Infertility Essay

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Motherhood is a dream. It really is absolutely amazing.

(Jessica Simpson, This is true for people who can become a mother. Sadly
some people cannot get this experience due to some or the other problem.1 in
10 couples have problems while trying o conceive. Science is a boon for such
people. Though naturally they are unable to become mothers, science with
developments has come up with different methods for them to conceive.
Causes of infertility include any
kind of damage to the fallopian
tubes, ovulatory problems, a
disease known as endometriosis,
some condition in which the
uterus of a woman is affected, a
combination or an unidentified
cause. Out of these Fallopian
Tube blockage is a major Cause of
Infertility in women. Tubal
Obstruction is a condition in
which there is a blockage present
in either one or both of the
fallopian tubes. As these tubes
connect the ovaries to the uterus,
blockage(s) in these result into an obstruction for the sperms to reach the eggs
or an obstruction for the egg to reach the uterus. This might also result into
another life taking condition called Ectopic Pregnancy.
There are many causes for Blockages in the Fallopian tubes which include
Hydrosalpinx, Infections, Sterilization Interventions, Septic Abortions and etc.
Hydrosalpinx is derived from Greek words Hydro-Water and Salpinx-Tube,
which defines it as a water tube. Hydrosalpinx is usually the result of a
previous Pelvic Infection. The most common bacteria who cause such pelvic
infections include chlamydia, gonorrhea, staphylococcus, pelvic tuberculosis
and streptococcus. After this infection is cleared, what we have is a dilated
(widened) fallopian tube that is wrapped in adhesions. The fimbriae of the tube
are agglutinated together, causing a blockage between the opening of the
uterus and the ovary. Thus the uterotubal fluid which normally drains out of
the tube remains stuck inside the fallopian tube. There are many ways through
which Hydrosalpinx is diagnosed, these include HSG (hysterosalpingogram),
Ultrasonography, and Laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is the most accurate method
to diagnose Hydrosalpinx. As through this method the surgeon will note the
tubes, identify the blockage and find any adhesion (if there are).
Science has come up with many methods through which people affected with
Hydrosalpinx can conceive, these include neosalpingostomy, IVF (in Vitro

Fertilization), Herbal Medicine, Tubal Corrective Surgery and etc. Out of these
all In Vitro Fertilization is highly recommended.
IVF is a technique in which women are given special reproductive hormones,
which cause several eggs to develop in the ovaries. The final maturation of the
eggs are induced by the administration of another hormone. After 1 and a half
day some of the fluid containing the eggs are removed through a needle from
the female body for fertilization in the laboratory. This procedure is usually
conducted under light sedation, with the process being closely viewed by doctor
using ultrasound. These eggs are then mixed with the sperms that have been
washed and concentrated and are left in an incubator set at 37 degrees Celsius
for 1 day, so that fertilization can take place. During this time one or more out
of the male sperms will penetrate the outer layer of the egg and fertilize it. After
fertilization is completed the cells divide and multiply to form an embryo. After
two or three days, the embryo will have 8 cells. The embryo is now implanted
into the
Uterus via a flexible tube, where it is left to form a pregnancy.

There are many alternatives to IVF which include GIFT (Gamete Intra-Fallopian
Transfer), ZIFT (Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer) and IUI (Intra Uterine
Insemination). Even though IVF is a very trustable technique, people who are
diagnosed with Hydrosalpinx are advised to get their Hydrosalpinx treated,
because it is so toxic, that even it being present near the baby reduces its
chances of successful birth. People are suggested to opt for Repair through
Neosalpingostomy, in which a laparoscope is inserted into the body through
surgical means, and an incision is made to open the blocked tubes. This
processs recovery time is relatively low. Because ovarian health and fertility
reduce over time, reversal surgery is viable for younger people, who can afford
that much time. One disadvantage to this is that pregnancy after treatment
must be monitored closely, so that it does not result into an Ectopic Pregnancy.
There are many implications of IVF these include Economical and Social. The
economical implication of this is that IVF is a technique that is very expensive,
the average cost of once cycle of IVF in India is 2,50,000. The lowest is
1,50,000 and it may also amount to 4,50,000. So it will cost a fortune for a
poor couple to get an IVF done.
The next implication is ethical, some religions especially Christianity, do not
find IVF or any artificial method to conceive as correct. They believe it to be
immoral. The fact that these techniques have been developed and have a
certain success rate does not make them morally acceptable. The ends do not
justify the means. In this case, the ends are very noble: helping an infertile
couple to become parents. The Church, however, cannot accept the
means.(Catholic Thus such couples are badly regarded by the
church and it affects their lives.

"Jessica Simpson Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 03 Aug. 2014
"Pregnancy Miracle. Causes of Infertility. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Aug. 2014.
"What You Need to Know About Blocked Fallopian Tubes." Fertility.
N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Aug. 2014.
"Hydrosalpinx." Utah Fertility Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Aug. 2014.
"Hydrosalpinx." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 07 Aug. 2014. Web. 03 Aug.

"3D Animation of How IVF Works." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 04 Aug.
"Fertility Treatments - the Alternatives to IVF." Mail Online. Associated
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"3 Fertility Alternatives to Consider Before You Turn to IVF." 3 Fertility
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"Library : In Vitro Fertilization: Ethical Implications and Alternatives." -
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"The International Fertility Institute of Hawaii." International Fertility Institute
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