Collection of Short Stories

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A Vampire Tale

His eyes were cutting me into pieces. Silver eyes that I never thought
I would see.
My mother always told me that in these woods something evil was
hidden, and I always stared at her like she was crazy.
I was sitting in front of that evil, my arms wrapped around my body,
shivering with cold and fear. I wanted to move, to run away, but I
couldnt. His narrowed eyes were keeping me there. I couldnt move,
couldnt breathe I was numb. He approached me slowly and I could see
his bloody fangs. Has he killed someone? passed through my mind. He
laughed. Then I heard his voice: I didnt kill a human being, but an
animal. A bear if you want to know precisely. I was numb. Again. Did I
speak those words? If not, how can he hear me? The reply I can hear
your thoughts came from him. He was strange terrifying, yet, beautiful,
in a most peculiar way. He had shabby clothes and I could see his pale,
bruised skin; his eyes were deep because of his long, black hair. All that
made him look unreal.
I am not fantasy. he said and griped my cheek. His hand was ice-
cold. I looked at him frozen. Youre cold. I mumbled. Im dead. he
replied immediately. Fear passed through me. How could it be? He was
moving and talking. How could he be dead? Thousands of questions were
fighting in my head.
Im alive, yet dead. Its hard to explain this. And dont be scared. I
will not hurt you. he said approaching my neck. I remained numb. I
could feel his breath on my skin and I feared hell kill me. His lips touched
me. The feeling of something cold and wet on my skin made me let out a
breath I didnt know I was holding. Come with me. he said. I took a
step back and moved my head telling him No. He frowned and in a
second he was behind me. Ive never been refused before and I wont be


refused now. he said in a harsh tone and grabbed my body. That is the
last thing I remember.
The next day I woke up in my bed. My body hurt and I could see
bruises on my arms and wrists. My clothes were torn apart. What
happened to me? All I could remember was his fierce silver eyes, his cold
touch and his extreme beauty.


The Vampires Diary

I was in a hurry. My hunger was driving me insane. I had to find
some other animal to drink its blood, but there was nothing around.
Maybe I just couldnt see it. Then, something caught my attention. She
was looking after her cat. I appeared in front of her and when she saw
me, she froze. I could hear her thoughts, her heartbeat; I could feel her
breath and her fear; her face was pale, her eyes had tears in them and
her red lips, slightly parted, painted her expression. I was amazed of her
human beauty. Oh! And her blood! That smell was yelling at me. I have
no idea how I was able to control my hunger. I approached her slowly.
She didnt move. I smiled at her. He is terrifying, but so beautiful! He
has shabby clothes and I can see his pale skin. How come that his eyes
are silver? And his hair is so long and pure black. And all this makes him
look beautiful andunreal! Oh, she was so foolish! She thought that Im
a beautiful man. Im not. Im an animal. But I was foolish too. Even
though her blood had a beautiful fragrance, I didnt bite her to feed my
thirst. I dont know why. I simply couldnt do it. You fool! I muttered,
running behind her and making her sleep. I took her in my arms and ran
to her house. I knew where it was. I entered through the window, and I
put her in bed. She was beautiful, not me. Her slim arms and legs, her
petite body...she was Aphrodite. I tore her blouse, and grabbed her
wrists. She was opening her eyes. I kissed her full red lips and she
moaned in my mouth. She was tempting me, making my body react in a
lustful way. I grabbed her arms and pushed her into the mattress. She
squirmed. Im sorry I muttered before kissing her again. My fangs
scratched her bottom lip and I could taste some of her blood. It was
sweet. So sweet. I lifted her. She was fully conscious now. We were
standing in the middle of the room and we were gazing at each other. I
lifted her up and she put her legs around my waist. I moved fast and

pinned her to the wall, and she screamed. Did I use that much power? I
feel sorry for her weak body, but I cant help myself. I want to make her
mine and I want to bite her and drink her blood. I licked her neck,
preparing the spot where I will bite. She moans, and I press my body
over hers. The wall crushes her. I hold her wrists above her head with
one hand, while the other explored her body. Her jeans were in the way,
but I used my claw to tear the material. Please dont she said and I
stopped in an instant. She didnt want me? Thats insane! Shes insane!
But I have to fulfill her wish. I stopped and took her to bed, making her
fall asleep and forget everything.
I should have bitten her neck, her aorta, and drink all her blood. All
that sweet, tempting blood. Instead, I ran away and hid in a tree to
recoverI havent felt something like that for a long time. Maybe a
decade or more
After a couple of minutes, I saw a deer. I killed it and drank its
blood, feeling a little bit relieved. Then, I returned to my so-called
home, deep in the forest.


Forbidden Love

It was the last day before his leaving. He wanted to study abroad,
although everybody told him it would be a bad idea. I was angry. My
brother was going to leave me alone and that made me feel miserable.
Yes, Andrew?
Come with me.
I followed him in our backyard.
What do you want? I asked him bitterly.
Stop being mean. Play with me.
He picked up the ball and threw it at me. I caught it and threw it
towards the basket. Perfect shot.
Thats my little girl! he said smiling.
The moment he said that, I started crying. He was such an idiot. I
loved him so much, not only as a brother and a friend, but alsoas a
It all started when I was in my first year as a high school student. We
went to the same high school. One day, I saw him on the football field,
sweaty, without a T-shirt. From that moment, I wished he was not my
brother. I tried to stop thinking about him that way, to keep distance, but
thenhe started doing the same thing. It was awful.
Whats wrong? Come back to the present, Laura. Sowhats wrong?
Nothing! Leave me alone!
Laura, come on! You can talk to me. I know you hate me because Im
leaving tomorrow, buttell me whats wrong, sweetie. Talk to me
Thats the thing, Andrew! I dont hate you! I wish I did, but I cant.
Its impossible to hate you. I love you. So damn much!
You know I feel the same, he told me smiling, getting closer and
No, you dont!, I screamed.

Of course I do, silly. How can I not love my little sister?
You dont love me like I love you. The thing I feel its notbrotherly
love. Its more than that. I love you asa man. A lover. And I know its
sick and twisted, but I cant help it. OK? I tried. I really did. Its
impossible. And maybe is better that youre leaving tomorrow. I dont
want you to look at me with disgust.
He hugged me so tight I thought my breath was going to stop. His chin
was on my head and one of his hands was tangled in my hair.
Andrew, whatwhat are you doing?
I love you too, he whispered.
Youre making it hard for me to let go. And dont say that. Itsnot
the same.
Its the same. For some time now, its the same. Im sorry Ive never
told you. I wassurprised by this feeling and I had no idea how to react.
And nownow I know youve been through the same damn thing. We
shouldve talked.
I want to kiss you, Andrew, I told him closing my eyes, waiting for a
Me too, but it will be hard for me to leave, he whispered, holding me
tightly into his arms.
I knew, in that very moment, that I will never have the chance to kiss
those lips that look exactly like mine.


Diary of a Filthy Heart

I knew he was going to leave and there was nothing I could do to
stop him. I just grabbed his t-shirt and I cuddled next to his body. I was
holding him tightly.
There was a war inside me. I was shivering. My brain was telling me
Let him go! while my heart was screaming He doesnt have to go! I
wanted to follow my brain so that I could break away from the impatient
heartbeats. But I also wanted to hold him, kiss him and never let go. I
had tears in my eyes, but I had to keep them there. My lips were
needythey needed to tell him how much I care about him. And, as if he
read my thoughts, he stopped me, telling me that I would get hurt. He
encouraged me, telling me that from October onwards he would be mine
forever. I answered with a pathetic Yes! although I knew everything
was a lie
But how could I let him go? He had a strange effect on melike a
drug I needed to reach the utmost. I wonder if he knew that
And then the endI was aware of the end from the first day wed
met. The end was sudden and boisterous. Exactly as I had thought it
would be. The result was a state of numbness and mental torture for me,
because the only thing left was a memory and a pain in my chest


Invader in your Bedroom

Its early, but I cannot sleep anymore. You lie next to me, looking
gorgeous as usual. You smile and I wonder what youre dreaming about
Its strange to be in your room, but I couldnt help myself last night.
I had to invade your little personal space. The memories from last night
flow into my head. It felt so good to be in your arms and to kiss your
sweet lips as you filled me with your needy passion. HmmI smile as the
most lustful memory of a late night activity plays in my head. I still
remember your sweet chocolate taste. I know about your little secret. I
know that you like to eat chocolate when nobody is there so that you
wont have to share. Youre greedy and selfish - only with chocolate. I can
understand that. But you werent greedy, nor selfish last night. Noyou
shared your ardent love with me. I smirk at the thought, as my body fills
with the tension you usually put me through.

I roll on one side, looking carefully at you. I like your messy hair
and your pink lips - I love when you bite them and use them to put on
that sexy smile. Your chest has small bruises. I apologize for that, but I
can remember how you moaned as I was inflicting them on your body.
HmmI can smell your body scent, chocolate andhmmthe scent of
love-making. I can also remember how you called my name as you
clashed inside me, looking at me with the most sexual look possible.
Those blue eyes were darker and intense, mesmerizing. And your
voicethat lustful tonality you had was the most defiant one Ive ever
heard. You should always use it with me. I will melt on the spot
Now that I think about it, I could easily yield my body, soul and
mind to you. Youre the angel of temptation and sin. I will reach Hell with
you, but I would love every bit of it.

I didnt notice I was leaning closer and closer. I want you to wake
up and take me. Would you be upset if I asked for some
You open your eyes as if you read my mind. Those bright, blue eyes
that I idolize. You smile and run your fingers down my spine, whispering
Good morning in my ear. My insides shiver.
Good morning, love. I say sweetly, searching for your lips.
I am needy and my body tightens. It seems that you notice and
wrap me in your arms, turning me over. You make me lose my breath
when you take control and seize me between your wonderful body and
the bed.
HmmI want all my mornings to be like this. What do you say,
love? you ask me softly, while nibbling at my neck.
I wa
Shhbe quiet now. Just moan.
I melt as you ram into my body, making me gasp. You are so good
at taking me by surprise.
We move together roughly, passionately, kissing, biting and scratching,
moaning and panting. I wish this would never end. I wish to be in this bed
with you forever, forgetting about time and people and work.
You collide on top of me as we reach the peak of love. I can feel
your heart beating fast; I can hear your heavy breath. I whisper your
name as you put you index finger on my lips. You move aside, pulling me
into your arms, holding me tightlyI give into your embrace, your scent,
your passion and fall asleep quickly, with my head on your chest, smiling
as I know youll be there when I wake up



Where am I? What is this place? A room? Yes. It looks familiar, but
its not mine. Who is he? Turn around. Come on, turn around. Good.
What? You? Am I dreaming? Definitely. You are real but this cant be real.
Damn, youre hot. Brain, dont fail me now, make my dream nice
and long. Yes, the guitar. You know, you look like a crazy, hot rock star
without your shirt, with your guitar hanging like that and with your
disheveled hair. A tattoo on that muscular torso would be perfect. That
smileIm glad you like the idea. It is tempting. But as much as I enjoy
seeing you like that, youd better come here, next to me. Stop biting that
lip, my body reacts to it. Why arent you talking? I want to speak to you,
to hear you whisper sweet words to me while you bite my ear. The silence
in my dreams is always frustrating. Why are people always silent in my
dreams? Thats strange
I want you. Badly! Take off your clothes, then take off mine as well.
I want to surrender myself to you. I want you to use me. I want you to
make me lose my mind. Over and over again. Hug me, kiss me, take me
and then kill me. It will be bitter after all this fucking to never see you
again. Or see you after many years, when youll have forgotten
everything that happened here. Oh! You will forget me.
Hold me tightly now. Kiss me, bite my neck and leave a hickey,
grab myno, no! Why am I waking up? Not now! Brain, I hate you! I
want this to go onthis is the only way he can be mine


Teacher and Lover

Why did I agree to come here? Its so frustrating. And all my
classmates are here. I am so embarrassed now. Even though they cant
read my mind, they can see my expression; Im not good at hiding things.
So, Antonia, what are you going to do now? Youll finish high
school soon, right? my teacher asked. Daniel had the great idea to go
and have a drink with our teacher after class. It was the last day of
Antonia, are you OK, love? He never uses it with any of the
othersis it because Im the only girl in this group?
Im fine, sorry. I was thinking because I have no idea what I want
to do. I mean, I want to go to university but to study what? I say trying
to hide my nervousness.
I want to study medicine one of the boys says.
I am staring at my teacher. Apparently he is surprised to hear that
my classmate wants to study medicine. They begin to talk about it. Im
following his moves, his reactions. Im playing with a bloody straw while
Im thinking that my teachers lips are nice and kissable. How can I think
about this? Im not allowed to do this. Hes my teacher. Hes married and,
as far as I remember, he has two kids. But I cant shake this feeling. I like
his blond hair that falls over his eyes sometimes, his light blue eyes and
his lips. And I really like when he places his finger on them. Thats a turn
on. Is he aware of it? I dont think he does it on purpose. I lift my eyes
from his mouth to look at his eyes. Hes looking at me. Shit! I look at my
glass and I stir the lemonade. Shit! Shit! Now he knows. He knows what
Im thinking. I am blushing, I know it. I can feel my cheeks redden. Shit!
I need to do something. I look at him again; he smiles. Hes looking at me
and hes smiling. What should I say?
You are good at expressing ideas, Antonia. And you have a rich
imagination. You should study literature. I think it suits you. he says, still
looking at me. Stop it, please. I will melt.
Thanks for the suggestion, Mr...
Mister? Antonia, we are not in class anymore. George said. Hes
one of the rude boys. I glare at him as I couldnt finish my sentence.
Yes, you can call me Garrett. he says sexily. OK, I really need to
stop this.
Can you guys excuse me? I need to use the bathroom. OK. Chill
out. Dont use your two left feet now, Antonia. Its normal to go to the

bathroom. I can hear the boys saying fine, no problem or go. I walk
slowly. No hobbling. Good.

I am in the bathroom, the door is locked. I look at myself in the
mirror. I have red cheeks! And I still feel flushed. Probably because I
picture myself with Garrett in here, doing something that will surely
displease his wife. Ugh! Damn his wife! I want him. Really bad! I want
him to touch me, to kiss me, to hold my body tight andfuck me. What
on earth is wrong with me? Im touching myself thinking about my
teacher. I found him attractive from the very first day he entered the
classroom. He had a beard back then. Hes much more attractive when he
has a beard. I wonder how that feels when he kisses my neck or my
breasts. Mmmin my head its a nice, torturing feeling
No. No. NO! I need to stop. Im in a bloody bathroom, in a pub,
touching myself while daydreamingabout my teacher! I need to pull
myself together. Thank God I took my bag. I wash my face and put on
some new make-up. Better. I dont look like a horny teenager. Theres a
knock on the door.
Its busy! I scream.
Are you sure youre OK? Youve been in there for a while now. The
boys are wondering whats wrong with you. Its Garrett. Hes concerned.
I can hear it in his voice. Oh no! I feel hot again. Whats with this desire?
Why now? Is it because I tried to ignore it? Damn!
Antonia! Hey! Answer me, please.
Im fine, sir. I say while opening the door. Waitsir? I called him
sir? This isn't pride and bloody prejudice! Oh, I am so nervous
Call me Garrett.
Ohyes. Garrett. Im sorry.
Worry is written all over his face. Hes checking me from head to
toe. His blond locks fall nicely over his forehead and eyes.
Theres definitely something wrong with you, love. Youre too
quiet. Youve never been quiet before. Thats why I like you. You are the
most talkative student Ive ever had. Whats wrong today?
Ohhe likes meas a student he can work with. I look at my shoes.
I can feel a tension building up inside me. Im just a student. I want to
cry. He grabs my chin and lifts my head to meet his eyes. Light blue eyes.
Fascinating eyes.
Antoniayou look like youre about to cry. Come. He pushes me
back into the ladies bathroom. He closes the door and locks it.

Is there something wrong at school? Or in your family? Youre not
with us today.
I know Im not here. Im in a fantasy world where you fuck me. You
are a sexy teacher and Im an ex-student that loves her teacher. Or
maybe its just desire, who knows? Its deep and intense and I like it.
Hey, snap out of it. Im really worried now.
IIm sorry. Im OK its just my head
Does your head hurts? he asks me placing his hand on my
forehead. You dont have a fever, but your face is red. Is itit cant
beare you blushing?
Damn! He knows now. What should I do? What should I do? I turn
my head. Thats not a good idea, Antonia. Youve just made it more
He comes closer and lifts my chin. His eyes are big. Hes looking at
me surprised now. No more worrying. I feel my body shivering and my
face heating. That tension hasnt left my body. Its worse now. I stare at
him and hes staring at me. Is this good ornot?
Youyou like me! Antonia ImIm your teacher.
I know. Im sorry, but I let out a breath. I need to get away
from him or have him. I didnt want this to happen. Im sorry. I dont
want to cause you trouble. I say shyly, and I place my hand on his chest.
He has a firm chest. I picture him without a shirt and I blush. Whats
wrong with me? I want himI want him to rip my clothes off and take me
from behind, pushing me into the wall. I moan at the thought. Oh my
god! He heard me. What is he going to think about me now?
He is pushing me into the wall, keeping me there with his body. He
bends and looks into my eyes before kissing me. I am frozen. I waited so
long for this moment and now it took me by surprise. However, I lift my
hands and tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling slowly, deepening the
kiss. Its sweet and lustful. He has one hand on the wall, next to me, and
the other is on my waist. Is he going toto do what I have fantasized
about the entire time I was here? My body trembles. I need this man. We
I cant do it now, Antonia. We have spent some time in here. The
boys will come to find us. I dont want them to see this. OK, love?
I growl. OKbut
I will give you my number. Call me anytime. We can meet.
What about your wife? I ask. I was anxious. Is he going to cheat
on her?

I know I have a wife, but things areon the rocks. I may have to
sign the divorce papers soon. Its a bit complicated. You are an attractive
young lady, Antonia. I like this. And I can feel the lust as well. Lets keep
in touch for now. he says. I look into his eyes and I can see a mixture of
feelings: sadness, regret - maybe, and honesty. Hes telling the truth.
Lets go now, love.
He kisses me one more time, and then he opens the door and peaks
outside. Wait here for a minute and then come. he says and walks out. I
look in the mirror. I feel better. The tension is still there but its better.
Its not torturing me anymore. I smile and I open the door.
Im back at the table where Garrett is talking to the boys, telling
them he spent some time talking to the waitress. I look at him and smile.
Nobody is asking me where Ive been. The boys are too fascinated by our
teachers flirting method. Nice excuse, sir.


Teacher and Lover Sequel

Its been two months since we started talking. I called him before
my English exam to ask him something as it wasnt clear for me. He was
kind and he clarified the issue. After a couple of days, he called me. I was
taken aback, but it turned out to be a nice conversation. We talked about
my exam and about what college should I go to. I didnt tell him, but I
decided on literature from the day he told me that it suits methat day at
the pub. In these two months he got a divorce. It seems that his wife was
not happy anymore and they had some fights because of her parents. I
couldnt comment on that. I just listened to him, soothing him, telling him
its going to be OK.
So now I am on my way to his house. I called him two days ago to
let him know that I got admitted at the university foreign literatures
department. He asked me if we can meet soon and I said yes. I cant
believe I did it. I am nervous and tensed. I am going to see himI
havent seen him sincethe pub! Hes been in my head all this timeand I
want to jump in his arms and kiss him.
I am almost there. Two more bus stops and Im there. He said hell
wait for me, but I cant jump on him in the street, right? Oh, God, I hope
he likes my lace underwear. Its the only sexy piece of clothing I own.
And I rarely wear only on special occasions. This is one, right? Oh, what
am I thinking? Maybe we wont even go that far!
The bus is getting closer. I can see him. Hes wearing a black T-shirt
and jeans. Hes hot. Some of his blond locks are covering his eyes. I get
off and go to him.
Hi. I say quietly.
Hi, love he replies. Lets go. We only need to cross the road.
I walk next to him. Im so glad he only speaks Englishand Italian.
And I think Ive heard him speak German. Oh well
The light turns green and we cross. Thats the building. he tells
me, pointing to his right. I look at it. There are some tall trees in front of
it and a bench next to the door.
We enter and he takes my hand, leading the way to the lift. His
hand is warm and soft. I like his hand. I want him to explore my body
with it. Quickly. The lift comes and we enter. He closes the doors and
presses button no 6. So the 6th floor, huh?
I look at him. I think Im blushing. Damn him and his strange effect
on me and my body. Hes looking at me.

I really like to see you blushing like that, Antonia. He turns and
now were facing each other. Are you really that shy, or is it because of
me? He comes closer. A bit of both I manage to say. He chuckles.
Hes handsome and hot. I cant help myself and I put my arms
around his neck, kissing him. Good idea with the high-heels, otherwise I
wouldve struggled to reach his lips.
He grunts and puts his arms around me, grabbing my behind,
holding me close. Hes excited, I can feel it.
The lift stops. Were here he says and steps out, still holding me
in his embrace. We kiss again. He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around
his waist. He walks to his flat and opens the door. Skillful, I think as we
enter. He locks the door behind him, but I dont have time to look around,
as he pins me to the wall and kisses me. I can smell cinnamon and coffee
We stop. He pulls and I put my feet down. Hes looking at me
intensely and takes off his T-shirt. I look at him mesmerized. The way his
jeans hang around his waist, his abdomen, his curly blond hair on his
chestoh, I am going to melt on the inside. Oh, I want this man.
He lifts me up again and kisses me. I can feel him taking off his
shoes. His left hand travels up my body and inside my blouse. He cups
my breast through my bra. More I whisper. He attacks my neck, going
up to my ear.
Do you trust me, Antonia? he asks. Im taken aback. What is he
going to do to me?
Yes, Garrett. I whisper. We finally move. He takes me to one of
the rooms. Its big and bright and I presume its his bedroom. He climbs
in bed, dragging me along.
I sit in his lap. I can feel his throbbing erection. Hes kissing my
neck and I lean backwards, giving him more access to my skin. He cups
my breast again, brushing my nipple through the cloth. Its so lustful and
intense. I hear him groan and in an instant, my shirt is on the floor. Hes
looking in my eyes.
Youre so beautiful, Antonia. he says. Hes looking in my eyes as
hes unzipping my jeans. Then he moves and lays me on the bed. He pulls
off my jeans, painfully slow, placing small kisses on my legs. He notices
my shoes. He smiles and takes them off; the jeans follow right away.
Although I am wearing my underwear, still, I am feeling so
exposed. His eyes are burning my skin. He cant stop looking at me.
Yes, Garrett?

I want toI want to do all kinds of things to you. But youll think
Im a freak. Do you trust me?
Yes, I trust youwhat do you want to do? I ask, thinking whether
hell tell me.
He spreads my legs and places himself between them. Hes big. I
can feel it through his jeans. I want him inside me. He lifts my arms
above my head and kisses me hard. When he finishes with my lips, he
moves to my neck and ear.
I want to tie you up he whispers. I want to spank your nice ass
till it turns pink. I want to bite you and torture you with my hands and
mouth making you come countless times. My body tightens. An electric
impulse runs through my body at the thought. I pant as he bites my ear.
If thats how he bites then yes - I want him to do everything he wants to
Yes, love?
Do whatever you want to me I whisper, surrendering my body to
him. He looks into my eyes, smiling, and kisses me hard. Then he traces
a wet line from my neck to the hem of my panties.
Dont move, love. Ill be back in a moment.
The moment feels like an eternity. I try not to move do as I am
told. It feels weird, but hot: I lay on the bed with my hands above my
head, my legs spread, panting. Damn you, Garrett.
The moment I think that hes back. He has several things in his
hands. I can see a black cloth as well. Hmmm
Good girl he says. He places everything on the bed and comes
next to me. He collects me in his arms, looking into my eyes. Hes
If you cant take it, stop me.
How?, I ask him, genuinely confused.
Just say stop. Is it clear?
Crystal clear I say.
He grabs the black cloth and covers my eyes. He lays me back on
the bed and, without warning, he places his mouth on my abdomen. Its
hot and wet. He goes lower and lower, to the hem of my panties, and
past it with his tongue. Oh, the torture. Hes not going to take them off, is
he? He rubs a finger over my clit. I moan. Its bitter sweet, and the
tension is back, overwhelming me. He sticks out his tongue andstops.
No! I moan pathetically, and he pokes my clit. I shudder - I was not
expecting that. This man is amazing. I want him, more of him. I cant
take it any longer. He pokes the spot again. I moan and my back arches.

GarrettI cant
Shhhhold it a little longer.
I leave out a breath. I like this, but I want to release the tension.
Its too much.
He lifts my body and takes off my bra. He cups my breasts,
squeezing them. It feels so good. He grabs my right nipple with his teeth,
brushing his tongue over it. I put my hands around him, holding tightly,
pressing him to my body. He moans, making my chest vibrate. He licks
my nipple, and moves to the other to caress it as well. Then he moves
and I cant feel him on the bed. I try to concentrate and hear his moves.
And I do. Hes doing something taking off his jeans maybe? I cant
believe I can hear things like this. My senses are all spiked up. Even the
smell of cinnamon is stronger now.
He grabs my arms and lifts me up. Hes kneeling in front of me I
can feel it and kisses my thigh. I will explode.
I want to come. I cant take it anymore. It hurts.
He pulls me down, on his lap. Were on the floor. He cups my ass
and I can feel his erection. I move, looking for more friction.
No, Antonia, dont do that.
I stop. He kisses me and with his right hand he finds my clit. He
rubs it gently, and then he inserts a finger in me. I moan in his mouth. I
want to come. Garrett, stop torturing me. Oh, if I can only speak these
words. He moves quickly inside me, kissing my neck and holding me close
to him.
Antonialisten to me, OK?
Antoniacome. Come for me.
I moan as I come violently. He holds me tightly, kissing my neck,
my cheeks, my lips. As I calm down, I notice he took out his hand. He
takes off the blindfold and grasps my hair. Hes looking at me smiling. His
blue eyes are shiny, but theyve got a darker shade of blue. Amazing.
Are you OK, love?
Round two now. Stand up.
I do as I am told. Now I wondersince when am I so submissive? I
usually defy rules, I dont listen and I talk a lot.
Meanwhile, my hands are being tied behind my back. He uses some
kind of soft rope. When he finishes, I try to move my arms its useless.

Does it hurt?
No, its OK. I justcant move my arms.
Thats the aim, babe.
He moves in front of me, slowly brushing over my breasts and my
abdomen. He reaches my hips and puts his thumbs inside my panties. I
adore his hands. I adore everything he can do with them. He kneels and
Youve destroyed your panties. They are damp.
I blush, surprised by his comment. How can he say stuff like this?
Youre so cute when you blush like that, Antonia., he says while
taking off my panties. When hes done, he goes up my legs, placing light
kisses on them.
Open your legs more., he commands. I complyagain. Im
completely under his spell.
His mouth is all over myoh, I cant even think of the word. It
sounds so sexual. But why am I shy now? Hes completely naked and he
does this to me. Hes not shy. He knows perfectly what to do and say.
With all of this thinking I dont even notice that hes standing and hes
looking at me.
Are you OK? Is there something wrong? he asks concerned.
Im fine. Dont stop Garrett. I want all of you. I wantI want to feel
you moving inside me. I say looking in his blue eyes. He smiles and lifts
my chin. Oh, you will feel me, no worries. He kisses me and pushes me
on the bed. He turns me, so now I am on my stomach. He lifts my ass up.
Oh, this is so embarrassing.
He caresses my ass and places small kisses here and there. Then he
slaps me. Oh, its stingy. And he slaps me again. I wince. He caresses my
skin again. Its nice and soothing. Then he slaps me. I moan. How can it
feel so good? He slaps me again, but now I sit still as I feel his cock on
my ass. Is he going to torture me more? His skin its soft. And hot. And
hes big. Hes squeezing my ass, grunting.
Oh, babe, I want to be inside you so badly I moan as I hear his
words. So he wants me as wellbadly.
He inserts one finger in me, and an electric pulse runs through my
body. He grunts. He moves to one side and takes something from a night
Suck he orders. I look at the object. It looks weird. Its pretty
short and it looks like a carrot. What is this thing? Before I can do
anything else, he answers This is a butt plug. Ill try to put it inside you.
But you have to suck it and make it wet. I blush as I take it into my
mouth. A butt plugwhat is heoh! Wait. I turn around and look at him.

Is this going to be inside my
Your ass, yes. Is that OK? If you dont want to, I wont do it. I
thought youll like the feeling
OKtry it
Youre blushing again, Antonia. If this hurts, stop me.
I nod and he places the thing at my entrance. I tighten.
You need to relax, love. he says and I try to relax. He pushes a
little and I feel my inside stretch. I wince. It hurts. He pushes again,
harder, and I say stop. In that instant he tosses the thing on the floor.
Im sorry I forced you. he says as hes untying my arms. They feel
Come love He climbs into the bed and pulls me into his embrace.
Im sorry. Are you OK?
Yes, I am. GarrettI want more
He smiles and cups my breasts. He kisses me and moves, so that
Im under him. Hes holding me still with his body. His cock is on my thigh
and I feel like thousands of butterflies have entered my body.
I want more as well, babe. he whispers and moves. The tip is
rubbing my clit and then he moves slowly inside me. He fills me in and I
arch under him. He lets out a breath and places his head on my shoulder.
Oh, youre so tight and warm. Youre driving me mad, Antonia.
He starts moving slowly. Its so good to feel him inside me. I moan
as he moves, feeling everything as intense as it can be. He kisses my
neck, my cheeks, my lips, he holds me tight and he pulls my hair. This
isnt a kinky fuckery. Noit looks more like making love.
He moves faster now. And faster. And faster. I will collide soon if he
keeps this pace.
AntoniaI will explode soon, but firstI want you to come. Come
for me.
Why does he have to say such a thing? I come immediately,
violently. I shake as I do that and I can hear him moan and pant. He pulls
out and he spreads his seed all over my abdomen. It hot, sticky and it
smells salty. I look at his blue eyes. They are dark blue even darker
than earlier. Its amazing how can something like this change a mans
body. Hes lying on top of me, panting. Hes a bit heavy, but I dont mind.
I put my hands around him, holding him tight. I adore this man. Too bad
it has to end soon.
What? I ask, as I cant figure out what he said.
Bathlets have a bath. Then we can eat something. Im hungry.
OhOK. Sounds good.

HmmI wondercan you wear jeans without your underwear?
WhaaaI never
Youll try now. Because your panties will stay in my pocket. Youll
get them back next time.
I blush for the millionth time. Is he serious? I search his eyes. He
smirks. Yes, he is serious. Oh, wait. He said next time. Are we going to
meet again? Thatsamazing. I want to meet him again. I want to be next
to him as long as possible. Is he going to make it happen? Oh, Garrett,
sir, I think I might love you

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