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Ulum Ardian Bahri

State University of Malang
ABSTRACT: The fertility of the land owned by ndonesia many are used according to the
rules that a!!ly without regard to long-term im!acts resulting from the !rocessing of land.
"egative im!act u!on agricultural land and the environment need to get serious attention#
because of industrial waste that contaminates agricultural land contains a number of harmful
chemical elements that can contaminate water bodies and soil and cro! damage and result in
even further on the health of living beings. $ontamination of land is a state in which manmad
chemicals enter and alterhe natural soil environment. Soil !ollution im!acts on health#
ecosystem# and agriculture. %andling of the im!act of soil contamination can be done with the
remediation and bioremediation.
Key words: soil contamination# the im!act of !ollution# !ollution im!act management
&e all 'now that ndonesia is a country very rich in natural resources. (ne such !ro!erty#
ndonesia has a very fertile ground for being in the area that young age# so that in it there are
many volcanoes are young again able to restore the surface that is rich in nutrients.
But over time# the fertility of the land owned by ndonesia many are used according to
the rules that a!!ly without regard to long-term im!acts resulting from the !rocessing of land.
(ne of them# the im!lementation of develo!ment in the country could no doubt have led to
many !ositive effects for society# such as construction and mining industries have created
new )obs for residents in the vicinity. But the success is often followed by the negative im!act
of adverse !ublic and the environment .
*evelo!ment of industrial +ones in agricultural areas and the surrounding area cause a
reduction in agriculture# !ollution of soil and water bodies which can degrade the ,uality and
,uantity of results - agricultural !roducts# the disru!tion of comfort and health of humans or
other living creatures. &hile mining activities causing soil damage# erosion and
sedimentation# as well as drought. *amage caused by mining activities are changed or the
loss of the earth.s surface /landsca!e0# es!ecially mining conducted o!enly /o!ened mining0
left huge holes in the earth.s surface. To obtain the ore mines# !eeled and e1cavated soil
surface using heavy e,ui!ment. The manager of the mining area mined to leave )ust li'e that
without doing rehabilitation or reclamation efforts.
"egative im!act u!on agricultural land and the environment need to get serious attention#
because of industrial waste that contaminates agricultural land contains a number of harmful
chemical elements that can contaminate water bodies and soil and cro! damage and result in
even further on the health of living beings. Based on these facts# it is re,uired that addresses
the s!ecial assessment of soil !ollution and its im!act on the surrounding environment.
Therefore# this !a!er will discuss the im!act on the environment due to soil contamination.
Understanding of Soi Po!tion
$ontamination of land is a state in which man-made chemicals enter and alter the natural
soil environment. $ontamination usually occurs due to lea'age of li,uid wastes or industrial
chemicals or commercial facilities2 the use of !esticides2 the entry of contaminated surface
water into the sub-surface layer2 oil trans!ort vehicle accidents# chemical substances# or
waste# waste water from a landfill and industrial wastes are directly discharged into the soil
are not eligible /illegal dum!ing0.
&hen a substance is ha+ardous - to1ic have !olluted the soil surface# so it can eva!orate#
and the rain washed away or into the ground. 3ollution that enters the soil and then de!osited
as to1ic chemicals in soil. To1ic substances in the soil may have a direct im!act to humans
when in contact or can contaminate groundwater and the air above it.
I"#a$t of Soi Po!tion
The im!act of soil !ollution on health de!ends on the ty!e of !ollutant# !athway into the
body and the vulnerability of affected !o!ulations. $hromium# a wide range of !esticides and
herbicides are carcinogenic to all !o!ulations. 4ead is very dangerous in children# because it
can cause brain damage# and 'idney damage in the entire !o!ulation.
$hronic e1!osure /flooding0 to ben+ene at a certain concentration can increase the
chances of develo!ing leu'emia. Mercury /mercury0 and si'lodiena 'nown to cause 'idney
damage# some can not even be treated. 3$Bs and related si'lodiena on liver
to1icity.5armabat organo!hos!hate and may cause muscle nerves. 6arious solvents
containing chlorine stimulates changes in the liver and 'idneys and a decrease in the central
nervous system. There are several ty!es of health effects that loo'ed li'e headache# di++iness#
fatigue# eye irritation and s'in rashes to e1!osure to chemicals mentioned above. &hat is
clear# in large doses# can cause soil contamination *eath.
Soil contamination can also im!act on ecosystems. $hanges in soil chemical radicals can
arise from the !resence of to1ic chemicals - ha+ardous even at low doses though. These
changes can cause changes in metabolism of endemic microorganisms and arthro!ods that
live in the soil environment. The result can even eliminate some of the !rimary s!ecies of the
food chain# which can give a great result against !redators or other levels of the food chain.
7ven if the chemical effects on the lowest form of life is low# the bottom of the food !yramid
can ingest foreign chemicals which time they will be concentrated on the creatures of the
inhabitants of the !yramid. Many of these effects are seen at this time# as the concentration of
**T in birds causes the eggshell fragility# increased levels of seedling death and the !ossible
loss of s!ecies.
The im!act on agriculture# es!ecially changes in !lant metabolism# which in turn can
cause a decrease in agricultural out!ut. This can cause further im!act on the conservation of
!lants where the !lants are not able to hold the soil from erosion. Some of these contaminants
have long half-life and in other cases derivative chemicals are formed from the !rimary soil
Handing of Red!$ing T%e I"#a$t of Po!tion
There are several ste!s handlers to reduce the im!act caused by soil !ollution. Among
them: 8emediation activities to clean u! the contaminated soil surface. There are two ty!es of
soil remediation# namely in-situ /or on-site0 and e1-situ /or off-site0. (n-site cleaning is
cleaning at the site. $leaning is chea!er and easier# consists of cleaning# venting /in)ection0#
and bioremediation.
(ff-site clean u! includes e1cavation of contaminated soil and then ta'en to a safe
area.After that the area is safe# the land cleared of contaminants. The tric' is# the ground is
stored in tan's - tan'-!roof# then the cleaning agent is !um!ed into the tub - tan'.9urthermore
!ollutants !um!ed out of the tub which is then !rocessed by the installation of waste water
!rocessing. (ff-site cleaning is much more e1!ensive and com!licated. Bioremediation is the
cleaning !rocess soil contamination with microorganisms /fungi# bacteria0. Bioremediation
aims to brea' down or degrade contaminants into less to1ic materials or non-to1ic /carbon
dio1ide and water0.
$ontamination of land s a state in which man-made chemicals enter and alter the natural
soil environment. $ontamination usually occurs due to lea'age of li,uid wastes or industrial
chemicals or commercial facilities2 the use of !esticides2 the entry of contaminated surface
water into the sub-surface layer2 oil trans!ort vehicle accidents# chemical substances# or
waste# waste water from a landfill and industrial wastes are directly discharged into the soil
are not eligible /illegal dum!ing0. There are several ways to reduce the im!act of soil
contamination# including the remediation and bioremidiasi. 8emediation is away to clean
surfaces contaminated soil. &hile bioremediation by soil contamination cleanu! !rocess
using microorganisms /fungi# bacteria0.
To better understand all about the !ollution of soil# readers are advised to find other
references relating to the material in this !a!er. n addition# it is ho!ed the reader after
reading this !a!er is able to a!!ly them in everyday life - day in conserving the soil and its
constituent !resent in it.
Bachri# Moch. :;;<. =eologi 4ing'ungan. $6. A'sara# Malang. ::> hal.
Soe'arto. S. T. :;?<. 3enelitian (rganole!ti' Untu' ndustri 3angan dan %asil 3ertanian.
Bhatara 5arya A'sara# @a'arta. :>: hal.
&i'i!edia. >AAB. 3encemaran Tanah /(n-line0.
htt!:--id.wi'i!'i-!encemaranCtanah. dia'ses >; "ovember >A::.

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