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QYResearch Report

2014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Isoprene Industry

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Published Date : *u" 2014
Publisher: +,Research Isoprene Research Center
Contact: -r. /han" Don" 01210202)4(%1%3 0121&011%)1)014 sales56yresearch.co7
82014 Deep Research Report on Global and China Isoprene Industry9 :as pro;essional and depth
research report on Global and China Isoprene industry. 'he report ;irstly introduced Isoprene basic
in;or7ation included Isoprene de;inition classi;ication application industry chain structure
industry o<er<ie:3 international 7ar=et analysis4 China do7estic 7ar=et analysis4
-acroecono7ic en<iron7ent and econo7ic situation analysis and in;luence4 Isoprene industry
policy and plan4 Isoprene product speci;ication4 7anu;acturin" process4 product cost structure etc.
then statistics Global and China =ey 7anu;acturers Isoprene capacity production cost price pro;it
production <alue "ross 7ar"in etc details in;or7ation4 at the sa7e ti7e4 statistics these
7anu;acturers Isoprene products custo7ers application capacity 7ar=et position co7pany contact
in;or7ation etc co7pany related in;or7ation4 then collect all these 7anu;acturers data and listed
Global and China Isoprene capacity production capacity 7ar=et share production 7ar=et share
supply de7and shorta"e i7port e>port consu7ption etc data statistics4 and then introduced Global
and China Isoprene 200)2201) capacity production price cost pro;it production <alue "ross 7ar"in
etc in;or7ation. *nd also listed Isoprene upstrea7 ra: 7aterials e6uip7ents and do:n strea7
clients sur<ey analysis and Isoprene 7ar=etin" channels industry de<elop7ent trend and
proposals. In the end4 'he report introduced Isoprene ne: pro?ect S@A' analysis In<est7ent
;easibility analysis in<est7ent return analysis and also "i<e related research conclusions and
de<elop7ent trend analysis on Global and China Isoprene industry. In a :ord4 it :as a depth
research report on Global and China Isoprene industry. *nd than=s to the support and assistance
;ro7 Isoprene industry chain related technical e>perts and 7ar=etin" en"ineers durin" Research
'ea7 sur<ey and inter<ie:s.
'able o; Contents
Chapter Ane Isoprene Industry A<er<ie: 1
1.1 Isoprene De;inition 1
1.2 Isoprene Classi;ication and *pplication 2
1.& Isoprene Industry Chain Structure 4
1.4 Isoprene Industry A<er<ie: 4
1.( Isoprene Industry History (
1.1 Isoprene Industry Co7petiti<e $andscape 1
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e 1
QYResearch Report
1.% Isoprene Industry International and China De<elop7ent Co7parison 0
Chapter ':o Isoprene -ar=et Data *nalysis )
2.1 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Price $ist )
2.2 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Gross -ar"in $ist 10
2.& 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Capacity and -ar=et Share $ist 11
2.4 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Production and -ar=et Share $ist 12
2.( 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Production Calue and -ar=et Share $ist
Chapter 'hree Isoprene 'echnical Data *nalysis 14
&.1 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Product +uality $ist 14
&.2 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Product $ine Capacity and Co77ercial
Production Date 1(
&.& 201& -anu;acturin" Dase !actory# Global Re"ional Distribution 1(
&.4 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene RED Status and 'echnolo"y Sources 11
&.( 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene F6uip7ent In<est7ent and Per;or7ance
&.1 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Ra: -aterials Sources *nalysis 1%
Chapter our Isoprene Go<ern7ent Policy and Ge:s 10
4.1 Go<ern7ent Related Policy *nalysis 10
4.2 Industry Ge:s *nalysis 10
4.& Isoprene Industry De<elop7ent 'rend 20
Chapter i<e Isoprene -anu;acturin" Process and Cost Structure 20
(.1 Isoprene Product Speci;ications 20
(.2 Isoprene -anu;acturin" Process *nalysis 21
(.& Isoprene Cost Structure *nalysis 24
Chapter Si> 200)22014 Isoprene Productions Supply Sales De7and -ar=et Status and orecast
1.1 200)22014 Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# A<er<ie: 24
1.2 200)22014 Isoprene Production -ar=et Share *nalysis &0
1.& 200)22014 Isoprene De7and A<er<ie: &&
1.4 200)22014 Isoprene Supply De7and and Shorta"e &(
1.( 200)22014 Isoprene I7port F>port Consu7ption &(
1.1 200)22014 Isoprene Cost Price Production Calue Gross -ar"in &(
Chapter Se<en Isoprene Bey -anu;acturers *nalysis &%
%.1 GiHhne=a7s=ne;te=hi7 &%
%.1.1 Co7pany Pro;ile &%
%.1.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication ()
%.1.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue()
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e 2
QYResearch Report
%.1.4 Contact In;or7ation 11
%.2 'o"liatti=auchu= 11
%.2.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 11
%.2.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 12
%.2.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue1&
%.2.4 Contact In;or7ation 1(
%.& Goodyear 1(
%.&.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 1(
%.&.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 1%
%.&.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue10
%.&.4 Contact In;or7ation 1)
%.4 Shell %0
%.4.1 Co7pany Pro;ile %0
%.4.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication %1
%.4.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue%1
%.4.4 Contact In;or7ation %%
%.( $yondellbasell %%
%.(.1 Co7pany Pro;ile %0
%.(.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 00
%.(.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue01
%.(.4 Contact In;or7ation 0&
%.1 /FAG 0&
%.1.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 0&
%.1.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication )0
%.1.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue)1
%.1.4 Contact In;or7ation )2
%.% SyntheH2Bauchu= )&
%.%.1 Co7pany Pro;ile )&
%.%.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication )(
%.%.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue)1
%.%.4 Contact In;or7ation )%
%.0 Buraray )%
%.0.1 Co7pany Pro;ile )%
%.0.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication ))
%.0.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue))
%.0.4 Contact In;or7ation 100
%.) ISR 101
%.).1 Co7pany Pro;ile 101
%.).2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 10(
%.).& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue101
%.).4 Contact In;or7ation 10%
%.10 Sinopec 100
%.10.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 100
%.10.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 111
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e &
QYResearch Report
%.10.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 111
%.10.4 Contact In;or7ation 112
%.11 ,UHU*GG 11&
%.11.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 11&
%.11.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 120
%.11.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 120
%.11.4 Contact In;or7ation 121
%.12 Iinhai De6i 122
%.12.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 122
%.12.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 12&
%.12.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 124
%.12.4 Contact In;or7ation 12(
%.1& ,i=esi 121
%.1&.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 121
%.1&.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 1&0
%.1&.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 1&0
%.1&.4 Contact In;or7ation 1&2
%.14 $anHhou Jinlan 1&2
%.14.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 1&2
%.14.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 1&2
%.14.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 1&&
%.14.4 Contact In;or7ation 1&4
%.1( /ibo $uhua Hon"?in 1&4
%.1(.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 1&4
%.1(.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 1&1
%.1(.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 1&%
%.1(.4 Contact In;or7ation 1&0
%.11 Bai>in 1&0
%.11.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 1&)
%.11.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 1&)
%.11.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 140
%.11.4 Contact In;or7ation 141
%.1% /hen?ian" Jintian 141
%.1%.1 Co7pany Pro;ile 142
%.1%.2 Product Picture and Speci;ication 142
%.1%.& Capacity Production Price Cost Production Calue 142
%.1%.4 Contact In;or7ation 144
Chapter Fi"ht Up and Do:n Strea7 Industry *nalysis 144
0.1 200)22014 Bey Ra: -aterials Price *nalysis 144
0.2 201& Bey Product $ine In<est7ents *nalysis 14(
0.& 201422010 Do:nstrea7 *pplications De7and *nalysis 141
Chapter Gine Isoprene -ar=etin" Channels *nalysis 140
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e 4
QYResearch Report
).1 Isoprene -ar=etin" Channels Status 140
).2 Ge: Pro?ect -ar=etin" Channels De<elop7ent proposals 1(0
Chapter 'en Isoprene Industry De<elop7ent 'rend 1(1
10.1 20142201) Isoprene Capacity Production A<er<ie: 1(1
10.2 20142201) Isoprene Production -ar=et Share *nalysis 1(4
10.& 20142201) Isoprene De7and A<er<ie:1(0
10.4 20142201) Isoprene Supply De7and and Shorta"e 1()
10.( 20142201) Isoprene I7port F>port Consu7ption 1()
10.1 20142201) Isoprene Cost Price Production Calue Gross -ar"in 1()
Chapter Fle<en Isoprene Ge: Pro?ect In<est7ent easibility *nalysis110
11.1 Isoprene Pro?ect S@A' *nalysis 110
11.2 Isoprene Ge: Pro?ect In<est7ent easibility *nalysis 111
Chapter ':el<e Global and China Isoprene Industry Research Conclusions 112
'ables and i"ures
i"ure Isoprene Product Picture 1
i"ure Isoprene Che7ical or7ula 2
i"ure Isoprene Properties 2
i"ure Isoprene Rubber Product Picture&
'able 201& Global Isoprene Rubber Production and Catalytic Syste7 &
i"ure Isoprene Industry Chain Structure 4
i"ure Isoprene De<elop7ent History (
i"ure 201& Global Isoprene -anu;acturers Production -ar=et Share1
i"ure 201& China Isoprene -anu;acturers Production -ar=et Share %
i"ure 200)22014 Isoprene Production and China Share 0
i"ure 200)22014 Isoprene Consu7ption and China Share 0
i"ure 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Price !USDK'on# $ist )
i"ure 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Gross -ar"in $ist 10
i"ure 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Capacity !B'# and -ar=et Share $ist
i"ure 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Production !B'# and -ar=et Share
$ist 12
i"ure 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Production Calue !-illion USD# and
-ar=et Share $ist 1&
'able Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Product +uality $ist 14
'able 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Product $ine Capacity and
Co77ercial Production Date 1(
'able 201& -anu;acturin" Dase !actory# Global Re"ional Distribution 1(
'able 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Rubber!IR# RED Status and
'echnolo"y Sources $ist 11
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e (
QYResearch Report
'able 201& Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene F6uip7ent In<est7ent and
Per;or7ance $ist 1%
'able Global and China Bey -anu;acturers Isoprene Ra: -aterials Sources $ist 1%
i"ure 200)22014 Isoprene Industry De7and 20
'able Isoprene Production Speci;ications 20
'able Autline o; Process 'echnolo"ies ;or the Production o; Isoprene 21
i"ure ':o2step Synthesis o; Isoprene ;ro7 Isobutylene and or7aldehyde 22
i"ure Process o; ':o2step Synthesis o; Isoprene ;ro7 Isobutylene and or7aldehyde 22
i"ure Production Process o; Isoprene by C( F>traction 2&
i"ure Isoprene Cost Structure 24
'able 200)22014 Global -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Capacity and total Capacity !B ton# $ist
'able 200)22014 Global -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production and 'otal Production !B ton#
$ist 2(
'able 200)22014 Global -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production Calue !-illion USD# and 'otal
Production Calue $ist 21
i"ure 200)22014 Global Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# and Gro:th Rate 2%
'able 200)22014 Global Isoprene Capacity UtiliHation Rate $ist 2%
i"ure 200)22014 Global Isoprene Capacity UtiliHation Rate 20
'able 200)22014 China -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Capacity and 'otal Capacity !B ton# $ist
'able 200)22014 China -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production and 'otal Production !B ton#
$ist 20
'able 200)22014 China -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production Calue !-illion USD# and 'otal
Production Calue $ist 2)
i"ure 200)22014 China Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# and Gro:th Rate 2)
'able 200)22014 China Isoprene Capacity UtiliHation Rate $ist &0
i"ure 200)22014 China Isoprene Capacity UtiliHation Rate&0
'able 200)22014 Global -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Capacity -ar=et Share $ist &0
'able 200)22014 Global -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production -ar=et Share $ist &1
'able 200)22014 Global -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production Calue -ar=et Share $ist &2
'able 200)22014 China -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Capacity -ar=et Share $ist &2
'able 200)22014 China -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production -ar=et Share $ist &&
'able 200)22014 China -a?or -anu;acturers Isoprene Production Calue -ar=et Share $ist &&
'able 200)22014 Global Isoprene De7and !B ton# $ist &&
i"ure 200)22014 Global Isoprene De7and !B ton# and Gro:th Rate &4
'able 200)22014 China Isoprene Consu7ption !B ton# $ist &4
i"ure 200)22014 China Isoprene Consu7ption !B ton# and Gro:th Rate &4
'able 200)22014 Global Isoprene De7and Supply Shorta"e !B ton# $ist &(
'able 200)22014 China Isoprene Consu7ption Supply Shorta"e !B ton# $ist &(
'able 200)22014 China Isoprene I7port F>port Consu7ption !B ton# &(
'able 200)22014 Global Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# Price Cost Gross !USDKton#
Production Calue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist &(
'able 200)22014 China Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# Price Cost Gross !USDKton#
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e 1
QYResearch Report
Production Calue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist &1
i"ure GiHhne=a7s=ne;te=hi7 Isoprene Picture ()
'able 200)22014 GiHhne=a7s=ne;te=hi7 Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross
!LK'on# Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist ()
i"ure 200)22014 GiHhne=a7s=ne;te=hi7 Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th
Rate 10
i"ure 200)22014 GiHhne=a7s=ne;te=hi7 Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share10
'able 200)22014 'o"liatti=auchu= Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 1&
i"ure 200)22014 'o"liatti=auchu= Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 14
i"ure 200)22014 'o"liatti=auchu= Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 14
'able Goodyear Isoprene Rubber Speci;ication 1%
'able 200)22014 Goodyear Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 10
i"ure 200)22014 Goodyear Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 10
i"ure 200)22014 Goodyear Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 1)
'able 200)22014 Shell Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on# Production
Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist %1
i"ure 200)22014 Shell Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate %1
i"ure 200)22014 Shell Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share %%
i"ure $yondellbasell Isoprene Picture 01
'able 200)22014 $yondellbasell Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 01
i"ure 200)22014 $yondellbasell Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate02
i"ure 200)22014 $yondellbasell Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 02
i"ure /FAG Co7pany Current Dusinesses 01
i"ure /FAG Group 2 *7ericas Distribution 0%
i"ure /FAG Group 2 Furope Distribution 00
i"ure /FAG Group 2 *sia and Aceania Distribution 00
i"ure /FAG Group M Iapan Distribution 0)
'able /FAG Isoprene Rubber Speci;ication )0
'able 200)22014 /FAG Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist )1
i"ure 200)22014 /FAG Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate )1
i"ure 200)22014 /FAG Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share )2
'able ISC SyntheH2Bauchu= Isoprene Rubber Speci;ication)(
'able 200)22014 SyntheH2Bauchu= Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross
!LK'on# Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist )1
i"ure 200)22014 SyntheH2Bauchu= Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate )1
i"ure 200)22014 SyntheH2Bauchu= Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share )%
i"ure Buraray Isoprene Picture ))
'able 200)22014 Buraray Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist ))
i"ure 200)22014 Buraray Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 100
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e %
QYResearch Report
i"ure 200)22014 Buraray Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 100
i"ure ISR Corporation History 102
'able Dusiness Port;olio Inno<ation !200222010# 102
'able *cti<ation 'o:ard Gro:th !2011 2 201&# 10(
'able ISR Isoprene Rubber Speci;ication 10(
'able 200)22014 ISR Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on# Production
Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 101
i"ure 200)22014 ISR Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 10%
i"ure 200)22014 ISR Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 10%
i"ure Sinopec Isoprene Product Picture 111
'able 200)22014 Sinopec Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 111
i"ure 200)22014 Sinopec Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 112
i"ure 200)22014 Sinopec Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 112
i"ure ,UHU*GG Isoprene Product Picture 120
'able 200)22014 ,UHU*GG Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 120
i"ure 200)22014 ,UHU*GG Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 121
i"ure 200)22014 ,UHU*GG Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 121
'able Iinhai De6i Isoprene Speci;ication 124
'able 200)22014 Iinhai De6i Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 124
i"ure 200)22014 Iinhai De6i Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 12(
i"ure 200)22014 Iinhai De6i Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 12(
'able +in"dao ,i=esi History12%
'able +in"dao ,i=esi Co7pany Geody7iu72CatalyHed Isoprene Rubber ;or li"ht2colored
products speci;ication 1&0
'able 200)22014 ,i=esi Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 1&0
i"ure 200)22014 ,i=esi Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 1&1
i"ure 200)22014 ,i=esi Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 1&1
i"ure $anHhou Jinlan Isoprene Product Picture 1&2
'able 200)22014 $anHhou Jinlan Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 1&&
i"ure 200)22014 $anHhou Jinlan Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 1&&
i"ure 200)22014 $anHhou Jinlan Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 1&4
i"ure /ibo $uhua Hon"?in Isoprene Product Picture 1&1
'able Shandon" $uhua Isoprene Rubber Speci;ication 1&1
'able 200)22014 /ibo $uhua Hon"?in Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross
!LK'on# Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 1&%
i"ure 200)22014 /ibo $uhua Hon"?in Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate
i"ure 200)22014 /ibo $uhua Hon"?in Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 1&0
i"ure Bai>in Isoprene Product Picture 1&)
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e 0
QYResearch Report
'able 200)22014 Bai>in Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross !LK'on#
Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 140
i"ure 200)22014 Bai>in Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 140
i"ure 200)22014 Bai>in Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 141
i"ure /hen?ian" Jintian Isoprene Product Picture 142
'able 200)22014 /hen?ian" Jintian Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# Price Cost Gross
!LK'on# Production Calue !-illion L# Gross -ar"in $ist 142
i"ure 200)22014 /hen?ian" Jintian Isoprene Capacity Production !B 'on# and Gro:th Rate 14&
i"ure 200)22014 /hen?ian" Jintian Isoprene Production Global -ar=et Share 14&
i"ure 200)22014 C( ractions Price $ist 14(
'able Co7parison o; the Production Cost o; Carious Production -ethods o; Isoprene 14(
i"ure Global Isoprene De7and by Fnd2Use141
i"ure China Isoprene De7and by Fnd2Use 14%
i"ure Isoprene do7estic sales channels 140
i"ure Isoprene distribution channels abroad14)
i"ure 20142201) Global Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# and Gro:th Rate 1(1
i"ure 20142201) Global Isoprene Capacity UtiliHation Rate 1(2
i"ure 20142201) China Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# and Gro:th Rate 1(2
i"ure 20142201) China Isoprene Capacity UtiliHation Rate1(&
i"ure 2014 Global Isoprene Production -ar=et Share 1(4
i"ure 201) Global Isoprene Production -ar=et Share 1((
i"ure 2014 China Isoprene Production -ar=et Share 1(1
i"ure 201) China Isoprene Production -ar=et Share 1(%
i"ure 20142201) Global Isoprene De7and !B ton# and Gro:th Rate 1(0
i"ure 20142201) China Isoprene De7and !B ton# and Gro:th Rate 1(0
'able 200)22014 Global Isoprene De7and Supply Shorta"e !B ton# $ist 1()
'able 200)22014 China Isoprene De7and Supply Shorta"e !B ton# $ist 1()
'able 20142201) China Isoprene I7port F>port Consu7ption !B ton# 1()
'able 20142201) Global Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# Price Cost Gross !USDKton#
Production Calue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 1()
'able 20142201) China Isoprene Capacity Production !B ton# Price Cost Gross !USDKton#
Production Calue !-illion USD# Gross -ar"in $ist 110
'able Isoprene Pro?ect S@A' *nalysis 110
'able 20000 'onK,ear Isoprene Pro?ect Schedule 111
'able 20000 'onK,ear Isoprene Pro?ect easibility *nalysis 111
i"ure 200)22014 Isoprene Price 'rend 112
i"ure 200)22014 China Isoprene Production Proportion Chan"e11&
i"ure 200)22014 Isoprene De7and !B 'on# $ist 11&
+,Research -r. /han"don" sales56yresearch.co7 1&011%)1)01 010202)4(%1% Pa"e )

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