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BSC6900 (UO) OMU software installation guide

Set the IP address of the PC to be on the same network segment with the ETH2 . The initial IP
address of the ETH2 of active OM is !"2.!#$.#.%& and standb' OM is !"2.!#$.#.#& ( the
s)bnet mask is 2%%.2%%.2%%.&. Then go thro)gh the following ste*s.
Ste* !. +ogging In to the OM
+ogging in to the OM thro)gh PuTTY software. P)TT, is a Telnet client software that
s)**orts m)lti*le network *rotocols( incl)ding SSH and Telnet. P)TT, can be )sed for
remotel' logging in to the -o*ra +in). o*erating s'stem.
!. +og in to htt*/00s)**ort.h)awei.com0s)**ort0. Choose Software Center 1 Mini2tool
software 1 Core 3etwork Prod)ct +ine 1 4ene. C3 3astar TOO+ 1 Tools for remote
login lin).( to download the P)TT, files.
2. -o)ble2click
5 dialog bo. PuTTY Configuration is dis*la'ed.
6. In the S!ecif" "our connection #" $ost na%e or &P address area( s*ecif' the 'ost
(a%e (or &P address) with the IP address of the OMa board( and set Protocol to SSH.
&f... T$en...
The PC is connected to ETH2 on the OMa
board *anel thro)gh an Ethernet cable(
The IP address is the deb)gging IP address of
the OMa board.
The PC is connected to ETH& or ETH! on the
OMa board *anel thro)gh a network device(
The IP address is the e.ternal fi.ed IP address
or e.ternal virt)al IP address of the OM.
7. Click O!en. 5 window is dis*la'ed( as shown below
%. +og in to the OM as )ser root and the defa)lt *assword is $uawei.
Ste* 2. *loading the OM 5**lication Installation Package to the OM
*load the OM 5**lication Installation Package to the OM thro)gh !sft! software.The
*sft* software can be )sed to )*load files to the OM hard disk.The *sft* software can also
be )sed to download files from the OM hard disk to a local com*)ter.
Procedure to login in !sft! software
!. +og in to htt*/00s)**ort.h)awei.com0s)**ort0. Choose Software Center 1 Mini2tool
software 1 Core 3etwork Prod)ct +ine 1 4ene. C3 3astar TOO+ 1 Tools for
remote login lin).( to download the *sft* files.
2. -o)ble2click !sft!.ee.
5 window is dis*la'ed( as shown below.
6. T'*e the o!en IP address command 8!"2.!#$.#.%&( for*le9 and *ress )nter.
The s'stem *rom*ts 'o) to enter the )ser *assword( as shown below
*sft*/ no hostname s*ecified: )se ;o*en; to connect
*sft*1 o*en !"2.!#$.#.%&
login as/ root
*assword/ h)awei
7. Enter the )ser name root and the )ser *assword $uawei to connect the *sft*
software to the OM.
Procedure to u!load BSC6900 *ersion s+w !ac,age in OMU
!. -ecom*ress the <SC#"&& version software *ackage to the local drive -.
2. +og in to the OM thro)gh the *sft* software.
6. =)n the lcd -./ command to go to the director' on the local PC where the version
files are saved.
7. =)n the ls +%#sc+u!grade command to >)er' whether there is an installation
director' on the OM.
O!tion -escri!tion
&f t$e +%#sc+u!grade director" does not eist0 4o to %.
&f t$e +%#sc+u!grade director" eists0 4o to #.
%. =)n the %,dir +%#sc+u!grade command to create installation director' on the
#. =)n the cd +%#sc+u!grade command to go to the OM installation director'.
?. =)n the !ut 1r 29003044C00 8<SC#"&& version s0w *ackage9 command to )*load
the OM a**lication installation *ackage to the OM.
$. 5fter the loading is com*lete( enter the eit command to the *sft* software.
Ste* 6 / Installing the OM 5**lications in the 5ctive OM
!. +og in to the OM thro)gh P)TT,. =)n the following command and *ress )nter.
cd +%#sc+u!grade+29003044C00+install+setu!
2. =)n the c$%od 5 .+install6#a%.s$ command to ac>)ire the a)thorit' to r)n the
.+install6#a%.s$ command.
6. T'*e the .+install6#a%.s$ command and *ress )nter.
@ The r)n mode of the *rod)ct
@ 4O/4SM onl'
@ O/MTS onl'
@ 4/4SM and MTS
@ Please select one mode to install.
Please in*)t a valid r)nAmode /UO
7. T'*e the *rod)ct r)nning mode and *ress )nter.
@ The name of office
@ The name m)st range from % to 62 characters.
@ The first character m)st be a letter and the s)bse>)ent characters can be letters(
digits( ;2;or ;A;.
Please in*)t a valid officeAname /'uawei
%. T'*e the office name and *ress )nter.
@ The OM lang)age version. eg/ eng0chs
Please in*)t a valid version /eng
#. T'*e the lang)age and *ress )nter.
@ The ;admin; )serBs *assword of OM service.
@ The *assword m)st range from # to 62 characters and consist of onl' letters and
@ -o not forget the *assword.
@ ,o) can change the *assword later( b)t this *assword sho)ld be *rovided first.
Please in*)t a valid adminA*assword /ad%in478
?. T'*e the admin *assword and *ress )nter.
@ The ft* )serBs *assword of OM service
@ The *assword m)st range from # to 62 8characters9 and consist of onl' letters and
@ -o not forget the *assword.
@ ,o) can change it later( b)t this *assword sho)ld be *rovided first.
Please in*)t a valid ft*A*assword /9t!Usr
$. T'*e the CTP *assword and *ress )nter.
@ The virt)al e.tranet i*.
Please in*)t a valid virt)alAe.tranetAi* /40.470.74.7:0
". T'*e the e.ternal virt)al IP address and *ress )nter.
@ The OM s'stem t'*e. eg/ Single0-)al
@ Single/Install stand2alone s'stem
@ -)al/Install d)al2OM s'stem.
The d)al2OM s'stem can effecientl' increase the reliabilit' of the OM s'stem.
Please in*)t a valid installAt'*e /-ual
!&. T'*e the OM s'stem t'*e according to the act)al conditions and *ress )nter.
!!. The s'stem asks 'o) whether to contin)e with the installation.
Please affirm in*)t information. in*)t , to contin)e: in*)t E to 21Y
!2. Enter Y to install the OM a**lications. Dhen the message ;&nstall OMU succeed<;
is dis*la'ed( 'o) can infer that the OM a**lications are s)ccessf)ll' installed.

Ste* 7/ Starting the OM
1. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud start command to start the omud.
2. Run the /etc/rc.d/omud status command to query the operating status of the omud.
Ste* % / Installing the OM 5**lications in the Standb' OM
!. 4o to ste* 6 8same as Installing the OM 5**lications in the 5ctive OM9
Ste* # / 5ctivating and Eerif'ing the +icense
!. =)n the MM+ command -=- =&C)(S) to download the +icense to the OM
active works*ace director'+ft!+license( that is( +%#sc+#a%+*ersion6a+ft!+license.
2. =)n the MM+ command =ST =&C)(S) and then set 9ile (a%e to the name of the
license file to be activated to >)er' the detailed config)ration information of the
license file.
6. =)n the MM+ command >CT =&C)(S) to activate the license file.
Ste* ? / *dating the OM -atabase
*date the <SC#"&& data config)ration in the OM database b' r)nning MM+ commands.
+ogged in to the <SC#"&& thro)gh the DE<+MT.
There are two wa's to r)n the MM+ command scri*t/ thro)gh 4I or thro)gh MM+
The MM+ command scri*t can be thro)gh 4I onl' when the scri*t is
smaller than 7 M<. It is recommended that 'o) r)n the MM+ scri*t thro)gh MM+
commands( beca)se this wa' is more efficient.
The active works*ace of the OM can be >)eried thro)gh the MM+ command =ST
OMU>3)>. The following *roced)re ass)mes that the active works*ace is *ersion6a.
=)n the MM+ command scri*t thro)gh MM+ commands
!. =e*eat the MM+ command S)T C9?->T>&()99)CT&2) to set all the s)bracks
to the ineffective mode.
2. =)n the MM+ command 3ST ->T>. 5 dialog bo. is dis*la'ed. Click Yes to
initialiFe the <SC#"&& config)ration data in the OM database.
6. *load the MM+ command scri*t to the +ft! folder in the OM active works*ace
7. Two methods are available /
Thro)gh Cile Manager on the +MT or
Thro)gh command lines.
T$roug$ 9ile Manager on t$e =MT
a. Start the Cile Manager b' referring to Cile Manager.
b. Choose 3oot 1 #a% 1 *ersion6a 1 ft! on the left *ane. Click U!load on the right. 5
dialog bo. is dis*la'ed. Select B>TC'9&=).tt saved in disk -( and then click
O!en to )*load the file.
9ile Manager
The file manager is a com*onent of the +MT software s)ite. It enables file )*loading and
downloading between the +MT and the OM. The f)nctions of the file manager are similar to
those of the CTP client. Cor*le( 'o) can obtain logs and )*load data config)ration files.
Click 9ile Manager in the tool bar on the +MT main interface.
To )*load files from the +MT PC to the OM( 'o) can click U!load on the file manger
*anel. 5lternativel'( 'o) can right2click files in the file manager *anel( and then choose
U!load from the shortc)t men).
To download files from the OM to the +MT PC( 'o) can click -ownload on the file
manger *anel. 5lternativel'( 'o) can right2click files in the file manager *anel( and then
choose -ownload from the shortc)t men).
T$roug$ co%%and lines.
a. On the local PC( choose Start 1 3un. T'*e c%d( and then click O@.
b. In*)t d.( and then *ress )nter to switch to disk -.
c. In*)t ft! IP address to tr' to be connected to the OM. Here( IP address is the
IP address of the OM.
d. In*)t the CTP )ser name and *assword. The connection between the OM and
the local CTP is set )* after the a)thentication s)cceeds.
e. In*)t cd +%#sc+#a%+*ersion6a+ft! to switch to the OM active works*ace.
f. In*)t !ut B>TC'9&=).tt to )*load the file.
g. 5fter the file is )*loaded s)ccessf)ll'( in*)t Auit to disconnect the CTP.
%. =)n the MM+ command 3U( B>TC'9&=) to r)n the MM+ command scri*t.

=)n the MM+ command scri*t thro)gh 4I
!. =e*eat the MM+ command S)T C9?->T>&()99)CT&2) to set all the
s)bracks to the ineffective mode.
2. =)n the MM+ command 3ST ->T>. 5 dialog bo. is dis*la'ed. Click Yes to
initialiFe the <SC#"&& config)ration data in the OM database.
6. Click Batc$ on the +MT main *age. The Batc$ tab *age is dis*la'ed.

7. Click O!en.... The O!en dialog bo. is dis*la'ed.
%. Select the *re*ared MM+ command data scri*t. Click O!en. The selected scri*t is
dis*la'ed in the Batc$ tab *age.
#. Click Set.... The Set dialog bo. is dis*la'ed.
?. Set Sending Co%%ands inter*al(s) to 0. Select Sa*e 9ailed Co%%ands( and
then set the save *ath of the )ns)ccessf)l commands. Click O@ to com*lete the
setting of the batch commands.
$. In the Batc$ tab *age( set )ecution T"!e to >ll.
". Click ?o. The s'stem r)ns the MM+ commands one b' one.
!&. Click O@ when the message dialog bo. is dis*la'ed( indicating that the r)nning of
all the MM+ commands is com*lete.
3efer BSC6900 UMTS co%%issioning guide
<est =egards
Swati Pande'

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