MBS EVA Use Cases v1 20140731

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Mandriva MBS eVA

Use cases
MBS eVA marketing team
www.mandriva.com sales@mandriva.com
Table of Contents
1.Infrastructure for project teams or departments.................................................................3
2.Limitation of possible actions by user or group on target VM, cluster, datacenter or
3.!vervie" on infrastructure utili#ation, across hypervisors, sites, clusters and cluster.......$
.Mapping business processes "ith your cloud management..............................................%
&age 2
1. Infrastructure for project teams or departments
Mandriva MBS eVA makes it eas to consolidate resso!rces "rom #eterogeno!s $lat"orms
and $resent t#em% allowing eac# team mem&er or de$artment em$loee to access onl
t#e resso!rces t#at #ave &een "orseen "or t#em. '#at wa% t#ere(s no need to e)$ose t#e
com$lete in"rastr!ct!re to everone.
Advantages for the user / the company :
*o risk t#at a !ser will access sensitive data not targeted "or #im
'#e !ser #as onl to manage one single $assword "or all t#e resso!rces
+om$lete overview o" t#e !sed resso!rces% no matter w#at in"rastr!ct!re is &eing
,i""erent $ermissions can &e granted to di""erent teams or de$artements
Ver acc!rate management o" t#e resso!rces wit# meas!ra&le view on t#e &!dget
+osts saving & #aving less or no licence !sed "or #$ervisors( management
Sc#ema -
&age 3
I( Infrastructure
)ccounting &roduction *ales
. !imitation of possi"#e actions "y user or group on target VM$ c#uster$
datacenter or hypervisor
Mandriva MBS eVA allows "or a $recise control over w#at t#e !sers or gro!$s o" !sers are
allowed to do on t#e di""erents elements o" o!r in"rastr!ct!re% ma it a single VM% a
cl!ster% one #$ervisor t$e or even a w#ole datacenter .
Advantages for the user / the company :
*o risk t#at a !ser will &reak ant#ing i" #e / s#e doesn(t #ave t#e re0!ired tec#nical
knowledge 1 t#is red!ce o!r maintenance costs.
2o!r administrators don(t loose an time to con"ig!re eac# single #$ervisor or VM.
'#ere(s onl one $ermission to &e set on t#e corres$onding in"rastr!ct!re element.
A !ser can &e totall isolated and granted all t#e necessar rig#ts on #is / #er VM%
wit#o!t #aving to &ot#er t#e tec#nical s!$$ort% t#!s red!cing t#e s!$$ort time.
M!lti$le !sers can interact wit# a virt!al mac#ine or cl!ster% eac# one doing a $art
o" t#e 3o& necessar% wit#o!t con"lict.
Sc#ema -
I( Infrastructure
I( +epartment
)dministrator +eveloper (rainees
%. &vervie' on infrastructure uti#i(ation$ across hypervisors$ sites$
c#usters and c#uster
4nvesting into clo!d and virt!al com$!ting is &rings savings on t#e long term% &!t re0!ires
#eav investment at t#e time o" set!$. 5it# Mandriva MBS eVA% o!(re alwas and in real-
time in control o" o!r in"rastr!ct!re% its !tili6ation and t#!s% t#e ret!rn on o!r investment.
4t(s eas to track VM% cl!ster and site load to "ind was to o$timi6e resso!rces allocation so
t#at o!r in"rastr!ct!re is alwas !sed at t#e ma)im!m o" its ca$acit% ma)imi6ing o!r
Advantages for the user / the company :
*o need to aggregate !tili6ation and load statistics "rom di""erent #$ervisors and
management tools man!all. 9vert#ing is alread in MBS eVA% wit# no additional
cost. :re$are to sa good&e to o!r weekl !sage s$reads#eets .
2o!r administrators can concentrate on tec#nical iss!es and s$end no time
$rod!cing re$orts "or t#e management. Managers can get t#eir own access on MBS
eVA and "ollow in real time t#e !sage o" t#e 4' resso!rces.
According to t#e !$-to-date statistics and load "actors% t#e com$an can decide
&ased on rock-solid "acts #ow to let evolve its in"rastr!ct!re. +losing #ardl-!sed
#osts% cl!sters or even re"rain "rom !sing a certain #$ervisor tec#nolog. '#is
saves costs and ma)imi6e t#e ret!rn .
As a datacenter or clo!d o$erator% o! can $lace t#e VMs on t#e most o$timal
location in order to &alance t#e load over o!r cl!sters or sites% even across
di""erent #$ervisor t$es.
Sc#ema -
&age $
I( Infrastructure
I( +epartment
). Mapping "usiness processes 'ith your c#oud management
;aving and !sing clo!d and virt!ali6ation tec#nologies is a great ac#ievement "or an
com$an. B!t nowadas% as t#e 4' #as &ecome a central element in an com$an% t#e
need "or strong interaction wit# e)ternal sstems and &!siness $rocesses #as grown
e)$onentiall. '#ere(s almost not#ing o! can do wit#o!t 4' and eac# and ever $rocess in
t#e com$an is related < "rom near or "ar < to some kind o" in"ormation =and toda%
virt!ali6ation and clo!d> tec#nolog.
Mandriva MBS eVA allows o! to &ind o!r clo!d in"rastr!ct!re and its elements and
actions to concrete &!siness $rocesses% related to t#e 4' or not.
5it# MBS eVA% it(s "inall $ossi&le to let a &!siness !nit manager to validate sstems
e)$ansion% en"orce &!siness r!les or even restart "ailed $rocesses or d!$licate e)isting
Advantages for the user / the company :
Strict $olicies can &e en"orced on eac# and ever site% cl!ster% #$ervisor or even
virt!al mac#ine.
2o! can restart $rocess=es> t#at #ave "ailed at t#e $oint w#ere t#e $ro&lem
#a$$ened% wit#o!t starting over and over% and &$assing a minor $ro&lem to
com$lete com$le) tasks.
A real ind!strial a$$roac# can &e ado$ted & easing de$loment o" massive and
com$le) sol!tions t#r! a series o" sim$le validation $oints% eac# one #aving to &e
$assed &e"ore $roceeding to t#e ne)t.
A series o" actions can &e started on all t#e $ossi&le events in t#e li"etime o" an o"
t#e elements o" o!r clo!d in"rastr!ct!re - datacenter% cl!ster% #$ervisor and VM.
*ot#ing gets !nnoticed% evert#ing is centrall availa&le t#ro!g# one single
Sc#ema -
&age %
,e" employee process

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