TAW10 - Week 1 Part 1 of 2

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Question Excerpt From TAW10 - Week 1 Part 1 of 2 (total of 184 questions)

Q.1) Select the one item that is not a SAP Default Navigation Button on a standard list
A. Save
B. Back / Exit / Cancel
C. Cut / Paste
D. Find

Q.2) Which statement is valid for processing internal table itab.
Data: itab type table of ZMYTAB with header line.
A. Loop at itab where itab-id = 'A'. Endloop.
B. Loop where itab-id = 'A'. Endloop.
C. Loop at itab where id = 'A'. Endloop.
D. Loop at itab. Endtab

Q.3) Where is the statement "Message E123 Raising Condition" used
A. Anywhere in the program
B. In a Function
C. In a Form only
D. In a PAI Module

Q.4) Which addition to the Parameters statement is not valid.
A. Default
B. Type
C. Like
D. Value

Q.5) How much memory is reserved for the data object input_record in the following
Types: begin of rec_type,
flag type c,
count(3) type c,
today type d,
end of rec_type.
Data: input_record type rec_type.

A. 4 bytes
B. 0 bytes
C. 12 bytes
D. 5 bytes

Q.6) How many column headers are displayed on the screen in a standard list
A. 2
B. 4
C. There are no column headers
D. 1

Q.7) What does workflow achieve
A. controls information flow
B. automates execution of activities
C. manages communication media
D. builds screen sequences

Q.8) What is the customer namespace for Functions.
B. Y_ or Z_
C. F
D. Y or Z

Q.9) What is written to the report in the following code:
Data: Fielda type i value 1.
Perform Calculate_Sales.
Fielda = fielda + 1.
write:/ fielda.

Form Calculate_Sales.
Data: Fielda type I value 2.
Fielda = Fielda + 2.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
D. 5
E. 4

Q.10) What are the tasks of the dispatcher
A. distributing transaction load
B. performing program syntax checks
C. assigning users to work processes
D. organizing communication
Q.11) What method of Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID would be used to display the contents of an
internal table

Q.12) What is true of passing by value and result in the following code.
Perform calculate_sales using amount.
FORM calculate_sales changing value(f_amount)
A. Formal parameter is not copied to memory space of actual parameter
B. Formal parameter f_amount is allocated its own memory space of actual parameter
C. Formal parameter is copied to memory space of actual parameter at the end of the form
D. The address of the actual parameter is passed to the formal parameter

Q.13) Which Basis configuration would typically run on one server
A. Central
B. 3 Tier
C. Database
D. 2 Tier Presentation

Q.14) An authorization refers to how many Authorization Objects
A. defined by Basis
B. 10
C. 1
D. 0
E. Unlimited

Q.15) Which use of the FORM statement works successfully when passing IT to FORMA.
Types: Begin of line,
End of Line.
Types IT_LINE Type Standard table of line.
Perform FORMA using IT

Q.16) How many fields are available for viewing in field display mode while in Classic debugger (
prior to Release 6.40 )
A. Unlimited
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2
Q.17) An ABAP program makes calls to function modules from the same function group. What
happens with the Global data from the function group.
A. The global data remains active for the duration of the function call only
B. Function modules from the same function group can access the global data when they are
C. The global data is reinitialized for each new call
D. The global data remains available for the duration of the calling program
Q.18) What system field would you query to determine the current detail list
Q.19) Static data records that have a long life are considered to be
A. Transactional Data
B. Master Data
C. Client Data
D. Customer documents
Q.20) Where are local data types defined
A. ABAP Workbench
B. Dictionary
C. Repository
D. In ABAP programs
Q.21) Refer to the following code and indicate which statements are true
Data: cl_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container,
cl_grid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
A. CL_GRID points to the object that communicates with container control
B. CL_CONTAINER points to the object that communicates with the container control
C. CL_CONTAINER points to the object that communicates with the ALV grid control
D. CL_GRID points to the object that communicates with the ALV grid control
Q.22) When does an object get generated
A. When the reference variable for the class is defined
B. When the program is loaded
C. When a method of an object is called
D. When a CREATE OBJECT statement is processed
Q.23) What menu options are available on all screens
A. Help
B. System
C. Status
D. Options
E. Tools
Q.24) What program type can be run directly
A. Module Pool
B. Interface Pool
C. Executable
D. Runnable
Q.25) Which is not a type of RFC call
A. Remote
B. Asynchronous
C. Transactional
D. Synchronous
Q.26) How many dialog steps in an SAP transaction
A. One for every explicit database commit
B. At least One
C. Only One
D. One for every transaction in the SAP LUW
Q.27) Assuming you have created a data object of type C with the name ZFIELDA in your
program. Which of the following is allowed.
A. Data: ZFIELDA type N.
B. Types: ZFIELDA type I.
C. Data: ZFIELDA type C.
D. Constants: ZFIELDA type N.
Q.28) What is a valid configuration for an R3 system
A. One Application server and many Database servers
B. One Application server and one Database server
C. Many Application servers and one Database server
D. No Application server and one Database server

Q.29) Standard and sorted tables are referred to as
A. Unique
B. Generic
C. Index
D. Keyed
E. Non-unique
Q.30) What must be assigned to a module pool in order for it to be executed
A. Event
B. Program Type
C. Module
D. Transaction
Q.31) Identify the valid chaining statement
A. write ctr1, ctr2, ctr3.
B. write: ctr1 ctr2 ctr3.
C. write: ctr1, ctr2, ctr3.
D. Chain write ctr1 ctr2 ctr3.
E. write ctr1: ctr2: ctr3.
Q.32) What is the default mode for passing actual parameters in a PERFORM
A. By Reference
B. By Value
C. By Changing
Q.33) What does a context object provide
A. Increased database load
B. Reuseability
C. Smaller and simpler programs
D. Stored calculated values on the presentation server
E. Object oriented programming

Q.34) What is true about an Authorization
A. It is attached to profiles
B. An authorization is defined in the program attributes
C. Defines permissable values for each authorization field listed in the authorization object
Q.35) What is true about classes and objects in Object Oriented ABAP
A. Class is a template for an object
B. Objects are an instance of a class
C. Classes are an instance of an object
D. Objects can change their class
Q.36) What interface parameter would you check to determine the success of a BAPI call
A. Exceptions Parameter 'RETURN'
B. Dictionary Structure BAPIRET2
C. Export Parameter 'RETURN'
D. Export Parameter 'sy-subrc'
Q.37) What is the value of result after the following code is executed
DATA: result TYPE I.
result = 5 / 10.
A. result = 2
B. result = 0
C. result = .5
D. result = 1
Q.38) What is the development class for local objects
A. Z00
C. Blank
D. Local

Q.39) What will be written to the list in the following code. Assume all defaults are taken when
the function was defined.
Data: fielda(4) type c.
fielda = AAAA.
Exporting f_fielda = fielda.
Write fielda.
Importing f_fielda
Exporting f_fieldb.
f_fielda = BBBB.
f_fieldb = CCCC

Q.40) Which of the following is not a valid ABAP data statement
A. Data fielda(5) type x
B. Data fielda(5) type c
C. Data fielda(5) type t
D. Data fielda(5) type n
Q.41) How would you clear the body of an internal table (with a header line).
A. Refresh ITAB
B. Clear ITAB[]
C. Clear ITAB
D. Refresh ITAB[]

Q.42) What does the runtime system do with dates if they are assigned to a numeric field
A. It converts the date to a julian date
B. It calculates the number of days that have elapsed since 01.01.0001
C. It calculates the number of days that have elapsed since 00.00.0000
D. It leaves the date as a numeric field
Q.43) Which object type is a requirement for the ALV grid control
Q.44) What is teh effect of sorting a sorted internal table
A. Breaks the sort sequence
B. Program abend
C. Uses linear search rather than binary
D. Syntax error
Define Instance.
A. A presentation, application and database server
B. Dispatcher, work process and services
C. Work processes only
D. Multiple application servers
Q.46) What must be assigned to search help parameters
A. values
B. domain
C. nothing
D. data element

Q.47) What message types can be generated by transactional documents
B. workflow
C. abend
D. email
Q.48) Mark the default size for a packed field
A. 1
B. 2
C. size must be specified
D. 8
E. 4
Q.49) Mark the valid syntax and usage of the message statement. Assume the message class UD
is defined in the REPORT statement.
A. Message E004(UD).
B. Message (UD)E004.
C. Message E004.
D. Message ID UD Type E Number 004.
Q.50) What is true about an Authorization Object
A. Authorization Objects contain permissable values for the fields
B. Groups up to 10 authorization field in an OR relationship
C. Groups up to 10 authorization fields in an AND relationship
Q.51) What are the requirements of reading a hashed internal table
A. Specify the INDEX
B. Use the TABLE KEY option
C. Specify the full key
D. Use UNIQUE KEY option
E. Sort the table first by the key

Q.52) What is the value of ZFIELDB after the last line of the following code is executed.
Data: ZFIELDA(5) type c value 'ABCDE'.
ZFIELDB(4) type c.
C. Spaces
Q.53) What happens in the case when a formal parameter typed with 'TYPE ANY' is used
A. Conversion routines from teh Data Element are executed
B. Formal parameter takes on the type of the actual parameter
C. Conversion routines from the Domain are executed
D. Syntax error
Q.54) Structure MY_STRUCTURE is created in the dictionary. When does the structure get
created in the underlying database
A. When the table is activated
B. It does not correspond to an object in the underlying datase and does not get created.
C. When the database administrator physically created the table
D. At the beginning of the table creation
Q.55) Mark the item that is not true about the Catch...Endcatch statement
A. A runtime error causes the system to go to the ENDCATCH statement
B. A runtime error in a form called within a catch block is caught
C. The return value assigned to the system exception is stored in sy-subrc
D. The Others option catches any runtime errors not already assigned

Q.56) A program makes the function call listed below. What takes place if the function raises an
exception and the calling prorgram does not list the exception in its call to the function.
Call Function 'MYFUNCTION'
e1 = p1
i1 = p2.
A. Program continues
B. Program is suspended
C. Message occurs
D. Runtime error
Q.57) When are dictionary changes made available to ABAP programs
A. Immediately, providing the object is activated
B. Next time user signs on
C. Next time program is re-generated
D. After Database is re-organized
Q.58) Which layer in an R/3 client server architecture processes ABAP programs
A. Presentation
B. Internet
C. Database
D. Application
Q.59) Mark the valid statement for reading an entry from an internal table of type sorted
A. Read Table itab with Table Key K1
B. Read Table itab by Key K1
C. Read Table itab with sorted Key K1
D. Read Table itab by binary Key K1

Q.60) Which tool is used to manage and organize development objects
A. WorkBench Organizer
B. Customizing Organizer
C. Repository Browser
D. Information System
Q.61) Identify the rules involved when calling subroutines
A. Otional parameters are allowed
B. The numer of actual and formal parameters must be the same
C. Type checking is performed on parameters
D. When calling by value, the address of the actual parameter is passed to the form
Q.62) What internal table type can only be accessed by its key
A. Keyed
B. Sorted
C. Hashed
D. Standard
Q.63) What is a R/3 system
A. Instance plus system services
B. Instance plus database
C. Mulitiple Application Servers
D. Database
Q.64) What program type can be executed directly
A. Class
B. Executable
C. Include
D. Function group

Q.65) In teh CATCH statement, what is every runtime error assigned to.
A. Error Class
B. Development Class
C. Case
D. Catch Class
Q.66) Where is the record inserted in the internal table ITAB.
Types: begin of itab_structure,
Field1 type p, Field2 type c,
Field3 type I,
Field4 type n,
end of itab_structure.
Data: itab type standard table of itab_structure.
Data: wa_itab type itab_structure.
Insert wa_itab into table itab.
A. In the correct sorted position
B. At the end
C. It can't be done
D. At the beginning
Q.67) Mark the valid use of the data statement. Assume that ZBOOK-ID is a dictionary object
A. Data fielda(5) like zbook-id
B. Data fielda(5) value zbook-id
C. Data fielda like zbook-id
D. Data fielda type c like zbook-id
Q.68) Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field
A. Search help
B. Data element documentation
C. Domain short text
D. Domain Help values
Q.69) What is the default length for Integer Data Types
A. 1
B. 4
C. Size must be specified
D. 2
Q.70) Where can watchpoints be set in the classic debugger
A. only the current program
B. named programs
C. locally
D. only called programs
Q.71) Which software component in the work process is responsible for controlling commits and
A. Dialog Processor
B. ABAP Processor
C. Database Interface
D. Screen Processor
Q.72) Identify the valid staement
A. Constants: C1(4) type D.
B. Constants: C1(4) type C.
C. Constants: C1(4) type C like mytab-booking.
D. Constants: C1(4) type C value 'ABCD'.
Q.73) What do search statements REPLACE, SHIFT, CONCATENATE, SPLIT have in common
A. They all treat the operands as Type C regardless of their actual type
B. They all distinguish between upper and lower case
C. The actual type of each operand determines how the string processing is performed
D. They all set sy-fdpos
E. They all set sy-subrc

Q.74) Refer to the following code. What is required to successfully access the individual
structure fields in the FORM
Data: st_mytab like mytab.
Perform write_lines using st_mytab.
Form write_lines using rec.
Write: / rec-field1, rec-field2.
A. Rec needs to be defined LIKE mytab in the FORM
B. The formal parameter'rec' should be referenced by value
C. Rec needs to be defined globally as a DATA object
D. The prefix REC is not needed
Q.75) Which is not a valid R3 configuration
A. Single Database
B. Central
C. Three Tier
D. Two tier client server
Q.76) How are locks removed from the lock tables
A. The update task removes them at the end of the SAP LUW
B. The database breaks
C. Commit Work statement is issued
D. The update task removes them at the beginning of the SAP LUW
Q.77) What programming language is used to develop the business applications
B. C++
C. Cobol
D. C

Q.78) How many servers in a 3 tier R/3 system
A. 3 for each tier
B. Only 3
C. At least 3
D. 1
Q.79) What is the effect of a false CHECK statement within a loop
A. The same processing block is re-executed
B. Processing continues with the next processing block
C. Processing resumes at the beginning of the next loop pass
Q.80) Where does the message get issued in the following.
Report ZPROGA.
Data: fielda type c.
Exporting fielda = fielda
Exceptions No_Entry = 01
Failure = 02.
If sy-subrc = 01.
Message E123.
Importing f_fielda
Exporting f_fieldb
Exceptions No_Entry Failure.
Message E123 Raising No_Entry.
A. It will abend in the runtime system
B. In Program ZPROGA and Function Z_TEST_FUNCTION
D. In Program ZPROGA
Q.81) Identify developer tools that are delivered with R/3
A. Customizing
B. SQL Trace
C. Debugger
E. Dictionary Trace
Q.82) Where are authorizations managed for a given user
A. in the USER01 table
B. in the TAUTH table
C. in the users own data
D. in the user master record
Q.83) Which work process manages SAP locks
A. authorization management
B. gateway
C. enqueue
D. dispatcher
E. dequeue
Q.84) What is the system variable for determining how many database operations were
A. sy-subrc
B. sy-index
C. sy-tabix
D. sy-dbcnt
Q.85) Mark the item that is not a valid work process
A. Update
B. Spool
C. Gateway
D. Background
Q.86) Which statements would bypass current loop processing in the DO LOOP and continue
processing with the next loop pass.
Report ABC.
Perform Form A.
Form A.
Do 10 Times.
A = A + 1.
A. CHECK with a false expression
C. Reject
D. Continue
Q.87) What tool is used to define flow logic
A. ABAP Editor
B. Screen Painter
C. Flow Logic Editor
D. Function Builder
Identify the tasks that are performed in SAPNET
A. Requesting an access key for a change to SAP code
B. Maintaining Authorizations
C. Booking SAP training
D. Issuing Problem Messages to SAP

Q.89) How could you retreive a single entry from MYTABLE. (key fields are number, name)
A. Select single * from MYTABLE where number = '01' and name = 'LISA'.
B. Select * from MYTABLE where number = '01'. Endselect.
C. Select single * from MYTABLE with keys
D. Select * from MYTABLE where number = '01' and name = 'LISA'.
Q.90) In what case would namespaces be practical
A. independent 3rd party development projects
B. to uniquely identify each object in a large project
C. small internal projects
Q.91) What are field symbols used for.
A. for referencing multiple fields at the same time
B. for re-assigning field types
C. for graphic symbols on screens and lists
D. for referencing an address of a field
Q.92) Processing Blocks in an ABAP program can best be defined as
A. Smallest units in ABAP
B. Processing areas for the Blobal Data of a program
C. An active section of program code
D. Processing units that execute based on their position in the source code
Q.93) When does version management not apply
A. When objects belong to development class $TMP
B. When the task is released
C. on Inlcude Programs
D. When comparing across instances
Q.94) Identify the characteristics of a Business Object
A. Business objects provide methods to implement business functions
B. Business objects ONLY use BAPI's to access data
C. Business objects require knowledge of the internal source code to be able to access the
D. Business objects are managed in the Business Object Repository (BOR)
E. Business objects are business oriented
Q.95) What is the effect when a CLEAR statement is used on an internal table without header
A. Nothing
B. All the lines of the table are initialized
C. All the lines of the tabel are deleted
D. The work area is initialized
Q.96) What has happened if an authorization fails with sy-subrc = 4
A. The authorization check used the incorrect authorization object
B. The user does not have the required authorization
C. The user has an authorization containing the required values
Q.97) What access methods are available for accessing internal tables
A. Index
B. Hashed
C. Sorted
D. Key
E. Standard
Q.98) Which object would you interrogate to determine the length of a field on a screen.
A. Value Table
B. Data Element
C. Repository
D. Dictionary
E. Domain
Q.99) What tasks could be performed in SAPNET
A. Registering changes to SAP objects
B. Registering developers
C. Registering customer objects for local development
D. Registering changes to customer objects
Q.100) What system variable is reset at the exit of a loop of an internal table.
i.e. Loop at itab. .... Endloop.

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