AccommodaLlon 20
"8D5: 05..C.A* Q:C2.D K2368..2: 113
"51:2 N<J "8D5: 05..C.A 26DC05D2
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

Z 24-&.1+- G-%*</1/
1he funcLlon analysls lncludes all sysLems on board Lhe shlp as lndlcaLed below. lL deflnes Lhe funcLlons
needed ln order for Lhe shlp Lo perform lLs Lasks, as well as Lhe faclllLles and equlpmenL needed for Lhese
1he areas and volumes were found by an lLeraLlon process based on coefflclenLs from SysLem 8ased Shlp
ueslgn /1/ and comparlson vessels. 1he vessel was deslgned and modlfled so all Lhe areas and volumes
presenLed has been measured uslng Lhls sofLware.
ZB7 ;L1E $4-&.1+-/

[CA/32 N<J ,9CP L/.MDC8.6

R@K@K ,+-/."4&.1+- H4.$1..1-3
1he ConsLrucLlon CuLflLLlng conslsLs of llfLlng-, consLrucLlon- and use of 8Cv equlpmenL.
1he llftloq polpmeot lncludes an A-frame for launchlng and recovery of Lhe subsea module, one offshore
crane of 130 Lons and one shlpboard crane of 3 Lons.
1he coosttoctloo polpmeot lncludes Lhe moon pool, accumulaLor room, and sLore room. 1he accumulaLor
room lncludes Lhe hydraullcs and accumulaLor for Lhe 1wln 1all's damplng sysLem.
1he kOv polpmeot lncludes Lwo moon pools for deploymenL of Lhe 8Cvs. 1he moon pools, 8Cvs and
necessary equlpmenL are locaLed ln Lhe 8Cv hangar.
8ooms such as Lhe fleld englneer's offlce and Lhe 8Cv conLrol room have been caLegorlzed as coosttoctloo
keloteJ 5poces lo tbe AccommoJotloo. 1hese are Lhe spaces locaLed ln Lhe deckhouse LhaL are used for
englneerlng relaLed Lasks.
Shlp funcLlons
1ask 8elaLed SysLems ConsLrucLlon ouLflLLlng
Shlp SysLems
Machlnery, speed and
1anks and volds
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

Rd["d&e #_+dK%#&" $&U (#R$"#U ,K$Q#,
ueck LengLh 8readLh PelghL Area volume
&502\+62 8L 6P5M2J [m] [m] [m] [m^2] [m^3]
$-L3502 Maln 3 3 - 23 0
$-L3502 SC.M9 5.4 SC32 3880 Maln 13 24 10 314 3139
'LL69832 M35.2 N?< D8.6 Maln 3 3 - 23 0
'LL69832 M35.2 ? D8.6 Maln 3 3 - 9 0
"8D5: :CLDC.A 2Y/CP02.D EOE ENE>

Q'&,"(+Q"d'& #_+dK%#&" $&U (#R$"#U V'(7 ,K$Q#,
ueck no. PelghL Area volume
&502\+62 8L 6P5M2J unlLs [m] [m^2] [m^3]
%88. P88: C.M:] S5B2 450PC.A - 1 12 200 2400
$MM/0/:5D83 3880 1ween 1 6,4 162 1037
,D832 38806 Maln 3 2,8 166 463
)5DM9 M8B236 C. 05C. 42MH Maln 3 0 27 0
"8D5: M8.6D3/MDC8. 2Y/CP02.D 333 3902

('W #_+dK%#&" $&U (#R$"#U ,K$Q#,
ueck no. PelghL Area volume
&502\+62 8L 6P5M2J rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
('W 95.A53 C.M:] 6D835A2* S83H698P6 5.4 9CA9
B8:D5A2 6F6D20
Maln - C 1 8,4 281 2360
('W SC.M9 5.4 SC32 3880 1ween 2 6,4 310 3264
('W 088. P88: - 2 12 61 732
"8D5: ('W 2Y/CP02.D 832 6336
"8D5: Q8.6D3/MDC8. '8/DLCDDC.A NOI< NEE>O

Q'&,"(+Q"d'& (#R$"#U ,K$Q#, d& ")# $QQ'%%'U$"d'&
ueck no. PelghL Area volume
&502\+62 8L 6P5M2J rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
'LL69832 %5.5A202.D 'LLCM2 L 2 2,8 37 104
[C2:4 #.AC.223 'LLCM2 Maln 1 2,8 22 61
('W Q8.D38: (880 Maln 1 2,8 86 241
Q8.6D3/MDC8. (2:5D24 ,P5M26 NG? G<?
"51:2 NNJ Q8.6D3/MDC8. 8/DLCDDC.A
R@K@I ;L1E H4.$1..1-3
1he Shlp CuLflLLlng ls spllL lnLo Offsbote Opetotloo 5oppott, 5blp polpmeot, OotJoot ueck 5poces and kescoe
ooJ llte llqbtloq. lor equlpmenL on open deck, only deck area ls speclfled, as lL wlll noL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
gross volume. lf a coverlng deck shelLers Lhe equlpmenL, Lhe covered parL ls glven as percenLage of Lhe deck
area Lhe equlpmenL use, 100 means LhaL Lhe equlpmenL ls fully proLecLed, whereas 0 means LhaL Lhe
equlpmenL ls on open deck.
1he Offsbote Opetotloo 5oppott lncludes a hellcopLer landlng pad, dlmensloned Lo 20 [m] ln dlameLer. 1hls ls
dlmensloned accordlng Lo Lhe unv rules for classlflcaLlon of Plgh Speed, LlghL CrafL and naval Surface CrafL
1he 5blp polpmeot ls Lhe under deck ouLflLLlng, such as moorlng deck and LhrusLers.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

1he open deck area, deck sLores and rope sLores are caLegorlzed as OotJoot ueck 5poces.
SafeLy equlpmenL has been llsLed under kescoe ooJ llte llqbtloq.
'[[,)'(# 'K#($"d'& ,+KK'("
Area Covered PelghL Covered
&502\+62 8L 42MH [m^2] [m] [m^2] [m^3]
)2:CM8PD23 :5.4C.A P54 432 0 0 0 0
Cffshore CperaLlon SupporL < <

,)dK #_+dK%#&"
Covered PelghL Covered
&502\+62 8L 42MH
%5C. D93/6D236


"/..2: D93/6D23 1 100 3,1 2 6
(2D35MD51:2 D93/6D236 2 100 3 23 69
%883C.A 42MH 100 2,8 80 224
1oLal shlp equlpmenL N;< EO>

'+"U''( U#Q7 ,K$Q#,
Area Covered PelghL Covered
&502\+62 8A U2MH [m^2] [m] [m^2] [m^3]
'P2. 42MH 2000 0 0 0 0
1oLal ouLdoor deck spaces < <

Covered PelghL Covered
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2J [m] [m^2] [m^3]
[56D (26M/2 T85D 1 0 6 0 0
RCL2 T85D6 6 0 6 0 0
RCL2 ,5BC.A $PP:C5.M26 100 2,8 30 84
1oLal rescue spaces E< IG

"8D5: 69CP 8/DLCDDC.A N?< G=E
"51:2 N;J ,9CP 8/DLCDDC.A
R@K@N ,"#R 2%&1*1.1#/
1he Crew laclllLles are based on Lhe mannlng esLlmaLe, requlrlng accommodaLlon for 130 people, and have
been dlvlded lnLo ctew AccommoJotloo, ctew commoo 5poces and ctew ooJ metqeocy 5toltwoys. 1he
ctew AccommoJotloo 5poces have been calculaLed based on Lhe number of cablns, beds ln each cabln and
cabln slze, and are deslgned Lo fulflll Lhe requlremenLs from Lhe lLC ConvenLlons. Corrldors and space behlnd
Lhe wall llnlng ls added as a percenLage of Lhe LoLal cabln area.
Areas for Lhe ctew commoo 5poces have been esLlmaLed based on comparlson shlps wlLh a slmllar amounL
of crew, malnly Lhe normand Cceanlc whlch accommodaLe a crew of 140 /67/. 1he number of crew uslng
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

Lhe room, Lhe average square meLers per person on board, and demands from Lhe lLC ConvenLlons have also
been Laken lnLo conslderaLlon durlng Lhe deslgnlng.
SLalrways are lncluded for access beLween decks and as escape rouLes.
Q(#V $QQ'%'U$"d'&
ueck no. PelghL 1oLal area volume
Q51C. M5D2A83FJ cablns [m] [m^2] [m^3]
Q5PD5C. M:566 L 1 2,8 47 132
Q9C2L #.AC.223 Q:566 L 1 2,8 30 84
'LLCM23 M:566 L 2 2,8 40 112
'LLCM23 M:566 u 20 2,8 400 1120
'LLCM23 M:566 C 11 2,8 220 616
Q32S 6C.A:2 M:566 C 21 2,8 232 706
Q32S 48/1:2 M:566 8 47 2,8 364 1379
"8D5: $MM800845DC8. 1333 4348
Q51C. M833C4836 5.4 S5:: :C.C.A 2,8 466 1303
E<c 8L M51C. 5325
"8D5: Q51C. $325 ;<N> ?=?E

Q(#V Q'%%'& ,K$Q#,
ueck no. PelghL 1oLal area volume
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2 rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
'LLCM236 R8/.A2 L 1 2,8 86 241
Q32S U5F3880 C 3 2,8 134 373
eF0.56C/0 8 1 2,8 109 303
,08H236 :8/.A2 C 1 2,8 30 140
)811F 5.4 e5026 (880 8 1 2,8 109 303
"8D5: Q8008. ,P5M26 GII NE==

no. m^2/deck PelghL Area volume
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2 decks [m] [m^2] [m^3]
%5C. ,D5C36 9 14 23,2 126 323
#.AC.2 (880 ,D5C36 2 6 6,4 12 38
,23BCM2 6D5C36* ('W 95.A53 5325 2 8 2,8 16 22
,23BCM2 ,D5C36 [832 4 3 8,4 14 29
,23BCM2 ,D5C36* )2:CP54 2 10 2,8 19 27
,23BCM2 ,D5C36 $LD 6 2 14 14 33
"8D5: ,D5C3S5F6 ;<N GOG
"'"$R Q(#V [$QdRd"d#, ;O<I OG>G
"51:2 NEJ Q32S L5MC:CDC26
R@K@M ;L1E 2%&1*1.1#/
Shlp faclllLles lnclude 5blp 5etvlce, cotetloq 5poces and notel 5etvlces. ln addlLlon Lo Lhese servlce spaces,
Lhere are also Lechnlcal spaces locaLed ln Lhe accommodaLlon area, such as alr condlLlonlng rooms and llfLs.
1hese rooms are lncluded ln 1ecbolcol 5poces lo tbe AccommoJotloo.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

,)dK ,#(WdQ#

Deck No. Height Total area Volume
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2J
rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
Bridge 1 2,8 476 1333
,9CP 'LLCM26
E 3 2,8 107 300
Q8.L232.M2 (880
C 1 2,8 28 78
Q8.L232.M2 (880\QC.205
C 1 2,8 72 202
Q8.L232.M2 (8806\'P2. 8LLCM2 6P5M2
E 1 2,8 86 241
(2M2PDC8.* 6D5318534
A 1 2,8 18 50
(2M2PDC8.* P83D
A 1 2,8 18 50
)2:C42MH (2M2PDC8.
D 1 2,8 81 227
Main 1 2,8 45 126
"8D5: ,9CP ,23BCM2 ,P5M26
931 2607

Q$"#(d&e ,K$Q#,

Deck No. Height Total area Volume
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2J
rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
A 1 2,8 96 269
%266 (880
A 1 2,8 333 932
K38BC6C8. ,D832
Main 1 2,8 214 599
K38BC6C8. ,D832* 43F
A 2 2,8 96 269
K38BC6C8. ,D832* M9C::24
A 3 2,8 92 258
K38BC6C8. ,D832* L38b2.
A 3 2,8 64 179
Q88H6 8LLCM2
A 1 2,8 15 42
"8D5: Q5D23C.A ,P5M26
910 2548

)'"#R ,#(WdQ#,

Deck No. Height Area Volume
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2J
rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
R5/.43F (880
Main 1 2,8 68 190
RC.2. ,D832
Main 1 2,8 55 154
Q95.AC.A 3880* 02.
Main 1 2,8 60 168
Q95.AC.A 3880* S802.
Main 1 2,8 23 64
- 8 2,8 69 193
"8D5: )8D2: ,23BCM26
275 770

"'"$R ,#(WdQ# [$QdRd"d#,
2116 5925

"#Q)&dQ$R ,K$Q#, d& ")# $QQ'%%'U$"d'&

Deck No. Height Area Volume
&502\/62 8L 6P5M2J
rooms [m] [m^2] [m^3]
$C3 M8.4CDC8.C.A 38806 5.4 4/MDC.A
Main 1 2,8 45 126
RCLD6 5.4 :CLD 05M9C.23F
Main-E - 2,8 10 28
"8D5: "2M9.CM5: ,P5M26
55 154

"'"$R "#Q)&dQ$R (#R$"#U ,K$Q#,
55 154
"51:2 NGJ ,9CP L5MC:CDC26

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

R@K@O C%&L1-#"<[ /E##@ %-@ E+R#"
1he need for machlnery spaced on an lnlLlal esLlmaLlon of maxlmum power need.
%$Q)d&#(@* ,K##U $&U K'V#(
%5M9C.23F DFP2 uual luel
&/0123 8L P38P2::236 2
K38P2::23 4C502D23


Lndurance CondlLlon Cffshore
operaLlon l
operaLlon ll
,P224 `H.8D6a 13 12 umax u
K38P/:6C8. P8S23 `HVa 10000 8000 0 0
R854 L5MD83 100 80 0 0
,25 %53AC. 23 0 0 0
$/fC:C53F P8S23 1400 1400 1400 1400
RCLDC.A SC.M9 0 0 7000 7000
R854 L5MD83 0 0 100 100
UF.50CM P86CDC8.C.A 0 0 7300 2300
R854 L5MD83 0 0 100 33
"8D5: 11 400 9 400 13 900 10 900
(24/.45.MF L5MD83 1,40 1,40 1,40 1,40
d.6D5::24 P8S23
13 960 13 160 22 000 13 260
%53AC. N*;c N= N?; NE ENI ;; ;=G N? GGE
"51:2 N?J %5M9C.23F M5P5MCDF

%$Q)d&#(@ ,K$Q#,
CoefflclenL CoefflclenL PelghL Area volume
&502\+62 8L 6P5M2 [m^2/kW] [m^3/kW] [m] [m^2] [m^3]
%5C. 5.4 5/fC:C53F 2.AC.2 38806 0,023 0,13 6,13 388 3616
#.AC.2 6D8326 5.4 S83H698P6 0,003 0,01 4,13 123 310
#.AC.2 M8.D38: 3880 0,003 0,0163 3,3 120 396
,SCDM918534 3880 0,004 0,014 3,3 100 330
[C32 LCA9DC.A 6F6D20 0,0003 0,0007 2 8 13
R&e D5.H 5.4 6F6D206 6,4 127 813
,2P535D836 4,13 30 208
#.AC.2 M56C.A 26,3 178 4676
$C3 C.D5H26 8B23 E 42MH6 6,4 8 48
$C3 C.D5H26 8B23 G 42MH6 11,2 8 84
[/..2: 3 3 23
"8D5: 05M9C.23F 6P5M26 NENE N<O;N
"51:2 N=J %5M9C.23F 6P5M26
R@K@P (%-?/ %-@ :+1@ /E%&#/
An lnlLlal esLlmaLlon of Lanks and vold spaces was made based on Lhe requlred power. 1he resulLs presenLed
below are correcLed for Lhe flnal endurance condlLlon. 8ecause of bad weaLher and oLher facLors LhaL could
delay Lhe voyage, a margln facLor ls added.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

WaLer evaporaLors are noL lnsLalled. Sewage LreaLmenL ls lnsLalled, and sLorage for sewage and grey waLer
can Lherefore be less Lhan Lhe fresh waLer capaclLy.
"$&7, $&U W'dU ,K$Q#,
ConsumpLlon ConsumpLlon Lndurance Margln volume
&502\+62 8L 42MHJ [g/kWh] [Lon/day] days facLor [m^3]
[/2: 8C: 193 40 23 1,3 1300
R&e 0,067 20 4 1 183
R/1 8C: 1,3 0,792 23 3 112


K8D51:2 S5D23 200 30 30 1,2 1843
,2S5A2 98:4C.A\D325D02.D 200 30 12,3 1,2 438
T5::56D V5D23 4307
T8C:23 3880 81
Q8LL23450 5.4 B8C4 6P5M26 30
"8D5: "5.H6 5.4 W8C4 ,P5M26 I?N=
"51:2 NOJ "5.H6 5.4 B8C4 6P5M26

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

R@K@Q T+*45# /455%"<
1he volume summary has been Laken as basls for deLermlnlng vessel slze. 1he LoLal volume of all enclosed
spaces ls calculaLed, and wlll laLer be used Lo flnd Lhe requlred dlsplacemenL of Lhe shlp. 1he volume
summary also shows Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of space onboard.
,K$Q# $RR'Q$"d'&


RCLDC.A #Y/CP02.D 5.4 (2:5D24 ,P5M26 0,02 0,20 373 3139
Q8.6D3/MDC8. #Y/CP02.D 5.4 (2:5D24 V83H ,P5M26 0,04 0,23 333 3902
('W #Y/CP02.D 5.4 (2:5D24 ,P5M26 0,03 0,40 832 6336
"8D5: M8.6D3/MDC8. 8/DLCDDC.A 1780 13397


'LL69832 'P235DC8. ,/PP83D 0 0 0 0
,9CP #Y/CP02.D 0,008 0,023 120 333
'/D4883 U2MH ,P5M26 0 0 0 0
(26M/2 0,0019 0,0033 30 84
"8D5: 69CP 8/DLCDDC.A 130 439


Q32S 5MM800845DC8. 0,13 0,36 2019 3633
Q32S M8008. 6P5M26 0,03 0,09 488 1366
,D5C3S5F6 0,01 0,03 201 474
,9CP ,23BCM2 0,06 0,17 931 2607
Q5D23C.A 0,06 0,16 910 2348
)8D2: ,23BCM2 0,02 0,03 273 770
Q8.6D3/MDC8. 32:5D24 6P5M26 C. 5MM800845DC8. 0,01 0,03 143 403
"2M9.CM5: 6P5M26 C. D92 5MM800845DC8. 0,00 0,01 33 134
"8D5: 5MM800845DC8. 3024 13978


%5M9C.23F 0,063 0,31 1313 10721
"8D5: 05M9C.23F 5.4 69CP 6F6D206 1313 10721


"5.H6 5.4 B8C4 6P5M26 0,41 8316


e(',, $(#$ $&U W'R+%# 0,32 2,99 8267 47031
"51:2 NIJ W8:/02 6/0053F

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7\ M#13L. ,%*&4*%.1+-/
ln Lhe welghL calculaLlons coefflclenLs from SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn have been used. Some welghLs have
also been obLalned from manufacLurers or are calculaLed by uslng Lhe unv 8ules for ClasslflcaLlon of
lour dlfferenL load condlLlons are presenLed:
ueparLure 100 load
Module handllng
Arrlval 10 load
Load ls referred Lo as Lhe amounL of fuel and oLher consumables onboard Lhe vessel.
1he condlLlons are calculaLed whlle carrylng subsea module, excepLlng llghLshlp. lor furLher sLudles of Lhe
full range of anLlclpaLed load condlLlons, see Lhe chapLer on" 1rlm and sLablllLy".
7\B7 ;.##* M#13L. 8/.15%.#
As Lhe sLeel welghL ls a large conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe llghLshlp welghL, Lhe resulLs from coefflclenLs glven by
SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn has been compared Lo a sLeel welghL esLlmaLe based on Lhe mldshlp secLlon of Lhe
KJ@K@K ;.##* M#13L. )%/#@ +- .L# C1@/L1E ;#&.1+-
1he sLeel welghL ls dlvlded lnLo longlLudlnal dlsLrlbuLed welghL and addlLlonal welghL. 1he longlLudlnal
dlsLrlbuLed welghL ls esLlmaLed from Lhe mldshlp secLlon, and lncludes Lhus Lhe shell plaLes, deck plaLes and
sLlffeners. 1he addlLlonal welghL ls sLeel noL appearlng ln Lhe mldshlp drawlng, such as Lransverse bulkheads.
When esLlmaLlng Lhe longlLudlnal dlsLrlbuLed welghL, Lhe sLeel denslLy ls seL Lo be 7,8 [Lons/m
] and Lhe
welghL dlsLrlbuLlon ls assumed unlform over 0,4L of Lhe vessel. 1he welghL ls assumed llnearly reduced
Lowards Lhe bow and afL, and Lhe 1wln 1all ls accounLed for as shown ln Lhe flgure below.

[CA/32 NNJ $PP38fC05D2 6D22: S2CA9D 4C6D3C1/DC8.

1he area of sLeel of Lhe mldshlp secLlon was found Lo be 3.3 [m
]. 1he addlLlonal welghL conslsLs of elghL
Lransverse bulkheads. 1he followlng resulLs were obLalned:
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

,D22: V2CA9DJ

V2CA9D `"2a
R8.ACD/4C.5: 4C6D3C1/DC8.
$44CDC8.5: S2CA9D6
"8D5: 4272
"51:2 N>J,D22: S2CA9D 26DC05D2 15624 8. 0C469CP 62MDC8.
KJ@K@I ;.##* M#13LF )%/#@ +- ;</.#5 >%/#@ ;L1E D#/13-
ln SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn, Lhe sLeel welghL coefflclenL for offshore vessels ls C
= 0,16 [Lon/m
]. As Lhe
welghL ls based on Lhe gross volume obLalned from Lhe funcLlon analysls, lL ls noL necessary Lo make any
correcLlons wlLh regard Lo Lhe 1wln 1all. 1he followlng resulL was obLalned:
,D22: V2CA9DJ

V2CA9D `"2a
,F6D20 T5624 ,9CP U26CA. 4343
"51:2 ;<J,D22: S2CA9D 26DC05D2 15624 8. ,F6D20 T5624 ,9CP U26CA.
KJ@K@N ;.##* M#13L. ;455%"<
,D22: V2CA9DJ

V2CA9D `"2a
%C469CP M5:M/:5DC8.
,F6D20 T5624 ,9CP U26CA.
"51:2 ;NJ,D22: S2CA9D M80P53C68.

1he resulLs from Lhe mldshlp calculaLlon glve a sLeel welghL less Lhan LhaL of S8Su. As Lhe calculaLlon from
Lhe mldshlp secLlon ls coarse, lL ls regarded as only a verlflcaLlon of Lhe sLeel welghL values from S8Su. 1he
sLeel welghL values from S8Su wlll be used on Lhe furLher calculaLlons.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7\B= 013L./L1E M#13L.
1he llghLshlp welghL ls esLlmaLed accordlng Lo Lhe compeLlLlon's rules, shlp compleLe, ready for servlce ln
every respecL lncludlng onboard repalr parLs, ouLflL, llqulds ln machlnery aL operaLlng levels, buL wlLhouL any
varlable loads and lncludlng llghL shlp deslgn and consLrucLlon margln."
V2CA9D A38/P unlL value CoefflclenL WelghL [Lon]

$-L3502 C.M:/424 SC.M9 5.4 SC32 1 300
'LL69832 M35.2 N?< D8. 1 200
'LL69832 M35.2 ? D8. 1 30
('W6 C.M:/424 SC.M9 5.4 SC32 2 100
'D923 2Y/CP02.D 300
"56H 32:5D24 2Y/CP02.D Cv [m^3] 47031 0,032 1330

)/:: 6D3/MD/32 Pull volume [m^3] 28393 0,16 4343
U2MH98/62 u.P. volume [m^3] 18636 0,09 1679
,D22: S2CA9D D8D5: eW `0gEa GO<?N <*N;> =<O<
"/..2: D93/6D236 1 20
(2D35MD51:2 D93/6D236 2 60
$bC0/D9 K846 2 160
$.M9836 2 19
$.M983 Q95C.6 2 101
%883C.A VC.M9 1 130
)2:CM8PD23 :5.4C.A P54 1 20
%'T T85D 1 2,3
RCL2 T85D6 6 24
,9CP '/DLCDDC.A (2623B2 230
,9CP '/DLCDDC.A D8D5: eW `0gEa GO<?N <*<NI OI=

d.D23C83 '/DLCDDC.A Area [m^2] 3024 0,23 1166
%5M9C.23F ower [kW] 22000 0,03 660
%5M9C.23F 6F6D206 ower [kW] 22000 0,007 134
,9CP 6F6D206 Cv [m^3] 47031 0,009 423
R&e 6D835A2 D5.H LnC volume [m^3] 113 0,02 2
"8D5: eW `0gEa GO<?N N<O=G
(2623B2 8 861
RCA9D69CP eW `0gEa GO<?N NN=;?
"51:2 ;;J RCA9D69CP S2CA9D

[CA/32 N;J V2CA9D 4C6D3C1/DC8. :CA9D69CP
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KJ@I@K D#E%".4"# &+-@1.1+-
1hls condlLlon ls deflned as llghLshlp plus 100 percenL complemenL, provlslons, fuel, waLer, cargo and oLher
varlable loads.
U2P53D/32 SCD9 084/:2
V2CA9D A38/P unlL value CoefflclenL WelghL [Lon]
RCA9D69CP WelghL [Lon] 11623 1 11623

R53A2 ,/1625 %84/:2 WelghL [Lon] 300 1 300
%84/:2 M:25.C.A 2Y/CP02.D WelghL [Lon] 3 130 430
'D923 084/:2 95.4:C.A 2Y/CP02.D WelghL [Lon] 1 200 200
Q32S 5.4 M:C2.D6 Crew + cllenLs 130 0,1 13
K38BC6C8. Crew + cllenLs 130 0,2 30
[/2: 'C: CapaclLy [m^3] 1300 0,88 1320
R&e CapaclLy [m^3] 183 0,3 92
R/1 'C: CapaclLy [m^3] 112 0,88 99
K8D51:2 S5D23 CapaclLy [m^3] 1836 1 1836
,2S5A2 5.4 A32F S5D23 CapaclLy [m^3] 0 0,80 0
T5::56D L83 D3C0 5.4 5.DC-922:C.A CapaclLy [m^3] 0 1,023 0
T5::56D L83 6D51C:CDF CapaclLy [m^3] 0 1,023 0
U254S2CA9D G?=N


U254S2CA9D\UC6P:5M202.D <*;I
RCA9DS2CA9D\UC6P:5M202.D <*O;
"51:2 ;EJ U2P53D/32 M8.4CDC8.

[CA/32 NEJ V2CA9D 4C6D3C1/DC8. 42P53D/32
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KJ@I@I C+@4*# O%-@*1-3 ,+-@1.1+-
1hls condlLlon represenLs max draughL condlLlon. ApproxlmaLely 73 percenL of Llme aL sea wlll be spenL
operaLlng aL a fleld.
%84/:2 95.4:C.A M8.4CDC8.
V2CA9D A38/P

unlL value CoefflclenL WelghL [Lon]
RCA9D69CP WelghL [Lon] 11623 1 11623

R53A2 6/1625 084/:2 WelghL [Lon] 1 300 300
%84/:2 M:25.C.A 2Y/CP02.D WelghL [Lon] 3 130 430
'D923 084/:2 95.4:C.A 2Y/CP02.D WelghL [Lon] 1 200 200
Q32S 5.4 M:C2.D6 Crew + cllenLs 130 0,1 13
K38BC6C8. Crew + cllenLs 130 0,2 30
[/2: 'C: CapaclLy [m^3] 1300 0,88 1320
R&e CapaclLy [m^3] 183 0,3 92
R/1 'C: CapaclLy [m^3] 112 0,88 99
K8D51:2 S5D23 CapaclLy [m^3] 1836 1 1836
,2S5A2 5.4 A32F S5D23 CapaclLy [m^3] 438 0,80 330
T5::56D L83 D3C0 5.4 5.DC-922:C.A CapaclLy [m^3] 383 1,023 600
T5::56D L83 6D51C:CDF CapaclLy [m^3] 0 1,023 0
U254S2CA9D ??NN

U254S2CA9D\UC6P:5M202.D <*E;
RCA9DS2CA9D\UC6P:5M202.D <*=I
"51:2 ;GJ %84/:2 95.4:C.A M8.4CDC8.

[CA/32 NGJ V2CA9D 4C6D3C1/DC8. 084/:2 95.4:C.A

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KJ@I@N G""1:%* ,+-@1.1+- R1.L 5+@4*#
1he arrlval condlLlon ls deflned as full cargo and 10 fuel and oLher consumables. Cnly arrlval condlLlon afLer
recoverlng of module ls presenLed. A small amounL of ballasL waLer ls used for Lrlm.
$33CB5: Q8.4CDC8. SCD9 084/:2
V2CA9D A38/P unlL value CoefflclenL WelghL [Lon]

RCA9DS2CA9D WelghL [Lon] 11623 1 11623

R53A2 ,/1625 %84/:2 WelghL [Lon] 300 1 300
%84/:2 M:25.C.A 2Y/CP02.D WelghL [Lon] 3 130 430
'D923 084/:2 95.4:C.A 2Y/CP02.D WelghL [Lon] 1 200 200
Q32S 5.4 M:C2.D6 Crew + cllenLs 130 0,1 13
K38BC6C8. Crew + cllenLs 130 0,2 3
[/2: 'C: CapaclLy [m^3] 1300 0,88 132
R&e CapaclLy [m^3] 183 0,3 9
R/1 'C: CapaclLy [m^3] 48 0,88 10
K8D51:2 S5D23 CapaclLy [m^3] 1836 1 186
,2S5A2 5.4 A32F S5D23 CapaclLy [m^3] 438 0,80 330
T5::56D L83 D3C0 5.4 5.DC-922:C.A CapaclLy [m^3] 73 1,023 73
T5::56D L83 6D51C:CDF CapaclLy [m^3] 0 1,023 0
U254S2CA9D N>E<

UC6P:5M202.D NE???
U254S2CA9D\UC6P:5M202.D <*NG
RCA9DS2CA9D\UC6P:5M202.D <*I=
"51:2 ;?J $33CB5: M8.4CDC8.

[CA/32 N?J V2CA9D 4C6D3C1/DC8. 533CB5:

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7\BF ,#-."# +$ ]"%:1.<
1he cenLer of gravlLy has been esLlmaLed for Lhree dlfferenL load condlLlons, llghLshlp condlLlon, module
handllng condlLlon and arrlval condlLlon wlLh module.
lor Lhe welghL groups where Lhe cenLer of gravlLy are noL speclfled, geomeLrlc examlnaLlons are done uslng
general arrangemenL drawlngs made ln AuLoCAu /62/.
KJ@N@K ,#-.#" +$ ]"%:1.< +$ .L# 013L./L1E

WelghL kC verLlcal LCC PorlzonLal
V2CA9D A38/P [Lon] [m] MomenL
[m] MomenL

"56H 32:5D24 2Y/CP02.D
$-L3502 5.4 2Y/CP02.D 300 19 9300 33 17300
'LL69832 Q35.2 N?< "2 5.4 2Y] 200 22 4400 82 16400
'LL69832 Q35.2 ? "2 5.4 2Y] 30 16 800 67 3330
('W C.M:] SC.M926* SC326 2DM] 100 12 1200 80 8000
'D923 2Y/CP02.D 300 14 7000 80 40000

,D22: S2CA9D
)/:: ,D3/MD/32 4343 6 27239 70 318020
U2MH98/62 1679 20 33382 103 176303

"/..2: D93/6D236 20 2,3 30 127 2340
(2D35MD51:2 5bC0/D9 D93/6D236 60 2,3 130 118 7080
,D23. $bC0/D9 "93/6D236 160 6 960 6 960
$.M9836 19 20 372 130 2418
$.M983 Q95C.6 101 20 2020 130 13130
%883C.A VC.M9 130 20 2600 130 16900
)2:CM8PD23 :5.4C.A P54 20 23 300 133 2660
%'T T85D 2,3 17 43 77 193
RCL2 T85D6 24 24,3 388 100 2400
,9CP 8/DLCDDC.A 32623B2 230 13 3230 73 18730

d.D23C83 '/DLCDDC.A
%5M9C.23F 660 3 3300 97 64020
%5M9C.23F 6F6D206 134 7 1078 93 14630
,9CP 6F6D206 423 10 4233 73 31739
R&e 6D835A2 D5.H 2 11 22 118 236

"8D5: 10764 10,3 123061 73,7 879679
(2623B2* I c 861 10,3 9023 73,7 63163
RCA9DS2CA9D 11623 10,3 134083 73,7 944842
"51:2 ;=J Q2.D23 8L A35BCDF* :CA9D69CP

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KJ@N@I ,#-.#" +$ ]"%:1.< @4"1-3 5+@4*# L%-@*1-3
uurlng Lhls condlLlon, Lhe module- and wlre welghL wlll be carrled by Lhe A-frame ln a longlLudlnal poslLlon of
12.3 meLers from sLern. 1he orlgln of force wlll be where Lhe llfLlng wlres are hanglng from Lhe A-frame.
Maxlmum load ln Lhls polnL ls 600 Lons. 100 Lon wlre ls lnLegraLed under Lhe polnL Large Subsea Module".
%84/:2 95.4:C.A 8P235DC8.
WelghL kC verLlcal LCC PorlsonLal
V2CA9D A38/P [Lon] [m] MomenL [Lon*m] [m] MomenL [Lon*m]
RCA9S2CA9D 11323 10,3 121062 73,7 872119
R53A2 6/1625 084/:2 600 26 13600 12,3 7300
%84/:2 M:25.C.A 2Y/CP02.D 430 16 7200 70 31300
'D923 084/:2 95.4:C.A 2Y/CP02.D 200 16 3200 70 14000
Q:C2.D6 5.4 M32S 13 14 210 93 1423
K38BC6C8. 30 13 430 113 3390
[/2: 'C: 1320 7 9240 63,7 84084
R&e 92 11 1012 118 10836
R/1 'C: 99 4 396 90 8910
K8D51:2 S5D23 1836 7 12992 76 141036
,2S5A2 5.4 A32F S5D23 330 7 2483 80 28400
T5::56D L83 D3C0 5.4 5.DC-922:C.A 600 1,9 1140 122 73200
T5::56D L83 6D51C:CDF 0 0 0 0 0
"8D5: 17137 10,2 174987 74,3 1276440
"51:2 ;OJ Q2.D23 8L A35BCDF* 084/:2 95.4:C.A
KJ@N@N ,#-.#" +$ ]"%:1.< +$ .L# G""1:%* ,+-@1.1+-
$33CB5: M8.4CDC8.
WelghL kC verLlcal LCC PorlsonLal
V2CA9D A38/P [Lon] [m] MomenL [Lon*m] [m] MomenL [Lon*m]
RCA9DS2CA9D 11623 10,3 122114 73,7 879699
R53A2 ,/1625 %84/:2 300 18 9000 14 6730
%84/:2 M:25.C.A 2Y/CP02.D 430 16 7200 70 31300
'D923 084/:2 95.4:C.A 2Y/CP02.D 200 16 3200 70 14000
Q:C2.D6 5.4 M32S 13 14 210 93 1423
K38BC6C8. 3 13 43 113 339
[/2: 'C: 132 7 924 64 8408
R&e 9 11 101 118 1080
R/1 'C: 10 4 39 90 887
K8D51:2 S5D23 186 7 1302 76 14136
,2S5A2 5.4 A32F S5D23 330 7 2433 80 28032
T5::56D L83 D3C0 5.4 5.DC-922:C.A 73 1 73 23 1873
T5::56D L83 6D51C:CDF 0 0 0 0 0
"8D5: 13336 10,8 146663 72,9 988131
"51:2 ;IJ Q2.D23 8L A35BCDF* 533CB5:

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

77 ;L1E D"%R1-3/
77B7 01-# D"%R1-3/
Llne drawlngs are lncluded ln Appendlx C. 1hese are made ln uLLl1shlp 2011 /33/.
77B= ,4":#/ +$ 2+"5
1he followlng Lhree curves show Lhe change ln varlous hydrosLaLlc properLles wlLh changlng draughL. 1he
flrsL ploL shows dlsplacemenL and secLlonal, weLLed and waLerplane areas. 1he second deLalls longlLudlnal
and verLlcal cenLers as well as Lhe Lransverse meLacenLer. 1he flnal ploL dlsplays Lhe momenL necessary Lo
Lrlm Lhe vessel by one cenLlmeLer. 1he daLa presenLed ln Lhese ploLs was generaLed wlLh hydrosLaLlc
calculaLlons ln uLLl1shlp.

[CA/32 N=J Q/3B26 8L L830

[CA/32 NOJ Q/3B26 8L L830
0 3000 10000 13000 20000 23000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 3000 6000
UC6P:5M202.D `D8..26a


$325 `0
WaLerplane Area WeLLed Surface
Mldshlp SecLlon Area ulsplacemenL
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
0 3 10 13 20 23 30
7T* 7%D `0a


RQ[* RQT* 7%: `0a
k8 kML LCl LC8
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 NIJ Q/3B26 8L L830

77BF ;G,
1he secLlonal area curve (SAC) represenL Lhe area of each secLlon from Lhe llne drawlngs under Lhe waLer llne
aL deslgn drafL 6,3 meLers.

[CA/32 N>J ,2MDC8.5: $325 Q/3B2

20 23 30 33 40
100 130 200 230 300
"KQ `D\M0a


MC1 1C
0 10 20 30 40 30 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

77BI ]#-#"%* G""%-3#5#-./
1he general arrangemenL can be found ln Appendlx u.
1he drawlngs have been made wlLh Lhe use of AuLoCAu /62/. 1he placlng of Lhe lLems has been an lLeraLlon
process where facLors such as Lrlm, sLablllLy and safeLy and convenlence for Lhe crew have been closely
CuLboard and lnboard proflle vlew have been provlded. 1he ouLboard proflle vlew show Lhe deck machlnery,
azlmuLh LhrusLers, Lunnel LhrusLers, llfeboaLs and Lhe helldeck. 1he lnboard proflle vlew show ln addlLlon Lhe
deck layouL and placlng of maln componenLs.
A drawlng of Lhe lower Lween deck has been provlded Lo show Lhe bulkheads, moon pools and maln
comparLmenLs of Lhe shlp.
1he deck plans for Lhe deckhouse show no deLalls regardlng lnLerlor ouLflLLlng. SeparaLe drawlngs of a Lyplcal
slngle class, double class and offlcer class berLhlng are Lhus lncluded.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7= ("15 %-@ ;.%)1*1.<
1rlm and sLablllLy calculaLlons are carrled ouL ln Pydromax ro /38/ where Lanks, comparLmenLs and load
cases are deflned. CalculaLlons are done ln accordance Lo rules and regulaLlons of unv and lMC. 1hese are
lnLegraLed as a conLrol funcLlon ln Lhe sofLware.
Speclal conslderaLlons regardlng CM -values wlll be dlscussed aL Lhe end of Lhe chapLer.
7=B7 ;+$.R%"#
1he hull was deflned ln Maxsurf /36/ and lmporLed Lo Pydromax. Pydromax applles Lrapezoldal lnLegraLlon
Lo daLa calculaLed from a serles of cross secLlons Laken Lhrough Lhe Maxsurf model surfaces. 1o see lf
Pydromax ls able Lo lnLerpreL Lhe unconvenLlonal hull form, Lhe secLlonal area curve ls analyzed ln
Pydromax. 1here ls no unexpecLed splkes or hollows ln Lhe curve whlch lndlcaLes LhaL resulLs are rellable.
7=B= ;E#&1%* &+-/1@#"%.1+-/ "#3%"@1-3 .L# *1$.1-3 +E#"%.1+-
KI@I@K ,"%-# *1$.
uurlng llfLlng-operaLlon Lhe orlgln of force wlll be where Lhe llfLlng cables are hanglng ln Lhe A-frame,
consequenLly ralslng Lhe vessels gravlLy cenLer. 1he followlng relaLlon can be shown:
kC' A = kC A - M a + M (a+h)
CC' =
[830/:5 NJ d.M325624 M2.D23 8L A35BCDF

[CA/32 ;<J d.M325624 M2.D23 8L A35BCDF
M = welghL of module [Lons]
CC' = change of gravlLy cenLer [m]
A= dlsplacemenL [Lons]
h = suspenslon polnL above maln deck

1he resulL ls an lncreased value of kC by approxlmaLely 0,84 meLers whlch ls subLracLed from Lhe
- value. 1hls lmpacL ls Laken lnLo accounL ln Pydromax.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KI@I@I D<-%51& /.%)1*1.<
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe mean force caused by llfLlng Lhe module, Lhere wlll be dynamlc forces due Lo moLlon of Lhe
crane Llp and wave exclLaLlon on Lhe ob[ecL. ln Lhe 1wln 1all concepL damplng mechanlsms wlll llmlL Lhese
moLlons. Powever, when Lhe module ls parLly submerged ln long waves Lhe buoyancy forces wlll vary wlLh
wave elevaLlon causlng exLra Lenslon on Lhe wlre. AcceleraLlons when llfLlng Lhe module from seabed and
added mass wlll also cause exLra forces.

ln Pydromax, forces durlng Lhe llfL-operaLlon are consldered a sLaLlc case. 1o compensaLe for dynamlc forces
Laklng place a margln facLor of 1,23 ls added Lo Lhe LoLal welghL of module and wlre.

KI@I@N ,L%-3# +$ ."15 &%4/#@ )< *1$.1-3Q+E#"%.1+-
CalculaLlons are done Lo flnd Lhe necessary ballasL compensaLlon durlng operaLlon.
lollowlng relaLlons ls used /2/:

L = [m]

[830/:5 ;J "3C0 M95.A26

M1 = momenL changlng Lrlm [Lon m]
a = dlsLance masscenLer Lo floLaLloncenLer [m]
M = LoLal mass ln orlgln of force [Lon]
M11 = momenL Lo change Lrlm 1 meLer [(Lon m) / m]
= LonglLudlnal meLacenLrlc helghL [m]
L = change ln Lrlm [m]

1he resulL ls a Lrlm of approxlmaLely 1.3 meLers. 1o compensaLe for Lhls, 600 Lons of ballasL ls used glvlng a
flnal Lrlm of - 0.03 meLers.
KI@I@M HE#- 5++- E++*/
uurlng operaLlon Lhe work moon pool (8 m x 8 m) and Lwo 8Cv moon pools (3.3 m x 3,3m] wlll be opened.
Moon pools have Lhe advanLage LhaL ouLslde waves wlll appear ln a fllLered verslon, so Lhe moLlon ln Lhe
moon pool ls relaLlvely slow. Powever, Lhe naLural frequency of seawaLer osclllaLlng verLlcally ln Lhe moon
pool can colnclde wlLh frequencles conLalned ln wave specLra meL ln Lhe norLh Sea. lor Lhls reason damplng
devlces should be lnsLalled, llke choke decks or flanges.
Pavlng lnsLalled damplng devlces Lo avold resonance, open moon pools of Lhese dlmenslons wlll noL cause
any hazard concernlng sLablllLy.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7=BF ("15 %-@ *+%@ $%&.+"
1he MPv wlll go Lo harbor for replacemenL or reparaLlons of Lhe module and Lhen go back Lo lnsLall a unlL.
1here wlll be no lnsLanL recovery of a module afLer lnsLallaLlon. 1he shlp's beam llmlLs us Lo carry one
module aL Lhe Llme. 1hls means LhaL for each lnLervenLlon relaLed Lo modules, Lhe shlp wlll have Lo go ouL
and back Lwo Llmes from Lhe harbor. 1rlm and lnLacL sLablllLy calculaLlons are conducLed for Lhe full range of
anLlclpaLed operaLlng condlLlons. ln LoLal 8 cases are presenLed, lncludlng llghLshlp condlLlon.
1he followlng parameLers are used ln Lhe calculaLlons wlLh reference polnL from Lhe afL:
LonglLudlnal cenLer of gravlLy: LCC [m]
LonglLudlnal cenLer of buoyancy: LC8 [m]
LonglLudlnal cenLer of floLaLlon: LCl [m]

looJ ls tefetteJ to os tbe omooot of foel ooJ otbet coosomobles oobootJ tbe Mnv lo oll tbe followloq
tobles ooJ qtopbs.
KI@N@K A-/.%**%.1+-
R854 M8.4CDC8. UC6P:5M202.D
U35/A9D X$KZ
U35/A9D X[KZ
N<<c :854
SCD9 084/:2
16186 73,3 73,3 67,9 6,70 6,68 0,02
?< c :854
SCD98/D 084/:2
14871 74,2 74,2 69,4 6,00 3,96 0,04
$33CB5: Q8.4CDC8.
N<c :854
SCD98/D 084/:2
13373 74,4 74,4 69,6 3,8 3,76 0,04
"51:2 ;>J "3C0 4/3C.A C.6D5::5DC8.
KI@N@I K#&+:#"1-3
R854 M8.4CDC8. UC6P:5M202.D
U35/A9D X$KZ
U35/A9D X[KZ
N<<c :854
SCD98/D 084/:2
13686 73,7 73,7 68,3 6,61 6,63 -0,02
?< c :854
SCD9 084/:2
14873 74,1 74,1 68,9 6,22 6,19 0,03
$33CB5: N<c
VCD9 084/:2
13399 74,3 74,3 69,7 3,80 3,76 0,04
"51:2 E<J "3C0 4/3C.A 32M8B23C.A

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KI@N@N HE#"%.1-3 &+-@1.1+- %-@ *13L./L1E &+-@1.1+-
R854 M8.4CDC8. UC6P:5M202.D
U35/A9D X$KZ
%84/:2 95.4:C.A
17137 73,3 73,3 67,8 6,98 6,93 0,03
RCA9D69CP 11623 76,9 76,3 71,3 4,86 3,33 -0,47
"51:2 ENJ "3C0 4/3C.A 084/:2 95.4:C.A 5.4 :CA9D69CP M8.4CDC8.

7=BI ;.%)1*1.<
KI@M@K !"1-&1E*#
8y evaluaLlng CZ()-curves ploLLed ln Pydromax, sLablllLy values can be found. 1hls glves us a good lndlcaLlon
of Lhe vessels sLablllLy. 1he formula for CZ-curves ls:
CZ ( )=CM
*sln ( )+MS ( )
[830/:5 EJ eh-B5:/2

MS = 8esL SLablllLy
= 1ransverse meLacenLrlc helghL above Lhe cenLer of gravlLy
4 = Peellng angle

KI@M@I 2"## /4"$%&# #$$#&.
8y evaluaLlng free surface effecL lL ls clear LhaL Lanks onboard Lhe shlp wlll noL affecL sLablllLy slgnlflcanLly.
1he presence of free surface effecL reduces Lhe CM - value by 0.342 meLers, ln Lhe mosL crlLlcal condlLlon.
1hls occurs ln operaLlon condlLlon wlLh open moon pools and 30 consumables used.
7=BJ O<@"+/.%.1& &%*&4*%.1+-/
8esulLs for kC - values are somewhaL hlgher ln Pydromax Lhan calculaLed ln welghL calculaLlons. A reason for
Lhls may be LhaL Pydromax ad[usL resulLs for free surface effecL.
KI@O@K A-/.%**%.1+-
R854 Q5626 UC6P:5M202.D
T%: `0a e%D
N<<c :854
VCD9 084/:2
16186 3,6 10,6 13,1 199,3 8,1 192,6
?< c :854
VCD98/D 084/:2
14871 3,3 10,7 16,0 222,3 8,6 214,3
$33CB5: N<c
VCD98/D 084/:2
13373 3,2 11,2 16,6 222,6 8,6 214,6
"51:2 E;J )F4386D5DCM 45D5 4/3C.A C.6D5::5DC8.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KI@O@I K#&+:#"1-3
R854 Q5626 UC6P:5M202.D
T%: `0a e%D
N<<c :854
VCD98/D 084/:2
16186 3,6 10,2 14,3 202,0 7,9 193,4
?< c :854
VCD9 084/:2
14871 3,4 11,1 13,8 211,6 8,1 204,0
$33CB5: N<c
VCD9 084/:2
13373 3,2 11,2 16,3 221,4 8,2 213,3
"51:2 EEJ )F4386D5DCM 45D5 4/3C.A 32M8B23C.A
KI@O@N C+@4*# L%-@*1-3 &+-@1.1+- %-@ *13L./L1E &+-@1.1+-
R854 Q5626 UC6P:5M202.D
T%: `0a e%D
%84/:2 95.4:C.A 17137 3,8 10,7 13,2 189,6 6,3 182,2
RCA9D69CP 11623 2,8 11,1 18,3 237 10,2 229,0
"51:2 EGJ )F4386D5DCM 45D5 L83 084/:2 95.4:C.A 5.4 :CA9D69CP M8.4CDC8.
7=BV A-.%&. ;.%)1*1.<
1he followlng sLablllLy crlLerla glven from unv are Lo be fulfllled:
1be oteo ooJet tbe tlqbtloq levet cotve (C2-cotve) sboll be oot less tboo 0,055 metet toJloos op to
=J0 ooqle of beel ooJ oot less tboo 0,09 metet toJloos op to = 40 ot tbe ooqle of flooJloq
lf tbls
ls less tboo 40. AJJltlooolly, tbe oteo ooJet tbe tlqbtloq levet cotve betweeo tbe ooqles of beel of J0
ooJ 40 ot betweeo J0 ooJ
lf tbls ooqle ls lesset tboo 40, sboll oot be less tboo 0,0J metet toJloos.
1be tlqbtloq levet (C2) sboll be ot leost 0,2 m ot oo ooqle of beel epool to ot qteotet tboo J0.
1be moxlmom tlqbtloq levet sboolJ occot ot oo ooqle of beel ptefetobly exceeJloq J0 bot oot less
tboo 25.
1be loltlol metoceottlc belqbt, CM, sboll oot be less tboo 0,15 m.
CZ-curves are presenLed and compared wlLh demands ln Lables. 1he resulLs show LhaL Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe
shlp ls sufflclenL.
KI@P@K A-/.%**%.1+-

[CA/32 ;NJ eh-M/3B2 L83 C.6D5::5DC8.

0 20 40 60 80 100


)22: 5.A:2 `42Aa
eh - M/3B2
Arrlval condlLlon 10
30 load
100 load
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

$325 /P D8
E<i `0j354a
$325 /P D8
$325 /P D8 E<i-
G<i `0j354a
eh 5D E<i
$.A:2 05f eh

>0,033 >0,090 >0,030 >0,200 >23,0 >0,13
U2P53D/32 N<<c
VCD9 084/:2
0,966 1,484 0,318 3,172 30,0 7,38
?< c :854
VCD98/D 084/:2
1,112 1,677 0,362 3,473 28,2 8,93
$33CB5: N<c
VCD98/D 084/:2
1,169 1,723 0,334 3,433 26,4 10,00
"51:2 E?J ,D51C:CDF M92MH L83 C.6D5::5DC8.

KI@P@I K#&+:#"1-3

[CA/32 ;;J eh-M/3B26 4/3C.A 32M8B23C.A

$325 /P D8
$325 /P D8
G<i `0j354a
$325 /P D8 E<i-G<i
eh 5D E<i
$.A:2 05f
eh `42Aa
e%D `0a

>0,033 >0,090 >0,030 >0,200 >23,0 >0,13
N<<c :854
1,031 1,388 0,336 3,38 30 8,142
?< c :854
1,026 1,346 0,320 3,23 28,2 8,217
$33CB5: N<c
1,078 1,387 0,309 3,21 27,3 8,876
"51:2 E=J ,D51C:CDF M92MH L83 32M8B23C.A
0 20 40 60 80 100


)22: 5.A:2 `42Aa
eh - M/3B2
Arrlval 10
30 load
100 load
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KI@P@N ,"%-# HE#"%.1+-

[CA/32 ;EJ eh-M/3B2 L83 084/:2 95.4:C.A

$325 /P D8
E<i `0j354a
$325 /P D8 G<i
$325 /P D8 E<i-
G<i `0j354a
eh 5D E<i
$.A:2 05f
eh `42A]a

>0,033 >0,090 >0,030 >0,200 >23,0 >0,13
0,838 1,268 0,430 2,697 29,1 6,30
"51:2 EOJ ,D51C:CDF M92MH L83 084/:2 95.4:C.A

7=BW ,+-/1@#"%.1+-/ "#3%"@1-3 ]C(
WlLh a wlde beam needed for Lhe 1wln 1all concepL and a dlsplacemenL of approxlmaLely 17000 Lons, Lhls
causes a hlgh 8M - value and consequenLly a hlgh CM - value. usually, Lhe MPv wlll operaLe ln weaLher
condlLlons where wave perlods are relaLlvely low and consequenLly mosL wave paLLerns wlll have relaLlvely
low lmpacL on Lhe MPv. A JetolleJ ooolysls of tbe Mnvs motloo lo woves moy be foooJ lo tbe cboptet oo
seo keeploq.
Powever, lf resonance should occur, measures can be Laken, buL aL Lhls sLage of Lhe pro[ecL only suggesLlons
are made.
KI@Q@K !%//1:# %-.1 Q "+** .%-?/
1he maln Lask of Lhese Lanks ls Lo avold sLrong resonance effecL ln roll. Should lL occur, a reducLlon of 90
resonance ls reallsLlc /37/. 8y changlng waLer level ln Lhe Lanks lL ls posslble Lo change Lhe resonance
frequency of Lhe Lank.
When waLer depLh h ls small compared Lo b we can express Lhe hlghesL naLural perlod of a recLangular free
surface Lank of lnflnlLe lengLh /3/:

0 20 40 60 80 100


)22: 5.A:2 `42Aa
eh - M/3B2
Crane operaLlon
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[830/:5 GJ &5D/35: P23C84 8L 5 38:: D5.H
= naLural perlod of a recLangular free surface Lank
b = breadLh of Lank
h = waLer depLh ln Lank

1he MPv wlll experlence resonance-effecL ln perlods of 12-14 seconds. 1he Lank would have Lo be very large,
unforLunaLely. Pavlng a Lank beam of 29 meLers and a waLer depLh ln Lank of 2 meLers, a roll-perlod of 13
seconds ls obLalned.
1he Lank should be placed ln hlgh, above Lhe shlp's roll-cenLer. ln addlLlon Lhe seawaLer shouldn'L reach Lhe
roof of Lhe Lank before a heel angle of up 13 degrees ls reached. LffecL of anLl - roll Lanks won'L lncrease wlLh
furLher heellng. 1he lengLh of Lhe Lank could be 6,7 meLers, whlch glves place for 400 Lons of seawaLer,
equlvalenL Lo approxlmaLely 2 of Lhe vessels dlsplacemenL.

[CA/32 ;GJ ,H2DM9 8L L322 6/3L5M2 D5.H

1he free surface effecL could be explolLed ln Lhe passlve anLl-roll Lank when Lhere ls no need for resonance-
reducLlon. A normal reducLlon ln Lhe CM - value ls 20-30, caused by free surface effecL and Lhe Lanks
verLlcal poslLlon. uslng dlmenslons suggesLed and placlng Lhe Lank 18 meLer hlgh, a reducLlon of 1 meLer ls
An alLernaLlve anLl-roll Lank ls presenLed under. 1hls soluLlon ls less space-demandlng Lhan Lhe one above.
Powever, lL would be much more dlfflculL Lo explolL Lhe free surface effecL wlLh Lhese soluLlons. An
evaluaLlon of avallable space versus Lhe need for a reduced CM- value would have Lo be done aL a laLer sLage
of Lhe deslgn process.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 ;?J +-D5.H

llgure 23 shows a u-Lank conslsLlng of Lwo reservolrs, one on Lhe sLarboard slde and Lhe oLher on Lhe porL
slde. 1hese reservolrs are connecLed vla a ducL LhaL allows Lhe flow from one reservolr Lo Lhe oLher.
7=BY 2*++@%)*# *#-3.L
lloodable lengLh ls Lhe maxlmal lengLh LhaL can be LoLally fllled wlLh waLer along Lhe vessel wlLhouL floodlng
Lhe deck. lL can be used Lo deLermlne Lhe numbers and placemenLs of waLerLlghL bulkheads. unv suggesLs
LhaL Lhe hull should be subdlvlded wlLh 9 waLerLlghL bulkheads /26/. Powever, an exLra bulkhead was
lnsLalled afLer evaluaLlon of Lhe floodable lengLh curve. lloodable lengLh has Lo be longer Lhan Lhe
comparLmenL dlvlslon lengLh, as shown ln llgure 26. 1hls ls a mlnlmum damage sLablllLy requlremenL.

[CA/32 ;=J [:88451:2 :2.AD9 M/3B2
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7=BZ M%.#".13L. 1-.#3"1.<
1he 9 Lransverse bulkheads wlll exLend from Lhe keel Lo maln deck, from slde Lo slde
1here wlll be waLerLlghL doors on each bulkhead. 1hese can be closed manually from boLh sldes and also
from Lhe brldge, where an lndlcaLor wlll Lell lf Lhe doors are closed or noL. PaLches on maln deck wlll also be

An emergency exlL from Lhe maln englne room wlll be lnsLalled. 1here wlll also be waLerLlghL doors beLween
Lhe englne room and Lhe maln sLalrs shown ln flgure xx. no longlLudlnal bulkheads are lnsLalled.

[CA/32 ;OJ V5D23DCA9D 48836 C. D92 2.AC.2 3880
7=B7\ D%5%3# /.%)1*1.<
Pydromax ro uses Lhe losL buoyancy meLhod Lo calculaLe damage sLablllLy. 1hls meLhod ls sulLable sLudylng
damage sLablllLy and equlllbrlum, whlle Lhe added mass meLhod ls sulLable measurlng fllllng raLe and
lollowlng lMC sLandards are followed:
Mlolmom fteebootJ ot epolllbtlom sboll be qteotet tboo 0 metets
polllbtlom beel ooqle sboll oot be qteotet tboo 25 Jeqtees
Ateo ooJet C2 cotve sboll oot be less tboo 0,0175 metet x toJloos
keslJool tlqbtloq levet sboll oot be less tboo 0,1 metets
Assumed damage lengLh caused by colllslon ls:

KI@KJ@K !#"5#%)1*1.<
LosL buoyancy ln a comparLmenL ls deflned by permeablllLy. ermeablllLy varles wlLh Lhe geomeLry of Lhe
room, lnsLalled equlpmenL, cargo eLc. 1he followlng permeablllLles are used for Lhe dlfferenL comparLmenLs.
1he values are conservaLlve.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

-4BH9?FB8:F =476B8 H8?B89S;7;FC T!U
;.+"#/ J2PJ
8-31-# K++5 J2VO
06] Q .%-? J2RJ
85E.< "++5/ %-@ .%-?/ J2RO
!"+E4*/1+- K++5/ J2RO
M+"? K++5/ J2RO
"51:2 EIJ K23051C:CDC26
7=B77 D%5%3# &%/#/
uamage sLablllLy ls analyzed for Lhe mosL crlLlcal condlLlon, whlch ls durlng lnsLallaLlon/recovery of Lhe
module. lmpacL from slde ls analyzed from porL slde because of Lhe 130 Lon crane placed on Lhls slde.
1he red llnes mark ln Lhe skeLch under shows Lhe Lransverse waLerLlghL bulkheads, and Lhe numbers deflnes
Lhe dlfferenL comparLmenLs. Wlng Lanks are lnsLalled along Lhe shlp sldes, excepLlng 1wln 1all. 1hese Lanks
and Lanks ln Lhe double boLLom are noL marked ln Lhe skeLch shown under, buL are consldered ln Lhe
analyses. Wlng Lanks and Lanks ln Lhe double boLLom wlll work as colllslon bulkhead for smaller lmpacLs Lhan
Lhe ones sLudled ln Lhls secLlon.
KI@KK@K J @%5%3# &%/#/

[CA/32 ;IJ U505A2 M5626

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

"51:2 E>J U505A2 M5626

1be tbtee most ctltlcol coses wlll be lssoeJ, ooJ tbe slmolotloo- tesolts wlll be pteseoteJ oftetwotJs. lo
oJJltloo to Jomoqe coses of lesset cooceto ote meotlooeJ.
KI@KK@I ,%/# 7 ! H$$Q&#-.#" $*++@1-3 +$ (R1- (%1*
uamage ln one of Lhe 1wln 1alls wlll cause Lhe MPv Lo heel slgnlflcanLly. 1he 1wln 1all ls vulnerable wlLh
respecL Lo sLrucLural lnLegrlLy. Colllslon from slde or a faLlgue fallure ln one of Lhe 1wln 1alls ls of concern.
AddlLlonally, forces durlng crane llfL wlll lncrease Lhe heellng momenL. ln Lhe mosL crlLlcal condlLlon a safeLy
mechanlsm should allow cuLLlng off Lhe wlre, Lhus releaslng Lhe shlp from Lhese forces. 1he freeboard margln
ls also low ln Lhls case, buL Lhe maln deck wlll noL be flooded.

[CA/32 ;>J 'LL-M2.D23 L:884C.A
KI@KK@N ,%/# = ! 21"#^89E*+/1+- 1- .L# #-31-# "++5^06] "++5
1he waLerLlghL bulkhead dlsLance beLween Lhe machlnery room and Lhe propulslon room ls large, causlng a
large lmpacL lf flooded. As a worsL case scenarlo Lhe passage way comparLmenL ls also flooded due Lo open
waLerLlghL doors. lree surface effecL wlll be greaL before Lhe room ls LoLally fllled. A rough esLlmaLe ylelds a
reducLlon of Lhe CM-value by 2.3 meLers. As seen ln llgure 30 Lhe Lrlm wlll be hlgh. A hlgh freeboard margln
ln fronL helps Lo malnLaln good sLablllLy, buL maneuverablllLy wlll be low.
Case uescrlpLlon uamaged comparLmenLs uescrlpLlon
1 Colllslon from slde ln 1wln 1all 14 -18 1wln 1all
1ask relaLed
Wlng Lank
2 llre/Lxploslon 2 - 3 LnC - Lank
Maln SLalrs
3 Colllslon ln afL 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 -23 1wln 1all
4 lronL colllslon 1 - 2 Cofferdam
LnC - Lank
3 Slde colllslon 7 - 9 8Cv - wlnch room
MuC 1ank
Wlng Lanks
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 E<J [C32* 2fP:86C8.
KI@KK@M ,%/# F ! ,+**1/1+- 1- %$.
lf an ob[ecL wlLh a beam of 16.2 meLers or wlder were Lo hlL Lhe afL dlrecLly, Lhls could as a worsL case,
damage Lhe 1wln 1all. 1he resulL ls a large Lrlm angle, buL Lhe deck would noL be flooded.

[CA/32 ENJ Q8::C6C8. C. 5LD
KI@KK@O ,%/# I ! 2"+-. &+**1/1+-
lronL colllslon ls slmulaLed because lL ls a reallsLlc evenL. Powever, Lhe colllslon bulkhead wlll ln mosL cases
proLecL agalnsL lmpacLs and wlll noL cause a large danger. lloodlng of Lhe propulslon-comparLmenL (2) ls
added ln Lhe damage case. 8esulLs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe case ls noL amongsL Lhe mosL crlLlcal.
KI@KK@P ,%/# J ! ,+**1/1+- $"+5 /1@#
lloodlng of comparLmenL 7 and 9 ls slmulaLed Lo sLudy Lhe off-cenLer floodlng. Powever, resulLs show LhaL a
colllslon ln Lhe slde of Lhe 1wln 1all ls more crlLlcal. 8esulLs are presenLed below:
Q562 N
floodlng of
1wln 1all
Q562 ;
llre/Lxploslon ln
Lhe englne room
Q562 E
Colllslon ln

U35/A9D [K `0a
6,8 10,8 3,1
U35/A9D $K `0a
8,1 4,4 9,7
"3C0 `0a
1,3 - 6,4 4,6
"3C0 `42Aa
0,6 -2,7 2,0
3,0 6,4 3,3
138,3 161,8 117,3
)22: `42Aa
-9,0 0 -4,3
"51:2 G<J U505A2 M562 326/:D6
KI@KK@Q GEE"+:%*
8ased on lMC - sLandards damage sLablllLy seem Lo be wlLhln demands /27/. no furLher lnvesLlgaLlon of
damage sLablllLy wlll be done aL Lhls sLage. AL a laLer sLage off-cenLer floodlng wlLh damaged comparLmenLs
9 and 7 or 12 and 9 should be sLudled carefully. Wlnd and wave lmpacL ln damage condlLlon should also be
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7F !"#@1&.1+- +$ ,%*5 M%.#" K#/1/.%-&#
7FB7 ]#-#"%*
1here are Lhree dlfferenL ways Lo predlcL calm waLer reslsLance on a shlp hull
- Model LesLlng
- AnalyLlcal/numerlcal
- Lmplrlcal
lor predlcLlon of calm waLer reslsLance ln early sLages, model LesLlng ln a Lowlng Lank has llLLle value and ls
far Loo expenslve Lo be performed. Model LesLlng ls preferred aL a laLer sLage of Lhe deslgn process when Lhe
hull form ls more llkely Lo be flnlLe.
1he analyLlcal and numerlcal meLhods, based on Lhe hulls geomeLry and poLenLlal Lheory, requlre a hlgher
level of educaLlon and lnvolve a large amounL of work. 1hese meLhods are omlLLed from Lhls reporL due Lo
Lhe Llme llmlL for Lhe pro[ecL.
1he emplrlcal meLhods are Lhe mosL efflclenL for lnlLlal reslsLance predlcLlon. 1hese are based on a large
number of model LesLs and glve an lnlLlal esLlmaLe of Lhe shlps reslsLance based on maln dlmenslons and
7FB= 85E1"1&%* C#.L+@/
MosL of Lhe fully publlshed meLhods are somewhaL old and do noL glve exacL esLlmaLlon for Lhe modern
fleeL. 1he newesL meLhods fully released are:
- PolLrop '84
- Pollenbach '98
7FBF ;+$.R%"#
1he calculaLlons of calm waLer reslsLance have been done ln Lhe Shlpx Shlp Speed and owerlng lug-ln /34/,
where boLh of Lhe above menLloned meLhods are lmplemenLed.
7FBI ]#-#"%* G//45E.1+-/
lor boLh meLhods, Lhe calculaLlons have been done aL Lhe deslgn drafL. 1he sea waLer LemperaLure ls seL Lo
be 10 degrees Celclus, whlch ls a yearly mean LemperaLure ln Lhe operaLlon area /74/. ln Lhe calculaLlons Lhe
shlp has no Lrlm and Lhe alr reslsLance ls seL Lo be zero. 1he margln facLor for Lhe machlnery wlll make up for
Lhls alr reslsLance. 1he weLLed surface ls calculaLed by bullL-ln formulas.
1he program Lakes Lhe coefflclenLs of Lhe MPv and lmplemenLs Lhese Lo a convenLlonal hull form, and Lhen
glve resulLs from lLs emplrlcal daLabase. 1hls wlll surely noL glve an exacLly rlghL reslsLance predlcLlon, buL ls
consldered sufflclenL ln Lhls early sLage.
7FBJ "#$%&#' )*+
1he PolLrop '84 meLhod ls based on a wlde dlverslLy of shlp Lypes. Many of Lhese shlps are old, and Lhls musL
be consldered when applylng Lhls meLhod on newer hulls. 1he valld ranges for Lhe PolLrop '84 meLhod are:

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

,9CP [
X05fZ Q
"5.H236* 1/:H M533C236 0,24 0,73 - 0,83 3,1 - 7,1
e2.235: Q53A8 0,3 0,38 - 0,72 3,3 - 8,0
[C69C.A B2662:6* D/A6 0,38 0,33 - 0,63 3,9 - 6,3
Q8.D5C.23 69CP6* L3CA5D26 0,43 0,33 - 0,67 6,0 - 9,3
W53C8/6 0,3 0,36 - 0,73 6,0 - 7,3
"51:2 GNJ W5:C4 35.A26 8L )8:D38P kIG

1he MPv has Lhe followlng parameLers. lroude number ls aL 17 knoLs, whlch ls maxlmum speed for Lhe
X05fZ Q
%)W* "
l=*?< `0a 0,242 0,63 4,46
"51:2 G;J K53502D236 %W)

1hese values are ln Lhe areas of valldlLy.
1he sLern ls saL Lo be normal, so Lhe Lransom coefflclenL ls zero. 1he bulb ls noL lncluded Lhe calculaLlons.
1hls ls recommended by Lhe Shlp Speed and owerlng Manual /#/ because Lhe geomeLry of Lhe bulb sLrongly
lnfluences Lhe reslsLance, and experlence aL MA8ln1Lk lndlcaLes LhaL calculaLlons wlLh bulb ln PolLrops
meLhod may glve sLrange resulLs/#/. MA8ln1Lk recommends Lo apply bulb effecLs wlLh care, and Lhe deslgn
Leam has chosen Lo noL lnclude lL aL all. 1hls ls because Lhe bulbous bow only reduces Lhe wave reslsLance
conslderable when Lhe lroude number exceed 0,23, and Lhe reslsLance ls calculaLed only for a speed range
up Lo Lhls polnL. ln Lhese low speeds Lhe bulb flrsL of all helps reduclng Lhe plLchlng of Lhe vessel.
7FBV "#$$,-./01 )2Y
1o verlfy Lhe resulLs from PolLrop's meLhod, Lhe same calculaLlons are done by Pollenbach's meLhod. 1hls
meLhod also uses regresslon analysls of large number of shlps wlLh varylng dlmenslons and form coefflclenLs.
1he requlred dlmenslons for Pollenbach's meLhod are llsLed ln Lable /#/.
Design draft
Design draft

,9CP :2.AD9 R `0a 42,0 - 203,0 30,6 - 206,8 140
4,49 - 6,01 4,41 - 7,27 3,33
0,60 - 0,83 0,31 - 0,78 0,64
R\T 4,71 - 7,11 3,96 - 7,13 4,46
T\" 1,99 - 4,00 2,31 - 6,11 4,62
1,00 - 1,03 1,00 - 1,03 1,00
\R 1,00 - 1,06 1,00 - 1,07 0,96
\" 0.43 - 0.84 0.30 - 0.86 0,38
"51:2 GE" $%&'( )%*+,- ./ 0.&&,*1%23 456

1he MPv's dlmenslons are ln Lhe valld ranges of Lhe meLhod. 1hls makes Lhe resulLs plauslble predlcLlons.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7FBW K#/4*./
1he resulLs are ploLLed below. 1he dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo approaches ls aL Lhe mosL 17 and only
3 aL Lhe dlmenslonlng speed, 13 knoLs.

[CA/32 E;J (26/:D6 8L 326C6D5.M2 26DC05D2

ln order Lo verlfy Lhe resulLs, slmple calculaLlons have been done Lo flnd Lhe frlcLlon reslsLance, as Lhls glves
Lhe largesL conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe reslsLance.
1he frlcLlon reslsLance can be calculaLed by Lhe formula below

[830/:5 ?" 78894:; /)'2<'.*%& 2.,//'2',*< &'*, /.) D/31/:2.D L:8S \O\
Where: C
ls Lhe frlcLlon coefflclenL, 8
ls LoLal reslsLance, p ls denslLy of waLer, v ls shlp veloclLy, S ls weLLed
surface and Lhe 8eynold's number ls glven by

[830/:5 =J (2F.8:4k6 ./0123
Where: L ls lengLh of waLer llne and v ls klnemaLlc vlscoslLy.
WlLh Lhe dlfferenL lengLhs of Lhe sLern ln Lhe 1wln 1all, Lhe frlcLlon coefflclenL can make an error because Lhe
8eynolds number wlll be calculaLed for Lhe LoLal lengLh of Lhe shlp. 1herefore, an exLra calculaLlon of Lhe
frlcLlon coefflclenL wlLh Lhe average lengLh of Lhe sLern has been done. 1hls new frlcLlon coefflclenL ls sllghLly
hlgher, because of Lhe reduced 8eynolds number, and wlll glve an lncreased frlcLlon reslsLance. 1hls wlll
lncrease Lhe LoLal reslsLance, buL Lhe dlfference ls calculaLed Lo be around 1 and ls Lherefore neglecLed.
10 10,3 11 11,3 12 12,3 13 13,3 14 14,3 13 13,3 16 16,3 17






W2:8MCDF `H.8D6a
(26C6D5.M2 5.4 "8SC.A K8S23
PolLrop [kn] Pollenbach [kn] PolLrop [kW] Pollenbach [kW]
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

1here are oLher facLors as Lhe resldual reslsLance and Lhe form facLor LhaL also can make errors, buL Lhese
are harder Lo predlcL.
uue Lo Lhe resulLs menLloned above, Lhe meLhods are consldered sufflclenL aL Lhls early deslgn. lor Lhe
furLher deslgn process ln Lhls reporL Lhe resulLs from PolLrop's meLhod are used, slnce Lhls glves Lhe mosL
conservaLlve value. 1he calm waLer reslsLance ls 430 [kn] for Lhe max speed, 13 knoLs. 1hls requlres a Lowlng
power of 3330 [kW].
ln laLer deslgn process, boLh numerlcal meLhods and model LesLlng would be necessary Lo verlfy Lhese

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7I !"+E4*/+"/ %-@ (L"4/.#"/
7IB7 (L"4/. /</.#5 ."%@# +$$
ln Lhe Lrade off each sysLem ls glven a score regardlng Lhe crlLerla rellablllLy, maneuverlng, efflclency, flexlble
placlng and feaslblllLy. 1he sum of Lhe scores for one crlLerlon ls one. AL Lhe end Lhe dlfferenL scores are
mulLlplled wlLh Lhe welghL of each crlLerlon.
KM@K@K GX154.L .L"4/.#"
An azlmuLh LhrusLer ls a conflguraLlon whlch can be roLaLed 360 degrees abouL lLs verLlcal axes and hence
excludes Lhe need of a rudder. WlLh Lhls capablllLy Lhe LhrusLer also conLrlbuLes greaLly Lo Lhe dynamlc
poslLlonlng sysLem. 1he LhrusLers may be dellvered wlLh a varleLy of propeller deslgn opLlons and can be
flLLed wlLh a nozzle Lo lmprove efflclency aL low speed.
1he propeller may be drlven by mechanlcal Lransmlsslon or elecLrlc englnes placed ln Lhe LhrusLer houslng.
1he LhrusLers may be placed anywhere under Lhe hull of Lhe vessel, and Lherefore demandlng less
conslderaLlon regardlng Lhe hydrodynamlc properLles of Lhe hull.
KM@K@I ,+-:#-.1+-%* /.#"- E"+E#**#"
1he convenLlonal sLern propeller ls Lhe mosL common propulslon unlL when all shlp Lypes are Laklng lnLo
accounL. A convenLlonal sLern propeller demands a hull deslgned wlLh speclal conslderaLlon Lo flow
characLerlsLlcs, glvlng less freedom ln deslgnlng Lhe afL hull. 1he propeller ls placed on a shafL connecLed
elLher Lhrough a gear or dlrecLly Lo Lhe englne, glvlng less flexlblllLy when lL comes Lo placlng Lhe
componenLs. 1he dlrecL coupllng beLween propeller and englne also llmlLs Lhe flexlblllLy regardlng 8M. 1o
lncrease Lhe ablllLy of varylng LhrusL Lhe sysLem could be flLLed wlLh conLrollable plLch propeller.
KM@K@N 8*#&."1& @1"#&. @"1:#
1hls sysLem ls qulLe slmllar Lo Lhe convenLlonal sLern propeller regardlng afL hull characLerlsLlcs. 1he
dlfference lles ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of energy from Lhe maln englne Lo Lhe propeller. ln Lhe elecLrlc dlrecL drlve
sysLem Lhe propeller shafL ls connecLed Lo an elecLrlc englne. 1he elecLrlc englne geLs energy from Lhe maln
swlLchboard, and has Lhe ablllLy Lo vary 8M, glvlng Lhe sysLem hlgher flexlblllLy.
KM@K@M T+1.L ;&L-#1@#"
1he volLh Schnelder propeller ls a sysLem where a number of verLlcal folls wlLh lndlvldual plLch conLrol are
placed on a roLaLlng clrcular plaLe provldlng LhrusL. 1he sysLem provldes qulck response and generaLes LhrusL
ln all horlzonLal dlrecLlons. Such a propeller ls popular for Lug vessels due Lo hlgh maneuverlng ablllLy aL low
speed. AL hlgher speed Lhe efflclency drops.
KM@K@O ;&+"#/
KM@K@O@K K#*1%)1*1.<
8oLh Lhe azlmuLh LhrusL sysLem, Lhe convenLlonal and Lhe elecLrlc dlrecL drlve offers hlgh rellablllLy. 1he
volLh Schnelder has yeL Lo be LesLed on Lhls Lype of vessel, and hence provldes no adequaLe numbers
regardlng rellablllLy.
KM@K@O@I C%-#4:#"1-3
1he azlmuLh sysLem and Lhe volLh Schnelder sysLem offer greaL maneuverablllLy boLh ln LranslL and ln a
dynamlc poslLlonlng sLaLe. 1he convenLlonal sysLem and Lhe dlrecL drlve have some concerns regardlng
maneuverablllLy when acLlng ln dynamlc poslLlonlng.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KM@K@O@N 8$$1&1#-&<
PlghesL efflclency ls achleved wlLh Lhe convenLlonal sLern as sLages of energy loss are llmlLed. 1he dlrecL
drlve also provldes hlgh efflclency, buL some losses occur ln Lhe elecLrlcal dlsLrlbuLlon. 1he volLh Schnelder
sysLem and Lhe azlmuLh sysLem provldes a blL lowered efflclency ln LranslL mode, buL aL low speed and wlLh
regard Lo dynamlc poslLlon Lhese sysLems provlde hlgher efflclency as less propeller LhrusL ls requlred Lo hold
KM@K@O@M 2*#91)*# E*%&1-3
When conslderlng elecLrlc drlven azlmuLhs, boLh Lhe AzlmuLh sysLem and Lhe volLh Schnelder offer a hlgh
degree of flexlble spaclng. 1he convenLlonal sysLem and Lhe dlrecL drlve llmlLs Lhe flexlblllLy as Lhe shafL ls
more or less horlzonLally. As Lhe convenLlonal sysLem ls coupled wlLh Lhe englne Lhe englne room placlng ls
also resLrlcLed.
KM@K@O@O 2#%/1)1*1.<
uue Lo Lhe afL hull deslgn and Lhe cenLer moon pool, Lhe convenLlonal sysLem ls ruled ouL when lL comes Lo
feaslblllLy. 1he elecLrlc dlrecL drlve may be feaslble due Lo less space needed ln Lhe afL hull, buL Lhe hull
deslgn around Lhe 1wln 1all would have Lo be reconsLrucLed ln order Lo make lL feaslble. 1he azlmuLh sysLem
ls very feaslble as lL ls Lhe mosL common sysLem on slmllar vessels.
7IB= (L"4/. /</.#5 /#*#&.1+-
1he dlfferenL LhrusL sysLems scores and correspondlng welghLlng ls llsLed ln Lable xx. 1he welghLlng
evaluaLlon ls adapLed Lo Lhe vessel Lype.
,M8326 X,Z
AzlmuLh ConvenLlonal sLern Ll. ulrecL drlve volLh Schnelder Sum
(2:C51C:CDF 0,20 0,23 0,30 0,23 0,20 1
%5.2/B23C.A 0,23 0,40 0,13 0,13 0,30 1
#LLCMC2.MF 0,23 0,23 0,33 0,20 0,20 1
[:2fC1:2 P:5MC.A 0,20 0,40 0,10 0,20 0,30 1
[256C1C:CDF 0,10 0,33 0,00 0,10 0,33 1
,/0 XV^,Z <*EGO <*;<? <*NII <*;=< N
"51:2 GGJ "93/6D 6F6D20 D3542 8LL 05D3Cf

WlLh a besL LoLal score Lhe azlmuLh LhrusLer propulslon sysLem ls preferred for Lhe vessel. Slnce Lhe azlmuLh
LhrusLer may be dellvered wlLh a varleLy of deslgns, a selecLlon has Lo be made nexL.

7IBF GX154.L .L"4/.#" /#*#&.1+-
KM@N@K !4**1-3 .L"4/.#" 5#&L%-1&%* ."%-/51//1+-
WlLh a pulllng LhrusLer Lhe propeller ls placed ln fronL of Lhe leg and hence Lhe propeller ls dragglng Lhe
vessel. Lnergy ls Lransferred from an elecLrlcal or combusLlon englne placed above Lhe LhrusLer, hence
mechanlcal Lransmlsslon (1he selecLlon of azlmuLh LhrusLer ln Lhe prevlous secLlon ls granLed elecLrlcal
englne). WlLh Lhls soluLlon Lhere ls no obsLacle ln fronL of Lhe propeller (propeller boss, leg eLc.) glvlng Lhe
propeller beLLer flow.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KM@N@I !4/L1-3 .L"4/.#" 5#&L%-1&%* ."%-/51//1+-
ln conLrasL Lo Lhe pulllng LhrusLer Lhls LhrusLer ls pushlng Lhe vessel as Lhe propeller ls placed behlnd Lhe leg.
1hls conflguraLlon proLecLs Lhe propeller from obsLacles ln Lhe waLer, buL lL wlll also cause some Lurbulence
ln Lhe flow Lo Lhe propeller, glvlng lower efflclency. An elecLrlc englne placed above Lhe LhrusLer ls
mechanlcally connecLed Lo Lhe propeller.
KM@N@N !+@@#@ .L"4/.#"
A podded LhrusLer soluLlon normally pulls Lhe vessel. ln conLrasL Lo Lhe pushlng LhrusLer Lhls soluLlon has an
elecLrlcal englne placed lnslde Lhe LhrusLer houslng, dependlng on elecLrlcal Lransfer from Lhe swlLchboard.
1hus losses ln mechanlcal Lransmlsslon are ellmlnaLed. 1he soluLlon hlnders Lhe posslblllLy Lo do
malnLenance on Lhe elecLrlc englne and appurLenanL equlpmenL. /13/
KM@N@M ,+-."%Q"+.%.1-3 .L"4/.#"
A conLra-roLaLlng conflguraLlon conslsLs of Lwo propellers on each LhrusLer, conLra-roLaLlng. Cne soluLlon
conLalns Lwo propellers placed on Lhe same slde of Lhe LhrusLer. AnoLher soluLlon has one propeller on each
slde of Lhe LhrusLer. Cenerally Lhese sysLems are lnsLalled when llmlLaLlons regardlng propeller dlameLer
arlse. 1he sysLem lmproves efflclency, whlle aL Lhe same Llme belng more complex. /14/ /16/
KM@N@O ;#*#&.1+-
ulllng LhrusLers wlLh mechanlcal Lransmlsslon ls selecLed for Lhe vessel. 1he selecLlon ls based on Lhe hlgh
efflclency, whlle havlng Lhe elecLrlcal englnes lnslde Lhe vessel hull - enabllng servlce and malnLenance.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7J !+R#" 2*+R
WlLh Lhe elecLrlc drlven azlmuLh chosen Lhe elecLrlcal dlsLrlbuLlon of energy has Lo be esLabllshed. 1here are
Lwo dlsLlncLlve ways of dlsLrlbuLlng energy. Cne ls Lhe alLernaLlng currenL (AC). 8ecenL Lechnologlcal
developmenL wlLhln elecLrlc shlp sysLems has made dlrecL currenL (uC) an opLlon for use ln vessels.
7JB7 G*.#"-%.1-3 &4""#-.
MosL shlps wlLh an elecLrlc power Lransmlsslon ln use Loday rely on AC. lL ls easy Lo break Lhe AC as lL has a
zero crosslng every half cycle. CeneraLors produce AC, and Lhls ls fed dlrecLly Lo Lhe swlLchboard. 1he
dlsLrlbuLlon Lhen depends on a flxed frequency, usually 60 [Pz] for vessels /36/. When Lhls currenL ls Lo be
dellvered Lo componenLs on board Lhe vessel Lhe use of frequency converLers are vlLal due Lo componenLs
dependlng on dlfferenL frequencles.
1he advanLages of Lhe AC sysLem are Lhe well proven deslgn wlLh hlgh rellablllLy. MalnLenance and
procedures are esLabllshed, and an lnsLallaLlon requlres less efforL regardlng Lhese sub[ecLs. 1he lnvesLmenL
cosL of Lhe sysLem ls also lower Lhan Lhe alLernaLlve uC sysLem /43/.
1he maln dlsadvanLage ls Lhe flxed frequency, maklng Lhe englnes run on non-opLlmlzed load. When Lhe
elecLrlc load exceeds Lhe energy produced by Lhe currenLly runnlng englnes Lhere ls a rlsk of a frequency
drop, and Lhe englne may black ouL. When Lhe sysLem geLs a blg [ump ln energy load lL wlll have some
problems respondlng Lo Lhe lncreased demand.
7JB= D1"#&. &4""#-.
up Llll Loday Lhe maln problem wlLh uC on board vessels has been breaklng Lhe currenL /43/. 1hls caused by
Lhe dlrecL naLure of Lhe currenL, wlLhouL any zero crosslng. now, Lechnlcal developmenL has made Lhls
posslble, glvlng Lhe lndusLry more alLernaLlves regardlng opLlmlzaLlon.
1be mooofoctotet A88 teleoseJ o system Jotloq tbe Not-5blpploq coofeteoce lo 2011 colleJ OobootJ uc
qtlJ /2J/. 1bey ptoooooceJ eoetqy sovloqs op to 20 X fot tbe ptopolsloo system. 1be fltst sblp to bove tbls
system oobootJ ls to be JellveteJ lo tbe fltst poottet of 201J, ooJ ls oo offsbote plotfotm soppott vessel.
WlLh a uC conflguraLlon Lhe maln swlLchboard conslsL of a uC bus. 1o achleve Lhls converLers are placed
beLween Lhe generaLors and Lhe swlLchboard. Pence Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon no longer depends on generaLors
provldlng a flxed frequency. lurLher a second converLer ls placed near Lhe componenL ln order Lo feed AC.
Cne of Lhe maln advanLages of Lhls sysLem ls Lhe flexlblllLy achleved when ellmlnaLlng Lhe flxed frequency.
1he fuel consumpLlon savlngs are lllusLraLed ln llgure 33 where LesL resulLs from a small medlum speed
dlesel englne ls shown as a funcLlon of applled Lorque. 8M ls shown Lhe horlzonLal axls, and Lhe color
scheme lndlcaLes speclflc fuel consumpLlon.
ln sum Lhe dlsLrlbuLed load on Lhe englnes can be opLlmlzed ln new ways wlLh Lhe uC grld, maklng way for
energy savlng and decrease ln emlsslons.
Some oLher beneflLs of a uC-sysLem are,
number of componenLs compared Lo Lhe AC sysLem
Lnergy sLorage devlces posslble
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

WlLh uC Lhe door Lo sLored energy, such as ln baLLerles, opens. A sLored energy bank ln a vessel of
Lhls Lype would poLenLlally glve way for new opLlmlzaLlon sLraLegles when lL comes Lo qulck and
efflclenL load response. 1hls sub[ecL ls noL Lo be lnvesLlgaLed furLher ln Lhls sLage of Lhe pro[ecL.
Shore power
ln norway Lhe shore power ls AC wlLh 30 [Pz] frequency, hence lL would be easler Lo connecL Lo
shore power Lhrough a Lransformer Lhen Lo converL Lhe frequency Lo an AC grld runnlng on 60 [Pz].
orLs around Lhe world have dlfferenL frequencles for shore power, ln LoLal lL ls easler Lo engage a
uC-grld Lo Lhe shore power.
8enewable energy sources
lL ls easler Lo aLLach renewable energy sources, llke solar panels, Lo a uC-grld - maklng way for
efflclenL use of energy. SLored energy glves a greaL response Lo a sudden lncrease ln elecLrlc load on
Lhe sysLem, buylng Lhe machlnery some Llme Lo respond (lf an exLra generaLor has Lo be engaged).

1he color scheme lndlcaLes speclflc fuel oll consumpLlon [g/kWh].
1he maln dlsadvanLage wlLh a uC conflguraLlon ls LhaL Lhe deslgn has yeL Lo be LesLed for rellablllLy and
servlce llfe onboard a vessel. 1he sysLem also has a qulLe hlgh lnvesLmenL cosL, alLhough runnlng cosLs are
lowered compared Lo Lhe AC sysLem.
7JBF ;#*#&.1+-
1he vessel has a hlgh demand of elecLrlcal power LhaL rapldly changes over durlng operaLlon. 8ased on
presumpLlon of energy savlng, and hence lower runnlng cosLs and envlronmenLal savlngs a uC-grld ls
selecLed. When Lhe vessel ls operaLlng, especlally ln u mode, regulaLlons requlre several englnes Lo run due
Lo redundancy. Pence some englnes are runnlng on non-opLlmlzed load. llgure x shows LhaL wlLh a uC grld
one may run Lhe englne as low as 30 load, whlle sLlll havlng Lhe lowesL posslble speclflc fuel consumpLlon.
lor laLer deslgn lLeraLlons lL ls hlghly relevanL Lo evaluaLe Lhe posslblllLy for uslng sLored energy as a parL of
Lhe power supply.
[CA/32 EEJ #.AC.2 L/2: D26D 5D B53C51:2 6P224 \;E\
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7V !"+E4*/1+- ;</.#5 8$$1&1#-&<
1he LoLal efflclency for Lhe propulslon sysLem ls glven by,

[830/:5 OJ "8D5: P38P/:6C8. 2LLCMC2.MF
[-] = 1oLal efflclency
[-] = ropulslon efflclency
[-] = LlecLrlcal efflclency
1he LoLal efflclency wlll be used Lo calculaLe necessary power ouLpuL connecLed Lo LhrusL, whlle Lhe elecLrlcal
efflclency wlll be used ln order Lo work ouL necessary power ouLpuL connecLed Lo elecLrlc power use
elsewhere on Lhe vessel.
7VB7 !"+E4*/1+- #$$1&1#-&<
1he propulslon efflclency ls glven by Lhe formula,

[830/:5 IJ K38P/:6C8. 2LLCMC2.MF
[-] = ropulslon efflclency
[-] = ropeller efflclency
[-] = 8elaLlve roLaLlonal efflclency
[-] = Pull efflclency
KP@K@K 3&#',$$,& ,44505,-067 8\
1he propeller efflclency has been Laken from Lhe Wagenlngens 8-serles /L16/. LlmlLaLlons apply when
uLlllzlng Lhe serles. Avallable 8

-" dlagrams /L16/ apply Lo propellers wlLh consLanL Lype of proflle, curvaLure
and plLch. 1he value ls read ouL of Lhe dlagram ln an lLeraLlon process (follows).
KP@K@I 9,$/%5:, &#%/%5#-/$ ,44505,-067 8K
1he relaLlve roLaLlonal efflclency expresses Lhe effecL of roLaLlonal homogenelLy ln Lhe waLer flow lnLo Lhe
propeller. lor a vessel wlLh Lwo propellers Lhe roLaLlonal efflclency wlll be abouL 0,98 /L12/.
KP@K@N ";$$ ,44505,-067 8O
1he hull efflclency may be expressed as,

[830/:5 >J )/:: 2LLCMC2.MF
w = wake coefflclenL
L = LhrusL reducLlon coefflclenL
1he wake coefflclenL depends on Lhe waLer flow ln Lhe propeller area. 1he propeller works ln a waLer veloclLy
dlfferenL from Lhe vessel speed Lhrough Lhe waLer. lormula 10 descrlbes Lhls.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[830/:5 N<J (2:5DC8.69CP 12DS22. B2662: 6P224 5.4 S5D23 6P224 C. D8 P38P2::23 5325
= WaLer veloclLy Lo propeller
= vessel speed
lor convenLlonal shlps emplrlcal formulas has been developed Lo calculaLe Lhe wake coefflclenL. 1he 1wln
1all deslgn creaLes a dlfferenL flow paLLern ln Lhe afL. 1he wake coefflclenL wlll probably be beLLer Lhan
lndlcaLed by emplrlcal formulas /29/. Pence, esLlmaLlng Lhe coefflclenL wlLh Lhe emplrlcal formula ls a
conservaLlve esLlmaLe. 1he emplrlcal formula ls,

[830/:5 NNJ #0PC3CM5: L830/:5 L83 S5H2 M82LLCMC2.D \O\

8ernoulll's equaLlon lmplles a pressure drop ln fronL of Lhe propeller. 1he pressure drop leads Lo an
lncreased reslsLance on Lhe vessel. 1he effecL ls descrlbed wlLh Lhe LhrusL reducLlon coefflclenL. Model LesLs
/L19/ has developed a formula expresslng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween LhrusL reducLlon and wake coefflclenL,

[830/:5 N;J (2:5DC8.69CP 12DS22. D93/6D 324/MDC8. 5.4 S5H2 M82LLCMC2.D \NO\

Comblnlng Lhls wlLh Lhe expresslon for wake coefflclenL glves a formula for Lhe LhrusL coefflclenL,

[830/:5 NEJ "93/6D 324/MDC8. M82LLCMC2.D \O\
KP@K@M !"+E#**#" &*#%"%-&#
Small clearance beLween Lhe propeller and hull may cause cavlLaLlon, vlbraLlon, nolse
and damage. 1he azlmuLh LhrusLers wlll be placed somewhere around 3 and 6 meLers
from Lhe vessel sLern. AL Lhls poslLlon Lhe dlsLance beLween base llne and draughL ls
abouL 3 meLers.
Culdance for clearances was removed from Lhe rules of Lhe classlflcaLlon socleLles ln
2009 /7/, buL former rules seL mlnlmum clearance accordlng Lo equaLlon x.

[830/:5 NGJ K38P2::23 M:2535.M2
C = clearance from propeller Llp Lo hull (flgure x)

= number of propeller blades

8 = ropeller radlus
[CA/32 EG K38P2::23
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

When Lhese recommendaLlons are Laken lnLo accounL Lhe maxlmum propeller dlameLer for Lhe vessel ls
abouL 4 meLers.
KP@K@M@K A.#"%.1+- E"+&#//
1o use Lhe menLloned Wagenlngens 8-serles an lLeraLlon
process has been done. 1he varlables ln Lhe process ls Lhe
roLaLlonal speed, n, Lhe propeller efflclency, #
, Lhe
expanded blade area, LA8, and Lhe number of blades, Z.
1he 8

value ls calculaLed wlLh lormula 13.

[830/:5 N?J TK B5:/2 \O\

"51:2 G?J K38P2::23 CD235DC8.
1he lLeraLlon concludes wlLh followlng propeller
u = 4,13 [m]
LA8 = 0,33 [-]
Z = 4 [blades]
n = 130 [o/mln]
1hls glves a propeller efflclency of 0,648.
1he lLeraLlon made by hand ls valldaLed by Lhe CpLlmlze propeller"-wlzard ln Lhe compuLer sofLware Shlpx
/34/. 1he wlzard concludes wlLh Lhe followlng parameLers,
u = 4,03 [m]
LA8 = 0,434 [-]
Z = 4 [blades]
n = 130 [o/mln]
Whlch glves a propeller efflclency of 0,63.
dD235DC8. N ; E
U `0a 4 3,8 3,9
. `8\0C.a 120 200 130
`-a 0,62 0,62 0,64
`-a 0,60 0,60 0,62
0,61 0,79 0,68
#$( `-a 0,7 0,7 0,33
h 4 4 4
`-a 0,633 0,603 0,648
" 1,4 1,73 1,38
U `0a 4,37 3,42 4,13
`-a 0,6337 0,388 0,63
#3383 0,03 0,013 0,008

, v
, w, L & #

u, n



LA8, Z
8ead dlagram
$ "
$% #'

( #
) #

[CA/32 E?J K38P2::23 CD235DC8.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KP@K@M@I K#/4*.1-3 E"+E4*/1+- #$$1&1#-&<
1he resulLs from Lhe wlzard lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe lLeraLlon process ls correcL. Pence Lhe LoLal propulslon
efflclency ls,

[830/:5 N=J "8D5: P38P/:6C8. 2LLCMC2.MF
7VB= 8*#&."1&%* #$$1&1#-&<
1he uC sysLem conslsLs of flve flxed componenLs ln order Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhe energy. 1hese componenLs all
lnvolve an energy loss. As prevlously menLloned Lhe componenLs are reduced compared Lo Lhe AC sysLem.
1he elecLrlcal efflclency ls,

[830/:5 NOJ #:2MD3CM5: 4C6D3C1/DC8. 2LLCMC2.MF

Q80P8.2.D ,F018: W5:/2
e2.235D83 q
0,93 [-]
,SCDM918534 q
0,999 [-]
"35.6L83023 q
0,99 [-]
#:2MD3CM5: 2.AC.2 q
0,93 [-]
"51:2 G=J #LLCMC2.MF 2:2MD3CM5: M80P8.2.D6

Lfflclency numbers ln 1able 46 /24/ glves an elecLrlcal efflclency of 0,884 [-].
7VBF A-/.%**#@ E"+E4*/1+- E+R#"
1he reslsLance esLlmaLed ln chapLer 12 concludes wlLh a LoLal reslsLance of 430 [kn] aL 13 knoLs. WlLh
propulslon efflclency calculaLed Lhe needed propulslon power ls Lo be evaluaLed.

[830/:5 NIJ "8SC.A P8S23

[830/:5 N>J T325H P8S23
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 E=J T325H P8S23

8equlred lnsLalled propulslon power come Lo abouL 6 [MW]. WlLh a sea margln of 23 Lhe LoLal lnsLalled
propulslon power lf found Lo be 7 462 [kW].

10 10,3 11 11,3 12 12,3 13 13,3 14 14,3 13 13,3 16 16,3 17


W2:8MCDF `H.8D6a
,)K B6] W2:8MCDF
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7W D<-%51& !+/1.1+-1-3
lor an offshore consLrucLlon vessel Lhe sLaLlon keeplng capablllLy ls cruclal Lo be able Lo operaLe. uurlng Lhe
llfLlng operaLlon, Lhe MPv ls ln need of a dynamlc poslLlonlng sysLem whlch auLomaLlcally malnLalns Lhe
vessel's poslLlon and headlng. Accordlng Lo Lhe Llme calculaLlons chapLer 3 Lhe operaLlonal Llme makes up
over 73 yearly, and Lhe vessel's machlnery shall Lherefore be ad[usLed Lo Lhe demands of dynamlc
7WB7 ;+$.R%"#
lor lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe sLaLlon keeplng capablllLles, 1he Shlpx SLaLlon keeplng lug-ln /34/ has been used.
1hls appllcaLlon calculaLes Lhe sLaLlon keeplng wlLh a mlnlmum amounL of lnpuL daLa.
7WB= ,%*&4*%.1+- 5#.L+@
ln Lhe Shlp appllcaLlon, Lhe user deflnes Lhe force generaLors' characLerlsLlcs and Lhe envlronmenLal forces.
Wlnd and currenL are deflned by lLs speed whlle Lhe waves are deflned by chooslng specLrum, wave lengLh
and perlod. 1he LoLal force acLlng on Lhe vessel ls calculaLed by coefflclenLs for Lhe vessel. 8ullL-ln coefflclenLs
for a plaLform supply vessel have been used, and Lhe pro[ecLed area of Lhe vessel above sea has been
calculaLed by hand. 1he vessels headlng ls deflned, and Lhe envlronmenLal forces are exerLed on Lhe vessel
from one dlrecLlon aL Lhe Llme, 360 degrees around.
1he waves are represenLed by Lhe !olnL norLh Sea Wave ro[ecL (!CnSWA) specLrum. 1he !CnSWA
specLrum ls used Lo characLerlze an lrregular sea sLaLe ln Lhe norLh Sea, and express Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of wave
energy for dlfferenL wave frequencles.

[830/:5 ;<J ,P2MD35: 42.6CDF L/.MDC8. L83 D92 m'&,V$K 6P2MD3/0 \?G\
Where Lhe wave specLrum parameLers are

1he energy ln waves ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe wave ampllLude squared. lLs peakedness facLor deLermlnes Lhe
specLral shape abouL Lhe peak frequency. /veres Maual/

[CA/32 EO" 83, >?@ABCD -E,2<)FG /.) HIJ-O
1he specLrum for =1 equals Lhe lerson-MoskowlLz specLrum.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

1he specLral shape of Lhe wave energy has Lo be consldered. When Lransfer funcLlons for llnear sysLems are
applled, a Loo low specLral peak ln Lhe wave-specLral lnpuL may underesLlmaLe Lhe forces on Lhe vessel
osclllaLlng ln Lhe waves /63/. ln Lhe norweglan Sea Lhe waves are more developed Lhan ln Lhe norLh Sea. 1he
lerson-MoskowlLz specLrum descrlbes a sea sLaLe of fully developed waves and ls ldenLlcal Lo Lhe !CnSWA
specLrum when =1. lf Lhe sea sLaLe ls assumed Lo be fully developed aL Lhe area of operaLlon, Lhls would be
Lhe rlghL esLlmaLlon for Lhe wave specLrum. 1he calculaLlons are however done wlLh =3,3 Lo avold
underesLlmaLlng Lhe menLloned forces. 1hls represenLs an average /63/ and ls consldered a safe esLlmaLlon
for Lhe area of operaLlon.
llndlng Lhe opLlmal LhrusLer conflguraLlon has been an lLeraLlve process. 1he lnlLlal LhrusLer conflguraLlon ls
based on comparlson vessels and conversaLlons wlLh professors and people ln Lhe lndusLry. AfLer applylng
envlronmenLal condlLlons and performlng calculaLlons ln Shlpx, Lhe resulLs have been analyzed and
ad[usLmenLs lmplemenLed before repeaLlng Lhe procedure.
7WBF K#P41"#@ ,%E%)1*1.1#/
CapablllLy crlLerla have been esLabllshed based on conversaLlons wlLh 1. L. Llkanger ln SLaLoll /40/ and
rofessor A. Srensen /32/. 1he expecLed envlronmenLal condlLlons have been found by sLudylng wave
sLaLlsLlcs as !olnL lrequency 1ables for slgnlflcanL wave helghL and wave perlods for Lhe PalLen 8ank and
oLher weaLher sLaLlsLlcs from Lhe norweglan MeLeorologlcal lnsLlLuLe /74/.
lrom Lhls process Lhe followlng operaLlonal sLaLe has been esLabllshed. 1he vessel's machlnery and
propulslon shall be dlmensloned Lo have capaclLy Lo keep Lhe vessel ln poslLlon durlng Lhe followlng
- WorsL slngle fallure occurred
- SlgnlflcanL wave helghL 3 meLers
- Wlnd speed 20 meLers per second
- Surface currenL 1 meLer per second
- Waves, wlnd and currenL worklng ln same dlrecLlon
- vessel headlng +/- 43 degrees
WlLh Lhese capablllLles, Lhe vessel saLlsfles Lhe Lechnlcal requlremenLs Lo
sLaLlon keeplng for consLrucLlon vessels used ln offshore acLlvlLles for SLaLoll.
1he worsL slngle fallure for Lhls vessel, regarded sLaLlon keeplng, wlll be lf one
of Lhe sLern LhrusLers ls ouL of operaLlon.
7WBI 2+")1@@#- X+-#/
A +/- 10 degrees forbldden zone has been seL ln Lhe dlrecLlon of any nearby
LhrusLers. 1hls ls ln order Lo avold force generaLors shovlng waLer dlrecLly aL
anoLher and Lhus reduclng Lhe LhrusL. 1hls ls shown ln flgure /38/ for Lhe fronL
reLracLable azlmuLh and ls Lhe same for Lhe oLher reLracLable azlmuLh.
lor Lhe Lwo force generaLors placed aL each Lall, waLer can noL be shoved ln
Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe llfLlng operaLlon when modules are llfLed Lhrough Lhe splash zone and Lhe upper waLer
layer. 1hls zone has Lo be forbldden when Lhe module ls near Lhe surface. 1he forbldden zone for one sLern
LhrusLer ls Lhe red area shown ln flgure /38/. When Lhe modules are aL hlgher depLhs, Lhe wlre wlll noL be
[CA/32 EIJ "S8 8L D92
L831C442. D93/6D23 b8.26
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

affecLed of slgnlflcance by Lhe waLer passlng. 1he only forbldden zone wlll Lhen be ln Lhe +/- 10 degrees
dlrecLlon of Lhe oLher force generaLor.
1he forbldden zone ln Lhe 1wln 1all lncreases Lhe requlred force from Lhe generaLors. 1hls ls a consequence
of Lhe llmlLed force dlrecLlons. 8ecause of Lhls, Lhe LoLal requlred force peaks when Lhe module ls near Lhe
surface. Lven wlLh one generaLor ldle, Lhe power requlred ls noL greaLer. 1hls ls because of an assumpLlon of
no forbldden zones ln a slLuaLlon wlLh one generaLor ouL of acLlon.
7WBJ K#P41"#@ E+R#"
A polar ploL ls presenLed below whlch descrlbes Lhe resulLanL force acLlng on Lhe vessel and Lhe requlred
force from each LhrusLer Lo keep Lhe vessel poslLloned for one envlronmenLal condlLlon. 1he arrows are
polnLlng ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe forces acLlng on Lhe vessel. 1he requlred force lncreases wlLh lncreaslng angle
beLween shlp headlng and envlronmenLal loads.

[CA/32 E>J [83M2 A2.235D83 326/:DC.A L83M2 P:8D* 2.BC38.02.D5: 2LL2MD ;?< 42A3226

Direction of Rotating Environmental Effect: 250.0 deg
External: 956.2 kN, 263.4 deg (local), x = 80.4 m
Stern pod SB: 262.7 kN, -180.0 deg (local)
Stern pod PS: 556.4 kN, 48.6 deg (local)
Bow tunnel 1: 194.8 kN, 90.0 deg (local)
Azimuth bow 1: 168.9 kN, 89.2 deg (local)
Asimuth bow 2: 168.9 kN, 89.1 deg (local)
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

As Lhe envlronmenLal loads are Lurnlng 360 degrees around Lhe vessel, Lhe requlred power for sLaLlon
keeplng changes. 1he needed power aL every 10 degrees ls presenLed ln 1able 47.
)254C.A ,$ ,T ,$ K, "" ($N ($; "8D5:
`42Aa [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW]
<]< 704 704 0 63 63 1338
N<]< 796 786 16 39 40 1678
;<]< 740 930 199 136 132 2178
E<]< 848 1168 369 271 263 2919
G<]< 962 1378 363 403 392 3701
?<]< 1073 1339 733 339 321 4429
=<]< 1203 1663 971 690 666 3192
O<]< 1397 1624 1122 793 767 3704
I<]< 1371 1621 1276 903 871 6242
><]< 1990 1837 1347 988 988 7170
N<<]< 2107 1820 1347 988 988 7249
NN<]< 2084 1603 1347 988 988 7009
N;<]< 1684 1090 1347 973 936 6030
NE<]< 1317 829 1193 846 813 3200
NG<]< 1383 604 1031 744 713 4499
N?<]< 1303 288 837 394 371 3393
N=<]< 1016 77 366 403 388 2431
NO<]< 738 329 292 212 204 1793
NI<]< 317 323 8 46 48 1143
"51:2 GOJ (26/:DC.A P8S23 L83 25M9 L83M2 A2.235D83
uue Lo symmeLry only 180 degrees envlronmenLal loads are presenLed.
1o saLlsfy Lhe sLaLed requlremenLs Lhe vessel musL be able Lo malnLaln poslLlon wlLh worsL fallure occurrlng.
WlLh Lhe porL slde sLern azlmuLh ouL of operaLlon, Lhe followlng resulLs are obLalned.
)254C.A ,$ ,T "" ($N ($; "8D5:
`42Aa [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW]
<]< 237 340 633 708 1938
N<]< 1423 60 122 122 1729
;<]< 1487 266 231 227 2211
E<]< 1802 447 331 343 2943
G<]< 2063 633 489 477 3684
?<]< 2264 837 628 610 4360
=<]< 2409 1083 783 760 3033
O<]< 2318 1223 873 849 3466
I<]< 2604 1347 988 974 3912
><]< unable Lo keep sLaLlon
"51:2 GIJ (26/:DC.A P8S23 L83 25M9 L83M2 A2.235D83* 6D23. 5bC0/D9 P83D 6C42 C4:2

1hese resulLs glve 7300 [kW] as a maxlmum requlred power for sLaLlon keeplng. 1he dynamlc poslLlonlng
sysLem wlll wlLh Lhls conflguraLlon saLlsfy Lhe requlremenLs and keep sLaLloned wlLh worsL fallure occurred
and a headlng up Lo 80 degrees.
uurlng operaLlon modern dynamlc poslLlonlng sysLems are capable of keeplng Lhe headlng of Lhe vessel
abouL +/- 3 degrees agalnsL Lhe weaLher dlrecLlon /32/. 1herefore Lhe calculaLlon for normal operaLlon ls
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

done wlLh a need of 2000 [kW]. 1hls ls an esLlmaLe and lncludes a margln error of 23 . 1he dlmenslonlng
resulLs are presenLed ln 1able 49 and 1able 30.
Q8.4CDC8. "8D5: 32Y/C324 P8S23
%5fC0/0 :854 7300 kW
&8305: 8P235DC8. 2000 kW
"51:2 G>J "8D5: 32Y/C324 P8S23 UK

"93/6D23 %5fC0/0 32Y/C324 P8S23
,D23. 5bC0/D9 6D5318534 X,$ ,TZ 3800 kW (1ranslL)
,D23. 5bC0/D9 P83D 6C42 X,$ K,Z 3800 kW (1ranslL)
"/..2: "93/6D23 X""Z 1330 kW (u)
(2D35MD51:2 $bC0/D9 N X($NZ 1000 kW (u)
(2D35MD51:2 $bC0/D9 ; X($;Z 1000 kW (u)
"51:2 ?<J %5fC0/0 32Y/C324 P8S23 L83 25M9 L83M2 A2.235D83
7WBV (L"4/.#" &+-$134"%.1+-
When calculaLlng Lhe requlred power for sLaLlon keeplng, Lhe LhrusLer selecLlon has been a parallel worklng
lLeraLlve process. ulfferenL LhrusLer conflguraLlons have dlfferenL needs for power supply and Lhe one
chosen ls Lhe conflguraLlon wlLh Lhe lowesL LoLal power needed. 1hls conflguraLlon conslsLs as lndlcaLed of
flve power generaLors.
1he MPv's sLern LhrusLers have Lo be capable of generaLlng 3800 kW force each durlng LranslL. 1hls ls more
Lhan needed durlng sLaLlon keeplng and wlll be dlmenslonlng. 1he need for LhrusL ln Lhe bow ls developlng
when Lhe headlng ls changlng wlll be covered by a Lunnel LhrusLer and Lwo roLaLable reLracLable azlmuLh
LhrusLers. 1he reason for chooslng reLracLable azlmuLh LhrusLers ls Lhe posslblllLy for generaLlng force ln all
dlrecLlons. A convenLlonal Lunnel LhrusLer ls needed for harbor maneuverlng. uue Lo llmlLlng depLhs ln some
harbors, lL ls convenlenL wlLh a Lunnel LhrusLer whlch does noL go deeper Lhan Lhe base llne as Lhe
reLracLable LhrusLers do.
uaLa for Lhe selecLed LhrusLers are presenLed ln 1able 31:
"FP2 ,D23. 5bC0/D9 "/..2: D93/6D23 (2D35MD51:2 5bC0/D9
K384/M23 8olls-8oyce 8runvoll 8runvoll
%842: Azlpull 130 C lu 100 L1C 2730 A880LnC 2100 C
R8.ACD/4C.5: P86CDC8.
X32:] $KZ
6 [m] 130 [m] no.1: 123 [m]
no.2: 120 [m]
"35.6B2362 P86CDC8.
S8: 11,33[m]
S: - 11,33 [m]
0 [m] 0 [m]
V2CA9D 100 000 [kg] 27 000 [kg] 33 000 [kg]
(2Y/C324 6P5M2 C. 9/:: 123 [m
] 33 [m
] 33 [m
K8S23 3 800 [kW] 1330 [kW] 1000 [kW]
"51:2 ?NJ "93/6D23 M8.LCA/35DC8.
7WBW ;</.#5 K#@4-@%-&<
uynamlc poslLlonlng sysLems have dlfferenL classes for redundancy. 1he vessel wlll be equlpped wlLh
equlpmenL classed u?nCS-A18 ln unv's class noLaLlons (A8S noLaLlon: uS-2). 1hls ls seL up wlLh
redundancy so LhaL any slngle faulL wlll noL cause Lhe sysLem Lo fall. WlLh u?nCS-Au18, Lhe vessel has a
fully redundanL sysLem, wlLh dual conLrol compuLers and enough LhrusLers LhaL Lhe vessel wlll reLaln poslLlon
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

even when Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL force generaLor ls ldle. 1hls ls Lhe second hlghesL class noLaLlon, and by
upgradlng Lo Lhe nexL class, u?nCS-Au18C, Lhe vessel wlll have Lo be equlpped wlLh one exLra seL of
conLrol compuLers placed aL a Lhlrd spoL onboard. 1he LhrusLer redundancy ls Lhe same. 1hls exLra conLrol
compuLer ls followed by a more complex sysLem, loL of wlrlng and exLra equlpmenL. AfLer consulLaLlon wlLh
rofessor A. Srensen /32/ Lhe LoLal galn of upgradlng Lo Lhls ls noL consldered worLh Lhe lncreased
complexlLy assoclaLed wlLh Lhls upgrade.
7WBY K#$#"#-&# ;</.#5/
1he vessel wlll have need for a seL of reference sysLems. 1hls lncludes poslLlonlng reference sysLems,
gyrocompasses or gyroscopes, moLlon reference unlLs, wlnd sensors and draughL sensors as a mlnlmum.
1here has noL been done any furLher deslgn of Lhese sysLems ln Lhls reporL.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7Y 8*#&."1&%* D1/."1)4.1+-
ChapLer 13 concluded wlLh an onboard uC swlLchboard conflguraLlon. As englnes and LhrusLers are selecLed
Lhe maln swlLchboard ls deslgned as shown ln flgure 40.

[CA/32 G<J %5C. 6SCDM918534

1he swlLchboard ls deslgned wlLh four lndlvldual buses, all connecLed. WlLh Lhls conflguraLlon Lhe
redundancy ls very hlgh as a fallure ln one bus represenL aL mosL 3 104 [kW] losL ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon. ln worsL
case Lhls would happen ln operaLlon mode ln harsh weaLher. lf so, Lhe vessel wlll sLlll be able Lo produce
enough power and lnherlL sufflclenL LhrusLer capaclLy (wlLh reference Lo chapLer 17) Lo malnLaln poslLlon.
1he rules sLaLed by Lhe classlflcaLlon socleLles do noL requlre a redundancy regardlng Lhe llfLlng operaLlon /36

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7Z !+R#" K#P41"#5#-./
ln order Lo flnd requlred capaclLy of Lhe englnes and generaLors, an elecLrlcal power analysls has been made.
ower demand has been found by preparlng a proflle of operaLlon. ln Lhe early sLages of Lhe deslgn, Lhe
focus ls on Lhe largesL and mosL lmporLanL power consumers.
rellmlnary analysls of power requlremenLs ylelds a LoLal power demand of 20-24000 [kW]. MosL of Lhe
demands are found by calculaLlon, whlle some are based on consulLlng wlLh professors and sLudylng
comparlson shlps.
7ZB7 !"+E4*/1+-
revlous analysls of power demand for propulslon ln LranslL was found Lo be 7462 [kW]. Analysls of power
demand for sLaLlon keeplng have been made, and a power demand of 2 000 [kW] was found ln ordlnary
weaLher condlLlons. ln sLorm, Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe power demand for dynamlc poslLlonlng can reach a
maxlmum of 7300 [kW].
7ZB= G491*1%"< /</.#5/
coosomptloo of coolloq wotet, comptesseJ olt, lobtlcotloo oll ooJ veotllotloo olt wlll locteose lloeotly wltb tbe
eoqloe. /84/ voloes ftom oo eoqloe of 10 000 jkw] (wblte, 2008) bos beeo oseJ os o bosls estlmote of volome
KR@I@K !45E E+R#" "#P41"#5#-.
needed pump power can be found by Lhe formula beneaLh /6/.

[830/:5 ;NJ K/0P P8S23
C = volume flow,
= efflclency.
And pressure p ls glven as a funcLlon of Lhe LoLal head loss,
p = pgP
KR@I@I M%.#" &++*1-3 /</.#5
1he coollng sysLem conslsLs of Lhe sea waLer coollng sysLem and Lhe fresh waLer coollng sysLem. 1he maln
Lask for Lhe sea waLer ls Lo cool fresh waLer and lubrlcaLlon oll, whlch clrculaLes ln Lhe maln englne. An
englne of 10 000 [kW] wlll have a clrculaLlon of abouL 220 [m
/h] of fresh waLer and 400 [m
/h] sea waLer
/6/. Llnear scallng up Lo 22 000 [kW] glves clrculaLlon values of 440 [m
/h] fresh waLer and 880 [m
/h] of sea
use of lormula 21, wlLh assumpLlon of efflclency 0.8 and pressure equal Lo 7.3 bar, glves a power
consumpLlon of 229 [kW] for Lhe sea waLer coollng sysLem and 113 [kW] for Lhe fresh waLer coollng sysLem.
19.2.3 G1" &+5E"#//1+-
8y unv rules /26/ Lhere has Lo be aL leasL Lwo separaLe compressors, where one has Lo be lndependenL of
Lhe englne, and whlch LogeLher provldes Lhe needed amounL of compressed alr. An englne of 10 000 kW wlll
need compressors consumlng a power of 80 -100 [kW] /6/. 8y llnear scallng, Lhls leads Lo Lwo alr
compressors consumlng a LoLal of 220 [kW].
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

KR@I@M 8-31-# "++5 :#-.1*%.1+-
1he englne needs a consLanL supply of alr, and an englne of 10 000 [kW] wlll consume approxlmaLely 70 000
/h]. Llnear scallng of englnes provldlng 22 000 [kW] glve a need of 134 000 [m
/h], and wlLh a pressure of
0.02 bar /6/ Lhls glves a power consumpLlon of 101 [kW] when Lhe compressors are runnlng.
KR@I@O 04)"1&%.1-3 +1* /</.#5
1he funcLlon of Lhe lubrlcaLlng oll ls Lo lubrlcaLe bearlngs and cool englne parLs. AfLer cycllng ln Lhe englne,
Lhe lubrlcaLlng oll should be cooled by Lhe waLer coollng sysLem ln a heaL exchanger. An englne of slze 10 000
[kW] wlll have clrculaLlon of 200-300 [m
/h] lubrlcaLlng oll /6/. Assumlng efflclency 0.8 and pressure 8 bar,
uslng lormula 21, Lhls glves 73 [kW].
KR@I@P 24#* /</.#5
1he sysLem lncludes preheaLlng, fllLraLlon and separaLlon. 1oo avold Lhe rlsk of cavlLaLlon, Lhe fuel has Lo be
held under pressure by Lhe fuel oll pumps. 1he necessary pressure ls seL Lo 9 bars and efflclency Lo 0.8.
1he volume flow ls found by Lhe followlng formula.

[830/:5 ;;J W8:/02 L:8S* L/2:

p = 880 kg/m

be = speclflc fuel consumpLlon 200 g/kWh.

1he fuel sysLem also conslsLs of separaLor and heaL exchangers. 8ased on sLudy of elecLrlc load analysls from
comparlson shlp, Lhe power need for Lhe separaLor ls seL Lo 3 kW and for Lhe heaL exchangers Lo 40 kW.
When Lhe sysLem ls assumed Lo operaLe aL 80 ln all condlLlons where Lhe englnes are runnlng, Lhls glves a
LoLal of 47 kW.
7ZBF O4** 5%&L1-#"<
KR@N@K >%**%/. /</.#5
1he ballasL sysLem ls lmporLanL Lo ensure sLablllLy ln loadlng and offloadlng, Lo keep Lhe shlp on requlred
Lrlm and heel when ln operaLlon. Assumlng a need of 4 307 Lons ballasL waLer and wlLh requlremenL of
pumplng Llme of slx hours, Lhls glves pump capaclLy of 718 [Lons/h]. 1he pressure ls seL Lo 3 bars /6/, and Lhe
power consumpLlon ls found Lo be 43 [kW].
KR@N@I >1*3# /</.#5
1he maln funcLlon of Lhe bllge pumps ls Lo geL rld of excess waLer. 1he slzlng of Lhe pumps ls done by unv
rules /26/. 8ules of unv requlre aL leasL Lwo lndependenL pumps. AfLer sLudy of Lhe machlnery arrangemenL
of comparlson shlps, four separaLe pumps are Lo be lnsLalled.
1he necessary dlameLer of Lhe bllge plpes ls found by Lhe followlng formula from unv rules/26/:
d =
[830/:5 ;EJ UC502D23 1C:A2 PCP26
1he pump capaclLy has Lhen been found Lo be 122 [m
/h] by Lhe nexL formula /26/
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[830/:5 ;GJ K/0P M5P5MCDF 1C:A2 P/0P

uue Lo rlsk of clogglng, Lhe pressure ls seL Lo 7 bars /6/ and Lhe efflclency ls assumed Lo be 0.7. 1hls glves a
LoLal power consumpLlon of 68 [kW].
7ZBI D#&? 5%&L1-#"<
KR@M@K O#%:# &+5E#-/%.#@ GQ$"%5# %-@ R1-&L#/
1he module's slze represenLs a sLep change ln modules handled by consLrucLlon vessels, and Lhere may be
large facLors of frlcLlon and many uncerLalnLles. 1he correcL demand of Lhe sysLem may be dlfflculL Lo
calculaLe because of Lhe uncerLalnLles, buL one can use esLlmaLes of oLher large module llfLs as a flrsL
An exlsLlng soluLlon wlLh a-frame of capaclLy equal 400 Lons, requlres approxlmaLely 3300 [kW] ln heave
compensaLlon mode/43/. 1he A-frame wlll have a capaclLy of 600 [Lons], and maxlmum power demand ln
heave compensaLlon mode can be esLlmaLed Lo a maxlmum of 7000 [kW].
8ased on wave condlLlon and necessary compensaLlon from Lhe heave compensaLor, Lhe power demand may
vary. Peave compensaLlon ls requlred ln boLh recovery and lnsLallaLlon phases, and may approach Lhe same
maxlmum value of power demand for heave compensaLlon.
KR@M@I ,"%-#/ %-@ 5++"1-3 #P41E5#-.
ln heave compensaLlon mode Lhe crane wlll requlre 2000 [kW] /41/
1wo comblned moorlng and anchorlng wlnches ls placed ln Lhe bow, and has a capaclLy of 20 Lons. lncluded a
hydraullc efflclency of 0.7, Lhe power consumpLlon ls esLlmaLed Lo 90 [kW].
1he provlslon crane wlll have a holsLlng speed of 13 [m/mln] /13/,whlch glves a power consumpLlon of 12
KR@M@N 0%4-&L %-@ "#&+:#"< /</.#5 $+" KHT
Lach 8Cv moon pool requlres a launch and recovery sysLem, whlch ls drlven by hydraullc power unlLs. 1he
vessel has a comparable sysLem, wlLh an elecLrlcal power demand of 360 [kW] ln heave compensaLlon mode.
1he vessel has qulLe slmllar dlmenslons compared Lo Skandl ArcLlc, and Lhe wave characLerlsLlcs ln heave
should be somewhaL slmllar. 1he power demand for each launch sysLem ls Lherefore seL Lo 360 [kW] /81/.
KR@M@M 6%:13%.1+- %-@ @#&? *13L.1-3
1he power need for navlgaLlon and communlcaLlon ls seL Lo 13 [kW]. Cood overvlew of Lhe deck ls lmporLanL
ln all operaLlons and weaLher condlLlons LhroughouL Lhe year, and deck llghLlng have been lnsLalled Lo cover
Lhe enLlre deck. 1he power demand ls seL Lo 100 [kW].
7ZBJ O+.#* $4-&.1+-
1he hoLel funcLlons lnclude venLllaLlon, llghLlng, galley, heaLlng and more. ower need of Lhese funcLlons ls
based on sLudy of elecLrlc load analysls of a comparlson shlp, scallng for Lhe number of crew /6/. 1he blggesL
consumers wlll be Lhe galley wlLh 300 [kW], and venLllaLlon wlLh 230 [kW].
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7ZBV 85#"3#-&< *+%@
1hree dlfferenL emergency slLuaLlons have been evaluaLed, flre, cold sLarL and power fallure. 1hese
slLuaLlons wlll ln many cases rely enLlrely on Lhe power supply from Lhe emergency generaLor, and Lhe slzlng
of Lhe emergency generaLor ls Lherefore cruclal.
[C32 P/0P6
A pressure of 2.7 bars and capaclLy of 180 [m
/h] ls seL ln accordance wlLh rules glven by SCLAS/27/, whlch
glves a requlred power supply of 13.3 [kW]. A mlnlmum of Lwo lndependenL flre pumps are requlred/27/.
[C32 LCA9DC.A 42BCM2
WaLer mlsL sysLem has been evaluaLed as an alLernaLlve Lo LradlLlonal sprlnkler sysLem. WaLer mlsL sysLems
make use of hlgh pressure waLer mlsL, whlch suppress flre qulckly, wlLh use of less waLer and hence less
maLerlal damage/79/. 8ecause of Lhe advanLages regardlng flre exLlngulshlng, Lhe waLer mlsL sysLem from
uanfoss was chosen and ls Lo be lnsLalled ln all comparLmenLs. 1he requlred pressure ls 140 bars and Lhe
volume flow Lo 0.0022 [m
/s] /78/. 1hls leads Lo a power consumpLlon of 44 [kW].
[C32 Q8:4 6D53D K8S23 L5C:/32
Q8.6/0236 K8S23 R][ K8S23
R][ K8S23
R][ K8S23
$C3 M80P326683 220,0 0 0 0 0 0,3 110
#.AC.2 3880







TC:A2 6F6D20 33,9 0,3 17 0,1 3 0,1 3
)d ['e-6F6D20 34,0 1 34 1 34 0,0 0
[C32 P/0P6 13,3 1 14 0 0 0,0 0
RCL2185D 45BCD6 30 1 30 0,0 0 1,0 30
#023A2.MF :CA9DC.A 20,0 1 20 0,0 0 1,0 20
'D923 2023A2.MF







1oLal 170 73 239
"51:2 ?;J #023A2.MF :854
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7ZBW (+.%* E+R#" @#5%-@/

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

7ZBY HE#"%.1-3 E"+$1*#
1he power consumpLlon ls dlvlded lnLo flve dlfferenL caLegorles, hoLel and accommodaLlon, propulslon,
auxlllary sysLems, hull machlnery and deck machlnery.

[CA/32 GNJ 'P235DC.A P38LC:2 .8305: UK :854

[CA/32 G;J 'P235DC.A P38LC:2 05f UK :854

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

WlLh envlronmenLal loads perpendlcular on Lhe shlp, Lhe power demand for sLaLlon keeplng wlll be much
hlgher and Lhe proflle below represenLs Lhls demand.
=\ !+R#" !*%-.
1he power planL's funcLlon ls Lo ensure LhaL Lhere ls enough energy avallable for Lhe vessels componenLs Lo
funcLlon ln accordance wlLh Lhe operaLlon proflle and accompanylng elecLrlcal load. AL Lhe same Llme lL ls
lmporLanL Lo seek Lhe mosL envlronmenLal frlendly and cosL effecLlve soluLlon for Lhe sysLem as a whole.
=\B7 8-31-# .<E#/
IJ@K@K D1#/#* #-31-#/
Marlne dlesel englnes domlnaLe Lhe marked as power planL ln vessels. 1hls ls malnly due Lo Lhe hlgh
efflclency and economlc advanLages. 8ellablllLy and easy operaLlon are oLher lmporLanL aspecLs. 1he maln
dlsadvanLage wlLh Lhe dlesel englne ls Lhe emlsslons, parLlcularly exhausL gases (carbon dloxlde, monoxlde
and sulfur dloxlde) and parLlcles. 1he englne also has a low power denslLy.
1he marlne dlesel englnes may be dlvlded lnLo Lhree maln caLegorles, dependlng on Lhelr revoluLlons per
mlnuLe (8M), low-speed, medlum-speed and hlgh-speed dlesel englnes. 1able 33 shows speclflc daLa for
dlesel englnes.
UC262: #.AC.26
Low-speed Medlum-speed Plgh-speed
K38M266 2-sLroke 4-sLroke 4-sLroke
Q8.6D3/MDC8. Crosshead 1runk plsLon 1runk plsLon
'/DP/D P8S23 35.A2 [kW] 80.000 - 8.000 33.000 - 300 9.000 - 300
'/P/D 6P224 35.A2 [rpm] 80 - 300 300 - 1.000 1.000 - 3.300
[/2: DFP2 mosLly PlC PlC or Mul Mul
,P2M] L/2: M8.6] [g/kWh] 160 - 180 170 - 210 200 - 220
,P2M] 5C3 M8.6] [kg/kWh] 9 - 7 9 - 6 7,3 - 3,3
,P2M &'
#0C66C8.6 [g/kWh] 22 - 14 18 - 10 13 - 7
,P2MCLCM 0566 [kg/kW] 60 - 17 20 - 3 6 - 2,3
,P2MCLCM B8:/02 [dm
/kW] 33 - 12 28 - 4 8 - 2,8
,P2MCLCM M86D [Luro/kW] 420 - 400 Llne: 330 - 220
v: 280 - 170
v: 240 - 180
"51:2 ?EJ UC262: 2.AC.26
IJ@K@I ]%/ .4")1-#
Cas Lurblne conslsLs of an alr compressor, a combusLlon chamber and a Lurblne. lL may be connecLed Lo Lhe
propeller Lhrough a gear or, as for Lhls vessel, Lo an elecLrlc generaLor. Slnce Lhe gas Lurblne only conLalns
roLary parLs, wlLh llLLle or no lmbalance, Lhe vlbraLlon level ls low. lL also produces low nolse, and has a good
power denslLy. 1he dlsadvanLages of Lhe gas Lurblne are Lhe demand for hlgh quallLy fuel, lLs hlgh cosL and
Lhe low Lhermal efflclency. lLs ablllLy Lo run on parLlal load ls also a dlsadvanLage /17/.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

e56 D/31C.26
K38M266 Slmple cycle Advanced cycle
Q8.6D3/MDC8. 2-shafL 2-shafL
'/DP/D P8S23 35.A2 [kW] 26.000 - 6.000 24.000
'/P/D 6P224 35.A2 [rpm] 3.600 - 7.000 3.600
[/2: DFP2 Mul Mul
,P2M] L/2: M8.6] [g/kWh] 240 - 280 200
,P2M] 5C3 M8.6] [kg/kWh] 10 - 13 10,3
,P2M &'
#0C66C8.6 [g/kWh] 2 - 3 3
,P2MCLCM 0566 [kg/kW] 1 - 1,4 1,8
,P2MCLCM B8:/02 [dm
/kW] 2,3 - 4,3 4,1
,P2MCLCM M86D [Luro/kW] 180 - 280 470
"51:2 ?GJ e56 D/31C.26
IJ@K@N D4%* $4#* #-31-#/
uual fuel englnes have abouL Lhe same characLerlsLlcs as Lhe medlum-speed dlesel englne. 1he dlfference ls
LhaL Lhe dual fuel englne may run on naLural gas, such as LnC or LC. When Lhe englne ls runnlng ln gas
mode a small porLlon of dlesel, 'plloL fuel', (abouL 1 ) ls ln[ecLed Lo provlde lgnlLlon. 1he gas ls ln[ecLed lnLo
Lhe alr lnLake flow durlng lnducLlon, whllsL Lhe dlesel ls ln[ecLed almosL aL Lhe Lop.
Cne of Lhe dlfferences beLween a dual fuel englne and a medlum speed dlesel englne ls Lhe mean effecLlve
pressure. ln Lhe dual fuel englne Lhls has Lo be lowered due Lo Lhe posslblllLy of lgnlLlon before Lhe plsLon
reaches Lhe Lop poslLlon (hence knocklng). normally Lhe mean effecLlve pressure ls abouL 23 bars ln a
medlum speed dlesel englne, whlle lL ls abouL 21 bar ln Lhe dual fuel englne. WlLh lower mean effecLlve
pressure Lhe ouLpuL power from Lhe englne ls lowered, and hence a blgger englne ls needed for dellverlng
Lhe same power.
1he lasL decade several offshore vessels have been bullL wlLh dual fuel capablllLy. 1he maln challenge has
been whlle runnlng Lhe englne on gas, as Lhe pressure and mass flow of Lhe naLural gas ln[ecLed has very
sLrlcL marglns. 1o ensure LhaL Lhe englnes run sLable ln vlLal operaLlons lL ls Lherefore usual Lo swlLch over Lo
dlesel oll ln Lhese condlLlons. ln LranslL, however, naLural gas ls of lnLeresL.
Cn Lhe oLher slde Lhe dual fuel englne has lower emlsslons, and Lhe dual fuel concepL glves a greaL flexlblllLy
as you sLlll can run Lhe englne on dlesel solely.
IJ@K@M ;#*#&.1+-
A machlnery sysLem wlLh dual fuel englnes ls selecLed for Lhe vessel. uue Lo Lhe hlgh sysLem flexlblllLy
regardlng fuel Lype comblned wlLh an envlronmenLal aspecL Lhls ls regarded as Lhe preferred alLernaLlve. 1he
gas Lurblne ls dlsregarded due Lo Lhe relaLlvely low efflclency comblned wlLh Lhe need of hlgh quallLy fuel.
Slnce Lhe medlum speed dlesel englne and Lhe dual fuel englne ls qulLe slmllar, and Lhe facL LhaL a dual fuel
englne ls able Lo operaLe as a dlesel englne", Lhe dual fuel englne ls selecLed.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=\B= C%&L1-#"< ;#*#&.1+-
WarLslla ls a blg suppller of englnes, and lnherlLs a wlde range of dual fuel englnes. 1hey have dellvered dual
fuel englnes Lo several shlps ln servlce Loday. Some of Lhe avallable englnes and relevanL speclflcaLlons are
glven ln Lable 33.

"51:2 ??J (2:2B5.D 4/5: L/2: 2.AC.26
,2:2MDC8. M3CD23C5
When selecLlng englnes Lhe followlng crlLerla have been consldered lmporLanL,
- Comblnlng englnes based on Lhe maln operaLlon mode wlLh correspondlng power consumpLlon.
- 8edundancy
- SelecL englnes LhaL comply as good as posslble wlLh dlfferenL operaLlon proflles regardlng
opLlmum englne load and hence fuel consumpLlon.
- Lnglne selecLlon whlch favors power over slze raLlo, and sLrlve Lo use slmllar englnes, Lo reduce
complexlLy ln auxlllary equlpmenL and spare parLs.
IJ@I@K G*.#"-%.1:# 7
lour englnes selecLed Lo glve a LoLal effecL of 23 200 [kW]. 1he conflguraLlon ls shown ln Lable 36 LogeLher
wlLh lLs ablllLy Lo fulflll Lhe power consumpLlon ln lmporLanL operaLlon proflles.
#.AC.2 K8S23 `HVa 'P235DC8. P38LC:2
1ranslL CperaLlon 1 CperaLlon 2
Ll ower [kW] Ll ower [kW] Ll ower [kW]
>R?<U[ 8 330 0,70 3 983 0,83 7 097 0,80 6 840
>R?<U[ 8 330 0,00 0 0 0 0,80 6 840
>REGU[ 4 030 0,70 2 833 0 0 0,30 2 023
>REGU[ 4 030 0,00 0 0,82 3 321 0 0
,+% ;? ;<< ,+% I I;< ,+% N< GNI ,+% N? O<?
&224 I O<< &224 N< EI? &224 N? =I?
$B5C:51:2 324/.45.MF O OI?

"51:2 ?=J [C36D 5:D23.5DCB2 2.AC.2 M8.LCA/35DC8.
1he alLernaLlve ls good sulLed for operaLlon proflle one. uurlng LranslL Lhe load facLor uurlng LranslL Lhe load
facLor ls noL opLlmum and hence hlgh speclflc fuel consumpLlon. 8eplaclng one of Lhe '34 englnes wlLh a
smaller englne Lo provlde a beLLer comblnaLlon for Lhe LranslL mode wlll Lhe avallable redundancy ln
operaLlon proflle Lwo wlll drop, and hence a requlremenL ls noL fulfllled.

#.AC.2 QF:C.4236
QF:C.423 1832
#.AC.2 6P224
(5D24 P8S23

6L20ul Llne 6 200 1000 / 1200 1 036
8L20ul Llne 8 200 1000 / 1200 1 408
9L20ul Llne 9 200 1000 / 1200 1 384
6L34ul Llne 6 340 720 / 730 2 700
9L34ul Llne 9 340 720 / 730 4 030
12v34ul v 12 340 720 / 730 3 400
16v34ul v 16 340 720 / 730 7 733
6L30ul Llne 6 300 300 / 314 3 700
8L30ul Llne 8 300 300 / 314 7 600
9L30ul Llne 9 300 300 / 314 8 330
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

IJ@I@I G*.#"-%.1:# =
WlLh slx englnes Lhls proflle sums up Lo 21 612 kW of LoLal lnsLalled power. 1he conflguraLlon ls llsLed ln Lable
#.AC.2 K8S23 `HVa
'P235DC8. P38LC:2
1ranslL CperaLlon 1 CperaLlon 2
Ll ower [kW] Ll ower [kW] Ll ower [kW]
=R?<U[ 3 700 0,90 3 130 0,84 4 788 0,82 4 674
=R?<U[ 3 700 0 0 0,84 4 788 0,80 4 630
>REGU[ 4 030 0,90 3 643 0 0 0,80 3 240
>:EGU[ 4 030 0 0 0 0 0,80 3 240
=R;<U[ 1 036 0 0 0,80 843 0 0
=R;<U[ 1 036 0 0 0 0 0 0
,+% ;N =N; ,+% I OO? ,+% N< G;N ,+% N? ONG
&224 I O<< &224 N< EI? &224 N? =I?
$B5C:51:2 324/.45.MF G IO;

"51:2 ?OJ ,2M8.4 5:D23.5DCB2 2.AC.2 M8.LCA/35DC8.
1hls conflguraLlon saLlsfles all requlremenLs and ls Lhus selecLed. 1he redundancy ls accepLable, belng hlgher
Lhan Lhe LoLal ouLpuL from any slngle englne. SLlll Lhe load facLor ln all operaLlon proflles ls good, and hence
glves saLlsfacLory fuel consumpLlon.
=\BF 24#*
IJ@N@K D1#/#* H1*
luel olls used ln Lhe dlesel englne are fracLlons from dlsLlllaLlon of crude oll. 1wo maln caLegorles exlsL, Lhe
Marlne ulesel Cll (MuC) and Lhe Peavy fuel oll (PlC). MuC ls a dlsLlllaLe fuel whlle PlC ls reslduals from Lhe
reflnery process, someLlmes mlxed wlLh heavy dlsLlllaLes. 1he plloL fuel used whlle runnlng on gas has Lo be
MuC, and hence MuC ls chosen as dlesel oll onboard /19/. Pavlng an addlLlonal PuC sysLem would lncrease
Lhe complexlLy, and demand far more space.
[/2: 8C: 6F6D20
1he marlne dlesel oll has Lo be heaLed, separaLed and fllLered before enLerlng Lhe englne.
[CA/32 GEJ [/2: 6F6D20 %U'
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

IJ@N@I 6%.4"%* ]%/
LnC ls mosLly meLhane. 1here ls vlrLually no sulfur whlch glves a very clean process. 1he denslLy of LnC ls
very low Lhough - and lL requlres more space on board compared Lo dlesel. 1he gas has Lo be conLalned ln a
cerLaln pressure aL very low LemperaLure, and call for a compleLe sysLem.
8unkerlng ls posslble elLher wlLh a Lruck, shlp-Lo-shlp or aL a bunkerlng sLaLlon. AL vesLbase LnC ls offered
from Lhe quay /66 /.
IJ@N@I@K 24#* +1* /</.#5
ln Lhe absenL of pumps Lhe pressure ln Lhe Lank ls essenLlal Lo provlde sufflclenL mass flow. When Lhe
pressure ln Lhe Lank drops below a glven value a cerLaln amounL of LnC ls evaporaLed and senL back Lo Lhe
Lank Lo lncrease Lhe pressure.
1he gas valve unlL conslsLs of a sysLem of block and bleed valves and regulaLes Lhe pressure and flow Lo Lhe
englne. Lach englne has lLs own unlL conLrolled by Lhe auLomaLlon sysLem. 1he unlL has Lo be placed ln a
venLllaLed room.

[CA/32 GGJ [/2: 6F6D20 R&e

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=7 C%&L1-#"< G""%-3#5#-.
=7B7 ]#-/#. @15#-/1+-/
#.AC.2 UC02.6C8.6
LengLh [m] 8reaLh [m] PelghL [m] Area [m
] WelghL [Lon]
6L20ul 3,3 2,1 2,13 11,1 17
9L34ul 10,3 2,9 3,73 30,3 84
6L30ul 12,3 2,9 3,04 36,3 96
,/0 OO*> N>O
"51:2 ?IJ e2.62D 4C02.6C8.6
Slnce Lhe vessel ls equlpped wlLh Lwo of each englne Lhe sum ls doubled.
=7B= C%-4$%&.4"#" "#&+55#-@%.1+-/
1he selecLed englnes comes from WarLslla, and Lhe producL gulde correspondlng Lo Lhe speclflc englne glves
deLalls regardlng englne room deslgn /19/. 1he mosL lmporLanL aspecLs are,
- Worklng space around Lhe englne: AL leasL 1 000 mm everywhere around Lhe englne.
- MalnLenance plaLforms: 1o enable efflclenL malnLenance work on Lhe englne, lL ls advlsed Lo
bulld malnLenance plaLforms on recommended elevaLlons. Mlnlmum wldLh 800 mm. 1hls
recommendaLlon applles Lo Lhe 6L30ul and 9L34ul.
- Lnglne room helghL: SufflclenL space Lo do malnLenance on larger parLs of Lhe englne. l.e.
sufflclenL helghL Lo brlng ouL a cyllnder.
- Crank shafL dlsLance: Mlnlmum dlsLance beLween Lwo parallel crank shafLs.
=7BF 8-31-# "++5 *%<+4.
1he englne room ls placed on Lhe Lank Lop, aL 83 meLers from Lhe afL. 1he room ls enclosed as a waLerLlghL
secLlon. Auxlllary equlpmenL ls placed ln Lhe englne room and appurLenanL rooms.
Ladders are placed accordlng Lo rules and regulaLlons regardlng emergency exlLs.
A flxed flreflghLlng sysLem ls placed ln Lhe englne room. 1anks holdlng Lhe used medlum (CC
, foam eLc.) ls
placed ln a separaLe room asLern of Lhe englne room.
Sea chesLs are placed on boLh sldes asLern of Lhe 8Cv moon pools. 1hese serve as cold medlum ln dlfferenL
coolanL clrculLs onboard (LnC sysLem, lube oll eLc.).
1o provlde redundancy, and able malnLenance work, Lwo separaLors are placed asLern of Lhe englne room.
1wo separaLe alr lnLakes placed ln ducLs asLern of Lhe englne room. SeparaLe alr ls Lo be provlded Lo Lhe gas
valve unlLs, and Lhe lnLake ls placed alongslde Lhe caslng ln fronL of Lhe englne room.
Lnglne conLrol ls room placed on sLarboard slde and maln swlLchboard on porL slde on upper Lween deck.
1he workshop and sLores placed on lower Lween deck. Cne separaLe sLore placed aslde englne conLrol room
on upper Lween deck.
=7BI C%&L1-#"< G""%-3#5#-. D"%R1-3
1he drawlng ls lncluded ln Appendlx L.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

== 8-@4"%-&#
==B7 24#* _ 06] &%*&4*%.1+-/
ueLalled calculaLlon of fuel and llquefled gas consumpLlon has been made based on speclflc consumpLlon of
each englne, shown ln Lable nn. uenslLy of marlne dlesel oll ls seL Lo 880 kg/m
and Lhe energy denslLy for
gas Lo 22.2 M!/L(k10).
#.AC.2 "FP2 K8S23 `HVa R&e `Hm\HV9a UC262: `A\HV9a `A\HV9a `A\HV9a `A\HV9a
73 100 ul-mode 30 73 100
N 6L30ul 3700 7362 7238 1 204 192 189
; 6L30ul 3700 7362 7238 1 204 192 189
E 9L34ul 4030 8248 7877 2,3 200 193 189
G 9L34ul 4030 8248 7877 2,3 200 193 189
? 6L20ul 1036 200 193 189
= 6L20ul 1036 200 193 189
"51:2 ?>J ,P2MCLCM M8.6/0PDC8. 8L 2.AC.26

ln LranslL, Lhe englnes wlll run on dual fuel mode. 1he calculaLlon ls shown ln Lhe Lable below. ln all oLher
condlLlons, Lhe englnes wlll run on dlesel alone.
#.AC.2 R][ K8S23 `HVa %842 )8/36 Q8.6/0PDC8.
LnC[m^3] LnC[Lonn] ulesel [Lonn] ulesel [m^3]
#.AC.2 ; 0,9 3130 ul 26,0 43,6 18,1 0,1 0,2
#.AC.2 E 0,8 3417 ul 26,0 31,3 13,1 0,2 0,2
,/0 8346,3 73,1 31,1 0,3 0,4
"51:2 =<J [/2: M8.6/0PDC8. C. D35.6CD

ulesel [Lons] ulesel [m^3] LnC[Lons] LnC[m^3]
d.6D5::5DC8. 420,2 477,6 0 0
"35.6CD 0,3 0,4 31,1 73,1
%5.2/B23C.A C. P83D 0,7 0,8 0 0
%81C:Cb5DC8.\42081C:Cb5DC8. 6,3 7,2 0 0
,/0 M8.6/0PDC8. 427,6 483,9 31,1 73,1
"51:2 =NJ [/2: M8.6/0PDC8. C. 8D923 M8.4CDC8.6

ulesel oll ls Lo be fllled afLer every compleLed recovery and relnsLallaLlon operaLlon, and have an endurance
of 23 days. naLural gas ls fllled durlng moblllzaLlon Lo recovery, and agaln for moblllzaLlon Lo relnsLallaLlon. A
safeLy margln of 30 ls added for fuel ln case of weaLher condlLlons and oLher operaLlons delays. A summary
of Lhe LoLal fuel consumpLlon ls shown ln Lhe Lable.
Q8.6/0PDC8. P23 D3CP `0
a #.4/35.M2 `45F6a ,5L2DF 053AC. W8:/02 `0
%U' 483,9 23 1,3 1438
R&e 73,1 12,3 1,3 113
"51:2 =;J "8D5: M8.6/0PDC8. 8L L/2: 4/3C.A 8.2 8P235DC8.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

==B= 04)"1&%.1+- +1*
1he consumpLlon of lubrlcaLlon oll ls assumed Lo be 1.3 [g/kWh], and a facLor of four ls added for safeLy,
whlch glves a requlred volume of 113 [m
==BF 2"#/LR%.#"
lL ls esLlmaLed a dally consumpLlon of 200 [L/person], and a LoLal of 130 persons. A safeLy facLor of 1,3 ls
added, and glves a requlred Lank capaclLy of 1800 [m
WBI ;#R%3# L+*@1-3
1he sewage holder conLalns sewage and black waLer. 1he vessel ls equlpped wlLh a sewage LreaLmenL sysLem
and has a capaclLy of elghL days, and ls connecLed Lo a sewage LreaLmenL sysLem. A margln of 20 ls added,
and glves 623 [m

`D8.6\45Fa #.4/35.M2
1,3 g/kWh 0,79 23 3 99 112,4
200 L/pers
per day
30 40 1,3 1800 1800,0

per day
26 10 1,2 312 433,3
"51:2 =EJ Q8.6/051:26
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=F ;455%"< +$ .%-? :+*45#/
1he vessel ls equlpped wlLh Lwo fuel Lanks. 1hese Lanks hold adequaLe fuel for 23 day endurance wlLh a
margln of 1.3. 1wo day Lanks are provlded and are locaLed near Lhe machlnery along Lhe longlLudlnal
cenLerllne. 1he capaclLy plan ls lncluded ln Appendlx l.
Slx poLable waLer Lanks are spread along Lhe sldes of Lhe vessel and one ls placed under Lhe accommodaLlon.
1he welghL of poLable waLer can be explolLed Lo Lrlm Lhe vessel lf Lhe order of use ls planned. ln Lhls way less
seawaLer ballasL wlll be needed. 8ollers wlll consume a porLlon of Lhe poLable waLer. 1hls ls consldered when
slzlng Lhe Lanks.
1he ballasL capaclLy ls ln LoLal 4307 m
. 1hls capaclLy ls noL essenLlal for our appolnLed mlsslon, buL ls
lnsLalled for lncreased feaslblllLy and safeLy for oLher mlsslons. Powever, approxlmaLely 1000 m
are used for
Lrlm and anLl-heellng.

ln addlLlon sufflclenL sewage-and lub oll Lanks are lnsLalled. All Lanks are equlpped wlLh baffles Lo reduce
IN@K@K 24#*
V2CA9D `D8.a W8:/02 `0
%U'N 643 731
%U'; 643 731
; U5F D5.H6 33 38
R&e 92 183
"51:2 =GJ [/2: M5P5MCDF
IN@K@I !+.%)*# M%.#"
V2CA9D `D8.a W8:/02 `0
[V N 318 318
[V ; 318 318
[V E 293 293
[V G 293 293
[V ? 311 311
[V = 136 136
[V O 136 136
,/0 NIG? NIG?
"51:2 =?J K8D51:2 S5D23 M5P5MCDF
IN@K@N ;#R%3# %-@ *4)"1&%.1+- +1*
V2CA9D `D8.a W8:/02 `0
R/1 8C: 99 112
,2S5A2 D325D02.D 386 438
"51:2 ==J ,2S5A2 5.4 :/1 8C: M5P5MCDF
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

IN@K@M >%**%/.

"51:2 =OJ T5::56D M5P5MCDF

VC.A 5.4 L38.D 15::56D V2CA9D `D8.a W8:/02 `0
VT N 332 332
VT ; 332 332
VT E 341 333
VT G 341 333
[T N 68 66
[T ; 111 108
U8/1:2 18DD80 V2CA9D `D8.a W8:/02 `0
UT N 38 37
UT ; 38 37
UT E 84 82
UT G 84 82
UT ? 216 211
UT = 216 211
UT O 123 122
UT I 123 122
UT > 294 287
UTN< 294 287
UTNN 446 436
UTN; 446 436
UTNE 318 310
1oLal ballasL 4202 4307
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=I ;#%?##E1-3
1he goal of Lhls analysls ls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe llmlLlng wave helghL for Lhe vessel's operaLlon. 1he rullng llmlLs wlll
be dependenL on Lhe Lype of work Lo be performed onboard and Lhe speed and headlng of Lhe vessel. WlLh
Lhe llmlLs deLermlned, lL ls posslble Lo flnd Lhe avallablllLy for Lhe vessel ln Lhe area of operaLlon.
=IB7 ;+$.R%"#
1he Shlpx vessel 8esponse lug-ln (vL8LS) /#/ has been used for seakeeplng analysls. 1hls calculaLes moLlon
responses and global loads by applylng 2u sLrlp Lheory formulaLlons. 1he calculaLlons can be done from zero
Lo hlgh forward speed.

1he process of calculaLlng Lhe seakeeplng capaclLy and Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe user and Lhe vL8LS lug-
ln ls descrlbed ln llgure 43 /34/.
=IB= (L#+"<
1he shlp geomeLry ls speclfled by Lhe 3u-model exporLed from uLLl1shlp. 1he program ls parLlLlonlng Lhe
hull ln sLrlps and calculaLes Lhe vessel's response ampllLude operaLors ln slx degrees of freedom: surge, sway,
yaw, heave, roll and plLch. 1hls comblned wlLh Lhe wave specLrum glves Lhe vessel's response specLrum for
each degree of freedom. 1he general formula for response specLrum ls:

[830/:5 ;?J W2662:k6 326P8.M2 6P2MD3/0

1o do Lhe calculaLlons Lhe shlp's geomeLry and mass dlsLrlbuLlon onboard musL be known. 1he draughL and
Lrlm are speclfled ln Lhe program lnpuL and applled Lo Lhe 3u-model. 1o calculaLe Lransfer funcLlons for Lhe
shlp, one needs Lhe cenLer of gravlLy and Lhe radll of gyraLlon for rolllng and plLchlng. 1he cenLer of gravlLy ls
known from earller welghL calculaLlons, buL Lhe radll of gyraLlon are more compllcaLed Lo calculaLe.
MaLhemaLlcally Lhe radlus of gyraLlon mulLlplled wlLh Lhe vessel's mass, glves Lhe mass momenL of lnerLla
whlch ls deflned as:
[CA/32 G?J +623 C.D235MDC8. C. 625H22PC.A
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[830/:5 ;=J %566 0802.D 8L C.23DC5

[830/:5 ;OJ (54CC 8L AF35DC8.

llndlng a valld welghL esLlmaLe and correcL placlng of every slngle componenL onboard ls a challenge ln Lhe
early deslgn sLages. 1herefore Lhe radll of gyraLlon has been deLermlned by common values glven ln /34/.
8adlus ln roll ls usually 30-43 of Lhe beam and radlus of plLch ls 20-30 of Lhe lengLh beLween Lhe
perpendlculars. 1he calculaLlons have been done wlLh boLh Lhe upper and lower values of radll. 1he resulLs
do noL dlffer slgnlflcanLly and Lhe resulLs presenLed ln Lhls reporL are calculaLed wlLh average values. 8adlus
of gyraLlon ln roll ls seL Lo be 40 of Lhe beam, and ln plLch 23 of Lhe lengLh beLween Lhe perpendlculars,
equallng 12 meLers and 33,3 meLers respecLlvely.
=IBF ,%*&4*%.1+- E%"%5#.#"/
IM@N@K T#//#* /E##@
1he vessel has lLs maln worklng perlods aL zero speed. 1he planned LranslL Llme make up less Lhan 20 of
Lhe seakeeplng analysls ls Lherefore done aL zero speed.
IM@N@I O#%@1-3
When dynamlc poslLlonlng durlng llfLlng operaLlons, Lhe LhrusLers wlll keep Lhe headlng of Lhe vessel up
agalnsL Lhe weaLher, and Lhe calculaLlons are Lherefore done wlLh envlronmenLal headlngs 0 and 20 degrees.
8ecause of shlp symmeLry lL ls sufflclenL Lo calculaLe from only one slde.
CLher headlngs should be calculaLed ln laLer deslgn sLages, lf operaLlons wlLh flxed vessel headlng and oLher
equlpmenL are found Lo make up a ma[or parL of Lhe vessel's operaLlons. llexlble plpe laylng ls an example of
Lhls Lype operaLlons. 8uL aL Lhls deslgn sLage, only Lhe llmlLs for Lhe llfLlng equlpmenL are lmplemenLed ln Lhe
IM@N@N K+** @%5E1-3
vlscous roll damplng ls lncluded ln Lhe calculaLlons. 1he frlcLlonal damplng ls non-llnear wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
roll, and ls calculaLed by kaLo's formulas for LurbulenL flow. /34/
1he vessel wlll be equlpped wlLh bllge keels, buL Lhese are noL lncluded ln Lhe calculaLlons. 1hls ls done
because Lhe waves hlL Lhe vessel aL relaLlve small angles durlng operaLlon and Lhe bllge keels wlll have
greaLer effecL when seas hlL Lhe vessel wlLh larger angle. 1hls glves Lhe calculaLlon a safeLy facLor regardlng
roll moLlon.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

IM@N@M M%:# *+%@/
As for Lhe sLaLlon keeplng analysls, Lhe seakeeplng calculaLlons are done wlLh waves represenLed by Lhe
!CnSWA specLrum wlLh =3,3 (see chapLer 17).
=IBI 0151.1-3 ,"1.#"1%
All Lhe crlLerla lncluded ln Lhe seakeeplng calculaLlons are descrlbed ln Lhe followlng. 1he resulLs follow afLer
Lhe raLlonale for crlLerla.
IM@M@K 6%.4"%* E#"1+@/
1he elgenperlod ln heave, roll and plLch are of lnLeresL ln early deslgn sLages. 1he lnLenL ls Lo avold excesslve
coupllng beLween shlp moLlons and Lhe encounLer perlod on relaLlve headlng and vessel speed. ln Lhls early
deslgn phase Lhe heave, roll and plLch elgenperlod should ablde by Lhe followlng suggesLlons /34/

1he naLural frequencles are calculaLed by neglecLlng Lhe damplng and applylng Lhe followlng formulas:

[830/:5 ;IJ &5D/35: P23C846
1he naLural frequency of Lhe vessel meeL Lhe suggesL frequency llmlLaLlon as shown ln Lable below.
%8DC8. #CA2.P23C846
)25B2 8,3 [s]
(8:: 12,2 [s]
KCDM9 9,7 [s]

"51:2 =IJ #CA2.P23C846
IM@M@I C+@4*# O%-@*1-3 0151./
1he heave compensaLlon sysLem's maxlmum capaclLles have been deflned by consulLaLlon wlLh /44/ and are
based on Lhe wlnch an heave compensaLor Lo Lhe 400 Lons knuckle boom crane onboard Lhe vessel norLh
Sea ClanL /44/. 1he values are measured aL Lhe polnL of aLLack aL Lhe A-frame and are valld when handllng
modules aL 300 Lons.
K92.802.5 RC0CD
&8305: 4C6P:5M202.D 6,0 [m]
Q80P2.65D24 B2:8MCDF 1,4 [m/s]
Q80P2.65D24 5MM2:235DC8. 1,2 [m/s
"51:2 =>J RC0CD6* 925B2 M80P2.65D83 5.4 SC.M9

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

AL Lhls sLage, Lhe concepLual module handllng sysLem descrlbed ln chapLer 3.4 ls assumed Lo noL glve any
furLher llmlLaLlons.
IM@M@N ;L1E ;%$#.<
lor Lhe shlp's safeLy Lhe crlLerla has been saL as speclfled ln a reporL from a [olnL nordlc research pro[ecL
coordlnaLed by nC8ulC8Sk /12/. 1hls reporL sLaLes LhaL slammlng of boLLom, deck weLness and verLlcal
acceleraLlon aL l are Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of Lhe shlp hull's safeLy. 1hls reporL ls old, buL Lhrough
consulLaLlon wlLh /48/ Lhese values are consldered sufflclenL as a flrsL esLlmaLe.
lor Lhe hull's safeLy, Lhe followlng crlLerla apply:
Q3CD23C8. RC0CD R8M5DC8.
,:500C.A* 1/:18/6 18S 3 lore perpendlcular, boLLom
,:500C.A* 18S L:532 3 lore perpendlcular, 3 [m] above waLer llne
,:500C.A* $K 3 AfL perpendlcular, boLLom
e322. S5D23 8. 42MH 3 AfL perpendlcular, deck
W23DCM5: 5MM2:235DC8. 0,2*g lore perpendlcular
"51:2 O<J RC0CD6* 69CP 65L2DF
g= gravlLaLlonal acceleraLlon, 9.81 [m/ ]. 1he acceleraLlon ls deflned ln Lerms of Lhe rooL mean square
1he slammlng and deck weLness crlLerla are deflned as crlLlcal probablllLles, meanlng for lnsLance LhaL only 3
of hundred moLlons can green waLer on deck.
1he deflnlLlon of slammlng ln Lhe appllcaLlon ls Cchl's deflnlLlon, whlch sLaLes LhaL an lmpacL ls called
slammlng lf Lhe hull emerges from waLer and geL a downward verLlcal veloclLy relaLlve Lo Lhe waLer surface

[830/:5 ;>J ,:500C.A M3CD23C5
IM@M@M ,"#R 8$$#&./
1he deLermlnaLlon of vessel acceleraLlons and absoluLe moLlons are noL only cruclal for Lhe shlp safeLy and
llfLlng equlpmenL. 1he effecLs on Lhe crew onboard are of equal or greaLer lmporLance, and are manly
relaLed Lo sea slckness and ablllLy Lo perform work.
IM@M@M@K M+"?1-3 ,%E%)1*1.<
1he work Lo be done on deck ls consldered heavy manual work whlle work aL Lhe brldge ls caLegorlzed as
lnLellecLual. 1he accepLable moLlons for Lhese Lype works are glven by /nC8ulC8Sk/ and presenLed ln Lhe
Lable below.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

V83HC.A 6D5DC8.6 V83H DFP2 Q3CD23C8. RC0CD
[832 P23P2.4CM/:53 Peavy manual work verL. acc.
LaL. acc.
4 degrees
T3C4A2 lnLellecLual work verL. acc.
LaL. acc.
3 degrees
n 8L 69CP :2.AD9 L380 5LD Peavy manual work verL. acc.
LaL. acc.
4 degrees
"51:2 ONJ RC0CD6* M32S 2LL2MD6
IM@M@M@I C+.1+- /1&?-#//
1he lnLernaLlonal CrganlzaLlon for SLandardlzaLlon suggesLs an approach Lo calculaLlon of Lhe lncldence of
moLlon slckness. 8y comblnaLlon of verLlcal acceleraLlon and exposure duraLlon a moLlon slckness doze value
ls calculaLed, and by speclfylng Lhe grade of adapLlon of Lhe crew ls a serve dlscomforL boundary ls
esLabllshed. 1he 8MS of acceleraLlons ls 1 [m/s
] for 30 mlnuLes and 0,3 [m/s
] for 2 hours. /34/. 1hls glves a
percenLage of crew slckness over a llmlLed exposure Llme. An accepLable llmlL ls 20 . /32/
=IBJ K#/4*./
IM@O@K C%91545 HE#"%.1-3 0151./
8y lmplemenLlng all Lhe crlLerla above, Lhe Shlpx appllcaLlon ls capable of ploLLlng Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe
dlfferenL crlLerla wlLh respecL Lo wave perlod. 1hls ploL shows how Lhe maxlmum wave helghL allowable Lo
saLlsfy Lhe crlLerla, varles wlLh Lhe perlod of Lhe waves.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 G=J 'P235DC.A :C0CD6* 9254C.A < 42A3226

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 GOJ 'P235DC.A :C0CD6* 9254C.A ;< 42A3226

1he flgures show LhaL Lhe llmlLlng facLors when operaLlng aL Lhe oll fleld are Lhe capaclLy of Lhe heave
compensaLor and Lhe probablllLy of slammlng.
IM@O@I G:%1*%)1*1.<
1he vessel's avallablllLy ls found by comblnlng Lhe maxlmum operaLlng llmlLs wlLh wave sLaLlsLlcs for Lhe area
of operaLlon. 1he wave sLaLlsLlcs presenLed are gaLhered from /48/. 1he scaLLer dlagram can be ploLLed as a
3u-mesh whlch shows Lhe probablllLy for comblnaLlons of dlfferenL slgnlflcanL wave helghLs and peak perlods
over a year for Lhe norweglan Sea.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[CA/32 GIJ EU 6M5DD23 4C5A350* "92 &83S2AC5. ,25
LqulvalenL daLa ls presenLed for Lhe oceans surroundlng norway ln llgure 49.

[CA/32 G>J K38151C:CDF B236/6 S5B2 92CA9D

8ased on Lhese sLaLlsLlcs Lhe vessel's avallablllLy wlll be approxlmaLely 90 lf Lhe vessel ls able Lo handle
modules up Lo a slgnlflcanL wave helghL of 3 meLers. AL Lhls wave helghL Lhe vessel's responses are wlLhln
maxlmum operaLlng llmlL when wave perlods are longer Lhan 10 seconds. 1he sLaLlsLlcal daLa lndlcaLe LhaL
only 6 of waves wlLh 3 meLers slgnlflcanL wave helghL have a perlod shorLer Lhan 10 seconds ln Lhe
operaLlonal area. 1hls lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe vessel wlll be able Lo perform large module handllng ln a sea sLaLe of
slgnlflcanL wave helghL of flve meLers.
ChapLer 3 lndlcaLes a need for large module handllng 120 days a year. 1hls equals less Lhan 33 . 1he
operaLlonal llmlLs for Lhe heave compensaLor ln Lhls secLlon are glven for large module handllng. 1he heave
compensaLor has capaclLy of hlgher speed and acceleraLlon /44/ when handllng llghLer modules.
"b X6Z
K38151C:CDF XcZ
)6 X0Z
"92 &83S2AC5. ,25
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

1he seakeeplng calculaLlons lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe vessel wlll have a hlgher avallablllLy Lhan requlred Lo perform
lLs planned Lasks. 1he llmlLlng facLor wlLh regard Lo avallablllLy wlll be Lhe concepLual module handllng

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=J C%-#4:#"1-3
1he MPv has a large beam compared Lo boLh lLs draughL and lengLh. 1hls can reduce Lhe course sLablllLy
slgnlflcanL compared Lo vessel's wlLh more regular dlmenslons and should be Laken noLlce of already ln Lhls
deslgn phase. 1o do a predlcLlon of Lhe course sLablllLy, Lhe vessel's lengLh/beam-raLlo and beam/draughL-
raLlo has been compared wlLh a dlagram based emplrlcal daLa where Lhese raLlos ls labeled aL Lwo axls, and
curves are drawn for dlfferenL block coefflclenLs. ln Lhls dlagram, areas of good, moderaLe and lnsufflclenL
course sLablllLy ls marked based on experlence from shlp ln operaLlon /7/.
8y Lhls approach of comparlng maln dlmenslons, Lhe MPv ls predlcLed Lo be far from coarse sLable, and may
have problems saLlsfylng Lhe requlremenLs Lo Lurnlng radlus and oLher maneuverablllLy LesLs. 1hls approach
ls ln no way compaLlble wlLh model LesLs or analyLlc calculaLlons, buL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe course sLablllLy of Lhe
vessel should be glven more aLLenLlon.
1he pulllng azlmuLh LhrusLers' legs have an area whlch wlll acL as a rudder, buL Lhe magnlLude of Lhls effecL
has noL been calculaLed aL Lhls deslgn sLage. 1he Lwo Lalls wlll also glve an effecL lmprovlng Lhe course
sLablllLy, buL Lhe reduced draughL on Lhe Lalls llmlLs Lhe effecL.
1he maneuverablllLy aL low speed ln harbor areas ls noL consldered any problem due Lo Lhe vessel's LhrusLer
conflguraLlon wlLh aL leasL Lwo roLaLlng LhrusLers and one Lunnel LhrusLer able Lo maneuver ln porL.
Changes ln Lhe hull delgn can be done Lo lncrease Lhe vessel's course sLablllLy lf necessary. lncreaslng Lhe
draughL of Lhe Lwo Lalls, maklng Lhem acL as skegs, could be an effecLlve modlflcaLlon. 1hls llmlLs Lhe slze of
Lhe propeller, buL a Lrade off could be done Lo declde whaL Lo glve prlorlLy Lo. As a lasL way ouL, flns could be
mounLed on Lhe 1wln 1all, buL Lhls ls noL deslrable due Lo lncreased reslsLance and Lhe rlsk of ob[ecLs
aLLachlng. Any furLher calculaLlon of maneuverablllLy and course sLablllLy ls noL done ln Lhls reporL, buL
should be done ln laLer deslgn sLages due Lo Lhe conslderaLlons descrlbed above.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=V ;."4&.4"%* G-%*</1/
1he shlp ls Lo fulfll Lhe 8ules for ClasslflcaLlon of Shlps, !anuary 2012" and Lhe Cffshore SLandards
SLrucLural ueslgn of Cffshore Shlps, CcLober 2011", boLh lssued by unv. WlLh regard Lo Lhe 1wln 1all, Lhe
rules have been conflrmed appllcable for Lhe vessel by unv /47/.
A global analysls of Lhe mld shlp secLlon has been made accordlng Lo Lhe unv 8ules. laLe Lhlckness and
secLlon modulus have been deducLed from Lhls analysls. A slmpllfled analysls of Lhe momenL and force
occurrlng ln Lhe 1wln 1all durlng llfLlng operaLlons has also been done Lo esLlmaLe a posslble need for
relnforcemenLs ln Lhls area.
=VB7 ;+$.R%"#
Pydromax ro /38/ has been used for an accuraLe analysls of Lhe shear forces and bendlng momenLs on Lhe
vessel. A slmpler analysls Lo verlfy Lhese resulLs have been done ln MlcrosofL Cfflce, Lxcel /61/.
1he 8ule Check" funcLlon of nauLlcus Pull /60/ has been used Lo check LhaL Lhe generaLed scanLllngs are
accordlng Lo Lhe unv 8ules. 1he sofLware checks LhaL plaLe Lhlckness, sLlffener dlmenslons and secLlon
modulus are as requlred.
=VB= C%.#"1%* ;#*#&.1+-
nv-nS sLeel wlLh a yleld polnL of 233 [n/mm
] has been used on Lhe enLlre lengLh of Lhe shlp. 1hls ls a
common sLeel ln shlpbulldlng, and ls Lhus easy accesslble.
=VBF 0+-31.4@1-%* ;."#-3.L
1he unv 8ules (L. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 3C) sLaLe LhaL Lhe requlred secLlon modulus ls saLlsfled along Lhe hull glrder
when calculaLed for Lhe mld shlp secLlon lf:
- ScanLllngs along boLLom and deck are unalLered wlLhln 0,4L of mld shlp secLlon
- ScanLllngs ouLslde 0,4L of mld shlp secLlon are gradually reduced Lo local requlremenLs, and Lhe
same maLerlal sLrengLh group ls applled over Lhe full lengLh of Lhe shlp.
1hree loadlng condlLlons have been analyzed ln Lhls reporL, Lhe operaLlng condlLlon on Lhe oll fleld, Lhe
deparLure condlLlon and Lhe arrlval condlLlon.
=VBI ;.1** M%.#" >#-@1-3 C+5#-. %-@ ;L#%" 2+"&#/
1o calculaLe shear force and bendlng momenL on Lhe vessel, Pydromax ro has been used. 1he resulLs from
Lhls analysls have been verlfled by a slmple analysls made ln Lxcel. 1he analysls was carrled ouL by dlvldlng
Lhe hull glrder lnLo 28 secLlons of 3 meLers. 1he loads were dlsLrlbuLed over Lhe secLlons, and Lhe buoyancy
was assumed unlform over Lhe secLlon lengLh. 1he neL load of Lhe hull was found by subLracLlng Lhe
buoyancy from Lhe load of each secLlon.
Pydromax ro uses Lhe same meLhod as descrlbed above Lo deLermlne Lhe shear forces and bendlng
momenLs. Powever, Lhe program uses a much flner mesh of secLlons, hence glvlng more accuraLe resulLs.
1o flnd Lhe shear forces and bendlng momenLs, Lhe followlng equaLlons have been used /9/:

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

[830/:5 E<J ,9253 5.4 12.4C.A 0802.D
q(s) = lorce dlsLrlbuLlon [knm]
s = lnLegraLlng varlable
As Lhe neL dlsLrlbuLlon ls noL conLlnuous, a numerlcal approach has been used Lo solve Lhe lnLegrals. 1he
Lrapezoldal rule glves:

[830/:5 ENJ "92 D35P2b8C45: 3/:2
n = number of secLlons
1he resulLs obLalned from Lhe Lxcel analysls dlffered somewhaL from Lhe Pydromax ro analysls. 1hls ls
probably due Lo Lhe crude mesh used ln Lhe Lxcel analysls, glvlng an lnaccuraLe resulL. 1he resulLs from
Pydromax ro have Lhus been used ln Lhe furLher calculaLlons.
1he maxlmum momenL ln Lhe deparLure condlLlon ls 213691 [knm], ln arrlval condlLlon 391419 [knm] and ln
operaLlng condlLlon 369179 [knm]. As Lhe largesL momenL occurs aL Lhe arrlval condlLlon, Lhls has been used
as reference ln Lhe followlng calculaLlon.

[CA/32 ?<J R854 4C6D3C1/DC8. 8L D92 533CB5: M8.4CDC8. L380 )F43805f K38 5.5:F6C6
IP@M@K D#/13- >#-@1-3 C+5#-.
1he unv 8ules (L. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 38) are used Lo flnd a deslgn sLlll waLer bendlng momenL. 1he deslgn sLlll
waLer bendlng momenLs amldshlps are noL Lo be Laken less Lhan:
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


UC6D5.M2 L380 $K `0a
neL Load
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

= C
for unresLrlcLed servlce.

1he sLlll waLer bendlng momenLs aL arblLrary poslLlons along Lhe lengLh of Lhe shlp, are noL Lo be Laken less

= 1,0 wlLhln 0,4L amldshlps
= 0,13 aL 0,1L from A.. or l..
= 0,0 aL A. and l..
1he followlng resulLs were obLalned:
C; ;%3 `?65a LMJRONI
C; O+3 `?65a OKKRJJ
"51:2 O;J U26CA. 6DC:: S5D23 12.4C.A 0802.D 50C469CP6

When ploLLlng Lhe deslgn bendlng momenL from Lhe unv 8ules wlLh Lhe maxlmum bendlng momenL
obLalned ln Lhe Pydromax ro analysls, Lhe followlng graph ls obLalned.

[CA/32 ?NJ Q5:M/:5D24 12.4C.A 0802.D 5.4 426CA. 12.4C.A 0802.D

1he maxlmum bendlng momenL from Pydromax ro ls less Lhan Lhe mlnlmum requlred deslgn bendlng
momenL from Lhe unv 8ules. 1he deslgn bendlng momenL by unv 8ules has Lhus been used ln Lhe followlng
IP@M@I M%:# >#-@1-3 C+5#-.
1he unv 8ules (L. 3 Ch. 1 Sec. 38) sLaLe LhaL Lhe rule wave bendlng momenLs amldshlps are glven by:
0 30 100


UC6D5.M2 L380 $K `0a
ueslgn 8endlng
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

o = 1.0 for seagolng condlLlons
= 0.3 for harbor and shelLered waLer condlLlons (enclosed f[ords, lakes, rlvers)
1he wave bendlng momenLs aL arblLrary poslLlons along Lhe lengLh of Lhe shlp are noL Lo be Laken less Lhan:
= 1.0 beLween 0.40L and 0.63L from A..
= 0.0 aL A.. and l..
1he followlng resulLs were obLalned:
,25A8C.A M8.4CDC8. )5318/3\692:D2324 S5D23
,5A `H&0a

-693034 -346327
)8A `H&0a 390686 293343
"51:2 OEJ V5B2 12.4C.A 0802.D6 50C469CP6

[CA/32 ?;J V5B2 12.4C.A 0802.D6 50C469CP6 5MM834C.A D8 U&W (/:2

IP@M@N C1@ ;L1E ;#&.1+-
1he mldshlp secLlon modulus abouL Lhe Lransverse neuLral axls shall noL be less Lhan:

0 30 100


UC6D5.M2 L380 $K `0a
Sagglng momenL,
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

ls glven ln equaLlon used Lo calculaLe Lhe deslgn bendlng momenL. 1he maLerlal facLor f
ls 1 for nv-nS
1he secLlon modulus abouL Lhe Lransverse neuLral axls based on cargo and ballasL condlLlons ls glven by:

= 173 f
wlLhln 0.4L amldshlps
= 123 f
wlLhln 0.1 L from A.. or l..
1he secLlon modulus and plaLe Lhlcknesses have been dlmensloned accordlng Lo Lhe rules glven ln equaLlons
above by uslng Lhe 8ule Check" funcLlon ln nauLlcus Pull.
IP@M@M K#/4*./
1he Lable below shows Lhe requlred secLlon modulus from Lhe unv 8ules and Lhe acLual secLlon modulus
obLalned from Lhe mldshlp analysls.
,2MDC8. %84/:/6 (2Y/C324 $MD/5:

6300491 9301000

6300491 7377000
"51:2 OGJ ,2MDC8. %84/:/6

1able 74 shows LhaL Lhe acLual secLlon modulus ls larger Lhan requlred. 1hls was necessary ln order Lo obLaln
Lhe requlred plaLe Lhlckness and sLlffener dlmenslons.
1he sLandard span of Lhe longlLudlnals ls 3200 [mm], and spaclng beLween Lhe sLlffeners ls 720 [mm]. 1he
plaLe Lhlckness and sLlffener dlmenslons vary aL Lhe scanLllng, and are all accordlng Lo Lhe unv 8ules.
1he mld shlp secLlon drawlng may be found ln Appendlx C.
=VBJ ;."#-3.L %-%*</1/ +$ .L# (R1- (%1*
uurlng Lhe launch and recovery of Lhe module, forces wlll arlse ln Lhe 1wln 1all LhaL are noL encounLered for
ln Lhe prevlous sLrengLh esLlmaLlons.
1o accounL for Lhe exLra forces and momenLs durlng Lhese operaLlons, a slmpllfled analysls has been
IP@O@K 8/.%)*1/L1-3 % 5+@#*
1he calculaLlons have been made wlLh respecL Lo verLlcal forces on Lhe 1wln 1all ln sLlll waLer. 1hrusL force
from Lhe azlmuLh propellers when poslLloned perpendlcular Lo Lhe 1wln 1all was consldered, buL Lhe verLlcal
forces creaLe a larger bendlng momenL and are Lhus dlmenslonlng.
1he 1wln 1all ls slmpllfled Lo be a flxed beam wlLh consLanL cross secLlon. 1he beam represenLs one Lall.
ln Lhe calculaLlons Lhe module ls placed on Lhe plaLform over Lhe 1wln 1all. 1he welghL of Lhe module and
plaLform has been evenly dlsLrlbuLed along Lhe whole lengLh of Lhe beam. 1he welghL of Lhe azlmuLh
propellers and Lhe module damplng sysLem are seL Lo be polnL loads. 1he buoyancy ls assumed Lo be llnearly
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

dlsLrlbuLed and values are based on Lhe secLlon area curve. 1he assumed load dlsLrlbuLlon and values are
shown ln Lhe flgure below.

[CA/32 ?EJ ,C0P:CLC24 :854 4C6D3C1/DC8. L83 D92 "SC. "5C:

IP@O@I 8/.15%.1+- +$ 5+5#-. %-@ "#P41"#@ /#&.1+- 5+@4*4/
8y slmple hand calculaLlons, Lhe LoLal momenL occurrlng ln Lhe supporL was found Lo be 2293 [1em]. slng
Lhls, Lhe secLlon modulus was found Lo be 0,18 [m
] by Lhe followlng formula:

[830/:5 E;J ,2MDC8. 084/:/6
Z = secLlon modulus
M = momenL
= 123f
A margln facLor of 3 was applled Lo accounL for dynamlc forces, leadlng Lo a requlred secLlon modulus of 0,90
1he necessary plaLe Lhlckness and sLlffener dlmenslons were Lhen esLlmaLed uslng nauLlcus Pull. uslng Lhe
same plaLe Lhlcknesses and sLlffener dlmenslons as obLalned ln Lhe mldshlp secLlon analysls above, Lhe acLual
secLlon modulus became 1,71 [m
], lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhese resulLs are appllcable also for Lhe 1wln 1all.
IP@O@N ,+55#-./
1he calculaLlons above are coarse, and Lhe answer should only be regarded as an esLlmaLlon of Lhe requlred
secLlon modulus ln a real slLuaLlon. A Lhorough meLhod, such as Lhe flnlLe elemenL meLhod, should be
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

applled ln order Lo obLaln accuraLe resulLs. LxLra sLrengLhenlng around crane pedesLals and Lhe moon pools
should also be consldered furLher ln Lhe deslgnlng process.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=W ,+/. G-%*</1/
An analysls of operaLlng cosLs and bulldlng cosLs was made Lo flnd Lhe requlred day raLe. 1he calculaLlons are
based on coefflclenLs from emplrlcal daLa on consLrucLlon vessel bulldlng cosLs /34/. 8aLes may vary some
over Llme, buL on Lhls sLage of Lhe deslgn Lhls should glve sufflclenL accuracy.

[CA/32 ?GJ RCL2 MFM:2 M86D

1he cosL analysls ls dlvlded lnLo bulldlng cosLs and operaLlng expenses, each wlLh sub caLegorles, whlch wlll
be evaluaLed ln Lhe followlng chapLers.

=WB7 >41*@1-3 &+/.
1he bulldlng cosL ls Lhe LoLal cosL of acqulrlng Lhe vessel, and lncludes deslgn, maLerlal cosLs, producLlon
labor and flnanclng durlng Lhe bulldlng perlod. llnanclng ls dlvlded lnLo four dlfferenL sub caLegorles, as
lllusLraLed ln Lhe hlerarchy below.

[CA/32 ??J T/C:4C.A M86D

Loan roflL 8ulldlng Llme
8rokers fee
roducLlon llnanclng MaLerlal
T/C:4C.A M86D
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

1he meLhod used Lo calculaLe bulldlng prlce ls Laken from SysLem 8ased Shlp ueslgn. CosL groups and values
of area and welghL are Lhe Laken from Lhe funcLlon analysls. ln Lhe followlng some of maln polnLs of Lhe
bulldlng prlce are Lo be dlscussed.
1ask relaLed equlpmenL cosLs represenL a blg parL of Lhe LoLal bulldlng cosL, and over 71 000 hours are
esLlmaLed for lnsLallaLlon. LlfLlng equlpmenL and slde supporL sysLem need Lo be speclally made for Lhe
vessel, and are esLlmaLed wlLh 20 000 uSu/unlL.
CosLs relaLed Lo remoLely operaLed vehlcles and relaLed equlpmenL are based on prlces from provlder/42/.
1he work 8Cv ls somewhaL more expenslve, because of Lhe necessary equlpplng.
1he hull form wlll cause an exLra bulldlng cosL compared Lo sLandard consLrucLlon vessels, and Lhe coefflclenL
of Lhe bulldlng and labor cosL for Lhe hull sLrucLure have been lncreased ln accordance Lo Lhls.
A margln of flve percenL has been added Lo Lhe LoLal labor and maLerlal cosLs.
Q82LL] Q82LL] %5D23C5: R518/3
Q86D A38/P unlL value uSu/unlL h/unlL uSu [hours]
e2.235: LW1 11 623 340 3 3 932 300 38 123
K5F:854 32:5D24 6F6D206
RCLDC.Y 2Y/CP02.D 5.4
6/PP83D 6F6D20 L83 "SC.
Area 314 20 000 30 6 280 000 13 700
$-L3502 WelghL 300 10 000 40 3 000 000 20 000
'LL69832 M35.2 N?< "2 WelghL 200 10 000 30 2 000 000 6 000
K38BC6C8. M35.2 ? " WelghL 30 400 1 20 000 30
('W 5.4 2Y/CP02.D WelghL 30 20 000 40 1 000 000 2 000
Q8.6D3/MDC8. 2Y/CP02.D
5.4 32:5D24 S83H 6P5M26



20 000


11 100 000

22 200
Q8.6D3/MDC8. 32:5D24
6P5M26 C.
Area 143 10 000 40 1 430 000 3 800
"8D5: P5F:854 32:5D24
26 830 000 71 730
)/:: 6D3/MD/32 Pull W1 4 021 2 300 80 10 032 803 321 690
U2MH98/62 uh W1 1 679 1 100 30 1 846 984 83 934
$MM80845DC8. Area 6 138 1 893 3 11 632 268 30 692
%5M9C.23F 05C.


20 330



10 479 993

162 796
%5M9C.23F 6F6D206 p+a 20 330 260 2 3 290 870 40 699
,9CP 6F6D206 Cv 43 788 203 3 8 976 623 218 942
,9CP 2Y/CP02.D Cv 43 788 240 3 10 309 219 218 942
R&e 6D835A2 D5.H LnC vol. 183 28 3 3 200 913
"8D5: 406 89 396 462 1 136 733
%53AC. 0,03 0,03 4 479 823 36 838
%5D23C5:6 5.4 :5183 >G <O= ;I= N N>E ?>;
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

"51:2 O?J %5D23C5:6 5.4 :5183 M86D6

K3CM2 26DC05DC8.
h/LW1 Pours uSu/h rlce uSu rlce uSu/kg
U26CA. 10 116 230 83 9 881 230 830 000
R518/3o8B23 9254 96 1 193 392 60 72 027 128 6 193 882
%5D23C5: 94 076 286 8 092 384
T/C:4C.A DC02 LC.5.MC.A 6 monLhs: 18 439 962 37 846
"8D5: P384/MDC8. M86D 176 424 626 13 176 312
K38LCD 3 8 821 231
[C.5.MC.A* P5F02.D 3 3 292 739
T38H23 L226 1 1 764 246
T/C:4C.A P3CM2 rlce 192 302 842
rlce/uW1 34 863 [uSu/Lon]
"51:2 O=J T/C:4C.A P3CM2

1he Lable shows LhaL maLerlal ls Lhe largesL cosL group, approxlmaLely 93 mllllon uSu. 1he LoLal bulldlng prlce
ls abouL 19 mllllon uSu.

[CA/32 ?=J T/C:4C.A M86D

3 1
T/C:4C.A M86D
ueslgn cosL
8ulldlng Llme
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

"#$" HE#"%.1-3 &+/./
1he operaLlon cosL conslsLs of Lhree subgroups, voyage cosL, dally runnlng cosL and shoreslde expenses.

[CA/32 ?OJ 'P235DC.A M86D
IQ@I@K T+<%3# &+/./
[/2: M86D6
Annual consumpLlon of marlne dlesel, llquefled naLural gas and lubrlcaLlon oll ls found for Lhe dlfferenL
operaLlon condlLlons. Cn a yearly basls 23 days are added for movlng beLween flelds, of whlch Lhe vessel ls
assumed Lo run on dlesel oll half Lhe Llme and gas mode Lhe oLher half. uurlng regular recovery and
relnsLallaLlon operaLlons, Lhe vessel wlll run only on llquefled naLural gas ln LranslL. ln all oLher condlLlons Lhe
englnes wlll run solely on marlne dlesel oll.
1he power demand ln Lhe dlfferenL condlLlons are Laken from /power requlremenL/.
1he prlce of gas ls esLlmaLed Lo 600 uSu/Lon /22/, lor marlne dlesel oll /64/and for lubrlcaLlon oll /1/.

orL charges
ually runnlng
Consumables Module handllng
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012


%53C.2 4C262: 8C: `A\HV9a 193 830 [uSu/Lon]
R/1] 'C: `A\HV9a

1,3 2000 [uSu/Lon]
R&e `%m\HV9a 33600 600 [uSu/1000




1ranslL 8ecovery 8elnsLallaLlon CLher

K8S23 `HSa

8 398,2 10 364,6 10 364,6 3 636,3 1 020,8 1 839,8
)8/36 P23 F253 A56 0842 1236,0 - - - - -
)8/36 P23 F253 4C262: 0842 300,0 1 440,0 1 440,0 3 436,0 384,0 144,0
$../5: L/2: 8C: M8.6/0PDC8.
702,9 2 936,1 2 936,1 3 772,9 73,7 31,7
$../5: R&e M8.6/0PDC8.
3 371,3 - - - - -
$../5: :/1] 'C: M8.6/0PDC8.
3,9 22,8 22,8 29,3 0,6 22,8
$../5: L/2: 8C: M86D6

397 302,0 2 493
2 493 702,2 3 206 983,9 64
$../5: R&e M86D6

2 142,8 - - - - -
$../5: :/1] 8C: M86D6

7 738,4 43 639,2 43 639,2 38 646,3 1 173,9 43
$../5: 1/.H23 M86D6

607 383,2 2 341
2 341 341,3 3 263 630,3 63
"8D5: 1/.H23 M86D6

> NN< OG>*= `+,U\F253a
"51:2 OOJ T/.H23 M86D6

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

K83D M953A26
1he vessel ls Lo have slx recovery and relnsLallaLlon operaLlons and abouL 24 oLher operaLlons. lor every
operaLlon Lhe vessel wlll go Lo harbor Lwo Llmes, for moblllzaLlon and for demoblllzaLlon. orL charges are seL
Lo 30 000 uSu /22/.
Q5::6 P23 F253 Q86D6 P23 M5:: Q86D6 P23 F253
K83D L22 72 30 000 3 600 000
)25BF :CLD M35.2 12 10 000 120 000
"8D5: E O;< <<<
"51:2 OIJ K83D M86D6

%84/:2 95.4:C.A M86D6
Cleanlng equlpmenL for Lhe modules wlll be renLed durlng all recovery and relnsLallaLlon operaLlons, and are
calculaLed wlLh 144 days per year /chapLer 3/. An average raLe of 300 uSu/day has been added for renL of
oLher equlpmenL. 1he raLes of Lhe renLlng equlpmenL per day are based on real prlces/42/.
Module handllng cosLs
uays 8aLe [uSu/day] CosLs per year [uSu]
&CD38A2. 2Y/CP02.D 72 1 620 116 640
%#e LC::C.A\435C. 2Y/CP02.D 72 1 700 122 400
)F438M5318. B2.D 6F6D20 72 1 300 108 000
'D923 2Y/CP02.D 330 300 173 000
"8D5: 084/:2 95.4:C.A M86D6 ?;; <G<
"51:2 O>J %84/:2 95.4:C.A M86D6
IQ@I@I ;L+"# /1@# #9E#-/#/
1he recovery and replacemenL of Lhe modules wlll be a parL of a malnLenance program, and plannlng of
llfLlng operaLlons wlll sLarL ahead of Lhe acLual operaLlon. A speclal englneer Leam ls requlred for
preparaLlons, lncludlng experLs ln gas compresslon and subsea llfLlng. More people wlll be lnvolved ln laLer
preparaLlons. lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL an average of Len persons wlll work wlLh Lhe llfLlng operaLlon aL shore.
Soclal cosLs and admlnlsLraLlon are lncluded as percenLages of Lhe annual wage /1/.
Q86D CD20 K2368.2: $../5:
'B239254 $../5: M86D
V5A2 10 90 000 0 900 000
,8MC5: M86D6 30 270 000
$40C.C6D35DC8. 100 900 000
"8D5: 5../5: P83D M953A26 ; <O< <<<
"51:2 I<J ,9832 6C42 2fP2.626

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

IQ@I@N D%1*< "4--1-3 &+/.
1he dally runnlng cosL lncludes all cosLs of runnlng and malnLalnlng Lhe vessel on a dally basls.
,9CP 2fP2.626
Shlp expenses are esLlmaLed by a percenLage of Lhe bulldlng prlce/1/, and are dlvlded lnLo lnsurance,
malnLenance and oLher cosLs.
Q86D CD20 K32M2.D 8L 69CP1/C:4C.A
%5C.D2.5.M2 0,30 961 314
d.6/35.M2 0,80 1 338 423
'D923 M86D6 0,30 961 314
"8D5: 3 461 431
"51:2 INJ ,9CP 2fP2.626
Consumables are calculaLed for an average of 130 people and wlLh 30 uSu per person per day /1/.
&/0123 8L M32S Q82LLCMC2.D `+,U\45Fa U5F6 Q86D P23
NE< 30 330 2 273 000
"51:2 I;J Q8.6/051:26
%5..C.A 2fP2.626
1he crew wlll have 12 hours shlfL, some work durlng Lhe day and some durlng Lhe nlghL. 1he mannlng
expenses are based on norweglan salarles and lnclude 30 percenL of addlLlonal cosLs.
1he mannlng of a consLrucLlon vessel wlll vary wlLh Lhe operaLlon, buL lL ls assumed LhaL Lhere wlll be an
average of 130 persons onboard aL all Llmes.
%5..C.A* %53C.2 K2368..2:

K86CDC8. Cnboard
Annual salary AddlLlonal cosLs 1oLal
Q5PD5C. 1
120 000 30 136 000
Q9C2L 'LLCM23 1
120 000 30 136 000
Q32S %201236 3
90 000 30 383 000
Q9C2L #.AC.223 1
100 000 30 130 000
U2MH 5.4 2.AC.2
90 000 30 383 000
#:2MD3CMC5. 1
80 000 30 104 000
Q9C2L ,D2S534 1
73 000 30 97 300
)8D2: P2368.2: 14
70 000 30 1 274 000
$1:2 62502. 4
80 000 30 416 000
#:2MD3CMC5. 1
80 000 30 104 000
%24CM 1
80 000 30 104 000
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

"8D5: 05..C.A*
%53C.2 K2368..2:
983 000 30 3 711 300
%5..C.A* %C66C8. K2368..2:
5.4 Q8.6D3/MDC8. Q32S

K86CDC8. Cnboard

%C66C8. K2368..2: 93
90 000 30 11 113
#fD35 Q32S 20
"8D5: 05..C.A*
%C66C8. K2368..2:
5.4 Q8.6D3/MDC8.
90 000 30 11 113
"51:2 IEJ %5..C.A M86D6
=WBF (+.%* %--4%* +E#"%.1+-%* &+/.
W8F5A2 M86D N; IE< O?<
,98326C42 2fP2.626 2 070 000
U5C:F 3/..C.A M86D6 20 362 931
$../5: 8P235DC8.
33 463 701
"51:2 IGJ "8D5: 5../5: 8P235DC8.5: M86D
=WBI K#P41"#@ @%1*< "%.#
1o calculaLe llfe cycle cosL, Lhe equaLlon for presenL value has been used. 1he lnflaLlon ls seL Lo Lhree percenL
afLer an average of Lhe lasL eleven years of lnflaLlon ln norway /k36/. 1he lnLeresL raLe ls correcLed for
lnflaLlon, and by Lhe formula below Lhe real lnLeresL raLe was found. Assumlng lnflaLlon 3 and 10 lnLeresL,
glves a real lnLeresL of 7 .

[830/:5 EEJ (25: C.D2326D 35D2
8eal lnLeresL raLe
1he llfe cycle cosL can Lhen be calculaLed wlLh Lhe formula beneaLh.

[830/:5 EGJ RCL2 MFM:2 M86D6

[830/:5 E?J &22424 F253:F C.M802

1he needed raLe per day ls found Lo be 132 369 uSu.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

8aLes for consLrucLlon vessels depend on Lhe capaclLles and slze of Lhe vessel, and Lhe Lype of operaLlons.
1he vessel ls qulLe large and has complex equlpmenL. lew oLher vessels oLher Lhan heavy llfL vessels can
compeLe wlLh Lhe llfLlng capablllLles of Lhe vessel, and Lhus Lhe Modulehandler ls expecLed Lo have a dally
raLe on approxlmaLely 160 000 uSu/day/k34/.
8equlred day raLe
T/C:4C.A M86D6 192 302 842 [uSu]
$../5: 8P235DC8. M86D6 33 463 701 [uSu]
"C02 20 [years]
d.L:5DC8. 0,03
d.D2326D 35D2 0,10
(25: C.D2326 35D2 0,07
K3262.D B5:/2 8L 5../5: M86D6 381 730 802 [uSu]
RCL2 MFM:2 M86D 374 033 644 uSu
&2M26653F F253:F C.M802 33 329 093 uSu
'P235DC.A 45F6 P23 F253 330 days
(5D2 P23 45F 132 369 uSu/day
"51:2 I?J (2Y/324 45F 35D2

1he expecLed resulL per year 2 670 907 uSu. 1he resulL ls dependenL on Lhe lnflaLlon, as well as Lhe day raLe
and Lype of operaLlons.

[830/:5 E=J (26/:D 053AC.
1he resulL margln ls calculaLed by Lhe formula above wlLh an assumed Lax on 30 . 1hls glve a resulL margln
equal Lo 3 .
#fP2MD24 326/:D P23 F253 ; =O< ><O +,U
"5f 30
#fP2MD24 C.M802 5LD23 D5f 1 869 633 uSu
#fP2MD24 5../5: C.M802 36 000 000 uSu
K38LCD 053AC. 0,03
"51:2 I=J #fP2MD24 326/:D P23 F253

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=Y K1/? G//#//5#-.
1he maln focus of Lhe rlsk assessmenL has been Lo ldenLlfy and evaluaLe Lhe maln deslgn rlsks. 1he
assessmenL ls Lo ldenLlfy boLh lnLernal and exLernal sources of rlsk whlch may affecL Lhe deslgn's ob[ecLlves.
1he rlsks are evaluaLed by Lhe rlsk scale based on pro[ecL lmpacL and llkellhood of occurrence. new
Lechnology and new use of Lechnology have a hlgher llkellhood of lnLegraLlon problems and malfuncLlon,
hence concerns regardlng 1wln 1all and llfL of module needs Lo be handled especlally careful. 8lsk mlLlgaLlons
are suggesLed for Lhe ma[or ldenLlfled rlsks, and can reduce Lhe rlsk by elLher reduce Lhe lmpacL of Lhe
pro[ecL or llkellhood of occurrence.
=YB7 ,+-&#"-/ +- 5+@4*# 5+:#5#-.
1he vessels ablllLy of llfLlng Lhe module safe ls crlLlcal for fulflllmenL of Lhe requlremenLs speclfled by Lhe
owner. Cne of Lhe maln lssues regardlng Lhe ablllLy of Lhe vessels llfLlng capaclLy ls Lhe movemenL of Lhe
vessel boLh ln alr and sea, whlch also affecLs Lhe vessel's sLablllLy. Lven Lhough Lhe veloclLy and acceleraLlons
of Lhe module may noL be large, Lhe klneLlc energy wlll be large due Lo Lhe welghL.
1he developmenL of Lhe supporL sysLem ls also dependenL on values of module movemenL. ln a worsL case
scenarlo, slmulaLlons may show LhaL movemenL of Lhe module ls so large LhaL Lhe supporL sysLems planned
wlll noL be able Lo resLrlcL lL. 1hus movemenL characLerlsLlcs of Lhe module can poLenLlally have a huge
lmpacL on Lhe pro[ecL, and needs Lo be evaluaLed carefully.
uurlng operaLlon Lhe vessel ls Lo be headed agalnsL Lhe waves, whlch can cause a plLch movemenL. lf Lhe
naLural frequency of Lhe module ls Lo colnclde wlLh Lhe frequency ln plLch for Lhe vessel, Lhls can cause
resonance and lead Lo module movemenL as a large pendulum. 1he module has a margln of Lhree meLers
from Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe 1wln 1all.
CalculaLlons glve 1.8 meLers dlsplacemenL wlLh sLaLlc Lrlm equal Lo four degrees, buL dynamlc forces and
resonance may cause Lhe dlsplacemenL Lo be a loL larger. 1hls can cause Lhe module Lo hlL Lhe fronL of Lhe
1wln 1all.
A Lhorough dynamlc analysls of Lhe module movemenL ls sLrongly advlsed, ln all cases rlsk of module
resonance musL be avolded. numerlcal calculaLlons should be supporLed by Lhe modellng and slmulaLlon.
1he resulL of Lhe calculaLlons wlll be declslve for Lhe furLher work wlLh Lhe pro[ecL.
1he deslgn Leam has dlscussed how Lo prevenL resonance ln plLch, and anoLher llfLlng arrangemenL may be
consldered. 1wo llfLlng frames can be placed over Lhe 1wln 1all, where four wlres can be conLrolled
auLomaLlcally Lo conLrol Lhe movemenL of Lhe module. 1hls may prevenL resonance from happen.
=YB= D#:#*+E5#-. %-@ 1-.#3"%.1+- +$ .L# /1@# @%5E1-3 /</.#5
1he developed damplng sysLem ls Lo be speclally deslgned for large module handllng. 1he Lechnology used ls
well known from hydraullc sysLems, buL Lhe deslgn of Lhe sysLem ls new. Many uncerLalnLles are assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe sysLem, boLh wlLh regards Lo capaclLles of Lhe sysLem, lnLegraLlon wlLh oLher
sysLems and Lechnlcal dlfflculLles of deslgn and lnsLallaLlon.
uynamlc loads needs Lo be lncluded ln furLher analysls and modellng, and are closely connecLed Lo Lhe
advlsed analysls of module movemenL.
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=YBF D#:#*+E5#-. %-@ 1-.#3"%.1+- +$ .L# ."%-/E+".%.1+- /</.#5
1he sysLem needs Lo be speclally bullL Lo LransporL Lhe module. Slmllar sysLems wlLh ralls for heavy ploughs
exlsL, buL needs Lo be scaled for Lhe welghL and slze of Lhe module.
lL ls of greaL lmporLance of Lhe deslgn Lo documenL Lhe soluLlon's feaslblllLy. A more deLalled concepL and
deslgn of Lhe ralls should be made. lurLher Lechnlcal analysls and slmulaLlon ls advlsed and as a nexL sLep
proLoLype LesLlng of maln componenLs.
=YBI A-%&&4"%.# /.%.1+- ?##E1-3 %-%*</1/
1he program used for sLaLlon keeplng analysls uses coefflclenLs based on plaLform supply vessels. 1he vessel
wlll noL have Lhe exacL same coefflclenLs, whlch means Lhere wlll be lnaccuracy ln Lhe predlcLlon. 8y sLudy of
comparlson shlps Lhe values galned from Lhe analyze seems reasonable. lurLher analysls and slmulaLlon can
be done for several more weaLher condlLlons, Lo sLudy Lhe effecL of forbldden zones and wave headlng Lo
galn more accuraLe values.
=YBJ !"+)*#5/ 1-.#3"%.1-3 @1"#&. &4""#-.
LlecLrlc power ls Lo be dlsLrlbuLed by dlrecL currenL, due Lo Lhe hlgh flexlblllLy of Lhe sysLem. A88 provldes a
dlrecL currenL dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem, uC power onboard", whlch ls Lo be lnsLalled on Lhe flrsL offshore vessel ln
2013/77/.LxLenslve experlmenLs have been done, buL Lhe sysLems lnLegrlLy under operaLlonal condlLlons ls
yeL Lo be proven. 1hls represenLs a rlsk concernlng lnLegraLlon of Lhe sysLem, and llkewlse llLLle developed
pracLlce wlLh regards Lo cholce of volLage level, sysLem proLecLlon and elecLrlcal safeLy /20/.
lnLegraLlon problems of Lhe sysLem may lead Lo falllng of Lhe sysLem, parLs of Lhe sysLem or reducLlon of
performance. 1he sysLem may noL funcLlon ln operaLlon, or noL be developed ln Llme, whlch wlll glve ma[or
cosLs. lallure may also happen Lo Lhe sysLem afLer lnsLallaLlon. lf Lhls was Lo happen ln a crlLlcal llfLlng
operaLlon, Lhls could have faLal consequences. MlLlgaLlon approaches needs Lo be evaluaLed carefully.
lor Lhe sysLem Lo funcLlon ln mlsslon operaLlon condlLlons, lL needs Lo be LesLed ln such. A slmllar sysLem
should be made by Lhe provlder Lo LesL ln operaLlon condlLlons slmllar Lo Lhe mlsslon. lf posslble, Lhe sysLem
should be connecLed Lo supporL sysLems and Lhus slmulaLe real llfe connecLlon of Lhe sysLems. lnLegraLlon
problems of Lhe sysLem can Lhus be evaluaLed before real llfe lnsLallaLlon. As wlLh many elecLrlcal
lnsLallaLlons, one may reduce Lhe fallure probablllLy by funcLlon LesLlng before lnsLallaLlon.
Analysls regardlng flre safeLy and sysLem proLecLlon, lncludlng malnLenance plannlng, should be made before
=YBV A-.#3"%.1+- +$ @4%* $4#* /</.#5
uual fuel sysLems are lnsLalled on many offshore vessels, and Lhe capaclLles of Lhe sysLem are well known.
lew rlsks are assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhe sysLem. ?eL Lhere are some rlsks concernlng Lhe
operaLlonal slde of dual fuel. lurLher analysls should be done of Lhe operaLlonal slde regardlng llquefled
naLural gas, buL ls noL lncluded ln Lhls reporL.
=YBW b-&#".%1-.1#/ "#3%"@1-3 .L# /."#-3.L %-%*</1/
As requlred by unv rules, Lhe sLrengLh analysls are based on Lhe mld shlp secLlon. A Lhorough analysls should
be made uslng flnlLe elemenLs meLhod, wlLh speclal conslderaLlons Lo moon pools, crane pedesLals and deck
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=YBY ;E#&1%* &+-&#"-/ "#3%"@1-3 (R1- (%1* /."#-3.L %-%*</1/
1he sLrengLh analysls of Lhe 1wln 1all ls made wlLh a slmpllfled model. 1he load ls evaluaLed as sLaLlc and
evenly dlsLrlbuLed, buL ln operaLlon condlLlons Lhere wlll be dynamlc loads due Lo waves, currenL, wlnd and
Lhe module's movemenL. Pence a loL of uncerLalnLles are assoclaLed wlLh Lhe calculaLlons made. Analysls
wlLh flnlLe elemenL meLhod ls advlsed Lo deLermlne need of furLher sLrengLhenlng of Lhe Lalls. WorsL case
scenarlos should be evaluaLed and slmulaLed.
=YBZ C%-#4:#"1-3 &+-&#"-/
Larller analysls has shown some concerns abouL course sLablllLy. Model LesLlng and slmulaLlon can be used Lo
deLermlne Lhe exLenL of Lhe maneuverlng problems. lncreaslng Lhe draughL ln 1wln 1all may glve Lhe vessel
beLLer course sLablllLy, buL musL be evaluaLed Lhrough a more deLalled analysls. AnoLher posslblllLy ls Lo
lnsLall flns, buL Lhls ls noL a deslred soluLlon.
1he resulL of Lhe furLher course sLablllLy analysls can posslbly have a large deslgn lmpacL, and one may need
Lo alLer dlmenslons.
=YB7\ b-&#".%1-.< "#3%"@1-3 "#/1/.%-&# E"#@1&.1+-
8eslsLance predlcLlons are made based on emplrlcal meLhods, whlch have been calculaLed for Lhe average
lengLh of Lhe shlp. 1he meLhods are based on older shlps, and wlll have some devlaLlons. ln addlLlon Lhe
shape of Lhe hull wlll cause an exLra uncerLalnLy. 8eynolds number was calculaLed wlLh LoLal lengLh and
average lengLh, and glves only a small change. 8uL Lhe 1wln 1all may cause wake and waves, whlch also
depends on Lhe sea sLaLe. 1he gaps for Lhe wheels wlll cause some frlcLlon, and Lhe effecL of Lhls needs Lo be
furLher lnvesLlgaLed. numerlcal calculaLlons and/or Lrlals should be made Lo glve more exacL values and Lo
verlfy Lhe resulLs. 1he vessel ls noL depended on hlgh speed, and a posslble lncrease ln reslsLance ls noL a
ma[or pro[ecL rlsk.
=YB77 ,+-&*4/1+- +- "1/? %//#//5#-.
1he analysls shows LhaL Lhe deslgn ls assoclaLed wlLh several ma[or rlsks LhaL can affecL Lhe furLher
developmenL of Lhe pro[ecL, especlally wlLh regards Lo module handllng sysLems and module movemenL.
Modellng and analysls of module movemenL should be prlorlLlzed ln furLher work wlLh Lhe pro[ecL.

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=Z K#$#"#-&#/
=ZB7 >++?/

/1/ 5ystem 8oseJ 5blp ueslqo, 2009.
kal Levander, ueparLmenL of Marlne
1echnology n1nu

/2/ Motlo 1ekolkk lotto - Motlo 1ekolkk 1, 2003. Celr luglerud, ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology n1nu

/3/ 5blp ueslqo fot fflcleocy ooJ cooomy, LLd P. SchneekluLh

/4/ 8oxtets lottoJoctloo to oovol otcbltectbote, 2003.
8rlan 8axLer

/3/ 5eo looJs oo 5blps ooJ Offsbote
5ttoctotes, 1993. C. lalLlnsen

/6/ 1Mk4J10 - Motloe 1ecbooloqy 4 - Mocbloety, 2010. Maurlce l. WhlLe
ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology n1nu

/7/ 1Mk4247 MotstooJ oq ptopolsjoo/ltopell oq follteotl, 2009.
Sverre SLeen, ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology n1nu

/8/ Motlot Moskloetl, loq 1Mk4222, 2003. Llllf edersen & Parald valland
ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology n1nu

/9/ 1Mk 4167 Motlo 1ekolkk 2 - koosttoksjoosooolyse, 2010.
!rgen Amdahl, ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology n1nu

/10/ nooJbook fot slloqets, 2006.
Pans Chr. LlmholdL

/11/ ctooes - ueslqo ltoctlce ooJ moloteoooce, 5ecooJ eJltloo, 2002.
/12/ Assessmeot of 5blp letfotmooce lo o Seaway, 1987. nordforsk

IR@I !%E#"/

/13/ ctooes, Jovlts ooJ bolstloq wlocbes, M[osundeL hydraullkk og AS

/14/ kolls-koyce Motloe ltoJocts Azlpoll 1btostets, Opeo/uocteJ 1btostets,
cootoz 1btostets

/13/ AzlpoJ ltopolsloo, A88

/16/ uooptop
Slemens Marlne SoluLlons

/17/ uagens nrlngsllv, arLlcle 26. aprll 2012, 5weJlsb stote sblpbollJloq expetlmeotol took - moJel testloq

/18/ cooveotloool llfeboot systems, 1ecbolcol Jesctlptloos
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

lost tescoe boot, 5tloqet 760 Iet, 1ecbolcol Jesctlptloo
SchaL Pardlng

/19/ wottsllo 20 uool loel ltoJoct qolJe J4 uool loel ltoJoct qolJe, 50 uool loel ltoJoct qolJe, WarLslla shlp

/20/ 1besls fot Jeqtee fot llceotlote of eoqloeetloq, uc ulsttlbotloo system,
uanlel nllsson

/21/ 1elfos foktobeftesetle, 1ekolske sklpslostollosjooet

/22/ Carbon Chaln Cass Carrler
Ann Povland,

/23/ A88 oews feeJ oolloe
OobootJ uc CtlJ pJf, A88

/24/ lectote ootes, 1M84290 Marlne LlecLrlc ower and ropulslon SysLems

=ZBF K4*#/ %-@ "#34*%.1+-/

/23/ norweglan MarlLlme ulrecLoraLe

/26/ unv
- Pull SLrucLural ueslgn, Shlps wlLh LengLh 100 meLres and above, !anuary 2012
- SLrucLural ueslgn of Cffshore Shlps, CcLober 2010
- Pull LqulpmenL and SafeLy, !anuary 2012
- Cffshore Servlce vessels, 1ugs and Speclal Shlps !anuary 2012
- unv Marlne llfLlng operaLlons deflnlLlon of large volume sLrucLures

/27/ lMC
- A.749 Code on lnLacL SLablllLy
- SCLAS ch.2
- SCLAS ch.11-2
- Marpol, 8egulaLlon 27 - lnLacL sLablllLy, 2007
- Marpol, 8egulaLlon 28 - damage sLablllLy, 2007
=ZBI ,+-:#"/%.1+-/^,+""#/E+-@#-&#/
rofessors aL Lhe ueparLmenL of Marlne 1echnology n1nu:

/28/ SLlan Lrlchsen
/29/ Sverre SLeen
/30/ Anders Lndal
/31/ !rgen Amdahl
/32/ Asgelr Srensen
/33/ 8[rn Cscar Slllerud
/34/ SLeln Cve LrlksLad
/33/ 8[rn Lgll Asb[rnsleLL
/36/ 8oger Sk[eLne
/37/ 8[rnar eLLersen

ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

ConLacLs ln MarlLlme Companles ln norway:
/38/ 1hore Croenvlk, Subsea 7
/39/ 8almund 8[ordal, SLaLoll
/40/ 1om Llrlk Llkanger, SLaLoll
/41/ Llnar Mydland,
naLlonal Cllwell varco
/42/ SLle kylllngsLad, lkM
/43/ S[ur vldar 8rekke, CargoLec
/44/ 1homas PolLe, CargoLec
/43/ keLll Aagesen, Slemens AS,
Marlne SoluLlons
/46/ !osLeln 8ogen, A88
/47/ krlsLlan Andersson, unv
/48/ uanlel nords, unv
/49/ krlsLer Pole, 8Cv plloL
/30/ Pelge Lllassen, LrnsL 8.-!ohansen
/31/ Clsle SnsLadb, SolsLad
/32/ k[ell Clav SLlnessen, Aker SoluLlons
/33/ k[arLan edersen, Aker SoluLlons

=ZBJ ;+$.R%"#
/34/ Shlpx - lnLegraLed Shlp ueslgn 1ool:

/33/ uLLl1shlp Marlne SofLware:

/36/ Maxsurf ro lormaLlon ueslgn SysLems:

/37/ ueslgn program Shlpx:

/38/ lormsys Pydromax ro:

/39/ Maxsurf Seakeeper:

/60/ nauLlcus Pull 8ule Check:

/61/ MlcrosofL Cfflce Lxcel:

/62/ AuLoCAu 2010:

/63/ Adobe lllusLraLor 4:
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012

=ZBV M#)Q%@@"#//#/

/64/ CosL analysls of consLrucLlon comparlson shlp:

/63/ arameLrlc represenLaLlon of a wlnd wave fleld:
/66/ vesLbase nrlngspark- daLa og nkkelLall: hLLp://

/67/ Comparlson shlps:

/68/ Comparlson shlps:

/69/ lar Samson:
/70/ ueflnlLlon of 8AC:

/71/ nCv - wlnches:
/72/ ueL norske verlLas:

/73/ SLaLoll:

/74/ ekllma, norweglan MeLerologlcal lnsLlLuLe:

/73/ Coogle maps:

/76/ lnflaLlon raLe:
/77/ lnsLalllng uC power grld:

/78/ CC2 Plgh ressure SysLems:
ur. !ames A. Llsnyk SLudenL Shlp ueslgn CompeLlLlon 2011-2012


/79/ Plfog:

/80/ WaLer mlsL flre flghLlng sysLem:
hLLp:// 1he_WaLer_MlsL_llre_llghLlng_SysLem.pdf

/81/ Skandl ArcLlc:
/82/ 1he Sepro Moonpool for 8Cv Pandllng:

A: Cwners requlremenL
8: Mlsslon equlpmenL llsL
C: Llne urawlng
u: Ceneral ArrangemenL
- u1: CuLboard roflle
- u2: lnboard proflle
- u3: 8rldge e-deck
- u4: u- and C-deck
- u3: 8- and A-deck
- u6: Maln deck
- u7: 1ween deck
- u8: 8erLhlng
L: Machlnery arrangemenL
- L1: upper Lween
- L2: Lower Lween
- L3: 1ank 1op
- L4: roflle
l: CapaclLy plan
C: Mldshlp secLlon

SysLem luncLlon CapablllLles
A-frame LlfLlng of module Max llfLlng capaclLy: 700 1
PelghL: 26 m
AcLlve heave compensaLed
LlfLlng of module uepLh: 1200 m
Comblned acLlve & passlve
heave compensaLlon
140 mm wlre.
Slde supporL sysLem revenL and damp sldeways
moLlon of Lhe module ln waLer
ulameLer of wheel: 1,3 m
Cffshore crane LlfL of small modules Lhrough
LlfLlng capaclLy: 130 1
Max heave: +/- 4 meLers (max
PolsLlng/lowerlng speed ln APC
mode: 8 m/mln
WelghL: 370 1
Work moonpool lnLervenLlon, handllng of small
8 x 8 m
Work 8Cv lnLervenLlon and consLrucLlon
Lasks, aLLach wlres durlng large
module operaLlons
ulmenslons: 3,3x2x2
uepLh: 3000 m
WelghL 3,33 1
ayload: 330 kg
CbservaLlon 8Cv CbservaLlon durlng
lnLervenLlon and llghL
lnLervenLlon and consLrucLlon
WelghL: 130 kg
uepLh: 1000 m
ayload: 32 kg
Launch and recovery sysLem for
Launch and recover 8Cv safely Moonpool based
uepLh: 4300 m
PolsLlng speed: 120 m/mln
uynamlc poslLlon sysLem SLaLlonkeeplng
Culde wlres oslLlon Lhe module 3-10 1 Lenslon
CranemasLer uamplng of module movemenL,
especlally ln splash zone and
for landlng on seabed
CapaclLy: 800 1


Team Noith, The Noiwegian 0niveisity of Science anu Technology, NTN0

Backgiounu infoimation
The sgaiu fielu, uiscoveieu in 1981, ianks among the laigest oil anu gas
uevelopments on the Noiwegian continental shelf. The fielu is embiacing a
total of S2 wells spieau ovei an aiea of 2u by 6u kilometeis. In oiuei to
ietiieve moie gas fiom the ieseivoiis, the opeiatoi, Statoil, now aims to
install gas compiessois on the seabeu. This is to be iealizeu in 2u1S, as the
woilu's fiist pioject of its kinu, anu is a step in the uevelopment of complete
subsea factoiies. Similai gas compiession piojects aie consiueieu foi the
uullfaks anu 0imen Lange fielu.

The gas compiession system is installeu on a template of appioximately 7u
meteis length, 4u meteis wiuth anu 2u meteis height. The stiuctuie
consists of compiessois, pumps, sciubbeis anu cooleis, anu the installation
of this will leau to opeiations on laige, subsea mouules.

Touay, subsea mouules aie hanuleu thiough moonpools with typical
uimensions of appioximately 7 by 7 meteis. If the moonpool is too small,
the mouule is lifteu ovei the shipsiue, by heavy lift vessels oi ciane vessels.
The hanuling of laige mouules ovei the shipsiue is a ciitical situation with
iegaiu to both stability anu safety of the manning, anu the hiie iate of
heavy lift vessels is high. It is thus likely that theie will be a neeu foi vessels
that can hanule the new, big mouules both foi installation on the seabeu
anu maintenance anu iepaii on the suiface.

The vessel is to be uesigneu to execute lift opeiations anu tianspoitation of
subsea mouules, as well as othei constiuction anu inteivention tasks. The
opeiations aie iequiiing a lifting capacity of appioximately Suu tonnes anu
hanuling of subsea mouules of appioximately 2S meteis length, 1S meteis
wiuth anu 12 meteis height, all aujusteu to ueveloping uemanu.

Aiea of opeiation
Nain aiea is piimaiily the sgaiu fielu at the Balten Bank, 2uu kilometies
off the coast of Noiway, anu othei aieas in the Noith Sea.

The vessel shoulu have sufficient ueck aiea foi easy access anu hanuling of
the subsea mouules anu equipment. Fuitheimoie, the ueck aiea shoulu

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