Adamson University Manila: Experiment 2

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Adamson University

Coege of Engneerng
Chemca Engneerng Department
Experiment 2
Mo ecu ar We ght Determ nat on by Vapor
Dens ty Method
Group # 1
1. Cooma, Gyn M 201211846
2. Dea Cruz, Robert C. 201214122
3. Pascua, Ronad Patrck D. 201210270
Date of Experment: |uy 11, 2014
Date of Submsson: |uy 18, 2014
Instructor: Engr. Anabea C. Vando
2. Abstract
The determnaton of the moecuar weght of ethy acoho and ethy
acetate s done by Dumas Method. The denstes of both vapor phases were
obtaned by measurng the mass of the condensed qud and reatng t to the
voume of an Erenmeyer ask. A densty of 1.7232g-L
for the rst tra of
ethy acoho was obtaned resutng to a moecuar weght of 48.65g-mo
Dumas Method was abe to determne the moecuar weghts of both voate
quds proved by a mnma percent devaton of 5.60% compared to the
theoretca vaue of 46.07g-mo
The abstract shoud be nformatve, and shoud be wrtten n about three to
ve sentences. It shoud cover a phases of the nvestgaton. It must ncude
the foowng:
a. An ntroductory statement about the sub|ect matter
b. Brey descrbe what was done.
c. Present some seected resut (numerca vaues, f possbe).
d. If possbe, present some percentage errors n expermenta resuts n
comparson wth theoretca vaues. Whe wrtng the abstract, t shoud be
kept n mnd that you shoud not refer
to any graph or tabe.
3. Introduction
Ths secton shoud ncude few sentences dscussng the physca and/or
chemca prncpes nvoved n the experment.
The moecuar weght of a voate substance can be determned usng
vapor-densty method nvented by |ean Baptste Andr Dumas. In ths
method, a voate qud s added to a sma ask and then heated. As the
qud evaporates, the unwanted gas s swept out of the contaner and s
repaced by the vapor of the sampe. The ask s cooed and the mass of the
condensed qud must be equa to the mass of the vapor before coong. The
densty of the vaporzed voate qud s determned by reatng ts mass to
the voume of the ask. Ths densty aong wth the temperature and
atmospherc pressure s used to determne the moecuar weght of the
voate qud n reaton to dea gas aw.
The experment ams to determne the moecuar weght of the voate
qud by Dumas Method.
4. Theoretical Background
Ths secton shoud ncude the theory behnd the experment. It shoud aso
contan a those equatons, whch are used to acqure a certan resut.
Theoretca correatons, whch are used for comparson wth expermenta
resuts, shoud aso be ncuded.
Dumas method s done to obtan the densty of the vapor of an
unknown voate substance n a contaner of known voume. The reatonshp
between the mass and the voume of a gas s gven by the derved quantty,
Furthermore, the reatonshp between the temperature, pressure,
number of moes and voume of an dea gas s represented by ths equaton
of state:
Reca that the number of moes of a substance s equa to the mass of
the substance dvded by the mass of a moe of that substance:
Substtutng equaton 3 to equaton 2 and mpyng that densty s the
mass per unt voume of a substance, the dea gas aw can now be wrtten
p = MWgas(P)/RT
Under the condton of a rea gas where the forces of attracton and
repuson between the moecues of the gas and voume occuped by the
moecues themseves are brought nto consderaton, the Berthelot Equation
was used nstead:
5. rocedure
Here, you shoud brey descrbe the actua step-by-step procedure you
foowed n runnng the experment. It shoud be wrtten n your own words,
e.g. the neede vave was manpuated n order to ad|ust the qud ow rate.
The experment nvoved three sets of 5m ethy acoho and 5m ethy
acetate. In the rst tra, a cean dry 250m Erenmeyer ask was covered
wth aumnum fo secured wth a rubber band. The cover was then poked by
a sma pn to make a sma hoe. Afterwards, the ask was weghed usng
trpe beam baance. 5m acoho was poured nto the ask and covered. It
was then sub|ected to water bath wth a constant temperature of 75oC. When
a of the qud was vaporzed, t was removed and cooed at room
temperature. The cooed ask was weghed and ts temperature was
recorded. The ask was ed wth dsted water; the temperature was
recorded and the voume was measured usng graduated cynder. The
procedure done for tra 1 s repeated for the rest of the tras.
!. "esults
1 2 3 1 2 3
Mass of empty
104.8g 98.4g 107.1g 119.6g 116.9g 122.6g
Mass of empty ask
and cover (g)
105.7g 98.9g 107.8g 120.5g 117.6g 123.5g
Mass of ask and
condensed qud(g)
98.903g 107.684
118.02g 123.62g
Mass of condensed
0.579g 0.503g 0.584g .927g 1.12g 1.02g
Temperature of
39C 41C 40C 40C 41C 41C
Mass of ask wth
dsted water (g)
259.63g 318.95g 298.55g 237.95g 295.36g 286.49g
Mass of dsted
259.63g 318.95g 298.55g 237.95g 295.36g 286.49g
Temperature of
dsted water (C)
41.2C 41.6C 41.3C 45.6C 47.3C 46.7C
Densty of
condensed qud
1.7232 1.6822 1.8193 3.23 3.209 3.128
Voume of
water=Voume of
316mL 274mL 321mL 269mL 332mL 298mL
Moecuar weght of
average 48.52/mo 89.55g/mo
Tabe 1 presents the measured and cacuated vaues n the
experment. It s used to anayze and portray the prncpes,
reatonshps, and generazatons from the obtaned data.
TAB#$ %
&. 'iscussion o( "esults
In ths secton you shoud dscuss you expermenta resuts. Show how you
make comparson wth the vaues obtaned theoretcay. Aso dscuss the
devaton of expermenta resuts from theoretca vaues. The possbe source
of errors shoud aso be mentoned. If the resuts are obtaned n terms of
graphs, then nterpret them aso.
From the tabe, the computed moecuar voume was hgher than the
expected moecuar weght for a the tras n both voate substances. Ths
devaton s because of the assumpton that the pressure s ower than the
standard atmospherc pressure, 760mmHg. The moecuar weght of a
substance s nversey proportona to the pressure thus havng a ower
atmospherc pressure w resut to an ncrease n the computed moecuar
weght. Furthermore, asks wth ower voume tend to have hgher moecuar
weght compared to ask of hgher voume evdenty seen from tabe. Ths
reaton may be expaned by the fact that densty s nversey proportona to
the voume. Thus, havng ower voume w resut to an ncrease n densty
and w agan resut to an ncrease n the computed moecuar weght.
). *onclusions and "ecommendations
Concusons are the seres of numbered sentences whch answer the
questons posed n the end of each experments. Concusons shoud aso
ncude the errors between the expermenta and theoretca vaues. What
you have earned from the experment shoud be mentoned as we.
Recommendatons are the proposas for future work, e.g. suggested changes
n equpment, study of new varabes, or possbe experments n reatve
eds. Lke the concusons, the recommendatons are usuay sted by
numbers, and each conssts of ony a sentence or two.
1. It s necessary to dry the ask competey before usng t because t w
add up to the mass of the ask when weghed. Aso, excess water or
any unknown qud may cause mpurty to the voate qud to be
samped. Moreover, water vaporzes at a temperature more than 100
oC therefore asks that werent dred before vaporzaton of the
sampe w ead to ateraton of the measurement of mass of the
voate qud.
2. The possbe sources of devaton of the cacuated moecuar weght
from the theoretca vaue were accounted from uncabrated beam
baance, water dropets nsde the ask, and the persona mtatons of
the expermenters n measurement. Aso, the vapor s not behavng
deay because the envronment s not at STP.
3. The expermenters recommend the use of anaytca baance for
accurate mass measurements. The use of cork whe condensng the
vapor s aso suggested to avod eakages.
+. #iterature *ited
Here, you shoud st the books, |ournas artces, etc. used n wrtng your
report and anayzng the experment. The reference shoud be competed
(name of the book, author, voume, date of pubcaton, pages, etc.).
References shoud be arranged aphabetcay by author.
1. Atkns, P. W., and |uo DePaua. "The Propertes of Gases." Physical
chemistry. 9th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2009.Pages 3-25.
2. Hmmebau, Davd M., and |ames B. Rggs. "Gases." The Principles of
Chemical Engineering. Phppnes: Pearson PLC, 2003. Pages 401-416.
3. Serway, R.A., and Chrs Vue. "Gases."Physics Fundamentals 2. Pages 27-
4. Weeby-2010. " Determnaton of Moar Mass by Vapor Densty." AP-
Chemistry. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 |uy 2014.
%,. -omenclature
= densty of the gas
MWgas= moecuar weght of the gas
m= mass of the gas, massgas
n= number of moes of the gas
P= pressure of the gas
Pc= crtca pressure of the gas
R= unversa gas constant, 0.08207 L-atm/mo-K
T= temperature of the gas
Tc= crtca temperature of the gas
V= voume of the gas

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