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The Crucible Pre-Reading Group Project

Task: Each group will prepare a PowerPoint presentation and a BRIEF handout that addresses the topic assigned. The presentation
1. Include 4-5 slides. You a! add ore i" !ou wish. #$n!one want to use Pre%i or &o'ie &a(er "or the pro)ect*+
,. $ddress the guiding -uestions "or !our group
.. /ontain a i0 o" pictures1 graphics1 reada2le te0t related to the topic
4. 3a'e an additional 4or(s /ited slide at the end o" the presentation. I will allow 5R6 lin(s to the we2sites used instead o" "ull
citations. Future research assignents will "ollow the &6$ standards "or citing sources.
Tips: $ssign each e2er o" the group ,-. -uestions to research on 4ednesda!. Record !our in"oration on a note card or in !our
note2oo(. E'er! person in the group is responsi2le "or researching in"oration to share with the class. You do not need to create a
slide "or each guiding -uestion. 7uari%e8 9o :;T /;PY $:9 P$7TE888 You should not ha'e paragraphs o" in"oration on
each slide< instead1 create 2ulleted lists o" essential in"oration. ;n Thursda!1 use the entire class period to put together !our
presentation and create the BRIEF handout.
Group ! Dai"#
$i%e in Sa"e&
4hat t!pe o" people settled &assachusetts*
3ow did the! sur'i'e*
4hat were their ain "ears and an0ieties*
9escri2e the Puritan societ!1 clothing1 "ail! li"e1
religious 2elie"s1 )o2s1 etc.
3ow did their clothing support their religious 'iews*
9escri2e the t!pes o" hoes that pro2a2l! e0isted in
9escri2e the "ail! li"e o" Puritans.
Puritan 6i"e
Puritanis in :ew England
&assachusetts Ba! - =The /it! 5pon a
Group '
E0plain how the Puritans thought o" witches.
4hich t!pe o" person was ost li(el! to 2e considered
a witch*
9e"ine /linical 3!steria. E0plain how stress and
clinical h!steria could account "or soe o" the unusual
2eha'iors o2ser'ed.
In what "ors does witchcra"t e0ist toda!*
3ow are odern da! witches treated or 'iewed* #Thin(
a2out what is (nown and how the! are portra!ed in
$ Brie" 3istor! o" 4itchcra"t
Persecutions 2e"ore 7ale
4itch-"inder witch*
European 4itch 3unts
The Burning Ties
Group + - T)e
Sa"e& (itc)
Tria"s o% t)e ,-.s
4hat e'ents led to these trials* 4hat 2eha'iors started
to appear aong the 'illagers*
4hat is a theocrac! and how would it a""ect the 'iew
o" 7ale residents toward witchcra"t*
4ho were these people and what happened to the in
1?@,* Ailes /ore!1 &artha /ore!1 Bohn Proctor1 and
7arah ;s2ourne
4ho were Bett! Parris1 $2igail 4illias1 and Titu2a*
4hat were the outcoes o" the trials*
3ow do historians interpret these e'ents*
9escri2e soe o" the tests "or a witch.
7ale 4itchcra"t Trials 1?@,
7ale 4itchcra"t 3!steria
The /are! 9ocuent: ;n the Trail o"
a 7ale 9eath 4arrant
7ale 4itch Trials: The 4orld Behind
the 3!steria
Group / ! 0rt)ur
Ce! e'ent o" his li"e
;ther wor(s produced
Belie"s>political outloo(
$ppearance 2e"ore the 3ouse 5n-$erican $cti'ities
E""ect o" the 35$/ appearance on his career
/oon thees in his wor(s
$rthur &iller Biograph!
$rthur &iller
Reasons "or writing The Crucible
Group 2 -
4hat is counis* 4here did it coe "ro*
4hat is the /old 4ar*
4ho was in'ol'ed in the /old 4ar*
4hat was the outcoe o" the /old 4ar*
9escri2e li"e in the 57 at the tie and the 'iews o"
4hat is the $erican /ounist Part!* 3ow did it
ipact the li'es o" $ericans*
4hat was 2lac(listing and who was a""ected 2! the
entertainent industr! 2lac(lists*
/old 4ar
/old 4ar 3istor!
Red 7care
Group , -
1cCart)# (itc)-
9e"ine a witch-hunt #2e sure that !ou donDt sipl! sa!
hunting a witch+
4ho was Boseph &c/arth! and what did he
in'estigate* 4h! were $ericans concerned a2out
/ounis during the 1@5Es*
4hat was the 35$/* 4hat happened to people
2rought 2e"ore the 35$/*
4hat happened when the &c/arth! hearings were
tele'ised and he 2egan to accuse $r! o""icers o"
2eing /ounists*
3ow was &c/arth!is a witch-hunt* 3ow ight the
e'ents in the 1?@, witch-hunts 2e copared to those o"
the &c/arth! era in the 1@5Es*
7enator Boseph &c/arth!1
&c/arth!is1 and the 4itch 3unt
&c/arth!Fs 9own"all
Boseph R. &c/arth!
$rthur &illerFs The /ruci2le Pro)ect
&Y RE7;5R/E7
&r. Pandol"iniFs English>6anguage $rts 4e2site
&r. Bur(lundFs 4e2page
&s. 7ithFs English /lass - /lo'is 3igh 7chool
&ans"ield Independent 7chool 9istrict

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