Jar-Judi Affi Rule

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On 4 September 2012, the Supreme Court issued A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC [full tet!

"ppro#in$ the JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT RULE. %he &ule, 'hi(h is intended to epedite
(ourt pro(eedin$s, is ne' "nd f"r from (omplete, ne(essit"tin$ "n etensi#e dis(ussion to
thresh out #"rious issues. )"'*ers (ould +eep their obser#"tions to themsel#es "nd hope
th"t the other p"rt* (ommits " mist"+e, most li+el* $"inin$ "n ed$e b* re"son of
te(hni("lit*. Still, (onsiderin$ th"t the unst"ted purpose of the &ule is to ferret out the
truth in (omin$ out 'ith " de(ision b"sed on the merits, "nd not on mere te(hni("lit*, it
'ould be helpful to st"rt "n open dis(ussion to pi(+ the br"ins of the le$"l-minded (ro'd.
, prep"red " summ"r* "nd "n initi"l dis(ussion of the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule, posted here.
."(h topi( is (ont"ined in " sep"r"te post for better present"tion/or$"ni0"tion. )umpin$
"ll topi(s in " sin$le post 'ould le"d to (onfusion be("use it 'ould t"+e more effort to
(orrel"te " (omment to the p"rti(ul"r portion of the 'hole dis(ussion. A sin$le-topi( post
'ould me"n th"t "ll (omments pert"in onl* to th"t spe(ifi( topi(. 1ou "re most 'el(ome
to dis"$ree 'ith fello' p"rti(ip"nts in the dis(ussion, but epress the dis"$reement 'ith
the re2uisite de$ree of respe(t th"t befits " fello' member of the profession.
%his is 3"rt 1 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule. -oin the dis(ussion of
the follo'in$ topi(s4
1. ,ntrodu(tion to the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
2. .ffe(ti#it* "nd 3urpose of the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
5. S(ope of Appli("tion of the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
4. Ser#i(e "nd filin$ of the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
6. &e2uired (ontents of " 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it under the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
8. Offer of %estimon* "nd Ob7e(tions under the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
9. :o(ument"r* "nd Ob7e(t .#iden(e under the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
8. Cross-e"min"tion "nd &e-:ire(t ."min"tion under the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
;. &esort to subpoen" under the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
10. <orm"l offer of e#iden(e under the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
11. .ffe(ts of Non-Compli"n(e 'ith the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule
[%his is 3"rt 2 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%he -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule re2uires th"t dire(t e"min"tion of " 'itness, 'hi(h is the
e"min"tion-in-(hief of " 'itness b* the p"rt* presentin$ him on the f"(ts rele#"nt to the
issue, sh"ll be in the form of 7udi(i"l "ffid"#its, sub7e(t to the usu"l mode of (ross-
When is the Rule effective?
%he &ule too+ effe(t on 1 -"nu"r* 2015. >o'e#er, in (rimin"l ("ses 'ithout pri#"te
prose(utors, the Supreme Court "llo'ed publi( prose(utors in first- "nd se(ond-le#el
(ourts until the end of 2015 to utili0e the "ffid"#its of the (ompl"in"nt "nd his 'itnesses
prep"red "nd submitted in (onne(tion 'ith the in#esti$"tion "nd filin$ of the ,nform"tion
in (ourt. 3ubli( prose(utors "re re2uired to full* (ompl* 'ith the &ule b* 1 -"nu"r* 2014.
:urin$ the one-*e"r period 'hen the (on(ession is in effe(t, the "ttendin$ publi(
prose(utor, upon presentin$ the 'itness, sh"ll re2uire the 'itness to "ffirm 'h"t the
s'orn st"tement (ont"ins "nd m"* onl* "s+ the 'itness "ddition"l dire(t e"min"tion
2uestions th"t h"#e not been "mpl* (o#ered b* the s'orn st"tement.
%he (on(ession does not "ppl* in (rimin"l ("ses 'here the pri#"te (ompl"in"nt is
represented b* " dul* empo'ered pri#"te prose(utor, 'ho h"s the obli$"tion to (ompl*
'ith the &ule.
The reasons for the issuance of the Rule
C"se (on$estion "nd del"*s pl"$ue most (ourts in (ities, $i#en the hu$e #olume of ("ses
filed e"(h *e"r "nd the slo' "nd (umbersome "d#ers"ri"l s*stem th"t the 7udi(i"r* h"s in
pl"(e. About 40? of (rimin"l ("ses "re dismissed "nnu"ll* o'in$ to the f"(t th"t
(ompl"in"nts simpl* $i#e up (omin$ to (ourt "fter repe"ted postponements. <e' forei$n
businessmen m"+e lon$-term in#estments in the 3hilippines be("use its (ourts "re un"ble
to pro#ide "mple "nd speed* prote(tion to their in#estments, +eepin$ its people poor.
,n order to redu(e the time needed for (ompletin$ the testimonies of 'itnesses in ("ses
under liti$"tion, on 21 <ebru"r* 2012 the Supreme Court "ppro#ed for pilotin$ b* tri"l
(ourts in @ue0on Cit* the (ompulsor* use of 7udi(i"l "ffid"#its in pl"(e of the dire(t
testimonies of 'itnesses. ,t is reported th"t su(h pilotin$ h"s 2ui(+l* resulted in redu(in$
b* "bout t'o-thirds the time used for presentin$ the testimonies of 'itnesses, thus
speedin$ up the he"rin$ "nd "d7udi("tion of ("ses. %he "doption of the &ule hopes to
repli("te n"tion'ide the su((ess of the @ue0on Cit* eperien(e in the use of 7udi(i"l
%hese re"sons for the issu"n(e of the -udi(i"l Affid"#it &ule "re (ont"ined in the
A'here"sB (l"uses of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC.
[%his is 3"rt 5 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
What is the scope of application of this rule?
%he "ppli("bilit* of this rule m"* refer to4 C"D the (ourts 'here the rule 'ill "ppl*= CbD the
+inds of ("ses or pro(eedin$s 'here the rule 'ill "ppl*= C(D the st"$e of the pro(eedin$.
Tpe of cases
%his &ule sh"ll "ppl* to "ll "(tions, pro(eedin$s, "nd in(idents re2uirin$ the re(eption of
e#iden(e. >o'e#er, the &ule sh"ll not "ppl* to sm"ll (l"ims ("ses under A.M. 08-8-9-SC.
%he &ule m"* "ppl* to (rimin"l ("ses in three situ"tions, "s follo's4 C1D %he m"imum of
the impos"ble pen"lt* does not e(eed si *e"rs= C2D re$"rdless of the pen"lt* in#ol#ed,
'ith respe(t to the (i#il "spe(t of the "(tions, or 'here the "((used "$rees to the use of
the &ule.
Courts !here the Rule are applica"le
1. %he Metropolit"n %ri"l Courts, the Muni(ip"l %ri"l Courts in Cities, the Muni(ip"l
%ri"l Courts, the Muni(ip"l Cir(uit %ri"l Courts.
2. Sh"riE" Cir(uit Courts, Sh"riE" :istri(t Courts "nd the Sh"riE" Appell"te Courts.
5. &e$ion"l %ri"l Courts.
4. S"ndi$"nb"*"n.
6. Court of %" Appe"ls.
8. Court of Appe"ls.
9. ,n#esti$"tin$ offi(ers "nd bodies "uthori0ed b* the Supreme Court to re(ei#e e#iden(e,
in(ludin$ the ,nte$r"ted F"r of the 3hilippine C,F3D.
8. Spe(i"l (ourts "nd 2u"si-7udi(i"l bodies, 'hose rules of pro(edure "re sub7e(t to
dis"ppro#"l of the Supreme Court, insof"r "s their eistin$ rules of pro(edure (ontr"#ene
the pro#isions of this &ule.
[%his is 3"rt 4 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%he p"rties sh"ll ser#e on the "d#erse p"rt* "nd file 'ith the (ourt not l"ter th"n fi#e d"*s
before pre-tri"l or prelimin"r* (onferen(e or the s(heduled he"rin$ 'ith respe(t to
motions "nd in(idents.
%his &ule "mends the eistin$ minimum period, 'hi(h is three d"*s, for the ser#i(e "nd
filin$ of the pre-tri"l brief. Gnder the ne' &ule, (onsiderin$ th"t the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it
must be "tt"(hed to the pre-tri"l brief, the l"tter must be ser#ed "nd filed 'ithin fi#e d"*s.
#ervice and filin$ of the %udicial affidavit in cri&inal cases
%his is the onl* portion of the &ule th"t pro#ides " sep"r"te pro#ision for (rimin"l ("ses,
#eerin$ from the simult"neous filin$ of 7udi(i"l "ffid"#its b* the p"rties. %he $ener"l rule
is reiter"ted, but this time "ppli("ble onl* to the prose(ution, to submit the 7udi(i"l
"ffid"#its of its 'itnesses not l"ter th"n fi#e d"*s before the pre-tri"l, ser#in$ (opies of
the s"me upon the "((used. %he (ompl"in"nt or publi( prose(utor sh"ll "tt"(h to the
"ffid"#its su(h do(ument"r* or ob7e(t e#iden(e "s he m"* h"#e, m"r+in$ them "s
.hibits A, F, C "nd so on. No further 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it, do(ument"r*, or ob7e(t e#iden(e
sh"ll be "dmitted "t the tri"l.
,f the "((used, on the other h"nd, desires to be he"rd on his defense "fter re(eipt of the
7udi(i"l "ffid"#its of the prose(ution, he sh"ll h"#e the option to submit his 7udi(i"l
"ffid"#it "s 'ell "s those of his 'itnesses to the (ourt 'ithin ten d"*s from re(eipt of su(h
"ffid"#its "nd ser#e " (op* of e"(h on the publi( "nd pri#"te prose(utor, in(ludin$ his
do(ument"r* "nd ob7e(t e#iden(e pre#iousl* m"r+ed "s .hibits 1, 2, 5, "nd so on. %hese
"ffid"#its sh"ll ser#e "s dire(t testimonies of the "((used "nd his 'itnesses 'hen the*
"ppe"r before the (ourt to testif*.
,t is interestin$ to note th"t onl* the p"r"$r"ph "ppli("ble to the prose(ution (ont"ins the
pro#ision th"t4 ANo further 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it, do(ument"r*, or ob7e(t e#iden(e sh"ll be
"dmitted "t the tri"l.B :oes this me"n th"t the "((used is (o#ered b* the $ener"l rule,
'hi(h "llo's the l"te filin$ of the "ffid"#itH
'o! is the service(filin$ done?
%he &ule spe(ifies onl* t'o m"nners of ser#i(e or filin$ of the "ffid"#it4 b* person"l
ser#i(e or b* li(ensed (ourier ser#i(e. ,t is interestin$ th"t there is no epress mention of
Are$istered m"ilB "nd it is lo$i("l th"t the term A(ourier ser#i(eB does not refer to, "nd
does not in(lude, re$istered m"il. %he purpose of the &ule is to epedite ("ses "nd there
("n be no reli"n(e on the presumpti#e re(eipt b* re"son of re$istered m"il.
%here is no o#erridin$ re"son 'h* re$istered m"il should be remo#ed "s " m"nner of
ser#i(e/filin$. A p"rt* (ould send the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it '"* in "d#"n(e b* re$istered m"il.
,t is the p"rt*Es loo+out if the other p"rt* or (ourt indeed re(ei#ed the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it
'ithin the pres(ribed period.
Another minor issue is 'hen is " (ourier ser#i(e (onsidered li(ensedH %he rule is not
(le"r 'hether " sep"r"te li(ense or "((redit"tion for (ourier ser#i(e pro#iders on top of
the S.C re$istr"tion. ,t "ppe"rs th"t other th"n the usu"l $o#ernment re$istr"tion, there is
no need for sep"r"te Supreme Court "((redit"tion.
%hese issues ("n be dispensed 'ith b* deletin$ the portion pro#idin$ for person"l ser#i(e
or b* (ourier. %his is surplus"$e. %he intent of the &ule is to .NSG&. re(eipt of the
7udi(i"l "ffid"#it b* the (ourt "nd other p"rt* "t le"st fi#e d"*s before the pre-tri"l or
he"rin$, "nd the &ule ("n simpl* so pro#ide, 7ust li+e in pre-tri"l rules.
Can ou su"&it a&ended or supple&ental affidavits?
%here m"* be inst"n(es 'hen it is ne(ess"r* to ee(ute " supplement"l or "mended
"ffid"#it, li+e in the ("se of ne'l*-dis(o#ered e#iden(e. ,s this "llo'ed "nd, if so, ho'
should it be doneH
[%his is 3"rt 6 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%he 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it sh"ll (ont"in the follo'in$4
1. %he n"me, "$e, residen(e or business "ddress, "nd o((up"tion of the 'itness=
2. %he n"me "nd "ddress of the l"'*er 'ho (ondu(ts or super#ises the e"min"tion of the
'itness "nd the pl"(e 'here the e"min"tion is bein$ held=
5. A st"tement th"t the 'itness is "ns'erin$ the 2uestions "s+ed of him, full* (ons(ious
th"t he does so under o"th, "nd th"t he m"* f"(e (rimin"l li"bilit* for f"lse testimon* or
4. @uestions "s+ed of the 'itness "nd his (orrespondin$ "ns'ers, (onse(uti#el*
numbered, th"t4
CiD Sho' the (ir(umst"n(es under 'hi(h the 'itness "(2uired the f"(ts upon 'hi(h he
CiiD .li(it from him those f"(ts 'hi(h "re rele#"nt to the issues th"t the ("se presents= "nd
CiiiD ,dentif* the "tt"(hed do(ument"r* "nd ob7e(t e#iden(e "nd est"blish their
"uthenti(it* in "((ord"n(e 'ith the &ules of Court=
6. %he si$n"ture of the 'itness o#er his printed n"me=
8. A 7ur"t 'ith the si$n"ture of the not"r* publi( 'ho "dministers the o"th or "n offi(er
'ho is "uthori0ed b* l"' to "dminister the s"me.
9. Attest"tion of the l"'*er.
What is a %urat?
A 7ur"t, 'hi(h is different from "n A"(+no'led$mentB "s defined under the &ules on
Not"ri"l 3r"(ti(e, refers to "n "(t in 'hi(h "n indi#idu"l on " sin$le o(("sion4 C"D "ppe"rs
in person before the not"r* publi( "nd presents "n instrument or do(ument= CbD is
person"ll* +no'n to the not"r* publi( or identified b* the not"r* publi( throu$h
(ompetent e#iden(e of identit* "s defined b* these &ules= C(D si$ns the instrument or
do(ument in the presen(e of the not"r*= "nd CdD t"+es "n o"th or "ffirm"tion before the
not"r* publi( "s to su(h instrument or do(ument. C&ule 2, Se(. 8 of the 2004 &ules on
Not"ri"l 3r"(ti(e, A.M. No. 02-8-15-SCD
,t is import"nt to note the stri(t re2uirement th"t, in the ee(ution of the 7ur"t, the
re2uisite (ompetent e#iden(e of identit* must in(lude "t le"st one (urrent identifi("tion
do(ument issued b* "n offi(i"l "$en(* be"rin$ the photo$r"ph "nd si$n"ture of the
<or purposes of (omp"rison, A"(+no'led$mentB refers to "n "(t in 'hi(h "n indi#idu"l
on " sin$le o(("sion4 C"D "ppe"rs in person before the not"r* publi( "nd presents "n
inte$r"ll* (omplete instrument or do(ument= CbD is "ttested to be person"ll* +no'n to the
not"r* publi( or identified b* the not"r* publi( throu$h (ompetent e#iden(e of identit* "s
defined b* the not"ri"l rules= "nd C(D represents to the not"r* publi( th"t the si$n"ture on
the instrument or do(ument '"s #olunt"ril* "ffied b* him for the purposes st"ted in the
instrument or do(ument, de(l"res th"t he h"s ee(uted the instrument or do(ument "s his
free "nd #olunt"r* "(t "nd deed, "nd, if he "(ts in " p"rti(ul"r represent"ti#e ("p"(it*, th"t
he h"s the "uthorit* to si$n in th"t ("p"(it*.
What is the s!orn attestation of the la!er?
One of the problems 'ith the &ule is the f"(t th"t 7ud$es onl* h"#e limited opportunit* to
obser#e the deme"nor of the 'itnesses.
Moreo#er, e#en if l"'*ers briefed the 'itness, the or"l "ns'er $i#en b* the 'itness
durin$ dire(t e"min"tion is "lmost 'holl* dependent on the 'itness. %his is no lon$er
true under this &ule be("use the l"'*er prep"res the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it 'hi(h t"+es the
pl"(e of the dire(t testimon*.
%hus, it is no' re2uired th"t the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it sh"ll (ont"in " s'orn "ttest"tion "t the
end, ee(uted b* the l"'*er 'ho (ondu(ted or super#ised the e"min"tion of the 'itness,
to the effe(t th"t4
1. >e f"ithfull* re(orded or ("used to be re(orded the 2uestions he "s+ed "nd the
(orrespondin$ "ns'ers th"t the 'itness $"#e= "nd
2. Neither he nor "n* other person then present or "ssistin$ him (o"(hed the 'itness
re$"rdin$ the l"tterEs "ns'ers.
%o put teeth to this prohibition, the &ule pro#ides th"t " f"lse "ttest"tion sh"ll sub7e(t the
l"'*er mentioned to dis(iplin"r* "(tion, in(ludin$ disb"rment. %here is no re2uirement
th"t the l"'*er 'ho prep"red the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it must be the one to present the 'itness
in (ourt.
What lan$ua$e should "e used in the affidavit?
A 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it sh"ll be prep"red in the l"n$u"$e +no'n to the 'itness "nd, if not in
.n$lish or <ilipino, "((omp"nied b* " tr"nsl"tion in .n$lish or <ilipino.
[%his is 3"rt 8 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
Gnder the &ules of Court, "s re$"rds the testimon* of " 'itness, the offer must be m"de "t
the time the 'itness is ("lled to testif* C&ule 152, Se(. 54D. %he &ule, on the other h"nd,
pro#ides th"t p"rt* presentin$ the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it of his 'itness in pl"(e of dire(t
testimon* sh"ll st"te the purpose of su(h testimon* "t the st"rt of the present"tion of the
'itness. %his pro#ision, in rel"tion to the enumer"ted re2uired (ontents of "n "ffid"#it,
me"ns th"t the purpose is NO% re2uired to be indi("ted in the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it. Some
7ud$es ne#ertheless re2uire th"t the purpose be st"ted in the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it, " pr"(ti(e
unil"ter"ll* resorted b* some l"'*ers for (on#enien(e.
'o! does the opposin$ part &a)e o"%ections?
Ob7e(tion to " 'itness m"* t"+e the form of4 C"D " dis2u"lifi("tion from testif*in$= or CbD
to " spe(ifi( 2uestion r"ised. Gnder the &ules of Court, ob7e(tion to " 2uestion
propounded in the (ourse of the or"l e"min"tion of " 'itness sh"ll be m"de "s soon "s
the $rounds therefor sh"ll be(ome re"son"bl* "pp"rent C&ule 152, Se(. 58D. %he "d#erse
p"rt* m"* mo#e to dis2u"lif* the 'itness or to stri+e out his "ffid"#it or "n* of the
"ns'ers found in it on $round of in"dmissibilit*. %he (ourt sh"ll promptl* rule on the
motion "nd, if $r"nted, sh"ll ("use the m"r+in$ of "n* e(luded "ns'er b* pl"(in$ it in
br"(+ets under the initi"ls of "n "uthori0ed (ourt personnel, 'ithout pre7udi(e to " tender
of e(luded e#iden(e under Se(tion 40 of &ule 152 of the &ules of Court.
[%his is 3"rt 9 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
'o! should the part presentin$ the !itness identif and &ar)
docu&entar evidence?
%he p"rtiesE do(ument"r* or ob7e(t e#iden(e, if "n*, 'hi(h sh"ll be "tt"(hed to the
7udi(i"l "ffid"#its "nd m"r+ed "s .hibits A, F, C, "nd so on in the ("se of the
(ompl"in"nt or the pl"intiff, "nd "s .hibits 1, 2, 5, "nd so on in the ("se of the
respondent or the defend"nt.
'o! can the part or !itness )eep the ori$inal of the docu&entar or
o"%ect evidence?
)iti$"nts "nd 'itnesses, for $ood re"sons, often prefer to +eep the ori$in"l of the
do(ument th"t is to be presented in "nd submitted to the (ourt. %he &ule pro#ides for the
follo'in$ pro(edure4
1. Attach the docu&ent or evidence to the %udicial affidavit of the !itness(es. %his
must be done ob#iousl* before the pre-tri"l (onferen(e or the he"rin$. %his is done b*
"tt"(hin$ the photo(op* of the do(ument, or the reprodu(tion or photo$r"ph of the ob7e(t
e#iden(e. %he &ule pro#ides th"t should " p"rt* or " 'itness desire to +eep the ori$in"l
do(ument or ob7e(t e#iden(e in his possession, he m"*, "fter the s"me h"s been
identified, m"r+ed "s ehibit, "nd "uthenti("ted, '"rr"nt in his 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it th"t the
(op* or reprodu(tion "tt"(hed to su(h "ffid"#it is " f"ithful (op* or reprodu(tion of th"t
2. *rin$ the ori$inal durin$ the pre+trial or preli&inar conference. %his is re2uired
under pre-tri"l rules, so the do(ument m"* be prelimin"ril* m"r+ed "s e#iden(e "nd
(omp"red 'ith the ori$in"l, if needed. %he &ule pro#ides th"t the p"rt* or 'itness sh"ll
brin$ the ori$in"l do(ument or ob7e(t e#iden(e for (omp"rison durin$ the prelimin"r*
(onferen(e 'ith the "tt"(hed (op*, reprodu(tion, or pi(tures, f"ilin$ 'hi(h the l"tter sh"ll
not be "dmitted. As pro#ided under pre-tri"l rules "nd reiter"ted in the &ule, e#iden(e not
pre-m"r+ed sh"ll not be "dmissible "s e#iden(e. %he &ule indi("tes th"t the pre-m"r+in$
is done b* the p"rties themsel#es, not the (ler+ of (ourt "s pro#ided in the eistin$ pre-
tri"l rules. ,f so, the re2uirement of prelimin"r* (onferen(e under Cir(ul"r No. A.M. No.
05-1-0;-SC CIuidelines to be Obser#ed b* %ri"l Court -ud$es "nd Cler+s of Court in the
Condu(t of 3re-%ri"l "nd use of :eposition-:is(o#er* Me"suresD, 'hi(h is (ondu(ted
before the pretri"l (onferen(e for the purpose of pre-m"r+in$ do(uments before the (ler+
of (ourt, should be dispensed 'ith "nd re#ised/deleted from the rules of pro(edure to
"#oid surplus"$e.
Ne#ertheless, there m"* be "n inst"n(e 'hen " p"rt* 'ould subse2uentl* '"nt to ret"in
"n ori$in"l pre#iousl* "tt"(hed to the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it. %he &ule does not pro#ide for the
pro(edure in su(h ("se. ,t is re(ommended th"t if the p"rt* "tt"(hed the ori$in"l to the
7udi(i"l "ffid"#it "nd 'ould '"nt to ret"in possession of th"t ori$in"l do(ument, the p"rt*
must, durin$ the present"tion of the 'itness, re2uest th"t the (op* be (omp"red to the
ori$in"l, re2uest for " stipul"tion th"t the (op* is " f"ithful reprodu(tion of the ori$in"l,
"nd re2uest th"t the m"r+in$ be tr"nsferred to the (op*.
[%his is 3"rt 8 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%he "d#erse p"rt* sh"ll h"#e the ri$ht to (ross-e"mine the 'itness on his 7udi(i"l
"ffid"#it "nd on the ehibits "tt"(hed to the s"me. %he p"rt* 'ho presents the 'itness
m"* "lso e"mine him "s on re-dire(t. ,n e#er* ("se, the (ourt sh"ll t"+e "(ti#e p"rt in
e"minin$ the 'itness to determine his (redibilit* "s 'ell "s the truth of his testimon*
"nd to eli(it the "ns'ers th"t it needs for resol#in$ the issues.
[%his is 3"rt ; of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%here is no need for " 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it if the 'itness is ("lled to testif* throu$h "
subpoen". ,f the $o#ernment emplo*ee or offi(i"l, or the re2uested 'itness, un7ustifi"bl*
de(lines to ee(ute " 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it or refuses 'ithout 7ust ("use to m"+e the rele#"nt
boo+s, do(uments, or other thin$s under his (ontrol "#"il"ble for (op*in$, "uthenti("tion,
"nd e#entu"l produ(tion in (ourt, the re2uestin$ p"rt* m"* "#"il himself of the issu"n(e
of " subpoen" "d testifi("ndum or du(es te(um under &ule 21 of the &ules of Court. %he
rules $o#ernin$ the issu"n(e of " subpoen" to the 'itness in this ("se sh"ll be the s"me "s
'hen t"+in$ his deposition e(ept th"t the t"+in$ of " 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it sh"ll be
understood to be e p"rte.
On the other h"nd, this pro#ision epressl* "pplies to re2uested 'itnesses 'ho "re neither
the 'itness of the "d#erse p"rt* nor " hostile 'itness. Jh"tEs the re"son for the
e(lusionH Jh"t rule should "ppl*H
[%his is 3"rt 10 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%he form"l offer of do(ument"r* or ob7e(t e#iden(e sh"ll be m"de upon the termin"tion
of the testimon* of " p"rt*Es l"st 'itness. %his ob#iousl* me"ns th"t this is done 'hen "
p"rt* rests its ("se, "nd not e#er* time the testimon* of e"(h 'itness is termin"ted.
%he form"l offer is m"de or"ll* in open (ourt, 'hi(h sho's "n ob#ious intent to do "'"*
'ith the option of filin$ " 'ritten form"l offer of e#iden(e "llo'ed under eistin$ rules.
A p"rt* sh"ll immedi"tel* m"+e "n or"l offer of e#iden(e of his do(ument"r* or ob7e(t
ehibits, pie(e b* pie(e, in their (hronolo$i("l order, st"tin$ the purpose or purposes for
'hi(h he offers the p"rti(ul"r ehibit.
After e"(h pie(e of ehibit is offered, the "d#erse p"rt* sh"ll st"te the le$"l $round for his
ob7e(tion, if "n*, to its "dmission, "nd the (ourt sh"ll immedi"tel* m"+e its rulin$
respe(tin$ th"t ehibit.
Sin(e the do(ument"r* or ob7e(t ehibits form p"rt of the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#its th"t des(ribe
"nd "uthenti("te them, it is suffi(ient th"t su(h ehibits "re simpl* (ited b* their m"r+in$s
durin$ the offer of e#iden(e, the ob7e(tions, "nd the rulin$s, dispensin$ 'ith the
des(ription of e"(h ehibit.
[%his is 3"rt 11 of 11 of the dis(ussion on the Judicial Affidavit Rule, so re"d the
,ntrodu(tion first= See full tet of A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC, "ppro#in$ the -udi(i"l Affid"#it
%here "re different (onse2uen(es in ("se of4 C1D f"ilure to file the 7udi(i"l "ffid"#it= C1D
f"ilure to (ompl* 'ith the pres(ribed re2uirements= or C5D "bsen(e durin$ the s(heduled
tri"l d"te.
,- Failure to file %udicial affidavit
A p"rt* 'ho f"ils to submit the re2uired 7udi(i"l "ffid"#its "nd ehibits on time sh"ll be
deemed to h"#e '"i#ed their submission. %he &ule "llo's for "n e(eption, pro#ided the
follo'in$ re2uirements "re present4
". ,t must be 'ith le"#e of (ourt. %he (ourt h"s the dis(retion 'hether to "llo' it.
b. %he del"* must be for " #"lid re"son. %he &ule does not indi("te "t 'h"t point the l"te
submission is "llo'ed. %he "bo#e-2uoted pro#ision, 'hi(h "pplies to (rimin"l ("ses, tri"l
st"rts 'ith the present"tion of the first 'itness Csee &ule 50 of the &ules of CourtD, 'hi(h
$i#es the impression th"t no "ddition"l "ffid"#its or e#iden(e m"* be "llo'ed upon
present"tion of the first 'itness. ,f this so, 'ill this "lso "ppl* to non-(rimin"l ("sesH
(. ,t 'ould not undul* pre7udi(e the opposin$ p"rt*. %his is 2uite surprisin$ (onsiderin$
th"t "n* "ddition"l e#iden(e n"tur"ll* f"#ors the presentin$ p"rt* "nd, therefore,
pre7udi(es the other p"rt*.
d. %he def"ultin$ p"rt* p"*s " fine of not less th"n 31,000.00 nor more th"n 36,000.00, "t
the dis(retion of the (ourt.
e. ,t is "#"iled onl* on(e.
%his is the $ener"l pro#ision "nd it is not (le"r 'hether the e(eption "lso "pplies to
(rimin"l ("ses. %he spe(ifi( rule for (rimin"l ("ses pro#ide th"t4 ANo further 7udi(i"l
"ffid"#it, do(ument"r*, or ob7e(t e#iden(e sh"ll be "dmitted "t the tri"l.B %his $i#es the
impression th"t the e(eption "pplies onl* in (rimin"l ("ses.
.- Failure to co&pl !ith re/uired contents
%he (ourt sh"ll not "dmit "s e#iden(e 7udi(i"l "ffid"#its th"t do not (onform to the
(ontent re2uirements of Se(tion 5 "nd the "ttest"tion re2uirement of Se(tion 4 "bo#e. %he
(ourt m"*, ho'e#er, "llo' onl* on(e the subse2uent submission of the (ompli"nt
repl"(ement "ffid"#its before the he"rin$ or tri"l pro#ided the del"* is for " #"lid re"son
"nd 'ould not undul* pre7udi(e the opposin$ p"rt* "nd pro#ided further, th"t publi( or
pri#"te (ounsel responsible for their prep"r"tion "nd submission p"*s " fine of not less
th"n 3l,000.00 nor more th"n 36,000.00, "t the dis(retion of the (ourt.
0- A"sence durin$ the scheduled trial date
%he (ourt sh"ll not (onsider the "ffid"#it of "n* 'itness 'ho f"ils to "ppe"r "t the
s(heduled he"rin$ of the ("se "s re2uired. Counsel 'ho f"ils to "ppe"r 'ithout #"lid
("use despite noti(e sh"ll be deemed to h"#e '"i#ed his (lientEs ri$ht to (onfront b*
(ross-e"min"tion the 'itnesses there present.

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