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ALCplus2e IDU
Ethernet Enhanced functionality
ALS series equipment with ALCplus2e I DU
management software application
Release 1.0
User manual
MN.00268.E - 002
Volume 1/ 1
The information contained in this handbook is subject to change without notice.
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WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 1
FOREWORD............................................................................................................................ 11
WEB LCT APPLICATION.......................................................................................................... 12
WEB LCT ALCPLUS2E IDU APPLICATION ................................................................................ 15
VERSION........................................................................................................................... 16
LIMITS.............................................................................................................................. 17
INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................... 18
START-UP .............................................................................................................................. 19
START-UP FROM BROWSER ................................................................................................. 20
To open the WEB LCT page from browser (Ethernet connection) ......................................... 20
To open the WEB LCT page from browser (USB connection) ............................................... 20
Messages displayed at the start of WEB LCT..................................................................... 21
START-UP FROM SCT/LMT ................................................................................................... 22
WEB LCT ALCPLUS2E PAGE .................................................................................................... 23
EQUIPMENT MENU AREA ..................................................................................................... 24
EQUIPMENT INFO AREA....................................................................................................... 25
USERS AREA...................................................................................................................... 27
User Profile parameter .................................................................................................. 27
[Logout] parameter ...................................................................................................... 27
[Logged Users] parameter ............................................................................................. 27
To verify the users connected to the equipment .......................................................... 28
To force the logout of a user .................................................................................... 28
REMOTE ELEMENTS LIST AREA............................................................................................. 29
To verify the remote equipment list................................................................................. 29
To add a station to the list ............................................................................................. 30
To rename a station of the list........................................................................................ 30
To remove a station of the list ........................................................................................ 31
To add an equipment to the list ...................................................................................... 31
To remove an equipment from the list ............................................................................. 32
To reset the remote equipment list ................................................................................. 32
To open the WEB LCT page of an equipment of the list (Remote Link).................................. 32
Remote equipment list (more info).................................................................................. 32
CONTEXTUAL AREA............................................................................................................. 34
EQUIPMENT STATUS AREA................................................................................................... 36
To verify the active manual operations ............................................................................ 37
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 2
To verify/modify the manual operation timeout................................................................. 38
Alarm and status signals (more info)............................................................................... 38
EQUIPMENT MENU ................................................................................................................. 39
MAIN................................................................................................................................ 40
Equipment Properties.................................................................................................... 41
To verify the equipment properties (type, ID, SNMP IP address, firmware version, etc.) ... 41
To modify the equipment identifier............................................................................ 42
To modify the IP address of the agent SNMP of the equipment...................................... 42
To align the reference date/time of the equipment to the current date/time of the PC ...... 42
To verify the equipment addresses (Ethernet port, LCT port, MAC address,
IP Over OSI port, NSAP) .......................................................................................... 42
To verify the functionalities enabled for the equipment ................................................ 43
To enable the new functionalities .............................................................................. 43
To verify the equipment units................................................................................... 44
To execute the equipment software reset................................................................... 44
Port Configuration & ACL ............................................................................................... 45
To verify/modify the Ethernet port configuration ......................................................... 46
To verify/modify the LCT PPP port configuration.......................................................... 47
To verify/modify the Line EOC port configuration......................................................... 48
To verify/modify the Radio port configuration ............................................................. 49
To verify/modify the Radio 1A port configuration......................................................... 50
To verify/modify the Radio 2A port configuration......................................................... 50
To verify/modify the IP Over OSI port configuration .................................................... 51
To verify the rules used by the IP Access Control List................................................... 53
To add a rule to the IP Access Control List.................................................................. 54
To remove a rule from the IP Access Control List......................................................... 54
To enable/disable the use of the IP Access Control List ................................................ 54
To execute the equipment software reset................................................................... 55
IP Access Control List (more info) ............................................................................. 55
Routing Table............................................................................................................... 56
To verify the Routing Table and the Default Gateway currently used by the equipment..... 56
To add an element to the Routing Table..................................................................... 57
To remove one or more elements from the Routing Table............................................. 57
To set/modify the IP Address used as Default Gateway ................................................ 57
To delete the IP Address used as Default Gateway ...................................................... 58
Routing Table and Default Gateway (more info) .......................................................... 58
Stored Routing Table .................................................................................................... 59
To verify the Routing Table and the Default Gateway present into the backup
memory of the controller ......................................................................................... 59
To add an element into the Stored Routing Table ........................................................ 60
To remove one or more elements from the Stored Routing Table................................... 60
To set/modify the IP Address used as Default Gateway into the Stored Routing Table ...... 61
To delete the IP address used as Default Gateway into the Stored Routing Table............. 61
Performance Monitoring................................................................................................. 62
Measures available for the ALCplus2e equipment ........................................................ 63
Quality parameters description (PM measures) ........................................................... 64
To verify the status of the PM measures..................................................................... 67
To activate a PM measure ........................................................................................ 67
To activate all PM measures in a group contemporaneously .......................................... 68
To deactivate a PM measure..................................................................................... 68
To deactivate all PM measure in a group contemporaneously ........................................ 68
G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure........................................................... 69
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
G829 RstB1 STM-1 measure............................................................................... 69
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary) ........................................... 70
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 3
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms .............................................................. 71
To activate a measure ....................................................................................... 71
To deactivate a measure.................................................................................... 71
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)............... 71
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms
(G829 RstB1 STM-1) ......................................................................................... 72
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure ...................................................... 74
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 measure .......................................................................... 74
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms
(G829 MstB2M1 STM-1)..................................................................................... 75
G828 Radio <radio branch> measure ........................................................................ 78
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
G828 Radio measure......................................................................................... 78
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Radio) ....... 79
G828 E1 Line Side measure ..................................................................................... 81
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
G828 E1 Line Side measure................................................................................ 81
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 E1...)......... 82
To set the 2Mbit/s tributary used for the measure (G828 E1...) ............................... 84
G828 E1 Radio Side measure ................................................................................... 85
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
G828 E1 Radio Side measure.............................................................................. 85
G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> measure................ 87
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
G828 Vc12... measure....................................................................................... 87
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Vc12...) ..... 88
ACM Radio <radio branch> measure ......................................................................... 91
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the
ACM Radio measure .......................................................................................... 91
To change the type of the displayed counters (ACM Radio) ..................................... 93
To set the thresholds of the alarms (ACM Radio) ................................................... 93
To modify the modality used to increase the counters (ACM Radio).......................... 95
RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure....................................................................... 97
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the RxPwr Radio
measure.......................................................................................................... 97
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (RxPwr Radio) .................... 98
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (RxPwr Radio) ...... 99
TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure ......................................................................100
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the TxPwr Radio
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (TxPwr Radio) ...................101
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (TxPwr Radio) .....102
PM measures (more info)........................................................................................103
Report & Loggers Maint. ...............................................................................................104
To save the equipment configuration, the alarm/status signals and the operations
executed by the users to file ...................................................................................104
To delete the signals stored into the equipment controller ...........................................105
To delete the operations list stored into the equipment controller .................................105
SNTP & Wake Up Config. ..............................................................................................106
To verify the SNTP functionality ...............................................................................106
To set the execution parameters and activate the SNTP functionality ............................107
To disable the SNTP functionality .............................................................................107
To verify the Wake Up functionality status.................................................................107
To set the execution parameters and activate the Wake Up functionality .......................108
To disable the Wake Up functionality ........................................................................108
SNTP functionality (more info).................................................................................109
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 4
Wake Up functionality (more info)............................................................................109
SD Memory Management..............................................................................................110
To verify the status and the configuration of the SD memory.......................................110
To execute the automatic equipment restart from SD memory in case of replacement
of IDU unit............................................................................................................111
To execute the automatic update of the equipment software from SD memory...............112
To execute the management and maintenance of the SD memory................................113
To delete the configuration data and/or the equipment sw from the SD memory ......114
To disable the automatic equipment restart from SD memory ................................114
To disable the deletion of the equipment sw present in the standby memory
bench after an automatic sw update from SD memory ..........................................114
To force the restore of the configuration data and of the equipment sw from the
SD memory to the controller .............................................................................114
To copy the equipment sw from the SD memory to the controller (Sw Dwl SD) ........114
SD memory card (more info)...................................................................................115
Software Info & Maint. .................................................................................................117
To verify the firmware version of the equipment ........................................................117
To update the firmware of the equipment..................................................................118
To switch the functioning of the memory benches relevant to the main controller ...........119
To verify the WEB LCT version present into the equipment ..........................................119
To update the WEB LCT application ..........................................................................120
To verify the communication stack in use..................................................................120
To modify the communication stack in use ................................................................120
To restore Factory Default of the equipment ..............................................................121
To execute the equipment software reset..................................................................121
Update of the equipment firmware (more info) ..........................................................121
Factory Default of the equipment (more info) ............................................................122
Backup/Restore Config. ................................................................................................123
To save the whole equipment configuration (configuration backup)...............................123
To transfer the equipment configuration previously saved (configuration restore) ...........123
To retrieve the equipment configuration automatically saved by the program before
the last operation of configuration restore (configuration revert) ..................................124
Backup/restore of the equipment configuration (more info) .........................................124
Alarm Severity Config. .................................................................................................125
To verify the severity level and the enabling/forwarding status of the alarms .................125
To enable/disable an alarm.....................................................................................126
To enable/disable the forwarding of the trap of an alarm.............................................126
To change the severity level of an alarm...................................................................126
Enabling/forwarding/severity of an alarm (more info) .................................................127
User Manager .............................................................................................................128
To verify the user list .............................................................................................128
To add a user to the list..........................................................................................128
To modify a user into the list ...................................................................................129
To delete a user from the list...................................................................................130
To change the password and the timeout of the System user.......................................130
To change the network password and timeout ...........................................................130
To change the password and the timeout of the NMS5UX user .....................................131
To verify/modify the IP address of Permanent Login ...................................................131
User list (more info)...............................................................................................132
Configurator ...............................................................................................................134
To verify/modify the radio configuration....................................................................134
To verify/modify the management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality...........................134
To verify/modify the management of synchronisation .................................................135
To verify/modify the management of STM-1 streams..................................................135
To verify/modify the management of the East-West modality.......................................135
To verify/modify the mapping of tributaries A and B with Radio E1s..............................136
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 5
BW & Mod./Link ID ......................................................................................................137
To verify the reference band/modulation, the operating status and the configuration
parameters of the adaptive modulation.....................................................................137
To modify the reference band/modulation .................................................................138
To modify the operating status of the adaptive modulation..........................................139
To modify the power profile of the RF transmitter (ACM enabled) .................................139
To modify the lower threshold and the upper threshold of the modulation (ACM enabled) 139
To modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams)........140
To modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams) ...140
To verify/modify the link identification number ..........................................................140
To verify/modify the priority of the dynamic E1 stream...............................................140
Adaptive modulation (more info)..............................................................................141
General Preset ............................................................................................................143
To verify/modify the threshold level of the signal at reception......................................143
To verify/modify the radio branch label .....................................................................143
To verify/modify the status of the local/remote synchronization protocol .......................143
To verify/modify the enabling status of the switch in transmission................................144
To verify/modify the T and N parameters ..................................................................144
To reset the Transmitter Switch on Remote... alarm...................................................145
Local/remote synchronization protocol (more info) .....................................................145
To verify the configuration parameters of the XPIC function.........................................146
To disable temporarily the function XPIC for a single branch ........................................147
To restore the XPIC function of the single branch .......................................................147
To enable/disable XPIC fault management procedure (FMP).........................................147
To restore the function XPIC after a fault detection.....................................................147
XPIC function (more info) .......................................................................................148
To verify the status and configuration of the T0 and T4 synchronism..................................149
To force the status of the T0 synchronisation...................................................................151
To set the modality from which the T4 synchronism is extracted ........................................151
To enable/disable the T4 Squelch...................................................................................151
To set the Hold Off Time parameter ...............................................................................152
To set the WTR Time parameter ....................................................................................152
To set the threshold levels of the LTI alarm.....................................................................152
To enable/disable the use of the source quality into the choice criterion of the synchronism...153
To set the minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4 synchronism...............153
To verify the status and configuration of the synchronism sources......................................153
To enable/disable the use of a synchronism source ..........................................................155
To modify the use priority of a synchronism source ..........................................................156
To force the use of a synchronism source........................................................................156
To set a synchronism source as preferential ....................................................................157
To set the signal used as synchronism source for T2/T3-2 input .........................................157
To set the signal used as synchronism source for TE LAN-A or TE LAN-B input .....................158
To force the quality level in input and/or output of a synchronism source ............................158
To restore the availability of a source for the selection of the T0 synchronism without
waiting for the expiry of Wait Time ................................................................................159
To manage the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A/B and set the interface
(output/input) of tributary A/B ......................................................................................159
To re-timing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation..........160
Management of synchronisation (more info)....................................................................161
Synchronism sources .............................................................................................161
Internal synchronism T0 .........................................................................................164
Synchronism in output T4 .......................................................................................165
Synchronism in output T12 .....................................................................................165
Re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation....165
Implementation of the function for the E1s of the base board (tributary A and B) .....166
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 6
Implementation of the function for the E1s of the expansion (tributary 1...n) ...........166
BASE BAND ......................................................................................................................168
Ethernet Switch (Enh.) .................................................................................................169
Common Parameters..............................................................................................170
To verify/modify the Eth Type value in the S_Tag QinQ field ..................................170
To verify/modify the maximum size of the accepted packet ...................................170
To verify/modify the address learning modality in MAC Table .................................171
To verify/modify the aging time of the addresses stored in the MAC Table ...............171
To reset the MAC Table.....................................................................................171
To restore Factory Default of the Ethernet Switch.................................................172
To verify/modify the hysteresis of the Link Loss Forwarding modality......................172
To verify the existing virtual LANs ......................................................................172
To create a virtual Lan......................................................................................173
To modify the configuration of a virtual Lan.........................................................174
To delete a virtual Lan......................................................................................174
To verify/modify the status of fragmentation of Ethernet packets ...........................174
Ethernet Enhanced Switch (more info) ................................................................175
Priority Radio To Lan..............................................................................................177
To verify/modify the output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to
depending on its 802.1p priority Tag ..................................................................177
To verify/modify the output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to
depending on its PTOS/DSCP field......................................................................177
Priority Lan To Radio ..............................................................................................179
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to
depending on its native 802.1p priority Tag.........................................................179
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packet is assigned to
depending on its native MPLS priority Tag ...........................................................180
To verify/modify the correspondence between MPLS priority and 802.1p priority
of the packets if input from LAN ports and in output from Radio ports .....................180
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to
depending on its PTOS/DSCP field......................................................................181
To verify/modify the compression of the fields of Ethernet packets in input from
LAN ports .......................................................................................................182
LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.) ...................................................184
To verify/modify the enabling status of the external port.............................................186
To verify/modify the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of the external port.............186
To verify/modify the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is
inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by the external port....186
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of the external port...................187
To verify/modify the automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table
for the external port...............................................................................................187
To restart the auto negotiation procedure for the external port ....................................188
To verify/modify the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) for the external
port .....................................................................................................................188
To verify/modify the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles
of the line synchronism for the external port .............................................................188
To verify/modify the interface type of the external port...............................................189
To verify/modify the modality and the criteria used to limit the traffic in input from
the external port ...................................................................................................189
To verify the current management modality of protocol 802.1Q ...................................191
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from
the external port to the output queue of the Radio ports .............................................191
To verify/modify the value for Port Default and 802.1p priority ....................................192
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan
of the external port ................................................................................................192
To verify/modify the Service Tag List table................................................................193
To verify/modify the emptying algorithm of the packets present in the output queue
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 7
of the external ports ..............................................................................................194
To verify/modify the default VID value of the external port..........................................194
To force the value of VID of the external port to the default value ................................195
To verify/modify the management of the 802.1Q field on the messages in input from
the external port ...................................................................................................195
To verify/modify the traffic transport modality (point-point or Bridge)...........................195
To verify/modify the management of Provider Tag in the packets in input from
the external port in selective mode ..........................................................................196
To verify/modify the management of Tag of the packets (in origin without Tag)
in input from the external port.................................................................................196
To verify/overwrite the C-VID value of the packets in input from the external port
and forwarded to the Radio, with a different VID........................................................197
To verify the list of VIDs registered in VLAN Table Unit and associated to the external
port .....................................................................................................................197
To verify/modify the management of the external port in Provider mode .......................198
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the external port...198
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol ...........199
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the external port...............................200
To verify/modify the priority of the external port (SPT/ELP) .........................................200
To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (STP/ELP) .............................200
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Ethernet line protection ..........201
To enable/disable the Ethernet line protection for the external port ..............................202
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode ......................202
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the external port ..........................................203
To verify/modify the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality
of the external port ................................................................................................203
To activate/deactivate the loop on line side of the external port ...................................204
To verify the current status of the laser (external port) ...............................................204
To verify the type of laser module (external port) ......................................................204
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser (external port)...................................205
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser (external port) .............................205
To enable manually the laser transmission (external port)...........................................206
To execute the test laser functioning status (external port) .........................................206
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (more info) .................................................................207
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) (more info) ................................................................207
Ethernet Line Protection of the equipment (ELP equipment) ...................................207
Trunking mode (more info) .....................................................................................208
Ethernet Trunking mode (LAN ports) ..................................................................208
Port A (Enh.), Port B (Enh.) ..........................................................................................209
To verify/modify the enabling status of the internal port .............................................210
To verify/modify the automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table
for the internal port ...............................................................................................210
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from
the internal port to the output queue of the LAN ports ................................................211
To verify/modify the value for Port Default ................................................................211
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan
of the internal port.................................................................................................211
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of the internal port ...................212
To verify/modify the enabling status of the S_Gentle functionality of the internal port .....212
To verify/modify the integration constant on the drop possibility in a RED context
(internal port) .......................................................................................................212
To verify/modify the configuration of the output queues of the internal port...................213
To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from
the internal port ....................................................................................................215
To force the value of VID of the internal port to the default value.................................216
To verify/modify the default VID value of the internal port ..........................................216
To verify/overwrite the C-VID value of the packets in input from the internal port
and forwarded to a LAN port, with a different C-VID...................................................216
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the internal port ...217
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 8
To verify the status of the internal port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol............217
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the internal port................................218
To verify/modify the priority of the internal port (STP)................................................219
To verify/modify the connection cost of the internal port (STP) ....................................219
Spanning Tree.............................................................................................................220
To verify/modify the version of the Spanning Tree protocol .........................................220
To verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets ...................................220
To verify/modify the Forward Delay interval ..............................................................221
To verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets .......................................221
To verify the status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol .........221
To verify the MAC Address of a Bridge ......................................................................222
To verify/modify the priority of a Bridge....................................................................222
To verify the status of the external ports in relation to the Ethernet line protection.........222
TDM Tributaries...........................................................................................................224
E1 .......................................................................................................................225
To verify the status and configuration of the 2Mbit/s tributaries ............................225
To modify the label of a tributary .......................................................................226
To activate/deactivate the 2Mbit/s tributaries use.................................................226
To activate/deactivate the 2Mbit/s tributary loops ................................................226
To modify the management status of LOS alarm..................................................227
Lim A STM-1 [x] ..............................................................................................229
To verify/modify the status of the STM-1 stream............................................229
To verify/modify the status of the STM-1 loops (line side and inner side) ...........229
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte...................230
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received
as J0 Trace Identifier ..................................................................................230
To verify the status of the STM-1 alarms .......................................................231
To verify/modify the B2 Signal Degrade alarm threshold .................................231
To verify/modify the B2 Excessive BER alarm threshold...................................231
To verify the current status of the laser.........................................................232
To verify the type of laser module ................................................................232
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser ............................................232
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser .......................................233
To enable manually the laser transmission.....................................................233
To execute the test laser functioning status ...................................................234
Lim A VC-4 [x] ................................................................................................236
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J1 Trace Identifier byte...................236
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received
as J1 Trace Identifier ..................................................................................236
To verify the status of the VC-4 alarms .........................................................237
To verify/modify the B3 Signal Degrade alarm threshold .................................237
To verify/modify the B3 Excessive BER alarm threshold...................................237
To verify/modify the Signal Label value.........................................................237
VC-12 ..................................................................................................................239
VC-12 Thresholds ............................................................................................240
To verify/modify the VC-12 Signal Degrade alarm threshold.............................240
To verify/modify the VC-12 Excessive BER alarm threshold..............................240
Lim A VC-12 [x]...............................................................................................241
To verify the alarms status of the VC-12 .......................................................241
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J2 Trace Identifier byte of a VC-12...241
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received
as J2 Trace Identifier of a VC-12 ..................................................................242
To verify/modify the Signal Label value of a VC-12 .........................................242
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 9
Cross Connection.........................................................................................................243
To display the connections of the equipment .............................................................243
To execute an unprotected Tributary-Radio connection ...............................................247
To execute a protected Tributary-Radio connection.....................................................247
To execute a Tributary-Tributary connection..............................................................248
To delete one or more connections...........................................................................248
To enable the closing of a channel on itself (Auto-Loop) ..............................................249
To disable an Auto-Loop .........................................................................................249
To modify the connection label ................................................................................250
To verify the status and the configuration of a protected connection .............................250
To modify the modality used to manage the switch in the protected connection..............251
To modify the modality used to manage the preferential connection .............................251
To modify the Wait Time parameter (protected connection) .........................................252
To force the switch on preferential connection without waiting for the Wait Time
To modify the structure of the Radio E1 involved by a connection.................................252
Cross connection matrix (more info).........................................................................253
Radio E1 Framing ........................................................................................................256
To modify the structure of the Radio E1s...................................................................256
RADIO .............................................................................................................................257
Radio Branch ..............................................................................................................258
To verify/modify the RF channel on which it is tuned the transmitter of the equipment ...258
To verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier .............................................259
To verify/modify the operation of the transmitter .......................................................259
To verify/modify the operation of the RT power supply................................................259
To verify/modify the resolution of the received power (Prx) .........................................260
To verify/modify the resolution of the transmitted power (Ptx).....................................260
To verify/modify the functioning status of the ATPC....................................................260
To verify/modify the maximum output power value at the transmitter ..........................261
To verify/modify the range of the ATPC regulation......................................................261
To verify/modify the threshold (High/Low) of the ATPC device .....................................261
To display the table resuming the minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception
for every ACM profile..............................................................................................262
Lan Statistics ..............................................................................................................264
To verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet ports
subdivided by each port..........................................................................................264
To reset the counters results ..................................................................................265
Lan Stat. Summary......................................................................................................266
To verify the summary of the main counters of the Ethernet ports...............................266
To reset the counters results ..................................................................................267
Advanced Stat. Mon. ....................................................................................................268
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered
according to the value of priority 802.1p...................................................................268
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered
according to the C-VID identifier ..............................................................................269
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered
according to the S-VID and C-VID identifiers .............................................................271
S/N Meas ...................................................................................................................274
To verify the value of the S/N measure.....................................................................274
To update the value of the S/N measure ...................................................................274
PRBS .........................................................................................................................275
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the PRBS measure ..................275
To activate/reset the PRBS measure.........................................................................275
To deactivate the PRBS measure..............................................................................276
To modify the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure ...........................................276
To enable/disable the used E1 signal for the measure.................................................276
Radio Loop .................................................................................................................278
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 10
To verify the radio loops status................................................................................278
To activate a radio loop ..........................................................................................278
To deactivate a radio loop.......................................................................................279
To execute the test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN.........................279
Radio loop (more info)............................................................................................280
Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN (more info) .............................280
Radio Switch...............................................................................................................281
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the radio switches...................281
To modify the management of the switching in reception (Rx Forced Switch) .................282
To modify the management of the switching in transmission (Tx Forced Switch).............282
To modify the preferential branch for the service at transmission (Tx Preferential)..........282
To modify the Wait Time parameter .........................................................................283
To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting for the Wait Time
Radio switch (more info).........................................................................................283
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the STM-1 switch....................286
To modify the management of the STM-1 switch........................................................287
To modify the logic of STM-1 switch .........................................................................287
To set the primary STM-1 stream as preferential ........................................................287
To modify the Wait Time parameter .........................................................................288
To force the switch on preferential STM-1 stream without waiting for the Wait Time
STM-1 switch (more info)........................................................................................288
USER INPUT .....................................................................................................................290
Local User Input ..........................................................................................................291
To verify the local User Input status and configuration................................................291
To modify the name of a local User Input ..................................................................291
To modify the rest condition of a local User Input.......................................................292
To enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity level of a local User Input ...........292
Enabling the User Input alarms (more info) ...............................................................293
Remote User Input ......................................................................................................294
To verify the remote User Input status and configuration ............................................294
To modify the name of a remote User Input ..............................................................294
To enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity level of a remote User Input .......295
USER OUTPUT...................................................................................................................296
To verify the User Output status and configuration...........................................................296
To modify the name of an User Output ...........................................................................296
To modify the functioning mode of the relay contacts of an User Output..............................297
To verify/modify the signals coupled to the User Output....................................................297
To force the User Output activation................................................................................298
To remove the forcing of the User Output .......................................................................298
ALARMS LIST ....................................................................................................................... 299
OPERATIONS LIST ............................................................................................................... 306
PARAMETERS LIST............................................................................................................... 314
ASSISTANCE SERVICE.......................................................................................................... 320
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 11
Equipment ALCplus2e can operate with Ethernet Enhanced functionality active or inactive (see To verify/
modify the management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality).
In the first case, the graphical interface will contain the commands for the management of functionality
Ethernet Enhanced; while in the second case the commands for the management of Ethernet functionality
compatible with ALCplus2 (Radio side) will be available.
This manual describes the commands and the functionalities of the application WEB LCT ALCplus2e when
the management of Ethernet Enhanced is active.
For the description of the available commands and functionalities when the management of Ethernet En-
hanced is not active, refer to user manual WEB LCT ALCplus2e code MN.00274.E
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 12
The WEB LCT application allows an user connecting to an equipment via his own machine (pc, workstation,
etc.) using the operating system
and the Web browser at his disposal.
WEB LCT is an application resident in the equipment controller. It does not require any additional module
installed on the user PC, except for the SCT/LMT program or the WEB Lct Console program, necessary to
WEB LCT for the management of the file transfer between PC and equipment (FTP), of the USB connection
(PPP) and of the help on-line of WEB LCT (Help Web Server).
For operating systems different from MS Windows, a FTP server, an Help WEB server and a PPP man-
agement module must be installed on ones PC.
The WEB LCT application can be started:
From browser.
In this case, WEB LCT interface of the equipment, whose IP address is type in the address bar
of the browser, is opened (see Fig.1).
From SCT/LMT program.
In this case, the WEB LCT interface of the equipment selected by the SCT/LMT interface is
opened (see Fig.2).
Through the WEB LCT application, it is possible to manage:
The properties (identifier, addresses, reference date/time, hardware, features key, etc.) and to
execute the reset of the equipment software (Equipment Properties).
The communication ports reserved to the local and remote supervision of the equipment and the
IP Access Control List (Port Configuration & ACL).
The stating Routing Table and the Default Gateway address currently used by the equipment
(Running Routing Table and Running Default Gateway) (Routing Table).
The static Routing Table and the Default Gateway address stored in the equipment (Stored Rout-
ing Table and Stored Default Gateway) (Stored Routing Table).
The measures of Performance Monitoring (Performance Monitoring).
The saving to file of the equipment configuration, of the status/alarm signals and of the opera-
tions executed by the users (Report & Loggers Maint.).
The automatic acquisition of the reference date/time of the equipment from a network element
and the Wake Up trap (SNTP & Wake Up Config.).
The memory card SD for the backup/restore of the equipment configuration and software (SD
Memory Management).
The equipment firmware, the WEB LCT software present in the equipment, the communication
stack used by the equipment and the restore of the default equipment settings (Software Info
& Maint.).
The backup/restore of the whole equipment configuration (Backup/Restore Config.).
The forward status of the alarms and their severity level (Alarm Severity Config.).
The equipment users list (User Manager).
The equipment general configuration (radio configuration, modulation/capacity, adaptive mod-
ulation etc.) (Equipment).
The sources and the outputs of synchronism (Synchronisation).
The Ethernet Switch, TDM tributary and cross connection matrix (TDM) (Base Band).
The radio parameters (Radio).
The LAN statistics, S/N, PRBS, radio loop and radio switch (Maintenance).
The switch of the STM-1 stream protected and of the Nodal Bus protected (Switch).
The local and remote User Input (User Input).
The User Output.
The Remote elements list area
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 13
The manual operations and the relevant timeout (Equipment status area).
The users connected to the equipment ([Logged Users] parameter).
In order to access the WEB LCT page, a valid SCT/LMT user (username and password) is necessary.
With valid user (username and password) we mean an user present in the users list stored in the controller
(see User list (more info).
It is possible to open:
More WEB LCT pages on more machines or on the same machine, using the same user or dif-
ferent users.
Only one WEB LCT page relevant to the same equipment.
More WEB LCT pages relevant to different equipment.
For more information about the limits of the application, refer to the Limits paragraph.
Fig.1 WEB LCT application (start-up of the WEB LCT page from browser)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 14
Fig.2 WEB LCT application (start-up of the WEB LCT page from SCT/LMT)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 15
The WEB LCT application is called WEB LCT <equipment type> depending on the equipment type to man-
This guide describes the WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU application present in the equipment of series ALS with
ALCplus2e IDU.
In this guide, to make the writing easier, the wording:
WEB LCT identifies the WEB Local Craft Terminal ALCplus2e IDU application.
ALCplus2e identifies the equipment of series ALS with ALCplus2e IDU.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 16
The version of the WEB LCT application present in the equipment controller can be verified opening the
relevant WEB LCT page and selecting one of the following commands:
Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties > General Info tab - WEB LCT Version
Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. > Web LCT tab - Current Version pa-
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 17
Maximum number of... Limit
Equipment into the remote equipment list 100
Stations into the remote equipment list 30
Equipment which can be connected contemporarily via a single WEB
LCT page
Users (WEB LCT, SCT/LMT and NMS5UX) contemporarily connected to
an equipment via the WEB LCT page
Signals into the Events area 400
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 18
WEB LCT is an application resident in the equipment controller. It does not require any installation on the
user PC.
To install or update the WEB LCT application present in an equipment, see To update the WEB LCT appli-
As help to the WEB LCT application for the management of the FTP, PPP and Help Web Server, it is neces-
sary to use the SCT/LMT or WEB Lct Console program.
The instructions for the installation of the SCT/LMT and Web Lct Console programs are reported in the rel-
evant manuals.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 19
WEB LCT can be run:
From browser (see Start-up from browser).
In this case, WEB LCT interface of the equipment, whose IP address is type in the address bar
of the browser, is opened.
From the SCT/LMT program (see Start-up from SCT/LMT).
In this case, the WEB LCT interface of the equipment selected by the SCT/LMT interface is
For the management of the FTP, PPP and Help Web Server, it is necessary to start even the SCT/LMT or
WEB Lct Console (WLC) program.
The instructions to start the SCT/LMT and Web Lct Console programs are reported in the relevant manuals.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 20
The following procedure requires that:
The relevant WEB LCT application is present on the equipment which you are connecting to.
The user, you wish to use to open the WEB LCT page, is valid.
With valid user (username and password) we mean an user present in the users list stored in
the controller.
Depending on the type of used physical connection PC-equipment, follow the specific procedure:
To open the WEB LCT page from browser (Ethernet connection)
To open the WEB LCT page from browser (USB connection)
To open the WEB LCT page from browser (Ethernet connection)
If this type of connection is used, checks or settings are not generally necessary. Only if more network
cards are equipped, it will be necessary to select the card you wish to use (Host Adapter) (see Web Lct
Console user manual).
When the equipment is connected to the PC via LAN network, the relevant WEB LCT page can be opened
also selecting the equipment from the address book of Web Lct Console (see relevant documentation).
1. If not already active, run WLC program (see relevant documentation).
2. Run a browser.
3. Type in the address box:
http://<IP address of the equipment>
With IP address we mean the address of the equipment supervision port from which you wish to reach
the equipment itself.
The WEB LCT login page opens.
4. Type, into the User box, the name of the SCT/LMT user to use to activate the connection.
5. Type, into the Password box, the access code coupled with the set user.
6. Check the Remember Me box if you wish that, on the next opening of the WEB LCT application of the
considered equipment, the current username and password are automatically displayed. Otherwise un-
check the considered box.
7. Press Login.
If the typed values are correct, the WEB LCT page of the equipment is displayed.
Fig.3 shows an example of WEB LCT ALCplus2e pages.
As regards the messages that can be displayed during the start procedure of WEB LCT see Messages
displayed at the start of WEB LCT.
To open the WEB LCT page from browser (USB connection)
If this type of connection is used, before activating the connection, the USB driver must be installed
and configured (see Web Lct Console user manual).
Then, if you think the USB driver does not operate correctly, execute the controls pointed out in the
Web Lct Console user manual.
When the equipment is connected to PC via an USB connection, the connection management is imple-
mented by WLC program.
1. Connect the equipment to ones PC by means of the USB cable.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 21
2. If not already active, run Web Lct Console program and open the relevant graphical interface (see rel-
evant documentation).
The Web Lct Console window opens.
3. Press Options.
The Options window opens.
4. Select the Connect using direct serial cable option in the PPP area.
5. Press Ok.
6. Execute one of the following operations:
In the Web Lct Console window, press Connect.
Select , press the right mouse button and select Connect in the pop-up menu.
If the connection operation is successful, the default browser is opened with the WEB LCT login page.
7. Type, into the User box, the name of the SCT/LMT user to use to activate the connection.
8. Type, into the Password box, the access code coupled with the set user.
9. Check the Remember Me box if you wish that, on the next opening of the WEB LCT application of the
considered equipment, the current username and password are automatically displayed. Otherwise un-
check the considered box.
10.Press Login.
If the typed values are correct, the WEB LCT page of the equipment is displayed.
Fig.3 shows an example of WEB LCT ALCplus2e pages.
As regards the messages that can be displayed during the start procedure of WEB LCT see Messages
displayed at the start of WEB LCT.
Messages displayed at the start of WEB LCT
At the start of WEB LCT, the display of the message:
Welcome in the WebLct Software upload utility.... The WEB LCT program is not present on the
equipment you wish to connect to.
In order to install WEB LCT, follow the procedure To update the WEB LCT application starting
from step 3.
Invalid User!. It means that the typed username is wrong and/or not present in the equipment
user list or that the user password is wrong.
The equipment is update protected by element manager, retry to login as Read Only user. It
means that the equipment is managed also by the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX supervisory
system and the NMS5UX user has prevented the possibility, for the SCT/LMT user, to be able to
execute the login of the equipment.
In this case, it is necessary that the NMS5UX user enables again the SCT/LMT user for the ex-
ecution of the operation.
Too many WEB users!. It means that the equipment has been connected to the maximum
number of allowed users (see Limits).
Compatibility issue found. The Equipment software version is greater/lower than WebLct ver-
sion. This may cause unpredictable problems, means that the firmware version present on the
equipment is not compatible with the version of WEB LCT.
In order to update the firmware, follow the procedure To update the firmware of the equipment.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 22
The following procedure requires that:
The relevant WEB LCT application is present on the equipment you are connecting to.
The user, you wish to use to open the WEB LCT page, is valid.
With valid user (username and password) we mean an user present in the users list stored in
the controller.
The SCT/LMT is installed on the PC. More information about the SCT/LMT program is reported
in the relevant documentation.
1. If not already active, run SCT/LMT program (see relevant documentation).
2. Activate the connection with the wished equipment (see relevant documentation).
3. Double click on the record representing the equipment in the SCT/LMT window or select the record of
the equipment and the Equipment > LCT Interface command.
The WEB LCT page of the equipment opens.
Fig.3 shows an example of WEB LCT ALCplus2e page.
As regards the messages that can be displayed during the start procedure of WEB LCT see Messages
displayed at the start of WEB LCT.
At the opening of the WEB LCT page, the user will be connected to the equipment with the user/profile
of the equipment in the SCT/LMT window.
In any moment, it is possible to execute the logout and re-execute the login using the same or a dif-
ferent user with respect to that used for the login.
In this case, there is no need to differentiate the opening of the WEB LCT page according to the connection
type, as the connection management is executed by the SCT/LMT program itself. For more information,
refer to the relevant documentation.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 23
Fig.3 shows an example of WEB LCT ALCplus2e page subdivided in the following areas:
Equipment Menu area
Equipment info area
Users area
Remote elements list area
Contextual area
Equipment status area
Fig.3 WEB LCT ALCplus2e page
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 24
The area Equipment Menu contains the commands allowing the management of equipment configuration.
The commands are subdivided in groups.
In the group:
Main are present the commands for the management of the general equipment parameters as,
for example, the configuration of the supervision ports, the Routing Table, the measure of Per-
formance Monitoring, etc.
Equipment, Synchronisation, etc. are present the commands for the management of the con-
figuration parameters typical of the equipment type which the WEB LCT page refers to.
The detailed description of every single group and command is reported in paragraph Equipment Menu.
The selection of a group expands or compresses the list of the underlaying commands.
At each selection, the list takes the status complementary to the previous one (if compressed it is expand-
ed, or vice versa).
The symbol:
identifies an expanded group.
identifies a compressed group.
It is possible:
To expand all the groups at the same time, pressing
To compress all the groups at the same time, pressing .
The symbol identifies a command which, once selected, displays the parameters associated to it in the
context area (see Contextual area).
When the page WEB LCT is opened, the area Equipment Menu is displayed.
In any moment, it can be hidden pressing present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
To display the area again, press the relevant button .
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 25
The Equipment info area points out the equipment general properties:
Equipment Type. Equipment type.
Equipment ID. Equipment identifier.
Radio System. Radio configuration:
Unequipped. Equipment without radio (radio unequipped).
1+0. Equipment with radio in protected configuration.
1+1 Freq. Div. Equipment with radio in protected configuration of heterofrequential type.
1+1 Hot Standby. Equipment with radio in protected configuration of isofrequential type.
2x(1+0) Eth. Single Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected configura-
tion and Ethernet traffic concatenation.
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected configuration
and two independent Ethernet channels.
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected con-
figuration, XPIC function and Ethernet traffic concatenation.
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected config-
uration, XPIC function and two independent Ethernet channels.
Agent IP Address. IP Address assigned to the agent SNMP of the equipment.
The left table (see Fig.3) points out the operating status and radio parameters relevant to the transmitter
and receiver.
Every row of the table corresponds to a radio branch for which is displayed:
Branch which the data present in the relevant row refer to:
Tx.... Operating status and radio parameters of the branches (1 and 2) relevant to trans-
Rx... Operating status and radio parameters of the branches (1 and 2) relevant to recep-
The Tx2A and Rx2A boxes are present and meaningful only for the equipment in 1+1 or 2x(1+0)
The operating status of the branch is represented by the colour of the box:
Green. Working branch.
White. Standby branch.
In the equipment in 1+1 hetero-frequential configuration, the branches 1 and 2 transmit at the
same time; in this case both the Tx1A and Tx2A boxes will be green.
RF channel frequency.
The wording:
Channel Not set points out that the RF channel is not se.
ODU Hardware failure points out a hardware problem. E.g. check that the connection ca-
ble between the IDU section and the ODU one is not failure or missing.
RF channel number.
Power in input to the receiver (lines Rx) and in output to the transmitter (lines Tx).
In the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration, the wording Std-by is present in the line
Tx relevant to the standby branch.
Both the powers are measured at the antenna flange.
If the radio is not equipped (Radio Unequipped) the parameters present in this table are not meaningful
and then the relevant values are not displayed (---).
The right table (see Fig.3) points out the current ACM profile and the radio transport (Tx/Rx) subdivision
between Ethernet and E1:
ACM Profile. Current ACM profile.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 26
TDM Capacity. Radio capacity reserved to the TDM tributaries (E1, STM-1)
ETH Capacity. Radio capacity reserved to the Ethernet tributaries.
The Tx2A and Rx2A boxes are present and meaningful only for the equipment in 1+1 or 2x(1+0) configu-
The information in the Equipment Info area can be updated pressing .
When the page WEB LCT is opened, the Equipment Info area is displayed.
In any moment, it can be hidden pressing present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
To display the area again, press the relevant push-button .
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 27
In the Users area the User Profile, [Logout] and [Logged Users] parameters are displayed.
User Profile parameter
Parameter User Profile points out the login/profile status of the user who has opened the page WEB LCT:
System. The equipment is in connected/login status and the user who has required the login has
System profile.
The user with this profile can both verify the parameters and send commands or change the
equipment configuration with no exception.
Station Op. The equipment is in connected/login status and the user who has required the login
has Station Operator profile.
The user with this profile can as check the parameters as send commands or execute changes
to the equipment configuration except for the following operations: modifying the Remote Ele-
ment Table, the user list, aligning the date/time of the equipment, force the login and the logout
of an user and all those operations available only to the System user (or NMS5UX).
Read & Write. The equipment is in connected/login status and the user who has required the
login has Read & Write profile.
The user with this profile can check the parameters and execute only maintenance operations
Monitor. The equipment is in connected/monitor status or in connected/login status the user
who has required the login has Read Only profile.
The user with Read Only profile can check the parameters but it can not forward commands or
execute changing to the equipment configuration.
At the opening of the WEB LCT page, the user will be connected to the equipment with the user/profile
entered during the login request.
In any moment it is possible to execute the logout and re-execute the login using the same or a different
user with respect to that used for the login.
If the equipment is managed also by the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX supervisory system, the supervi-
sory system considers the connection of a SCT/LMT user with Read Only profile a LCT connection in Mon-
itoring mode.
While the supervisory system considers the connection to the equipment of a SCT/LMT user with Station
Operator or System profile a LCT connection in Configuration mode.
[Logout] parameter
Parameter [Logout] executes the logout of the current user.
When selected, the page WEB LCT to login to the equipment is displayed.
Set the fields User and Password relevant to the user you wish to use for the reconnection to the equipment
and press Login.
[Logged Users] parameter
The [Logged Users] parameter manages the users connected to the equipment.
In detail, the parameter allows:
To verify the users connected to the equipment
To force the logout of a user
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 28
To verify the users connected to the equipment
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. In the WEB LCT page, select the [Logged Users] parameter.
The Current Logged User window opens, where the list of the users connected to the equipment when
the command is selected is displayed.
For each users, is pointed out in the column
User. User name.
The wording NMS5UX points out the user of the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX supervisory sys-
tem or a remote user (different from WEB LCT, SCT/LMT or NMS5UX user) who has the possi-
bility to be connected to the equipment (Permanent Login). The other ones identify the WEB LCT
or SCT/LMT users.
Profile. User profile.
Timeout. Timeout of the WEB LCT session opened by the user:
No Timeout. Session timeout disabled. WEB LCT session opened by the user (even if dis-
connected) will be kept for an indefinite period of time.
<number> Seconds. Session timeout enabled. WEB LCT session opened by the user, if
disconnected, will be automatically ended once reached the set time limit.
With disconnected session we mean a WEB LCT session whose relevant WEB LCT has been
closed but for which the disconnection from the equipment has not been executed (user logout).
User IP Address. Machine IP address.
With the wording machine, it is intended the PC (for the WEB LCT and SCT/LMT users) or the
server, the workstation (for the NMS5UX users and remote users) on which the application used
by the user is actually running.
Press Refresh to update the data present in the window.
To force the logout of a user
User Profile | System
Logging out oneself is not possible.
If the logout of a NMS5UX user is forced, the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX supervisory system auto-
matically executes the restore of the user login.
1. In the WEB LCT page, select the [Logged Users] parameter.
The Current Logged User window opens.
2. Select the wished user.
3. Press Force Logout and confirm.
Into the Current Logged User window, the system removes the line relevant to the selected user.
If the Force Logout push-button is not available, this means that the record relevant to ones user has
been selected.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 29
By means of the items present in the area Remote elements list, you can manage the remote equipment
list stored in the equipment controller.
In detail, it possible:
To verify the remote equipment list
To add a station to the list
To rename a station of the list
To remove a station of the list
To add an equipment to the list
To remove an equipment from the list
To reset the remote equipment list
To open the WEB LCT page of an equipment of the list (Remote Link)
The area Remote elements list can be hidden pressing the button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
To display the area again, press the relevant push-button .
When the page WEB LCT is opened, the area Remote elements list is hidden.
In order to deepen this topic, see Remote equipment list (more info)
To verify the remote equipment list
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
The area points out the remote equipment list stored in the controller of ALCplus2e.
Equipment is subdivided into stations.
The symbol identifies the station.
Selecting the symbol of a station expands or compress the list of underlaying equipment. At each se-
lection, the list takes the status complementary to the previous one (if compressed it is expanded and
vice versa).
For each station, the name of the station is displayed in the Station/Equip. column.
The name of the station is assigned by the user during the creation of the station itself.
The stations are displayed in the same order as they are inserted in the list
An empty station, that is a station without associated equipment, cannot be stored in the list.
The symbol or identifies the equipment.
The first symbol represents the equipment of type Managed by SCT, Elem. Manager, Not Managed; the
second symbol represents the equipment of type Remote Link (see column Type).
In the Station/Equip. column, the equipment name is displayed. The name of the equipment is auto-
matically assigned by the application during the creation of the equipment itself: Equipment <progres-
sive number>.
Within the station, the equipment are listed in increasing order with respect to the IP address.
For each equipment is pointed out in the column:
IP Addr. IP address (Agent SNMP).
Type. Type of equipment:
Managed by SCT. Equipment managed by the WEB LCT and/or SCT/LMT application.
Remote Link. Equipment managed by the WEB LCT and/or SCT/LMT application that con-
stitutes the equipment placed on the other end of the radio connection with respect to
the local equipment (equipment which the user is connected to by WEB LCT).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 30
Elem. Manager. Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where
the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX system resides).
Not Managed. Element not managed by the WEB LCT and/or SCT/LMT application.
This option can be used to insert into the remote equipment list some information as for
instance the coupling between the IP address and the NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment
inserted into an OSI network.
OSI. Equipment NSAP (GOSIP) Address.
The parameter is available only for the equipment managed with the OSI protocol.
To refresh the list press Refresh.
To add a station to the list
User Profile | Station Operator, System
It is possible to insert a maximum of 30 stations into a list.
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Press Add (Station group).
A window opens.
3. Type, into the text box, the name to be assigned to the station (alphanumeric string with minimum 1
and maximum 11 characters).
The program does not create two stations with the same name in the same list. Moreover, a digit cannot
be used as first character and the space character cannot be used at the beginning or within the name
4. Press OK.
The application displays the new station into the Remote elements list area, at the end of the list rele-
vant to the already existing stations.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
An empty station, that is a station without associated equipment, is not saved in the list.
To rename a station of the list
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Select the station to be renamed.
3. Press Rename.
A window opens.
4. Type, into the text box, the new name (alphanumeric string with minimum 1 and maximum 11 char-
The program does not create two stations with the same name in the same list. Moreover, a digit cannot
be used as first character and the space character cannot be used at the beginning or within the name
5. Press OK.
The application displays the new name of the station into the Remote elements list area.
6. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 31
To remove a station of the list
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The deleting of the station causes also the removal of all the equipment coupled with such a station.
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Select the station to be removed.
3. Press Remove (Station group).
The application removes the station from the Remote elements list area.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To add an equipment to the list
User Profile | Station Operator, System
It is possible to add to the list a maximum of 100 equipment.
An equipment cannot be created if at least one station has not been created before.
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Select the station to which the equipment has to be coupled.
If the user does not select any station, the application will automatically couple the equipment with the
last selected station.
3. Press Add (Element group).
The Add New Element window opens.
4. Into the IP Address box, type the IP address of the equipment.
The program does not create two equipment with the same IP Address in the same list (even if in dif-
ferent stations).
5. Only if the equipment is inserted into an OSI network, set the NSAP address (Gosip Address box) open-
ing the popup menu and setting in the box:
AFI, IDI, Ver, Auth, Reserv. e Sel, the value of the corresponding byte/s.
Domain, the values of the bytes that represent the Domain.
Area, the values of the bytes that represent the area.
Sys. ID, the value of the wished System ID.
6. Press OK.
7. Set the Type of element box, selecting the option relevant to the element type to be inserted:
Managed by SCT. Equipment managed by the WEB LCT and/or SCT/LMT application.
Remote Link. Equipment managed by the WEB LCT and/or SCT/LMT application that constitutes
the equipment placed on the other end of the radio connection with respect to the local equip-
ment (equipment which the user is connected to by WEB LCT).
Element Manager. Element Manager of the equipment (IP address of the machine where the
NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX system resides).
Not Managed. Element not managed by the WEB LCT and/or SCT/LMT application.
This option can be used to insert into the remote equipment list some information as for instance
the coupling between the IP address and the NSAP (Gosip) one of an equipment inserted into
an OSI network.
8. Press OK.
In the Remote elements list area, under the selected station, a record named Equipment <progressive
number> is displayed with the characteristics of the new equipment.
9. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 32
To remove an equipment from the list
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Select the equipment to be removed.
3. Press Remove (Equipment group).
The application removes the station from the Remote elements list area.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To reset the remote equipment list
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Press Clear.
The application clears all the records (stations and equipment) present into the Remote elements list
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To open the WEB LCT page of an equipment of the list (Remote Link)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. In the page WEB LCT, if not already displayed, expand the area Remote elements list selecting the
push-button present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
2. Select the equipment of Remote Link type to be opened the WEB LCT page.
3. Press Open.
The WEB LCT page to login to the remote equipment opens.
4. Type the name (User box) and the access code (Password box) of the SCT/LMT user to use to activate
the connection and press Login.
In a new page the WEB LCT of the remote equipment is displayed.
Remote equipment list (more info)
Each equipment has a remote equipment list stored in its own controller.
With remote equipment list we mean a list containing all the network remote equipment which you wish
to connect to.
For a better vision of the equipment during the setting of the list, it is possible to subdivide the equipment
into stations, in such a way that, at the selection of a station, the application will display only the detail of
the equipment associated with such a specific station. The station does not have any particular meaning;
it has been simply introduced to help the user during the localization of the equipment.
Into each remote equipment list, it is possible to create a maximum of 100 equipment and 30 station.
The remote equipment list can be used to connect, at the same time, to more equipment only if the pro-
gram SCT/LMT is available.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 33
When the user requests the connection to a generic equipment present into the network (local equipment),
at the connection of such an equipment, the SCT/LMT program reads its remote equipment list and auto-
matically forwards the connection command to all the equipment present into the list.
In such a way, the application displays, into the Station List area of the SCT/LMT graphical interface, all
the stations that group the equipment and, into the Equipment List area (selecting the relevant station),
it displays the functional status of the local equipment (that results in connected/login status) and the func-
tional status of all the remote equipment present into the list. The equipment that have answered to the
connection request of the application will result in connected/monitor status.
The application will cyclically forward the connection command, to the equipment that have not answered
to the connection request, until to:
It is deactivated the connection with the local equipment.
The user disables the equipment.
The equipment is deleted from the remote equipment list of the local equipment.
More detailed information concerning the SCT/LMT program are reported into the relevant manuals.
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The contextual area is the part of the WEB LCT page where the equipment parameters are displayed.
Its content changes accordingly to the selected command in the Equipment Menu area.
In the top part of the contextual area, there are push-buttons used to confirm or update the data present
in the area itself.
Usually, there are:
Apply push-button
Selecting it makes the changes, executed on the parameters present in the contextual area, ef-
On the selection of the Apply push-button a confirmation window is displayed. The confirmation
windows are timed. When this period is elapsed (pointed out by the progress bar), if the operator
has not confirmed the operation, the window is closed and the operation cancelled.
If the Apply push-button is not available:
It is not possible to execute changes because the user profile does not allow this or the
equipment is in connected/monitor status.
No parameter present in the window has been modified. In this case, the push-button
becomes available when the value of a parameter is changed.
Another push-button is present in the contextual area for the confirmation of the opera-
tion or the change of the parameters.
Refresh push-button.
Its selection forces the reading of the data from equipment.
If the push-button is not available, the connection with the equipment is not active.
Help push-button.
Its selection displays the help on-line.
For some commands, other push-buttons are displayed relevant only to the context which contains them.
These push-buttons are described in the paragraph relevant to the specific command.
Besides the push-buttons, the top part of the contextual area dynamically displays the group and the com-
mand selected in Equipment Menu and which the displayed parameters refer to.
For some commands, the parameters are subdivided into tabs. The selection of a tab dynamically changes
the content of the contextual area.
The parameters present in the contextual area can be read-only or set or modified.
The description of the single commands (see Equipment Menu) points out the parameters which can be
modified and modalities to do that.
As general rule, for the parameter setting, the following rules are valid:
Entering a value (alphanumeric string) into a text box.
If a red line is displayed below the text box, the entered value is not allowed because, for ex-
ample, a number of characters greater than the allowed one or an invalid value has been entered
(for example, entering of value as IP address).
Box with possible values displayed in a drop-down menu.
When the value is changed, a red triangle is displayed in the top left edge of the box. It signals
that the value has been changed, but the change has not been communicated yet to the equip-
ment (pressure of push-button Apply).
The contextual area can display the following messages:
SYSTEM OFFLINE. The equipment is in disconnected status.
In this condition, the parameters cannot be verified/modified.
The browser sends the command of reconnection at regular intervals (timeout: 20 seconds) until
when the equipment returns in connected status or the WEB LCT page is closed.
The Status parameter points out the operation in progress:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 35
Wait next attempt. The equipment has not replied to the first reconnection attempt.
When timeout is expired, the browser will attempt again.
Reconnection failed. The equipment has not replied to next reconnection attempts. When
timeout is expired, the browser will attempt again.
Reconnection in progress. The equipment is transmitting the re-connection command.
The Info: New attempt in... parameter points out the period (expressed in seconds) between a
connection attempt and the next one.
In any moment, it is possible to execute an immediate connection attempt, pressing Retry.
WARNING. Access enabled only for SYSTEM users. The selected command is available only to
the user with profile System.
You are forcing a manual operation. Operation timeout: <value>. The setting you wish to exe-
cute is a manual operation subjected to timeout.
For each equipment, a timeout can be set after which the relevant active manual operations are
automatically deactivated. The wording No Timeout points out that the timeout is disabled; this
means that a manual operation remains active until when the user deactivates it.
Loading... The request of data is in progress between the PC and the equipment
Updating..., Applying Changes... The sending of data is in progress between the PC and the
Operation Fail! Unable to Get or Update parameter(s). Wrong user profile or not logget yet! The
operation cannot be executed because the user profile in use is not enabled to execute the action
or is not logged to the equipment yet.
Not Implemented Yet!. The command is not available for the current version of the program.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 36
The Equipment status area points out the functional status of the equipment.
In detail, the area/box points out:
Events. List of the status and alarm signals of the equipment.
To each signal a record is associated, where the following information is reported:
<Coloured box>. The color/wording points out:
Green/Status. Status signal.
Light blue/Warning. Alarm detected with Warning severity.
Yellow/Minor. Alarm detected with Minor severity.
Orange/Major. Alarm detected with Major severity.
Red/Critical. Alarm detected with Critical severity.
White/Cleared. Alarm detected/cleared.
Alphanumeric string which details the nature of the signal.
Logic group which the signal belongs to: COMMON, etc.
Date/time of the signal detection.
If the row refers to a detected/cleared alarm, the date/time of alarm detection will be
pointed out under the date/time of alarm clearing.
The date/time is set by the network element that has generated the signal. The format
of date/time changes depending on the setting made in the operating system.
URGENT <alarms number>. Status and number of urgent alarms (alarms with Critical or Major
The box, according to the severity of the alarms, can get different colours:
Orange. The most serious alarm present into the equipment has Major severity
Red. The most serious alarm present into the equipment has Critical severity.
Grey. The equipment has no active alarms with Critical or Major severity.
Selecting the box, a window is displayed with the detail of the active alarm. The description of
the items present in the window is the same reported for the area Events.
NOT URG. <alarms number>. Status and number of not urgent alarms (alarms with Minor or
Warning severity).
The box, according to the severity of the alarms, can get different colours:
Light blue. The most serious alarm present into the equipment has Warning severity.
Yellow. The most serious alarm present into the equipment has Minor severity.
Grey. The equipment has no active alarms with Minor or Warning severity.
Selecting the box, a window is displayed with the detail of the active alarm. The description of
the items present in the window is the same reported for the area Events.
RADIO 1A. Status of the radio connection with branch 1A.
Depending on the equipment configuration type, the box can take on different colours. In detail
in configuration:
1+0 or 2x(1+0). Color box:
Green. The radio connection works properly.
Red. There is loss of radio connection on branch 1A.
1+1. Color box:
Green. The radio connection works properly.
Orange. There is loss of radio connection on branch 1A (the branch 2A works cor-
Red. There is loss of radio connection on branch 1A (the branch 2A does not cor-
rectly work).
RADIO 2A. Status of the radio connection with branch 2A.
Depending on the equipment configuration type, the box can take on different colours. In detail
in configuration:
1+0. Color box: Grey. Parameter not meaningful.
1+1.... Color box:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 37
Green. The radio connection works properly.
Orange. There is loss of radio connection on branch 2A (the branch 1A works cor-
Red. There is loss of radio connection on branch 2A (the branch 1A does not cor-
rectly work).
2x(1+0). Color box:
Green. The radio connection works properly.
Red. There is loss of radio connection on branch 2A.
DOWNLOAD. Activation status of the update of the equipment firmware.
If the box is of color:
Light blue. The firmware update is in progress.
Grey. The firmware update is not in progress.
MAN. OP. Activation status of the manual operations.
If the box is of color:
Light blue. A manual forcing is enabled (e.g. a loop).
Grey. No manual forcing is active.
Selecting the box it is possible:
To verify the active manual operations
To verify/modify the manual operation timeout
<number> C. Operating temperature of the equipment.
If the box is of color:
Green. The operating temperature of the equipment is lower than 75C.
Orange. The operating temperature of the equipment is between 75C and 80C.
Red. The operating temperature of the equipment is higher than 80C.
The information displayed in the Equipment status area are updated at regular intervals depending on the
timeout set by the user.
The progress of the bar ( ) points out the time between two successive updates.
Selecting the bar, a box is displayed which points out the current timeout.
To modify the parameter, move the cursor to the new value (number between 5 and 30 seconds).
The information in the area Events can be updated immediately without waiting for timeout expiry, press-
ing .
When the page WEB LCT is opened, the area Equipment status is displayed.
In any moment, it can be hidden pressing present in the area itself (see Fig.3).
To display the area again, press the relevant push-button .
In order to deepen this topic, see Alarm and status signals (more info)
To verify the active manual operations
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. In the WEB LCT page, select the MAN. OP box.
A window opens, where the manual operations actually activated into the equipment are displayed.
The wording None active manual operation points out that no manual operation is active.
The information present into the contextual area are not dynamically updated. Press to update the
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 38
To verify/modify the manual operation timeout
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The timeout setting is common for all the manual forcing operations of the equipment.
1. In the WEB LCT page, select the MAN. OP box.
A window area opens. The Manual Operation Timeout parameter points out the current timeout relevant
to the equipment manual operations.
The value 0 points out that the timeout has not been activated, this means that the activation of a man-
ual operation remains active until when the user deactivates it. The activation of a manual forcing (for
instance a loop) affects the traffic.
2. To change the parameter type in the box a value between 0 and 172800 sec. (48 hours).
The setting of the value 0 corresponds to the disabling of the timeout.
3. Press Change and confirm.
Alarm and status signals (more info)
The term alarm defines the fault signal generated by an error or malfunction of the equipment or of any
component that composes it.
The term status identifies instead the signals referring to any event that does not points out a malfunction
but a status change, an operation in progress or an operating indication.
The term event defines each single signal of status, detected alarm and cleared alarm.
A maximum of 400 events are recorded in the equipment controller. When this limit is exceeded, each new
event will overwrite the oldest event.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 39
In the Equipment Menu area of the WEB LCT page, the following commands are present:
Main. It manages the general equipment parameters: supervision ports configuration, Routing Table,
Performance Monitoring measures, etc.
Equipment. It manages the equipment general configuration: radio configuration, modulation, capaci-
ty, etc.
Synchronisation. It manages the sources and the outputs of synchronism.
Base Band. It manages the base band parameters.
Radio. It manages the radio parameters.
Maintenance. It manages the loops, PRBS, switching modality, etc.
Switch. It manages the switch of the STM-1 stream protected and of the Nodal Bus protected.
User Input. It manages the local and remote User Input.
User Output. It manages the User Output.
The description of every single command points out the status of login/user profile (User Profile parameter
- page WEB LCT) necessary to use the command or execute the relevant procedures.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 40
At the choice of Main menu, the program displays the following commands:
Equipment Properties. It manages the properties (identifier, addresses, reference date/time, etc.) and
executes the equipment software reset.
Port Configuration & ACL. It manages the communication ports reserved to the local and remote su-
pervision of the equipment and the IP Access Control List.
Routing Table. It manages the static Routing Table and the Default Gateway address currently used by
the equipment (Running Routing Table and Running Default Gateway).
Stored Routing Table. It manages the static Routing Table and the Default Gateway address stored in
the equipment (Stored Routing Table and Stored Default Gateway).
Performance Monitoring. It manages the Performance Monitoring measures.
Report & Loggers Maint.. It saves to file the equipment configuration, the status/alarm signals and the
operations executed by the users.
SNTP & Wake Up Config.. It manages the automatic acquisition of the reference date/time of the equip-
ment from a network element and the Wake Up trap.
SD Memory Management. It manages the memory card SD for the backup/restore of the equipment
configuration and software.
Software Info & Maint.. It manages the equipment firmware, the WEB LCT software present in the
equipment, the communication stack used by the equipment and the restore of the default equipment
Backup/Restore Config. It manages the backup/restore from file of the whole equipment configuration.
Alarm Severity Config. It manages the alarm transmission and their severity level.
User Manager. It manages the list of the equipment users.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 41
Equipment Properties
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Equipment Properties command manages the equipment properties and executes the equipment
software reset.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the equipment properties (type, ID, SNMP IP address, firmware version, etc.)
To modify the equipment identifier
To modify the IP address of the agent SNMP of the equipment
To align the reference date/time of the equipment to the current date/time of the PC
To verify the equipment addresses (Ethernet port, LCT port, MAC address, IP Over OSI port, NSAP)
To verify the functionalities enabled for the equipment (Equipment Feature)
To enable the new functionalities
To verify the equipment units
To execute the equipment software reset
To verify the equipment properties (type, ID, SNMP IP address, firmware version,
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens with the General Info tab active.
The tab displays the equipment general properties:
Equipment Type. Equipment type.
Equipment ID. Equipment identifier.
Agent IP Address. IP Address assigned to the agent SNMP of the equipment.
Firmware Version. File name and version of the equipment firmware present on the memory
bench in use.
WEB LCT Version. WEB LCT version present into the equipment.
WEB LCT Product Code. Identification code of the WEB LCT application present into the equip-
Equipment Date/Time. Reference date/time of the equipment. The format of date/time changes
according to the setting made in the operating system.
IP/OSI Stack. Communication stack in use: IP or OSI.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 42
To modify the equipment identifier
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens with the General Info tab active.
The Equipment ID parameter points out the equipment identifier.
2. To modify the parameter, press Change.
3. Into the box, type an alphanumeric string with minimum 1 and maximum 31 characters.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the IP address of the agent SNMP of the equipment
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens with the General Info tab active
The Agent IP Address parameter points out the IP Address assigned to the agent SNMP of the equip-
2. To modify the parameter, press Change.
3. Into the box, type the new IP address.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To align the reference date/time of the equipment to the current date/time of the PC
User Profile | System
The operation could cause the logout of the user.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens with the General Info tab active.
The Equipment Date/Time parameter points out the reference date/time of the equipment.
2. Press Align to PC time and confirm.
The value present in the box Equipment Date/Time is updated by the value of ones PC.
To verify the equipment addresses (Ethernet port, LCT port, MAC address, IP Over
OSI port, NSAP)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens.
2. Select the Network tab.
The tab displays the following equipment addresses:
Ethernet IP Address. IP Address of the communication port with the LAN network (Ethernet
Ethernet IP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition of the Ethernet port.
Ethernet MAC Address. Physical address of the equipment.
LCT PPP IP Address. IP/PPP Address of the port for the connection to the PC (LCT port).
LCT PPP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition of the LCT port.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 43
IP Over OSI. IP address of the inner port of the equipment, for the interfacing with the OSI rout-
Gosip Address. Equipment NSAP (GOSIP) Address.
IP Over OSI and Gosip Address parameters are available only for the equipment managed with the OSI
To verify the functionalities enabled for the equipment
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens.
2. Select the Equipment Feature tab.
The tab displays the functionalities enabled on demand:
Upgrade up to 8PSK. Maximum equipment modulation up to 8PSK.
Upgrade up to 16QAM. Maximum equipment modulation up to 16QAM.
Upgrade up to 32QAM. Maximum equipment modulation up to 32QAM.
Upgrade up to 64QAM. Maximum equipment modulation up to 64QAM.
Upgrade up to 128QAM. Maximum equipment modulation up to 128QAM.
Upgrade up to 256QAM. Maximum equipment modulation up to 256QAM.
Upgrade up to 14M. Channel spacing up to 14M.
Upgrade up to 28M. Channel spacing up to28M.
Upgrade up to 56M. Channel spacing up to 56M.
XPIC activation. XPIC.
Built-in Fade Margin facility. Fade Margin (calculation of the link margin).
ETH OAM functionality. OAM-FM for Ethernet network.
Sync eth support. Synchronisation.
OSPF functionality. OSPF protocol.
Sync quality management. Synchronisation quality management.
For every functionality, the relevant enabling status is pointed out:
Enabled. The functionality is enabled.
Disabled. The functionality is not enabled.
To enable the new functionalities
User Profile | System
In order to enable one or more functionalities, IT IS NECESSARY to require the enabling certificate,
represented by a file (with .sfc extension), to the company that provides the equipment.
For each equipment you wish to enable one or more functionalities, a specific enabling certificate is
required, because there is an univocal link between each single certificate and each specific equipment.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens.
2. Select the Equipment Feature tab.
3. Press Browse.
The window of the O.S. for the selection of the file opens.
4. Select the enabling certificate (file with .sfc extension).
5. Press Open.
The selected file is indicated in the File name box.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 44
6. Press Send Certificate File.
A message indicates the end and the result of the operation:
Operation Done. The operation has been executed with success.
Invalid operation for this equipment. The selected certificate and equipment are not compati-
ble (wrong serial number or wrong MIB version, etc.).
To verify the equipment units
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens.
2. Select the Equipment Units tab.
The table present in the tab, displays the characteristics of the equipment units
Every row of the table corresponds to an unit for which is displayed in the column:
Real Type. Unit type really present into the equipment.
The wording Unequipped points out that the unit is not physically present into the equipment.
Expected Type. Foreseen unit type.
The wording Unequipped points out that the unit is not foreseen.
HW Ver. Unit version.
Part Number. Part Number of the unit.
Par. Part Num. Part Number of the group that contains the unit.
Usually the group represents the equipment part that can be replaced.
Not all the unit are into a group. In this case the field will result empty and the part that can be
replaced will correspond to the unit itself.
Serial Number. Series Number of the group that contains the unit.
If the unit is not contained into a group (Par Part Num field empty), the Series Number refers
to the unit.
Unit Alarms. Functional status of the unit. Each box identifies an alarm:
Fail. The units is affected by a serious malfunctioning.
Missing. The unit is not present into the equipment (Unequipped wording - Real Type pa-
rameter) also if it is foreseen (unit name - Expected Type parameter).
Not Resp. The unit does not answer to the program interrogations.
HW Mism. The real unit (Real Type parameter) is different from the foreseen one (Ex-
pected Type parameter).
SW Mism. The firmware version present into the controller of the peripheral unit (Actual
Release) is different from the one of the memory bench in Running status (Release
Bench...) (see To verify the firmware version of the equipment).
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
White. Alarm deactivated.
To execute the equipment software reset
User Profile | Station Operator, System
After the reset, all the values activated before the operation result as valid ones.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Equipment Properties command.
The Equipment Properties contextual area opens.
2. Press Restart Equip. and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 45
Port Configuration & ACL
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The command Port Configuration & ACL manages the communication ports reserved to local and remote
supervision of the equipment, the control list of IP accesses (IP Access Control List) and allows resetting
the equipment software.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the Ethernet port configuration
To verify/modify the LCT PPP port configuration
To verify/modify the Line EOC port configuration
To verify/modify the Radio port configuration
To verify/modify the Radio 1A port configuration
To verify/modify the Radio 2A port configuration
To verify/modify the IP Over OSI port configuration
Depending on the type of configuration and protocol (IP/OSI) managed by the equipment, only the tabs
relevant to the communication ports managed by this configuration and/or protocol will be available as
shown in Tab.1.
To verify the rules used by the IP Access Control List
To add a rule to the IP Access Control List
To remove a rule from the IP Access Control List
To enable/disable the use of the IP Access Control List
To execute the equipment software reset
In order to deepen this topic, see IP Access Control List (more info)
Tab.1 Available of the communication ports
Radio configuration
I n Band Manage-
ment option
Tabs present in the
Port Configuration & ACL
contextual area
IP protocol
Unequipped Enable/Disable Ethernet
Line EOC
1+1 Freq. Div
1+1 Hot Standby
2x(1+0) Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe with East-West
option disable
Disable Ethernet
Line EOC
Enable Ethernet
Line EOC
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 46
See Configurator.
To verify/modify the Ethernet port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens with the Ethernet tab active.
The tab displays the configuration parameters of the communication port with the LAN network.
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP Address. IP address of the communication port with the LAN network.
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant Net Mask field.
Net Mask. Mask for the network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
Alarm Severity - MNGT/<LAN management number>. Enabling/severity status of the alarm of
missing/fault of the connection cable (MNGT/... Cable Fail) relevant to the specific LAN port
Disable. Disabled alarm.
Status. Enabled alarm - Associated severity level: status signal.
Warning, Minor, Major, Critical. Enabled alarm - Associated severity level respectively:
Warning, Minor, Major or Critical.
To change the parameter selects the box and then the option from the list.
Cross Cable - MNGT/<LAN management number>. Enabling status of the specific LAN port man-
mdi. LAN management enable; the inversion of the Tx and Rx lines is not active (Network
Interface Card modality).
mdi-x. LAN management enable; the inversion of the Tx and Rx lines is active (Switch
auto. LAN management enable; the inversion of the Tx and Rx lines is active in automatic
disable. LAN management disable.
To change the parameter selects the box and then the option from the list.
Speed/Duplex - MNGT/<LAN management number>. Enabling enabling status of the auto ne-
gotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission
speed used by the external port of the specific LAN port management:
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe with East-West
option enable
Disable Ethernet
Radio 1
Radio 2
Enable Ethernet
OSI protocol
1+1 Freq. Div
1+1 Hot Standby
2x(1+0) Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe with East-West
option disable/enable
Enable/Disable Ethernet
IP Over OSI (IP Over OSI and NSAP
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 47
full duplex 10M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full-Duplex
and the data transmission speed through the external port is 10Mbit/s.
half duplex 10M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Half-Duplex
and the data transmission speed through the external port is 10Mbit/s.
full duplex 100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full-Duplex
and the data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
half duplex 100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Half-Duplex
and the data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
auto speed duplex. The auto negotiation is enabled.
To change the parameter selects the box and then the option from the list.
In Band Management - LAN. Activation status of the in band supervision (the connection to the
supervision is achieved by means of the traffic Lan tributaries and/or the internal Ethernet
In detail, if the LAN.../Port... boxes:
Not active. The in band supervision on the specific Ethernet port is not active.
Active. The in band supervision on the specific Ethernet port is active.
To modify the parameter, activate/deactivate the specific boxes.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment configuration (see
Ports where in-band supervision is enabled must have option 802.1Q enabled, in order to prop-
erly manage the single VLANs.
In Band Management - VLan ID. VLan identifier reserved for the in band supervision:
0. No VLan is reserved for the in band supervision.
Value different from 0. For the in band supervision, the VLan with the specific ID is re-
A VLan for this management MUST be reserved when the in band supervision is active (at least
one LAN... and/or Port... box active).
To modify the parameter, set a value between 1 and 4095; the activation of In Band Manage-
ment is immediately enabled when the box relevant to the port is activated (restart is not nec-
2. Press Apply and confirm.
If the message Warning! VLAN ID already defined in Virtual Lan list or Mac Learning disable is dis-
played, it means that at least one of the following condition is present:
The identifier set for the in-band supervision corresponds to that already used by a traffic VLAN.
Change the value in the VLan ID box.
The Ethernet port selected for the in-band supervision has not the MAC Address automatic learn-
ing enabled in the MAC Table. For this port, set the parameter MAC Learning to the value or
Learn on port basis.
3. Press Store and confirm.
4. Press Restart and confirm.
To verify/modify the LCT PPP port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the LCT PPP tab.
The tab displays the configuration parameters of the communication port for the connection to the PC
where resides the SCT/LMT management program or the browser for the start of WEB LCT.
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP PPP Address. IP/PPP address of the port for the connection with the PC where resides the SCT/
LMT management program or the browser for the start of WEB LCT.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 48
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant IP PPP NetMask field.
IP PPP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
IP Unnumbered. The selection of this push-button allows using the address/mask of the Ethernet
port (if the equipment is managed by IP protocol) or IP Over OSI (if the equipment is managed
by OSI protocol) as IP PPP Address and IP PPP NetMask of the considered port. As consequence,
the IP/PPP address is reset while the network mask displays the acquired value, which can be
modified by the user.
PC IP Address. IP address of the remote equipment:
Port IP Address + 1. The IP address of the considered port increased by 1 is assigned to
the remote equipment.
For example, if the IP PPP Address is assigned to the port, the address will be automatically assigned to the remote equipment.
Ethernet Broadcast Ip Address - 1 or IP Over OSI Broadcast Address - 1. The last IP ad-
dress valid for the IP subnetwork connected to the considered port is assigned to the re-
mote equipment.
For example, if the IP PPP Address with mask is assigned to
the port, the address will be automatically assigned to the remote equip-
It is suggested to use this setting if you wish to use only one IP address, within the IP
subnetwork, for the connection to the PC.
If the equipment is managed with protocol:
IP, the value Ethernet Broadcast Ip Address - 1 is present.
OSI, the value IP Over OSI Broadcast Address - 1 is present.
Choose IP Address. The address set by the user in the box is assigned to the remote
To modify the parameter, select the wished option and, only for the last option, type the wished
The PPP operating mode is automatic: the port self-configures in Server mode and, when the connec-
tion is set up, assigns the IP address to the remote equipment (see parameter PC IP Address).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
4. Press Store and confirm.
5. Press Restart and confirm.
To verify/modify the Line EOC port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The available of the Line EOC depends on the equipment protocol/configuration as shown in Tab.1.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the Line EOC tab.
The tab displays the configuration parameters of the communication port represented by the EOC sig-
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP Address. IP/PPP address of the communication port represented by the EOC signal.
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant IP NetMask field.
IP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 49
IP Unnumbered. The selection of this push-button allows using the address/mask of the Ethernet
port as IP Address and IP NetMask of the considered port. As consequence, the IP/PPP address
is reset while the network mask displays the acquired value, which can be modified by the user.
PPP Mode. PPP operating mode:
Client. PPP operation Client: the port has an active role in the connection, sets up and
keeps active the connection to the remote equipment.
Server. PPP operation Server: the port has a passive role in the connection, waits for the
remote equipment sets up the connection.
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
Signal Input. Interface type to be used for the port under examination:
Not Used. No interface.
E1. A timeslot relevant to A or B tributary (2Mbit/s).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
EOC. Setting of the E1 tributary/timeslot used for the connection with the remote terminal:
2Mb Selector. Used tributary (Trib A or Trib B). The wording No 2Mb Used points out that
the system does not use any tributary.
To change the parameter selects the box and then the option from the list.
If a value is not available, this means that the relevant tributary is used as output of the
synchronism (see Synchronisation).
Slot Selector. Number of the used timeslot.
To change the parameter, type the number of the timeslot (value between 1 and 31).
The EOC area is available only if it has been selected the E1 value into the Signal Input area.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
4. Press Store and confirm.
5. Press Restart and confirm.
To verify/modify the Radio port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The available of the Radio depends on the equipment protocol/configuration as shown in Tab.1.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the Radio tab.
The tab displays the configuration parameters of the communication port represented by the radio sig-
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP Address. IP/PPP address of the 64Kbit/s communication channel of the EOC radio frame.
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant IP NetMask field.
IP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
IP Unnumbered. The selection of this push-button allows using the address/mask of the Ethernet
port as IP Address and IP NetMask of the considered port. As consequence, the IP/PPP address
is reset while the network mask displays the acquired value, which can be modified by the user.
PPP Mode. Operating mode:
Client. PPP operation Client: the port has an active role in the connection, sets up and
keeps active the connection to the remote equipment.
Server. PPP operation Server: the port has a passive role in the connection, waits for the
remote equipment sets up the connection.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 50
Bridge. Bridge connection (same IP network) between local and remote element.
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
4. Press Store and confirm.
5. Press Restart and confirm.
To verify/modify the Radio 1A port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The available of the Radio 1A depends on the equipment protocol/configuration as shown in Tab.1.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the Radio 1A tab.
The tab displays the configuration parameters of the communication port represented by the radio 1 A
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP Address. IP/PPP address of the 64Kbit/s communication channel of the EOC radio frame.
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant IP NetMask field.
IP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
IP Unnumbered. The selection of this push-button allows using the address/mask of the Ethernet
port as IP Address and IP NetMask of the considered port. As consequence, the IP/PPP address
is reset while the network mask displays the acquired value, which can be modified by the user.
PPP Mode. Operating mode:
Client. PPP operation Client: the port has an active role in the connection, sets up and
keeps active the connection to the remote equipment.
Server. PPP operation Server: the port has a passive role in the connection, waits for the
remote equipment sets up the connection.
Bridge. Bridge connection (same IP network) between local and remote element.
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
4. Press Store and confirm.
5. Press Restart and confirm.
To verify/modify the Radio 2A port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The available of the Radio 2A depends on the equipment protocol/configuration as shown in Tab.1.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the Radio 2A tab.
The tab displays the configuration parameters of the communication port represented by the Radio 2A
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 51
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP Address. IP/PPP address of the communication port represented by the Radio 2A signal.
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant IP NetMask field.
IP NetMask. Mask for the network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
IP Unnumbered. The selection of this push-button allows using the address/mask of the Ethernet
port as IP Address and IP NetMask of the considered port. As consequence, the IP/PPP address
is reset while the network mask displays the acquired value, which can be modified by the user.
PPP Mode. PPP operating mode:
Client. PPP operation Client: the port has an active role in the connection, sets up and
keeps active the connection to the remote equipment.
Server. PPP operation Server: the port has a passive role in the connection, waits for the
remote equipment sets up the connection.
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
4. Press Store and confirm.
5. Press Restart and confirm.
To verify/modify the IP Over OSI port configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The available of the IP Over OSI port (IP Over OSI and NSAP tabs) depends on the equipment protocol
as shown in Tab.1.
The availability of the parameters present in the IP Over OSI tab depends on the equipment configu-
ration as shown in Tab.2.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the IP Over OSI tab.
The tab displays some configuration parameters of the inner port for the interfacing with the OSI router.
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
IP Address. IP address of the inner port of the equipment, for the interfacing with the OSI router.
To change the parameter, type the new IP address in the box.
The typed number has to be compatible with the setting of the relevant IP NetMask field.
IP Net Mask. Mask for the inner network address definition.
To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
Line EOC. Usage modality of the timeslot relevant to an E1 tributary:
User. The LAP D protocol is configured as User side.
Network. The LAP D protocol is configured as Network side.
Disable. The channel is not used.
To change the parameter select the wished option.
The parameter is meaningful only if it has been selected the E1 value into the Signal Input box.
Signal Input. Interface type to be used for the port under examination:
Not used. No interface.
E1. A timeslot relevant to A or B tributary (2Mbit/s).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 52
The parameter is meaningful only if it has been selected the User or Network value into the Line
EOC box.
EOC. Setting of the E1 tributary/timeslot used for the connection with the remote terminal:
2Mb Slot Selector. Used tributary (Trib A or Trib B). The wording No 2Mb Used points out
that the system does not use any tributary.
To change the parameter selects the box and then the option from the list.
Slot Selector. Number of the used timeslot.
To change the parameter, type the number of the timeslot (value between 1 and 31).
The EOC area is available only if it has been selected the E1 value into the Signal Input area.
Radio. Usage modality of the Radio channel:
User. The LAP D protocol is configured as User side.
Network. The LAP D protocol is configured as Network side.
Bridge. The radio channel is used in Bridge Mode.
Disable. The radio channel is not used.
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Radio 1A. Usage modality of the Radio 1A channel:
User. The LAP D protocol is configured as User side.
Network. The LAP D protocol is configured as Network side.
Bridge. The radio channel is used in Bridge Mode.
Disable. The radio channel is not used.
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Radio 2A. Usage modality of the Radio 2A channel:
User. The LAP D protocol is configured as User side.
Network. The LAP D protocol is configured as Network side.
Disable. The radio channel is not used.
To change the parameter select the wished option.
3. Select the NSAP tab.
The tab displays the remnant parameters for the configuration of the internal communication port which
interfaces with OSI router.
The description of every single parameter and the modality to modify the relevant value are pointed
out here below.
Gosip Address. Equipment NSAP (GOSIP) Address.
To modify the parameter, open the cascade menu and type in the box:
AFI, IDI, Ver, Auth, Reserv. and Sel, the value of the corresponding byte/s.
Domain, the values of the bytes that represent the Domain.
Area, the values of the bytes that represent the area.
Sys. ID, the value of the wished System ID.
Press OK.
Routing. Routing level of the OSI router:
L1. Intra Domain (inside the Domain/area)
L2. Extra Domain (outside the Domain/area).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
Press Set as Mac Address to set, into the Sys. ID box, the physical address of the equipment (MAC
4. Press Apply and confirm.
5. Press Store and confirm.
6. Press Restart and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 53
Tab.2 Available parameters of the IP Over OSI tab
See Configurator.
To verify the rules used by the IP Access Control List
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACL tab.
The Status parameter points out the use status of the IP Access Control List:
Enable. The use of the IP Access Control List is enabled: the access to the equipment by other
elements (equipment, PC, etc.) is allowed only if the IP address of the element matches the rules
pointed out in the list.
Disable. The use of the IP Access Control List is disabled: the access to the equipment by other
elements (equipment, PC, etc.) is not defined by the rules pointed out in the list.
The table displays the rules used by the IP Access Control List. Each line identifies a rule. For each rule,
is pointed out in the column:
Name. Name of the rule.
IP Address. IP subnetwork or single IP network which the rule refers to.
Mask. Netmask relevant to the IP subnetwork or to the IP address which the rule refers to.
Permission. Usage conditions of the rule:
Allow Access. The IP subnetwork/IP address is allowed accessing the equipment.
Deny Access. The IP subnetwork/IP address is not allowed accessing the equipment.
The rules in the list are sorted in alphanumeric order with respect to their name (column Name).
Radio configuration
I n Band Manage-
ment option
Parameters present in the
I P Over OSI tab
Unequipped Enable/Disable IP Address
IP Net Mask
Line EOC
Signal Input
1+1 Freq. Div
1+1 Hot Standby
2x(1+0) Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe with East-West
option disable
Disable IP Address
IP Net Mask
Line EOC
Signal Input
Enable IP Address
IP Net Mask
Line EOC
Signal Input
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe with East-West
option enable
Disable IP Address
IP Net Mask
Radio 1
Radio 2
Enable IP Address
IP Net Mask
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 54
To add a rule to the IP Access Control List
User Profile | Station Operator, System
A maximum of 32 rules can be inserted in the list.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACL tab.
3. Press Add.
The Insert Parameters window opens.
4. In the Name box, set the name of the rule.
5. In the IP Address box, set the IP subnetwork or the single IP address which the rule refers to.
6. In the Mask box set the netmask relevant to the IP subnetwork/IP address which the rule refers to (if
a single IP is set, the mask is
7. In the Permission box, set the usage condition of the rule:
Deny Access. The IP subnetwork/IP address is not allowed accessing the equipment.
Allow Access. The IP subnetwork/IP address is allowed accessing the equipment.
8. If you wish the equipment allows or denies the access to any IP address, activate the check-box Any.
In detail, if you activates the check-box Any with selected the option:
Deny Access, the equipment will refuse packets sent by any IP address (with the exception
pointed out in par. IP Access Control List (more info).
Allow Access, the equipment will accept packets sent by any IP address.
Selecting the check-box Any is equivalent to setting IP address to and netmask to
9. Press Apply.
The rule is inserted in the list in alphanumerical order with respect to the name (column Name).
10.Press Apply and confirm.
To remove a rule from the IP Access Control List
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACL tab.
3. Select the row relevant to the rule you wish to delete from the list.
Multiple selections can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
4. Press Remove and confirm.
The rule is removed from the list and communicated to the equipment.
To enable/disable the use of the IP Access Control List
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACL tab.
3. In the Status box, select the option:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 55
Disable, to disable the use of the IP Access Control List.
Enable, to enable the use of the IP Access Control List.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To execute the equipment software reset
User Profile | Station Operator, System
After the reset, all the values activated before the operation result as valid ones.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Port Configuration & ACL contextual area opens.
2. Press Restart and confirm.
IP Access Control List (more info)
The IP Access Control List is a mechanism used to control and filter the source IP addresses which are al-
lowed accessing to an equipment.
This mechanism consists in a list of rules (Access Control Entry) which determine if an IP subnetwork or a
single IP address is allowed accessing to the selecting equipment.
Every rules are composed by a descriptive part and a decision-making part. The descriptive part of the rule
is represented by the IP address (or by a set of IP addresses) source of the packet. The decision-making
part is the action to execute: making the packet passes (allow) or refusing it (deny).
For an ALCplus2e equipment, the analysis of the packet consists in considering the following conditions:
1. The rules present in ACL are considered only if the use of ACL itself is enabled.
2. The control is applied only to the packets destined to the local equipment.
3. The access to the equipment is always allowed by the LCT PPP port (see Port Configuration & ACL).
4. The access is always allowed if the IP address coincides with that of an user who has executed a Login
procedure. The user is allowed modifying ACL without involving the loss of the connection with the
5. The access is allowed only if the source IP address of the packet is not contained in any deny rule.
6. The access is allowed only if the source IP address of the packet is contained in, at least, one any rule.
7. If ACL does not contain rules, enabling it is equivalent to forbidding the access to the equipment from
the Ethernet ports to every IP address.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 56
Routing Table
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Routing Table command manages the static Routing Table and the Default Gateway address current-
ly used by the equipment (Running Routing Table and Running Default Gateway).
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the Routing Table and the Default Gateway currently used by the equipment
To add an element to the Routing Table
To remove one or more elements from the Routing Table
To set/modify the IP Address used as Default Gateway
To delete the IP Address used as Default Gateway
In order to deepen this topic, see Routing Table and Default Gateway (more info)
To verify the Routing Table and the Default Gateway currently used by the equipment
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Routing Table command.
The Routing Table contextual area opens.
The table represents the static Routing Table currently used by the equipment (Running Routing Ta-
Every row of the table corresponds to an element of the Routing Table. For every element, is pointed
out in the column:
Destination. IP address of the IP network or of the destination element.
Net Mask. IP NetMask of the IP network or of the destination element.
Hop. IP address of the equipment that acts as Gateway.
Interface. Supervision port of the local equipment which the Gateway equipment is connected
Lan. Communication port with the LAN network.
Lan/OSI. Communication port that interfaces itself with the router OSI.
Lct. Port for the connection with the PC where resides the SCT/LMT management pro-
gram or the browser for the start of WEB LCT.
Radio 1A. Communication port represented by the radio signal.
Radio 2A/Line EOC. Communication port represented by the 2A radio signal or 2Mb EOC
communication port.
<no wording>. Inner port (internal loopback).
The available values change according to the protocol managed by the equipment (IP/OSI). The
current setting of the parameters relevant to each single port can be verified selecting the Equip-
ment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
Protocol. Modality of connection (direct or indirect) between specific port (Interface) and desti-
nation IP network:
Local. The IP network or the element are directly connected to the equipment interface.
The IP network or the element are automatically inserted by the equipment software.
NetMgmt. The IP network or the element are not directly reachable from the equipment
interfaces. The IP network or the element have been manually inserted by the user (stat-
ic element).
Ospf. The IP network or the element are not directly reachable from the equipment in-
terfaces. The IP network or the element have been manually inserted by the OSPF pro-
tocol (dynamic element).
Other. All the other situations that are not comprised into one of the previous cases (this
label generally does not shown; it has been anticipated for future uses).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 57
The Default Gateway parameter points out the IP address of the equipment that acts as Default Gate-
way currently used by the equipment (Running Default Gateway).
The following box points out the supervision port which the IP address of the Gateway corresponds to.
To add an element to the Routing Table
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Routing Table command.
The Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Press Add.
The Add New Entry window opens.
3. Into the Destination box, type the IP Address of the IP network or of the destination element.
4. Into the NetMask box, type the mask for the destination IP network
5. Into the Hop box, type the IP Address of the equipment acting as Gateway for the destination network.
6. Press Apply.
The new element is inserted into the table. The system records the new element into the currently used
Routing Table (Running Routing Table) and into the backup memory of the equipment (Stored Routing
To remove one or more elements from the Routing Table
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Routing Table command.
The Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Select the element of the Routing Table.
Multiple selections can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
Items automatically inserted by the controller (items with Local protocol) cannot be deleted.
3. Press Remove and confirm.
The system deletes the element into the currently used Routing Table (Running Routing Table) and into
the backup memory of the equipment (Stored Routing Table).
To set/modify the IP Address used as Default Gateway
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Routing Table command.
The Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Into the Default Gateway box, type the IP Address of the equipment used as Default Gateway.
In the next box is automatically points out the supervision port which the IP address of the Gateway
equipment corresponds to.
3. Press Apply (next to Delete push-button) and confirm.
The system inserts the new Default Gateway IP address into the currently used Routing Table (Running
Routing Table) and into the backup memory of the equipment (Stored Routing Table).
The insertion of a new IP address used as Default Gateway can fail if the new IP address does not belong
to an IP network directly connected to the equipment interface.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 58
To delete the IP Address used as Default Gateway
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Routing Table command.
The Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Press Delete and confirm.
The system deletes the Default Gateway IP address into the currently used Routing Table (Running
Routing Table) and into the backup memory of the equipment (Stored Routing Table).
Routing Table and Default Gateway (more info)
When all the equipment belongs to the same IP network and it is not necessary to send packets to other
networks, it is not necessary to define the Routing Table and the address of the Gateway equipment
because the network can manage its own internal traffic.
Setting these parameter is necessary when equipment must send packets between two different net-
works, then the traffic must be re-routed from a network to another one (routing functionality of the
Routing Table
The function of the Routing Table is the one to check the routing of the supervisory messages exchanged
among the elements (PCs, equipment, etc.), that use the TCP/IP protocol, from one network to the other
Routing Table (Running)
Each equipment at its initialisation (start-up operation) automatically sets the elements of the Routing Ta-
ble that identify the supervisory ports of the equipment (communication ports provided with the equipment
for the input/output of the supervisory signal).
These elements are set according to the IP addresses assigned to each port.
If the user changes the IP address of a supervisory port, the system does not dynamically change it into
the equipment Routing Table. It is necessary to execute a reset of the equipment, because the elements
of the Routing Table are set at the equipment start-up.
If it is necessary, the user can add to these elements (automatically set) some other ones.
The system records each new element (manually set) into the currently used Routing Table (Running Rout-
ing Table) and into the backup memory of the equipment controller (Stored Routing Table); the system
does not record the elements (automatically set) into the backup memory of the controller because they
are newly set at every equipment start-up.
The Running Routing Table is a static one. The system updates such a table, through the elements present
into the Stored Routing Table, at every equipment start-up.
Stored Routing Table
The equipment does not currently use the Stored Routing Table. This table becomes operative on the
equipment restart.
In fact, in this case, the system inserts the elements of the Stored Routing Table into the Routing Table
used by the equipment (Running Routing Table). What just said is valid only for the elements whose router
equipment (Hop) is associated to an active interface.
The setting of the Stored Routing Table id necessary, for instance, when the user wants to change an ad-
dress of the equipment supervisory ports.
In such a case, it is not possible to change the currently used Routing Table (Running Routing Table).
The changes have to be inserted into the Stored Routing Table. At the next equipment start-up, the system
inserts the elements of the Stored Routing Table into the Routing Table used by the equipment.
Default Gateway
The system forwards to the equipment with the Default Gateway function the data that have a receiver
unreachable through the routes present into the Routing Table.
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Stored Routing Table
User Profile | System
The Stored Routing Table command manages the static Routing Table and the Default Gateway address
stored in the equipment (Stored Routing Table and Stored Default Gateway).
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the Routing Table and the Default Gateway present into the backup memory of the controller
To add an element into the Stored Routing Table
To remove one or more elements from the Stored Routing Table
To set/modify the IP Address used as Default Gateway into the Stored Routing Table
To delete the IP address used as Default Gateway into the Stored Routing Table
In order to deepen this topic, see Routing Table and Default Gateway (more info)
To verify the Routing Table and the Default Gateway present into the backup memory
of the controller
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Stored Routing Table command.
The Stored Routing Table contextual area opens.
The table represents the static Routing Table present in the backup memory of the equipment control-
ler (Stored Routing Table).
Every row of the table corresponds to an element of the Routing Table. For every element, is pointed
out in the column:
Destination. IP address of the IP network or of the destination element.
Net Mask. IP NetMask of the IP network or of the destination element.
Hop. IP address of the equipment that acts as Gateway.
Interface. Supervision port of the local equipment which the Gateway equipment is connected
Lan. Communication port with the LAN network.
Lan/OSI. Communication port that interfaces itself with the router OSI.
Lct. Port for the connection with the PC where resides the SCT/LMT management pro-
gram or the browser for the start of WEB LCT.
Radio 1A. Communication port represented by the radio signal.
Radio 2A/Line EOC. Communication port represented by the 2A radio signal or 2Mb EOC
communication port.
The available values change according to the protocol managed by the equipment (IP/OSI). The
current setting of the parameters relevant to each single port can be verified selecting the Equip-
ment Menu > Main > Port Configuration & ACL command.
The Default Gateway parameter points out the IP address of the equipment that acts as Default Gate-
way present in the backup memory of the equipment controller (Stored Default Gateway).
The next box points out the supervision port which the IP address of the Gateway equipment corre-
sponds to.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 60
To add an element into the Stored Routing Table
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Stored Routing Table command.
The Stored Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Press Add.
The Add New Entry window opens.
3. Into the Destination box, type the IP Address of the IP network or of the destination element.
4. Into the NetMask box, type the mask for the destination IP network
5. Into the Hop box, type the IP Address of the equipment acting as Gateway for the destination network.
6. Into the Interface box, set the supervisory port of the local equipment which the Gateway equipment
is connected to:
Radio 1A. Communication port represented by the radio signal.
Lct. Port for the connection with the PC where resides the SCT/LMT management program or
the browser for the start of WEB LCT.
Lan. Communication port with the LAN network.
Lan/OSI. Communication port that interfaces itself with the router OSI.
Radio 2A/Line EOC. Communication port represented by the 2A radio signal or 2Mb EOC com-
munication port.
The available values change according to the protocol managed by the equipment (IP/OSI).
7. Press Apply.
The system inserts the new element into the table.
8. Press Save and confirm.
The system saves the new element into the backup memory of the equipment.
The system records the new element ONLY into the backup memory of the equipment (Stored Routing
Table). At the next equipment start-up, the system will insert this new element also in the current rout-
ing table (Running Routing Table). What just said is valid only for the elements whose equipment (Hop)
is associated to an active interface.
To remove one or more elements from the Stored Routing Table
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Stored Routing Table command.
The Stored Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Select the element of the Stored Routing Table.
Multiple selections can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
3. Press Remove and confirm.
4. Press Save and confirm.
The system removes the element from the backup memory of the equipment.
The system deletes the element ONLY from the backup memory of the equipment (Stored Routing Ta-
ble). At the next equipment start-up, the system will delete such an element also into the current Rout-
ing Table (Running Routing Table).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 61
To set/modify the IP Address used as Default Gateway into the Stored Routing Table
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Stored Routing Table command.
The Stored Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Into the Default Gateway box, type the IP Address of the equipment used as Default Gateway.
3. Into the next box, set the supervision port which the IP address of the Gateway equipment corresponds
Radio 1A. Communication port represented by the radio signal.
Lct. Port for the connection with the PC where resides the SCT/LMT management program or
the browser for the start of WEB LCT.
Lan. Communication port with the LAN network.
Lan/OSI. Communication port that interfaces itself with the router OSI.
Radio 2A/Line EOC. Communication port represented by the 2A radio signal or 2Mb EOC com-
munication port.
The available values change according to the protocol managed by the equipment (IP/OSI).
4. Press Apply (next to Delete push-button) and confirm.
5. Press Save and confirm.
The system saves the new IP address of Default Gateway into the backup memory of the equipment.
The system records the IP address of Default Gateway ONLY into the backup memory of the equipment
(Stored Routing Table). The equipment will display such an IP address only at the next restart proce-
dure of the equipment itself.
To delete the IP address used as Default Gateway into the Stored Routing Table
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Stored Routing Table command.
The Stored Routing Table contextual area opens.
2. Press Delete and confirm.
3. Press Save and confirm.
The system removes the IP address of Default Gateway from the backup memory of the equipment.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 62
Performance Monitoring
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Performance Monitoring command manages the Performance Monitoring measures.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the status of the PM measures
To activate a PM measure
To activate all PM measures in a group contemporaneously
To deactivate a PM measure
To deactivate all PM measure in a group contemporaneously
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms;
To reset the values of the control parameters;
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms;
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms
for the:
G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure
G828 Radio <radio branch> measure
G828 E1 Line Side measure
G828 E1 Radio Side measure
G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> measure
ACM Radio <radio branch> measure
RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure
TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure
In order to deepen this topic, see:
Measures available for the ALCplus2e equipment
Quality parameters description (PM measures)
PM measures (more info)
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Measures available for the ALCplus2e equipment
The measures available for the ALCplus2e equipment are the following.
G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure. This measure checks the quality of the received sig-
nal at line side (STM-1 stream).
The check consists of measuring, by means of the B1 byte, the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality pa-
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec.
he SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure. This measure checks the quality of the received
signal at line side (STM-1 stream).
The check consists of measuring, by means of the B2 and M1 bytes, the following quality parame-
Byte B2 -> BBE, ES, SES, UAS, SEP.
Byte B2 and M1 -> UASBIDI.
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS, BBE FE, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI parameters are implemented
according to G.829 ITU-T Rec.
The SEP, SEP FE parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G828 Radio <radio branch> measure. This measure checks the quality of the received signal at ra-
dio side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters.
The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G828 E1 Line Side measure. This measure checks the quality of the received signal from one of the
IDU board E1 tributary (A or B) at line side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES,
UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec.
The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G828 E1 Radio Side measure. This measure checks the quality of the received signal from one of
the IDU board E1 tributary (A or B) at radio side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters. The BBE, ES, SES,
UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec.
The SEP parameter is implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> measure. This measure checks
the quality of the received VC-12 into the STM-1 stream.
The check consists of measuring the ES, SES, UAS, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI, SEP, SEP FE,
BBE, BBE FE quality parameters.
The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
ACM Radio <radio branch> measure. This measure traces the trend of the ACM profiles in the time.
The trend is traced using one counter for each ACM profile and two further counters (UpShift and
RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure. This measure checks the power of the signal at reception.
The check consists of measuring the RLTS, RLTM quality parameters specified by the Standard EN
301 129 of the ETSI.
TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure. This measure checks the power of the signal at transmission.
The check consists of measuring the TLTS, TLTM quality parameters, specified by the Standard EN
301 129 of the ETSI.
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Quality parameters description (PM measures)
G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> measure
The quality parameters description of the G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure is the following:
BBE (Background Block Error). Number of blocks where it has been detected at least one er-
rored bit not belonging to SES.
ES (Errored Second). The second when there have been one or more errored blocks.
SES (Severely Errored Second). The second when there have been a percentage of errored
blocks > N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated an alarm
equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Loss of Signal Alarm, Loss of Frame
Alarm, B2 Excessive Ber Alarm, etc.).
SEP (Severely Errored Period). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES comprised
between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES.
UAS (UnAvailable Seconds). Number of unavailability seconds.
The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES presence and it ends
at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES. The P seconds are counted
into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> measure
The quality parameters description of the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure is the follow-
BBE (Background Block Error). Number of blocks where it has been detected at least one er-
rored bit not belonging to SES.
ES (Errored Second). The second when there have been one or more errored blocks.
SES (Severely Errored Second). The second when there have been a percentage of errored
blocks > N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated an alarm
equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Loss of Signal Alarm, Loss of Frame
Alarm, B2 Excessive Ber Alarm, etc.).
SEP (Severely Errored Period). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES comprised
between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES.
UAS (UnAvailable Seconds). Number of unavailability seconds.
The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES presence and it ends
at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES. The P seconds are counted
into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
BBE FE (Background Block Error Far End). Number of remote blocks, where it has been detected
at least one errored bit, not belonging to SES.
ES FE (Errored Second Far End). The second when there have been one or more errored remote
SES FE (Severely Errored Second Far End). The second when there have been a percentage of
errored blocks > N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated
an alarm equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Ms Rdi Alarm).
SEP FE (Severely Errored Period Far End). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES
FE comprised between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES FE.
UAS FE (UnAvailable Seconds Far End). Number of remote unavailability seconds.
The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES FE presence and it ends
at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES FE. The P seconds are counted
into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
UASBIDI (UnAvailable Seconds Bidirectional). Number of local (UAS) or remote (UAS FE) una-
vailability seconds.
G828 Radio <radio branch>, G828 E1 Line Side and G828 E1 Radio Side measures
The quality parameters description of the G828 Radio <radio branch> measure, G828 E1 Line Side mea-
sure and G828 E1 Radio Side measure is the following:
BBE (Background Block Error). Number of blocks where it has been detected at least one er-
rored bit not belonging to SES.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 65
ES (Errored Second). The second when there have been one or more errored blocks.
SES (Severely Errored Second). The second when there have been a percentage of errored
blocks > N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated an alarm
equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Loss of Signal Alarm, Loss of Frame
Alarm, B2 Excessive Ber Alarm, etc.).
SEP (Severely Errored Period). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES comprised
between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES.
UAS (UnAvailable Seconds). Number of unavailability seconds.
The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES presence and it ends
at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES. The P seconds are counted
into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3- TUG2- TUG12> measure
The quality parameters description of the G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-
TUG12> measure is the following:
BBE (Background Block Error). Number of blocks where it has been detected at least one er-
rored bit not belonging to SES.
ES (Errored Second). The second when there have been one or more errored blocks.
SES (Severely Errored Second). The second when there have been a percentage of errored
blocks > N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated an alarm
equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Loss of Signal Alarm, Loss of Frame
Alarm, B2 Excessive Ber Alarm, etc.).
SEP (Severely Errored Period). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES comprised
between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES.
UAS (UnAvailable Seconds). Number of unavailability seconds.
The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES presence and it ends
at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES. The P seconds are counted
into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
BBE FE (Background Block Error Far End). Number of remote blocks, where it has been detected
at least one errored bit, not belonging to SES.
ES FE (Errored Second Far End). The second when there have been one or more errored remote
SES FE (Severely Errored Second Far End). The second when there have been a percentage of
errored blocks > N% (the N value can be configured) or the second when it has been activated
an alarm equivalent to the interruption of the signal at reception (Ms Rdi Alarm).
SEP FE (Severely Errored Period Far End). Number of periods with a number of consecutive SES
FE comprised between 3 and 9. The sequence is ended by a second without SES FE.
UAS FE (UnAvailable Seconds Far End). Number of remote unavailability seconds.
The counting of the seconds starts after P consecutive seconds with SES FE presence and it ends
at the beginning of a period of Q consecutive seconds without SES FE. The P seconds are counted
into the unavailability period. The Q and P values can be configured.
UASBIDI (UnAvailable Seconds Bidirectional). Number of local (UAS) or remote (UAS FE) una-
vailability seconds.
ACM Radio <radio branch> measure
The quality parameters description of the ACM Radio <radio branch> measure is the following:
4QAM Str. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 4QAM Str. The rule used to increase the counter
changes according to the active increase mode
4QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 4QAM. The rule used to increase the counter chang-
es according to the active increase mode
8PSK. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 8PSK. The rule used to increase the counter changes
according to the active increase mode
16QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 16QAM. The rule used to increase the counter
changes according to the active increase mode
32QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 32QAM. The rule used to increase the counter
changes according to the active increase mode
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 66
64QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 64QAM. The rule used to increase the counter
changes according to the active increase mode
128QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 128QAM. The rule used to increase the counter
changes according to the active increase mode
256QAM. Counter relevant to the ACM profile 256QAM. The rule used to increase the counter
changes according to the active increase mode
DownShift. Number of times the ACM profile, during the specific observation period, has
changed assuming an ACM profile lower than the previous one.
UpShift. Number of times the ACM profile, during the specific observation period, has changed
assuming an ACM profile higher than the previous one.
The counters relevant to the ACM profiles can be increased according to the following modes:
Active Mod. The counter is increased each second if the corresponding ACM profile is equal to
the one currently active.
Not Avail. Mod. The counter is increased each second if the corresponding ACM profile is higher
than the current one and lower than or equal to the upper modulation threshold (Upper Modu-
Example. Suppose the ACM profile 128 QAM has been defined as Upper Modulation and the current mod-
ulation is 16 QAM. If the active modality is:
Active Mod, each second only the counter 16QAM is increased.
Not Avail. Mod, each second the counters 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM are increased.
The mode used to increase the counters of the ACM profiles is common to all the counters and must be
selected by the user.
RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure
The quality parameters description of the RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure is the following:
TMMax (Tide Mark Max). Maximum value reached by the power at reception (RL) during the
observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
TMMin (Tide Mark Min). Minimum value reached by the power at reception (RL) during the ob-
servation period (15 min or 24 hours).
Average Level. Average level of the power at reception (RL) during the observation period (15
min or 24 hours).
Rlts (Received Level Threshold Second). Number of seconds where it has been detected that
the value of the power at reception (RL - Received Level) is lower than the pre-defined threshold
level. It is possible to define up to a maximum of 5 threshold levels.
TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure
The quality parameters description of the TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure is the following:
TMMax (Tide Mark Max). Maximum value reached by the power at transmission (TL) during the
observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
TMMin (Tide Mark Min). Minimum value reached by the power at transmission (TL) during the
observation period (15 min or 24 hours).
Average Level. Average level of the power at transmission (TL) during the observation period
(15 min or 24 hours)
Tlts (Transmitted Level Threshold Second). Number of seconds where it has been detected that
the value of the power at transmission (TL - Transmitted Level) is higher than the pre-defined
threshold level. It is possible to define up to a maximum of 4 threshold levels.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 67
To verify the status of the PM measures
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
In the contextual area the PM measures available is displayed. The measures are subdivided in groups.
Selecting a group, the list of the measures associated to the group can be expanded.
The measures of only one group at a time can be displayed.
The group and the relevant measures available for the ALCplus2e equipment are the following:
G828 group:
G828 Radio <radio branch> measure, checks the quality of the received signal at radio side.
G828 E1 Line Side measure, checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU
board E1 tributary (A or B) at line side.
G828 E1 Radio Side measure, checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU
board E1 tributary (A or B) at radio side.
RxPwr group:
RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure, checks the power of the signal at reception.
TxPwr group:
TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure, checks the power of the signal at transmission.
ACM group:
ACM Radio <radio branch> measure, traces the trend of the ACM profiles in the time.
G829 RstB1 group:
G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure, checks the quality of the received signal at
line side (STM-1 stream).
G829 MstB2M1 group:
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure, checks the quality of the received signal
at line side (STM-1 stream).
G828 Vc12 group:
G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> measure, checks the
quality of the received VC-12 into the STM-1 stream.
Next to every measure, the relevant status is displayed:
Stopped. The measure is not on progress.
Running. The measure is on progress.
To activate a PM measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Execute one of the following operations:
Press Start at the side of the measure in Stopped status to be activated and confirm.
The measure is started-up and its status switches from Stopped to Running.
Press Show at the side of the measure in Stopped status to be activated.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
Select the Start command and confirm.
The measure is started-up.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 68
To activate all PM measures in a group contemporaneously
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group.
3. Press Start Current and confirm.
The not active measures are started and their status passes from Stopped to Running.
To deactivate a PM measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Execute one of the following operations:
Press Stop at the side of the measure in Running status to be deactivated and confirm.
The measure is stopped and its status switches from Running to Stopped.
Press Show at the side of the measure in Running status to be deactivated.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
Select the Stop command and confirm.
The measure is stopped.
To deactivate all PM measure in a group contemporaneously
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group.
3. Press Stop Current and confirm.
The active measures are stopped and their status passes from Running to Stopped.
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G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> measure
Measure available and meaningful only when the management of STM-1 stream(s) is active (see
The G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> measure checks the quality of the received signal at line side
(STM-1 stream).
The check consists of measuring, by means of the B1 byte, the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters
(see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is
implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G829 RstB1 STM-1 measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G829 RstB1 STM-1)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G829 RstB1 STM-1 measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G829 RstB1 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure.
The G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> window opens, where the results of the measures and the
status of the alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS (see Quality parameters description (PM me-
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or blocks.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
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The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
UAS. Unavailability alarm.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. Into the table there are the parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
Blocks. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the blocks as measuring unit.
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished measure.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
4. Select the Clear Counters command and confirm.
The values displayed into table are reset.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 71
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The operation affects all the actually active alarms with the exception of the UAS.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished measure.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
4. Select the Clear Alarms command and confirm.
All the active alarm status boxes are deactivated, except for the unavailability alarms.
To activate a measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished measure.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
4. Select the Start command and confirm.
The measure is started-up.
To deactivate a measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished measure.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
4. Select the Stop command and confirm.
The measure is stopped.
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the group that contains the measure.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished G828... or G829... measure.
The <PM measure name> window opens.
4. Into the commands bar, select the arrow present on the side of the box and select from the list:
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Seconds, to display the results of the parameters whose measure unit are the seconds: ES, SES,
SEP, etc.
Blocks, to display the results of the parameters whose measure unit are the blocks: BBE.
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G829 RstB1 STM-1)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G829 RstB1 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure.
The G829 RstB1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays, in the right part of the window, the relevant parameters:
General. Threshold levels of the UAS and SES parameters:
N Ses Set UAS (P). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with
SES - over which starts the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N Ses Reset UAS (Q). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with-
out SES - over which ends the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N BBE Set Ses. Threshold - expressed by the percentage of the errored blocks - over
which it is declared a SES.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 100% (default 30%).
15M Es. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24 hours,
when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 73
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
UAS. Severity of the UAS alarm: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 74
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> measure
Measure available and meaningful only when the management of STM-1 stream(s) is active (see
The G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> measure checks the quality of the received signal at line
side (STM-1 stream).
The check consists of measuring, by means of the B2 and M1 bytes, the following quality parameters (see
Quality parameters description (PM measures):
Byte B2 -> BBE, ES, SES, UAS, SEP.
Byte B2 e M1 -> UASBIDI.
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS, BBE FE, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI parameters are implemented according
to G.829 ITU-T Rec. The SEP, SEP FE parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G829 MstB2M1 STM-1)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G829 MstB2M1 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure.
The G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> window opens, where the results of the measures and
the status of the alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS, BBE FE, ES FE, SES FE, SEP FE, UAS FE,
UASBIDI (see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or blocks.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 75
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
UAS. Unavailability alarm.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. Into the table there are the parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
Blocks. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the blocks as measuring unit.
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G829 MstB2M1 STM-1)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G829 MstB2M1 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> measure.
The G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 <STM-1 number> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays, in the right part of the window, the relevant parameters:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 76
General. Threshold levels of the UAS and SES parameters:
N Ses Set UAS (P). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with
SES - over which starts the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N Ses Reset UAS (Q). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with-
out SES - over which ends the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N BBE Set Ses. Threshold - expressed by the percentage of the errored blocks - over
which it is declared a SES.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 100% (default 30%).
15M E. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Es FE. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es FE. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when ES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses FE. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when SES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 77
24H Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses FE. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Ses FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when SES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep FE. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when SEP FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep FE. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when SEP FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
UAS. UAS alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
UAS FE. UAS FE alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
UAS Bidi. UAS BIDI alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 78
G828 Radio <radio branch> measure
The measure is available only if the equipment is provided with the radio.
The G828 Radio 2A measure is available only for equipment in 1+1 or 2x(1+0) radio configuration.
The G828 Radio <radio branch> measure checks the quality of the received signal at radio side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters (see Quality parameters
description (PM measures).
The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the G828 Radio <radio branch> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 Radio measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Radio)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 Radio measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G828 Radio <radio branch> measure.
The G828 Radio <radio branch> window opens, where the results of the measures and the status of
the alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS (see Quality parameters description (PM me-
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or blocks.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 79
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
UAS. Unavailability alarm.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. Into the table there are the parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
Blocks. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the blocks as measuring unit.
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Radio)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G828 Radio <radio branch> measure.
The G828 Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays, in the right part of the window, the relevant parameters:
General. Threshold levels of the UAS and SES parameters:
N Ses Set UAS (P). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with
SES - over which starts the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 80
N Ses Reset UAS (Q). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with-
out SES - over which ends the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N BBE Set Ses. Threshold - expressed by the percentage of the errored blocks - over
which it is declared a SES.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 100% (default 30%).
15M E. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
UAS. UAS alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 81
G828 E1 Line Side measure
In order to execute this measure, it is necessary to use a tributary framed according the G.704 Rec.
The G828 E1 Line Side measure checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU board E1
tributary (A or B) at line side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters (see Quality parameters
description (PM measures).
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is
implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the G828 E1 Line Side window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 E1 Line Side measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 E1...)
To set the 2Mbit/s tributary used for the measure (G828 E1...)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 E1 Line Side measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G828 E1 Line Side measure.
The G828 E1 Line Side window opens, where the results of the measures and the status of the alarms
relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS (see Quality parameters description (PM me-
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or blocks.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 82
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
UAS. Unavailability alarm.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The 2Mb Selection box points out the tributary used for the measure.
The No 2Mb Used, wording indicates that no tributary is set for the measure.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. Into the table there are the parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
Blocks. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the blocks as measuring unit.
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 E1...)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished G828 E1... measure.
The G828 E1... window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays, in the right part of the window, the relevant parameters:
General. Threshold levels of the UAS and SES parameters:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 83
N Ses Set UAS (P). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with
SES - over which starts the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N Ses Reset UAS (Q). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with-
out SES - over which ends the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N BBE Set Ses. Threshold - expressed by the percentage of the errored blocks - over
which it is declared a SES.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 100% (default 30%).
15M Es. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
UAS. Severity of the UAS alarm: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 84
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To set the 2Mbit/s tributary used for the measure (G828 E1...)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The operation is not available when the system uses as supervisory port (EOC) an equipment tributary
(see Port Configuration & ACL). In such a case, the system automatically uses for the PM measures,
the same tributary used for the supervisory operations.
The change of the tributary for the G828 E1 Line Side measure automatically changes the value of the
tributary for the G828 E1 Radio Side measure and vice versa.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the wished G828 E1... measure.
The G828 E1... window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens.
5. Select the 2Mb Selection option
The 2Mb Selector parameter opens, which points out the 2Mbit/s used for the calculation oft he meas-
ure control parameters. In detail, the selected value:
Trib A, the tributary A is used for the measure.
Trib B, the tributary B is used for the measure.
No 2Mb Used, no tributary is set for the measure.
To change the parameter, select the wished value from the list (Trib A or Trib B).
If a value is not available, this means that the relevant tributary is used as output of the synchronism
(see Synchronisation).
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
6. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 85
G828 E1 Radio Side measure
The measure is available only if the equipment is provided with the radio.
In order to execute this measure, it is necessary to use a tributary framed according the G.704 Rec.
The G828 E1 Radio Side measure checks the quality of the received signal from one of the IDU board E1
tributary (A or B) at radio side.
The check consists of measuring the BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS quality parameters (see Quality parameters
description (PM measures).
The BBE, ES, SES, UAS parameters are implemented according to G.826 ITU-T Rec. The SEP parameter is
implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
In the Performance Monitoring contextual are the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the G828 E1 Radio Side window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 E1 Radio Side measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 E1...)
To set the 2Mbit/s tributary used for the measure (G828 E1...)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 E1 Radio Side measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G828 E1 Radio Side measure.
The G828 E1 Radio Side window opens, where the results of the measures and the status of the alarms
relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS (see Quality parameters description (PM me-
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or blocks.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 86
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
UAS. Unavailability alarm.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The 2Mb Selection box points out the tributary used for the measure.
The No 2Mb Used, wording indicates that no tributary is set for the measure.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. Into the table there are the parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
Blocks. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the blocks as measuring unit.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 87
G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3- TUG2- TUG12> measure
Measure available and meaningful only when the management of STM-1 stream(s) is active (see
The G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM- 1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3- TUG2- TUG12> measure checks the quality
of the received VC-12 into the STM-1 stream.
The check consists of measuring the ES, SES, UAS, ES FE, SES FE, UAS FE, UASBIDI, SEP, SEP FE, BBE,
BBE FE quality parameters (see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
The parameters are implemented according to G.828 ITU-T Rec.
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 Vc12... measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Vc12...)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 Vc12... measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 Vc12 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12>
The G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window opens, where the re-
sults of the measures and the status of the alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: BBE, ES, SES, SEP, UAS, BBE FE, ES FE, SES FE, SEP FE, UAS FE,
UASBIDI (see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or blocks.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 88
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
UAS. Unavailability alarm.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. Into the table there are the parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
Blocks. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the blocks as measuring unit.
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Vc12...)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the G828 Vc12 group.
3. Press Show at the side of the G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12>
The G828 Vc12 STM-1 <STM-1 number> - VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays, in the right part of the window, the relevant parameters:
General. Threshold levels of the UAS and SES parameters:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 89
N Ses Set UAS (P). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with
SES - over which starts the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N Ses Reset UAS (Q). Threshold - expressed by the number of consecutive seconds with-
out SES - over which ends the UAS unavailability period.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 10 sec (default 10).
N BBE Set Ses. Threshold - expressed by the percentage of the errored blocks - over
which it is declared a SES.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 100% (default 30%).
15M Es. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Es FE. Severity and threshold of the 15M Es FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Es FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when ES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when ES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Es FE. Severity and threshold of the 24H Es FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Es FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when ES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Ses FE. Severity and threshold of the 15M Ses FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Ses FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when SES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 90
24H Ses Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SES has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Ses FE. Severity and threshold of the 24H Ses FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Ses FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when SES FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M Sep FE. Severity and threshold of the 15M Sep FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M Sep FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when SEP FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when SEP has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H Sep FE. Severity and threshold of the 24H Sep FE alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Sep FE Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when SEP FE has occurred - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
UAS. UAS alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
UAS FE. UAS FE alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
UAS Bidi. UAS BIDI alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter select the wished option.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 91
ACM Radio <radio branch> measure
The measure is available only if the equipment is provided with the radio.
Furthermore the measure meaningful only when the adaptive modulation is active.
The ACM Radio 2A measure is available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) radio configuration.
The ACM Radio <radio branch> measure traces the trend of the ACM profiles in the time.
The trend is traced using one counter for each ACM profile and two further counters: UpShift and DownShift
(see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the ACM Radio <radio branch> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the ACM Radio measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed counters (ACM Radio)
To set the thresholds of the alarms (ACM Radio)
To modify the modality used to increase the counters (ACM Radio)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the ACM Radio measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACM group.
3. Press Show at the side of the ACM Radio <radio branch> measure.
The ACM Radio <radio branch> window opens, where the results of the measures and the status of the
alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure counters. For every counter, the result of the
measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In detail, the
Type. Counters. One counter is foreseen for every ACM profile: 4QAM Str, 4QAM, 8PSK, 16QAM,
32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM (see Quality parameters description (PM measures)).
For every counter, the column of the specific observation period points out (expressed in sec-
onds) the number of times the counter is increased.
The rule used to increased a counter changes according to the currently active modality (see
Policy parameter).
Besides one counter per modulation, two further counters are foreseen:
DownShift. Number of times the profile, during the specific observation period, has
changed assuming a profile lower than the previous one.
UpShift. Number of times the profile, during the specific observation period, has changed
assuming a profile higher than the previous one.
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the counter type (see Seconds or UpDownShift
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 92
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <counter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific counter into one of the primary ob-
servation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <counter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific counter into one of the daily obser-
vation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The Policy box points out the modality used to increase the counters:
Active Mod. The counter is increased each second if the corresponding ACM profile is equal to
the one currently active.
Not Avail. Mod. The counter is increased each second if the corresponding ACM profile is higher
than the current one and lower than or equal to the upper modulation threshold (Upper Modu-
Example. Suppose the ACM profile 128 QAM has been defined as Upper Modulation and the current
modulation is 16 QAM. If the active modality is:
Active Mod, each second only the counter 16QAM is increased.
Not Avail. Mod, each second the counters 32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM are increased.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Seconds. The counters relevant to the ACM profiles are present in the table.
UpDownShift. The counters DownShift and UpShift are present in the table.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 93
To change the type of the displayed counters (ACM Radio)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACM group.
3. Press Show at the side of the ACM Radio <radio branch> measure.
The ACM Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Into the commands bar, select the arrow present on the side of the box and select from the list:
Seconds, to display the results of the counters: 4QAM Str, 4QAM, 8PSK, etc.
UpDownShift, to display the results of the counters: DownShift and UpShift.
To set the thresholds of the alarms (ACM Radio)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACM group.
3. Press Show at the side of the ACM Radio <radio branch> measure.
The ACM Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays, in the right part of the window, the relevant counters:
15M 4QAMS. Severity and threshold of the 15M 4QAM Strong alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 4QAMS Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when the counter 4QAM Str has increased - over which it is activated the
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 4QAM. Severity and threshold of the 15M 4QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 4QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when the counter 4QAM has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 8PSK. Severity and threshold of the 15M 8PSK alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 8PSK Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 15
minutes, when the counter 8PSK has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 16QAM. Severity and threshold of the 15M 16QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 16QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when the counter 16QAM has increased - over which it is activated the
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 94
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 32QAM. Severity and threshold of the 15M 32QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 32QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when the counter 32QAM has increased - over which it is activated the
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 64QAM. Severity and threshold of the 15M 64QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 64QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when the counter 64QAM has increased - over which it is activated the
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 128QAM. Severity and threshold of the 15M 128QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 128QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when the counter 128QAM has increased - over which it is activated the
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
15M 256QAM. Severity and threshold of the 15M 256QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
15M 256QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
15 minutes, when the counter 256QAM has increased - over which it is activated the
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 900 (default 0). The value
0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 4QAMS. Severity and threshold of the 24H 4QAMS alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 4QAMS Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when the counter 4QAM Str has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 4QAM. Severity and threshold of the 24H 4QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 4QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when the counter 4QAM has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 8PSK. Severity and threshold of the 24H 8PSK alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 8PSK Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of 24
hours, when the counter 8PSK has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 95
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 16QAM. Severity and threshold of the 24H 16QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 16QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when the counter 16QAM has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 32QAM. Severity and threshold of the 24H 32QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 32QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when the counter 32QAM has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 64QAM. Severity and threshold of the 24H 64QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 64QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when the counter 64QAM has increased- over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 128QAM. Severity and threshold of the 24H 128QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 128QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when the counter 128QAM has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
24H 256QAM. Severity and threshold of the 24H 256QAM alarm:
Severity. Alarm severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H 256QAM Threshold. Threshold - expressed as number of seconds, inside a period of
24 hours, when the counter 256QAM has increased - over which it is activated the alarm.
To change the parameter set a value comprised between 1 and 86400 (default 0). The
value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the modality used to increase the counters (ACM Radio)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the ACM group.
3. Press Show at the side of the ACM Radio <radio branch> measure.
The ACM Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Press Change.
The Policy window opens.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 96
5. Select the option:
Active Modulation. Each second the counters, whose ACM profile is equal to the currently active
one, are increased.
Not Available Modulation. Each second the counters, whose ACM profile is higher than the cur-
rent one and lower than or equal to the upper modulation threshold (Upper Modulation), are
6. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 97
RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure
The measure is available only if the equipment is provided with the radio.
The RxPwr Radio 2A measure is available only for equipment in 1+1 or 2x(1+0) radio configuration.
The RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure checks the power of the signal at reception.
The check consists of measuring the RLTS, RLTM quality parameters specified by the Standard EN 301 129
of the ETSI (see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the RxPwr Radio <radio branch> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the RxPwr Radio measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (RxPwr Radio)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (RxPwr Radio)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the RxPwr Radio measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the RxPwr group.
3. Press Show at the side of the RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure.
The RxPwr Radio <radio branch> window opens, where the results of the measures and the status of
the alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: TMMax, TMMin, Average Level, Rlts (see Quality parameters descrip-
tion (PM measures))
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or dBm.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 98
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The Rlt... Thresh. boxes point out the threshold levels of the received power actually set. These param-
eters can be configured by the user.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Rlts. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
TM. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the dBm as measuring unit.
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (RxPwr Radio)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the RxPwr group.
3. Press Show at the side of the RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure.
The RxPwr Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Into the commands bar, select the arrow present on the side of the text box and select from the list:
Rlts, to display the results of the parameters whose measure unit are the seconds: Rlts1, etc.
TM, to display the results of the parameters whose measure unit are the dBm: TMMax, TMMin,
Average Level.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 99
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (RxPwr Radio)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the RxPwr group.
3. Press Show at the side of the RxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure.
The RxPwr Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays the relevant parameters in the right part of the window:
15M Rlts. Threshold and severity of the 15M Rlts... alarms:
Rlts 1, Rlts 2, Rlts 3, Rlts 4, Rlts 5 (Thresholds area). Threshold levels - expressed as
number of seconds, inside a period of 15 minutes, when the received power is lower than
the RLT1, RLT2, RLT3, RLT4, RLT5 threshold levels - over which the system activates the
relevant alarms.
To change a threshold, set into the relevant box, a number comprised between 1 and 900
(default 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of
the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
Severity. Alarms severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Rlts. Threshold and severity of the 24H Rlts... alarms:
Rlts 1, Rlts 2, Rlts 3, Rlts 4, Rlts 5 (Thresholds area). Threshold levels - expressed as
number of seconds, inside a period of 24 hours, when the received power is lower than
the RLT1, RLT2, RLT3, RLT4, RLT5 threshold levels - over which the system activates the
relevant alarms.
To change a threshold, set into the relevant box, a number comprised between 1 and
86400 (default 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accord-
ingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
Severity. Alarms severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
Rlt. Threshold levels of the received power:
Rlt 1 <current value> dBm, Rlt 2 <current value> dBm, Rlt 3 <current value> dBm, Rlt
4 <current value> dBm, Rlt 5 <current value> dBm. Respectively the first, the second,
the third, the fourth and the fifth threshold level of the received power.
To change a threshold, move the cursor over a value comprised between -100dBm and -
20dBm. Default: Rlt 1: -40dBm, Rlt 2: -50dBm, Rlt 3: -60dBm, Rlt 4: -70dBm, Rlt 5: -
To restore the default of a parameter press the relevant Default push-button and confirm.
In equipment in protected configuration the variations of the thresholds executed on a branch
are not automatically reported even on the other branches.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 100
TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure
The measure is available only if the equipment is provided with the radio.
The TxPwr Radio 2A measure is available only for equipment in 1+1 or 2x(1+0) radio configuration.
The TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure checks the power of the signal at transmission.
The check consists of measuring the TLTS, TLTM quality parameters, specified by the Standard EN 301 129
of the ETSI (see Quality parameters description (PM measures).
In the Performance Monitoring contextual area the selection of the Show push-button, at the side of the
measure, opens the TxPwr Radio <radio branch> window.
With the commands present into the window, it is possible:
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the TxPwr Radio measure
To reset the values of the records (daily and primary)
To reset the threshold exceeding alarms
To activate a measure
To deactivate a measure
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (TxPwr Radio)
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (TxPwr Radio)
To display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the TxPwr Radio measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the TxPwr group.
3. Press Show at the side of the TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure.
The TxPwr Radio <radio branch> window opens, where the results of the measures and the status of
the alarms relevant to the exceeding of the threshold limits are displayed.
The window contains a table which lists the measure control parameters. For every parameter, the re-
sult of the measure is pointed out relevant to a given observation period (daily or primary record). In
detail, the column:
Type. Control parameters: TMMax, TMMin, Average Level, Tlts (see Quality parameters descrip-
tion (PM measures)).
Into the table, the system does not point out the results relevant to all the control parameters.
Such results have been subdivided according to the used measuring unit: seconds or dBm.
Curr. Day. Current daily record (24 hours).
Last Day. Preceding daily record.
Curr. 15m. Current primary record (15 minutes).
15m... 4h. 16 preceding primary records (each record is of 15 minutes).
What just said is valid from the second row of the table on, because the first row points out the status
of the records (Counters Status). In detail, the wording:
Meaningless. The record has been completely acquired and the measure is not affected by er-
Meaningful. The record has been completely acquired and the measured control parameters
have not exceeded their threshold value.
Incomplete. The record has not been completely acquired during the corresponding observation
The measure starting record is always in this status. The daily record gets this status also when
only one primary record of the corresponding day is in incomplete status.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 101
The daily record of the current date will be always an incomplete one because the daily records
are acquired at 23.59 of each day.
Lost. The record has not reached the main controller of the equipment for instance because the
corresponding peripheral card has been physically extracted before it could have forwarded the
record itself or for generic hardware/software troubles.
Restarted. The record has been lost after a reset of the NE.
When the NE has a software restart and checks that the measure is activated for a certain meas-
ure point, all the record coupled with such a measure point will result in this status.
---. The record is not an available one because, during the observation period under examina-
tion, the measure was not activated.
The left side of the window displays the threshold exceeding alarms.
Each box represents an alarm. Box:
15M <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the primary observation periods (15 minutes) present into the window.
24H <control parameter>. Threshold exceeding alarm of the specific control parameter into one
of the daily observation periods (24 hours) present into the window.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
The Tlt... Thresh. boxes point out the threshold levels of the transmitted power actually set. These pa-
rameters can be configured by the user.
The window contains the following commands:
Refresh. It updates the data.
Clear Counters. It resets the values contained into the records (daily or primary).
Clear Alarms. It executes the reset of the alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding.
Stop/Start. The commands are displayed one in alternative to the other: the first stops the
measure, the second one reactivates it.
Chart View. Command not available for the current version of the application.
Commons. It sets the thresholds of the alarms relevant to the parameters.
The label:
Tlts. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the seconds as measuring unit.
TM. Into the table there are the control parameters that use the dBm as measuring unit.
To change the type of the displayed control parameters (TxPwr Radio)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the TxPwr group.
3. Press Show at the side of the TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure.
The TxPwr Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Into the commands bar, select the arrow present on the side of the text box and select from the list:
Tlts, to display the results of the parameters whose measure unit are the seconds: Tlts1, etc.
TM, to display the results of the parameters whose measure unit are the dBm: TMMax, TMMin.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 102
To set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (TxPwr Radio)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Performance Monitoring command.
The Performance Monitoring contextual area opens.
2. Select the TxPwr group.
3. Press Show at the side of the TxPwr Radio <radio branch> measure.
The TxPwr Radio <radio branch> window opens.
4. Select the Commons command.
The Commons window opens, where a list of options is present on the left side.
The selection of each single option displays the relevant parameters in the right part of the window:
15M Tlts. Threshold and severity of the 15M Tlts... alarms:
Tlts 1, Tlts 2, Tlts 3, Tlts 4 (Thresholds area). Threshold levels - expressed as number of
seconds, inside a period of 15 minutes, when the transmitted power is higher than the
TLT1, TLT2, TLT3, TLT4 threshold levels - over which the system activates the relevant
To change a threshold, set into the relevant box, a number comprised between 1 and 900
(default 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accordingly of
the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
Severity. Alarms severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
24H Tlts. Threshold and severity of the 24H Tlts... alarms:
Tlts 1, Tlts 2, Tlts 3, Tlts 4 (Thresholds area). Threshold levels - expressed as number of
seconds, inside a period of 24 hours, when the transmitted power is higher than the TLT1,
TLT2, TLT3, TLT4 threshold levels - over which the system activates the relevant alarms.
To change a threshold, set into the relevant box, a number comprised between 1 and
86400 (default 0). The value 0 represents the deactivation of the threshold and accord-
ingly of the alarm.
To reset the value press Reset and confirm.
Severity. Alarms severity: Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical (default Major).
To change the parameter selects the wished option.
Tlt. Threshold levels of the transmitted power:
Tlt 1 <current value> dBm, Tlt 2 <current value> dBm, Tlt 3 <current value> dBm, Tlt
4 <current value> dBm. Respectively the first, the second, the third and the fourth
threshold level of the transmitted power.
To change a threshold move the cursor over a value comprised between -25dBm and
30dBm. Default: Tlt 1: 13dBm, Tlt 2: 15dBm, Tlt 3: 17dBm, Tlt 4: 19dBm.
To restore the default of a parameter press the relevant Default push-button and confirm.
In equipment in protected configuration the variations of the thresholds executed on a branch
are not automatically reported even on the other branches.
Press Refresh to restore the values set at the opening of the window.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 103
PM measures (more info)
A PM measure consists of recording, during a pre-defined time range (observation period), the values of
specific parameters.
Some threshold limits have been assigned to such control parameters (the setting of the thresholds can
be changed).
The exceeding of the threshold limit points out a more or less serious degradation of the signal. This con-
dition generates an alarm.
The alarms relevant to the threshold exceeding are treated by the equipment and by the application as
normal alarms. The only exception is that the alarm is not automatically reset at the return into the thresh-
old limit but the user has to execute the reset of this kind of alarms.
The control parameters under examination change according to the equipment type and to the measure
type supported by that type of equipment. Usually, all the executed measures refer to ITU-T Recommen-
dations (for instance G.828, G.826, etc.).
The activation (and the deactivation) of the PM measures can be executed only after a command forwarded
by the user.
When it has been activated a PM measure, the main controller of the equipment starts the storing of the
values relevant to the control parameters. The results of the measures are sub-divided into records. Each
record contains the values recorded into a specific time range (observation period).
If at the end of the observation period, the measure has not yet been deactivated the system starts another
observation period and so on until when the operator stops the measure.
The equipment group the results of the PM measures into observation period of 15 minutes (primary
records) and of 24 hours (daily records).
The observation periods can not be synchronized with the instant when the measure is activated but such
records refer, for the primary records, to the quarter of an hour (00.00, 00.15, 00.30, etc.) and, for the
daily records, to the time 00.00 UTC (Universal Time, Coordinated).
For instance, if a measure starts at 11.40, the first primary record will have as observation period the time
11.40...11.45 (corresponding to the time range 11.30...11.45), while the first daily record will have as ob-
servation period 11.40...00.00.
When the user requires the display of the results of the PM measures, the daily and primary records rele-
vant to the running PM measures are displayed in the WEB LCT page of the equipment.
For each type of measure, the equipment keeps stored the current records and also the last 16 primary
records (corresponding to the last 4 hours) and the last daily one (corresponding to the preceding day).
The preceding records are overwritten.
When the operator stops a measure, the system stores the uncompleted current record.
If the operator activates and deactivates the measure more times during the same observation period, the
system will store the record that contains the results of the last executed measure.
For instance if the measure has been activated at 9.02 and deactivated at 9.07, then it has been newly
activated at 9.09, the record relevant to the observation period 9.00...9.15 will contain the results of the
measures relevant to the period 9.09...9.15, while the ones relevant to the period 9.02...9.07 will not be
If an equipment has some PM measures on progress and it is re-started up or turned off, when it will suc-
cessively restarted or turned on the measures activated before the turning off will be automatically re-
The records (primary and daily), relevant to the period when measure has been stopped, will result empty
and when it has been reached the limit of 16 primary records and 1 daily one, they will overwrite the pre-
ceding records.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 104
Report & Loggers Maint.
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Report & Loggers Maint. command saves to file the equipment configuration, the status/alarm sig-
nals and the operations executed by the users.
In detail, the command allows:
To save the equipment configuration, the alarm/status signals and the operations executed by the
users to file
To delete the signals stored into the equipment controller
To delete the operations list stored into the equipment controller
To save the equipment configuration, the alarm/status signals and the operations
executed by the users to file
User Profile | Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
In order to execute this operation, the display of menu bar in the browser must be active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Report & Loggers Maint. command.
The Report Manager contextual area opens.
2. Activate, in the Report Options area, the information you wish to save to file:
Inventory report. Whole equipment configuration: WEB LCT version, properties, list of units, sta-
tus/version of the firmware, addresses, routing table, default gateway, remote equipment list,
User Inputs, User Outputs, operating parameters, etc.
Fault report. List of status/alarm signals currently active on the equipment (current alarms) and
signals stored in the equipment controller (alarm history).
Command Log. List of the operations, executed by the WEB LCT, SCT/LMT or NMS5UX users,
stored in the equipment controller.
It is possible to select one or more options. Depending on the activated options, a file will be created
containing the relevant data.
3. Press Generate Report.
In sequence, are displayed:
The WEB Report page, where the information, which will be saved to file depending on the ac-
tivated options, are pointed out.
Here below the description of the parameters present in the WEB page is reported.
A window displaying the save mode of the file according to the browser currently in use.
4. Follow the instructions in the window to save the file.
The format, used to save the data to file, is the same displayed in the Report WEB page.
Report WEB page
The WEB page Report, depending on the activated options, points out:
Equipment Configuration, ACM Table, General Preset, etc. Equipment parameters. The whole
equipment parameters are subdivided in groups. The format of the parameters present in each group
is self-explicative and changes according to the type of represented data.
Command Logger. Operations list. Ogni record identifica unoperazione per cui viene riportato:
Date/Time. Date and time when it has been executed the operation. The format of date/time
changes according to the setting made in the operating system.
Source address. IP address of the machine from which it has been executed the operation.
User. Name of the user who has executed the operation.
Object. Object to which the operation refers.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 105
Instance. Name of the equipment instance to which the operation refers.
Value Set. Set value.
The presence of the symbol "" points out that the information is not available because it is a not sig-
nificant one for the type of operation to which it refers.
Current Alarm. Ogni record identifica una segnalazione per cui viene riportato:
Severity. Type of signal:
Status. Status signal
Warning, Minor, Major or Critical. Alarm detected coupled respectively with the Warning,
Minor, Major or Critical severity.
Date/Time. Detection or reset date and time of the signal. The format of date/time changes ac-
cording to the setting made in the operating system.
Description. Alphanumeric string that specify the type of the signal.
Alarm Log. Alarms history. Ogni record identifica una segnalazione per cui viene riportato:
Severity. Type of signal:
Disable. Alarm signal reset
Status. Status signal
Warning, Minor, Major or Critical. Alarm detected coupled respectively with the Warning,
Minor, Major or Critical severity.
Date/Time. Detection or reset date and time of the signal. The format of date/time changes ac-
cording to the setting made in the operating system.
Description. Alphanumeric string that specify the type of the signal. If:
The wording CLEARED is absent, the record refers to a detected alarm.
The wording CLEARED is present, the record refers to a cleared alarm.
To delete the signals stored into the equipment controller
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Report & Loggers Maint. command.
The Report Manager contextual area opens.
2. Press Delete all alarm logger events and confirm.
A message indicates the end and the result of the operation.
To delete the operations list stored into the equipment controller
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Report & Loggers Maint. command.
The Report Manager contextual area opens.
2. Press Delete all command logger items and confirm.
A message indicates the end and the result of the operation.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 106
SNTP & Wake Up Config.
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. command manages the automatic acquisition of the reference date/time
of the equipment from a network element (SNTP functionality) and the Wake Up trap (Wake Up function-
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the SNTP functionality
To set the execution parameters and activate the SNTP functionality
To disable the SNTP functionality
To verify the Wake Up functionality status
To set the execution parameters and activate the Wake Up functionality
To disable the Wake Up functionality
In order to deepen this topic, see:
SNTP functionality (more info)
Wake Up functionality (more info)
To verify the SNTP functionality
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SNTP & Wake Up Config. command.
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. contextual area opens with the SNTP tab active.
The tab displays the activation status of SNTP functionality and the current setting of the relevant ex-
ecution parameters:
Main Server IP Address/Reserve Server IP Address. Activation status and IP address of the main
NE (Main) and of the secondary NE (Reserve) present in the network which the equipment au-
tomatically gets the reference date/time from. In detail, the automatic acquisition of the refer-
ence date/time of the equipment is:
Active, when a valid value (different from is present in the Main Server IP Ad-
dress and/or Reverse Server IP Address box.
Inactive, when the value (IP address reset) is present in the boxes Main Server
IP Address and Reverse Server IP Address.
Polling Interval (Sec.). Time interval (expressed in seconds) between a request of reference
date/time update and the next one.
Polling Timeout (Sec.). Time interval (expressed in seconds) that the equipment must wait be-
fore re attempting the transmission of a request to the main or secondary element.
Polling Retries. Number of times that the equipment must re attempt the transmission of a re-
quest to the main or secondary element.
NTP Server Lost Alarm. The activation of the NTP Server Lost Alarm points out that none of the
set network elements is reachable, as consequence the reference date/time of the equipment is
not aligned. The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 107
To set the execution parameters and activate the SNTP functionality
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The execution parameters (Main Server IP Address, Reserve Server IP Address, etc.) can be modified
even when the SNTP functionality is already active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SNTP & Wake Up Config. command.
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. contextual area opens with the SNTP tab active.
2. Set the IP address of the main element present in the network, from which the equipment automatically
gets the reference date/time, in the Main Server IP Address box.
Typing a valid value (different from involves the activation of the automatic acquisition of the
reference date/time.
3. Set the IP address of the secondary element present in the network, from which the equipment auto-
matically gets the reference date/time, in the Reserve Server IP Address box.
4. Set the time interval between a request of refresh of the reference date/time and the next one in the
Polling Interval (Sec.) box.
Typing or selecting the arrows of the box, set a number between 1 and 16777215 seconds.
5. Set the time interval (t) the equipment must wait for, before re-attempting the transmission of a re-
quest to the main or secondary element in the Polling Timeout (Sec.) box.
Typing or selecting the arrows of the box, set a number between 1 and 30 seconds.
6. Set the number of times that the equipment must re-attempt the transmission of a request to the main
or secondary element in the Polling Retries box.
Typing or selecting the arrows of the box, set a number between 1 and 10.
7. Press Apply and confirm.
To disable the SNTP functionality
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SNTP & Wake Up Config. command.
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. contextual area opens with the SNTP tab active.
2. Reset the value present in the Main Server IP Address box.
The value can be reset deleting the IP address present in the box or setting the value
3. Reset the value present in the Reverse Server IP Address box.
The value can be reset deleting the IP address present in the box or setting the value
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the Wake Up functionality status
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SNTP & Wake Up Config. command.
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. contextual area opens.
2. Select the Wake Up tab.
The tab displays the sending status of the Wake Up trap and the current setting of the relevant sending
Status. Transmission status of Wake Up trap. The sending of the Wake Up trap is:
Active, when the Enable option is selected and a valid value (different from is
set as IP address of the server (option NMS IP Address).
Inactive, when the Disable option is selected and the value is set as IP address
of the server (option NMS IP Address).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 108
NMS IP Address. IP address of the server which the Wake Up trap must be sent to.
With server we mean the machine where the supervision system NMS5UX, NMS5UX-B or
NMS5LX or a different management system, able to manage the reception of the Wake Up trap,
is installed.
Gosip Address. NSAP address (Gosip) of the server which the Wake Up trap must be sent to.
Parameter meaningful and available only if the equipment is inserted into an OSI network.
Timeout (Minutes). Time interval for which the Wake Up trap, when enabled, is sent to the serv-
The setting of the value 0 points out that the trap is sent until when the user manually disables
it or the NMS server automatically disables it when intercepts it.
NE Location. Optional parameter.
The user can insert the physical location (for example the name of the site) of the equipment in
this field. This information is communicated to the remote manager together with the charac-
teristics of the equipment. The supervision system NMS5UX, NMS5UX-B or NMS5LX does not
use this information.
To set the execution parameters and activate the Wake Up functionality
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The execution parameters (NMS IP Address, Timeout, etc.) cannot be modified when the Wake Up func-
tionality is already active. To modify them, it is necessary To disable the Wake Up functionality and
them modify them.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SNTP & Wake Up Config. command.
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. contextual area opens.
2. Select the Wake Up tab.
3. Set the IP address of the server, which the Wake Up trap must be sent to, in the NMS IP Address box.
4. Only if the equipment and the server are inserted into an OSI network, set the NSAP address (Gosip
Address box) opening the cascade menu and typing in the box:
AFI, IDI, Ver, Auth, Reserv. and Sel, the value of the corresponding byte/s.
Domain, the values of the bytes that represent the Domain.
Area, the values of the bytes that represent the area.
Sys. ID, the value of the wished System ID.
5. Press OK.
6. Set the time interval, for which the Wake Up trap is sent at the end of which it is automatically disabled,
in the Timeout (Minutes) box.
Typing or selecting the arrows of the box, set a number between 0 and 1440 minutes.
The setting of the value 0 points out that the trap is sent until when the user manually disables it or
the NMS server automatically disables it when intercepts it.
7. Set the physical location (for example, the name of the site) of the equipment in the NE Location box.
The setting of the parameter is optional.
8. Select the Enable option.
9. Press Apply and confirm.
To disable the Wake Up functionality
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SNTP & Wake Up Config. command.
The SNTP & Wake Up Config. contextual area opens.
2. Select the Wake Up tab.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 109
3. Select the Disable option or reset the value present in the NMS IP Address box (value
4. Press Apply and confirm.
SNTP functionality (more info)
The ALCplus2e equipment, via SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) protocol, can update its date/time
using an element within the network as reference (SNTP functionality).
Via WEB LCT (or SCT/LMT) application, it is possible to define a maximum of two elements, one main (set
in the Main Server IP Address box) and one secondary (set in the Reserve Server IP Address box) from
which the equipment automatically gets the reference date/time each n seconds (set in the Polling Interval
box). Entering a valid value for the main and/or secondary element causes the activation of the function-
If the main element does not answer to the request of updating of the equipment reference date/time, this
request is sent for n times (set in the Polling Retries box) each t seconds (set in the Polling Timeout box).
At the end of this requests, if the main element does not answer, the equipment requires the updating of
the date/time to the secondary element.
If the secondary element does not answer to the request of updating of the equipment reference date/
time, this request is sent for n times each t seconds. At the end of this request, if the secondary element
does not answer the equipment, the system activates the SNTP servers lost Alarm and requires the update
of the date/time of the main element and so on.
If no network element set can be reached, the reference date/time of the equipment is not updated. This
condition is signalled by the activation of NTP Server Lost Alarm (SNTP tab).
To deactivate the automatic acquisition of the reference date/time, it is necessary to reset the IP address
of the main and secondary elements.
Wake Up functionality (more info)
The Wake Up functionality allows the user enabling the spontaneous forward, from the equipment to a re-
mote server, of a SNMP trap for the notification of the equipment commissioning (Wake Up trap).
This functionality has been implemented as help to the Auto Discovery modality available in the supervision
systems NMS5UX, NMS5UX-B and NMS5LX.
The Auto Discovery mode has the purpose to point out new equipment in the network, not managed by
the supervision system yet. More information about the Auto Discovery modality is reported in the relevant
This chapter shows only the management of the Wake Up trap by the equipment. In detail, the implemen-
tation of the Wake Up functionality is the following.
Via WEB LCT (or SCT/LMT) application, it is possible:
To define the IP address and the NSAP address (meaningful only if equipment and server are
inserted within an OSI network) of the server where the supervision system, which the trap
must be sent to (NMS IP Address option - Wake Up tab) is installed.
To define the time interval for which the trap must be sent, after which the sending of the trap
is automatically disabled (Timeout option).
If the value 0 is set for the Timeout option, the Wake Up trap will be sent until when the user
manually disables it or the NMS server automatically disables it when intercepts it.
To activate and deactivate the sending of the trap.
To activate the Wake Up functionality, it is necessary to set a valid value (different from
as IP address of the server (NMS IP Address option) and select the Enable option.
To deactivate the functionality, it is necessary to select the Disable option or reset the NMS IP
Address option (value
When the Wake Up functionality is activated, the equipment starts sending the Wake Up trap every minute
for the time interval defined by the user (Timeout option). For example, if the value 60 has been set as
timeout, the trap is sent each 60 minutes. At the end of 60 minutes, the sending of the trap is automatically
If, in the period when the sending of the trap is enabled, the supervision system intercepts the Wake Up
notification records the presence of the new equipment in its database and disables the sending of the
Wake Up trap by the equipment (trap switch-off).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 110
SD Memory Management
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The SD Memory Management command manages the SD memory card (Secure Digital Memory Card)
for the backup/restore of the equipment software and configuration.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the status and the configuration of the SD memory
To execute the automatic equipment restart from SD memory in case of replacement of IDU unit
To execute the automatic update of the equipment software from SD memory
To execute the management and maintenance of the SD memory
In order to deepen this topic, see SD memory card (more info)
To verify the status and the configuration of the SD memory
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area is displayed, showing the status and the configuration of
the SD memory present in the equipment:
Status. SD memory status:
Type. Type of data present in SD memory:
Boot SD. The SD memory contains the equipment configuration parameters and the
equipment software.
Sw download SD. The SD memory contains only the equipment software.
Not loaded. Information not available (SD not present or memory data structure not rec-
ognized/compatible with the equipment, etc.).
Automatic data restore from SD. Enabling of automatic update of the configuration data from
SD memory:
Enabled. The automatic update of the data from SD memory is enabled.
Disabled. The automatic update of the data from SD memory is not enabled.
Not loaded. Information not available (SD not present, etc.).
Parameter meaningful only for SD memories containing data of type Boot SD.
Automatic SW download from SD. Enabling of automatic update of the equipment software from
SD memory:
Enabled. The automatic update of the equipment software from SD memory is enabled.
Disabled. The automatic update of the equipment software from SD memory is not ena-
Not loaded. Information not available (SD not present, etc.).
Not running Sw delete. Enabling of the automatic deletion of the equipment software present
in the standby memory bench (status Loaded - see Software Info & Maint.) after an automatic
sw update from SD memory:
Enabled. The automatic deletion of the equipment software is enabled.
Disabled. The automatic deletion of the equipment software is not enabled.
SD memory
Presence of SD in
the equipment
Compatibility SD data
structure - equipment
Compatibility SD data
- equipment type
Loaded Yes Yes Yes
Eq Type Mismatch Yes Yes No
Not formatted Yes No No
Not Present No - -
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 111
Not loaded. Information not available (SD not present, etc.).
Parameter meaningful only for SD memories containing data of type Sw Dwl SD.
EC serial number. Serial number of the controller which has generated the version of the data
and equipment software present in SD memory.
The empty field points out that the parameter is not available (SD not present, etc.).
Parameter meaningful only for SD memories containing data of type Boot SD.
EC system version. File name and version of the equipment software currently used by the con-
troller which has generated the version of Boot SD present in the SD memory.
The empty field points out that the parameter is not available (SD not present, etc.).
Parameter meaningful only for SD memories containing data of type Boot SD.
SW system version. File name and version of the equipment sw present in the SD memory.
The empty field points out that the parameter is not available (SD not present, etc.).
In the left part of the contextual area, the commands for the management of SD memory are displayed.
Tab.3 lists the commands. For every command, the use, depending on the data present in the SD mem-
ory, and the mean times for the execution of the operation are pointed out.
The No actions available! wording points out that the SD memory is not present.
To execute the automatic equipment restart from SD memory in case of replacement
of IDU unit
User Profile | Station Operator, System
In case of replacement of the IDU unit of an equipment, it is possible to use the SD memory, where
the equipment configuration and software (Boot SD) have been previously saved, to restart the new
controller based on the data present in SD memory.
This operation is very important because it avoids the equipment re-configuration necessary after a
change of the IDU unit.
Here below the whole procedure is described, which must be applied so that the automatic equipment
restart from SD memory is successful.
1. Save the equipment configuration and software to the SD memory:
a. Insert the SD memory in the equipment.
b. Open the WEB LCT page relevant to the equipment.
c. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area.
d. Press Create BOOT SD and confirm.
The operation takes several minutes during which, in the SD memory, the following operations
are executed in this order:
Deletion of all the files present in the SD memory.
Creation of the file structure of type Boot SD.
Copy of all the files relevant to the version of a running equipment sw (status Running).
Copy of the backup files (configuration parameters).
If the operation has been successful, the parameter Status assumes the value Loaded, while the
parameter Type assumes the value Boot SD.
e. Press:
Enable automatic restore (all) and confirm, to enable the automatic equipment re-
start from SD memory: at the restart, both the configuration data and the equipment
software will be pasted from the SD memory to the new controller.
Enable automatic restore (Data only) and confirm, to enable the automatic equip-
ment restart from SD memory: at the restart, only the configuration data will be pasted
from the SD memory to the new controller.
If the operation has been successful and, in the previous step, the selected command was:
Enable automatic restore (all), the parameters Automatic data restore from SD and Au-
tomatic SW download from SD assume the value Enabled.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 112
Enable automatic restore (Data only), the parameter Automatic data restore from SD as-
sumes the value Enabled.
At this point, if the SD memory is not removed from the equipment, the controller activates the auto-
matic synchronisation of the data: this means that every configuration change is automatically saved
even to the SD memory.
If the equipment software is updated, this is not automatically saved into the SD memory. Moreover,
the procedure for the automatic restart is aborted (the parameters Enable automatic restore (all) and/
or Enable automatic restore (Data only) assume the value Disabled). In this case, it is suggested to
execute again this procedure in order to enable again the SD memory to the automatic restart.
2. When the equipment becomes faulted and a replacement of the IDU unit is necessary, remove the SD
memory from the faulted equipment and insert the new IDU unit.
3. Install and switch the new IDU unit on.
Before copying the equipment and sw configuration into the new controller, the following checks are
The status of the equipment controller must be Replaced Controller.
The data structure of the SD memory must be of type Boot SD.
The value of EC serial number (present in the descriptor file of SD memory) must be different
from that stored in the equipment controller.
In the descriptor file of the SD memory, the automatic restart from SD memory must be active
(parameter Automatic SW download from SD and/or Automatic data restore from SD - value
In case of automatic restart enabled only for the configuration data (selection of the Enable au-
tomatic restore (Data only) command - see step 1e), the configuration data stored in the SD
memory must be referred to a equipment sw version older than or equal to that currently active
in the controller.
If the above mentioned checks were successful:
a. The backup configuration files are copied from the SD memory to the controller.
b. The controller sw is updated overwriting the inactive memory bench (status Loaded). This op-
eration is executed only if:
The Enable automatic restore (all) command has been selected at step 1e.
The running version of the equipment software (Running) is different from that present
in the SD memory.
c. The Serial Number of the controller present in the descriptor file of the SD memory is updated.
d. The Serial Number of the equipment controller is updated.
e. The controller with change of the memory bench in use (Bench Switch) is forced to restart if
even the sw update (selection of the Enable automatic restore (all) command - see step 1e) has
been required.
f. The controller restarts with the updated sw (if required) and applying the configuration data read
from the SD memory.
If at least one of the above mentioned checks was not successful, the automatic restart is not executed
and the controller stays in status Replaced Controller waiting for an intervention of the user.
To execute the automatic update of the equipment software from SD memory
User Profile | Station Operator, System
If the equipment software must be updated on different equipment, the SD memory can be used to
execute the operation automatically without the use of the management software (WEB LCT or SCT/
Here below the whole procedure, which must be applied in order that the automatic update of the
equipment sw from SD memory is successful, is described.
1. Save the equipment software master to the SD memory:
a. Insert the SD memory into the equipment where the new sw version is present.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 113
b. Open the WEB LCT page relevant to the equipment
c. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area opens.
d. Press Create Sw DWL SD and confirm.
The operation takes several minutes during which, in the SD memory, the following operations
are executed in this order:
Deletion of all the files present in the SD memory
Creation of the file structure of type Sw Dwl SD
Copy of all the files relevant to the version of a running equipment sw (status Running).
If the operation was successful, the parameter Status assumes the value Loaded, while the pa-
rameter Type assumes the value Sw download SD.
e. Press Enable automatic restore (all) and confirm, in order to enable the automatic update of
the equipment sw from SD memory on the equipment restart.
If the operation was successful, the parameter Automatic SW download from SD assumes the
value Enabled.
f. Press Enable Not running Sw delete and confirm, if you wish that, once the update and the
change of the memory bench of the controller are ended, the sw present in the standby bench
(bench where the old sw is present), is automatically deleted.
If the operation was successful, the parameter Not running Sw delete assumes the value En-
2. Remove the SD card from the equipment and insert it into another equipment whose software you wish
to update.
3. Switch the IDU unit on.
Before copying the equipment sw into the new controller, the following checks are executed:
The data structure of the SD memory must be of type Sw Dwl SD.
The automatic update from SD memory must be active in the descriptor file of the SD memory
(parameter Enable automatic restore (all).
The sw version stored in the SD memory must be different from both the versions present in
the memory benches of the controller.
If the above mentioned checks were successful:
a. The controller sw is updated overwriting the inactive memory bench (status Loaded).
b. The restart of the controller with change of the memory bench in use is forced (Bench Switch)
and, then, if set (see step 1.f), the sw present in the standby bench is deleted.
c. The controller restarts with the updated software.
If at least one of the above mentioned checks was not successful, the operation is not executed.
To execute the management and maintenance of the SD memory
As help for the management of SD memory, by means of the SD Memory Management contextual area,
the following can be executed.
To delete the configuration data and/or the equipment sw from the SD memory
To disable the automatic equipment restart from SD memory
To disable the deletion of the equipment sw present in the standby memory bench after an automatic
sw update from SD memory
To force the restore of the configuration data and of the equipment sw from the SD memory to the
To copy the equipment sw from the SD memory to the controller (Sw Dwl SD)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 114
To delete the configuration data and/or the equipment sw from the SD memory
User Profile | Station Operator, System
This operation deletes ALL the files of the structure Boot SD or Sw Dwl SD. The deletion of a single file
os not foreseen.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area.
2. Press Delete SD files and confirm.
If the operation was successful, the parameter Status assumes the value Not formatted.
To disable the automatic equipment restart from SD memory
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area.
2. Press Disable automatic restore and confirm.
Once ended, if the operation was successful, the parameters Automatic data restore from SD and Au-
tomatic SW download from SD assume the value Disabled.
To disable the deletion of the equipment sw present in the standby memory bench after an au-
tomatic sw update from SD memory
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation meaningful only for SD memories where data of type Sw Dwl SD are present.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area.
2. Press Disable Not running Sw delete and confirm.
Once ended, if the operation was successful, the parameter Not running Sw delete assumes the value
To force the restore of the configuration data and of the equipment sw from the SD memory to
the controller
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation meaningful only for SD memories where data of type Boot SD are present.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
The SD Memory Management contextual area.
2. Press Force automatic restore and confirm.
To copy the equipment sw from the SD memory to the controller (Sw Dwl SD)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation meaningful only for SD memories where data of type Sw Dwl SD are present.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > SD Memory Management command.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 115
The SD Memory Management contextual area is displayed.
2. Press Copy Sw from SD and confirm.
The equipment sw is copied from the SD memory to the controller, overwriting the inactive memory
bench (Loaded status).
SD memory card (more info)
ALCplus2e equipment is provided with a SD memory card reader, which allows storing the equipment data
on SD (Secure Digital) memory cards.
Storing the equipment data into SD memory
The following equipment data can be saved and managed into SD memory:
Equipment configuration parameters and equipment software.
Saving these data generates a data structure named Boot SD into the SD memory.
Equipment software.
Saving these data generates a data structure named Sw Dwl SD into the SD memory.
Both the data structures cannot be saved at the same time in the same SD memory. The creation of
the structure Boot SD automatically deletes the data structure Sw Dwl SD and vice versa.
What just said is valid only for the information with data structure recognized by ALCplus2e equipment
and relevant management programs (WEB LCT, SCT/LMT or NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX). Any other
type of data stored in SD memory (user file) is not deleted or damaged by the commands described in
this chapter.
When the user saves the configuration parameters and/or the equipment software on SD memory, the fol-
lowing file data structure is automatically created:
Descriptor file of text type, where the characteristics of the data present in the SD memory
are present: type of equipment the data refer to, type of data in SD memory (Boot SD or Sw
Dwl SD), etc.
This information is used by the management software to execute the compatibility checks
between the data of the SD memory and the equipment where the SD memory is inserted.
Backup file of the equipment configuration parameters
Files of equipment software (equipment Sw/Fw + WEB LCT)
If SD memory is of type Sw Dwl SD, the directory Backup will be empty.
Use of the SD memory for the equipment management
The SD memory can be used to make the following operations easy and fast.
Automatic equipment restart from SD memory in case of replacement of IDU unit
This operation allows saving the whole equipment configuration, sw/fw included, on the SD memory and
keeping it constantly updated.
In fact, after the creation of the data structure of type Boot SD in the SD memory, the controller, after any
configuration change, updates the data present in the in the SD memory, keeping them constantly updat-
When the equipment is faulted, it is sufficient to extract the SD card from the faulted IDU unit and insert
it into the new IDU unit.
When the IDU unit is switched on and if some compatibility checks are passed, the data and the sw present
in the SD memory are copied into the controller returning the equipment configuration to the condition
before the fault.
The complete procedure to execute this operation is described in par. To execute the automatic equipment
restart from SD memory in case of replacement of IDU unit.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 116
Automatic update of the equipment software from SD memory
This operation allows saving, on the SD memory, the new equipment sw/fw which will result to be the mas-
ter sw to use for the updating of other equipment.
At this point, it is sufficient to extract the SD card from the IDU unit and to insert into a different IDU unit.
When the IDU unit is switched on and if some compatibility checks are passed, the sw present in the SD
memory is copied into the controller.
The complete procedure to execute this operation is described in par. To execute the automatic update of
the equipment software from SD memory.
Commands for the management/maintenance of SD memory
The commands available to the user for the management/maintenance of the SD are listed in Tab.3.
The table points out, for every command, the use depending on the type of data structure present in the
SD memory and the mean execution times of the operations.
Tab.3 Commands for the management of SD memory
Mean execution time of the operation.
Command SD memory without
data structure
SD memory with data structure
Boot SD
SD memory with data structure
Sw Dwl SD
Create BOOT SD It creates the structure and copies the files of the equipment configuration parameters and
equipment sw (Boot SD) from the controller to the SD memory
5 min.
Create Sw DWL SD It creates the structure and copies the files of the equipment sw (Sw Dwl SD)
from the controller to the SD memory
5 min.
Delete SD files It deletes all the files present in SD memory 1/2 min.
Copy Sw from SD - - It copies the equipment sw from SD
memory to controller overwriting the
inactive memory bench (status Load-
5 min.
Enable automatic
restore (all)
- It enables the automatic equipment
restart from SD memory: when the
equipment restarts, both the configu-
ration data and the equipment sw will
be copied from the SD memory.
It enables the automatic equipment
restart from SD memory: when the
equipment restarts, the equipment sw
will be copied from the SD memory to
the controller.
1/2 sec.
Enable automatic
restore (Data only)
- It enables the automatic equipment
restart from SD memory: when the
equipment restarts, only the configu-
ration data will be copied from the SD
memory to the new controller
- 1/2 sec.
Disable automatic
- It disables the automatic restart of the
equipment from SD memory
It disables the automatic update of
the equipment sw from SD memory
1/2 sec.
Not running
Sw delete
- - It enables the automatic deletion of
the equipment sw present in the
standby memory bench (status Load-
ed - see Software Info & Maint.) after
an automatic update of the sw from
SD memory
1/2 sec.
Not running
Sw delete
- - It disables the automatic deletion of
the equipment sw present in the
standby memory bench after an auto-
matic update of the sw from SD mem-
1/2 sec.
Force automatic
- It forces the restore, from SD memory
to controller, of the configuration data
and of the equipment sw
- 5 min.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 117
Software Info & Maint.
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Software Info & Maint. command manages the equipment firmware, the WEB LCT software present
in the equipment, the communication stack used by the equipment and the restore of the default equip-
ment settings.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the firmware version of the equipment
To update the firmware of the equipment
To switch the functioning of the memory benches relevant to the main controller
To verify the WEB LCT version present into the equipment
To update the WEB LCT application
To verify the communication stack in use
To modify the communication stack in use
To restore Factory Default of the equipment
To execute the equipment software reset
In order to deepen this topic, see:
Update of the equipment firmware (more info)
Factory Default of the equipment (more info)
To verify the firmware version of the equipment
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens with the Equipment Firmware tab active.
The tab shows the version, the status and the composition of the equipment firmware.
The tab contains two tables.
The first table displays the version and the status of the equipment firmware:
Software Version. File name and version of the equipment firmware respectively present on the
memory bench 1 (Bench 1 column) and 2 (Bench 2 column).
Bench Status. Functioning status of the memory bench 1 (Bench 1 column) and 2 (Bench 2 col-
Running. It is on progress the firmware relevant to the subject memory bench.
Loaded. The firmware is present into the bench but actually it is not on progress (stand-
Not Loaded. The firmware is not present into the memory bench.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 118
Downloading Status. Status of the update operation of the firmware respectively present on the
memory bench 1 (Bench 1 column) and 2 (Bench 2 column):
---. The firmware update is not in progress.
Downloading. It is on progress the updating of the firmware relevant to the memory
Interrupted. The update of the firmware has been interrupted.
Complete. The update operation is ended.
The second table displays the list of the codes and of the FPGA files that compose the equipment
firmware. Every row corresponds to a firmware element (code or FPGA) for which is pointed out in the
Unit. Name of the unit or of the equipment part where there is the controller (code) or the pro-
grammable device (FPGA file).
Software. Firmware name. Usually the name points out the component type:
FW_boot. Boot code. This part of code can not be updated in fact it is not provided with
a version of the memory benches.
FW_appl. Application code.
Conf_... or FPGA... Configuration file of the programmable devices.
Actual Release. Version of the code or of the FPGA file present into the controller.
For some elements, the system points out the version and also the relevant identification code
composed by the letter E or N followed by a number (each number identifies a different code
Release Bench 1. Firmware version present into the memory bench 1 of the controller.
Release Bench 2. Firmware version present into the memory bench 2 of the controller.
To update the firmware of the equipment
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The application automatically updates the firmware of the memory bench not on progress or not
present (Bench Status parameter - Loaded or Not Loaded value).
It is not possible to execute such an operation when the updating of the firmware is already on progress
(Download Status parameter - Downloading value).
Then, it is necessary to point out that the firmware update procedure could change the equipment func-
1. If not already active, run the WEB LCT Console program or the SCT/LMT program, necessary to manage
the operation of FTP for the file transfer.
2. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens with the Equipment Firmware tab active.
3. Press Upgrade.
The Upgrade software setup window opens.
4. In the box Download file path, type the path and the name of the file you wish to use for update.
The file you wish to use for the operation must be on the local PC (PC where the browser used for the
display of WEB LCT is running).
5. Set the download type to be executed, selecting the option:
Forced, if you are updating the firmware of main controller or of Network Processor.
Only difference or not present / peripheral, if you are updating the firmware of peripheral units
(FPGA file and/or application code).
6. Activate the Bench Switch? box, if at the end of the download, the system has automatically to execute
a switching of the memory bench in such a way to use the bench with the firmware that has been up-
7. Press Start and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 119
Before executing the updating, the system executes a compatibility check between the file to be for-
warded to the equipment and the one present on the terminal.
The check consists of comparing the technology type of the equipment.
If the parameters are incompatible, the application does not executes the firmware update: the wording
Interrupted is displayed in the Download Status box of the branch whose firmware you are updating.
If the parameters are compatible, the operation is started and the Download Status box of the branch
whose firmware you are updating dynamically updates the progress of the operation, which requires
some minutes:
Downloading. The operation is running.
The Abort push-button, present in the Download Status box during the firmware update, can
be used to stop the operation. Its selection requires the confirmation.
During the updating, the system deletes the firmware present into the bench memory and it up-
dates the firmware of the equipment one component at a time.
If the operation is stopped, into the memory bench there will be only the already updated com-
ponents. In this case, the new version can result unusable because it is not an integral one (the
bench will be in Not Loaded status).
In this case, the controller keeps the minimum functions necessary to allow a new updating of
the firmware.
Complete. The update operation is ended.
The Software Version box points out the new firmware version.
To switch the functioning of the memory benches relevant to the main controller
User Profile | Station Operator, System
It is not possible to switch the memory bench when the updating of the firmware is on progress (Down-
load Status parameter - Downloading value) and when the firmware of the equipment is not present
into a bench (Bench Status parameter - Not Loaded value)
Usually, the switch of the memory benches of main controller does NOT interrupt the traffic. This op-
eration can temporarily interrupt the traffic if the new loaded version contains a new FPGA version.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens with the Equipment Firmware tab active.
2. Press Bench Switch and confirm.
The equipment is restarted; on the reconnection, the bench in Running status is forced to Loaded status
and vice versa.
To verify the WEB LCT version present into the equipment
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens.
2. Select the Web LCT tab.
The tab displays the characteristics of the WEB LCT application present in the equipment.
Description. WEB LCT type present into the equipment.
The wording Web LCT ALCplus2e IDU points out the WEB LCT application for the control and the
management of ALCplus2e equipment.
Code. Identification code of the WEB LCT application present into the equipment.
Current version. WEB LCT version present into the equipment.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 120
To update the WEB LCT application
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens.
2. Select the Web LCT tab.
3. Press Browse.
The window of the O.S. for the selection of the file opens.
4. Select the file (with .tar extension) you wish to use for the update.
The File name box displays the selected file.
5. Press Upload and the confirm.
Before starting the update, the compatibility between the WEB LCT which must be sent to the equip-
ment and the one present in the terminal is checked.
The check consists in comparing the type of equipment.
If the parameters are not compatible, the application does not execute the update of WEB LCT (the
system displays the message Upload aborted. Probable cause wrong...).
If the parameters are compatible, the operation is started. The update requires some minutes.
At the end of the operation, to avoid the misalignment between the displayed data and the new appli-
cation, the page WEB LCT is closed and the page Login is displayed.
To verify the communication stack in use
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens.
2. Select the IP/OSI stack switch tab.
The tab displays the communication stack in use.
Current Stack. Communication stack in use:
IP. Communication stack Full IP.
OSI. Communication stack IP Over OSI.
To modify the communication stack in use
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens.
2. Select the IP/OSI stack switch tab.
3. Select the option relevant to the new communication stack: IP or OSI.
4. Activate the Factory Default check-box if you wish that the change of communication stack restores the
default equipment settings.
The operation, if executed on an equipment subjected to the radio supervision, could cause the loss of
the link because the restore of the factory settings involves the re-channelling of the radios to the de-
fault values.
5. Press Apply.
6. Into the Please insert system password box, type the access code of System user and press OK.
At the end of the operation, the message The new settings will be active after a software restart is dis-
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 121
7. Press OK to close the window.
8. Press Restart and confirm.
If the Factory Default check-box has been activated at step 4, the default configuration will be auto-
matically applied at the equipment restart (see Factory Default of the equipment (more info).
To restore Factory Default of the equipment
User Profile | System
The operation, if executed on an equipment subjected to the radio supervision, could cause the loss of
the link because the restore of the factory settings involves the re-channelling of the radios to the de-
fault values.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens.
2. Select the IP/OSI stack switch tab.
3. Activate the Factory Default check-box.
4. Press Apply.
5. Into the Please insert system password box, type the access code of System user and press OK.
At the end of the operation, the message The new settings will be active after a software restart is dis-
6. Press OK to close the window.
7. Press Restart and confirm.
The default configuration will be automatically applied at the equipment restart (see Factory Default of
the equipment (more info).
To execute the equipment software reset
User Profile | System
After the reset, all the values activated before the operation result as valid ones.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Software Info & Maint. command.
The Software Info & Maint. contextual area opens.
2. Select the IP/OSI stack switch tab.
3. Press Restart and confirm.
Update of the equipment firmware (more info)
The firmware of the equipment is the assembly of all the firmware necessary for the management of the
entire equipment (firmware of the main controller and firmware of the peripheral units).
The firmware of the equipment is present into the main controller that is provided with two memory bench-
es (bench) the first one on service and the other one in waiting status.
Each bench can contain one firmware version (also different from the other one) of the equipment.
It is possible to update the sw/fw of the equipment, relevant to a memory bench, at a time. The WEB LCT
automatically updates the firmware of the memory bench not on progress or not present (Bench Status
parameter - Loaded or Not Loaded value).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 122
Factory Default of the equipment (more info)
Through the graphical interface WEB LCT, the Factory Default settings of an equipment can be restored.
This operation can be executed during the change of the equipment communication stack (see To modify
the communication stack in use) or as independent operation (see To restore Factory Default of the equi-
In both cases, at the restart or at the new switch-on of the equipment, the Factory Default configuration
will be applied.
All the settings executed until then by the user will be deleted (for example, user list, remote equipment
list, cross connections, etc.).
In order to login to the equipment, the default user must be used. Username: SYSTEM - Password: siae-
The communication ports of the equipment will be restored to the addresses pointed out in Tab.4.
These addresses differ depending on the type (High or Low) of ODU of branch 1. The equipment keeps
always in memory the type (High or Low) of the last connected ODU. If no ODU has never been connected
to the IDU, the addresses of ODU Low must be used. If an ODU of High type is connected to an equipment
configured with ODU of Low type (and vice versa), the equipment automatically changes its own default
Tab.4 Factory Default - ALCplus2e
Parameter IP Address NetMask ODU
If the equipment is inserted into an IP network
Ethernet port Low High
LCT PPP port Low High
Line EOC port Low High
Radio 1A port Low High
Default Gateway - Low - High
Agent IP Address As IP Address of the LCT PPP port
If the equipment is inserted into an OSI network
Ethernet port Low High
LCT PPP port Low High
IP Over OSI port Low High
Default Gateway - Low - High
Agent IP Address As IP Address of the LCT PPP port
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 123
Backup/Restore Config.
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The Backup/Restore Config. command manages the backup/restore from file of the whole equipment
In detail, the command allows:
To save the whole equipment configuration (configuration backup)
To transfer the equipment configuration previously saved (configuration restore)
To retrieve the equipment configuration automatically saved by the program before the last operation
of configuration restore (configuration revert)
In order to deepen this topic, see Backup/restore of the equipment configuration (more info)
To save the whole equipment configuration (configuration backup)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. If not already active, start the WEB LCT Console or SCT/LMT program, necessary to manage the oper-
ation of FTP for the file transfer.
2. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Backup/Restore Config. command.
The Backup/Restore Config. contextual area opens.
3. Type, in the Backup file name box, the path where you wish to save the file and the name of the file
with .bak extension.
It is possible to set a name already existing for the file in the chosen path. In this case, the data present
in the file will be overwritten.
4. Press Backup and confirm.
A window is displayed showing the progress of the operation.
The window contains the push-button Abort: press it and confirm to stop the operation.
The end of the operation is signalled by a message pointing out the result of the operation itself.
To transfer the equipment configuration previously saved (configuration restore)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. If not already active, start the WEB LCT Console or SCT/LMT program, necessary to manage the oper-
ation of FTP for the file transfer.
2. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Backup/Restore Config. command.
The Backup/Restore Config. contextual area opens.
3. Set, in the Restore file name box, the name of the file you wish to use to restore the configuration.
4. Press Restore and confirm.
A window is displayed showing the progress of the operation.
The window contains the push-button Abort: press it and confirm to stop the operation.
The end of the operation is signalled by a message pointing out the result of the operation itself.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 124
To retrieve the equipment configuration automatically saved by the program before
the last operation of configuration restore (configuration revert)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. If not already active, start the WEB LCT Console or SCT/LMT program, necessary to manage the oper-
ation of FTP for the file transfer.
2. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Backup/Restore Config. command.
The Backup/Restore Config. contextual area opens.
The Reverte parameter points out the date/time of the backup file automatically created by the pro-
gram before the last restore operation.
The format of date/time changes according to the setting made in ones operating system.
The wording --- points out that the file is not available.
3. Press Revert and confirm.
A window is displayed showing the progress of the operation.
The window contains the push-button Abort: press it and confirm to stop the operation.
The end of the operation is signalled by a message pointing out the result of the operation itself.
Backup/restore of the equipment configuration (more info)
The WEB LCT program allows To save the whole equipment configuration (configuration backup). The
saved file is in binary format and can be saved on PC or external support according to the user needs.
Then, in any moment, the user can restore the equipment configuration saved to file transferring the data
of the file to the same equipment (configuration restore - To transfer the equipment configuration previou-
sly saved (configuration restore)).
Before restoring the configuration, the equipment saves its own current configuration and keeps it available
until the successive restore operation.
In any moment, the user can To retrieve the equipment configuration automatically saved by the program
before the last operation of configuration restore (configuration revert).
In this way, two backup versions will be always available for an equipment: one executed by the user and
the other automatically executed by the program before the last restore operation.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 125
Alarm Severity Config.
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Alarm Severity Config. command manages the alarm transmission and their severity level.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the severity level and the enabling/forwarding status of the alarms
To enable/disable an alarm
To enable/disable the forwarding of the trap of an alarm
To change the severity level of an alarm
In order to deepen this topic, see Enabling/forwarding/severity of an alarm (more info)
To verify the severity level and the enabling/forwarding status of the alarms
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Alarm Severity Config. command.
The Alarm Severity Config. contextual area opens.
The contextual area displays the alarms configuration.
Alarms are subdivided into groups.
When contextual area is opened, only the groups are displayed (column Group/Alarm).
To expand and compress the list of alarms associated to a group, select the symbol next to the name
of the group. Every selection of the symbol makes the list assumes the status complementary to the
previous one (if compress it is expanded and vice versa).
The groups and the alarms change according to the equipment configuration.
When a group is expanded, for every alarm is pointed out in the column:
Group/Alarm. Alarm name.
A coloured box is before the name, pointing out the alarm status and severity:
White box with red X. Alarm disabled.
Green box. Alarm enabled with severity equivalent to a status signal.
Light blue box. Alarm enabled with Warning severity.
Yellow box. Alarm enabled with Minor severity.
Orange box. Alarm enabled with Major severity.
Red box. Alarm enabled with Critical severity.
The presence of an asterisk [*] between the box and the alarm name points out that at least
one characteristic of the alarm has been changed.
Severity. Enabling status of the alarm and, if it is enabled, the relevant seriousness level:
Disabled. Alarm disabled.
Status. Alarm enabled with severity equivalent to a status signal.
Warning, Minor, Major or Critical. Alarm enabled with severity respectively Status, Warn-
ing, Minor, Major or Critical.
Not available in this SW version. Alarm not supported by the current firmware version
present into the equipment controller.
Trap Notification. Forwarding status of the trap:
Enabled. The transmission of the alarm trap to the management system is enabled.
Disabled. The transmission of the alarm trap to a possible external management system
is disabled (for example SCT/LMT and/or NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX).
---. Information not meaningful because the alarm is disabled.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 126
To enable/disable an alarm
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Alarm Severity Config. command.
The Alarm Severity Config. contextual area opens.
2. Select the alarm and press Edit Alarm Config or double click on the alarm.
The Edit <alarm name> configuration window opens.
3. Set the Severity parameter, selecting:
Disable, to disable the alarm.
Status, Warning, Minor, Major or Critical to enable the alarm. Select the option relevant to the
severity level to be assigned to the alarm
4. Press Ok.
The settings are reported in the Alarm Severity Config. contextual area. The symbol [*] is displayed
next to the name of the changed alarm.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To enable/disable the forwarding of the trap of an alarm
User Profile | Station Operator, System
It is possible to change the forwarding status of the trap only if it has been enabled the alarm (see To
enable/disable an alarm).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Alarm Severity Config. command.
The Alarm Severity Config. contextual area opens.
2. Select the alarm and press Edit Alarm Config or double click on the alarm.
The Edit <alarm name> configuration window opens.
3. Set the Trap parameter, selecting:
Enable, to enable the forwarding of the alarm trap to the management system.
Disable, to disable the forwarding of the alarm trap to a possible management system external
to the equipment (for example SCT/LMT and/or NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX).
4. Press Ok.
The settings are reported in the Alarm Severity Config. contextual area. The symbol [*] is displayed
next to the name of the changed alarm.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To change the severity level of an alarm
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > Alarm Severity Config. command.
The Alarm Severity Config. contextual area opens.
2. Select the alarm and press Edit Alarm Config or double click on the alarm.
The Edit <alarm name> configuration window opens.
3. Set the Severity parameter, selecting the severity you wish to associate to the alarm: Status, Warning,
Minor, Major or Critical.
If the alarm was disabled (Disable option selected), the selection of a different option, besides modify-
ing the alarm severity level, automatically enables it.
4. Press Ok.
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The settings are reported in the Alarm Severity Config. contextual area. The symbol [*] is displayed
next to the name of the changed alarm.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
Enabling/forwarding/severity of an alarm (more info)
The enabling/disabling of the alarm and of the forwarding of the trap is independent for each alarm and
local to the equipment which the operation is executed for. This means that the setting must be exe-
cuted for each single alarm of each single equipment.
Enabling/disabling the alarms
The term alarm means the fault signal generated by an error or by a wrong operation of the equipment or
of any element that compose it.
The equipment alarms can be disabled and re-enabled by the user according to the needs.
Disabling an alarm means that, on the detection of the alarm itself, this is not registered in the equipment
controller and, as consequence, is not communicated to a possible management program: as the alarm
had never occurred.
On the contrary, enabling an alarm (default condition) means that, on the detection of the alarm itself, this
is registered in the equipment controller and, if the forwarding of the relevant trap is enabled (see next
item), it is communicated to the management system, which displays it in the current alarms and the his-
tory alarms.
Enabling/disabling the forwarding of the alarm traps
The trap is a message (in this case of detection or clearing of an alarm) spontaneously sent by the equip-
ment to a possible external management system, for example SCT/LMT and/or NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/
The forwarding of the trap of each alarm can be disabled and re-enabled by the user according to his own
Disabling a trap means that, on the detection of the alarm, this is not registered in the equipment controller
and, as consequence, is not communicated to a possible management program.
On the contrary, enabling a trap (default condition) means that, on the detection of the alarm, this is reg-
istered in the equipment controller and communicated to the management system, which displays it in the
current alarms and the history alarms.
Alarm severity
Each alarm acknowledged and managed by the management program has an associated severity level
which determinates the importance of the alarm.
This severity is not fixed, but can be changed by the user as he likes.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 128
User Manager
User Profile | System
The User Manager command manages the list of the equipment users.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the user list
To add a user to the list
To modify a user into the list
To delete a user from the list
To change the password and the timeout of the System user
To change the network password and timeout
To change the password and the timeout of the NMS5UX user
To verify/modify the IP address of Permanent Login
In order to deepen this topic, see User list (more info)
To verify the user list
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
The table displays the user list currently stored in the equipment is displayed.
Every row of the table corresponds to one user. For every user, is pointed out in the column:
User name. User name.
Profile. User profile:
Read Only. The user with this profile can check the parameters but it can not forward
commands or execute changing to the equipment configuration.
Read & Write. The user with this profile can check the parameters and execute only main-
tenance operations (MAN OP).
Station Op. The user with this profile can as check the parameters as send commands or
execute changes to the equipment configuration except for the following operations:
modifying the Remote Element Table, the user list, aligning the date/time of the equip-
ment, force the login and the logout of an user and all those operations available only to
the System user (or NMS5UX).
User Keep Alive. Timeout of WEB LCT of the WEB LCT session opened by the user:
No Timeout. Session timeout disabled. WEB LCT session opened by the user (even if dis-
connected) will be kept for an indefinite period of time.
<number> Seconds. Session timeout enabled. WEB LCT session opened by the user, if
disconnected, will be automatically ended once reached the set time limit.
With disconnected session we mean a WEB LCT session whose relevant WEB LCT has been
closed but for which the disconnection from the equipment has not been executed (user logout).
The System and NMS5UX users are not pointed out in the list.
To add a user to the list
User Profile | System
Into each list, it is possible to define up to a maximum of 4 users for each profile (up to a maximum of
12 users).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 129
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Select the Add command.
The User Properties window opens.
3. Into the User box, type the user name (alphanumeric string with a number of characters from 1 up to
It is not possible to assign the same name to two different users present into the same list. Then, when
the user name has been assigned, it can not be changed later.
4. Into the Password box, type the access code of the (alphanumeric string with a number of characters
from 1 up to 8).
5. Into the Confirm Password box, type newly the access code of the user.
6. Into the User Profile box, set the profile to be assigned to the user:
Read Only. The user with this profile can check the parameters but it can not forward commands
or execute changing to the equipment configuration.
Read & Write. The user with this profile can check the parameters and execute only maintenance
operations (MAN OP).
Station Op. The user with this profile can as check the parameters as send commands or execute
changes to the equipment configuration except for the following operations: modifying the Re-
mote Element Table, the user list, aligning the date/time of the equipment, force the login and
the logout of an user and all those operations available only to the System user (or NMS5UX).
It is not possible to create a user with System profile.
7. Set the timeout of the WEB LCT session opened by the user. In detail, if you wish:
The session of WEB LCT opened by the user (even if disconnected) is kept for an undefined pe-
riod (session timeout disabled), deactivate the box Login Timeout.
The session of WEB LCT opened by the user, if disconnected, is automatically terminated once
reached a specific time limit (session timeout disabled), activate the box Login Timeout and type
a value between 1 and 43200 sec. (12h) in the box User Keep Alive (Sec.).
With disconnected session we mean a WEB LCT session whose relevant WEB LCT has been
closed but for which the disconnection from the equipment has not been executed (user logout).
8. Press Apply and confirm.
The new user is inserted in the list and communicated to the equipment.
To modify a user into the list
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Select the user and press Modify or double click on the user.
The User Properties window opens.
3. Execute the changing.
The setting modes of the parameters are the same ones above pointed out into the par. To add a user
to the list.
Each time even a single parameter is changed, the access code (parameter Password, Confirm pass-
word) must be inserted.
The user name (parameter User) cannot be modified.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 130
To delete a user from the list
User Profile | System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Select the user.
3. Press Remove and confirm.
To change the password and the timeout of the System user
User Profile | System
If you wish to modify only the timeout, it is necessary to input the current password of the System user
in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Press System.
The System User Properties window opens.
3. To change the password:
a. Into the Password box, type the new access code of System user (alphanumeric string with a
number of characters from 1 up to 8).
b. Into the Confirm Password box, type newly the access code.
4. To change the timeout of the WEB LCT session opened by System user:
To disable the Login Timeout box. The WEB LCT session opened by the System user (even if
disconnected) will be kept for an indefinite period of time (session timeout disabled).
To enable the Login Timeout box. The WEB LCT session opened by the System user, if discon-
nected, will be automatically ended once reached the set time limit (Session timeout enabled).
To set time limit type, in the User Keep Alive (Sec.) box, a value between 1 and 43200 sec.
With disconnected session we mean a WEB LCT session whose relevant WEB LCT has been closed but
for which the disconnection from the equipment has not been executed (user logout).
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To change the network password and timeout
User Profile | System
If you wish to modify only the timeout, it is necessary to input the current network password in the
Password and Confirm Password fields.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Press Network command.
The Network User Properties window opens.
3. To change the password:
a. Into the Password box, type the new network password (alphanumeric string with a number of
characters from 1 up to 8).
b. Into the Confirm Password box, type newly the new network password.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 131
4. To change the timeout of the WEB LCT session of the remote equipment:
To disable the Login Timeout box. The WEB LCT session of the remote equipment (even if dis-
connected) will be kept for an indefinite period of time (session timeout disabled).
To enable the Login Timeout box. The WEB LCT session of the remote equipment, if disconnect-
ed, will be automatically ended once reached the set time limit (Session timeout enabled).
To set time limit type, in the User Keep Alive (Sec.) box, a value between 1 and 43200 sec.
With disconnected session we mean a WEB LCT session whose relevant WEB LCT has been closed but
for which the disconnection from the equipment has not been executed (user logout).
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To change the password and the timeout of the NMS5UX user
User Profile | System
The changing of the NMS5UX user (CEM password) has to be executed only if it is changed the default
password used by the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX supervisory system.
If you wish to modify only the timeout, it is necessary to type the current NMS5UX user password into
the Password and Confirm Password fields.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Press CEM.
The CEM User Properties window opens.
3. To change the password:
a. Into the Password box, type the new NMS5UX user password (alphanumeric string with a
number of characters from 1 up to 8).
b. Into the Confirm Password box, type newly the access code.
4. To change the timeout of the WEB LCT session opened by NMS5UX user:
To disable the Login Timeout box. The WEB LCT session opened by the NMS5UX user (even if
disconnected) will be kept for an indefinite period of time (session timeout disabled).
To enable the Login Timeout box. The WEB LCT session opened by the NMS5UX user, if discon-
nected, will be automatically ended once reached the set time limit (Session timeout enabled).
To set time limit type, in the User Keep Alive (Sec.) box, a value between 1 and 43200 sec.
With disconnected session we mean a WEB LCT session whose relevant WEB LCT has been closed but
for which the disconnection from the equipment has not been executed (user logout).
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the IP address of Permanent Login
User Profile | System
The remote user has the same characteristics of the NMS5UX user with the only exception that he does
not need for a login password.
It is possible to set a maximum of 2 remote users.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Main > User Manager command.
The User Manager contextual area opens.
2. Press Permanent Login.
The Permanent Login Setup window opens.
The box:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 132
Manager IP Address 1 points out the IP address of the machine relevant the first remote user.
Manager IP Address 2 points out the IP address of the machine relevant the second remote user.
Value points out the parameter is disabled.
The setting of the box Trap Version 2 present below every box points out the version (SNMP) used for
the trap sending. In detail, if the box is:
Active. For the specific remote user, the sending of trap in version 2 is enabled.
Inactive. For the specific remote user, the sending of trap in version 1 is enabled.
3. To change the IP address of the machine relevant the first remote user, type a valid IP address in the
Manager IP Address 1 box.
4. To change the IP address of the machine relevant the second remote user, type a valid IP address in
the Manager IP Address box.
5. Activate the Trap Version 2 option, under the relevant Manager IP Address box, to set the trap man-
agement of version 2 (SNMP).
If the option is not activated, the version 1 (SNMP) of the traps is used.
6. Press Apply and confirm.
User list (more info)
The users list is a list of users that can be connected and ask for the login to the equipment.
If a user is not present into the users list memorized into the controller on an equipment, such an user will
not be able to connect and/or to execute the login of that equipment.
Each equipment, that can be managed by the WEB LCT or SCT/LMT application, is equipped with two pre-
defined users:
SYSTEM. User of the WEB LCT application or SCT/LMT program with the following features:
User name: System (unchangeable parameter).
Timeout: No Timeout (changeable parameter).
Profile: System (unchangeable parameter).
Password: Siaemicr (default) (changeable parameter - see To change the password and
the timeout of the System user).
The System user is single one for every equipment and he can not be deleted.
Only this user has the possibility to create, modify and delete users in the user list.
The user with System profile can as to check the parameters (reading operation) as to forward
commands or to execute changing (writing operation) to the equipment configuration.
NMS5UX. User of the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX system, with the following features:
User name: NMS5UX (unchangeable parameter).
Timeout: No Timeout (changeable parameter).
Profile: System (unchangeable parameter).
Password: Pre-define (changeable parameter - see To change the password and the ti-
meout of the NMS5UX user).
The NMS5UX user can not be deleted.
This user has the possibility to create, modify and delete users in the user list of the equipment
by means of the NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX graphic interface. More information about the
NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX system is reported in the relevant documentation.
The user with System profile can as to check the parameters (reading operation) as to forward
commands or to execute changing (writing operation) to the equipment configuration.
In every user list, up to 12 different users can be created besides the predefined users (see To add a user
to the list); the user configuration can be modified (see To modify a user into the list) and deleted (see To
delete a user from the list).
All the users of the users list relevant to an equipment (with the exception of the System and NMS5UX),
have to be set by the WEB LCT application, the SCT/LMT program or NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX system.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 133
At the choice of Equipment menu, the program displays the following commands:
Configurator. It manages the equipment configuration.
BW & Mod./Link ID. It manages the parameters relevant to modulation/capacity, adaptive modulation
and link identification number.
Xpic. It manages the XPIC function.
The BW & Mod./Link ID and General Preset commands are available only for equipment with the
radio equipped.
The Xpic command is available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic
Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 134
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Configurator command manages the equipment configuration.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the radio configuration (Radio)
To verify/modify the management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality (Ethernet Enh.)
To verify/modify the management of synchronisation (Sync Enable)
To verify/modify the management of STM-1 streams (STM-1 MST Mode)
To verify/modify the management of the East-West modality (East-West)
Only for equipment of type IduBoard or IduBoard Xpic, the command allows:
To verify/modify the mapping of tributaries A and B with Radio E1s.
To verify/modify the radio configuration
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Configurator command.
The Configurator contextual area opens with the Configurator tab active.
The Radio parameter points out the equipment radio configuration:
Unequipped. Equipment without radio (radio unequipped).
1+0. Equipment with radio in protected configuration.
1+1 Freq. Div. Equipment with radio in protected configuration of heterofrequential type.
1+1 Hot Standby. Equipment with radio in protected configuration of isofrequential type.
2x(1+0) Eth. Single Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected configuration and
Ethernet traffic concatenation.
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected configuration and
two independent Ethernet channels.
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected configuration,
XPIC function and Ethernet traffic concatenation.
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe. Equipment with two radio directions in unprotected configuration,
XPIC function and two independent Ethernet channels.
The 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe and 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe values are available only for equip-
ment IduBoard Xpic, IduBoard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1 or IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Configurator command.
The Configurator contextual area opens with the Configurator tab active.
The Ethernet Enh. parameter points out the management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality:
Present. Management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality is active.
Absent (Remember Enh Values). Management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality is not active.
In the case, the equipment uses the Ethernet interface (Radio side) compatible with ALCplus2.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 135
If you have changed from an Enhanced Ethernet management to a not Enhanced Ethernet man-
agement, the controller keeps in memory all the settings relevant to Enhanced Ethernet.
Absent (Reset Enh Values). Management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality is not active. In the
case, the equipment uses the Ethernet interface (Radio side) compatible with ALCplus2.
If you have changed from an Enhanced Ethernet management to a not Enhanced Ethernet man-
agement, the controller have not kept in memory all the settings relevant to Enhanced Ethernet.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the management of synchronisation
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Configurator command.
The Configurator contextual area opens with the Configurator tab active.
The Sync Enable parameter points out the management of synchronisation:
Disabled. Synchronisation disable.
Enabled. Synchronisation enable.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
If the message Operation Fail! Wrong value assigned is displayed, the synchronisation is not enabled
for the equipment.
Some equipment features are available after enabling. To verify the enabled features, select the Equi-
pment Properties command.
To verify/modify the management of STM-1 streams
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment provided with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBo-
ard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Configurator command.
The Configurator contextual area opens with the Configurator tab active.
The STM-1 MST Mode parameter points out the management of the STM-1 stream:
None. The management of STM-1 streams is not active.
1+0. The management of one unprotected STM-1 stream is active (MST mode).
1+1 MSP. The management of one protected STM-1 stream is active (MSP mode).
2 x (1+0) MST. The management of two unprotected STM-1 streams is active (MST mode).
1+1 MSP No ALS. The management of one protected STM-1 stream is active (MSP mode). For
the STM-1 streams with optical interface, the Automatic Shutdown function is permanently dis-
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the management of the East-West modality
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 136
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Configurator command.
The Configurator contextual area opens with the Configurator tab active.
The East-West parameter points out the management of the East-West modality:
Yes. The management of the East-West modality is active: the radio signal is routed in two dif-
ferent direction named, for accepted custom, East and West.
No. The management of the East-West modality is not active.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the mapping of tributaries A and B with Radio E1s
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment of IduBoard or IduBoard Xpic type.
For all other equipment types, mapping of tributaries of base board can be executed using the com-
mand Cross Connection.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Configurator command.
The Configurator contextual area opens.
2. Select the Tributary A-B Mapping.
The parameter Tributary A Mapping points out the mapping of first E1 of base board:
Unmapped. Tributary A is not connected to any Radio E1.
Radio A E1-1. Tributary A is connected to the first Radio channel (E1-1).
Radio A E1-2. Tributary A is connected to the second Radio channel (E1-2).
The parameter Tributary B Mapping points out the mapping of second E1 of base board:
Unmapped. Tributary B is not connected to any Radio E1.
Radio A E1-1. Tributary B is connected to the first Radio channel (E1-1).
Radio A E1-2. Tributary B is connected to the second Radio channel (E1-2).
3. To change the parameters, select the wished option.
The same Radio channel cannot be set for the tributaries of base board. For instance, if the value Radio
A E1-1 is set for tributary A, the value Radio A E1-2 must be set for tributary B and vice versa.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 137
BW & Mod./Link ID
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment provided with the radio.
For the equipment in 1+0 and 1+1 configuration is present the BW & Mod./Link ID 1A command.
For the equipment in 2x(1+0) configuration are present the BW & Mod./Link ID 1A (radio branch 1
parameters) and BW & Mod./Link ID 2A (radio branch 2 parameters) commands.
The BW & Mod./Link ID command manages the parameters relevant to modulation/capacity, adaptive
modulation and link identification number
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the reference band/modulation, the operating status and the configuration parameters of the
adaptive modulation
To modify the reference band/modulation
To modify the operating status of the adaptive modulation
To modify the configuration parameters of the adaptive modulation. These parameters change depend-
ing on the operating status of the adaptive modulation itself. In detail, if the adaptive modulation is:
Active, it is possible:
To modify the power profile of the RF transmitter (ACM enabled) (Tx Power Ramp Up To <mo-
To modify the lower threshold and the upper threshold of the modulation (ACM enabled) (Upper
Modulation/Lower Modulation)
To modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) (Permanent
TDM Traffic)
To modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams) (TDM
Inactive, it is possible:
To modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams) (Permanent
TDM Traffic)
To modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams) (TDM
To verify/modify the link identification number
To verify/modify the priority of the dynamic E1 stream
In order to deepen this topic, see Adaptive modulation (more info)
To verify the reference band/modulation, the operating status and the configuration
parameters of the adaptive modulation
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The tab displays the reference band/modulation, the operating status and the configuration parameters
of the adaptive modulation:
ACM Engine. Operating status of the adaptive modulation:
Enabled. The adaptive modulation is enabled.
Disabled. The adaptive modulation is disabled.
Bandwidth & Modulation. Channelling - Modulation. For each one of the radio channelling, the
modulation and the consequent capacity can be configured.
Lower Modulation, Upper Modulation. Respectively upper and lower thresholds of the Tx modu-
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 138
This parameter is available and meaningful only if the adaptive modulation is enabled.
Tx Power Ramp Up To.... Power profile of the RF transmitter:
Disabled. Mean power constant when the modulation changes.
Enabled. Mean power constant for modulations lower than or equal to the reference mod-
ulation. For higher modulations, power increases when modulation decreases.
This parameter is available and meaningful only if the adaptive modulation is enabled.
Permanent TDM Traffic. Number of E1 streams assigned permanently (high priority streams).
These streams cannot be never discarded by the adaptive modulation. The maximum number
of E1 streams which can be assigned permanently is pointed out next to the box.
This parameter is not available for IduBoard or IduBoard Xpic ALCplus2e equipment type.
ACM Table. This table shows, for each ACM level, the number of E1 streams which can be used.
Depending on the operating status of the adaptive modulation, one or more profile will be avail-
able. In detail, if the adaptive modulation is:
Disabled. The table contains only the ACM profile relevant to the reference modulation
(Bandwidth & Modulation).
Enabled. The table contains all the ACM profiles. Among these, the profile included be-
tween the minimum and the maximum modulation are available.
Profile (ACM Table). 8 profiles ACM are available from 4QAM to 256QAM. An additional profile
on 4QAM with low rate FEC (4QAM Strong) is present too.
Max TDM Cap (ACM Table). Maximum number of (high and low priority) E1 streams which can
be assigned to the TDM traffic for every ACM profile.
TDM Capacity (ACM Table). Number of (low priority) E1 streams assigned to each ACM profile.
These streams will be discarded by adaptive modulation according to the order configured by
the user.
Maximum number of low priority E1 streams you can assign to the specific profile is pointed out
in brackets.
Global Capacity (ACM Table). Global capacity associated to the ACM profile.
The value is given by: Ethernet Capacity + TDM High Priority + TDM Low Priority + Maintenance
Ethernet Capacity (ACM Table). Capacity used by the Ethernet tributaries.
When the window is opened, the values present in the tab refer to the currently selected reference
If the currently selected reference band/modulation is modified, some parameters are disabled.
In order to display the parameters relevant to the new selected band, it is necessary to confirm (push-
button Apply) the new reference band/modulation.
To modify the reference band/modulation
User Profile | Station Operator, System
In 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration the change is au-
tomatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The Bandwidth & Modulation parameter points out the current reference band/modulation. For each
one of the radio channelling, the modulation and the consequent capacity can be configured.
2. To modify the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
If the message Operation Fail! Wrong value assigned is displayed, the selected band/modulation is not
enabled for the equipment.
Some equipment features are available after enabling. To verify the enabled features, select the Equi-
pment Properties command.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 139
To modify the operating status of the adaptive modulation
User Profile | Station Operator, System
In 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration the change is au-
tomatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The ACM Engine parameter points out the operating status of the adaptive modulation.
2. To modify the parameter, select the option:
Disabled. Adaptive modulation disabled.
Enabled. Adaptive modulation enabled.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the power profile of the RF transmitter (ACM enabled)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only if the adaptive modulation is enabled.
The profile is used only if a modulation equal to the minimum modulation has been selected as refer-
In 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration the change is au-
tomatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The Tx Power Ramp Up To... parameter points out the power profile of the RF transmitter.
2. To modify the parameter, select the value:
Disabled. Mean power constant when the modulation changes.
Enabled. Mean power constant up to a reference modulation. For the next modulations: power
increasing when the modulation decreases
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the lower threshold and the upper threshold of the modulation (ACM ena-
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only if the adaptive modulation is enabled.
In 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration the change is au-
tomatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The Upper Modulation and Lower Modulation parameters respectively points out the upper threshold
and the lower threshold of the modulation.
2. To modify the parameters Upper Modulation and Lower Modulation, select the value relevant to the
wished modulation.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 140
To modify the number of E1 streams permanently allocated (high priority streams)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation not available for IduBoard or IduBoard Xpic ALCplus2e equipment type.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The Permanent TDM Traffic parameter points out the number of E1 streams permanently allocated
(high priority streams).
2. To modify the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens with the Modulation & Capacity tab active.
The TDM Capacity parameter points out the number of E1 streams which must be kept active for the
specific ACM profile.
2. To modify the parameter, double click on the relevant box and type the wished value.
Maximum number of low priority E1 streams you can assign to the specific profile is pointed out in
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the link identification number
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens.
2. Select the Local Link ID tab.
The Local Link ID parameter points out the link identification number.
3. To change the parameter, move the cursor to the new number (value between 1 and 255).
The setting of the 0 value corresponds to the non-selection of the identification number.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
The setting so executed does NOT automatically modify also the identification number of the remote
To verify/modify the priority of the dynamic E1 stream
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > BW & Mod./Link ID command.
The BW & Mod./Link ID contextual area opens.
2. Select the Extra TDM Priority tab.
The tab displays the priority of the dynamic E1 stream (TDM Capacity).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 141
The sorting sequence of TDM Capacity, goes from highest priority (first position in the list) to lowest
one (last position in the list).
This means that the E1 at the bottom of the list will be the first stream to be discarded by the adaptive
modulation, the penultimate E1 in the list will be the second to be discarded and so on until reaching
the E1 at the top of the list which will be the last stream to be discarded by the adaptive modulation.
When an E1 stream is grey, this means that this stream is available but is not included within the max-
imum number of TDM Capacity E1 streams carried by the configured radio frame.
Every Extra E1 Radio channel is represented by the relevant number (1...21).
3. In order to modify the sequence, execute one of the following actions:
Move a single E1 upwards by one place (higher priority)
Select the tributary and press Up.
Move a single E1 downwards by one place (lower priority).
Select the tributary and press Down.
Sort the E1s (from top to bottom) in the following way: 1, 2, 3...21.
Press 1-21.
Sort the E1s (from top to bottom) in the following way: 21, 20, 19...1.
Press 21-1.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
Adaptive modulation (more info)
Ethernet transport
ALCplus2e equipment assigns all the capacity not assigned to the TDM transport to the Ethernet interface.
Then, in absence of TDM traffic, the Ethernet capacity coincides with the total available capacity.
TDM transport
The distribution of TDM traffic depends on the equipment type/configuration, as pointed out in the following
In ALCplus2e equipment of IduBoard or IduBoard Xpic type the TDM traffic is assigned to every ACM profile
selecting the number of E1 streams which must be transported.
The rules to respect for the setting of TDM traffic are the following:
a. For each ACM profile, the value TDM Capacity must be lower than or equal to Max TDM Cap and
cannot be never greater than 2.
b. When the user sets a value TDM Capacity for an ACM profile, WEB LCT automatically checks and
possibly modifies the values TDM Capacity of the higher modulation ACM profiles, in such a way
they result higher than or, at most, equal to the value TDM Capacity set by the user.
In ALCplus2e equipment with IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBoard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBoard
Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 expansion the TDM band can be sub-
ALCplus2e equipment Static E1
(Permanent TDM Traffic)
Dynamic E1
(TDM Capacity)
E1 by
E1 by
IduBoard 0 2 2 -
IduBoard Xpic 0 2 4 2
IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1
IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1
2x80 2x21 82 -
IduBoard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1
IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1
2x80 2x2 164 82
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 142
divided in two parts: one not subjected to ACM, destined to the privileged traffic (high priority) (Permanent
TDM Traffic), and one subjected to ACM and destined to the lower priority traffic, (TDM Capacity).
The rules to respect for the setting of TDM traffic are the following:
a. The number of high priority E1 traffic channels must be lower than or equal to value displayed
next to the Permanent TDM Traffic box.
b. The value of Permanent TDM Traffic fixes the minimum allowed modulation as it blocks all the
modulations for which Max TDM Cap is lower than Permanent TDM Traffic (WEB LCT highlights
the minimum allowed modulation as consequence of the value Permanent TDM Traffic set disa-
bling all the not allowed modulations).
c. For each ACM profile, the value TDM Capacity must be lower than or equal to Max TDM Cap -
Permanent TDM Traffic and cannot be never greater than 21 or 2 (equipment with XPIC func-
d. When the user sets a value TDM Capacity for an ACM profile, WEB LCT automatically checks and
possibly modifies the values TDM Capacity of the higher modulation ACM profiles, in such a way
they result higher than or, at most, equal to the value TDM Capacity set by the user.
e. A change of Permanent TDM Traffic can cause a violation of rule c. In this case, WEB LCT only
highlights which are the out-of-range values of Max TDM Cap (the wordings of the row of the
ACM profile become red) and the restore of the correct values is at users charge.
Max TDM Cap. Maximum number of (high and low priority) E1 streams which can be assigned
to the TDM traffic for each ACM profile.
TDM Capacity Number of (low priority) E1 streams assigned to each ACM profile.
Permanent TDM Traffic. Number of E1 streams permanently assigned (high priority streams).
Priority of dynamic E1 Radio streams (TDM Capacity)
The user, via WEB LCT, can define the priority of dynamic Radio E1s (TDM Capacity).
This priority determines the modality used to discard the dynamic Radio E1s when the ACM profile changes.
Reference modulation and power profile of the transmitter
The choice of the reference modulation and of the power profile depends on the license type owned by the
network operator.
The reference modulation determines the emission spectrum to be in compliance with the current laws.
The power profile increasing when the modulation decreases can be enabled according to the standard
ETSI EN 302 217-2-2: the power as function of the modulation can be only lower then or equal to the power
of the reference modulation.
More information is reported in the equipment manual ALCplus2e.
In case of mixed links (ALCplus2e - ALCplus2), the selection of the parameters relevant to modulation and
power profile must match the following requirements:
Reference modulation (Bandwidth & Modulation), upper and lower thresholds of Tx modulation
(Lower Modulation, Upper Modulation) must be set to the same values in both the equipment.
The power profile of RF transmitter of ALCplus2e equipment must be set depending on the pro-
file currently in use (which can differ from that set) in equipment ALCplus2 according to what
pointed out here below.
Tx Power Mode
Tx Power Ramp Up To....
Average Disabled
Peak Enabled
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 143
General Preset
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment provided with the radio.
For the equipment in 1+0 and 1+1 configuration is present the General Preset command. For the
equipment in 2x(1+0) configuration are present the General Preset 1A (radio branch 1 parameters)
and General Preset 2A (radio branch 2 parameters) commands.
The General Preset command manages the modem and radio parameters.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the threshold level of the signal at reception
To verify/modify the radio branch label
To verify/modify the status of the local/remote synchronization protocol
For equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration is also possible:
To verify/modify the enabling status of the switch in transmission
To verify/modify the T and N parameters
To reset the Transmitter Switch on Remote... alarm
In order to deepen this topic, see Local/remote synchronization protocol (more info)
To verify/modify the threshold level of the signal at reception
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > General Preset command.
The General Preset contextual area opens.
The Rx Signal Level Alarm Threshold: <current value> dBm parameter points out the threshold level
of the signal at reception. Under this threshold level, it is activated the relevant alarm.
2. To change the parameter, move the cursor to the wished level.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the radio branch label
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > General Preset command.
The General Preset contextual area opens.
The Radio Branch Label parameter points out the label that identifies the radio branch.
2. To change the parameter, type the new label (alphanumeric string with maximum 30 characters).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the status of the local/remote synchronization protocol
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > General Preset command.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 144
The General Preset contextual area opens.
The Synchronization Setup Protocol parameter points out the state of the local/remote synchronization
Enable. The local/remote synchronization protocol is active.
Disable. The local/remote synchronization protocol is inactive.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
In 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration the change is au-
tomatically done also on the other branch.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the switch in transmission
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofre-
quential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at
the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > General Preset command.
The General Preset contextual area opens.
The Tx Switch on remote Alarms parameter points out the enabling of the switch in transmission:
Enable. The switch in transmission as consequence of alarms (BER Alarm, Demodulator Fail
Alarm) in reception of the remote equipment is enabled.
Disable. The switch in transmission as consequence of alarms (BER Alarm, Demodulator Fail
Alarm) in reception of the remote equipment is not enabled.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the T and N parameters
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofre-
quential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at
the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > General Preset command.
The General Preset contextual area opens.
The box:
Check Period... points out the time interval T (expressed in seconds) when the number of
alarmed seconds must be > N so that the switch in transmission takes place.
Alarm Thres... points out the number of alarmed seconds N.
2. To modify the parameters, type the new values in the relevant boxes (Check Period box: value between
1 and 300; Alarm Thres: value between 1 and 60).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
When the enabling status of the switch in transmission is active (Tx Switch on remote Alarms), this switch
is executed when the number of alarmed seconds is > N within a time interval T. With number of alarmed
seconds we mean the seconds when an alarm condition takes place contemporarily on both the Rx of the
remote equipment.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 145
To reset the Transmitter Switch on Remote... alarm
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only for the equipment in 1+1 isofrequential configuration. For the 1+1 etherofre-
quential configuration, the operation is not available because the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at
the same time as the selection of the signal is made in reception.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > General Preset command.
The General Preset contextual area opens.
2. Press Alarm Reset and confirm.
The Transmitter Switch on Remote... alarm notifies the switch in transmission as consequence of alarms
on the signal received from the remote equipment.
Local/remote synchronization protocol (more info)
The local/remote synchronization protocol (Synchronization Setup Protocol) is a functionality allowing the
management the change of radio configuration between two equipment connected by link, in such a way
to reduce the out-of-service time at each repartition of the available radio band and to keep the supervision
on the remote equipment active.
This management works in the following way.
When a parameter is changed is the local (or remote) equipment, the change is not immediately executed,
but it is freezed.
The system raises the alarm RADIO... Local-Remote Terminal Setup Mismatch to signal to the user that a
mismatch is present between the radio configuration of the local and that of the remote equipment.
The alarm remains active until the operator executes the same change in the equipment located at the
other side of the link.
When the change is executed in the remote equipment, the same change is automatically executed even
in the local equipment, becoming then effective on both the equipment of the link.
The radio parameters, whose change is managed by the local/remote synchronization protocol as de-
scribed above, are the following (see BW & Mod./Link ID):
Reference modulation (Bandwidth & Modulation).
Profile mask (Lower Modulation - Upper Modulation).
ACM (ACM Engine).
Number high-priority channels (Permanent TDM Traffic).
Number of low-priority channels of every profile (TDM Capacity).
Priority of Extra TDM channels (Extra TDM Priority).
The local/remote synchronization protocol, when active, besides the management of the change of the ra-
dio parameters, allows managing the radio configuration of the equipment in the link when the alarm RA-
DIO... Link Telemetry Fail is present.
This alarm, if it is the only radio alarm active, points out a mismatch on the band repartition between the
two equipment.
In this condition, the modality called Rescue setup is automatically activated, which forces both the equip-
ment to the following condition:
Modulation: 4QAM (respecting ETSI spectral masks)
Radio traffic: all Ethernet
The activation of the Rescue setup modality is pointed out by the activation of the alarm RADIO... Rescue
Setup Active.
The alarm is removed when the operator realigns the radio parameters in both the equipment of the link.
The synchronization protocol can be enabled and disabled by the user (see To verify/modify the status of
the local/remote synchronization protocol).
By default, the protocol is enabled. If the user disables it, it remains disabled until the user re-enables it.
In equipment in radio configuration 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0)Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe, enabling/
disabling executed on a branch is automatically reported even on the other branch.
The local/remote synchronization is implemented by a proprietary protocol. It is meaningful and available
for the radio equipment of type ALCplus2e, ALCplus2 or ALplus2.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 146
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe
radio configuration.
The Xpic command manages the XPIC function.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the configuration parameters of the XPIC function
To disable temporarily the function XPIC for a single branch
To restore the XPIC function of the single branch
To enable/disable XPIC fault management procedure (FMP)
To restore the function XPIC after a fault detection
In order to deepen this topic, see XPIC function (more info)
To verify the configuration parameters of the XPIC function
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Xpic command.
The Xpic contextual area opens.
Parameter Radio 1A (area Xpic) points out the activation of XPIC function for branch 1:
Enable. Function active.
Disable. Function temporarily deactivated (manual operation).
Parameter Radio 2A (area Xpic) points out the activation of XPIC function for branch 2:
Enable. Function active.
Disable. Function temporarily deactivated (manual operation).
Parameter Fault Management Procedure points out the status of XPIC fault management procedure
Enable. The FMP procedure is active.
Disable. The FMP procedure is inactive.
When XPIC fault management procedure is active, the detection of a fault on a branch and the conse-
quent action automatically executed by FMP procedure to save the other branch are pointed out by the
faults present in the area Fault Management Procedure.
In detail, if a box becomes red, orange, yellow, light blue or green (depending on the severity of the
relevant to the relevant alarm), the box:
Remote Xpic Proc. Radio 1A Tx Off, points out that, as consequence of the detection of a fault
on receiver of branch 1 of remote terminal, FMP procedure has switched off the transmitter of
branch 1 of local terminal.
Xpic Proc. Block on Radio 1A, points out that, as consequence of the detection of a fault on re-
ceiver of branch 2 of remote terminal or on receiver of branch 2 of local terminal, FMP procedure
has forced the disabling of XPIC function of branch 1 of local terminal.
Remote Xpic Proc. Radio 2A Tx Off, points out that, as consequence of the detection of a fault
on receiver of branch 2 of remote terminal, FMP procedure has switched off the transmitter of
branch 2 of local terminal.
Xpic Proc. Block on Radio 2A, points out that, as consequence of the detection of a fault on re-
ceiver of branch 1 of remote terminal or on receiver of branch 1 of local terminal, FMP procedure
has forced the disabling of XPIC function of branch 2 of local terminal.
When the box is grey, this means that the specific fault has not been detected.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 147
To disable temporarily the function XPIC for a single branch
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Xpic command.
The Xpic contextual area opens.
2. To disable temporarily the function XPIC of:
Branch 1, select the Disable value (Radio 1A parameter).
Branch 2, select the Disable value (Radio 2A parameter).
3. Press Apply.
A message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
4. Confirm the operation.
The activation of the forcing activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then,
switched on, the forcing results inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To restore the XPIC function of the single branch
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Xpic command.
The Xpic contextual area opens.
2. To restore the XPIC function of the:
Branch 1, select the Enable value (Radio 1A parameter).
Branch 2, select the Enable value (Radio 2A parameter).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To enable/disable XPIC fault management procedure (FMP)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Xpic command.
The Xpic contextual area opens.
2. To ENABLE the fault management procedure (FMP), select the value Enable (parameter Fault Manage-
ment Procedure).
To DISABLE the fault management procedure (FMP), select the value Disable (parameter Fault Man-
agement Procedure).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To restore the function XPIC after a fault detection
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Equipment > Xpic command.
The Xpic contextual area opens.
2. Press Reset Procedure and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 148
XPIC function (more info)
The function XPIC (Crosspolar Interference Canceller) is a modem functionality which allows using the dou-
ble polarization (vertical and horizontal) in the transmission system.
In this way, exploiting two polarizations, the transmission capacity of the radio link can be double using a
single frequency.
In relation to XPIC function, through WEB LCT it is possible:
To disable temporarily the function XPIC for every single branch (To disable temporarily the fun-
ction XPIC for a single branch) and then to re-enable it (To restore the XPIC function of the single
Disabling the function XPIC is a manual operation (MAN. OP). Remember that, if the timeout of
the manual operations is inactive, the function XPIC remains disabled until when it is restored
by the user.
To enable and disable XPIC fault management procedure (FMP) (see To enable/disable XPIC
fault management procedure (FMP).
In case of detection and signalling of a fault, the function XPIC can be restored (see To restore
the function XPIC after a fault detection).
Purpose of the FMP (Fault Management Procedure) procedure is to identify a malfunction caused
by equipment faults and by equipment faults and to preserve the horizontal or vertical branch
where there are not problems
The procedure differentiates the alarms due to external causes (e.g., fading) from those due to
equipment faults.
The activation of the FMP procedure involves the switch-off of a transmitter and the disabling of
the Xpic inputs.
The condition is permanent and only an operator by means of WEB LCT (as above) or
NMS5UX/NMS5UX-B/NMS5LX can restore the condition.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 149
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only if the synchronisation management is enabled (see Configurator).
The Synchronisation command manages the sources and the outputs of synchronism
In detail, the command allows:
To manage the T0 and T4 synchronism:
To verify the status and configuration of the T0 and T4 synchronism
To force the status of the T0 synchronisation
To set the modality from which the T4 synchronism is extracted
To enable/disable the T4 Squelch
To set the Hold Off Time parameter
To set the WTR Time parameter
To set the threshold levels of the LTI alarm
To enable/disable the use of the source quality into the choice criterion of the synchronism
To set the minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4 synchronism
To manage the synchronism sources:
To verify the status and configuration of the synchronism sources
To enable/disable the use of a synchronism source
To modify the use priority of a synchronism source
To force the use of a synchronism source
To set a synchronism source as preferential
To set the signal used as synchronism source for T2/T3-2 input
To set the signal used as synchronism source for TE LAN-A or TE LAN-B input
To force the quality level in input and/or output of a synchronism source
To restore the availability of a source for the selection of the T0 synchronism without waiting for
the expiry of Wait Time
To manage the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A/B and set the interface (output/input) of tri-
butary A/B
To re-timing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation
In order to deepen this topic, see Management of synchronisation (more info)
To verify the status and configuration of the T0 and T4 synchronism
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The tab displays the configuration parameters and the alarms status of the T0 and T4 synchronism.
Alarms area. Alarms status of the T0 synchronism (Free Running, Hold Over and T0 boxes) and
T4 synchronism (T4 box). The colour of each box displays the status of the specific alarm:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
Status Control (Settings area). Status of T0 synchronism:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 150
Free Running. The status of Free Running is forced (synchronism T0 is generated by the
equipment internal reference - Internal Source).
Hold Over. The status of Hold Over is forced.
Locked. The synchronism is locked to an external source.
T4 Squelch (Settings area). Status of the T4 squelch:
Disabled. The squelch of the T4 synchronism is disabled.
Enabled. The squelch of the T4 synchronism is enabled. This function becomes active
when source T2/T3 1 has been selected for T0/T4 management.
T4-T0 (Settings area). Modality which the T4 synchronism is taken from:
T4-NE-T0. Synchronism T4 is taken from one of the synchronism sources because two
independent locking devices are used to generate T0 and T4.
T4-EQ-T0. Synchronism T4 is taken from synchronism T0 because only one locking de-
vice is used to generate T0 and T4.
Hold Off Time (Time area). Time (expressed in ms) during which the system keeps the evaluated
frequency of an invalid synchronism source (absent or degraded). At the end of the Hold Off
time, the invalid source will be rejected and it will be used the first input source having a valid
WTR Time (Time area). Time (expressed in minutes) that has to pass in such a way to allow to
the selected input source having a valid signal to be really used within the process for the se-
lection of T0 synchronism.
LTI Set Time / LTI Reset Time (Time area). Threshold level of LTI alarm (TimingSynkLossAlarm).
In detail:
LTI Set Time. Threshold value - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with the
presence of the LTI alarm - over which the system activates the alarm itself.
LTI Reset Time. Threshold value - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without
the presence of the LTI alarm - over which the system deactivates the alarm itself.
T0 Current (Quality area). Current quality level of the T0 synchronism:
UNK. The quality level is unavailable or unknown.
PRC. The quality of the T0 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the primary reference clock.
SSUT. The quality of the T0 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the transit synchronism units.
SSUL. The quality of the T0 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The quality of the T0 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the equipment clock.
DNU. The source has not to be used for the synchronization.
Generally, the quality of the T0 synchronism corresponds to the quality of the synchronism
which T0 is derived from.
T4 Current (Quality area). Current quality level of the T4 synchronism.
UNK. The quality level is unavailable or unknown.
PRC. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the primary reference clock.
SSUT. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the transit synchronism units.
SSUL. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the equipment clock.
DNU. The source has not to be used for the synchronization (equivalent to condition of
T4 squelch).
Enabled (Quality area). Status of use of source quality level as synchronism selection criterion.
Active box ( ) means the source quality level is used as synchronism selection criterion; inactive
box means the quality level is used as selection criterion
T4 Minimum Quality (Quality area). Minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4
synchronism so that the Squelch does not occur:
PRC. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the primary reference clock.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 151
SSUT. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the transit synchronism units.
SSUL. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom.
that defines the parameters of the equipment clock.
The T0 Current, T4 Current and T4 Minimum Quality parameters are meaningful only if the use of the
quality, as criterion for the choice of the synchronism, is enabled.
To force the status of the T0 synchronisation
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The Status Control parameter points out the status of T0 synchronism:
Free Running. The status of Free Running is forced (synchronism T0 is generated by the equip-
ment internal reference - Internal Source).
Hold Over. The status of Hold Over is forced.
Locked. The synchronism is locked to an external source.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are activating the forcing (selection of the Free Running or Hold Over option) a message is
displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
The activation of the forcing activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then,
switched on, the forcing results inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To set the modality from which the T4 synchronism is extracted
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The T0-T4 parameter points out the modality which the T4 synchronism is taken from:
T4-NE-T0. Synchronism T4 is taken from one of the synchronism sources because two independ-
ent locking devices are used to generate T0 and T4.
T4-EQ-T0. Synchronism T4 is taken from synchronism T0 because only one locking device is
used to generate T0 and T4.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To enable/disable the T4 Squelch
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 152
The T4 Squelch parameter points out the status of the T4 squelch:
Disabled. The squelch of the T4 synchronism is disabled
Enabled. The squelch of the T4 synchronism is enabled. This function becomes active when
source T2/T3 1 has been selected for T0/T4 management.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To set the Hold Off Time parameter
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The Hold Off Time parameter points out the time (expressed in ms) during which the system keeps the
evaluated frequency of an invalid synchronism source (absent or degraded). At the end of the Hold Off
time, the invalid source will be rejected and it will be used the first input source having a valid signal.
2. To change the parameter, set into the box a value between 300 and 1800 msec.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To set the WTR Time parameter
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The WTR Time parameter points out the time (expressed in minutes) that has to pass in such a way to
allow to the selected input source having a valid signal to be really used within the process for the se-
lection of T0 synchronism.
2. To change the parameter, set a value between 0 and 12 min.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To set the threshold levels of the LTI alarm
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The LTI Set Time and LTI Reset Time parameters point out the threshold level of LTI alarm (Timing
Synk Loss Alarm). In detail:
LTI Set Time. Threshold value - expressed as number of consecutive seconds with the presence
of the LTI alarm - over which the system activates the alarm itself.
LTI Reset Time. Threshold value - expressed as number of consecutive seconds without the
presence of the LTI alarm - over which the system deactivates the alarm itself.
2. To change the parameter, set the new values in the specific boxes (allowed interval between 0 and 60
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 153
To enable/disable the use of the source quality into the choice criterion of
the synchronism
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The parameter Enabled points out the status of use of the source quality level as synchronism selection
Active box ( ) means the use is enabled; inactive box means the use is disabled.
2. To change the parameter, check or uncheck the relevant box.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To set the minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4 syn-
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only if the use of the quality, as criterion for the choice of the synchronism, is en-
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The T4 Minimum Quality points out the minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4 syn-
chronism so that the Squelch does not occur.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
PRC. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that de-
fines the parameters of the primary reference clock.
SSUT. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that
defines the parameters of the transit synchronism units.
SSUL. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that
defines the parameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The quality of the T4 synchronism complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that de-
fines the parameters of the equipment clock.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status and configuration of the synchronism sources
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
Depending on the used locking devices, the tabs T0/T4, T0 and T4 are available.
Tab T0/ T4 is available when only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4
(T4-EQ-T0). In this case, the status and the configuration of the sources present in the tab is valid for
both synchronisms T0 and T4.
Tab T0 and tab T4 are available when two locking devices are used to generate the synchronisms T0
and T4 (T4-NE-T0). In this case, the status and the configuration of the sources present in the tab T0
is valid only for synchronism T0; while those present in tab T4 are valid only for synchronism T4.
The content of tabs T0/T4, T0 and T4, described here below, is the same.
The table present in the specific tab displays the sources for the synchronism T0 and/or T4. Every table
row corresponds to one source, for which is pointed out in the column:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 154
Name. Synchronism source name:
T2/T3 1 [Interface]. Source extracted from the tributary A.
The interface is pointed out between square brackets. It can be T3 (2MHz) or T2 (2Mb/s).
T2/T3-2 [Interface]. Source extracted from tributary B or from one of the E1 of the ex-
The interface is pointed out between square brackets. It can be T3 (2MHz) or T2 (2Mb/s).
TE LAN-A. First source extracted from one of LAN ports of Ethernet Switch.
TE LAN-B. Second source extracted from one of LAN ports of Ethernet Switch.
STM-1 [1] or STM-1. Source extracted from the first STM-1 tributary.
STM-1 [2]. Source extracted from the second STM-1 tributary.
RADIO 1. Source extracted from the Radio 1A.
RADIO 2. Source extracted from the Radio 2A.
Internal. Source extracted from an its own internal reference (12,8MHz STRATUM 3).
This source is valid only for synchronism T0, so it will be present only in tabs T0/T4 or T0.
The Internal source has not configuration parameters.
The detail of the signal/configuration relevant to every single s source and the availability of the
source depending on the configuration of the equipment is pointed out in Tab.5.
Source. Source type used as synchronism:
Trib. A. First E1 tributary of the base board (tributary A) (2MHz or 2Mb/s).
Trib. B. Second E1 tributary of the base board (tributary B) (2MHz or 2Mb/s).
Trib. <number>. E1 tributary of the expansion (2Mb/s interface).
LAN-1, LAN-2, LAN-3, LAN-4. Respectively first, second, third and fourth external port of
the Ethernet Switch.
Ports LAN 3 and LAN 4 are available when configured both with electrical and optical in-
STM-1 [1] or STM-1. First STM-1 stream.
STM-1 [2]. Second STM-1 stream.
Priority. Status and priority use of the source:
Dis. The synchronism source is not used.
<1 9>. The synchronism source is enabled and has a priority level pointed out by the
number (1: maximum priority, 9: minimum priority).
Forced Switch. Forced use of the source:
Off. The source has not been manually forced for the generation of the T0 and/or T4 syn-
On <light blue box>. The source has been manually forced for the generation of the T0
and/or T4 synchronism (Manual Operation).
Preferential Switch. Status of preferential usage of the source:
Off. The synchronism source is not preferential as opposed to the other enabled synchro-
nism sources.
On. The synchronism source is preferential as opposed to the other enabled synchronism
sources and (in absence of alarms causing its degrade or forced sources) is used for the
generation of the synchronism.
Sync Loss/Sync Drift. Respectively status of the alarm Timing Synk Loss Alarm and Timing Synk
Drift Alarm relevant to the source.
The colour of each box displays the status of the specific alarm:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
Quality In. Quality level in reception of the source:
PRC. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the primary reference clock.
SSUT. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the transit synchronism units.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 155
SSUL. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the equipment clock.
DNU. The source has not to be used for the synchronization.
UNK. The quality level is unavailable or unknown.
The quality level in reception for the STM-1 streams is in compliance with the SSM protocol,
while for the E1 streams (2Mbit/s and 2Mhz) it is SEC.
Quality S1. Quality level in transmission of the source.
The quality level in transmission of the synchronism source in input is the result of the protocol
The displayed values are the same described for the Quality In parameter.
Ovw Rx Qlty. Forcing status of the quality level in reception of the source:
PRC. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the primary reference clock.
SSUT. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the transit synchronism units.
SSUL. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the
parameters of the equipment clock.
DNU. The source has not to be used for the synchronization.
UNK. The quality level is unavailable or unknown
none. The quality of the synchronism source is not forced. The quality is that taken from
the SSM protocol or, for the sources that do not use the SSM protocol (T2/T3 1 and T2/
T3 2 sources), the default one (SEC).
Ovw Tx Qlty. Forcing status of the quality level in transmission of the source.
The displayed values are the same described for the Ovw Rx Qlty parameter.
The Quality In, Quality S1, Ovw Rx Qlty and Ovw Tx Qlty parameters are present only if the use of the
quality, as criterion for the choice of the synchronism, is enabled.
The source of synchronism whose row has red border points out the source which the equipment ex-
tracts the synchronization T0 and/or T4 from.
When the source, which the synchronization is extracted from, changes, the row relevant to the new
source will become yellow and will blink before becoming with red border.
To enable/disable the use of a synchronism source
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 and T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. In this case, the operation
executed in tab T0 is valid only for synchronism T0 and that executed in tab T4 is valid only for
synchronism T4.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
In the Priority column the usage status of each single source is pointed out.
3. To enable the use of a source, select the specific Priority box and then a number comprised between 1
and 9 according to the desired priority level to be assigned to the source (1: maximum priority, 9: min-
imum priority).
To disable the use of the source, select the specific Priority box and then the Dis. value.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 156
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed and not communicated yet to the equip-
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To modify the use priority of a synchronism source
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only when the use of the synchronism source is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 and T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. In this case, the operation
executed in tab T0 is valid only for synchronism T0 and that executed in tab T4 is valid only for
synchronism T4.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
In the Priority column the priority level of each single source is pointed out.
3. To change the priority level of a source, select the specific Priority box and then a number comprised
between 1 and 9 according to the desired priority level to be assigned to the source (1: maximum pri-
ority, 9: minimum priority).
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed and not communicated yet to the equip-
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To force the use of a synchronism source
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
Operation meaningful only when the use of the synchronism source is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 and T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. In this case, the operation
executed in tab T0 is valid only for synchronism T0 and that executed in tab T4 is valid only for
synchronism T4.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
In the Forced Switch column the forcing status of each single source is pointed out.
3. To change the forcing status of a source, select the specific Forced Switch box and then the option:
Off, not to force the use of the source for the generation of the synchronism.
On, to force the use of the source for the generation of the synchronism.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed and not communicated yet to the equip-
4. Press Apply changes.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 157
Only if you are activating the forcing a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing
and displaying the current setting of timeout.
5. Confirm the operation.
The activation of the forcing activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then,
switched on, the forcing results inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To set a synchronism source as preferential
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation meaningful only when the use of the synchronism source is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 and T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. In this case, the operation
executed in tab T0 is valid only for synchronism T0 and that executed in tab T4 is valid only for
synchronism T4.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
The Preferential Switch column points out if the source is used as preferential.
3. To change the preferential status of a source, select the specific Preferential Switch box and then the
Off. The synchronism source is not preferential as opposed to the other enabled synchronism
On. The synchronism source is preferential as opposed to the other enabled synchronism sourc-
es and (in absence of alarms causing its degrade or forced sources) is used for the generation
of the synchronism.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed and not communicated yet to the equip-
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To set the signal used as synchronism source for T2/T3-2 input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 e T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. Even in this case the operation
is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and synchronism T4 because the selection of the
source type is made upstream with respect to locking devices. This means that the setting made,
for example, in tab T0 is automatically reported in tab T4 and vice versa.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
The box Source of source T2/T3-2 points out the type of source currently in use:
Trib. B. Second E1 tributary of the base board (tributary B) (T3: 2MHz or T2: 2Mb/s).
Trib. <number>. E1 tributary of the expansion (T2: 2Mb/s).
3. To change the parameter, select the Source box and then the wished option.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 158
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To set the signal used as synchronism source for TE LAN-A or TE LAN-B input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 e T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. Even in this case the operation
is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and synchronism T4 because the selection of the
source type is made upstream with respect to locking devices. This means that the setting made,
for example, in tab T0 is automatically reported in tab T4 and vice versa.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
The box Source of the source TE LAN-A and TE LAN-B points out the currently used external port of
Ethernet Switch for every specific source: LAN-1, LAN-2, LAN-3, LAN-4.
3. To change the parameter, select the Source box and then the wished option.
If a value is set for the source TE LAN-A this value will not be available for the source TE LAN-B and
vice versa.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To force the quality level in input and/or output of a synchronism source
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only if the use of the quality, as criterion for the choice of the synchronism, is en-
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 and T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. In this case, the operation
executed in tab T0 is valid only for synchronism T0 and that executed in tab T4 is valid only for
synchronism T4.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
For every synchronism source, the parameter Ovw Rx Qlty points out the forcing status of the quality
level in reception; while the parameter Ovw Tx Qlty points out the forcing status of the quality level in
3. To change the parameters, select the Ovw Rx Qlty or Ovw Tx Qlty box and than the option:
none. The quality of the synchronism source is not forced. The quality is that taken from the
SSM protocol or, for the sources that do not use the SSM protocol (T2/T3 1 and T2/T3 2 sourc-
es), the default one (SEC).
PRC. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the param-
eters of the primary reference clock.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 159
SSUT. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the pa-
rameters of the transit synchronism units.
SSUL. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the pa-
rameters of the local synchronism units.
SEC. The source quality complies with the ITU-T G.781/G.8264 Recom. that defines the param-
eters of the equipment clock.
DNU. The source has not to be used for the synchronization.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To restore the availability of a source for the selection of the T0 synchronism
without waiting for the expiry of Wait Time
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
The presence of the tab:
T0/T4, means that only one locking device is used to generate the synchronisms T0 and T4. In
this case, the operation executed in the tab is common and valid both for synchronism T0 and
synchronism T4.
T0 and T4, means that two independent locking devices are used. In this case, the operation
executed in tab T0 is valid only for synchronism T0 and that executed in tab T4 is valid only for
synchronism T4.
2. Select the T0/T4, T0 or T4 tab.
3. Select the source, with valid signal, whose availability you wish to restore for the generation of T0 syn-
4. Press Wtr Clear and confirm.
The source is immediately used for the generation of T0 synchronism. The period Wtr Time is consid-
ered elapsed.
To manage the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A/B and set the in-
terface (output/input) of tributary A/B
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the tributary (A or B) as output of synchronism T12 compromises the use of the tributary
(A or B) as traffic tributary.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
2. Select the E1 Source Type tab.
The Trib. A and Trib. B boxes respectively point out the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A and B.
3. In order to modify the parameters select, in the box relevant to the wished tributary, the option:
NORMAL TRAFFIC. The tributary (A or B) is used for the transport of the traffic only or for the
contemporary transport of synchronism and traffic if properly set (see To re-timing the E1s set
for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation).
Moreover, setting this value causes the automatic setting of the value 2Mbit/s as interface for
the tributary (A or B) used as synchronism source.
T2 (2Mb/s). The tributary (A or B) is used as output of synchronism T12 with interface 2Mbit/s.
Moreover, setting this value causes the automatic setting of the value 2Mbit/s as interface for
the tributary (A or B) used as synchronism source.
T3 (2MHz). The tributary (A or B) is used as output of synchronism T12 with interface 2MHz.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 160
Moreover, setting this value causes the automatic setting of the value 2MHz as interface for the
tributary (A or B) used as synchronism source.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To re-timing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and syn-
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Here below only the operation of re-timing of the E1s of an equipment is described. For the correct
configuration of the functionality for a radio link see Re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary tran-
sport of traffic and synchronisation
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Synchronisation command.
The Synchronisation contextual area opens.
2. Select the E1 Retiming tab.
The table present in the tab displays the activation status of the function E1 re-timing for every E1
equipment tributary.
Every row of the table corresponds to a tributary for which is displayed in the column:
Name. Tributary label:
E1 A. First E1 tributary of base board (tributary A).
E1 B. Second E1 tributary of base board (tributary B).
E1 <number>. E1 tributary of expansion.
E1 Retiming. Status of E1 re-timing function of the tributary:
Off. The E1 re-timing function is inactive.
On. The E1 re-timing function is active.
Sync Alarm. Sync Alarm status. The Sync Alarm, when the E1 re-timing function is active, points
out whether the operation failed (alarm activated) or it was successful (alarm deactivated).
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
3. To change status of E1 re-timing function of a tributary, select the specific E1 Retiming box and then
the wished option.
Pressing Revert changes cancels the change executed.
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 161
Management of synchronisation (more info)
ALCplus2e equipment can be configured to operate with synchronisation enabled or disabled.
When the synchronisation is disable, the synchronisation is not managed: the clocks are generated by the
local internal reference.
When the synchronisation is enabled, the synchronism source, enabled with the highest priority and quality
level, is used to synchronise the local IDU (if a forcing or a preferential is not active).
The user can enable or disable the management of synchronisation as he wishes (see Configurator) and
enable/disable the use of the source quality into the choice criterion of the synchronism.
The equipment makes a synchronization signal available to other equipment (synchronism T4), common
or independent from the synchronism used by the equipment (synchronism T0).
Access to T4 synchronism is possible through a special setting of the outputs of tributaries A and/or B (T12
Here below the following topics are described:
Synchronism sources
Internal synchronism T0
Synchronism in output T4
Synchronism in output T12
Re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation
Synchronism sources
The equipment has more synchronism sources.
The number/type of synchronism sources depends on the type/expansion of equipment (see Tab.5).
Tab.5 Synchronism sources
Synchronism sources
Name Type Configuration
IduBoard Xpic
T2/T3 1 E1 Tributary A with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)
T2/T3 2 E1 Tributary B with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)
TE LAN-A LAN Eth Source configurable as
LAN 4 (electrical or optical interface)
LAN 3 (electrical or optical interface)
TE LAN-B LAN Eth Source configurable as
LAN 4 (electrical or optical interface)
LAN 3 (electrical or optical interface)
RADIO 1 Radio
Synchronism from the remote terminal (Radio 1A)
Source available only when the radio is equipped
RADIO 2 Radio
Synchronism from the remote terminal (Radio 2A)
Source available only in 2x(1+0) radio configurator
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 162
The type of interface depends on the setting made by the user for the management of the synchronism
in output T12 (see To manage the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A/B and set the interface (ou-
tput/input) of tributary A/B).
IduBoard Exp
IduBoard Xpic
Exp. 2xSTM-1
T2/T3 1 E1 Tributary A with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)
T2/T3 2 E1
Source configurable as:
Tributary B with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)
Tributary E1 of expansion (132) with interface T2 (2Mb/s)
TE LAN-A LAN Eth Source configurable as
LAN 4 (electrical or optical interface)
LAN 3 (electrical or optical interface)
TE LAN-B LAN Eth Source configurable as
LAN 4 (electrical or optical interface)
LAN 3 (electrical or optical interface)
STM-1 stream.
Source available only if the management of 1 STM-1 is enabled
STM-1 [1] STM-1
First STM-1 stream.
Source available only if the management of 2 STM-1 is enabled
STM-1 [2] STM-1
Second STM-1 stream.
Source available only if the management of 2 STM-1 is enabled
RADIO 1 Radio
Synchronism from the remote terminal (Radio 1A)
Source available only when the radio is equipped
RADIO 2 Radio
Synchronism from the remote terminal (Radio 2A)
Source available only in 2x(1+0) radio configurator
IduBoard Exp.
Nod. 2xSTM-1
IduBoard Xpic
Exp. Nod.
T2/T3 1 E1 Tributary A with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)
T2/T3 2 E1
Source configurable as:
Tributary B with interface T2 (2Mb/s) or T3 (2MHz)
Tributary E1 of expansion (116) with interface T2 (2Mb/s)
TE LAN-A LAN Eth Source configurable as
LAN 4 (electrical or optical interface)
LAN 3 (electrical or optical interface)
TE LAN-B LAN Eth Source configurable as
LAN 4 (electrical or optical interface)
LAN 3 (electrical or optical interface)
STM-1 stream.
Source available only if the management of 1 STM-1 is enabled
STM-1 [1] STM-1
First STM-1 stream.
Source available only if the management of 2 STM-1 is enabled
STM-1 [2] STM-1
Second STM-1 stream.
Source available only if the management of 2 STM-1 is enabled
RADIO 1 Radio
Synchronism from the remote terminal (Radio 1A)
Source available only when the radio is equipped
RADIO 2 Radio
Synchronism from the remote terminal (Radio 2A)
Source available only in 2x(1+0) radio configurator
Synchronism sources
Name Type Configuration
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 163
If a value is set for the source TE LAN-A this value will not be available for the source TE LAN-B and
vice versa.
See Configurator.
Enabling of the synchronism sources
A synchronism source, in order to be used, must be enabled by the user (see To enable/disable the use of
a synchronism source).
Configuration of the synchronism sources
For some synchronism sources, the type of signal to use can be set (see Tab.5).
Priority of the synchronism source
A priority level can be associated to every synchronism source (see To modify the use priority of a syn-
chronism source).
The source with the highest priority level, with the highest quality level (if enabled the use of quality) and
whose signal is valid, is used to synchronize the equipment (if a forcing or a preferential source is not ac-
The priority level of the synchronism source is pointed out by a number between 1 and 9, where 1 points
out the highest priority and 9 the lowest one.
Generally the equipment takes the synchronism from the source with the highest priority level and with
the highest quality level (if enabled the use of quality): if this source is missing or is degraded, the syn-
chronism is taken from the source with priority level immediately lower.
When the source with highest priority level returns to be valid, the equipment will automatically start to
use it to take the synchronism. If all the synchronism sources (set by the user) become unavailable, the
equipment automatically takes the synchronism from its own internal reference.
The degradation of the signal is caused by the presence of, at least, one of the following conditions:
The source is not physically present.
The difference between the source frequency and the internal reference source (STRATUM 3) is
greater than 9,2 ppm.
If two or more sources with the same priority are activated, the source with higher quality level is used.
If the use of quality level is disabled and two or more source with the same priority are activated, these
sources will be inserted into a circular and not Revertive list.
Quality of synchronism source
Every synchronism source is characterized by a quality level.
Quality of synchronism source
Every synchronism source is characterized by a quality level.
Through WEB LCT, it is possible To enable/disable the use of the source quality into the choice criterion of
the synchronism.
When the use of quality is enabled, it concurs in the selection of the source to use for the synchronisation
of the local IDU in the following way: the source with higher priority and quality level, and whose signal is
valid, is used to synchronize the equipment (if a forcing or a preferential is not active).
The source quality level is given by the synchronisation status messages (SSM - Synchronisation Status
Message) present in byte S1.
The availability quality levels, from higher to lower level, are listed here below:
PRC (Primary Reference Clock). The source quality is in compliance with Recc. ITU-T G.781 with
extension to G.8264 for Ethernet streams which defines the parameters of the primary reference
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 164
SSUT (Synchronisation Supply Unit Transit). The source quality is in compliance with Recc. ITU-
T G.781 with extension to G.8264 for Ethernet streams which defines the parameters of the
transit synchronism units.
SSUL (Synchronisation Supply Unit Local). The source quality is in compliance with Recc. ITU-T
G.781 with extension to G.8264 for Ethernet streams which defines the parameters of the syn-
chronism local units.
SEC (SDH Equipment Clock). The source quality is in compliance with Recc. ITU-T G.781 with
extension to G.8264 for Ethernet streams which defines the parameters of the equipment clock.
Through WEB LCT, moreover, it is possible:
To set the minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4 synchronism.
To force the quality level in input and/or output of a synchronism source
To restore the availability of a source for the selection of the T0 synchronism without waiting for
the expiry of Wait Time
Forcing of a synchronism source
This function foresees the user can force the selection of one synchronism source (see To force the use of
a synchronism source).
This forcing is made without considering the status, the priority and the quality level of the source.
This function must not be used for the normal operation of the synchronism. It is a maintenance operation
and remains active until the user disables it or the Timeout period of the manual operations expires (if set).
Function of preferential synchronism source
This function foresees the choice of a source to use as preferential among those enabled (see To set a syn-
chronism source as preferential).
When the function of preferential source is not active, the internal synchronism is taken from the enabled
source with highest priority and quality level.
When the function of preferential source is activated for a source, this source will be used (in absence of
alarms causing its degradation or forced sources) to take the internal synchronism independently from its
priority and quality level.
This condition is maintained until when the user disables the function of preferential source or the source
signal becomes degraded.
Internal synchronism T0
The synchronism source, which the internal synchronism T0 is extracted from, is determined by the con-
troller SETS of the equipment according to the following order of criteria:
Status of the source (enabled/disabled)
Forcing of the source
Status of the signal (valid/degraded)
Quality level of the source (if the quality management is enabled)
Preferential source
Source priority
The internal synchronism T0 can assume one of the following statuses:
Free Running. The status of Free Running is forced (synchronism T0 is generated by the equip-
ment internal reference - Internal Source).
Hold Over. The status of Hold Over is forced.
Locked. The synchronism is locked to an external source.
The user can force the status of the internal synchronism T0 (see To force the status of the T0 synchroni-
The forcing of the status Hold Over or Free Running is not the normal operation of the synchronism T0.
These forcings are maintenance operations and remain active until when the user does not disable them
or the Timeout period of the manual operation expires (if set).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 165
Synchronism in output T4
The equipment makes a synchronization signal available to other equipment (synchronism T4), common
or independent from the synchronism used by the equipment (synchronism T0) (see To set the modality
from which the T4 synchronism is extracted).
This because the synchronization unit is composed by two independent locking devices (Phase Locked
A device for the generation of equipment circuit (T0)
A device for the generation of synchronism output (T4)
The selection of the references which the devices are locked to can be independent (T4T0) or associated
(T4=T0) to the use of a single device.
For every device, as told before, a set of sources can be set which, depending on their priority, are selected
to generate the equipment synchronisation.
Synchronism in output T12
The user can set that the synchronism in output is provided to tributaries A and/or B (see par. To manage
the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A/B and set the interface (output/input) of tributary A/B). In
this case the use of the tributary (A and/or B) as traffic tributary is compromised.
Moreover the use of the tributary A and/or B as output of synchronism T12 determinates the type of the
interface of the tributary (A and/or B) used as synchronism source (see Tab.6).
Tab.6 Synchronism in output (T12)
For the contemporary transport of synchronism and traffic (see Re-timing of the E1s set for the con-
temporary transport of traffic and synchronisation).
Re-timing of the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisa-
The function called Re-timing of E1s allows re-timing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic
and synchronisation, to increase the requirements of jitter and wander even in case of operation with adap-
tive modulation (ACM).
Value set as output of
synchronism T12
(parameter Trib. A)
Output of Synchronism
T12 on tributary A
Interface of tributary A
Use of tributary A
as traffic tributary
2Mbit/s Yes
T2 (2Mb/s) Yes 2Mbit/s No
T3 (2MHz) Yes 2MHz No
Value set as output of
synchronism T12
(parameter Trib. B)
Output of Synchronism
T12 on tributary B
Interface of tributary B
Use of tributary B
as traffic tributary
2Mbit/s Yes
T2 (2Mb/s) Yes 2Mbit/s No
T3 (2MHz) Yes 2MHz No
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 166
Implementation of the function for the E1s of the base board (tributary A and B)
The tributaries of the base board can be set for the transport only of the traffic or as output of T12 syn-
If the user wishes to use the tributary A or B for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation,
in any condition of operation of the radio transport (ACM enabled), it is necessary to execute the operations
described in the following example.
Suppose you want to re-timing the tributary A used for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchro-
nisation between the local equipment and the remote equipment (see Fig.4).
Fig.4 Example of re-timing of tributary A (synchronisation)
Operations to execute for the LOCAL equipment by means of WEB LCT:
a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (see Configurator).
b. Activate the use of the tributary A (see E1).
c. Set the source T2/T3 1 (tributary A) as synchronism source (see Synchronisation).
d. Set the value NORMAL TRAFFIC as output of synchronism T12 for the parameter Trib. A (see
Operations to execute for the REMOTE equipment by means of WEB LCT:
a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (see Configurator).
b. Activate the use of the tributary A (see E1).
c. Set the source RADIO 1 as synchronism source (see Synchronisation).
For equipment in radio configuration 2x(1+0), set the source RADIO 1 or RADIO 2 depending
on the Radio E1 streams which the tributary A is cross-connected.
d. Activate the re-timing of tributary A (see Synchronisation).
e. Set the value NORMAL TRAFFIC as output of synchronism T12 for the parameter Trib. A (see
Implementation of the function for the E1s of the expansion (tributary 1...n)
Generally the tributaries of the expansion transport traffic.
If the user wants to use their frequency for synchronisation purposes in any condition of operation of the
radio transport (ACM enabled), it is necessary to execute the operations described in the following exam-
Suppose you want to re-timing the tributary 1 used for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchro-
nisation between the local equipment and the remote equipment (see Fig.5).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 167
Fig.5 Example of re-timing of tributary 1 (synchronisation)
Settings to execute for the LOCAL equipment by means of WEB LCT:
a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (see Configurator).
b. Activate the use of the tributary 1 (see E1).
c. Set the tributary 1 as source T2/T3 2 (see Synchronisation).
d. Set the source T2/T3 2 as synchronism source (see Synchronisation).
Settings to execute for the REMOTE equipment by means of WEB LCT:
a. Activate the management of the synchronisation (see Configurator).
b. Activate the use of the tributary 1 (see E1).
c. Set the source RADIO 1 as synchronism source (see Synchronisation).
For equipment in radio configuration 2x(1+0), set the source RADIO 1 or RADIO 2 depending
on the Radio E1 streams which the tributary A is cross-connected.
d. Activate the re-timing of tributary 1 (see Synchronisation).
In case you want to use this function (contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation) on more
E1 tributaries, all the tributaries must be synchronous, moreover the re-timing must be activated for
all the tributaries and not only for the tributary used as synchronous source.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 168
At the choice of Base Band menu, the program displays the following commands:
Ethernet Switch (Enh.). It manages the general configuration of the Ethernet Enhanced functionality.
LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.). It manages the Ethernet Enhanced external
Port A (Enh.), Port B (Enh.). It manages the Ethernet Enhanced internal ports.
Spanning Tree. It manages the spanning tree in the network.
TDM Tributaries. It manages the TDM tributaries.
Cross Connection. It manages the cross-connection matrix.
Radio E1 Framing. It manages the structure of the Radio E1s.
The Cross Connection command is available only for equipment with IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1,
IduBoard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod.
2xSTM-1 16E1 expansion.
The Radio E1 Framing command is available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) radio configuration (see
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 169
Ethernet Switch (Enh.)
At the choice of Ethernet Switch (Enh.) menu, the program displays the following commands:
Common Parameters. It manages the general configuration of the Ethernet Enhanced functionality and
the virtual Lans.
Priority Radio To Lan. It manages the correspondence between the priority (802.1p, PTOS/DSCP) of
the packets, in input to any Ethernet port, and the output queues of the LANs.
Priority Lan To Radio. It manages the correspondence between the priority (802.1p, MPLS, PTOS/DSCP)
of the packets, in input to any LAN port, and the output queues of the internal port of Ethernet Switch
(Radio port).
Compression. It manages the data compression of Ethernet packets, in input to LAN ports, before they
are sent to Radio ports.
The Compression command is available only if the compression function is supported by equipment
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 170
Common Parameters
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Common Parameters command manages the general configuration parameters of the Ethernet En-
hanced functionality.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the Eth Type value in the S_Tag QinQ field
To verify/modify the maximum size of the accepted packet
To verify/modify the address learning modality in MAC Table
To verify/modify the aging time of the addresses stored in the MAC Table
To reset the MAC Table
To restore Factory Default of the Ethernet Switch
To verify/modify the hysteresis of the Link Loss Forwarding modality
To verify the existing virtual LANs
To create a virtual Lan
To modify the configuration of a virtual Lan
To delete a virtual Lan
To verify/modify the status of fragmentation of Ethernet packets
In order to deepen this topic, see Ethernet Enhanced Switch (more info)
To verify/modify the Eth Type value in the S_Tag QinQ field
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The QinQ ETH Type parameter points out the Eth Type value in the S_Tag (Service Tag) QinQ field.
2. To change the parameter, type the new value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the maximum size of the accepted packet
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
When the in-band supervision is active (see Port Configuration & ACL) and the Double Tag function is
enabled (see LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.)/Port A (Enh.), Port B (Enh.)), for
the correct transit of the supervision packets it is suggested to set the value 2048 as maximum packet
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 171
The Common Parameters contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The Max Packet Size parameter points out the maximum size of the accepted packet:
1522. Maximum size for standard Ethernet (IEEE Tagged Frames).
2048. Maximum dimension of the packet extendable up to 2048.
10240 (Jumbo). Maximum dimension of the packet extendable up to 10240 (Jumbo).
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the address learning modality in MAC Table
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
If some VLANs have been already created, when the partition and the indexing on VID (VLAN Identifier)
basis of the addresses in MAC Table (selection of option Enable), IT IS NECESSARY to execute a soft-
ware reset.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The parameter MAC Learning Vid basis points out the address learning modality of MAC address in the
relevant table:
Disable. Learning of MAC Address in MAC Table is never partitioned in presence of VLAN 802.1Q
registered in VLAN Table Unit (VTU).
Enable. The partition and the indicization on VID basis of MAC Addresses in MAC Table are en-
abled. Their learning is registered in a segment of MAC Table whose index is the value of VID
contained in the VLANs entering the Switch and registered in VTU.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the aging time of the addresses stored in the MAC Table
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens with the General tab active.
The MAC Addr. Aging Time parameter points out the validity period of the MAC addresses, dynamically
acquired and stored in the specific table.
2. To change the parameter, set the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To reset the MAC Table
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens with the General tab active.
2. Press Mac Table clear and confirm.
The system reset the MAC Table.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 172
To restore Factory Default of the Ethernet Switch
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The operation is traffic affecting.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens with the General tab active.
2. Press Switch default and confirm.
At the equipment restart, the default configuration (Factory Default) will be automatically applied only
for the Ethernet Switch.
All the settings executed until that moment by the user (for example the configuration of the Ethernet
ports, of the VLANs) and the statistics will be deleted.
To verify/modify the hysteresis of the Link Loss Forwarding modality
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens.
2. Select the LLF tab.
The LLF Hysteresis parameter points out the time interval (hysteresis) after which the Link Loss For-
warding modality is activated and deactivated.
3. To change the parameter move the cursor to the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the existing virtual LANs
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens.
2. Select the Virtual Lan Config. tab.
The table present in the tab displays the existing virtual LANs. For each VLan, the columns indicate:
VLan ID. Identifier assigned to the virtual Lan by the user during its creation.
The wording Used, indicates that the ID of the virtual Lan is used also as default Vlan ID by one
of the internal/external ports (see Default Vlan ID area).
Label. Name assigned to the virtual Lan by the user during its creation or modification.
Lan1. Enabling of the external port 1 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual LAN:
Disable. The port is not enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that
of the virtual Lan.
Untag. The port allows the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual
Lan. The tag 802.1Q (information of priority and VLAN identifier) is removed to the pack-
ets in output from the port.
Tagged. The port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of
the virtual Lan. To the packets without Tag, in output from this port, is automatically add-
ed the Tag composed by the information:
Of priority; the value is defined in the Priority box of the origin port of the packet
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 173
Of Vlan ID which corresponds to the default Vlan ID (Default Vid box) of the origin
port of the packet.
The Vlan Table can be used, in case of traffic without Tag, only if the default Vlan ID of
the input port is contained as routing row in the table itself. If this condition is not satis-
fied, the Vlan Table is not meaningful for all the traffic without Tag.
Unmodif. The port is enabled to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of
the virtual Lan. The tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) are not removed or added
to the packets in output from the port.
Lan2. Enabling of the external port 2 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual LAN. For the description of the values, refer to the Lan1 note.
Lan3. Enabling of the external port 3 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual LAN. For the description of the values, refer to the Lan1 note.
Lan4. Enabling of the external port 4 to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual LAN. For the description of the values, refer to the Lan1 note.
PortA. Enabling of the internal port to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual LAN. For the description of the values, refer to the Lan1 note.
PortB. Enabling of the internal port B to the transit of packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual LAN. For the description of the values, refer to the Lan1 note.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see Tab.7).
The Default VLan ID area displays the default VLan identifier of each Ethernet port of the equipment.
To create a virtual Lan
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens.
2. Select the Virtual Lan Config. tab.
3. Press Add.
The Virtual Lan Properties tab opens.
4. Type, into the VLan ID box, the identifier (within 2 and 4094) you wish to assign to the virtual LAN.
The parameter cannot be modified later.
5. Type, into the Label box, the name (alphanumeric string up to 20 characters) you wish to assign to the
virtual LAN.
The system automatically suggest, as name of the virtual Lan, Vlan <identifier>. This name can be
changed as you wish.
6. In the box relevant to each external port (Lan 1, Lan 2, Lan 3,Lan 4) and internal port (Port A, Port B),
select the option:
Disable, not to enable the port for the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the
virtual Lan.
Tagged, to enable the port to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual
Lan. To the packets without Tag, in output from this port, is automatically added the Tag com-
posed by the information:
Of priority; the value is defined in the Priority box of the origin port of the packet itself.
Of Vlan ID which corresponds to the default Vlan ID (Default Vid box) of the origin port
of the packet.
The Vlan Table can be used, in case of traffic without Tag, only if the default Vlan ID of the input
port is contained as routing row in the table itself. If this condition is not satisfied, the Vlan Table
is not meaningful for all the traffic without Tag.
Untag., to enable the port to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual
Lan. The tag 802.1Q (information of priority and VLAN identifier) is removed to the packets in
output from the port.
Unmodif., to enable the port to the transit of the packets with VLan ID equal to that of the virtual
Lan. The tag 802.1Q (priority and VLAN identifier) are not removed or added to the packets in
output from the port.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 174
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see Tab.7).
7. Press Apply and confirm.
The Virtual Lan Config. tab displays the row relevant to the new virtual Lan.
If the displayed message is:
Warning! VLAN ID already in the list. The set identifier corresponds to that of an already existing
VLAN. Change the value in the VLan ID box.
Warning! VLAN ID already reserved in port configuration In Band Management.The set iden-
tifier corresponds to that reserved for the in-band supervision for one or more elements. Change
the value in the VLan ID box.
To modify the configuration of a virtual Lan
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens.
2. Select the Virtual Lan Config. tab.
3. Double click on the box relevant to the parameter of VLan you wish to modify.
Except for the identifier (VLAN ID), all the parameters of a VLan can be (Label, Lan 1, Lan 2, Lan 3,
Lan 4, Port A).
The parameter setting modes are the same pointed out in par. To create a virtual Lan.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed and not communicated yet to the equip-
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see Tab.7).
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
The changes are confirmed in Virtual Lan Config tab.
To delete a virtual Lan
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens.
2. Select the Virtual Lan Config. tab.
3. Select the virtual Lan you wish to delete.
The multiple selection can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
4. Press Remove and confirm.
The virtual Lan is removed from the list.
To verify/modify the status of fragmentation of Ethernet packets
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Common Parameters
The Common Parameters contextual area opens.
2. Select the Radio Packet Fragm. tab.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 175
The Status parameter points out the fragmentation status of the Ethernet packets, incoming from LAN
ports and sent to the Radio port, whose size is greater than the set value:
Disabled. Fragmentation disabled: all Ethernet packets keep their size unchanged.
Enabled 256. Fragmentation enabled: all Ethernet packets with size greater than 256 bytes are
fragmented into bursts whose size is limited to the specific value.
Enabled 512. Fragmentation enabled: all Ethernet packets with size greater than 512 bytes
bytes are fragmented into bursts whose size is limited to the specific value.
3. To change the parameter, set the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
Ethernet Enhanced Switch (more info)
Generic information about the use and the operation of Ethernet Switch is reported here below.
Construction of C-TAG on non-802.1Q LAN
This functionality allows adding a default TAG, locally constructed on the basis of the values of the port in
input, to an untagged packet.
In ALCplus2e this function is possible only with option UNTAG to TAG present on LAN ports configured with
802.1Q Management in Fallback and the Radio ports in Secure.
The TAG added in output to the switch will be composed by:
Default VID of the port in input which the untagged packet comes from.
Default Pbit of the port in input which the untagged packet comes from.
Replacement of C-TAG in a packet with original C-TAG
This functionality allows replacing a default TAG, in output on the basis of the values of the port in input,
to an already tagged packet in input.
To implement this function, the operator has to associate, in the row present in VLAN Table Unit (VTU)
relevant to port default, Untagged on the LAN port in input and Tagged on the Lan port in output.
Necessary conditions are:
The ports in input and in output is configured to Fallback or Secure.
Functionality Force Default VID is enabled in the port in input.
In VLAN table, a VLAN is configured equal to the parameter Default Vid of the port in input (value
of VID which will be written), defined as unmodified for the port in input and tagged for the port
in output
The TAG replaced in output to the switch will be composed by:
Default VID of the input port which the packet comes from
Default Pbit of the input port which the packet comes from, if 802.1p is disabled
Origin Pbit (possibly re-mapped) of the packet in input if 802.1p is enabled (or remapping is
Construction of S-TAG (QinQ Double Tag) in a packet with C-TAG
This functionality allows adding a second TAG (S-TAG) in output to an already tagged packet in input, on
the basis of the values of the port in input.
Necessary conditions are:
The input ports of the local IDU are configured in Fallback and the output ports of remote IDU
in Secure Provider.
In VLAN table, is configured a VLAN equal to the parameter Default Vid of the port in input, de-
fined as unmodified for the input port and unmodified for the port in output
The S-TAG added in output to the switch will be composed by:
Ethernet Type defined in Ethernet Switch QinQ Eth type (default 0x9100)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 176
Default VID of the input port which the packet comes from.
Default Pbit of the input port which the packet comes from, if 802.1p is disabled
Origin Pbit (possibly re-mapped) of the packet in input if 802.1p is enabled (or remapping is
When the Switch works at S-TAG level, C-TAG is left unchanged.
Analysing the priority
The equipment allows analysing the priority at level 2, according to the standard 802.1p (values 07), or
at level 3 (PTOS/DSCP field). In direction LAN ports -> Radio ports (internal ports of Ethernet Switch)
the priority of MPLS is analysed too.
The priority standard can be modified by the user and can be different for each Ethernet port.
MAC Table
The MAC Table is a table created by the Ethernet Switch to keep trace of the reachability of the equipment
present in the network.
For the editing of the MAC Table, the Switch uses the MAC address (source) of the packets in input and the
number of the port through which a packet enters in the Switch as information source.
The source MAC of a packet in input to the Switch is subjected to Learning operation and possibly registered
in MAC Table.
The destination MAC of a packet in input to the Switch is subjected to search operation. If it is found in
MAC Table belonging as source MAC of another user, the port, which it is associated to, is used as desti-
nation of the considered traffic.
If the destination MAC Address is not present in the MAC Table, the Switch transmits the frame on all its
own interfaces, excluding only that where the frame itself has been received.
A MAC address, once stored in the table, is automatically deleted from the table itself if it is not used within
a given time period (Aging Time).
The address learning in MAC Table is usually automatic.
ALCplus2e equipment allow enabling/disabling the learning of Source MAC Addresses according to different
criteria select able by the user:
1. Automatic learning on a single MAC Table.
2. Automatic learning on different MAC Tables indicized by:
a. Native VID of a VLAN 802.1Q if the input port is in Fallback or Secure and the considered VLAN
is registered in VLAN Table Unit (VTU).
b. Port default VID, if the incoming traffic is Untagged or, if tagged, the option 802.1Q is disabled
on the considered port or if the native VID of the incoming traffic is NOT registered in VTU. In
practice, in this condition the partition of MAC Table is made on port basis.
3. Learning disabled; in this condition MAC Table is not used.
The learning on VID basis is common to all the ports and the option is select able at global level.
The learning on port basis can be selected independently for every different LAN port.
The automatic learning on a single MAC Table and the possible disabling of Learning can be selected on the
single external ports (LAN) and internal port (Radio).
If options a. and b. are selected at the same time, option a. has priority.
Via WEB LCT application, it is possible:
To delete the content of the MAC Table on the equipment.
To define the validity period of the addresses stored in the MAC Table of the equipment (param-
eter MAC Addr. Aging Time).
To define if the learning of the Source Addresses must be made on a common MAC Table or on
specific partitions for every single VID registered in VLAN Table Unit (VTU) (parameter MAC
Learning Vid basis).
To enable/disable the automatic learning of MAC Address within the VTU for every single port of
the Ethernet Switch and, if enabled, to define if this learning must be made on a single MAC
Table common to the whole Switch or on a partition specific for the port (parameter MAC Learn-
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 177
Priority Radio To Lan
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Priority Radio To Lan command manages the correspondence between the priority (802.1p, PTOS/
DSCP) of the packets, in input to any Ethernet port, and LAN output queues.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its 802.1p
priority Tag
To verify/modify the output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its PTOS/
DSCP field
To verify/modify the output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its
802.1p priority Tag
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the parameter is common to all the LAN ports of the Ethernet Switch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Priority Radio To Lan
The Priority Radio To Lan contextual area opens with the Native 802.1p tab active.
The 802.1p Priority table points out the output queue of the LAN ports which a packet, in input to any
Ethernet port, is assigned to, depending on its 802.1p priority Tag.
The rows of the table correspond to the output queues available for the LAN port:
Queue 0. Output queue with 0 priority (low priority).
Queue 1. Output queue with 1 priority.
Queue 2. Output queue with 2 priority.
Queue 3. Output queue with 3 priority (high priority).
The columns of the table (0 7) correspond to the Tag 802.1p value of the packet in input to a port.
The active option indicates which output queue (Queue) the packet in input is associated to, whose
value of priority Tag (802.1p) corresponds to the value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.
2. To change the parameter, select the option corresponding to the wished combination output queue -
Tag 802.1p.
For the same value of Tag 802.1p, it is possible to select only one queue at a time.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the parameters is common to all the LAN ports of the Ethernet Switch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Priority Radio To Lan
The Priority Radio To Lan contextual area opens.
2. Select the PTOS/DSCP Config tab.
The table present in the tab displays the correspondence between the priority PTOS/DSCP of the pack-
ets, in input to any Ethernet port, and the LAN output queues.
Every row of the table corresponds to a possible value for the relevant PTOS/DSCP field. For every val-
ue, is pointed out in the column:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 178
Value. The value expressed in binary digits.
Precedence, Delay, Throug., Reliab., DSCP. For the description of the parameter present in these
columns refer to RFC 2474, 2597 and 2598 (Request For Comments).
QueuePri. The queue which the packet in input to the specific port, whose PTOS/DSCP has the
value displayed in the row, is assigned to is displayed:
Queue 0. Output queue with 0 priority (low priority).
Queue 1. Output queue with 1 priority.
Queue 2. Output queue with 2 priority.
Queue 3. Output queue with 3 priority (high priority).
The List Filter parameter allows to activate the filters to the list of value. If set the option:
View All. The list displays all the values.
View Queue 0. The list displays only the values associated to the 0 output queue.
View Queue 1. The list displays only the values associated to the 1 output queue.
View Queue 2. The list displays only the values associated to the 2 output queue.
View Queue 3. The list displays only the values associated to the 3 output queue.
To modify the displaying of the list, select the wished values.
The Filter parameter allows to set the IP format which the DSCP field refers to:
IP v4 DSCP. The DSCP column is meaningful for traffic incoming in the Switch in the IPv4 format.
IP v6 DSCP. The DSCP column is meaningful for traffic incoming in the Switch in the IPv6 format.
3. To modify the output queue, which a PTOS/DSCP value is associated to, select, in the Filter box, the IP
format which the DSCP field refers to.
4. Double click on the box (column QueuePri) relevant to the output queue you wish to modify and select
the wished option.
5. Repeat the previous step to change the output queue of all the wished PTOS/DSCP value.
6. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 179
Priority Lan To Radio
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Priority Radio To Lan command manages the correspondence between the priority (802.1p, MPLS,
PTOS/DSCP) of the packets, in input from LAN ports, and the output queues of the internal ports of Ether-
net Switch (Radio port).
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to depending on its native
802.1p priority Tag
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its native
MPLS priority Tag
To verify/modify the correspondence between MPLS priority and 802.1p priority of the packets if input
from LAN ports and in output from Radio ports
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to depending on its PTOS/
DSCP field
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to depending on
its native 802.1p priority Tag
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the parameter is common to all the internal ports (Port A and Port B) of the Ethernet
Switch (Radio ports).
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see Tab.7).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Priority Lan To Radio
The Priority Lan To Radio contextual area opens with the Native 802.1p/MPLS tab active.
Table 802.1p Priority points out the correspondence between native 802.1p priority, possible present
in packets in input from LAN ports, and the output queues of Radio ports.
The rows of the table correspond to the output queue of the Radio ports:
Queue 7. Output queue with 7 priority (high priority).
Queue 6. Output queue with 6 priority.
Queue 5. Output queue with 5 priority.
Queue 4. Output queue with 4 priority.
Queue 3. Output queue with 3 priority.
Queue 2. Output queue with 2 priority.
Queue 1. Output queue with 1 priority.
Queue 0. Output queue with 0 priority (low priority).
The columns of the table (0 7) correspond to the Tag 802.1p value.
The active option indicates which output queue (Queue) the packet in input is associated to, whose
value of priority Tag (802.1p) corresponds to the value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.
2. To change the parameter, select the option corresponding to the wished combination output queue -
Tag 802.1p.
For the same value of Tag 802.1p, it is possible to select only one queue at a time.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 180
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packet is assigned to depending on
its native MPLS priority Tag
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the parameter is common to all the internal ports (Port A and Port B) of the Ethernet
Switch (Radio ports).
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see Tab.7).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Priority Lan To Radio
The Priority Lan To Radio contextual area opens with the Native 802.1p/MPLS tab active.
Table MPLS Priority points out the correspondence between native MPLS priority, possible present in
packets in input from LAN ports, and the output queues of Radio ports.
The rows of the table correspond to the output queue of the Radio ports:
Queue 7. Output queue with 7 priority (high priority).
Queue 6. Output queue with 6 priority.
Queue 5. Output queue with 5 priority.
Queue 4. Output queue with 4 priority.
Queue 3. Output queue with 3 priority.
Queue 2. Output queue with 2 priority.
Queue 1. Output queue with 1 priority.
Queue 0. Output queue with 0 priority (low priority).
The columns of the table (0 7) correspond to the Tag MPLS value.
The active option indicates which output queue (Queue) the packet in input is associated to, whose
value of priority Tag (MPLS) corresponds to the value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.
2. To change the parameter, select the option corresponding to the wished combination output queue -
For the same value of Tag MPLS, it is possible to select only one queue at a time.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the correspondence between MPLS priority and 802.1p priority of the packets
if input from LAN ports and in output from Radio ports
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the parameter is common to all the LAN ports of the Ethernet Switch
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Priority Lan To Radio
The Priority Lan To Radio contextual area opens.
2. Select the MPLS to 802.1p Rewrite tab.
The table, present in the tab, points out the correspondence between MPLS priority and 802.1p priority
of packets in input from LAN ports and in output from Radio ports.
The columns point out the value of MPLS priority (Native MLPS); while the rows point out value of
802.1p priority (802.1p Priority).
The active option points out which 802.1p priority every single native MPLS priority is re-mapped to.
Correspondence can be 1 to 1, that is same priority in two fields, or arbitrary according to the function
chosen by the user. For instance, the priority MPLS 7 can be re-mapped as priority 0 in field 802.1p.
3. To re-map a MPLS priority, select the option corresponding to wished combination Tag MPLS - Tag
For a single value of Tag MPLS, only one value at a time of Tag 802.1p can be selected.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 181
To verify/modify the output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to depending on
its PTOS/DSCP field
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The setting of the parameter is common to all the internal ports (Port A and Port B) of the Ethernet
Switch (Radio ports).
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see Tab.7).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Priority Lan To Radio
The Priority Lan To Radio contextual area opens.
2. Select the PTOS/DSCP Config tab.
The table present in the tab displays the correspondence between PTOS/DSCP priority of the packets,
in input to any Ethernet ports, and the output queue of Radio ports.
Every row of the table corresponds to a possible value for the relevant PTOS/DSCP field. For every val-
ue, is pointed out in the column:
Value. The value expressed in binary digits.
Precedence, Delay, Throug., Reliab., DSCP. For the description of the parameter present in these
columns refer to RFC 2474, 2597 and 2598 (Request For Comments).
QueuePri. The queue which the packet in input to the specific port, whose PTOS/DSCP has the
value displayed in the row, is assigned to is displayed:
Queue 0. Output queue with 0 priority (low priority).
Queue 1. Output queue with 1 priority.
Queue 2. Output queue with 2 priority.
Queue 3. Output queue with 3 priority.
Queue 4. Output queue with 4 priority.
Queue 5. Output queue with 5 priority.
Queue 6. Output queue with 6 priority.
Queue 7. Output queue with 7 priority (high priority).
The List Filter parameter allows to activate the filters to the list of value. If set the option:
View All. The list displays all the values.
View Queue 0. The list displays only the values associated to the 0 output queue.
View Queue 1. The list displays only the values associated to the 1 output queue.
View Queue 2. The list displays only the values associated to the 2 output queue.
View Queue 3. The list displays only the values associated to the 3 output queue.
View Queue 4. The list displays only the values associated to the 4 output queue.
View Queue 5. The list displays only the values associated to the 5 output queue.
View Queue 6. The list displays only the values associated to the 6 output queue.
View Queue 7. The list displays only the values associated to the 7 output queue.
To modify the displaying of the list, select the wished values.
The Filter parameter allows to set the IP format which the DSCP field refers to:
IP v4 DSCP. The DSCP column is meaningful for traffic incoming in the Switch in the IPv4 format.
IP v6 DSCP. The DSCP column is meaningful for traffic incoming in the Switch in the IPv6 format.
3. To modify the output queue, which a PTOS/DSCP value is associated to, select, in the Filter box, the IP
format which the DSCP field refers to.
4. Double click on the box (column QueuePri) relevant to the output queue you wish to modify and select
the wished option.
5. Repeat the previous step to change the output queue of all the wished PTOS/DSCP value.
6. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 182
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The command Compression is available only if the compression function is supported by equipment
The Compression command manages the compression of the fields of Ethernet packets in input from LAN
ports, before they are sent to the internal ports of Ethernet Switch (Radio ports).
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the compression of the fields of Ethernet packets in input from LAN ports
To verify/modify the compression of the fields of Ethernet packets in input from LAN ports
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only if the compression function is supported by equipment hardware.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Ethernet Switch (Enh.) > Compression command.
The contextual area Compression is displayed, which shows the compression status of the fields of Eth-
ernet packets, in input from LAN ports, before they are sent to the internal ports of Ethernet Switch
(Radio ports).
The fields of Ethernet packet available for compression are:
Ethernet. Compression of header of Ethernet packet (header). Active box ( ) points out that
compression is enabled; inactive box means compression disabled. When compression is active,
the following parameters are present in the area below:
Bytes Header. Number of bytes in the header which are compressed depending on the
settings made for the options below. Maximum number of byte: 124. Parameter is read-
Bytes Context+Dynamic. Maximum number of bytes used by the co/decompression proc-
ess and calculated by a proprietary algorithm. These bytes can be used depending on the
settings made for the options below. Maximum number of byte: 118. Parameter is read-
C_TAG (802.1Q). Compression of field 802.1Q (priority and identifier of VLAN). Active
box points out that compression is enabled; inactive box means compression disabled.
When compression is active, the following parameters are present in the area below:
Q-in-Q (802.1ad). Compression of field S_Tag (Service Tag) QinQ. Active box
points out that compression is enabled; inactive box means compression disabled.
When compression is active, the following parameters are present in the area be-
Max Number of S-TAG. Maximum number of inserted Provider Tags which
can be compressed. The parameter can be set to values 1 or 2.
MAC-in-MAC (802.1ah). Compression of field 802.1ah. Active box points
out that compression is enabled; inactive box means compression disa-
MPLS. Compression of MPLS priority field. Active box points out that compression is en-
abled; inactive box means compression disabled. When compression is active, the fol-
lowing parameters are present in the area below:
Max Number of Labels. Maximum number of inserted MPLS Labels which can be
Control Word (RFC4385). Compression of field Control Word. Active box points out
that compression is enabled; inactive box means compression disabled.
IP+. Compression of level-3 header (if present). Active box points out that compression
is enabled; inactive box means compression disabled. When compression is active, the
area below points out the format of the traffic in input to the Switch:
IPv4. Format IPv4.
IPv4 or IPv6. Format IPv4 or IPv6.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 183
Tunneling IPv4 - IPv4/IPv6. Compression of IP field possibly inserted in an IP
The format currently in use is pointed out by the active option. The parameter can be
If the option IPv4 or IPv4 or IPv6 is active, even the following parameter is displayed:
UDP. Compression of field UDP (if present). If the active option is:
Disable. Compression inactive.
Enable. Compression of field UDP (if present) active.
Enable+RTP. Compression of fields UDP and RTP (if present) active.
The parameter can be modified.
2. To modify the compression status of one or more fields, activate or deactivate the relevant box.
When necessary, set the configuration parameters of a field as pointed out in the previous step.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 184
LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) commands manage the Ethernet
Enhanced external port.
On the choice of one of the commands, the LAN <number relevant to the selected Lan> (Enh.) contextual
area opens, where it is possible to manage the specific external port.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the enabling status of the external port
To verify/modify the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of the external port
To verify/modify the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the
operation modality and the transmission speed used by the external port
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of the external port
To verify/modify the automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table for the external port
To restart the auto negotiation procedure for the external port
To verify/modify the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) for the external port
To verify/modify the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles of the line synchronism
for the external port
The following operation is available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.).
To verify/modify the interface type of the external port
To verify/modify the modality and the criteria used to limit the traffic in input from the external port
To verify the current management modality of protocol 802.1Q
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the external port to
the output queue of the Radio ports
To verify/modify the value for Port Default and 802.1p priority
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan of the external port
To verify/modify the Service Tag List table
To verify/modify the emptying algorithm of the packets present in the output queue of the external
To verify/modify the default VID value of the external port
To force the value of VID of the external port to the default value
To verify/modify the management of the 802.1Q field on the messages in input from the external port
To verify/modify the traffic transport modality (point-point or Bridge)
To verify/modify the management of Provider Tag in the packets in input from the external port in se-
lective mode
To verify/modify the management of Tag of the packets (in origin without Tag) in input from the ex-
ternal port
To verify/overwrite the C-VID value of the packets in input from the external port and forwarded to the
Radio, with a different VID
To verify the list of VIDs registered in VLAN Table Unit and associated to the external port
To verify/modify the management of the external port in Provider mode
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the external port
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 185
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the external port
To verify/modify the priority of the external port (SPT/ELP)
To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (STP/ELP)
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Ethernet line protection
To enable/disable the Ethernet line protection for the external port
To verify/modify the priority of the external port (SPT/ELP)
To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (STP/ELP)
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the external port
To verify/modify the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality of the external port
To activate/deactivate the loop on line side of the external port
The following operations are available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as
optical interfaces.
To verify the current status of the laser (external port)
To verify the type of laser module (external port)
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser (external port)
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser (external port)
To enable manually the laser transmission (external port)
To execute the test laser functioning status (external port)
In order to deepen this topic, see:
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (more info)
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) (more info)
Trunking mode (more info)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 186
To verify/modify the enabling status of the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Rate Control parameter points out the enabling status of the port:
Disable. The external port is not enabled to the use.
Full Rate. The external port is enabled to the use of the maximum bit rate relevant to the port.
...Kb/...Mb. The external port is enabled to the use with bit rate limited to the specific value.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only for ports with electrical interface for which the use of the ex-
ternal port is enabled (see To verify/modify the enabling status of the external port).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Cable Crossover parameter points out the inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines:
MDI (NIC). The inversion of the Tx and Rx lines is not active (Network Interface Card modality).
MDIX (switch). The inversion of the Tx and Rx lines is active (Switch modality).
Auto. The inversion of the Tx and Rx lines is active in automatic modality.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negoti-
ation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by the ex-
ternal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Speed/Duplex parameter points out the enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto
negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission speed used by the external port.
For LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.) and LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.) configured with electrical interface, the
following values are available:
Full-Duplex-10M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full-Duplex and the
data transmission speed through the external port is 10Mbit/s.
Half-Duplex-10M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Half-Duplex and the
data transmission speed through the external port is 10Mbit/s.
Full-Duplex-100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full-Duplex and the
data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
Half-Duplex-100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Half-Duplex and
the data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 187
Auto. The auto negotiation is enabled.
For LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.) configured with optical interface, the following values are available:
Full-Duplex-100M. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full-Duplex and the
data transmission speed through the external port is 100Mbit/s.
Full-Duplex-1G. The auto negotiation is disabled, the transmission type is Full-Duplex and the
data transmission speed through the external port is 1GMbit/s.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Flow Control Full Dplx/Back Pressure Half Dplx parameter points out the activation status of the
flow control of the external port:
Disable. The flow control is forced inactive.
Enable. The flow control is forced active.
Auto. The flow control is automatic (automatically activated or deactivated by the auto negoti-
ation procedure).
The option is available only if the auto negotiation is active for the port (Speed/Duplex box -
Auto option).
In Full-Duplex modality, the flow control is regulated according to the 802.3x normative. In Half-Duplex
modality, the flow control is regulated according to the Back Pressure technique.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table for the ex-
ternal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The MAC-based routing functionality in the Ethernet Switch is available only if enabled this function.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The MAC Learning parameter points out the enabling status of the automatic learning of the MAC Ad-
dress in the specific table (MAC Table):
Disable. The automatic learning of the MAC Address is disabled.
Enable. The automatic learning of MAC Address is enabled. Learning of the addresses in the table
takes place analysing only the field MAC Address and is registered in a single MAC Table.
Learn. on port basis. The automatic learning of MAC Address is enabled. Learning of the address-
es in the table takes place associating the MAC Address to the segment of MAC Table indicized
by the Default VID value associated to the port which the traffic is income from.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 188
To restart the auto negotiation procedure for the external port
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
2. Press Restart Autonegotiation and confirm.
The push-button is available only if the auto negotiation is enabled (Speed/Duplex and/or Flow Con-
trol... box - Auto option).
To verify/modify the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) for the exter-
nal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only for ports with electrical interface for which the autonegotiation
is active and the 1000Base-T configuration is active (see To verify/modify the enabling status of the
auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission
speed used by the external port).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Master/Slave parameter points out the operating modality of the line synchronism (role) of the ex-
ternal port:
Master. The line synchronism is generated starting from the local clock.
Slave. The line synchronism is generated with the clock retrieved from the line (Loop Time).
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles of
the line synchronism for the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only for ports with electrical interface for which the autonegotiation
is active and the 1000Base-T configuration is active (see To verify/modify the enabling status of the
auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation modality and the transmission
speed used by the external port).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The M/S Autoneg. parameter points out the activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles
of the line synchronism of the external port:
Enable. The autonegotiation between the roles Master and Slave of the line synchronism is au-
Disable. The autonegotiation between the roles Master and Slave of the line synchronism is
forced. In this case, the role defined in the Master/Slave box is used.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 189
To verify/modify the interface type of the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Interface Type parameter points out the interface type of the external port:
Electrical. The external port is configured with electrical interface.
Optical. The external port is configured with optical interface.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the modality and the criteria used to limit the traffic in input from
the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Input Filter Policing tab.
The parameter Mode points out the modality to use to limit the traffic in input from LAN port and for-
warded to Radio port:
Disable. Option disabled: the traffic in input is not limited according to specific criteria.
UNI Port based. Option enabled: all the traffic in input is limited on port basis.
EVC C_Vid Based. Option enabled: the traffic in input is limited only for the packets with C-VID
(Customer VLAN Identifier) defined by the user and pointed out in the table below.
COS C_Vid + Priority Based. Option enabled: the traffic in input is limited only for the packets
with C-VID values and 802.1p priority defined by the user and pointed out in the table below.
EVC S_Vid/C_Vid Based. Option enabled: the traffic in input is limited only for the packets with
S-VID (Service VLAN Identifier) and C-VID values defined by the user and pointed out in the
table below.
COS S_Vid/C_Vid + Priority Based. Option enabled: the traffic in input is limited only for the
packets with S-VID (Service VLAN Identifier) and C-VID values and 802.1p priority defined by
the user and pointed out in the table below.
The table present in the tab will point out, according to the set modality, the criteria for the traffic lim-
itation defined by the user (Bandwidth Profile).
Every row of the table corresponds to one criterion. The configuration parameters (pointed out in the
table columns) of the criterion change depending on the setting of the parameter Mode. In detail, if the
active value is:
UNI Port Based the table contains the columns:
CIR (Committed Information Rate). Transmission rate (expressed in Mbit/s) ensured in
normal operating condition of the network (throughput).
EIR (Extended Information Rate). Band exceeding that set by CIR.
CBS. (Committed Burst Size). Traffic burst which the network ensures to store.
EBS (Excessive Burst Size). Quantity of data, besides CBS, the network can store.
CF (Coupling Flag). Modality to control the traffic declared Yellow.
Enabled. The long term average bit rate of service frames that are declared Yellow
is bounded by CIR + EIR depending on volume of the offered Service Frames that
are declared Green.
Disabled. The long term average bit rate of service frames that are declared Yel-
low is bounded by EIR.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 190
In both cases the burst size of the service frames that are declared Yellow is bounded by
EVC C_Vid Based the table contains the columns:
C_Vid. Identifier C-VID of the packet in input.
CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS and CF. The description is the same reported for the value UNI Port
Based, but only for the traffic with identifier C-VID set by the user, and not on the whole
traffic incoming from LAN port.
COS C_Vid + Priority Based the table contains the columns:
C_Vid. Identifier C-VID of the packet in input.
Priority. Levels of 802.1p priority (range of values between minimum and maximum) of
the packet in input.
CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS and CF. The description is the same reported for the value UNI Port
Based, but only for the traffic with identifier C-VID and 802.1p priority set by the user,
and not on the whole traffic incoming from LAN port.
EVC S_Vid/C_Vid Based the table contains the columns:
S_Vid. Identifier S-VID of the packet in input.
C_Vid. Identifier C-VID of the packet in input.
CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS e CF. The description is the same reported for the value UNI Port
Based, but only for the traffic with identifiers S-VID and C-VID set by the user, and not
on the whole traffic incoming from LAN port.
COS S_Vid/C_Vid + Priority Based the table contains the columns:
S_Vid. Identifier S-VID of the packet in input.
C_Vid. Identifier C-VID of the packet in input.
Priority. Levels of 802.1p priority (range of values between minimum and maximum) of
the packet in input.
CIR, EIR, CBS, EBS and CF. The description is the same reported for the value UNI Port
Based, but only for the traffic with identifiers S-VID and C-VID and with 802.1p priority
set by the user, and not on the whole traffic incoming from LAN port.
3. To modify the Mode parameter select the wished option, press Apply and confirm.
The values EVC S_Vid/C_Vid Based and COS S_Vid/C_Vid + Priority Based can be set only if, in the tab
802.1Q Management, the parameter 802.1q Settings is set to the value Secure and the parameter Pro-
vider is active.
The passage from modality UNI Port based, EVC C_Vid Based or COS C_Vid + Priority Based to modality
EVC S_Vid/C_Vid Based or COS S_Vid/C_Vid + Priority Based and vice versa deletes all the elements
present in the table.
4. To add a criterion to the list:
a. Press Add.
The Add New Element window opens.
b. Set all the parameters present in the window.
Meaning and values of the parameters are pointed out in step 2.
c. Press Apply and confirm.
If, for the parameter Mode, the active value is:
Disable. No element can be added to the table.
UNI Port based. Only one element can be added to the table.
EVC C_Vid Based, COS C_Vid + Priority Based, EVC S_Vid/C_Vid Based or COS S_Vid/C_Vid +
Priority Based. More elements can be added to the table.
5. To modify a criterion of the list:
a. Double click on the box relevant to the parameter you wish to modify and set the new value.
Meaning and values of the parameters are pointed out in step 2.
Pressing Revert changes cancels the change executed.
b. Press Apply changes and confirm.
If, for the parameter Mode, the active value is:
Disable. No element in the table is available to be modified.
UNI Port based. All the parameters can be modified.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 191
EVC C_Vid Based. All the parameters can be modified, except C_Vid.
COS C_Vid + Priority Based. All the parameters can be modified, except C_Vid and Priority.
EVC S_Vid/C_Vid Based. All the parameters can be modified, except S_Vid and C_Vid.
COS S_Vid/C_Vid + Priority Based. All the parameters can be modified, except S_Vid, C_Vid and
6. To delete a criterion from the list:
a. Select the criterion you wish to delete.
Multiple selections can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
b. Press Remove and confirm.
To verify the current management modality of protocol 802.1Q
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The parameter Current 802.1Q Settings points out the current status of the management modality of
protocol 802.1Q:
Disabled. The external port does not analyse the Tag (802.1Q) of the packets in input. They will
be sent only to the ports pointed out in the area Port Based VLAN.
Fallback. The traffic in input from the port is subjected both to port based routing (Port Based
VLAN) and to VLAN Table Unit (VTU) based routing.
Secure (C_vid Filtering). The traffic in input from the port is subjected only to the routing defined
by VTU.
Secure (Service Provider Port). The traffic in input from the port can be only of type Provider
and will be subjected only to the routing defined by VTU.
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the
external port to the output queue of the Radio ports
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The Priority Selection parameter points out the priority criterion used to associated the packets, in input
to the external port, to the output of the Radio ports.
If the parameter Current 802.1Q Settings has value:
Disabled the following options are present:
Port Default. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to
the default value set by the user.
Native TOS/DSCP. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port accord-
ing to the TOS/DSCP value present in the native IP field.
Native MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to
the priority value present in native MPLS field.
Fallback or Secure (C_vid Filtering) the following options are present:
Port Default. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to
the default value set by the user.
Native 802.1p (C_Vid). The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port ac-
cording to the value of native 802.1p priority.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 192
Native TOS/DSCP. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port accord-
ing to the TOS/DSCP value present in the native IP field.
Native MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to
the priority value present in native MPLS field.
802.1p (C_PCP) rewrite with MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the
Radio port according to the priority value present in native MPLS field and this value will
be rewritten in the field 802.1p of C-VID.
Secure (Service Provider Port) the following options are present:
Port Default. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to
the default value set by the user.
Native 802.1p (C_Vid). The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port ac-
cording to the value of native 802.1p priority.
Native TOS/DSCP. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port accord-
ing to the TOS/DSCP value present in the native IP field.
Native MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to
the priority value present in native MPLS field.
802.1p (C_PCP) rewrite with MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the
Radio port according to the priority value present in native MPLS field and this value will
be rewritten in the field 802.1p of C-VID.
802.1p (S_PCP) rewrite with MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the
Radio port according to the priority value present in native MPLS field and this value will
be rewritten in the field 802.1p of S-VID.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the value for Port Default and 802.1p priority
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The parameter Default Priority points out the value used to define the output queue of the Radio port
when the selected priority criteria is Port Default (see parameter Priority Selection) and value used as
priority 802.1p added to the untagged packets entering in the considered LAN and they will exit tagged
from the corresponding remote LAN port (0: lowest priority, 7: highest priority).
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan of the ex-
ternal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the analysis of the value of the priority 802.1p (parameter
Priority Selection set to the Native 802.1p (C_Vid) value) is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 193
The tab, if the analysis of the priority 802.1p value is active, displays a table pointing out the mapping
of priority 802.1p within Tag VLan (priority 802.1p present into a packet in input to a port can be rem-
apped in output from the Switch with a different priority value).
Table rows (802-1p INPUT Priority - 70) correspond to Tag 802.1p value of the packet in input to the
Table columns (802.1p OUTPUT Priority Remapping - 07) correspond to Tag 802.1p value of the pack-
et in output from the Switch.
The active option points out, for every priority of the packet in input to the Switch (802-1p INPUT...),
the relevant priority in output from the Switch (802.1p OUTPUT...).
3. In order to modify a value, select in the table the option corresponding to the wished combination: val-
ues of Tag 802.1p in input to the port - value of Tag 802.1p in output from the Switch.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the Service Tag List table
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter Current 802.1Q Setting has value Secure
(Service Provider Port) or Secure (C_vid Filtering) with the corresponding Radio port in Secure. More-
over, the transit of packets must be enabled for the Radio port (Port Based VLan).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The table Service Tag List allows managing the exceptions on the priority criteria used on port basis
and seen before for the single VID (S-VID or C-VID) according to the enabling of Provider modality.
Each row of the table corresponds to an exception. For every item, is pointed out in the column:
S_Vid or C_Vid. VLAN identifier where exception is applied (S-VID: Service VLAN Identifier, C-
VID: Customer VLAN Identifier).
Header S_Vid is present if port is Provider, while C_Vid if the port is not Provider.
Default Priority. Only for set VLAN (S-VID or C-VID): value used to define the output queue of
Radio port when the selected priority criterion is TAG Default (see parameter Priority Sel) and
value used as priority 802.1p added to untagged packets which enter in the considered LAN and
will exit tagged from the corresponding remote LAN port (0: lowest priority; 7: highest priority).
Priority Sel. Only for set VLAN (S-VID or C-VID): priority criterion used to associate the packets,
in input from the external port, to the output queues of the Radio port:
TAG Default. The traffic will be sent on the output queues of Radio port according to the
default value set by the user.
802.1p. The traffic will be sent on the output queues of Radio port according to the value
of native 802.1p priority.
TOS/DSCP. The traffic will be sent on the output queues of Radio port according to the
TOS/DSCP value present in native IP field.
MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the Radio port according to the pri-
ority value present in native MPLS field.
802.1p (C_PCP) rewrite with MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the
Radio port according to the priority value present in native MPLS field and this value will
be rewritten in the field 802.1p of C-VID. Option available only for C-VID.
802.1p (S_PCP) rewrite with MLPS. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the
Radio port according to the priority value present in native MPLS field and this value will
be rewritten in the field 802.1p of S-VID. Option available only for S-VID.
3. To add an element to the list:
a. Press Add.
The Add New Element window opens.
b. Set the S_Vid or C_Vid, Default Priority and Priority Selection filed as described above.
c. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 194
4. To modify an element of the list:
a. Double click on the box relevant to the Default Priority or Priority Selection parameter you wish
to modify and set the new value.
Pressing Revert changes cancels the change executed.
b. Press Apply Changes and confirm.
5. To delete an element from the list:
a. Select the element.
Multiple selections can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
b. Press Remove and confirm.
To verify/modify the emptying algorithm of the packets present in the output queue
of the external ports
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Queue Man. Radio To Lan tab.
The Egress Priority Policy parameter points out the emptying algorithm of the output queues of the
8421 WRR, a part (8 messages) of the queue with highest priority is empties, then a part of the
queue with lower priority (4 messages), then a part of the queue with further lower priority (2
messages), then a part of the queue with lowest priority (1 message) and so on restarting from
the queue with highest priority.
Strict Priority, the queue with highest priority is completely emptied (sending of all the messag-
es) before sending a message of the queue with lower priority.
Strict 3, the high priority queue 3 is completely emptied (sending of all the messages). The other
queues (2, 1, 0) are managed with a WRR 421 mechanism.
Strict 3 and 2, the high priority queue 3 and queue 2 are completely emptied. The other queues
(1, 0) are managed with a WRR 21 mechanism.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the default VID value of the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The Default Vid parameter points out the default VLAN Identifier value of the port.
The default VID of a port is used as VID in the field 802.1Q of the packets came from the port in subject
without Tag and destined to exit with Tag from any port of the Switch.
3. To change the parameter, type a numeric value between 2 and 4094.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 195
To force the value of VID of the external port to the default value
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The Force Def. Vid parameter points out if the forcing of the VLAN Identifier value of the external port
to the default value is active.
Active box ( ) points out the forcing is active; inactive box points out forcing is not active.
3. To modify the parameter, check or uncheck the relevant box.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the management of the 802.1Q field on the messages in input from
the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The 802.1q Settings parameter points out the management of the 802.1Q field on the messages in in-
put from the external port:
Disabled. The external port does not analyse the Tag (802.1Q) of the packets in input. They will
be sent only to the ports indicated in the Port Based VLAN area.
Fallback. Packets are not discarded if the VLAN is not registered in VLAN Table Unit (VTU).
If VID (VLAN Identifier) of incoming packet is registered in VTU, it can be forwarded only on the
ports belonging to the VLANs registered in VTU and included in VLAN on port basis.
If VID of incoming packet is NOT registered in VTU, it can be forwarded only on the ports includ-
ed in VLAN on port basis.
Secure. VID must be contained in VTU and the input pot must be member of this VLAN, other-
wise the packet is discarded.
A packet can exit from the ports belonging to the VLAN registered in VTU and are included in
VLAN on port basis.
For each configuration (selection of the Disabled, Fallback or Secure option) the table of Port Based
VLAN must be ALWAYS configured even if the traffic management is executed only on Tag base (see
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the external port).
If you wish to obtain a bidirectional traffic routed according the Vlan table, the control of the Tag 802.1Q
(Fallback or Secure) must be activated on all the ports.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the traffic transport modality (point-point or Bridge)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Disabled or Fall-
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 196
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The Traffic Treatment parameter points out the traffic transport modality (point-point or Bridge):
Transparent Port to Port Transport. The traffic entering from a local LAN port will automatically
exit only from the equivalent remote LAN port, unless the single VLANs registered in VLAN Table
Unit (VTU)and routed by the user in different mode.
Transparent Bridge Port Based. The traffic entering from a local LAN port will automatically exit
from all the remote LAN ports enabled by VLAN per port, unless the single VLANs registered in
VTU and routed by the user in different mode.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the management of Provider Tag in the packets in input from the
external port in selective mode
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Fallback.
Operation not available if the parameter Untag to is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The parameter Selective Provider Tag points out the insertion modality of Provider Tag in the packets
in input from the external port in selective mode and not on port basis:
Disable. Option disabled: the Provider Tag is not inserted in the packets in selective mode.
Enable C_Vid Based. Option enabled: the Provider Tag is inserted in the packets in selective
mode on C-VID (Customer VLAN Identifier) basis.
Enable C_Vid + Priority. Option enabled: the Provider Tag is inserted in the packets in selective
mode on C-VID and priority 802.1p basis.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the management of Tag of the packets (in origin without Tag) in in-
put from the external port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Fallback.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The parameter Untag to Tag points out the possibility to insert a Tag in the packets, in origin without
Tag, in input from the external port.
Active box ( ) means that the Tag insertion is enabled; inactive box means it is disabled.
3. To change the parameter, check or uncheck the relevant box.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 197
To verify/overwrite the C-VID value of the packets in input from the external port
and forwarded to the Radio, with a different VID
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Fallback.
Operation not available if the parameter Untag to is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The table Lan to Radio C_Vid Rewrite... points out the correspondence between the C-VID value of the
packets in input from the external port and the identifier used to replace C-VID in the packets forwarded
to the Radio port.
The name and the column of the table change according to the value set for the parameter Selective
Provider Tag. In detail, if for the parameter Selective Provider Tag the set value is:
Disable, the tab contains the table Lan to Radio C_Vid Rewrite. In the column:
Input C Vid. Value C-VID (Customer VLAN Identifier) of the packets in input from the ex-
ternal port you wish to overwrite.
Output C Vid. New value of C-VID you wish to forward to Radio port.
To add a value to the list press Add. Set the Input C Vid and Output C Vid parameters with the
wished value. Press Apply and confirm.
To delete a value select the relevant row. Press Remove and confirm.
Enable C_Vid Based, the tab contains the table Lan to Radio C_Vid Rewrite & Selective QinQ. In
the column:
Input C Vid. C-VID value of the packets in input from the external port which you wish
to add S_TAG to and which can be even overwritten.
Output C Vid. New value of C-VID you wish to forward to Radio port.
Output S Vid. New value of S-TAG added to the set C-VID value.
To add a value to the list press Add. Set the Input C Vid, Output C Vid and Output S Vid param-
eters with the wished value. Press Apply and confirm.
To delete a value select the relevant row. Press Remove and confirm.
Enable C_Vid + Priority, the tab contains the table Lan to Radio C_Vid Rewrite & Selective QinQ.
In the column:
Input C Vid. C-VID value of the packets in input from the external port which you wish
to add S_TAG to.
Input Priority. Value of priority 802.1p of the packets in input from the external port as-
sociated to C-VID value and which you wish to associate a S-TAG to.
Output S Vid. New value of S-TAG added to set C-VID value and priority 802.1p.
To add a value to the list press Add. Set the Input C Vid, Input Priority e Output S Vid param-
eters with the wished value. Press Apply and confirm.
To delete a value select the relevant row. Press Remove and confirm.
To verify the list of VIDs registered in VLAN Table Unit and associated to the external
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Fallback or Secure.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 198
The table Port C_Vid displays the list of C-VIDs (Customer VLAN Identifier) registered in VLAN Table
Unit (VTU) and associated to the external port. In the column:
C_Vid. C-VID value registered in VTU.
VLan Label. Possible name associated to the registered C-VID value.
Frame Forwarding. Modality used to manage the registered C-VID.
The table Port C_Vid is available when the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Fallback or Secure (box
Provider Port inactive).
The table Port S_Vid displays the list of S-VIDs (Service VLAN Identifier) registered in VTU and associ-
ated to the external port. In the column:
S_Vid. S-VID value registered in VTU.
VLan Label. Possible name associated to the registered S-VID value.
Frame Forwarding. Modality used to manage the registered S-VID.
The table Port S_Vid is available when the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Secure (box Provider
Port active).
To verify/modify the management of the external port in Provider mode
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the parameter 802.1q Settings has value Secure.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The parameter Provider Port points out the management of the external port in Provider Mode.
Active box ( ) means that for the external port the Provider mode (Double Tag active) is set; inactive
box points out that for the external port the Provider mode (Double Tag inactive) is not set.
3. To modify the parameter, check or uncheck the relevant box
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the external
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Port Based VLan tab.
The Port Based VLAN area points out the enabling status of the ports through which can transit the
messages in input from the external port which the window refers to. For every single Ethernet port, if
the set option is:
Disable, the packets, in input from the external port which the window refers to, are not enabled
to transit from the specific internal or external port.
Enable, the packets, in input from the external port which the window refers to, are enabled to
transit from the specific internal or external port (bidirectional connection).
The LAN box relevant to the external port, which the window refers to, is not displayed.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
Enabling a port involves the automatic enabling of the corresponding port. For example, if you enable
the port LAN 4 in the LAN 3 (Enh.) contextual area, the port LAN 3 is automatically enabled in the LAN
4 (Enh.) contextual area.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 199
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The tab points out the status of the port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol, the Ethernet line
protection or to the Trunking modality.
Here below the description of the parameters present in the tab when Spanning Tree protocol is active
(STP/ELP box - Enable-Bridge1 or Enable-Bridge2 value) is reported:
STP/ELP. Enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol or ELP for the port:
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled.
Enable-Bridge1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Enable-Bridge2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
Enable-Prot1, Enable-Prot2. Spanning Tree protocol disabled. The Ethernet line protec-
tion of the equipment is enabled.
If the Trunking modality is enabled (Trunk/LACP box - enable... value) the value Disable is au-
tomatically set for the parameter STP/ELP. In order to change the value, first it is necessary to
disable the use of Trunking modality.
Role. Role assigned by the Spanning Tree protocol to each port of a Bridge/Switch. The role de-
fines the behaviour of the port according to the status of the Bridge in the network:
Disable. Port disabled.
root-port. Port offering the best path (lowest cost) towards the Bridge selected as root.
Each Bridge can have only one root port. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady
state, each root port is in port-forwarding status.
alternate-port. Port in alternative to the root port, as it offers an alternative path towards
the Bridge Root with cost higher than that of the root port. Normally the Alternate port
is in port-blocking status.
designated-port. Port which does not offer paths towards the Bridge Root and is used to
propagate the information of the Bridge Root to the other bridges. Each Designated port
is in port-forwarding status.
backup-port. Port physically connected on a Lan where a Designated port of the same
Bridge is connected. The Backup port is in port-blocking status.
Status. Status of the port:
Version. Version of the Spanning Tree protocol:
rapid-stp-802-1w. Rapid Spanning Tree protocol standard IEEE 802.1w. Protocol charac-
terized by a greater speed (lower convergence time).
stp-802-1d. Spanning Tree Protocol standard IEEE 802.1d.
Priority. Port priority:
0. Highest priority
15. Lowest priority
Value. Cost of the network part directly connected to the port.
Port status Receive
Update the Address
Table Unit
process BPDU
mit BPDU
port-disable No No No No No
port-blocking No No No Yes No
port-learning Yes No Yes Yes Yes
port-forwarding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 200
Recommended Max/Recommended Min. Cost interval recommended according to what pointed
out in Standard IEEE 802.1w.
Trunk/LACP area. Parameters not meaningful in this context because relevant to Trunking mo-
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the external port
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The Spanning Tree protocol cannot be enabled when the Trunking modality is enabled. In order to en-
able the STP protocol, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Trunking modality
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The STP/ELP parameter points out the enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol for the port.
3. To change the parameter, select the value:
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled
Enable-Bridge1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Enable-Bridge2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
Enable-Prot1, Enable-Prot2. Spanning Tree protocol disabled. The Ethernet line protection of the
equipment is enabled.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the priority of the external port (SPT/ELP)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The Priority parameter points out the priority of the external port (0: highest priority, 15: lowest pri-
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the connection cost of the external port (STP/ELP)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The Value parameter points out the cost of the network part directly connected to the external port.
This cost determines, priority being equal among two or more redundant connections, the preference
of a port with respect to the others.
This cost must be inversely proportional to the bit rate of the port
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 201
3. To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
It is suggested to set a value belonging to the Recommended Range according to what pointed out in
the Standard IEEE 802.1w.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Ethernet line protection
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The tab points out the status of the port in relation to the Ethernet line protection, to the Spanning Tree
protocol or to the Trunking modality.
Here below the description of the parameters present in the tab when Ethernet line protection is active
(STP/ELP box - Enable-Prot... value) is reported.
STP/ELP. Enabling status of the ethernet line protection or STP for the port:
Disable. Ethernet line protection disabled.
Enable-Bridge1 - Enable-Bridge2. Ethernet line protection disabled. Spanning Tree protocol
Enable-Prot1. The Ethernet line protection of the equipment is enabled between the consid-
ered external port and the other external port(s) of the equipment whose parameter value
is Enable-Prot1.
Enable-Prot2. The Ethernet line protection of the equipment is enabled between the consid-
ered external port and the other external port(s) of the equipment whose parameter value
is Enable-Prot2.
If the Trunking modality is enabled (Trunk/LACP box - enable... value), the value Disable is au-
tomatically forced for the parameter STP/ELP. In order to change the value, it is first necessary
to disable the use of the Trunking modality.
Role. Role assigned by the Ethernet line protection to each port. The role defines the behaviour
of the port:
Disable. Port disabled.
alternate-port. Port in stand-by status, as it offers an alternative path with higher cost
as opposed to the Designated port. Normally the Alternate port is in port-blocking status.
designated-port. Port active. Each Designated port is in port-forwarding status.
Status. Status of the port:
Version. Parameter not meaningful in this condition.
Priority. Port priority:
0. Highest priority
15. Lowest priority
Value. Cost of the network part directly connected to the port.
Recommended Max/Recommended Min. Cost interval recommended according to what pointed
out in Standard IEEE 802.1w.
Trunk/LACP area. Parameters not meaningful in this context because relevant to Trunking mo-
Port status Receive
Update the
Address Table Unit
port-blocking No No No
port-forwarding Yes Yes Yes
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 202
To enable/disable the Ethernet line protection for the external port
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The line Ethernet protection cannot be enabled when the Trunking modality is enabled. In order to en-
able the line Ethernet protection, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Trunking modality.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The STP/ELP parameter points out the enabling status of Ethernet line protection for the port.
3. To change the parameter, select the value:
Disable. Ethernet line protection disabled.
Enable-Bridge1 - Enable-Bridge2. Ethernet line protection disabled. Spanning Tree protocol en-
Enable-Prot1. The Ethernet line protection of the equipment is enabled between the considered
external port and the other external port(s) of the equipment whose parameter value is Enable-
Enable-Prot2. The Ethernet line protection of the equipment is enabled between the considered
external port and the other external port(s) of the equipment whose parameter value is Enable-
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The tab points out the status of the port in relation to the Ethernet line protection, to the Spanning Tree
protocol or to the Trunking modality.
Here below the description of the parameters present in the tab when Trunking modality is active
(Trunk/LACP box - Enable... value) is reported.
Trunk/LACP. Enabling status of the Trunking mode for the port:
Disable. Trunking mode disabled.
Enable-Trunk1. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the
equipment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk1.
Enable-Trunk2. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the
equipment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk2.
Enable-Trunk3. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the
equipment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk3.
Enable-Trunk4. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the
equipment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk4.
It is possible to aggregate up to 4 LAN ports for each group (Trunk).
If the STP protocol or the Ethernet Line Protection is enable (STP/ELP box - enable... value), for
the parameter Trunk/LACP the value Disable is automatically forced. In order to modify the val-
ue, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Spanning Tree protocol or of the Ethernet Line
Status. Status of the port as regards the LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol):
Up. Protocol active.
Down. Protocol inactive.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 203
Partner Id. MAC Address of the remote equipment located at the other end of the Ethernet con-
nection (remote Switch).
Tx Pck Cnt. LACP packets transmitted to the remote Switch.
Rx Pck Cnt. LACP packets received from the remote Switch.
STP/ELP area, Priority, Path Cost area. Parameters not meaningful in this context because rel-
evant to Spanning Tree protocol and Ethernet line protection.
To enable/disable the Trunking mode for the external port
User Profile | Station Operator, System
The Trunking modality cannot be enabled when the Spanning Tree protocol or the line Ethernet protec-
tion is enabled. In order to enable the Trunking, it is first necessary to disable the use of the Spanning
Tree protocol or of the line Ethernet protection.
If you wish to enable the Trunking modality, it is first necessary to disable the external port.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP/ELP Trunking tab.
The Trunk/LACP parameter points out the enabling status of the Trunking mode for the selected port.
3. To change the parameter, select the value:
Disable. Trunking mode disabled.
Enable-Trunk1. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the equip-
ment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk1.
Enable-Trunk2. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the equip-
ment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk2.
Enable-Trunk3. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the equip-
ment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk3.
Enable-Trunk4. Trunking mode enabled. The considered LAN port is aggregated to the equip-
ment LAN ports, whose considered parameter has value Enable-Trunk4.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality of the ex-
ternal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the LLF tab.
The LLF parameter points out the enabling status of the Link Loss Forwarding modality:
Disable. The LLF modality is disabled.
Local. The LLF modality is enabled: the port is disabled in presence of radio alarms (IDU BRAN-
CH... Demodulator Fail Alarm, RADIO... Link Id. Alarm) or if the internal port is disabled.
Only if the Local option is active, the activation of the check-box:
Rem. LAN-1, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote
LAN 1 (Enh.) port associated to it.
Rem. LAN-2, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote
LAN 2 (Enh.) port associated to it.
Rem. LAN-3, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote
LAN 3 (Enh.) port associated to it.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 204
Rem. LAN-4, points out that the port is disabled even in presence of a LOS alarm on the remote
LAN 4 (Enh.) port associated to it.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option(s).
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To activate/deactivate the loop on line side of the external port
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4
(Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Line Loop tab.
The Line Loop parameter displays the status of the loop on line side of the external port:
Enable. Loop on line side active.
Disable. Loop on line side inactive.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply.
Only if you are activating the loop a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and
displaying the current setting of timeout.
5. Confirm the operation.
The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then,
switched on, the loop is inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To verify the current status of the laser (external port)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as optical interfaces.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
The current laser status is pointed out by the wording/colour of the box present in the tab:
Status On / green box. The laser is on transmission.
Status Off / gray box. The laser is not on transmission.
To verify the type of laser module (external port)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as optical interfaces.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
The Module Type parameter points out the type of laser module:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 205
optical-100baseFX. Laser module of type 100 Base FX (Fiber).
optical-1000baseSX. Laser module of type 1000 Base SX (Short WaveLength).
optical-1000baseLX. Laser module of type 1000 Base LX (Long WaveLength).
Unknown. The laser module is not among those listed above (possible anomaly of the laser mod-
For more information relevant to laser module refer to IEEE standard 802.3.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser (external port)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as optical interfaces.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
In the Transmitter Control area the enabling status of the laser is pointed out:
On. The laser is enabled for transmission.
Off. The laser is not enabled for transmission.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply.
Only if you are disabling the laser (selection of the Off option), a message is displayed warning that
you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout.
5. Confirm the operation.
The laser disabling activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and switched off, the
laser is enabled to transmit independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser (external port)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as optical interfaces.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
The Mode parameter points out the transmission mode of the laser:
Disable. The laser transmission is affected only by its enabling status and not by the real pres-
ence of the optical signal.
Auto. The transmission of the laser is affected by the presence of the optical signal: when the
signal is present, the laser transmits, when the signal is not present, the laser does not transmit.
In this last condition, the controller automatically turns on the laser for 2 seconds every x sec-
onds (adjustable into the Auto Restart Time box) to activate the remote transmitter: if the signal
at reception is present, the laser will continue to transmit, while if it is not present, after x sec-
onds, the laser will be turned on again for 2 seconds and so on.
To modify the Auto Restart Time interval set into the relevant box a value comprised between
60 and 300 sec. (default 120 sec.). Select the Apply and confirm.
Manual. The laser transmission is manually enabled by the operator.
Test. The laser transmits for x seconds (operation of laser functioning status).
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 206
4. Press Apply.
Only if you are setting Disable, Manual or Test as transmission modality for the laser, a message is
displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout.
5. Confirm the operation.
The selection of a modality different from Auto activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the user turns off the
equipment and then turns it on again, without taking into any account the preceding setting, the trans-
mission mode of the laser is Auto.
To enable manually the laser transmission (external port)
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as optical interfaces.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
3. Select the Manual option.
4. Press Apply.
A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
5. Confirm the operation.
The setting of the Manual modality, activates the MAN. OP alarm.
6. Press Restart and confirm.
The laser transmits for 2 seconds and then stops itself.
To execute the test laser functioning status (external port)
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for ports LAN 3 (Enh.) and LAN 4 (Enh.) when configured as optical interfaces.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > LAN 3 (Enh.) or LAN 4 (Enh.) command.
The LAN <port number> (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
3. Set, into the Test Time box, the number of seconds during which the user wants to turn on the laser.
To modify the time interval set into the box a value comprised between 1 and 100 sec. (default 90 sec.).
4. Select the Test option.
5. Press Apply.
A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
6. Confirm the operation.
The setting of the Test modality, activates the MAN. OP alarm.
7. Press Restart and confirm.
The laser transmits for the number of seconds set into the Test Time box and then it stops itself.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 207
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (more info)
Spanning Tree is a protocol for the management of the connections, which supports the redundancy of the
path avoiding the creation of unwished loops in the network. In order that an Ethernet network operates
correctly, only an active path must exist between two stations. Multiple active paths cause loops in the
network and, as consequence, the possible replication of the messages to infinity.
The Spanning Tree protocol constitutes a tree logic network which pass through all the bridges into a com-
plex physical network forcing the possible duplicated paths (possible loops) into a stand-by status
If a network segment becomes unreachable or if the cost of a path changes, the algorithm of Spanning
Tree reconfigures the topology of the network activating an alternative path.
For more information, refer to the standard IEEE:
802.1d (Spanning Tree Protocol).
802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol).
The use of the Spanning Tree protocol must be enabled at level of single external port (LAN...) and
internal (Port...) port.
The use of the Spanning Tree protocol for the external ports is alternative to the use of the line Ethernet
protection or of the Trunking modality.
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) (more info)
The Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) is a function which allows implementing a protection at physical level
(Level 2) between two or more LAN external ports.
When the user enables the Ethernet line protection, even the management of the ELP switch is enabled.
The switch operates in automatic mode: the equipment executes the switch when the LOS alarm is present
on the LAN port in service. When the alarm clears, the controller does not execute the switch again.
The Ethernet line protection is implemented by means of proprietary protocol. As consequence, the ELP
switch is managed without considering alarms or settings executed on the equipment on the other side of
the LAN connection.
Ethernet Line Protection of the equipment (ELP equipment)
The Ethernet line protection of the equipment allows setting in mutual protection more LAN ports of the
same equipment.
The functionality manages up to two different protection groups: Protection 1 and Protection 2.
In this way, it is possible to setting in mutual protection two, three or four LANs or setting in protection
the LANs in pairs of two.
In detail, the same protection group (Protection1) will be enable for the two, three or four LANs. In the
second case, a protection group (Protection1) will be enable for two LANs and the other protection group
(Protection2) for the remnant two.
The parameters, which determine which LAN port among those in protection must be set as operating, are
the port parameters foreseen for the management of the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol:
1. Cost. A connection cost can be assigned to every port.
When the ELP equipment function is enabled for two or more external ports, the port currently active
for the transport will be the enabled port with valid signal and lowest cost.
Example. For the ports LAN 1, LAN 2 and LAN 3 the ELP equipment function is enabled. The port LAN
1 is enabled, has a valid signal and cost 200.000, the port LAN 2 is enabled, has a valid signal and cost
250.000, the port LAN 3 is enabled, has a valid signal and cost 300.000. The port LAN 1 is used for the
2. Priority. A priority value between 1 and 9 can be assigned to every port.
When the ELP equipment function is enabled for two or more external ports and the ports have the
same cost, the port currently active for the transport will be the enabled port with valid signal and low-
est priority value.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 208
Example. For the ports LAN 1, LAN 2 and LAN 3 the ELP equipment function is enabled. The ports are
all enabled, have a valid signal and cost 200.000. The port LAN 1 has priority 1, the port LAN 2 has
priority 2, the port LAN 3 has priority 3. The port LAN 1 is used for the transport.
Only if the ELP function is enabled for one port when more ports are operating (status Designated),
cost and priority being equal, the port with the lower physical position is keep active.
The values of Role and Port Status foreseen for the management of the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol have
been used to represent in WEB LCT the status of the ports involved in the ELP switch:
The user can manage the criteria for the choice of the operating/reserve port executing the following op-
To enable/disable the use of the LAN ports (parameter Rate Control)
To enable/disable the ELP equipment functionality on the LANs you wish to protect (parameter
STP/ELP, Enable-Prot1 or Enable-Prot2 value).
To set the port priority (parameter Priority)
To set the port cost (parameter Path Cost)
The use of the equipment ELP functionality for each LAN port is alternative to the use of Spanning Tree
or of the Trunking modality.
Trunking mode (more info)
The Trunking mode is a functionality which allows aggregating two or more Ethernet ports.
In this way, the ports belonging to the same group (Trunk) will be considered as a single entity.
The subdivision of the traffic is made on MAC Address (Source and Destination) basis.
Ethernet Trunking mode (LAN ports)
The Ethernet Trunking mode allows aggregating two or more physical ports (LAN) of the same equipment
to achieve a single logic channel.
The functionality manages up to 4 different aggregation groups (Trunk/LACP): Enable-Trunk1, Enable-
Trunk2, Enable-Trunk3 and Enable-Trunk4.
In this way, it is possible to aggregate two, three or four LANs or to aggregate the LANs at pair of two.
In the first case, the same aggregation group (Enable-Trunk1) will enable for the two, three or four LANs
of the Switch. In the second case, an aggregation group (Enable-Trunk1) will enable for the two LANs and
the other aggregation group (Enable-Trunk2) for the remnant two.
Up to 4 LAN ports for each Trunk can be aggregated.
The enabling of the Ethernet Trunking mode is in compliance with the standard LAG (Link Aggregation
Group) and the relevant LACP protocol (Link Aggregation Control Protocol).
It is suggested, when this modality is active, to configure the ports in transmission modality Full Duplex
and to the same data transmission rate.
For more information, refer to the standard IEEE 802.3ad (Link Aggregation).
The use of the Trunking Ethernet mode must be enabled at level of single external port (LAN 1, LAN 2,
LAN 3, LAN 4) and is in alternative to the use of the line Ethernet protection or of the Spanning Tree
If the Trunking modality is active for an external port and you wish to disable it, before executing the
operation it is necessary to disable the port itself.
LAN port Rule Port status
Operating Designated Forwarding
Reserve Alternate Blocking
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 209
Port A (Enh.), Port B (Enh.)
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The availability of the internal ports depends on the equipment configuration as shown in Tab.7
The Port A (Enh.) and Port B (Enh.) commands manage the Ethernet internal ports.
On the choice of one of the commands, the <port name> contextual area opens, where it is possible to
manage the specific internal port:
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the enabling status of the internal port
To verify/modify the automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table for the internal port
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the internal port to
the output queue of the LAN ports
To verify/modify the value for Port Default
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan of the internal port
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of the internal port
To verify/modify the enabling status of the S_Gentle functionality of the internal port
To verify/modify the integration constant on the drop possibility in a RED context (internal port)
To verify/modify the configuration of the output queues of the internal port
To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal port
To force the value of VID of the internal port to the default value
To verify/modify the default VID value of the internal port
To verify/overwrite the C-VID value of the packets in input from the internal port and forwarded to a
LAN port, with a different C-VID
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the internal port
To verify the status of the internal port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the internal port
To verify/modify the priority of the internal port (STP)
To verify/modify the connection cost of the internal port (STP)
In order to deepen this topic, see Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (more info)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 210
Tab.7 Availability internal ports (Enhanced Switch Ethernet)
To verify/modify the enabling status of the internal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The Port parameter points out the enabling status of the internal port:
Disable. The internal port is not enabled to the use.
Enable. The internal port is enabled to the use.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table for the in-
ternal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
The MAC-based routing functionality in the Ethernet Switch is available only if enabled this function.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens with the Interface tab active.
The MAC Learning parameter points out the enabling status of the automatic learning of the MAC Ad-
dress in the specific table (MAC Table):
Disable. The automatic learning of the MAC Address is disabled.
Enable. The automatic learning of MAC Address is enabled. Learning of the addresses in the table
takes place analysing only the field MAC Address and is registered in a single MAC Table.
Learn. on port basis. The automatic learning of MAC Address is enabled. Learning of the address-
es in the table takes place associating the MAC Address to the segment of MAC Table indicized
by the Default VID value associated to the port which the traffic is income from.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
Equipment configuration
Ethernet internal
Radio Ethernet Enh
Unequipped Present Port A (Enh.)
1+0 Present Port A (Enh.)
1+1 Hot Standby
1+1 Freq. Div.
Present Port A (Enh.)
2x(1+0) Eth. Single Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe
Present Port A (Enh.)
2x(1+0) Eth. Dual Pipe
2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe
Port A (Enh.)
Port B (Enh.)
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 211
To verify/modify the priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the
internal port to the output queue of the LAN ports
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The Priority Selection parameter points out the priority criterion used to associated the packets, in input
to the internal port, to the output of the LAN ports:
Port Default. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the LAN ports according to the de-
fault value set by the user on the Radio port.
Native 802.1P. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the LAN ports according to the
value of native 802.1p priority in input to Radio port.
Native TOS/DSCP. The traffic will be sent to the output queues of the LAN ports according to the
TOS/DSCP value present in the native IP field in input to Radio port.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the value for Port Default
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The Default Priority parameter points out the value used to define the output queue of the LAN ports
when the selected priority criteria is Port Default (see parameter Priority Selection) (0: lowest priority,
7: highest priority).
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan of the in-
ternal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available and meaningful only if the analysis of the value of the priority 802.1p (parameter
Priority set to the value 802.1P, 802.1P-IpTOS or IpTOS-802.1P) is active.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Priority Management tab.
The tab, if the analysis of the priority 802.1p value is active, displays a table pointing out the mapping
of priority 802.1p within Tag VLan (priority 802.1p present into a packet in input to a port can be rem-
apped in output from the Switch with a different priority value).
Table rows (802-1p INPUT Priority - 70) correspond to Tag 802.1p value of the packet in input to the
Table columns (802.1p OUTPUT Priority Remapping - 07) correspond to Tag 802.1p value of the pack-
et in output from the Switch.
The active option points out, for every priority of the packet in input to the Switch (802-1p INPUT...),
the relevant priority in output from the Switch (802.1p OUTPUT...).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 212
3. In order to modify a value, select in the table the option corresponding to the wished combination: val-
ues of Tag 802.1p in input to the port - value of Tag 802.1p in output from the Switch.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the flow control of the internal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Queue Management Lan To Radio tab.
The Flow Control parameter points out the activation status of the flow control of the internal port:
Disable. The flow control is forced inactive.
Enable. The flow control is forced active.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the S_Gentle functionality of the internal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Queue Management Lan To Radio tab.
The S-gentle parameter points out the enabling status of the S_Gentle functionality in Drop Type mo-
dality equal to RED (see To verify/modify the configuration of the output queues of the internal port):
Disable. The S_Gentle functionality is inactive.
Enable. The S_Gentle functionality is active.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the integration constant on the drop possibility in a RED context (in-
ternal port)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Queue Management Lan To Radio tab.
The parameter Exp. Weighting Constant points out the integration constant on the drop possibility in a
RED context (see To verify/modify the configuration of the output queues of the internal port). The
trend of traffic before the moment a packet should be dropped affects the drop algorithm.
3. To change the parameter, set a value comprised between 0 and 15.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 213
To verify/modify the configuration of the output queues of the internal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Queue Management Lan To Radio tab.
The table, present in the tab, points out the configuration parameters of the output queues of the Radio
port. In detail, the column:
Queue. Output queues of the Radio port:
7. Output queue with 7 priority (high priority)
6. Output queue with 6 priority.
5. Output queue with 5 priority.
4. Output queue with 4 priority.
3. Output queue with 3 priority.
2. Output queue with 2 priority.
1. Output queue with 1 priority.
0. Output queue with 0 priority (low priority).
Queue Length (Mbit). Length of output queue:
128. The considered queue is 128 Mbit in depth.
256. The considered queue is 256 Mbit in depth.
512. The considered queue is 512 Mbit in depth.
1024. The considered queue is 1024 Mbit in depth.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then the wished option. Press Apply and
Type. Management algorithm of the output queues of the Radio port:
Strict Priority. The queue with highest priority is completely emptied (sending of all the
messages) before sending a message of the queue with lower priority.
WFQ (Weighted Fair Queue). The output queue of WFQ type are managed in such a way
to ensure a mutual ratio of radio band equal to the value WFQ Weight set for each queue.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then the wished option. Press Apply and
WFQ Weight. Theoretic value of WFQ Weight set by the user (minimum 1, maximum 100).
The parameter is meaningful and can be set/changed only if the value WFQ is present in the
Type field.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then set a value comprised between 1
and 100. Press Apply and confirm.
Actual WFQ. Real value of WFQ Weight calculated by the firmware rounding the theoretic value
set by the user.
Parameter meaningful only if the value WFQ is set in the Type field and a value from 1 to 100
is set in the WFQ Weight field.
Drop Type. Criterion used to remove (drop) the packets from the queue in case of full queue:
Tail. When the queue is full, only the last packet is dropped.
Queue. When the queue is full, all its content is dropped.
Red. Mode Random Early Detection active. The packet drop mode follows the trend de-
fined by the curves set through the parameters S min (G), S max (G) and P max (G)
(traffic Green).
WRed. Mode Weighted Random Early Detection active. The packet drop mode follows the
trend defined by the curves set by the user through the parameters S min (G), S max
(G) and P max (G) for the Green traffic and by S min (Y), S max (Y) and P max (Y) for
the Yellow traffic.
Value meaningful only if a value different from Disable is set for the parameter Mode (LAN
ports - tab Input Filter Policing).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 214
The colour of a packet (as reported in the technical specification MEF Bandwidth Profiles for Eth-
ernet Services) is used to identify the compliance level of the packet with respect to the band
profile associated to the service. Colour:
Green. The frame is compliance with both the parameters CIR and CBS of the band profile
associated to the service (Frame CIR-conformant).
Yellow. The frame is not compliance with the parameters CIR and CBS, but is compliance
with the parameters EIR and EIS of the band profile associated to the service (Frame EIR-
The association of colour Green and Yellow applied to the traffic incoming from the LAN port from
module Input Filter Policing (if active) is implemented with the following criterion:
All the traffic marked CIR/CBS is considered Green.
All the traffic marked EIR/EBS is considered Yellow.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then the wished option. Press Apply and
Green Tokens. Drop profile for the Green traffic:
Profile 1. First drop profile set for the Green traffic. Fields S min (G): 30, S max (G): 60,
S gentle (G): 90 and P max (G): 10.
Profile 2. Second drop profile set for the Green traffic. Fields S min (G): 20, S max (G):
40, S gentle (G): 80 and P max (G): 10.
Custom. Drop profile defined by the user for the Green traffic. Fields S min (G), S max
(G), S gentle (G) and P max (G) which can be set by the user.
The parameter is meaningful and can be set/modified only if the value Red or WRed is present
in the Drop Type field.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then the wished option. Press Apply and
Yellow Tokens. Drop profile for the Yellow traffic:
Profile 1. First drop profile set for the Yellow traffic. Fields S min (Y): 30, S max (Y): 60,
S gentle (Y): 90 and P max (Y): 10.
Profile 2. Second drop profile set for the Yellow traffic. Fields S min (Y): 20, S max (Y):
40, S gentle (Y): 80 and P max (Y): 10.
Custom. Drop profile defined by the user for the Yellow traffic. Fields S min (Y), S max
(Y), S gentle (Y) and P max (Y) which can be set by the user.
The parameter is meaningful and can be set/modified only if the value WRed is present in the
Drop Type field.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then the wished option. Press Apply and
S min (G). Minimum threshold of queue filling (percentage) under which the drop probability is
The parameter is meaningful only if the value Red or WRed is present in the Drop Type field.
Moreover, it can be set/changed only if the value Custom is present in the Green Tokens field.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then set a value between 0 and 100; the
value must be lower than the one already present in the S max (G) field. Press Apply and con-
S max (G). Maximum threshold of queue filling (percentage) over which the drop probability is
100% with functionality S_Gentle disabled.
The parameter is meaningful only if the value Red or WRed is present in the Drop Type field and
the value Disable in the S-gentle field. Moreover, it can be set/modified only if the value Custom
is present in the Green Tokens field.
To modify the parameter, select the relevant box and then insert a value between 0 and 100;
the value must be greater than the one already present in the S min (G) field. Press Apply and
S gentle (G). Maximum threshold of queue filling (percentage) over which the drop probability
is 100% with functionality S_Gentle enabled.
The parameter is meaningful only if the value Red or WRed is present in the Drop Type field and
the value Enable in the S-gentle field. Moreover, it can be set/modified only if the value Custom
is present in the Green Tokens field.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 215
To modify the parameter, select the relevant box and then insert a value between 0 and 100;
the value must be greater than the one already present in the S max (G) field. Press Apply and
P max (G). Drop probability in correspondence of S max.
The parameter is meaningful only if the value Red or WRed is present in the Drop Type field.
Moreover, it can be set/modified only if the value Custom is present in the Green Tokens field.
To modify the parameter, select the relevant box and then insert a value between 0 and 100.
Press Apply and confirm.
S min (Y). Minimum threshold of queue filling (percentage) under which the drop probability is
The parameter is meaningful only if the value WRed is present in the Drop Type field. Moreover,
it can be set/changed only if the value Custom is present in the Yellow Tokens field.
To change the parameter, select the relevant box and then set a value between 0 and 100; the
value must be lower than the one already present in the S max (Y) field. Press Apply and con-
S max (Y). Maximum threshold of queue filling (percentage) over which the drop probability is
100% with functionality S_Gentle disabled.
The parameter is meaningful only if the value WRed is present in the Drop Type field and the
value Disable in the S-gentle field. Moreover, it can be set/modified only if the value Custom is
present in the Yellow Tokens field.
To modify the parameter, select the relevant box and then insert a value between 0 and 100;
the value must be greater than the one already present in the S min (Y) field. Press Apply and
S gentle (Y). Maximum threshold of queue filling (percentage) over which the drop probability
is 100% with functionality S_Gentle enabled.
The parameter is meaningful only if the value WRed is present in the Drop Type field and the
value Enable in the S-gentle field. Moreover, it can be set/modified only if the value Custom is
present in the Yellow Tokens field.
To modify the parameter, select the relevant box and then insert a value between 0 and 100;
the value must be greater than the one already present in the S max (Y) field. Press Apply and
P max (Y). Drop probability in correspondence of S max.
The parameter is meaningful only if the value WRed is present in the Drop Type field. Moreover,
it can be set/modified only if the value Custom is present in the Yellow Tokens field.
To modify the parameter, select the relevant box and then insert a value between 0 and 100.
Press Apply and confirm.
Press View RED Curve to display the curve of RED (Random Early Detection) algorithm.
To verify/modify the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
In IDUs of type ALCplus2e, the option Fallback set for the internal port (Radio port) automatically in-
serts, in every packets in output from the Radio port, a proprietary Tag which identifies the source LAN
port, so that all the advanced operation foreseen for IDU ALCplus2e can be executed in selective mode.
The considered Tag will be automatically removed by the corresponding remote Radio port.
The proprietary Tag which identifies the LAN port is not inserted if the modality Secure is set, because
the traffic source is implicitly known observing the VLANs enabled in VTU Table.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The Ingress Filtering Check parameter points out, if active, the control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages
in input from the port:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 216
Fallback. Packets are not discarded if the VLAN is not registered in VLAN Table Unit (VTU).
If VID of incoming packet is registered in VTU, it can be forwarded only on the ports belonging
to the VLANs registered in VTU and included in VLAN on port basis.
If VID of incoming packet is NOT registered in VTU, it can be forwarded only on the ports includ-
ed in VLAN on port basis.
Secure. VID must be contained in VLAN Table Unit (VTU) and the input pot must be member of
this VLAN, otherwise the packet is discarded.
A packet can exit from the ports belonging to the VLAN registered in VTU and are included in
VLAN on port basis.
For each configuration (selection of the value Disable 802-1Q, Fallback and Secure) the table of Port B
(Enh.)ased VLAN must be ALWAYS configured even if the traffic management is executed only on Tag
base (see To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the internal port).
If you wish to obtain a bidirectional traffic routed according the Vlan table, the control of the Tag 802.1Q
(Fallback or Secure) must be activated on all the ports.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To force the value of VID of the internal port to the default value
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the802.1Q Management tab.
The Force Default VID parameter points out if the forcing of the VID value of the internal port to the
default value is active:
Disable. Forcing is not active.
Enable. Forcing is active.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the default VID value of the internal port
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The Default Vid parameter points out the default VID value of the port.
The default VID of a port is used as VID in the field 802.1Q of the packets came from the port in subject
without Tag and destined to exit with Tag from any port of the Switch.
3. To change the parameter, type a numeric value between 2 and 4094.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/overwrite the C-VID value of the packets in input from the internal port and
forwarded to a LAN port, with a different C-VID
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 217
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the 802.1Q Management tab.
The table C Vid/S Vid Rewrite points out the correspondence between the C-VID value of the packets
in input from the internal port and the identifier used to replace C-VID in the packets forwarded to a
LAN port.
Every row of the table corresponds to a rule for which is pointed out in the column:
Input C Vid. Identifier C-VID (Customer VLAN Identifier) you wish to overwrite.
Output C Vid. New value of C-VID you wish to forward to LAN port.
Output Lan (S_Vid). LAN port which you wish to forward the new C-VID to.
3. To add an element to the list:
a. Press Add.
The Add New Entry window opens.
b. Set the Input C_Vid, Output C Vid and Output Lan (S_Vid) filed as described above.
c. Press Apply and confirm.
4. To delete an element from the list:
a. Select the element.
Multiple selections can be executed using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
b. Press Remove and confirm.
To verify/modify the ports through which the messages in input from the internal
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the Port Based VLan tab.
The Port Based VLAN area points out the enabling status of the ports through which can transit the
messages in input from the internal port which the window refers to. For every single Ethernet port, if
the set option is:
Disable, the packets, in input from the internal port, are not enabled to transit from the specific
external port.
Enable, the packets, in input from the internal port, are enabled to transit from the specific ex-
ternal port (bidirectional connection).
The box relevant to the internal port, which the window refers to, is not displayed.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
Enabling a port involves the automatic enabling of the corresponding port. For example, if you enable
the port LAN 4 in the LAN 3 (Enh.) contextual area, the port LAN 3 is automatically enabled in the LAN
4 (Enh.) contextual area.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the internal port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP... tab.
The tab points out the status of the port in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 218
STP. Enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol for the port:
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled.
Enable-Bridge1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Enable-Bridge2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
Role. Role assigned by the Spanning Tree protocol to each port of a Bridge/Switch. The role de-
fines the behaviour of the port according to the status of the Bridge in the network:
Disable. Port disabled.
root-port. Port offering the best path (lowest cost) towards the Bridge selected as root.
Each Bridge can have only one root port. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady
state, each root port is in port-forwarding status.
alternate-port. Port in alternative to the root port, as it offers an alternative path towards
the Bridge Root with cost higher than that of the root port. Normally the Alternate port
is in port-blocking status.
designated-port. Port which does not offer paths towards the Bridge Root and is used to
propagate the information of the Bridge Root to the other bridges. Each Designated port
is in port-forwarding status.
backup-port. Port physically connected on a Lan where a Designated port of the same
Bridge is connected. The Backup port is in port-blocking status.
Status. Status of the port:
Version. Version of the Spanning Tree protocol:
rapid-stp-802-1w. Rapid Spanning Tree protocol standard IEEE 802.1w. Protocol charac-
terized by a greater speed (lower convergence time).
stp-802-1d. Spanning Tree Protocol standard IEEE 802.1d.
Priority. Port priority:
0. Highest priority
15. Lowest priority
Value. Cost of the network part directly connected to the port.
Recommended Max/Recommended Min. Cost interval recommended according to what pointed
out in Standard IEEE 802.1w.
To enable/disable the Spanning Tree protocol for the internal port
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP tab.
The STP parameter points out the enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol for the port.
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled
Enable-Bridge1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Enable-Bridge2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
Port status Receive
Update the Address
Table Unit
process BPDU
mit BPDU
port-disable No No No No No
port-blocking No No No Yes No
port-learning Yes No Yes Yes Yes
port-forwarding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 219
To verify/modify the priority of the internal port (STP)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP tab.
The Priority parameter points out the priority of the internal port (0: highest priority, 15: lowest prior-
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the connection cost of the internal port (STP)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) command.
The Port A (Enh.) or Port B (Enh.) contextual area opens.
2. Select the STP tab.
The Value parameter points out the cost of the network part directly connected to the internal port.
This cost determines, priority being equal among two or more redundant connections, the preference
of a port with respect to the others.
This cost must be inversely proportional to the bit rate of the port
3. To change the parameter, type the new value in the box.
It is suggested to set a value belonging to the Recommended Range according to what pointed out in
the Standard IEEE 802.1w.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 220
Spanning Tree
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The change of the default values of the configuration (Hello Time, Forward Delay, Max Age) of the Span-
ning Tree protocol could damage the correct operation of the Spanning Tree protocol itself.
The Spanning Tree command manages the spanning tree in the network.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the version of the Spanning Tree protocol
To verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets (Hello Time)
To verify/modify the Forward Delay interval
To verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets (Max Age)
To verify the status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol
To verify the MAC Address of a Bridge
To verify/modify the priority of a Bridge
Moreover, if for one or more external ports (LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3 or LAN 4) the Spanning Tree protocol is
not active, but the Ethernet line protection is active, by means of the Spanning Tree command it is pos-
To verify the status of the external ports in relation to the Ethernet line protection
In order to deepen this topic, see:
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (more info)
Ethernet Line Protection (ELP) (more info)
To verify/modify the version of the Spanning Tree protocol
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Force Version parameter points out the version of the Spanning Tree protocol to use:
rapid-stp-802-1w. Rapid Spanning Tree protocol standard IEEE 802.1w. Protocol characterized
by a greater speed (lower convergence time).
stp-802-1d. Spanning Tree Protocol standard IEEE 802.1d.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Hello Time parameter points out the time interval that passes between two consecutive transmis-
sions of the BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packet from the Ethernet ports with the Spanning Tree
function enabled.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option (default: 2 sec.).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 221
To verify/modify the Forward Delay interval
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Forward Delay parameter points out the time interval which passes between the passage between
the port-blocking status and the port-learning status and between the port-learning status and the
port-forwarding status of the port.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option (default: 15 sec.).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Max Age parameter points out the maximum number of switches which the packet can pass
through before expiring. The passage from a Switch to another one involves the decrease of 1 second
per equipment.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option (default: 20 sec.).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the Ethernet ports in relation to the Spanning Tree protocol
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens.
2. Select the Summary tab.
The tab for every Ethernet port displays the parameters relevant to the Spanning Tree protocol or to
the Ethernet line protection (only external ports).
The description of the parameters present in the tab when protocol Spanning Tree is active is reported
here below:
LAN.../Port.... Enabling status of the Spanning Tree protocol of the specific port:
Disable. Spanning Tree protocol disabled.
Bridge1. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 1).
Bridge2. Spanning Tree protocol enabled (the port belongs to Bridge 2).
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment radio configuration (see
Role. Role assigned by the Spanning Tree protocol to each port of a Bridge/Switch. The role de-
fines the behaviour of the port according to the status of the Bridge in the network:
Disable. Port disabled.
Root. Port offering the best path (lowest cost) towards the Bridge selected as root. Each
Bridge can have only one root port. When the Spanning Tree algorithm is at steady state,
each root port is in port-forwarding status.
Alternate. Port in alternative to the root port, as it offers an alternative path towards the
Bridge Root with cost higher than that of the root port. Normally the Alternate port is in
port-blocking status.
Designated. Port which does not offer paths towards the Bridge Root and is used to prop-
agate the information of the Bridge Root to the other bridges. Each Designated port is in
port-forwarding status.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 222
Backup. Port physically connected on a Lan where a Designated port of the same Bridge
is connected. The Backup port is in port-blocking status.
Status. Status of the port:
Version. Version of the Spanning Tree protocol:
rapid-stp-802-1w. Rapid Spanning Tree protocol standard IEEE 802.1w. Protocol charac-
terized by a greater speed (lower convergence time).
stp-802-1d. Spanning Tree Protocol standard IEEE 802.1d.
Press Refresh to update the values.
To verify the MAC Address of a Bridge
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens.
2. Select the Bridges tab.
The MAC Address parameter points out the physical address of the Bridge 1 (Bridge 1 area) and Bridge
2 (Bridge 2 area).
To verify/modify the priority of a Bridge
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens.
2. Select the Bridges tab.
The Priority parameter points out the priority of the Bridge 1 (Bridge 1 area) and of the Bridge 2 (Bridge
2 area) to use in the auto negotiation of the root: 0 (maximum priority), 15 (minimum priority).
If two bridges have the same priority, the Bridge with lower MAC Address is chosen as root.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the external ports in relation to the Ethernet line protection
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Spanning Tree command.
The Spanning Tree contextual area opens.
2. Select the Summary tab.
The tab for every Ethernet port displays the parameters relevant to the Ethernet line protection (only
external ports) or to the Spanning Tree protocol.
The description of the parameters present in the tab when Ethernet line protection is active is reported
here below.
Port status Receive
Update the Address
Table Unit
process BPDU
mit BPDU
port-disable No No No No No
port-blocking No No No Yes No
port-learning Yes No Yes Yes Yes
port-forwarding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 223
LAN.... Enabling status of the Ethernet line protection of the specific port:
Disable. Ethernet line protection disabled.
Prot1. Ethernet line protection of the equipment enabled (Protection1).
Prot2. Ethernet line protection of the equipment enabled (Protection2).
Role. Role assigned by the Ethernet line protection to each port. The role defines the behaviour
of the port:
Disable. Port disabled.
Alternate. Port in stand-by status, as it offers an alternative path with higher cost as op-
posed to the Designated port. Normally the Alternate port is in port-blocking status.
Designated. Port active. Each Designated port is in port-forwarding status.
Status. Status of the port:
Version. Parameter not meaningful in this condition.
Press Refresh to update the values.
Port status Receive
Update the
Address Table Unit
port-blocking No No No
port-forwarding Yes Yes Yes
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 224
TDM Tributaries
At the choice of TDM Tributaries menu, the program displays the following commands:
E1. It manages the 2Mbit/s tributaries.
STM-1. It manages the STM-1 tributary.
VC-4. It manages the VC-4 virtual container.
VC-12. It manages the VC-12 virtual container.
The STM-1, VC-4 and VC-12 commands are available only if the management of STM-1 streams is
active (see Configurator).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 225
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The E1 command manages the 2Mbit/s tributary.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the status and configuration of the 2Mbit/s tributaries
To modify the label of a tributary
To activate/deactivate the 2Mbit/s tributaries use
To activate/deactivate the 2Mbit/s tributary loops
To modify the management status of LOS alarm
To verify the status and configuration of the 2Mbit/s tributaries
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > E1 command.
The E1 contextual area opens.
The table present in the context displays the status and the configuration of the tributaries.
Every table row corresponds to a tributary for which is pointed out in the column:
Tributary Label. Tributary label.
Line Loop. Line side loop status:
Line Loop Enabled (green box). The line loop is active.
---- (white box). The loop is not active.
Enable. Tributary use status:
Disable (white box). The tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this condition, the
alarms are inhibited and the LOS alarm is raised or not depending on the setting of the
LOS Inversion box.
Enable (green box). The tributary is active (tributary used). In this condition, the con-
troller does not inhibit the alarms.
If the tributary A and/or B is not available (grey Disable label), this means that the tributary is
not available for the traffic as already used as synchronism in output (see Synchronisation).
Internal Loop. Inner side loop status:
Int. Loop Enabled (green box). The internal loop is active.
---- (white box). The loop is not active.
Los Inversion. Management of LOS alarm when the tributary is not used:
Los inversion (green box). The alarms are inhibited and the LOS alarm is NOT raised if,
with tributary disabled, the 2Mbit/s signal is however connected.
--- (white box). The alarms are inhibited and the LOS alarm is raised if, with tributary
disabled, the 2Mbit/s signal is however connected.
The status of the LOS Inversion box IS MEANINGFUL ONLY if the tributary is not used.
LOS Alarm / AIS Alarm. The colour of box points out the status of the relevant alarm:
White (no wording). The alarm is not active.
Red, orange, yellow or light blue (LOS or AIS wording). The alarm is active and has se-
verity, respectively, Critical, Major, Minor or Warning.
The number of available tributaries changes according to the equipment type.
The first row of the box refers to the first tributary of expansion (E1-1), the second row to the second
tributary of expansion (E1-2) and so on up to 16th or 32nd row (according to the type of equipped
expansion) representing the last tributary of the expansion.
The last 2 rows of the table represent the E1s of the base board (Tributary A and Tributary B).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 226
To modify the label of a tributary
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > E1 command.
The E1 contextual area opens.
In the Tributary Label column the label of each single tributary is pointed out.
2. To modify the label of a tributary, select the relevant box and type an alphanumeric string of maximum
40 characters.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To activate/deactivate the 2Mbit/s tributaries use
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation not available for the tributaries A and/or B if already used for the synchronism in output (see
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > E1 command.
The E1 contextual area opens.
In the Enable column the tributary use status is pointed out.
2. To modify the tributary use status, select the relevant box and then the option:
Disable. The tributary is not active (tributary not used). In this condition, the alarms are inhib-
ited and the LOS alarm is raised or not depending on the setting of the LOS Inversion box.
Enable. The tributary is active (tributary used). In this condition, the controller does not inhibit
the alarms.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
If the tributary is enabled and you are disabling it, the message Do you want LOS inversion enable? is
displayed. Pressing:
Ok, the LOS alarm is NOT raised if, with tributary disabled, the signal is however connected.
No, the LOS alarm is raised if, with tributary disabled, the signal is however connected.
To activate/deactivate the 2Mbit/s tributary loops
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > E1 command.
The E1 contextual area opens.
The column:
Line Loop points out the loop status on line side for every single tributary: Line Loop Enabled
(loop active), ---- (loop inactive).
Internal Loop points out the loop status on internal side for every single tributary: Int. Loop En-
abled (loop active), ---- (loop inactive).
2. To modify the loop status, select the relevant box and then the option:
Disable, to disable the loop.
Enable, to enable the loop.
The activation of the loop on internal side automatically enables the tributary, if this is already enabled.
3. Press Apply.
If at least one loop is going to be activated, a message is displayed that warns that you are executing
a forcing and the current setting of the timeout.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 227
4. Confirm the operation.
The activation of, at least, one loop causes the activation of the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is
switched off and, then, switched on, independently from the previous setting, the loops are deactivat-
To modify the management status of LOS alarm
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only when the tributary is disabled.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > E1 command.
The E1 contextual area opens.
In the Los Inversion column the management status of LOS alarm is pointed out.
2. To modify the management status of LOS alarm, select the relevant box and then the option:
Los inversion. The alarms are inhibited and the LOS alarm is NOT raised if, with tributary disa-
bled, the 2Mbit/s signal is however connected.
No Los Inversion. The alarms are inhibited and the LOS alarm is raised if, with tributary disabled,
the 2Mbit/s signal is however connected.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 228
At the choice of STM-1 menu, the program displays the following commands:
Lim A STM-1 [x]. It manages the configuration of the specific STM-1 stream.
The x value points out the STM-1 stream which the command is referred to (1, 2).
The STM-1 menu is available only if the management of STM-1 streams is active (see Configurator).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 229
Lim A STM-1 [x]
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only if the management of STM-1 stream is active (see Configurator).
The command relevant to the STM-1 2 stream (Lim A STM-1 [2]) is available only if the protection of
STM-1 stream (MSP mode) is active or if the management of two unprotected STM-1 streams is active
(MST mode).
The Lim A STM-1 [x] command manages the configuration of the specific STM-1 stream.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the status of the STM-1 stream
To verify/modify the status of the STM-1 loops (line side and inner side)
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J0 Trace Identifier
To verify the status of the STM-1 alarms
To verify/modify the B2 Signal Degrade alarm threshold
To verify/modify the B2 Excessive BER alarm threshold
The following operations are available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
To verify the current status of the laser
To verify the type of laser module
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser
To enable manually the laser transmission
To execute the test laser functioning status
The x value points out the STM-1 stream which the command is referred to (1, 2).
To verify/modify the status of the STM-1 stream
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The STM-1 Status parameter points out the status of the STM-1 stream:
Not Active. The STM-1 stream is not active (unused stream). In this condition, the alarms are
inhibited and the LOS alarm is raised, with disabled stream the STM-1 signal is however con-
Active. The STM-1 stream is active (used stream). In this condition, the controller does not in-
hibit the alarms.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the status of the STM-1 loops (line side and inner side)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 230
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Line Side Loop parameter points out the status of the STM-1 loop on line side:
Open. The loop is inactive.
Closed. The STM-1 loop on line side is active.
The Internal Side Loop parameter points out the status of the STM-1 loop on inner side:
Open. The loop is inactive.
Closed. The STM-1 loop on inner side is active.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
The STM-1 loops on line side and on inner side cannot be activated at the same time.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are activating a loop a message is displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and
displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then,
switched on, the loop is inactive, independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Type parameter points out the enabling status of the J0 byte used for the control of STM-1 signal:
2. To change the parameter, select the value:
Disable. The control of the J0 byte is disabled.
1 Byte Control. The control of the J0 byte is enabled; it is executed on a sequence of 1 byte. The
inconsistency between the waited byte and the received one creates an alarm signal (J0 Trace
Identifier Mismatch Alarm).
16 Bytes Control. The control of the J0 byte is enabled; it is executed on a sequence of 16 byte.
The inconsistency between the waited byte sequence and the received one creates an alarm sig-
nal (J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm).
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J0 Trace Identifier
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
Into the J0 Path Trace area the sequences of the characters at transmission and/or at reception relevant
to J0 byte used for the control of STM-1 signal is pointed out.
In detail, the box:
Sent. Transmitted sequence of the control characters.
Expected. Character sequence to be controlled at reception.
Received. Character sequence in reception.
2. To change the parameter, type a new string of ASCII characters into the box:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 231
Sent, to change the transmitted sequence of the control characters.
Expected, to change the sequence of the characters to be controlled at reception.
The number of characters that has to constitute the sequence depends on the selected option push-
button into the Type area (1 or 16 bytes).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status of the STM-1 alarms
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
In the Alarms area, for each STM-1 alarm, there is a box containing the alarm name. The colour of the
boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
To verify/modify the B2 Signal Degrade alarm threshold
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Thresholds tab.
The B2 Signal Degrade Threshold parameter points out the threshold of the B2 Signal Degrade alarm
according to the error degree calculated on the byte B2 of the STM-1 signal:
E-5, at the detection of a BER > 10E-5 the alarm is activated.
E-6, at the detection of a BER > 10E-6 the alarm is activated.
E-7, at the detection of a BER > 10E-7 the alarm is activated.
E-8, at the detection of a BER > 10E-8 the alarm is activated.
E-9, at the detection of a BER > 10E-9 the alarm is activated.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
To verify/modify the B2 Excessive BER alarm threshold
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Thresholds tab.
The B2 Excessive BER Threshold parameter points out the threshold of the B2 Excessive BER alarm
according to the error degree calculated on the byte B2 of the STM-1 signal:
E-3, at the detection of a BER > 10E-3 the alarm is activated.
E-4, at the detection of a BER > 10E-4 the alarm is activated.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 232
E-5, at the detection of a BER > 10E-5 the alarm is activated.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
To verify the current status of the laser
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
The current laser status is pointed out by the wording/colour of the box present in the tab:
Status ON / green box. The laser is on transmission.
Status OFF / gray box. The laser is not on transmission.
To verify the type of laser module
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
The Module Type parameter points out the type of laser module:
optical-S11. S type laser module (application: Inter office-Short-haul), 1 (STM level: Stm-1), 1
(fibber type: according to G.652 Spec.).
optical-L11. L type laser module (application: Inter office-Long-haul), 1 (STM level: Stm-1), 1
(fibber type: according to G.652 Spec.).
optical-L12. L type laser module (application: Inter office-Long-haul), 1 (STM level: Stm-1), 2
(fibber type: according to G.652, G.654 Specifications).
optical-I1. I type laser module (application: Intra office), 1 (STM level: Stm-1).
Unknown. The laser module is not one of the above listed modules (possible anomaly of the laser
Classification of the optical interface according to G.957 Specification.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the laser
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 233
The Laser Control parameter points out the enabling status of the laser:
On. The laser is enabled for transmission.
Off. The laser is not enabled for transmission.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply.
Only if you are disabling the laser (selection of the Off option), a message is displayed warning that
you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout.
5. Confirm the operation.
The laser disabling activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and switched off, the
laser is enabled to transmit independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the transmission mode of the laser
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
The Automatic Shutdown parameter points out the transmission mode of the laser:
Disabled. The laser transmission is affected only by its enabling status and not by the real pres-
ence of the optical signal.
Auto. The transmission of the laser is affected by the presence of the optical signal: when the
signal is present, the laser transmits, when the signal is not present, the laser does not transmit.
In this last condition, the controller automatically turns on the laser for 2 seconds every x sec-
onds (adjustable into the Auto Restart Time box) to activate the remote transmitter: if the signal
at reception is present, the laser will continue to transmit, while if it is not present, after x sec-
onds, the laser will be turned on again for 2 seconds and so on.
To modify the Auto Restart Time interval set into the relevant box a value comprised between
60 and 300 sec. Press Apply and confirm.
Manual. The laser transmission is manually enabled by the operator.
Test. The laser transmits for x seconds (test operation laser functioning status).
If the management of STM-1 stream is active in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality, the Automatic Shutdown
function is permanently disabled. This means that the laser transmission modality is forced to Disable.
In this case, the change operation here below is not available.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply.
Only if you are setting Disable, Manual or Test as transmission modality for the laser, a message is
displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of the timeout.
5. Confirm the operation.
The selection of a modality different from Auto activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the user turns off the
equipment and then turns it on again, without taking into any account the preceding setting, the trans-
mission mode of the laser is Auto.
To enable manually the laser transmission
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 234
If the management of STM-1 stream is active in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality, the Automatic Shutdown
function is permanently disabled. This means that the laser transmission modality is forced to Disable.
In this case, this operation is not available.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
3. Select the Manual option.
4. Press Apply.
A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
5. Confirm the operation.
The setting of the Manual modality, activates the MAN. OP alarm.
6. Press Restart Laser and confirm.
The laser transmits for 2 seconds and then stops itself.
To execute the test laser functioning status
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with STM-1 stream with optical interface.
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
If the management of STM-1 stream is active in 1+1 MSP No ALS modality, the Automatic Shutdown
function is permanently disabled (laser transmission modality is forced to Disable). In this case, this
operation is not available.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > STM-1 > Lim A STM-1 [x] com-
The Lim A STM-1 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the Laser Control tab.
3. Set, into the Test Time box, the number of seconds during which the user wants to turn on the laser.
To modify the time interval set into the box a value comprised between 1 and 100 sec.
4. Select the Test option.
5. Press Apply.
A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
6. Confirm the operation.
The setting of the Test modality, activates the MAN. OP alarm.
7. Press Restart Laser and confirm.
The laser transmits for the number of seconds set into the Test Time box and then it stops itself.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 235
At the choice of VC-4 menu, the program displays the following commands:
Lim A VC-4 [x]. It manages the specific VC-4 virtual container configuration.
The x value points out the STM-1 stream which the command is referred to (1, 2).
The VC-4 menu is available only if the management of STM-1 streams is active (see Configurator).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 236
Lim A VC-4 [x]
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only if the management of STM-1 stream is active (see Configurator).
The Lim A VC-4 [2] command is available only if the management of two unprotected STM-1 streams
is active (MST mode).
The Lim A VC-4 [x] command manages the specific VC-4 virtual container configuration.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J1 Trace Identifier byte
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J1 Trace Identifier
To verify the status of the VC-4 alarms
To verify/modify the B3 Signal Degrade alarm threshold
To verify/modify the B3 Excessive BER alarm threshold
To verify/modify the Signal Label value
The x value points out the STM-1 stream which the command is referred to (1, 2).
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J1 Trace Identifier byte
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-4 > Lim A VC-4 [x] command.
The Lim A VC-4 [x] contextual area opens with the J1/Alarms tab active.
The Type parameter points out the enabling status of the overhead J1 byte used for the control of the
received signal:
Disable. The control of the J1 byte is disabled.
16 bytes ctrl. The control of the J1 byte is enabled; it is executed on a sequence of 16 byte. The
inconsistency between the waited byte sequence and the received one creates an alarm signal
(J1 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm).
2. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J1 Trace Identifier
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-4 > Lim A VC-4 [x] command.
The Lim A VC-4 [x] contextual area opens with the J1/Alarms tab active.
In the tab the sequence of characters in transmission and/or reception relevant to the byte J1, used
for the control of the received signal, is pointed out:
In detail, the box:
Sent. Transmitted sequence of the control characters.
Expected. Character sequence to be controlled at reception.
Received. Character sequence in reception.
2. To change the parameter, type a new string of ASCII characters into the box:
Sent, to change the transmitted sequence of the control characters.
Expected, to change the sequence of the characters to be controlled at reception.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 237
To verify the status of the VC-4 alarms
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-4 > Lim A VC-4 [x] command.
The Lim A VC-4 [x] contextual area opens with the J1/Alarms tab active.
In the Alarms area, for each alarm of the VC-4 virtual container, there is a box containing the alarm
name. The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
To verify/modify the B3 Signal Degrade alarm threshold
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-4 > Lim A VC-4 [x] command.
The Lim A VC-4 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the B3/Signal Label tab.
The B3 Signal Degrade Threshold parameter points out the threshold of the B3 Signal Degrade alarm
according to the error degree calculated on the byte B3 of the received signal:
E-5, at the detection of a BER > 10E-5 the alarm is activated.
E-6, at the detection of a BER > 10E-6 the alarm is activated.
E-7, at the detection of a BER > 10E-7 the alarm is activated.
E-8, at the detection of a BER > 10E-8 the alarm is activated.
E-9, at the detection of a BER > 10E-9 the alarm is activated.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
To verify/modify the B3 Excessive BER alarm threshold
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-4 > Lim A VC-4 [x] command.
The Lim A VC-4 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the B3/Signal Label tab.
The B3 Excessive BER Threshold parameter points out the threshold of the B3 Excessive BER alarm
according to the error degree calculated on the byte B3 of the received signal:
E-3, at the detection of a BER > 10E-3 the alarm is activated.
E-4, at the detection of a BER > 10E-4 the alarm is activated.
E-5, at the detection of a BER > 10E-5 the alarm is activated.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
To verify/modify the Signal Label value
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-4 > Lim A VC-4 [x] command.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 238
The Lim A VC-4 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the B3/Signal Label tab.
In the Signal Label area, the setting of the value of Signal Label (byte C2) used for the control of the
received signal is displayed.
In detail, the box:
Sent. Specification which the transmitted value of Signal Label refers to.
Expected. Specification which the received value of Signal Label refers to.
Received. Specification which the received signal refers to.
The mismatch between expected value and received value generates an alarm (VC-4 Signal Label Mis-
match Alarm).
3. To modify the parameter, set in the box:
Sent Label. The specification which the value of the transmitted C2 byte refers to.
Expected Label. The specification which the value of the expected C2 byte refers to.
The specifications which can be set, according to G.707 ITU-T Rec., are: Path UnEquipped, Tug Struc-
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 239
At the choice of VC-12 menu, the program displays the following commands:
VC-12 Thresholds. It manages the thresholds of some VC-12 alarms.
Lim A VC-12 [x]. It manages the configuration parameters of each VC-12 channel.
The x value points out the STM-1 stream which the command is referred to (1, 2).
The VC-12 menu is available only if the management of STM-1 streams is active (see Configurator).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 240
VC-12 Thresholds
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only if the management of STM-1 stream is active (see Configurator).
The VC-12 Thresholds command manages the thresholds of some VC-12 alarms.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the VC-12 Signal Degrade alarm threshold
To verify/modify the VC-12 Excessive BER alarm threshold
To verify/modify the VC-12 Signal Degrade alarm threshold
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-12 > VC-12 Thresholds com-
The VC-12 Thresholds contextual area opens.
The Signal Degrade Threshold parameter points out the threshold of the VC-12 Signal Degrade alarm:
E-5, at the detection of a BER > 10E-5 the alarm is activated.
E-6, at the detection of a BER > 10E-6 the alarm is activated.
E-7, at the detection of a BER > 10E-7 the alarm is activated.
E-8, at the detection of a BER > 10E-8 the alarm is activated.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and then confirm.
To verify/modify the VC-12 Excessive BER alarm threshold
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-12 > VC-12 Thresholds com-
The VC-12 Thresholds contextual area opens.
The Excessive BER Threshold parameter points out the threshold of the VC-12 Excessive BER alarm:
E-3, at the detection of a BER > 10E-3 the alarm is activated.
E-4, at the detection of a BER > 10E-4 the alarm is activated.
E-5, at the detection of a BER > 10E-5 the alarm is activated.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
3. Press Apply and then confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 241
Lim A VC-12 [x]
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only if the management of STM-1 stream is active (see Configurator).
The Lim A VC-12 [2] command is available only if the management of two unprotected STM-1 streams
is active (MST mode).
The Lim A VC-12 [x] command manages the configuration parameter of each VC-12 channel.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the alarms status of the VC-12
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J2 Trace Identifier byte of a VC-12
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J2 Trace Identifier of a VC-
To verify/modify the Signal Label value of a VC-12
The x value points out the STM-1 stream which the command is referred to (1, 2).
To verify the alarms status of the VC-12
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-12 > Lim A VC-12 [x] com-
The Lim A VC-12 [x] contextual area opens.
Each VC-12 channel is represented by a box and by the number of the channel reported into the box.
The position of the box identifies the TUG-3 and the TUG-2 which the VC-12 belongs to.
The total status of the channel is displayed by the color of the box:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
If there are more alarms with different severity, the color of the box will point out the most serious
alarm present in the VC-12 channel.
2. To verify the detail of the alarms of a single channel, select the wished VC-12 channel.
The Lim A VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window opens.
In the Alarms area, for each alarm of the VC-12 channel, there is a box containing the alarm name.
Even in this case, the colour of the box points out the status of the alarm with the same modalities
described in the step before.
To verify/modify the enabling status of the J2 Trace Identifier byte of a VC-12
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-12 > Lim A VC-12 [x] com-
The Lim A VC-12 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the wished VC-12 channel.
The Lim A VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window opens.
The Status parameter points out the enabling status of the byte J2 used for the control of the received
Disabled. The control of the byte J2 is disabled.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 242
Enabled. The control of the byte J2 is enabled.
3. To change the parameter, select the wished value.
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
To verify/modify the sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J2 Trace Identifier
of a VC-12
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-12 > Lim A VC-12 [x] com-
The Lim A VC-12 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the wished VC-12 channel.
The Lim A VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window opens.
In the J2 Path Trace area, the sequence of characters in transmission and/or reception relevant to the
byte J2 used for the control of the received signal.
In detail, the box:
Sent. Transmitted sequence of the control characters.
Expected. Character sequence to be controlled at reception.
Received. Character sequence in reception.
3. To change the parameter, type a new string of ASCII characters into the box:
Sent, to change the transmitted sequence of the control characters.
Expected, to change the sequence of the characters to be controlled at reception.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the Signal Label value of a VC-12
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > TDM Tributaries > VC-12 > Lim A VC-12 [x] com-
The Lim A VC-12 [x] contextual area opens.
2. Select the wished VC-12 channel.
The Lim A VC-12 <TUG3-TUG2-TUG12> window opens.
In the Signal Label area, the setting of the value of Signal Label (byte C2) used for the control of the
received signal is displayed.
In detail, the box:
Sent. Specification which the value of the transmitted byte C2 refers to.
Expected. Specification which the value of the expected byte C2 refers to.
The mismatch between expected value and received value generates an alarm (VC-12 Signal Label Mis-
match Alarm).
3. To change the parameter, set in the Sent and Expected box the new specification.
The specifications which can be set, according to G.707 ITU-T Rec. are: Path Unequipped, Asynchro-
4. Press Apply and then confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 243
Cross Connection
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command not available for equipment of type IduBoard or IduBoard Xpic.
For this equipment, the mapping of the two E1 channels of base board (tributaries A and B) with Radio
E1s can be executed in the tab Tributary A-B Mapping (see Configurator)
The Cross Connection command it manages the cross-connection matrix.
In detail, the command allows:
To display the connections of the equipment
To execute an unprotected Tributary-Radio connection
To execute a protected Tributary-Radio connection
To execute a Tributary-Tributary connection
To delete one or more connections
To enable the closing of a channel on itself (Auto-Loop)
To disable an Auto-Loop
To modify the connection label
Only for the protected Tributary-Radio connections, the command allows:
To verify the status and the configuration of a protected connection
To modify the modality used to manage the switch in the protected connection
To modify the modality used to manage the preferential connection
To modify the Wait Time parameter (protected connection)
To force the switch on preferential connection without waiting for the Wait Time expiration
To modify the structure of the Radio E1 involved by a connection
In order to deepen this topic, see Cross connection matrix (more info)
To display the connections of the equipment
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
In the Matrix area the existing connections are displayed.
It is possible to display only one connection at a time moving the pointer on a channel used for the
connection you wish to verify. If are highlighted:
A tributary channel (E1/VC-12) and an E1 radio connected by a blue line, the connection is of
type unprotected Tributary-Radio.
A tributary channel (E1/VC-12) and an E1 radio connected by a blue line, the same tributary
channel and a different E1 radio connected by a blue line, the connection is of type protected
Two different tributary channel (E1/VC-12) connected by a blue line, the connection is of type
The same tributary channel (E1/VC-12) with a blue line linking the channel itself, the connection
is of Auto-Loop type.
The same radio channel with a blue line linking the channel itself, the connection is of Auto-
Loop (Pass Through) type.
Fig.6 shows the description of all the elements present in the Matrix area.
The existing connections are displayed in table format in the List area (list of all the cross connection).
Fig.7 shows the description of all the elements present in the List area.
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Fig.6 Matrix area (Cross Connection contextual area)
(1) This area displays the (tributary and radio) channels provided on the equipment and grouped by
membership streams.
Every channel is represented by a box.
For the E1 channels, the channel number is pointed out in the box.
For the VC-12 channels (Expansion STM-1) the TU12 number is pointed out in the box while the
position of the box identifies the TUG3 and the TUG2 of membership of VC-12.
The status of use of the channel is represented by the colour of the box (see note 3). The currently
selected channel is represented by the yellow box.
The streams displayed in this area change according to the settings made by the user in the View
area (see note 2).
When an used channel is selected, the connection is displayed represented by a blue line with a
yellow rectangle next where the connection name is reported.
If two blue lines ends to the same tributary channel, this means the channel is used for a protected
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 245
A connection is named on its creation by means of a default name composed by the names of the
channels composing the connection separated by /. The default name can be modified by the user.
(2) The parameters present in the View area determine the streams displayed in the channels area.
If the selected option is:
Tributary-Radio. The Channels area contains two different radio stream ad one tributary
The top part displays the radio stream pointed out in the 1st Radio box. The bottom part
displays the radio stream pointed out in the 2nd Radio box.
The middle part displays the tributary stream pointed out in the Tributary box.
To change a stream, select the arrow of the specific box and select the new stream from the
The value set in the box 1st Radio will not be available in the list of values of box 2nd Radio
and vice versa.
In the Channels area, the order used to display the Extra E1 Radio depends on the priority
defined by the user (see BW & Mod./Link ID).
Tributary-Tributary. The Channels area contains two different tributary streams.
The top part displays the tributary stream pointed out in the 1st Trib box. The bottom part
displays the tributary stream pointed out in the 2nd Trib box.
To change the tributary, select the arrow of the specific box and select the new stream from
the list.
The list contains all the available tributaries with the exception of the tributary set in the oth-
er Trib box.
In the Tributary, 1st Trib and 2nd Trib boxes the following values can be present:
E1 (Base+Exp.). E1 channel of the base (Trib. A and B) and expansion.
Expansion STM-1. VC-12 channel of STM-1 stream.
If the management of two STM-1 streams is active, the values Expansion STM-1 [1] and Ex-
pansion STM-1 [2] will be available, which respectively point out VC-12 channels of the first
and of the second STM-1.
The availability of the above mentioned values depends on the type of equipment and on the
equipped tributary streams. The detail is pointed out in Tab.8.
In the 1st Radio and 2nd Radio boxes the following values can be present:
Radio 1A Permanent E1(<radio label>). High priority E1 channels of the radio 1A.
Radio 1A Extra E1(<radio label>). Low priority E1 channels radio 1A.
Radio 2A Permanent E1(<radio label>). High priority E1 channels of the radio 2A.
Radio 2A Extra E1(<radio label>) Low priority E1 channels radio 2A.
The Radio 2A... value are available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) radio configuration.
If the user moves the pointer over a channel used for a connection and at least one of the (radio/
tributary) streams involved by the connection is not displayed in the cross-connection window, the
View area dynamically displays the connections existing between the channels and the type of con-
nection. Here below an example is reported.
If the equipment is not provided with the radio, the options Tributary-Radio and Tributary-Tributary
are not present in the View area, because in case of absence of the radio the Radio-Tributary cross-
connections cannot be realized as the Radio E1 channels are not available.
In this case, in the View area, displayed in the following window, there will be only the 1st Trib and
2nd Trib boxes. The meaning of the boxes and the values available for each box are the same de-
scribed at the beginning of the note.
(3) The key points out the colours that determines the status of the channels:
Dark green (Auto loop req.). The channel has been selected for an Auto-Loop. The apply
command (selection of Apply push-button) has not been transmitted to the equipment yet
(Auto-Loop requested).
Light blue (Auto loop). The channel is used for an Auto-Loop executed on the equipment (real
Light green (Unlinked). The channel is not used.
Purple (Link requested). The channel has been selected for a Tributary-Tributary or Tribu-
tary-Radio connection. The apply command (selection of Apply push-button) has not been
transmitted to the equipment yet (connection requested).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 246
Blue (Linked). The channel is used for a Tributary-Tributary or Tributary-Radio connection
executed on the equipment (real connection).
(4) Push-button:
Refresh. It forces the reading of the data from the equipment.
If you have made at least one modification, to the choice of the push-button a confirmation
message is displayed. Pressing:
Ok. The data present in the window are updated and all the changes made to the con-
nections and not confirmed yet (selection of Apply push-button) are lost.
No. The data present in the window are not updated.
Apply. It makes the changes operating.
When it is selected, a confirmation message is displayed. Pressing:
Ok. All the changes made on the matrix are communicated to the controller.
No. The operation is not executed.
Fig.7 List area (Cross Connection contextual area)
(1) Every connection is assigned a row, where is pointed out in the column:
Name. Name of the connection.
On the creation of the connection, a default name is assigned which can be modified later by
the user. The format of the default name is the following: <Channel> / <Linked Channel 1>.
The values which Channel and Linked Channel 1 can assume are the same listed in the next
Channel, Linked Channel 1 and Linked Channel 2. Channels composing the connection:
E1 (Base+Exp.) <E1 number>. E1 channel of the base (Trib. A and B) and expansion.
Expansion STM-1 <TUG3-TUG2-TU12>. VC-12 channel of STM-1 stream.
If the management of two STM-1 streams is active, the STM-1 stream which the
channel refers to will be specified:
Expansion STM-1 [1] <TUG3-TUG2-TU12>. VC-12 channel of the first STM-1
Expansion STM-1 [2] <TUG3-TUG2-TU12>. VC-12 channel of the second STM-
1 stream.
Radio <radio branch> Permanent E1 <E1 number>. High priority Radio E1 channel
of the specific radio direction.
Radio <radio branch> Extra E1 <E1 number>. Low priority Radio E1 channel of the
specific radio direction.
Remember that the connection is a bidirectional path. The table considers a possible direc-
tion of the connection (Channel -> Linked Ch.) only for clarity of explanation.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 247
The column Linked Channel 2 is meaningful only for the protected Tributary- Radio connec-
Type. Type of connection:
Standard. Tributary-Tributary connection or unprotected Tributary-Radio connection.
Protection. Protected Tributary-Radio connection.
Auto Loop. Loop of a tributary channel on itself.
Pass Through. Loop of a radio channel on itself.
(2) When the heading of a column is selected, the rows of the table are sorted in increasing alphanu-
merical order with respect to the considered column and the arrow with the tip upwards is displayed.
On the next selection, the rows are sorted in decreasing order (the arrow with the tip downwards
is displayed) an so on.
(3) Push-button:
Refresh. It updates the data present in the List area.
Select All. It selects all the connections present in the list.
Deselect All. It deselects all the connections present in the list.
Delete Selected. It deletes the selected connections.
To execute an unprotected Tributary-Radio connection
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment with the radio.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. Select the Tributary-Radio option.
3. Set, in the Tributary box, the tributary stream you wish to use for the connection.
4. Only for the equipment in 2x(1+0) radio configuration, set in the 1st Radio and 2nd Radio box, the
radio streams you wish to use for the connection.
The list contains all the available radio streams with the exception of the stream set in the other Radio
5. Select the unused channel on tributary side and drag-and-drop it on the unused channel on radio side.
The two channels are linked by a blue line and the name assigned by default to the connection is dis-
To modify the connection label.
The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the equipment type
and on the equipped tributary streams (see Tab.8).
6. Press Apply and confirm.
The confirmation makes effective all the changes on the cross-connection matrix.
To execute a protected Tributary-Radio connection
User Profile | Station Operator, System
Operation available only for equipment n 2x(1+0) radio configuration.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. Select the Tributary-Radio option.
3. Set, in the Tributary box, the tributary stream you wish to use for the connection.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 248
4. Set, in the 1st Radio and 2nd Radio box, the radio streams you wish to use for the connection.
The list contains all the available radio streams with the exception of the stream set in the other Radio
To realize the protected connection, IT IS NECESSARY to set, in box 1st Radio, a stream relevant to a
radio direction and, in box 2nd Radio, a stream relevant to the other radio direction.
For instance, if the stream Radio 1A Permanent E1 has been set in box 1st Radio, you must set the
stream Radio 2A... (Radio 2A Permanent E1 or Radio 2A Extra E1) in box 2nd Radio.
5. Select the unused channel on tributary side and drag-and-drop it on the unused channel on radio side
you wish to use for the first branch of the connection.
The two channels are linked by a blue line and the name assigned by default to the connection is dis-
6. Select the same tributary channel selected in the previous step, and drag and drop it on the unused
radio channel you wish to use for the second branch of the connection.
The two channels are linked by a blue line and the name assigned by default to the connection is dis-
The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the equipment type
and on the equipped tributary streams (see Tab.8).
7. Press Apply and confirm.
The confirmation makes effective all the changes on the cross-connection matrix.
To execute a Tributary-Tributary connection
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. Select the Tributary-Tributary option.
3. Set, in the 1st Trib and 2nd Trib box, the tributaries streams you wish to use for the connection.
The list contains all the available tributaries with the exception of the tributary set in the other Trib
4. Select the unused tributary channel and drag-and-drop it over a different unused tributary channel.
It is possible to select two channels of two different tributaries or of the same tributary.
The two channels are linked by a blue line and the name assigned by default to the connection is dis-
To modify the connection label.
The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the equipment type
and on the equipped tributary streams (see Tab.8).
5. Press Apply and confirm.
The confirmation makes effective all the changes on the cross-connection matrix.
To delete one or more connections
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. Execute one of the following operations:
In the Matrix area, select a channel of the Tributary-Tributary and/or Tributary-Radio connection
you wish to delete and drag-and-drop it over the trash icon.
If the connection is of type:
Tributary-Tributary or unprotected Tributary-Radio, the connection is deleted.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 249
Protected Tributary-Radio and one of the Radio E1 channel has been moved to the trash:
only the connection side, which the selected Radio E1 belongs to, is deleted.
Protected Tributary-Radio and the channel Tributary VC-12/E1 has been moved to the
trash: the whole connection is deleted.
Repeat the step to delete all the wished connections.
Press Apply and confirm.
The confirmation makes effective all the changes on the cross-connection matrix.
In the List area, active the boxes of the connections you wish to delete.
Press Select All to active all the rows in the table.
Press Delete Selected and confirm.
To enable the closing of a channel on itself (Auto-Loop)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the unused tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1) or radio channel
(E1 Permanent/E1 Extra) for which you wish to execute the auto-loop.
A box is displayed.
3. Select the Auto Loop option.
The Auto Loop <channel> window opens.
4. Select the Enabled option and press Ok.
A blue line, which closes in loop on the selected channel, and the name assigned by default to the con-
nection are displayed.
To modify the connection label.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
The confirmation makes effective all the changes on the cross-connection matrix.
To disable an Auto-Loop
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. Execute one of the following operations:
In the Matrix area, select the tributary channel (E1 expansion/VC-12 STM-1) or on the radio
channel (E1 Permanent/E1 Extra) with auto-loop enabled (light blue box) for which you wish to
disable the auto-loop.
Select the Auto Loop option.
In the Auto Loop <channel> window, select the Disabled option and press Ok.
The channel changes from used to free (light green box).
Press Apply and confirm.
The confirmation makes effective all the changes on the cross-connection matrix.
In the List area, active the boxes of the Auto-Loop you wish to delete.
Press Select All to active all the rows in the table.
Press Delete Selected and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 250
To modify the connection label
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select one of the channels that form the connection.
A box is displayed containing the option Link Label.
If a tributary channel of a protected connection is selected, two options will be available: Primary Link
Label and Secondary Link Label which allow modifying respectively the name of the primary and sec-
ondary connections.
3. Select the wished Link Label option.
The Cross Connection Label window opens.
The parameters Current Value and New Value point out the current name of the connection.
4. Set the new name in the New Value field (alphanumeric string of, at most, 45 characters) and press OK.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify the status and the configuration of a protected connection
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the tributary channels that form the protected Tributary-Radio connection.
A box opens.
3. Select the Path Protection Policy option.
The Path Protection Policy window opens, where the status and the configuration of a protected Tribu-
tary-Radio connection is displayed:
Switch Status. Operating status of the protected connection.
As depicted in the key, the active link is pointed out by the blue line, the standby link by the
pink line.
Active Link Alarms / Standby Link Alarms. Respectively status of the alarms of the active con-
nection and of the standby connection.
The colour of the boxes represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
Preferential Switch. Modality used to manage the preferential connection function for the serv-
Auto. In absence of alarms (which cause the switch) a connection is not used in prefer-
ential mode.
Radio 1A <E1 radio>.In absence of alarms (which cause the switch) the connection with
the E1 on radio side 1A pointed out by the option is used as preferential.
Radio 2A <E1 radio>. In absence of alarms (which cause the switch) the connection with
the E1 on radio side 2A pointed out by the option is used as preferential.
Forced Switch. Modality used to manage the switch between active and stand-by connections:
Auto. The switch is automatically managed according to the presence of alarms (normal
operating modality of the equipment).
Radio 1A <E1 radio>. The equipment is forced to use for the operation the connection
with the E1 on radio side 1A pointed out by the option.
Radio 2A <E1 radio>. The equipment is forced to use for the operation the connection
with the E1 on radio side 2A pointed out by the label on the push-button.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 251
Wtr Time (min). Time during which a non-alarm condition must persist on the preferential con-
nection so that the service is restored on it.
.Primary Radio E1 Type / Secondary Radio E1 Type. Respectively structure of the E1s for the
primary and secondary connection:
Not Framed. The Radio E1s have not framed structure.
Framed. The Radio E1s have framed structure.
To modify the modality used to manage the switch in the protected connection
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the tributary channels that form the protected Tributary-Radio connection.
A box opens.
3. Select the Path Protection Policy option.
The Path Protection Policy window opens.
The Forced Switch parameter points out the modality used to manage the switch between active and
stand-by connections.
4. To change the parameter, select the option:
Auto. The switch is automatically managed according to the presence of alarms (normal oper-
ating modality of the equipment).
Radio 1A <E1 radio>. The equipment is forced to use for the operation the connection with the
E1 on radio side 1A pointed out by the option.
Radio 2A <E1 radio>. The equipment is forced to use for the operation the connection with the
E1 on radio side 2A pointed out by the label on the push-button.
5. Press Apply.
Only if you are forcing the switching (selection of the Radio 1A or Radio 2A option) a message is dis-
played warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
6. Confirm the operation.
Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned on
again, the functioning of the switch is an automatic one without taking into account the preceding set-
To modify the modality used to manage the preferential connection
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the tributary channels that form the protected Tributary-Radio connection.
A box opens.
3. Select the Path Protection Policy option.
The Path Protection Policy window opens.
The Preferential Switch parameter points out the modality used to manage the preferential connection
function for the service.
4. To change the parameter, select the option:
Auto. In absence of alarms (which cause the switch) a connection is not used in preferential
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 252
Radio 1A <E1 radio>.In absence of alarms (which cause the switch) the connection with the E1
on radio side 1A pointed out by the option is used as preferential.
Radio 2A <E1 radio>. In absence of alarms (which cause the switch) the connection with the E1
on radio side 2A pointed out by the option is used as preferential.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the Wait Time parameter (protected connection)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the tributary channels that form the protected Tributary-Radio connection.
A box opens.
3. Select the Path Protection Policy option.
The Path Protection Policy window opens.
The Wtr Time (Min) parameter points out the time during which a non-alarm condition must persist on
the preferential connection so that the service is restored on it.
4. To change the parameter, set a value comprised between 0 and 100 minutes.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
To force the switch on preferential connection without waiting for the Wait Time ex-
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the tributary channels that form the protected Tributary-Radio connection.
A box opens.
3. Select the Path Protection Policy option.
The Path Protection Policy window opens.
4. Press Wtr Clear and confirm.
The main connection, after the clearing of the alarms that caused the switch, is immediately used for
the service. The Wtr Time period is considered elapsed.
To modify the structure of the Radio E1 involved by a connection
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Cross Connection command.
The Cross connection contextual area opens.
2. In the Matrix area, select the tributary channels that form the protected Tributary-Radio connection.
A box opens.
3. Select the Path Protection Policy option.
The Path Protection Policy window opens.
The Primary Radio E1 Type and Secondary Radio E1 Type parameters point out respectively the struc-
ture of the E1s for the primary and secondary connection.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 253
4. To change the parameters, select the specific option:
Not Framed. The Radio E1s have not framed structure.
Framed. The Radio E1s have framed structure.
When a configuration value is selected for the Radio E1s of the Primary Radio E1 Type area, the system
automatically assigns the same value even to the Radio E1s present on the other side of the connection
(Secondary Radio E1 Type) and vice versa.
5. Press Apply and confirm.
Cross connection matrix (more info)
For ALCplus2e equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBoard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1
32E1, IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1, a TDM matrix is avail-
able for the cross-connection of the E1 channels.
The number of E1 channels available for the connections changes depending on the type of equipment and
on the equipped tributary streams. The detail is pointed out in Tab.8.
Connection Type
The TDM matrix manages the following types of connection:
Unprotected Tributary-Radio. Single connection between a tributary channel (E1 base-ex-
pansion/VC-12 STM-1) and a Radio E1 (Radio Permanent E1/Radio Extra E1).
In case of equipment without radio (radio unequipped) the connection is not available.
Tributary-Tributary. Single connection between two different tributary channels (E1 base-ex-
pansion/VC-12 STM-1).
Auto-Loop. Loop of a tributary channel (E1 base-expansion/VC-12 STM-1) or a Radio E1 chan-
nel (Radio Permanent E1/Radio Extra E1) on itself.
If the equipment is in 2x(1+0) radio configuration the TDM matrix manages also the connection:
Protected Tributary-Radio. Connection between a tributary channel (E1 base-expansion/VC-
12 STM-1) and one E1 of a radio direction (for instance, Radio 1A Permanent E1 or Radio 1A
Extra E1) and a second connection (acting as protection) between the same tributary channel
and one E1 of the other radio direction (for instance, Radio 2A Permanent E1 or Radio 2A Extra
Display of the cross-connections
The user can display the cross-connections existing in an equipment as graphic and as table.
In the first case, the tributary and radio streams are graphically displayed (Matrix area).
When a channel involved by a connection is selected, a line is displayed representing the connection. The
edges of the line point out the channels composing the connection (see Fig.6).
In the second case, a table is displayed with the list of the existing cross-connections (List area).
Each row of the table represents a connection where the name, the edge channels and the connection type
are pointed out (see Fig.7).
Here below the operations which can be performed in the two displays:
GRAPHICAL display (Matrix area):
To verify the connections of the equipment (one at a time)
To execute a connection
To delete one or more connections
To enable the loop of a channel (Auto-Loop)
To disable an Auto-Loop
To verify/modify the name of a connection
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 254
TABLE display (List area):
To verify the list of the connections.
To delete one or more connections at the same time
To disable one or more Auto-Loops at the same time
To verify the name of the connections
Creation of a cross-connection
All the connections in the TDM matrix must be created by the user (see To execute an unprotected Tribu-
tary-Radio connection, To execute a protected Tributary-Radio connection, To execute a Tributary-Tribu-
tary connection, To enable the closing of a channel on itself (Auto-Loop).
It is possible to create a connection only in the graphical display (Matrix area - Fig.6).
Manual deletion of the cross-connections
It is possible to delete one or more cross-connections from the graphical display of the connections or from
the table display (see To delete one or more connections).
In both cases, the connections removed in a type of display are automatically removed even from the other
Automatic deletion of the cross-connections
The following operations automatically delete the connections where the (tributary or radio) stream, object
of the change, is terminated:
STM-1 stream configuration change (STM-1 MST Mode parameter - see Configurator). Passage
from the:
1+0, 1+1 MSP, 2 x (1+0) MST or 1+1 MSP No ALS option to the None.
2 x (1+0) MST option to the 1+0, 1+1 MSP or 1+1 MSP No ALS.
Radio configuration change (Radio parameter - see Configurator). Passage from the:
1+0, 1+1 or 2x(1+0) option to the Unequipped.
2x(1+0) option to the 1+0 or 1+1 (only connection on Radio 2).
Configuration change of the E1 Radio - Permanent channel.
All those operations, executed in the Modulation & Capacity tab, which decrease the number of
high priority E1 channels (Permanent TDM Traffic) (see BW & Mod./Link ID).
Configuration change of the E1 Radio - Extra channel.
All those operations, executed in the Modulation & Capacity tab, which decrease the maximum
number of low priority E1 channels (TDM Capacity) (see BW & Mod./Link ID).
All the operations, executed in the tab Extra TDM Priority, which change the order used to dis-
card the dynamic E1 channels from the adaptive modulation (see BW & Mod./Link ID).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 255
Tab.8 Ports of the cross-connection matrix
See Configurator.
See BW & Mod./Link ID.
The order used to display the Radio... Extra E1 channels depends on the priority defined by the user
(see BW & Mod./Link ID).
Ports of the cross-connection matrix
Port Stream Configuration Availability
IduBoard Exp.
2xSTM-1 32E1
IduBoard Xpic Exp.
2xSTM-1 32E1
E1 (Base+Exp.) E1 tributaries 2 E1 channels of the base
(Trib. A and B) + 32 E1 of the
Always available
Expansion STM-1 STM-1 63 VC-12 channels Port/channels available when the
management of 1 STM-1 is active
Expansion STM-1 [1] STM-1 63 VC-12 channels Port/channels available when the
management of 2 STM-1 is active
Expansion STM-1 [2] STM-1 63 VC-12 channels
Radio 1A Permanent
E1 (<radio label>)
Radio 1A
(high priority
E1 channels)
x E1
x = Value of the Permanent
TDM Traffic parameter
Port/channels available when the
equipment is provided with radio

and the value x is greater than 0
Radio 1A Extra E1
(<radio label>)
Radio 1A
(low priority E1
y E1
y = Value of the parameter
TDM Capacity relevant to the
ACM profile with the highest
number of E1

Port/channels available when the
equipment is provided with radio

and the value y is greater than 0
Radio 2A Permanent
E1 (<radio label>)
Radio 2A
(high priority
E1 channels)
x E1
x = Value of the Permanent
TDM Traffic parameter
Port/channels available when the
equipment is in 2x(1+0) radio config-
and the value x is greater
than 0
Radio 2A Extra E1
(<radio label>)
Radio 2A
(low priority E1
y E1
y = Value of the parameter
TDM Capacity relevant to the
ACM profile with the highest
number of E1

Port/channels available when the
equipment is in 2x(1+0) radio config-
and the value y is greater
than 0
IduBoard Exp.
Nod. 2xSTM-1
IduBoard Xpic Exp.
Nod. 2xSTM-1
E1 (Base+Exp.) E1 tributaries 2 E1 channels of the base
(Trib. A and B) + 16 E1 of the
Always available
Expansion STM-1 STM-1 63 VC-12 channels Port/channels available when the
management of 1 STM-1 is active
Expansion STM-1 [1] STM-1 63 VC-12 channels Port/channels available when the
management of 2 STM-1 is active
Expansion STM-1 [2] STM-1 63 VC-12 channels
Radio 1A Permanent
E1 (<radio label>)
Radio 1A
(high priority
E1 channels)
x E1
x = Value of the Permanent
TDM Traffic parameter
Port/channels available when the
equipment is provided with radio

and the value x is greater than 0
Radio 1A Extra E1
(<radio label>)
Radio 1A
(low priority E1
y E1
y = Value of the parameter
TDM Capacity relevant to the
ACM profile with the highest
number of E1

Port/channels available when the
equipment is provided with radio

and the value y is greater than 0
Radio 2A Permanent
E1 (<radio label>)
Radio 2A
(high priority
E1 channels)
x E1
x = Value of the Permanent
TDM Traffic parameter
Port/channels available when the
equipment is in 2x(1+0) radio config-
and the value x is greater
than 0
Radio 2A Extra E1
(<radio label>)
Radio 2A
(low priority E1
y E1
y = Value of the parameter
TDM Capacity relevant to the
ACM profile with the highest
number of E1

Port/channels available when the
equipment is in 2x(1+0) radio config-
and the value y is greater
than 0
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 256
Radio E1 Framing
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment in 2x(1+0) configuration (see Configurator).
The Radio E1 Framing command manages the structure of the Radio E1s.
In detail, the command allows:
To modify the structure of the Radio E1s
To modify the structure of the Radio E1s
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Base Band > Radio E1 Framing command.
The Radio E1 Framing contextual area opens.
In area:
Radio 1A - Permanent E1, you can change the structure of E1 Radio assigned permanently (high
priority streams) to the Radio 1A.
Radio 1A - Extra E1, you can change the structure of E1 Radio (low priority) to the Radio 1A.
Radio 2A - Permanent E1, you can change the structure of E1 Radio assigned permanently (high
priority streams) to the Radio 2A.
Radio 2A - Extra E1, you can change the structure of E1 Radio (low priority) to the Radio 2A.
2. To change the structure of a E1 Radio group, in its area, press the push-button:
Set All E1 As Framed and confirm. The specific E1 Radio group is configured with the framed
Set All E1 As Unframed and confirm. The specific E1 Radio group is configured with the un-
framed structure.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 257
At the choice of Radio menu, the program displays the following commands:
Radio Branch. It manages the radio parameters.
The Radio menu is available only for equipment provided with radio.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 258
Radio Branch
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment provided with the radio.
For the equipment in 1+0 configuration is present the Radio Branch 1A command. For the equipment
in 1+1 or 2x(1+0) configuration are present the Radio Branch 1A (branch 1 radio parameters) and
Radio Branch 2A (branch 2 radio parameters) commands.
The Radio Branch command manages the radio parameters.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/modify the RF channel on which it is tuned the transmitter of the equipment
To verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier (Carrier Only)
To verify/modify the operation of the transmitter (Tx Transmitter)
To verify/modify the operation of the RT power supply (RT PSU)
To verify/modify the resolution of the received power (Prx) (Measurements Resolutions)
To verify/modify the resolution of the transmitted power (Ptx) (Measurements Resolutions)
To verify/modify the functioning status of the ATPC (Reference Modulation Tx Power Control)
To verify/modify the maximum output power value at the transmitter (Max Ptx value)
To verify/modify the range of the ATPC regulation (ATPC Regulation)
To verify/modify the threshold (High/Low) of the ATPC device (Upper Modulation ATPC Thresholds on
Local PRx)
To display the table resuming the minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception for every ACM
To verify/modify the RF channel on which it is tuned the transmitter of the equip-
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
This operation does NOT automatically modify also the RF channel of the remote equipment.
In 1+1 Hot Stand-by, 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration
the change is automatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Frequency/Channel selection parameter points out the RF channel expressed as channel number
and relevant frequency.
The wording:
Channel Not Set points out that for the specific radio a channel is not planned.
HW Fail points out a hardware problem. E.g. check that the connection cable between the IDU
section and the ODU one is not failure or missing.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
The frequency values change according to the equipment connected with the program.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 259
To verify/modify the modulation status of the RF carrier
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Carrier Only parameter points out the modulation status of the RF carrier:
On. The carrier is not modulated.
Off. The carrier is modulated.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are deactivating the modulation (selection of the On option) a message is displayed warning
that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
The modulation deactivation of the carrier activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched
off and, then, switched on, the modulation is active independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the operation of the transmitter
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Tx Transmitter parameter points out the operation of the transmitter:
On. The transmitter is turned on.
Off. The transmitter is turned off.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are switching off the transmitter (selection of the Off option) a message is displayed warning
that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
The turning off of the transmitter activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and,
then, switched on, the transmitter is on, independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the operation of the RT power supply
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only. Modify: Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The RT PSU parameter points out the operation of the RT power supply:
On. The RT power supply is on.
Off. The RT power supply is off.
2. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 260
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are switching off the transmitter (selection of the Off option) a message is displayed warning
that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
The deactivation of the RT power supply activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched
off and, then, switched on, the power supply of RT is active, independently from the previous setting.
To verify/modify the resolution of the received power (Prx)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Prx: <current value> dBm parameter points out the resolution used to communicate the changes
of the power received by the equipment (Prx) to a possible external management program (trap Prx
2. To change the parameter, move the cursor on the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the resolution of the transmitted power (Ptx)
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens with the Settings tab active.
The Ptx: <current value> dBm parameter points out the resolution used to communicate the changes
of the power transmitted by the equipment (Ptx) to a possible external management program (trap Ptx
2. To change the parameter, move the cursor on the wished value.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the functioning status of the ATPC
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens.
2. Select the Powers tab.
The Reference Modulation Tx Power Control area points out the functioning status of the ATPC:
Manual. The ATPC device is in manual functioning mode (ATPC function disable).
In this condition, it is possible to adjust the maximum output power (Max Ptx value cursor).
Automatic. The ATPC device is in automatic functioning mode.
In this condition, the transmitted power is automatically adjusted according to the level of the
signal at reception.
The thresholds of the ATPC device can be configured (see To verify/modify the threshold (High/
Low) of the ATPC device). Then, it is possible to adjust the maximum output power (see To ve-
rify/modify the maximum output power value at the transmitter).
3. To change the parameter, select the wished option.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 261
To verify/modify the maximum output power value at the transmitter
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
In 1+1 Hot Stand-by configuration the change is automatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens.
2. Select the Powers tab.
The Max Ptx: <current value> dB parameter points out the maximum output power value at the trans-
mitter (Ptx nominal value).
3. To change the parameter, move the cursor on the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the range of the ATPC regulation
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
Operation available only if the ATPC device is in automatic functioning mode (Reference Modulation Tx
Power Control parameter - Automatic value).
In 1+1 Hot Stand-by, 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration
the change is automatically done also on the other branch.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens.
2. Select the Powers tab.
The ATPC Regulation: <current value> dB parameter points out the range of the ATPC regulation (ex-
pressed in dB) with respect to the current value of maximum Tx output, that is intended as the upper
limit of the range.
3. To change the parameter, move the cursor on the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
To verify/modify the threshold (High/Low) of the ATPC device
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
In 1+1 Hot Stand-by, 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Single Pipe or 2x(1+0) Xpic Eth. Dual Pipe radio configuration
the change is automatically done also on the other branch.
In 1+1 Freq. Div. configuration the changes, to be active, must be set in both branches.
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens.
2. Select the Powers tab.
In the Upper Modulation ATPC Thresholds on Local PRx area the threshold of the ATPC is pointed out:
High: <current value> dBm. Threshold of the ATPC device to decrease the transmitted power
when the received field from the local equipment is equal to or higher than the set threshold
Low: <current value> dBm. Threshold of the ATPC device to increase the transmitted power
when the received field from the local equipment is equal to or lower than the set threshold val-
3. To change the threshold move the High and/or Low cursor to the wished value.
4. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 262
To display the table resuming the minimum/maximum power in transmission/recep-
tion for every ACM profile
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Radio > Radio Branch command.
The Radio Branch contextual area opens.
2. Select the Powers tab.
In the Current ATPC Power area the table resuming the power in transmission/reception for every ACM
profile is displayed.
Every table row corresponds to a profile. For every profile is displayed in the column:
Active Modulation. ACM profile
Tx Power. Minimum power (Min) and maximum power (Max) in output from the transmitter
RX Power. Minimum power (Min) and maximum power (Max) in input to the receiver.
Press Refresh to update the table.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 263
At the choice of Maintenance menu, the program displays the following commands:
Lan Statistics. It manages the trend of the traffic on the Ethernet ports, displaying all the counters of
packets/bytes in input/output, subdivided by single port.
Lan Stat. Summary. It manages the trend of the traffic on the Ethernet ports, displaying, at the same
time, the main counters of packets/bytes in input/output for each single port.
Advanced Stat. Mon. It manages the trend of the traffic on the Ethernet ports, displaying, at the same
time, the main counters of packets/bytes in input/output for each single port. The trend of the traffic
can be filtered according to specific user-defined criteria.
S/N Meas. It displays the measure of the signal/noise ratio (S/N).
PRBS. It manages the PRBS device.
Radio Loop. It manages the radio loops.
Radio Switch. It manages the radio switch.
The S/N Meas., Radio Loop and Radio Switch commands are available only for equipment provided
with radio.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 264
Lan Statistics
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Lan Statistics command manages the trend of the traffic on the Ethernet ports displaying all the
counters of packets/bytes in input/output, subdivided by single port.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet ports subdivided by each
To reset the counters results
To verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet ports
subdivided by each port
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Lan Statistics command.
The Lan Statistics contextual area opens.
2. Select the port, whose counters you wish to verify.
The counters of only one port at a time can be displayed.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment configuration (see Tab.7).
Below the selected port, the list of the relevant counters is displayed with the corresponding value.
The value of the each counter refers to the moment when the relevant port is selected or the context
is updated. To update the data, press Refresh.
Notes relevant to the counters
The depth of the events stored by each single counter is equal to 2E32.
The counters are in compliance with the specification RFC 2819.
The Total Byte Received counter, differently from what specified in RFC 2819, does not include the
bytes belonging to packets of sizes greater than the Max Packet Size.
Counters list:
Dropped Frame. Total number of events (frames) in which packets were dropped by the probe
due to lack of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discarded packets,
as it represents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the exhaustion of
the memory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes.
Total Byte Received. Total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on
the network. This value includes 4 FCS octects.
Total Frames Received. Total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and
multicast packets) received.
Broadcast Frames Received. Total number of good packets received that were directed to the
broadcast address. This does not include multicast packets.
Multicast Frames Received. Total number of good packets received that were directed to a mul-
ticast address. This number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.
CRC Align Errors. Total number of packets received that had a length of between 64 and n (pa-
rameter Max Packet Size, it can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets with bad Frame Check Sequence
(FCS) and an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of
octets (Alignment Error).
Undersize Frames. Total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long and were
otherwise well formed.
Oversize Frames. Total number of packets received that were longer than n (parameter Max
Packet Size, it can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets and were otherwise well formed.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 265
Fragments. Total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length and had
either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a
bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Jabbers. Total number of packets received that were longer than n (parameter Max Packet Size,
it can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets, and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with
an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets
(Alignment Error).
Collisions. The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this EthLannet segment.
Frames 64 Oct. [Sent+Rec.]. Total number of packets (including bad packets) received and
transmitted that were 64 octets in length.
Frames 65 to 127 Oct. [Sent+Rec.]. Total number of packets (including bad packets) received
and transmitted that were between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive.
Frames 128 to 255 Oct. [Sent+Rec.]. Total number of packets (including bad packets) received
and transmitted that were between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive.
Frames 256 to 511 Oct. [Sent+Rec.]. Total number of packets (including bad packets) received
and transmitted that were between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive.
Frames 512 to 1023 Oct. [Sent+Rec.]. Total number of packets (including bad packets) received
and transmitted that were between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive.
Frames 1024 to max pck size [Sent+Rec.]. Total number of transmitted and received packets
with a length greater than 1024 octects (incorrect packets included).
Late Collisions. Evaluation relevant to the total number of collisions detected in this EthLannet
segment, after the transmission of more than 512 bits from the beginning of TXEnable.
Valid Bytes Received. Total number of received bytes relevant to correct packets. This counter
is increased once for every data octet of good packets (Unicast + Multicast + Broadcast) re-
Bytes Sent. Number of transmitted bytes. This counter is increased once for every data octet of
a transmitted good packet.
Valid Frames Received. Number of received correct frames. This counter is increased once for
every good packet (Unicast + Multicast + Broadcast) received.
Frames Sent. Number of transmitted frames. This counter is increased once for every transmit-
ted good packet.
Out Multicast Frames. Number of Multicast frames sent. This counter does not include Broadcast
Out Broadcast Frames. Number of Broadcast frames sent.
Out Unicast Frames. Number of Unicast frames sent. This is given by: Frames Sent - Out Multi-
cast Frames - Out Broadcast Frames.
In Pause Frames. Number of good Flow Control frames received.
Out Pause Frame. Number of Flow Control frames sent.
To reset the counters results
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Lan Statistics command.
The Lan Statistics contextual area opens.
2. Press Reset and confirm.
All the counters of all the Ethernet ports are set to zero.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 266
Lan Stat. Summary
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Lan Stat. Summary command manages the trend of the traffic on the Ethernet ports displaying, at
the same time, the main counters of packets/bytes in input/output for every port.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the summary of the main counters of the Ethernet ports
To reset the counters results
To verify the summary of the main counters of the Ethernet ports
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Lan Stat. Summary command.
The Lan Stat. Summary contextual area opens.
The table displays the summary of the main counters of the Ethernet ports.
Every table row corresponds to a counter. For every counter is displayed in the column:
Param. Counter name:
Byte Rx (Total Byte Received). Total number of octets of data (including those in bad
packets) received on the network. This value includes 4 FCS octects.
Frm Rx (Total Frames Received). Total number of packets (including bad packets, broad-
cast packets, and multicast packets) received.
Byte Tx (Bytes Sent). Number of transmitted bytes. This counter is increased once for
every data octet of a transmitted good packet.
Frm Tx (Frames Sent). Number of transmitted frames. This counter is increased once for
every transmitted good packet.
Drop Frm. (Dropped Frame). Total number of events (frames) in which packets were
dropped by the probe due to lack of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute
number of discarded packets, as it represents only the number of times that this condi-
tion occurred after the exhaustion of the memory resources; the packets can be discard-
ed also for other causes.
CRC Err. (CRC Align Errors). Total number of packets received that had a length of be-
tween 64 and n (parameter Max Packet Size, it can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets with
bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad
FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
Notes relevant to the counters
The depth of the events stored by each single counter is equal to 2E32.
The counters are in compliance with the specification RFC 2819. The Byte Rx (Total Byte Re-
ceived) counter, differently from what specified in RFC 2819, does not include the bytes be-
longing to packets of sizes greater than the Max Packet Size.
Lan1, Lan2, Lan3, Lan4, PortA, PortB. Value of the counters with respect to every single port of
the Ethernet Switch.
The value of each counter refer to the moment when the context is opened or updated.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment configuration (see
The presence, next to the name of a port, of the wording:
(Brx), points out that the Spanning Tree protocol is enabled for the specific port. The val-
ue x points out the Bridge which it belongs to.
(Elpx), points out that the Ethernet line protection of equipment is enabled for the specific
port (only external ports). The value x points out the protection group.
(Trkx), points out that the Trunking mode is enabled for the specific port (only external
ports). The value x points out the aggregation group.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 267
To reset the counters results
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Lan Stat. Summary command.
The Lan Stat. Summary contextual area opens.
2. Press Reset All and confirm.
All the counters of all the Ethernet ports are set to zero.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 268
Advanced Stat. Mon.
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Advanced Stat. Mon. command manages the trend of the traffic on the Ethernet ports displaying the
main counters of packets/bytes in input/output subdivided by every single port. The trend of the traffic can
be filtered according to specific user-defined criteria.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered according to the value
of priority 802.1p
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered according to the C-VID
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered according to the S-VID
and C-VID identifiers
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered ac-
cording to the value of priority 802.1p
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Advanced Stat. Mon. command.
The Advanced Stat. Mon contextual area opens.
2. Press the push-button relevant to the port you wish to verify/filter the traffic trend for.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment configuration (see Tab.7).
The Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window opens.
Press to compress the window. Press to expand the window.
More Advanced Stat. Mon. windows can be opened relevant to different Ethernet ports.
3. If not already present, set the value Priority in the Select Group field.
The following counters are displayed in the column Counters:
Dropped Frame. Total number of frames in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack
of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discarded packets, as it rep-
resents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the exhaustion of the mem-
ory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes.
Counter available only for the external ports of the Switch.
Received Frames. Number of received correct frames. This counter is increased once for every
good packet (Unicast + Multicast + Broadcast) received.
Received bytes. Total number of received bytes relevant to correct packets. This counter is in-
creased once for every data octet of good packets (Unicast + Multicast + Broadcast) received.
64 (Rx) byte. Total number of packets received that were 64 octets in length.
65 to 127 (Rx) byte. Total number of packets received that were between 65 and 127 octets in
length inclusive.
128 to 255 (Rx) byte. Total number of packets received that were between 128 and 255 octets
in length inclusive
256 to 511 (Rx) byte. Total number of packets received that were between 256 and 511 octets
in length inclusive
512 to 1023 (Rx) byte. Total number of packets received that were between 512 and 1023 oc-
tets in length inclusive
1024 to Max Pkt size (Rx) byte. Total number of received packets with a length greater than
1024 octects.
Notes relevant to the counters
The depth of the events stored by each single counter is equal to 2E32. The counters are in com-
pliance with the specification RFC 2819. The Received bytes counter, differently from what spec-
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 269
ified in RFC 2819, does not include the bytes belonging to packets of sizes greater than the Max
Packet Size.
The columns Priority <value 802.1p> display the values of the counters relevant only to Ethernet pack-
ets with the specific priority.
The value of the each counter refers to the moment when the relevant port is selected or the context
is updated. To update the data, press Refresh.
The counter:
Total Dropped Frames points out the total number of frames in which packets were dropped by
the probe due to lack of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discard-
ed packets, as it represents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the ex-
haustion of the memory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes. Press
Refresh to update the value.
Parameter available only for the external ports of the Switch.
Tot. Transmitted Frames points out the total number of transmitted frames. Press Refresh to
update the value.
Parameter available only for the internal ports of the Switch.
4. If the Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window contains only the column Counters or the column
Priority relevant to the wished value 802.1p is not present, it is necessary to add the column in the
following way:
a. Press Add.
The Enter Parameters window opens.
b. Set, in the Priority field, the wished value of priority 802.1p (number between 0 and 7), press
OK and confirm.
The Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window displays, next to the column Counters, the
column Priority <value 802.1p>.
Repeat the step 4 to create the columns relevant to the wished values of priority 802.1p.
The columns relevant to the priority values will remain set until when the user removes them or the
criterion used to filter the traffic is changed (change of the value for the parameter Select Group).
In the heading of the columns created by operator there is the symbol ( ). Selecting it, the following
commands are displayed:
Sort Ascending. It sorts in ascending order (from lowest to greatest value) the rows of the
table with respect to the value present in the specific column.
Command available when the column contains at least one value different from 0.
Sort Descending. It sorts in descending order (from greatest to lowest value) the rows of the
table with respect to the value present in the specific column.
Command available when the column contains at least one value different from 0.
Columns. It allows activating ( ) and deactivating ( ) the display of a column in the table.
Refresh. It updates the values of the counters present in the specific column.
Remove. It removes the specific column.
Reset. It rests the values of the counters present in the specific column.
In the Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window, the push-button:
Remove All. It removes all the columns Priority <value 802.1p> set by the user.
Refresh. It updates the values of the counters present in all the columns Priority <value
Reset. It resets the values of the counters present in all the columns Priority <value 802.1p>.
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered ac-
cording to the C-VID identifier
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Advanced Stat. Mon. command.
The Advanced Stat. Mon contextual area opens.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 270
2. Press the push-button relevant to the port which you wish to verify/filter the trend of the traffic for.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment configuration (see Tab.7).
The Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window opens.
Press to compress the window. Press to expand the window.
More Advanced Stat. Mon. windows relevant to different Ethernet ports can be opened.
3. If not already present, set the value C Vid in the Select Group field.
The column Counters displays the following counters:
Dropped Frame. Total number of frames in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack
of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discarded packets, as it rep-
resents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the exhaustion of the mem-
ory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes.
Counter available only for the external ports of the Switch.
Received Frames. Total number of received frames.
Received bytes. Total number of octets of data received on the network. This value includes 4
FCS octects.
Frames Sent. Number of transmitted frames. This counter is increased once for every transmit-
ted good packet.
Bytes Sent. Number of transmitted bytes. This counter is increased once for every data octet of
a transmitted good packet
64 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were 64 octets in
65 to 127 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
128 to 255 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive.
256 to 511 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
512 to 1023 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were be-
tween 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive.
1024 to Max Pkt size (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets with a
length greater than 1024 octects.
Notes relevant to the counters
The depth of the events stored by each single counter is equal to 2E32. The counters are in com-
pliance with the specification RFC 2819. The Received bytes counter, differently from what spec-
ified in RFC 2819, does not include the bytes belonging to packets of sizes greater than the Max
Packet Size.
The columns <C-VID identifier> (for example 6) point out the values of the counters relevant only to
Ethernet packets with the specific C-VID (Customer VLAN Identifier) identifier.
The value of the each counter refers to the moment when the relevant port is selected or the context
is updated. To update the data, press Refresh.
The counter:
Total Dropped Frames points out the total number of frames in which packets were dropped by
the probe due to lack of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discard-
ed packets, as it represents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the ex-
haustion of the memory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes. Press
Refresh to update the value.
Parameter available only for the external ports of the Switch.
Tot. Transmitted Frames points out the total number of transmitted frames. Press Refresh to
update the value.
Parameter available only for the internal ports of the Switch.
4. If the Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window contains only the column Counters or the column
<C-VID identifier> relevant to the wished C-VID value is not present, it is necessary to add the column
in the following way:
a. Press Add.
The Enter Parameters window opens.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 271
b. Set, in the field C Vid, the wished C-VID value (number between 0 and 4094), press OK and
The Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window displays the column <C-VID identifier> next
to column Counters.
Repeat the step 4 to create the columns relevant to the wished C-VID values.
The columns relevant to the C-VID values will remain set until when the user removes them or the cri-
terion used to filter the traffic is changed (change of value for the parameter Select Group).
In the heading of the columns created by operator there is the symbol ( ). Selecting it, the following
commands are displayed:
Sort Ascending. It sorts in ascending order (from lowest to greatest value) the rows of the
table with respect to the value present in the specific column.
Command available when the column contains at least one value different from 0.
Sort Descending. It sorts in descending order (from greatest to lowest value) the rows of the
table with respect to the value present in the specific column.
Command available when the column contains at least one value different from 0.
Columns. It allows activating ( ) and deactivating ( ) the display of a column in the table.
Refresh. It updates the values of the counters present in the specific column.
Remove. It removes the specific column.
Reset. It rests the values of the counters present in the specific column.
In the Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window, the push-button:
Remove All. It removes all the columns <C-VID identifier> set by the user.
Refresh. It updates the values of the counters present in all the columns <C-VID identifier>.
Reset. It resets the values of the counters present in all the columns <C-VID identifier>.
To verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered ac-
cording to the S-VID and C-VID identifiers
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Advanced Stat. Mon. command.
The Advanced Stat. Mon contextual area opens.
2. Press the push-button relevant to the port which you wish to verify/filter the trend of the traffic for.
The availability of the internal ports (Port...) depends on the equipment configuration (see Tab.7).
The Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window opens.
Press to compress the window. Press to expand the window.
More Advanced Stat. Mon. windows can be opened relevant to different Ethernet ports.
3. If not already present, set the value C Vid-S Vid in the Select Group field.
The following counters are displayed in the column Counters:
Dropped Frame. Total number of frames in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack
of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discarded packets, as it rep-
resents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the exhaustion of the mem-
ory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes.
Counter available only for the external ports of the Switch.
Received Frames. Total number of received frames.
Received bytes. Total number of octets of data received on the network. This value includes 4
FCS octects.
Frames Sent. Number of transmitted frames. This counter is increased once for every transmit-
ted good packet.
Bytes Sent. Number of transmitted bytes. This counter is increased once for every data octet of
a transmitted good packet
64 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were 64 octets in
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 272
65 to 127 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
128 to 255 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive.
256 to 511 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
512 to 1023 (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets that were be-
tween 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive.
1024 to Max Pkt size (Tx + Rx) byte. Total number of transmitted and received packets with a
length greater than 1024 octects.
Notes relevant to the counters
The depth of the events stored by each single counter is equal to 2E32. The counters are in com-
pliance with the specification RFC 2819. The Received bytes counter, differently from what spec-
ified in RFC 2819, does not include the bytes belonging to packets of sizes greater than the Max
Packet Size.
The columns <C-VID S-VID identifiers> (e.g. 6-9) point out the values of the counters relevant only to
the Ethernet packets with the specific C-VID (Customer VLAN Identifier) and S-VID (Service VLAN Iden-
tifier) identifier
The value of the each counter refers to the moment when the relevant port is selected or the context
is updated. To update the data, press Refresh.
The counter:
Total Dropped Frames points out the total number of frames in which packets were dropped by
the probe due to lack of resources. This value is not necessarily the absolute number of discard-
ed packets, as it represents only the number of times that this condition occurred after the ex-
haustion of the memory resources; the packets can be discarded also for other causes. Press
Refresh to update the value.
Parameter available only for the external ports of the Switch.
Tot. Transmitted Frames points out the total number of transmitted frames. Press Refresh to
update the value.
Parameter available only for the internal ports of the Switch.
4. If the Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window contains only the column Counters or the column
<C-VID S-VID identifier> relevant to the wished C-VID and S-VID values is not present, it is necessary
to add the column in the following way:
a. Press Add.
The Enter Parameters window opens.
b. Set the wished C-VID value (number between 0 and 4094) in the C Vid field.
c. Set the wished S-VID value (number between 0 and 4094) in the S Vid field.
d. Press OK and confirm.
The Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window displays the column <C-VID S-VID identifi-
er> next to the column Counters.
Repeat the step 4 to create the columns relevant to the wished C-VID and S-VID values.
The columns relevant to the C-VID/S-VID values will remain set until when the user removes them or
the criterion used to filter the traffic is changed (change of value for the parameter Select Group).
In the heading of the columns created by operator there is the symbol ( ). Selecting it, the following
commands are displayed:
Sort Ascending. It sorts in ascending order (from lowest to greatest value) the rows of the
table with respect to the value present in the specific column.
Command available when the column contains at least one value different from 0.
Sort Descending. It sorts in descending order (from greatest to lowest value) the rows of the
table with respect to the value present in the specific column.
Command available when the column contains at least one value different from 0.
Columns. It allows activating ( ) and deactivating ( ) the display of a column in the table.
Refresh. It updates the values of the counters present in the specific column.
Remove. It removes the specific column.
Reset. It rests the values of the counters present in the specific column.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 273
In the Advanced Stat. Mon. <Ethernet port> window, the push-button:
Remove All. It removes all the columns <C-VID S-VID identifier> set by the user.
Refresh. It updates the values of the counters present in all the columns <C-VID S-VID iden-
Reset. It resets the values of the counters present in all the columns <C-VID S-VID identifier>.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 274
S/N Meas
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment provided with radio.
The S/N Meas command displays the measure of the signal/noise ratio (S/N), which allows evaluating the
quality of the radio communication channel.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the value of the S/N measure
To update the value of the S/N measure
To verify the value of the S/N measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > S/N Meas command.
The S/N Meas. contextual area opens.
The S/N parameter points out the value of the signal/noise ratio.
The measure is always in progress.
For the equipment in 1+0 configuration is present the Branch 1 area. For the equipment in 1+1 or
2x(1+0) configuration are present the Branch 1 (branch 1 S/N measure) and Branch 2 (branch 2 S/N
measure) areas.
To update the value of the S/N measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > S/N Meas command.
The S/N Meas. contextual area opens.
The S/N parameter points out the value of the signal/noise ratio.
2. Press Refresh to update the value.
For the equipment in 1+0 configuration is present the Branch 1 area. For the equipment in 1+1 or
2x(1+0) configuration are present the Branch 1 (branch 1 S/N measure) and Branch 2 (branch 2 S/N
measure) areas.
When the measures of the two branches are present, the selection of the push-button updates both the
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 275
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The PRBS command manages the PRBS device.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the PRBS measure
To activate/reset the PRBS measure
To deactivate the PRBS measure
To modify the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure
To enable/disable the used E1 signal for the measure
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the PRBS measure
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > PRBS command.
The PRBS contextual area opens where the status and the configuration parameters of the PRBS meas-
ure is displayed:
BER. Dynamically updated BER value during the measure
Errors. Number of errors detected from the start of the measure
Elapsed Time. Time (expressed in day/hours/minute/seconds) range after the measure active
Fail Alarms. Number of times that the Sync Loss Alarm activated from the start of the measure.
Sync Loss Alarm. Status of the ...PRBS Fail Alarm.
The colour of the box represents the alarm status and severity:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Light blue. Alarm activated coupled respectively with the Critical,
Major, Minor, Warning severity.
Green. Alarm activated coupled with the Status severity level.
Grey. Alarm deactivated.
Start/Stop. Activation status of the measure:
Start-Reset. The PRBS measure is active.
Stop. The PRBS measure is deactivated.
Test Pattern. Type of pattern used for the measure:
Fixed Word (AIS). A predefined fixed word is used as pattern for the measure.
2 ^ 15-1. The indicated algorithm is used as pattern for the measure.
2 ^ 23-1. The indicated algorithm is used as pattern for the measure.
E1 Signal. Status of the E1 signal used for the measure:
Enable. The PRBS is connected to one of the 2Mbit/s tributary of the IDU board (A or B)
or of the expansion (116 or 132).
Disable. The PRBS is not physically connected to any stream.
2 Mbit/s Selection. Tributary used for the measure.
The value is meaningful only if the Enable option (E1 Signal parameter) is active.
To activate/reset the PRBS measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > PRBS command.
The PRBS contextual area opens.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 276
2. Select the Start-Reset option (Start/Stop parameter).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
The measure will be active until the user does not stop it.
To deactivate the PRBS measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > PRBS command.
The PRBS contextual area opens.
2. Select the Stop option (Start/Stop parameter).
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > PRBS command.
The PRBS contextual area opens.
The Test Pattern parameter points out the type of PRBS pattern used for the measure.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Fixed Word (AIS). A predefined fixed word is used for the measure.
2 ^ 15-1. The indicated algorithm is used for the measure.
2 ^ 23-1. The indicated algorithm is used for the measure.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To enable/disable the used E1 signal for the measure
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > PRBS command.
The PRBS contextual area opens.
The E1 Signal parameter points out the status of the used E1 signal for the measure.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Enable. The PRBS is connected to one of the 2Mbit/s tributary of the IDU board (A or B) or of
the expansion (116 or 132).
The enabling of the E1 signal used for the measure determinates also the connector (2Mbit/s
tributary), which a measurement instrument can be connected to for the control of the error rate
by means of the PRBS functionality.
Disable. The PRBS is not physically connected to any stream/data channel.
3. ONLY if the enabled the E1 signal, set the tributary in the 2 Mbit/s Selection box.
If the Trib A or Trib B value is not available, the relevant tributary is used as synchronism in output
(see Synchronisation).
4. Press Apply and confirm.
Only if the Enable option is selected a message is displayed informing that the set tributary is immedi-
ately enabled to the use and then a message is displayed warning you are executing a forcing and dis-
playing the current setting of the timeout.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 277
5. Confirm the operation.
Enabling of the E1 signal activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is switched off and, then,
switched on the forcing is inactive independently from the previous setting.
If the message Operation fail! ...Wrong user profile! is displayed, check that the user profile can enable
the tributary.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 278
Radio Loop
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment provided with radio.
The Radio Loop command manages the radio loops.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the radio loops status
To activate a radio loop
To deactivate a radio loop
To execute the test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN
In order to deepen this topic, see:
Radio loop (more info)
Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN (more info)
To verify the status and to activate/deactivate the base band loops refer to par. Base Band.
To verify the radio loops status
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Loop command.
The Radio Loop contextual area opens
The Loop Branch... area points out the current status of the radio loops.
Loop OFF. No loop active.
RF Loop. RF loop active: Ethernet traffic is not looped.
If next to the option there is the box Test Loop Result, this means the equipment is equipped
with ODU ASN. For this ODU type, a Test RF is available (see Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equi-
pment with ODU ASN (more info).
IF Loop. IF loop active: Ethernet traffic is not looped.
RF Loop (ETH not squelched). RF loop active: Ethernet traffic is not looped.
IF Loop (ETH not squelched). IF loop active: Ethernet traffic is not looped.
For the equipment in configuration 1+0, it is present the Loop Branch 1 area. For the equipment in
configuration 1+1 or 2x(1+0), there are present the Loop Branch 1 (loops branch 1) and Loop Branch
2 (loops branch 2) areas.
To activate a radio loop
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
The activation of the radio loop can affect the traffic (see Radio loop (more info)
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Loop command.
The Radio Loop contextual area opens.
2. Select the option relevant to the loop that you want to activate.
It is not possible to preset more loops at the same time as the choice of a option automatically disables
the preceding one.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 279
If next to the option there is the box Test Loop Result, this means the equipment is equipped with ODU
ASN. For this ODU type, a Test RF is available (see To execute the test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equi-
pment with ODU ASN).
3. Press Apply.
A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
4. Confirm the operation.
The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned
on again, the loop results deactivated without taking into account the preceding setting.
To deactivate a radio loop
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Loop command.
The Radio Loop contextual area opens.
2. Select the Loop OFF option present in the Loop Branch area, relevant to the loop that you want to
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To execute the test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
Operation available and meaningful only for equipment provided with ODU ASN (see Test (RF Loop) for
ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN (more info).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Loop command.
The Radio Loop contextual area opens.
2. Select the RF Loop option.
3. Press Apply.
A message is displayed, warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of
4. Confirm the operation.
The activation of a loop activates the MAN. OP alarm.
During the execution of the test, the Test Loop box shows the progression of the operation.
The status of the test is pointed out by the Test Loop Result box:
Grey box - wording None. Test to execute.
White box - wording Running. Test in progress.
Green box - wording Passed. Test executed correctly (ODU operating).
Red box - wording Fail. Test failed (ODU faulted).
Red box - wording Interrupted. Test interrupted by the system.
Possible cause: the set timeout of the MAN OP is lower than the time for the execution of the
test. It is suggested to set the timeout to a value greater than that of execution of the test.
5. Select the Loop OFF option.
6. Press Apply and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 280
Radio loop (more info)
In the 1+0 and 2x(1+0) systems, the activation of the radio loop affects the traffic.
In the 1+1 systems, the activation of the radio loop on the active branch affects the traffic. The activation
of the radio loop on the stand-by branch does not affects the traffic. However, in this case, before executing
the loop, the receiver must be forced to the active branch (see Radio Switch).
Anyway, before activating a loop, it is suggested to verify that the timeout of the manual operations is set.
If the timeout is not active, the loop will be active until its deactivation by the user, the switch-off/switch-
on of the equipment or the equipment reset.
Test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN (more info)
The ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN of old generation was not provided with the RF loop, because not
designed to execute a loop in accordance with the specifications of emission of the spurious signals.
The ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN of new generation (ODU unit with Part. Number GE8xxx) is pro-
vided with an internal diagnostics functionality, based on a loop executed in preset operating condition in
such a way to verify the transceiver functionality.
The execution of the test is independent from the type of traffic (TDM, Ethernet, hybrid) and does not need
any external measurement tools.
At the end of the test, the result of the diagnosis is displayed: test executed correctly (ODU operating),
test failed (ODU faulted).
The test is a manual operation (MAN OP), so its execution is subjected to the timeout of the manual oper-
If the timeout:
Is enabled, at the end of the test the condition of Loop RF is preserved until the expiry of the
duration of the MAN OP unless it is removed immediately at the end of the test, as described in
the specific procedure.
Is not enabled, at the end of the test it is necessary to remove the condition of Loop RF, as de-
scribed in the specific procedure.
If the test is interrupted by the system, a possible reason could be that the set timeout was lower than the
execution time of the test. It is suggested to set the timeout to a value greater than that of execution of
the test.
In case of 1+1 Hot Standby radio configuration systems, the activation of the test on the stand-by branch
involves the loss of the connection of the working branch, because il trasmettitore remoto viene spento.
In case of 1+1 Freq. Div radio configuration systems, the activation of the test on the stand-by branch
involves the degradation or the loss of the connection of the working branch, because even on this one the
same modulation is (mandatory) set.
In detail, with:
ACM enabled: reduction of the traffic to the test profile.
ACM disable: loss of traffic.
In case of systems configured with constant peak, it is ensured that the rated power of the connection is
not exceeded during the execution of the test.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 281
Radio Switch
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only for equipment provided with the radio in protected configuration.
The Radio Switch command manages the radio switch.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the radio switches
To modify the management of the switching in reception (Rx Forced Switch)
To modify the management of the switching in transmission (Tx Forced Switch)
To modify the preferential branch for the service at transmission (Tx Preferential)
To modify the Wait Time parameter
To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting for the Wait Time expiration
In order to deepen this topic, see Radio switch (more info)
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the radio switches
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Switch command.
The Radio Switch contextual area opens where the status and the radio parameters of the radio switch
is displayed:
Rx Forced Switch. Mode used to manage, into the systems in 1+1 configuration, the switching
at reception between the service branch and the reserve one:
Auto. The switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms.
Branch-1. The equipment is forced to use the branch 1 for the service.
Branch-2. The equipment is forced to use the branch 2 for the service.
Tx Forced Switch. Mode used to manage, into the systems in 1+1 configuration, the switching
at transmission between the service branch and the reserve one:
Auto. The switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms.
Branch-1. The equipment is forced to use the branch 1 for the service.
Branch-2. The equipment is forced to use the branch 2 for the service.
Tx Preferential. Mode used to manage, into the systems in 1+1 configuration, the function of
preferential branch for the service at transmission:
Auto. Without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment does not
use a branch in a preferential manner with respect to the other one.
Branch-1. Without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment use
the branch 1.
Branch-2. Without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment use
the branch 2.
Wait Time. Time period during which the service is kept on the non-preferential branch before
being restored to the preferential branch, in such a way to avoid the continue switch between
the two branches in case of fleeting alarms.
Tx Preferential and Tx Forced Switch parameters are available only for the equipment in isofrequential
configuration 1+1. For the heterofrequential configuration 1+1, the parameters are not available be-
cause the two branches (1 and 2) transmit at the same time because the selection of the signal is ex-
ecuted at reception.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 282
To modify the management of the switching in reception (Rx Forced Switch)
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Switch command.
The Radio Switch contextual area opens.
The Rx Forced Switch parameter points out the management of the switching in reception.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Auto. The switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms (normal
functioning mode of the equipment).
Branch-1. The equipment is forced to use the branch 1 for the service.
Branch-2. The equipment is forced to use the branch 2 for the service.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are forcing the switching (selection of the Branch option) a message is displayed warning
that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned on
again, the functioning of the switch is an automatic one without taking into account the preceding set-
To modify the management of the switching in transmission (Tx Forced Switch)
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Switch command.
The Radio Switch contextual area opens.
The Tx Forced Switch parameter points out the management of the switching in transmission.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Auto. The switching is automatically managed according to the presence of the alarms (normal
functioning mode of the equipment).
Branch-1. The equipment is forced to use the branch 1 for the service.
Branch-2. The equipment is forced to use the branch 2 for the service.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are forcing the switching (selection of the Branch option) a message is displayed warning
that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned on
again, the functioning of the switch is an automatic one without taking into account the preceding set-
To modify the preferential branch for the service at transmission (Tx Preferential)
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Switch command.
The Radio Switch contextual area opens.
The Tx Preferential parameter points out the management of the preferential branch in transmission.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 283
Auto. Without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment does not use a
branch in a preferential manner with respect to the other one.
Branch-1. Without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment use the
branch 1.
Branch-2. Without the presence of alarms (that cause the switching), the equipment use the
branch 2.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the Wait Time parameter
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Switch command.
The Radio Switch contextual area opens.
The Wait Time parameter points out the value of Wait Time.
2. To change the parameter, type the time interval wished: value comprised between 0 and 150 sec.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting for the Wait Time ex-
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Maintenance > Radio Switch command.
The Radio Switch contextual area opens.
2. Press Reset and confirm
Radio switch (more info)
The radio switches (reception and transmission), for the ALCplus2e equipment in protected configuration,
generally operate in automatic mode: the equipment executes a switch when specific alarms raises on the
operating radio branch.
The user can manage the radio branch executing some forcing operations and enabling the preferential
Forcing a radio branch to operate (switch in reception and switch in transmission)
This function foresees the user can force a radio branch to operate independently from alarms which can
be active (see To modify the management of the switching in reception (Rx Forced Switch)/To modify the
management of the switching in transmission (Tx Forced Switch)
This function must not be used for the normal operation of the radio switch in reception and/or transmis-
sion. It is a maintenance operation and remains active until when the user deactivates it or the timeout
period of the manual operation expires (if set).
Preferential radio branch (switch in transmission)
This function provides the choice of a branch to be used in a preferential way in transmission when there
are not alarms that cause the switching (see To modify the preferential branch for the service at transmis-
sion (Tx Preferential).
In fact, when the switching is automatically managed by the controller, it executes the switching when on
the branch on service there are present some specific alarms.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 284
When the alarms have been reset, the controller does not execute again the switching. While, if it has been
set a preferential branch when the operator resets the alarms, if the branch on service is not the prefer-
ential one, the controller executes the switching and it uses for the service the branch set by the operator
as the preferential one (naturally if the branch does not have any alarms).
Besides a time period can be defined (Wait Time) during which the service is kept on the non-preferential
branch before being restored to the preferential branch, in such a way to avoid the continue switch between
the two branches in case of fleeting alarms.
For instance, suppose that an alarm occurs causing the switch of the service from the preferential branch
to the other branch. When the alarm clears, the preferential branch is not immediately restored to service
but postponed by n seconds (Wait Time period), during which the controller verifies that the same alarm
has not occurred again on the preferential branch. At the end of the Wait Time period, if the alarm has not
occurred again, the service is restored to the preferential branch. Otherwise, the switch is delayed by other
n seconds, during which the controller verifies that the same alarm has not occurred again and so on.
In any moment the user can To force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting for the Wait
Time expiration.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 285
At the choice of Switch menu, the program displays the following commands:
STM-1. It manages the switch of the protected STM-1 stream.
The Switch menu is available only when the protection of the STM-1 stream is active (see
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 286
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Command available only when the protection of the STM-1 stream is active (MSP mode - see
The STM-1 command manages the switch of the protected STM-1 stream.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the STM-1 switch
To modify the management of the STM-1 switch
To modify the logic of STM-1 switch
To set the primary STM-1 stream as preferential
To modify the Wait Time parameter
To force the switch on preferential STM-1 stream without waiting for the Wait Time expiration
In order to deepen this topic, see STM-1 switch (more info)
To verify the status and the configuration parameters of the STM-1 switch
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Switch > STM-1 command.
The STM-1 contextual area opens where the status and the configuration parameters of the STM-1
switch is displayed:
Switch Status area. Operating status of the switch. The STM-1 stream in operation is pointed
out by yellow box and wording Active, while the STM-1 stream in standby by the grey box and
the wording Standby.
Primary STM-1. Main stream STM-1.
Protection STM-1. Secondary stream STM-1.
Wtr Time (Min.). Time (expressed in minutes) during which a non alarm condition must persist
on the main stream so that the service is restored on it.
Protection Mode. Management mode of the primary STM-1 stream as preferential:
Not Revertive. The primary STM-1 stream is not preferential: after a switch (primary ->
secondary) the secondary STM-1 stream remains active even when the alarms that
caused the switch clear.
Revertive. The primary STM-1 stream is preferential: after a switch (primary -> second-
ary), when the alarms clear, the primary stream is restored as active STM-1 stream
MSP Protection. Management modality of the switch:
Auto. The switch is automatically managed according to the presence of alarms (normal
operation of the switch).
Lock Out. The equipment is forced to use the primary STM-1 stream.
Forced. The equipment is forced to use the secondary STM-1 stream: the switch is never
executed, independently from the type of alarm that can raise.
Manual. The equipment is forced to use the secondary STM-1 stream: the switch is exe-
cuted only in case of alarms of type Signal Fail or Signal Degrade.
Direction. Management modality of the switching logic:
Unidirectional. The switch logic (MSP protection) is managed at level of local equipment,
which commands the switch without notifying this situation to the remote equipment.
Bidirectional. The switch logic is managed at link level: the local equipment agrees the
switch with the remote equipment.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 287
To modify the management of the STM-1 switch
User Profile | Read & Write, Station Operator, System
Operation of maintenance (MAN. OP).
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Switch > STM-1 command.
The STM-1 contextual area opens.
The MSP Protection parameter points out the management mode of the STM-1 switch.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Auto. The switch is automatically managed according to the presence of alarms (normal opera-
tion of the switch).
Lock Out. The equipment is forced to use the primary STM-1 stream.
Forced. The equipment is forced to use the secondary STM-1 stream: the switch will be never
executed, independently from the type of alarm which can raise.
Manual. The equipment is forced to use the secondary STM-1 stream: the switch is executed
only in case of alarms of type Signal Fail or Signal Degrade.
3. Press Apply.
Only if you are forcing the switching (selection of the Lock Out, Forced or Manual option) a message is
displayed warning that you are executing a forcing and displaying the current setting of timeout.
4. Confirm the operation.
Forcing the switching activates the MAN. OP alarm. If the equipment is turned off and then turned on
again, the functioning of the switch is an automatic one without taking into account the preceding set-
To modify the logic of STM-1 switch
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Switch > STM-1 command.
The STM-1 contextual area opens.
The Direction parameter points out the modality of management of the logic of the STM-1 switch.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Unidirectional. The switch logic (MSP protection) is managed at level of local equipment, which
commands the switch without notifying this situation to the remote equipment.
Bidirectional. The switch logic is managed at Link level: the local equipment agrees the switch
with the remote equipment.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To set the primary STM-1 stream as preferential
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Switch > STM-1 command.
The STM-1 contextual area opens.
The Protection Mode parameter points out if the primary STM-1 stream is set as preferential.
2. To change the parameter, select the option:
Not Revertive. The primary STM-1 stream is not preferential: after a switch (primary -> second-
ary) the secondary STM-1 stream remains active even when the alarms that caused the switch
Revertive. The primary STM-1 stream is preferential: after a switch (primary -> secondary),
when the alarms clear, the primary stream is restored as active STM-1 stream.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 288
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To modify the Wait Time parameter
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Switch > STM-1 command.
The STM-1 contextual area opens.
The Wtr Time (Min) parameter points out the time (expressed in minutes) during which a non alarm
condition must persist on the main stream so that the service is restored on it.
2. To change the parameter, set a value comprised between 0 and 12 minutes.
3. Press Apply and confirm.
To force the switch on preferential STM-1 stream without waiting for the Wait Time
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > Switch > STM-1 command.
The STM-1 contextual area opens.
2. Press Wtr Clear and confirm.
The main stream, after the clearing of the alarms that caused the switch, is immediately used for the
service. The Wtr Time period is considered elapsed.
STM-1 switch (more info)
The ALCplus2e equipment with expansion IduBoard Exp. 2xSTM-1 32E1, IduBoard Xpic Exp. 2xSTM-1
32E1, IduBoard Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 or IduBoard Xpic Exp. Nod. 2xSTM-1 16E1 can be configured by
the user to operate with the STM-1 stream disabled, enabled or protected (see To modify the management
of the STM-1 switch).
When the user enables the protection of the STM-1 stream (MSP mode - Multiplex Section Protection) even
the management of the STM-1 switch is enabled.
The switch generally operates automatically: the equipment executes the switch when specific alarms raise
on the operating STM-1 stream.
STM-1 switching criteria
When the STM-1 switch operates in automatic mode, the user can set one of the following switching logics:
Unidirectional Logic. Only the local alarms are considered among the criteria which determine
the switch.
Bidirectional Logic. The local equipment agrees the switch of the STM-1 stream with the remote
equipment: both the local and the remote alarms are considered among the criteria which de-
termine the switch.
Forcing of the STM-1 stream to operation
This function foresees the possibility for the user to force the primary or secondary STM-1 stream to op-
erate, independently from the alarms which could be active (see To modify the management of the STM-
1 switch).
This operation must not be used for the normal operation of the STM-1 switch. It is a maintenance oper-
ation and remains active until when the user disables it or the Timeout period of the manual operation
expires (if set).
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 289
Preferential primary STM-1 stream
This function foresees the choice of the primary STM-1 stream to use in preferential mode when there are
not alarms which determine the switch (see To set the primary STM-1 stream as preferential).
In fact, when the switch operates in automatic mode, the equipment executes the switch when specific
alarms raises on the STM-1 streams in service.
When the alarms clear, the controller does not execute the switch again.
If the primary STM-1 stream is set as preferential, when the switch is executed, if the STM-1 stream in
service is not the primary, the controller executes the switch and uses the primary STM-1 stream for the
service (naturally if the stream is not alarmed).
Moreover it is possible to define a time period (Wait Time) during which the service is kept on the not pref-
erential (secondary) STM-1 stream before this returns to the preferential (primary) STM-1 stream, in such
a way to avoid the continue switch between the two STM-1 streams in case of fluctuating alarms.
For example, suppose an alarm raises which determines the switch of the service from the primary STM-
1 stream to the secondary. When the alarm clears, the service is not immediately restored on the primary
(preferential) STM-1 stream, but this is postponed by n seconds (Wait Time period), during which the con-
troller verifies that the alarms has not raised again on the preferential STM-1 stream. At the end of the
Wait Time period, if the alarm has not raised again, the service is restored on the primary STM-1 stream.
On the contrary, the switch is postponed by other n seconds during which the system verifies the alarm
has not raised again and so on.
In any moment the operator can To force the switch on preferential STM-1 stream without waiting for the
Wait Time expiration.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 290
At the choice of User Input menu, the program displays the following commands:
Local User Input. It manages the local User Input.
Remote User Input. It manages the remote User Input.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 291
Local User Input
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Local User Input command manages the local User Input configuration.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the local User Input status and configuration
To modify the name of a local User Input
To modify the rest condition of a local User Input
To enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity level of a local User Input
In order to deepen this topic, see Enabling the User Input alarms (more info)
To verify the local User Input status and configuration
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Local User Input command.
The Local User Input contextual area opens.
The table present in the context displays the status and the configuration of local User Inputs.
Every row of the table corresponds to one User Input for which is pointed out in the column:
Label. User Input name.
Status. User Input status:
Inactive (green box). User Input alarm not activated.
Active (green box). User Input status signal activated.
Active (light blue box). User Input alarm activated and with Warning severity level.
Active (yellow box). User Input alarm activated and with Minor severity level.
Active (orange box). User Input alarm activated and with Major severity level.
Active (red box). User Input alarm activated and with Critical severity level.
Severity. Status/seriousness of the alarm created at the activation of the User Input:
Disable. The alarm is disabled.
Status. The alarm is enabled; its severity is equivalent to a status signalling.
Warning, Minor, Major, Critical. The alarm is enabled; its severity is respectively of level
Warning, Minor, Major, Critical.
Input Operation. Rest condition of the User Input:
Normally Open. The User Input is considered active when its terminal is referred to
Normally Close. The User Input is considered active when its terminal is open.
To modify the name of a local User Input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Local User Input command.
The Local User Input contextual area opens.
In the Label column the name of the local User Inputs is pointed out.
2. To change the name of a User Input, double-click on the relevant box and type an alphanumeric string
with minimum 1 and maximum 31 characters.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 292
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To modify the rest condition of a local User Input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Local User Input command.
The Local User Input contextual area opens.
In the Input Operation column the rest condition of the local User Inputs is pointed out.
2. To change the rest condition of a User Input, double-click on the relevant box and set the value:
Normally Open. The User Input will be considered active (creation of the alarm event) when its
terminal is referred to ground.
Normally Close. The User Input will be considered active (creation of the alarm event) when its
terminal is open.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity level of a local User Input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Local User Input command.
The Local User Input contextual area opens.
In the Severity column the status/severity of the alarms of the local User Inputs is pointed out.
2. To change the status/severity of a User Input, double-click on the relevant box and set the value:
Disable, to disable the alarm created by the activation of the User Input.
Status, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to a status signal.
Warning, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Warning level.
Minor, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Minor level.
Major, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Major level.
Critical, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Critical level.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 293
Enabling the User Input alarms (more info)
Disabling an User Input alarm means that, on the detection of the alarm, this is not recorded in the equip-
ment controller and, as consequence, is not communicated to a possible management program: as the
alarm has never occurred.
On the other hand, enabling an User Input alarm means that, on the detection of the alarm, this is recorded
in the equipment controller and communicated to the management program which displays it in the current
alarms and in the alarm history.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 294
Remote User Input
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The Remote User Input command manages the remote User Input configuration.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the remote User Input status and configuration
To modify the name of a remote User Input
To enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity level of a remote User Input
In order to deepen this topic, see Enabling the User Input alarms (more info)
To verify the remote User Input status and configuration
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Remote User Input command.
The Remote User Input contextual area opens.
The table present in the context displays the status and the configuration of remote User Inputs.
Every row of the table corresponds to one User Input for which is pointed out in the column:
Label. User Input name.
Status. User Input status:
Inactive (green box). User Input alarm not activated.
Active (green box). User Input status signal activated.
Active (light blue box). User Input alarm activated and with Warning severity level.
Active (yellow box). User Input alarm activated and with Minor severity level.
Active (orange box). User Input alarm activated and with Major severity level.
Active (red box). User Input alarm activated and with Critical severity level.
Severity. Status/seriousness of the alarm created at the activation of the User Input:
Disable. The alarm is disabled.
Status. The alarm is enabled; its severity is equivalent to a status signalling.
Warning, Minor, Major, Critical. The alarm is enabled; its severity is respectively of level
Warning, Minor, Major, Critical.
The remote User Input changes according to the equipment radio configuration:
1+0 or 1+1 configuration. 4 remote User Input.
2x(1+0) configuration. 8 remote User Input.
To modify the name of a remote User Input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Remote User Input command.
The Remote User Input contextual area opens.
In the Label column the name of the remote User Inputs is pointed out.
2. To change the name of a User Input, double-click on the relevant box and type an alphanumeric string
with minimum 1 and maximum 31 characters.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 295
To enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity level of a remote User Input
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Input > Remote User Input command.
The Remote User Input contextual area opens.
In the Severity column the status/severity of the alarms of the remote User Inputs is pointed out.
2. To change the status/severity of a User Input, double-click on the relevant box and set the value:
Disable, to disable the alarm created by the activation of the User Input.
Status, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to a status signal.
Warning, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Warning level.
Minor, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Minor level.
Major, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Major level.
Critical, to:
Enable the alarm created at the activation of the User Input.
Couple, with the input signal to the User Input, a severity equivalent to an alarm with
Critical level.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 296
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
The User Output command manages the User Output configuration.
In detail, the command allows:
To verify the User Output status and configuration
To modify the name of an User Output
To modify the functioning mode of the relay contacts of an User Output
To verify/modify the signals coupled to the User Output
To force the User Output activation
To remove the forcing of the User Output
To verify the User Output status and configuration
User Profile | Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write, Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Output command.
The User Output contextual area opens.
The table present in the context displays the status and the configuration of the User Outputs.
Every row of the table corresponds to one User Output for which is pointed out in the column:
Label. User Output name.
Status. User Output status:
Inactive (green box). User Output not activated.
Active (red box). User Output activated (relay contacts activated).
State. User Output setting:
Forced by Op. The UO is enabled to force the activation by operator.
Unmapped. No signal is associated to UO.
Mapped. One or more signals are associated to UO (group of alarms and/or User Input).
In order to verify the detail of the signals, press Mapping.
Active State. Functioning mode of the relay contacts:
Open. With absence of signal (alarm or User Input or manual forcing), the relays contacts
are closed (rest condition), with presence of signal the contacts are open
Close. With absence of signal (alarm or User Input or manual forcing), the relays contacts
are open (rest condition), with presence of signal the contacts are closed.
Linked To. Activation modality associated to the User Output:
Forced by Op. UO is enabled to forcing of the activation by the operator.
Map. UO is enabled to the association of one or more signal (group of alarms and/or User
Force Status. Stato della forzatura dello User Output:
Unforce. UO is not active after the forcing by the operator.
Force. UO is active after the forcing by operator.
To modify the name of an User Output
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Output command.
The User Output contextual area opens
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 297
In the Label column the name of the User Outputs is pointed out.
2. To modify the name of an User Output, double click on the relevant box and type an alphanumeric
string of minimum 1 and maximum 31 characters.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To modify the functioning mode of the relay contacts of an User Output
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Output command.
The User Output contextual area opens.
In the Active Status column the operating modality of the relay contacts of the User Output is pointed
2. To modify the operation mode of an User Output, double click on the relevant box and select the option:
Open. With absence of signal (alarm or User Input or manual forcing), the relays contacts are
closed (rest condition), with presence of signal the contacts are open
Closed. With absence of signal (alarm or User Input or manual forcing), the relays contacts are
open (rest condition), with presence of signal the contacts are closed.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To verify/modify the signals coupled to the User Output
User Profile | Verify: Monitor, Read Only, Read & Write. Modify: Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Output command.
The User Output contextual area opens, where the signals associated to the User Output (UO) are
pointed out.
2. Double clic on the Linked To box and select the Map option
3. Press Mapping.
The Mapping window opens.
4. To activate the check-box of the:
Alarm Synthesis box, to associate the group of alarms, which a specific severity level corre-
sponds to, to the UO. Select the wished severity level or the levels:
Alarm Synthesis Warning. Alarms, which the Warning severity corresponds to.
Alarm Synthesis Minor. Alarms, which the Minor severity corresponds to.
Alarm Synthesis Major. Alarms, which the Major severity corresponds to.
Alarm Synthesis Critical. Alarms, which the Critical severity corresponds to.
Radio Branch box, to associate to the UO the group of local or remote equipment alarms (ODU).
Select the group or the groups of wished alarms:
Radio Branch Local Odu <radio branch>. Alarms relevant to the specific radio branch of
the ODU section of the local equipment.
Radio Branch Remote Odu <radio branch>. Alarms relevant to the specific radio branch
of the ODU section of the remote equipment.
Signals available only for equipment with the radio equipped (see Configurator).
Radio Equipment box, to associate to the UO the group of local or remote equipment alarms
(IDU). Select the group or the groups of wished alarms:
Radio Equipment Local IDU A. Alarms relevant to LIM section of the local equipment.
Radio Equipment Remote IDU <radio branch>. Alarms relevant to the LIM section of the
remote equipment connected with the specific radio branch.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 298
User Input box, to associated to the UO one or more local (User Input ) and/or remote (User
Input Remote) User Inputs. Select the wished User Inputs.
The selection of a signal is indicated by the check sign inside the box. Its deactivation removes the
check sign.
The selection/deselection of a group automatically selects/deselects all the relevant signals.
5. Press Apply.
6. Press Apply changes and confirm.
To force the User Output activation
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Output command.
The User Output contextual area opens.
2. Double clic on the Linked To box and select the Forced by Op. option.
3. Double clic on the Force Status box and select the Force option.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
4. Press Apply changes and confirm.
The User Output will remain activated until the removal of the forcing.
To remove the forcing of the User Output
User Profile | Station Operator, System
1. Select the Equipment Menu > User Output command.
The User Output contextual area opens.
2. Double clic on the Force Status box and select the Unforce option.
Pressing Revert changes cancels all the changes executed.
3. Press Apply changes and confirm.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 299
Tab.9 points out the list of the alarms relevant to the ALCplus2e equipment.
The alarms are not listed in alphabetical order but they are grouped according to the corresponding parts
of the equipment. In detail:
User Input
Eth Lan
P.M. G.828
P.M. G.829 B1
P.M. G.829 B2-M1
P.M. Rx Power
P.M. Tx Power
P.M. VC-12 G.828
Plug-in module
For each alarm, the wording present in the Events area (see Equipment status area) of the WEB LCT page
and the wording present in the Alarm Severity Config. contextual area are displayed.
Some alarms have some wordings in italic contained between the symbols < >. They, in the alarm dis-
played in the Events area, represent a variable.
The symbol -means that the alarm is not meaningful for the Alarm Severity Config. contextual area.
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 300
Tab.9 - Alarms list
Events alarms Alarm Severity Config. alarms
Equip. Alarm Synthesis Critical -
Equip. Alarm Synthesis Major -
Equip. Alarm Synthesis Minor -
Equip. Alarm Synthesis Warning -
User Input
User Input - <UI number> <UI name> Alarm Status -
[<radio branch label>] E1-<E1 number> G.704 Line side AIS Alarm radioEquipE1G.704LineLimAAisAlarm
[<radio branch label>] E1-<E1 number> G.704 Line side Fail Alarm radioEquipE1G.704LineLimAFailAlarm
[<radio branch label>] E1-<E1 number> G.704 Radio side AIS Alarm radioEquipE1G.704RadioLimAAisAlarm
[<radio branch label>] E1-<E1 number> G.704 Radio side Fail Alarm radioEquipE1G.704RadioLimAFailAlarm
Communication EOC (E1/Stm1) Data Link Alarm radioEquipEoc(E1/Stm1)Alarm
Equip Manual Operation equipManualOperation
Fan Alarm radioEquipFanAlarm
MNGT/1 cable Fail equipMngt1CableFailAlarm
MNGT/2 cable Fail equipMngt2CableFailAlarm
RMON Alarm <alarm description> equipRmonAlarm
WAKE UP Manager IP address: <IP address> -
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Communication Radio EOC Data Link Alarm radioEquipEOCRadioLinkAlarm
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Local-Remote Terminal Setup Mismatch Alarm radioEquipLocalRemoteSetupMismatch-
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Rescue Setup Active Alarm radioEquipRescueSetupActiveAlarm
OAM-FM MA:<MA name> MEP Id:<MEP identifier> Fail Alarm OamFmMepFailAlarm
OAM-FM MA:<MA name> MEP Id:<MEP identifier> Config. Mismatch Alarm OamFmMepConfigurationMismatchA-
Eth Lan
IDU <Lan-1, Lan-2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Link Loss Forwarding Alarm ethLanPhyLinkLossForwarding
IDU <Lan-1, Lan-2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Loss of Signal Alarm ethLanPhyLinkLoss
IDU <Lan-1, Lan-2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Master-Slave Configuration fault Alarm ethLanPhyMasterSlaveConfiguration-
IDU <Lan-1, Lan-2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Physical Coding Sublayer Sync Alarm ethLanPhySync
IDU <Lan-1, Lan-2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Unresolved Autonegotiation Alarm ethLanPhyAutoNegotiation
IDU <Lan-1, Lan-2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Link Aggregation LACP protocol down ethLanPhyLagLacpProtocolDown
IDU Board LIM Temperature radioEquipLimTemperatureAlarm
IDU Board Trib.-<tributary number> - [<tributary label>] - Rx AIS Alarm ppiRxAisAlarm
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 301
IDU Board Trib.-<tributary number> - [<tributary label>] - Signal loss Alarm ppiLosAlarm
IDU BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Demodulator Fail Alarm radioBranchDemodulatorFailAlarm
IDU BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Modulator Fail Alarm radioBranchModulatorFailAlarm
LIM BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] ODU-IDU Communication fail Alarm radioBranchRtOduIduCommAlarm
Local [<radio branch label>] Alarm Synthesis radioEquipLocalLimAlarmSynthesis
REMOTE LIM Radio <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Alarm Synthesis radioEquipRemoteLimAlarmSynthesis
IDU Trib.-<tributary number> - [<tributary label>] Re-Timing Alarm ppiE1SynchAlarm
Node <bus number> Signal loss Alarm nodeLinkLosAlarm
Node <bus number> Loss of frame Alarm nodeLinkLofAlarm
Node <bus number> MS AIS Alarm nodeLinkMsAisAlarm
Node <bus number> Check identifier Alarm nodeLinkCheckAlarm
Ethernet Nodal Configuration Mismatch <Lan1, Lan2, Lan1&Lan2, Nodal Config. Parame-
P.M. G.828
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
15Mcounter ES threshold cross Alarm pmG828-15MEsAlarm
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
15Mcounter SEP threshold cross Alarm pmG828-15MSepAlarm
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
15Mcounter SES threshold cross Alarm pmG828-15MSesAlarm
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
24Hcounter ES threshold cross Alarm pmG828-24HEsAlarm
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
24Hcounter SEP threshold cross Alarm pmG828-24HSepAlarm
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
24Hcounter SES threshold cross Alarm pmG828-24HSesAlarm
P.M. G.828-<measure type>
UAS Alarm pmG828-UASAlarm
P.M. G.829 B1
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
15M cnt ES thr. cross Alarm pmG829RstB1-15MEsAlarm
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
15M cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm pmG829RstB1-15MSepAlarm
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
15M cnt SES thr. cross Alarm pmG829RstB1-15MSesAlarm
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
24H cnt ES thr. cross Alarm pmG829RstB1-24HEsAlarm
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
24H cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm pmG829RstB1-24HSepAlarm
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
24H cnt SES thr. cross Alarm pmG829RstB1-24HSesAlarm
P.M: G829-B1 <measure type>
UAS Alarm pmG829RstB1-UASAlarm
P.M. G.829 B2-M1
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
15M cnt ES thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-15MEsAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
15M cnt ES-FE thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-15MEsFEAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
15M cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-15MSepAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
15M cnt SEP-FE thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-15MSepFEAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
15M cnt SES thr. cross Alarm pmG8298SMstB2-M1-15MSesAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
15M cnt SES-FE thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-15MSesFEAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
24H cnt ES thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-24HEsAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
24H cnt ES-FE thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-24HEsFEAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
24H cnt SEP thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-24HSepAlarm
Events alarms Alarm Severity Config. alarms
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 302
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
24H cnt SEP-FE thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-24HSepFEAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
24H cnt SES thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-24HSesAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
24H cnt SES-FE thr. cross Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-24HSesFEAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
UAS Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-UASAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
UAS-BIDI Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-UASBIDIAlarm
P.M: G829-B2&M1 <measure type>
UAS-FE Alarm pmG829MstB2-M1-UASFEAlarm
P.M. Rx Power
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts1 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-15MRltsAlarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts2 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-15MRlts2Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts3 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-15MRlts3Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts4 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-15MRlts4Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 15Mcounter Rlts5 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-15MRlts5Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts1 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-24HRltsAlarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts2 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-24HRlts2Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts3 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-24HRlts3Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts4 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-24HRlts4Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> RxPower 24Hcounter Rlts5 threshold cross Alarm pmRxPwr-24HRlts5Alarm
P.M. Tx Power
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts1 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-15MTltsAlarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts2 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-15MTlts2Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts3 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-15MTlts3Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 15Mcounter Tlts4 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-15MTlts4Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts1 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-24HTltsAlarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts2 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-24HTlts2Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts3 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-24HTlts3Alarm
P.M. RT-<1A, 2A> TxPower 24Hcounter Tlts4 threshold cross Alarm pmTxPwr-24HTlts4Alarm
P.M. VC-12 G.828
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 15M cnt ES thr.
cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 15M cnt ES-FE
thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 15M cnt SEP thr.
cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 15M cnt SEP-FE
thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 15M cnt SES thr.
cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 15M cnt SES-FE
thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 24H cnt ES thr.
cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 24H cnt ES-FE
thr. cross Alarm
Events alarms Alarm Severity Config. alarms
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 303
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 24H cnt SEP thr.
cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 24H cnt SEP-FE
thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 24H cnt SES thr.
cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 24H cnt SES-FE
thr. cross Alarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 UAS Alarm pmG828Vc12PathUASAlarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 UAS-BIDI Alarm pmG828Vc12PathUASBIDIAlarm
P.M: VC12-IDU Board STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> G.828 UAS-FE Alarm pmG828Vc12PathUASFEAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 4QAM Strong threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-Alarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 4QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-4QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 8PSK threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-8PSKAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 16QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-16QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 32QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-32QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 64QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-64QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 128QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-128QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 15M counter 256QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-15M-256QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 4QAM Strong threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-Alarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 4QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-4QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 8PSK threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-8PSKAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 16QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-16QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 32QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-32QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 64QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-64QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 128QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-128QAMAlarm
P.M. ACM-<Radio 1A, Radio 2A> 24H counter 256QAM threshold cross Alarm pmACM-24H-266QAMAlarm
Plug-in module
IDU Board <Stm-1 1, Stm-1 2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Plug-in module Fail Alarm plug-inModuleAlarm
IDU Board <Stm-1 1, Stm-1 2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Plug-in module Loss of Signal Alarm plug-inLosAlarm
IDU Board <Stm-1 1, Stm-1 2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Plug-in module Mismatch Alarm plug-inModuleMismatchAlarm
IDU Board <Stm-1 1, Stm-1 2, Lan-3, Lan-4> Plug-in module Status plug-inStatusChange
[<radio branch label>] PRBS Fail Alarm radioEquipPrbsFailAlarm
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Adaptive Modulation Reduced Capacity Notification radioEquipReducedCapacityAlarm
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Link Id. Alarm radioEquipLinkIdAlarm
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Link Telemetry Fail Alarm radioEquipLinkTelemetryFailAlarm
RADIO <1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Transmitter Switch on Remote Terminal BER radioEquipTxFailCheckAlarm
RADIO SWITCH 1A [<radio branch label>] Reserve Radio Branch Selected in Revertive Mode radioEquipRevertiveAlarm
Events alarms Alarm Severity Config. alarms
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 304
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] REMOTE RIM Alarm Synthesis radioBranchRemoteRimAlarmSynthesis
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] IDU-ODU Cable Open Alarm radioBranchCableOpenAlarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] IDU-ODU Cable Short Alarm radioBranchCableShortAlarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] LOCAL RIM Alarm Synthesis radioBranchLocalRimAlarmSynthesis
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RIM Power Supply Alarm radioBranchRimPsuFailAlarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT IDU-ODU Communication fail Alarm radioBranchIduOduCommunication-
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT If Fail Alarm radioBranchRtIfFail
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT LOCAL ODU Alarm Synthesis radioBranchLocalOduAlarmSynthesis
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT REMOTE ODU Alarm Synthesis radioBranchRemoteOduAlarmSynthesis
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT Vco Fail Alarm radioBranchRtVcoFail
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT Rx Power Low Alarm radioBranchRxPowerLowAlarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] RT Tx Power Alarm radioBranchTxPowerAlarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Rx If Out Alarm radioBranchRxIfOutalarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Rx Quality Low Alarm radioBranchRxQualityLowAlarm
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Rx Quality Low Warning radioBranchRxQualityLowWarning
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Rx Active Status radioBranchRxActiveStatus
BRANCH-<1A, 2A> [<radio branch label>] Tx Active Status radioBranchTxActiveStatus
IDU Sets <name of the synchronism signal> Active Status timingSynkActiveStatus
IDU Sets <name of the synchronism signal> Drift Alarm timingSynkDriftAlarm
IDU Sets <name of the synchronism signal> LTI Alarm timingSynkLossAlarm
IDU Sets Free Running Status timingGeneratorFreeRunningStatus
IDU Sets Holdover Status timingGeneratorHoldoverStatus
BASE BAND Sets T0 Fail Alarm timingGeneratorT0FailAlarm
SNTP servers lost Alarm sntpClientUnicastServerLost
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> B2 Excessive Ber Alarm stm1B2ExcessiveBerAlarm
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> B2 Signal Degrade Alarm stm1B2SignalDegradeAlarm
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> J0 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm stm1J0TraceIdentifierMismatchAlarm
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> Loss of Frame Alarm stm1LofAlarm
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> Loss of Signal Alarm stm1LosAlarm
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> Ms Ais Alarm stm1MsAisAlarm
IDU Stm1-<1, 2> Ms Rdi Alarm stm1MsRdiAlarm
<unit name> Unit Fail Alarm unitFailAlarm
<unit name> Unit Hw Mismatch Alarm unitHwMismatchAlarm
Events alarms Alarm Severity Config. alarms
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 305
See Performance Monitoring
<unit name> Unit Missing Alarm unitMissingAlarm
<unit name> Unit Not Responding Alarm unitNotRespondingAlarm
<unit name> Unit Sw Mismatch Alarm unitSwMismatchAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> AU-4 AIS Alarm vc4Au4AisAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> AU-4 Loss of Pointer Alarm vc4Au4LossPointerAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> B3 Excessive Ber Alarm vc4B3ExcessiveBerAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> B3 Signal Degrade Alarm vc4B3SignalDegradeAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> J1 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm vc4J1TraceIdentifierMismatchAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> RDI Alarm vc4HpRdiAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> Signal Label Mismatch Alarm vc4SignalLabelMismatchAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> Unequipped Alarm vc4UnequippedAlarm
IDU VC4-Stm1-<1, 2> Loss Of Multiframe Alarm vc4LossOfMultiframeAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 Excessive BER Alarm vc12ExcessiveBerAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 RDI Alarm vc12RdiAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 Signal Degrade Alarm vc12SignalDegradeAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 Signal Label Mismatch Alarm vc12SignalLabelMismatchAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 Trace Identifier Mismatch Alarm vc12TraceIdentifierMismatchAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 TU LOP Alarm vc12TuLopAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 TU Path AIS Alarm vc12TuPathAisAlarm
STM-1 <1, 2> - VC-12 - <TUG3-TUG2-TU12> Vc12 Unequipped Alarm vc12UnequippedAlarm
Events alarms Alarm Severity Config. alarms
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 306
Add a rule to the IP Access Control List ................................................................................. 54
Enable/disable the use of the IP Access Control List ................................................................ 54
Remove a rule from the IP Access Control List ........................................................................ 54
Verify the rules used by the IP Access Control List .................................................................. 53
Adaptive modulation configuration parameters, verify .................................................................137
Change the severity level of an alarm ..................................................................................126
Enable/disable an alarm .....................................................................................................126
Enable/disable the forwarding of the trap of an alarm .............................................................126
Verify the severity level and the enabling/forwarding status of the alarms .................................125
Functioning status, verify/modify .........................................................................................260
Intervention threshold, verify/modify ...................................................................................261
Maximum output power value at the transmitter, verify/modify ...............................................261
Range of the ATPC regulation, verify/modify .........................................................................261
Table resuming the minimum/maximum power in transmission/reception for every ACM profile,
display .............................................................................................................................262
Communication stack
Modify .............................................................................................................................120
Verify ..............................................................................................................................120
Label, modify ....................................................................................................................226
Loop, activate/deactivate ...................................................................................................226
Status and configuration, verify ...........................................................................................225
Use, activate/deactivate .....................................................................................................226
Enabling of the alarms
Verify ..............................................................................................................................125
Equipment addresses (Ethernet port, LCT port, MAC address, IP Over OSI port, NSAP), verify ........... 42
Equipment configuration
Save to file .......................................................................................................................104
Equipment firmware
Switch the memory benches ...............................................................................................119
Update .............................................................................................................................118
Verify the version ..............................................................................................................117
Equipment identifier, modify ..................................................................................................... 42
Equipment properties (type, ID, SNMP IP address, firmware version, etc.), verify ............................ 41
Equipment reference date/time, align to the PC date/time ............................................................ 42
Equipment software reset .............................................................................................44, 55, 121
Equipment units (type, code, version and functional status), verify ................................................ 44
Ethernet Line Protection
Verify the status of the external ports ..................................................................................222
Ethernet Switch (Enh.)
Address learning modality in MAC Table, verify/modify ...........................................................171
Aging time of the addresses stored in the MAC Table ..............................................................171
Compression of the fields of Ethernet packets in input from LAN ports, verify/modify ..................182
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 307
Correspondence between MPLS priority and 802.1p priority of the packets if input from
LAN ports and in output from Radio ports, verify/modify .........................................................180
Eth Type value in the S_Tag QinQ field, verify/modify ............................................................170
Hysteresis of the LLF modality, verify/modify ........................................................................172
Maximum size of the accepted packet, verify/modify ..............................................................170
Output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its 802.1p priority Tag,
verify/modify ....................................................................................................................177
Output queue of LAN ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its PTOS/DSCP field,
verify/modify ....................................................................................................................177
Output queue of radio ports which a packet is assigned to depending on its PTOS/DSCP field,
verify/modify ....................................................................................................................181
Output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to depending on its native
802.1p priority Tag, verify/modify .......................................................................................179
Output queue of Radio ports which a packets is assigned to depending on its native
MPLS priority Tag ..............................................................................................................180
Reset the MAC Table ..........................................................................................................171
Restore Factory Default of the Ethernet Switch ......................................................................172
Status of fragmentation of Ethernet packets, verify/modify .....................................................174
Create a virtual Lan ......................................................................................................173
Delete a virtual Lan ......................................................................................................174
Modify a virtual Lan ......................................................................................................174
Verify the existing virtual LANs .......................................................................................172
Execute the test (RF Loop) for ALCplus2e equipment with ODU ASN ..............................................279
Forwarding of the trap
Verify ..............................................................................................................................125
Functionalities enabled for the equipment, enable new functionalities ............................................. 43
Functionalities enabled for the equipment, verify ......................................................................... 43
IP address of remote users, set ................................................................................................131
IP address of the agent SNMP, modify ........................................................................................ 42
LAN 1 (Enh.), LAN 2 (Enh.), LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.)
Activation status of the autonegotiation between the roles of the line synchronism
for the external port, verify/modify ......................................................................................188
Automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table for the external port, verify/modify ...........187
Connection cost of the external port (STP/ELP), verify/modify .................................................200
Current management modality of protocol 802.1Q, verify/modify .............................................191
C-VID value of the packets in input from the external port and forwarded to the Radio,
with a different VID, verify/overwrite ...................................................................................197
Default VID value of the external port, verify/modify ..............................................................194
ELP for the external port, enable/disable ..............................................................................202
Emptying algorithm of the packets present in the output queue of the external ports,
verify/modify ....................................................................................................................194
Enabling status of the auto negotiation and, if the auto negotiation is inactive, the operation
modality and the transmission speed used by the external port, verify/modify ...........................186
Enabling status of the external port, verify/modify .................................................................186
Enabling status of the flow control of the external port, verify/modify .......................................187
Enabling status of the LLF modality of the external port, verify/modify .....................................203
Force the value of VID of the external port to the default value ................................................195
Gestione della porta esterna in modalit Provider, verificare/modificare ....................................198
Inversion status of the Tx and Rx lines of the external port, verify/modify .................................186
List of VID registered in VLAN Table Unit associated to the external port, verify .........................197
Loop on line side of the external port, activate/deactivate .......................................................204
Management of Provider Tag in the packets in input to the external port in selective mode,
verify/modify ....................................................................................................................196
Management of the 802.1Q field on the messages in input from the external port, verify/modify ..195
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 308
Management of the Tag of the packets (in origin without Tag) in input from the external
port, verify/modify ............................................................................................................196
Mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan of the external port, verify/modify .............192
Modality and the criteria used to limit the traffic in input from the external port, verify/modify .....189
Operating modality of the line synchronism (role) for the external port, verify/modify .................188
Ports through which the messages in input from the external port, verify/modify .......................198
Priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the external port to the output
queue of the Radio ports, verify/modify ................................................................................191
Priority of the external port (STP/ELP), verify/modify .............................................................200
Restart the auto negotiation procedure for the external port ....................................................188
Service Tag List table, verify/modify ....................................................................................193
Status of the external port in relation to the ELP, verify ..........................................................201
Status of the external port in relation to the STP, verify ..........................................................199
Status of the external port in relation to the Trunking mode, verify ..........................................202
STP for the external port, enable/disable ..............................................................................200
Traffic transport modality (point-point or Bridge), verify/modify ...............................................195
Trunking for the external port, enable/disable .......................................................................203
Value for Port Default and 802.1p priority, verify/modify .........................................................192
LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.)
Interface type of the external port, verify/modify ...................................................................189
LAN 3 (Enh.), LAN 4 (Enh.) (optical int.)
Current status of the laser (external port), verify ...................................................................204
Enable manually the laser transmission (external port) ...........................................................206
Enabling status of the laser (external port), verify/modify .......................................................205
Execute the test laser functioning status (external port) .........................................................206
Transmission mode of the laser (external port), verify/modify .................................................205
Type of laser module (external port), verify ..........................................................................204
Lan Statistics
Reset the counters results ......................................................................................... 265, 267
Verify the counters of the packets/bytes in input/output from the Ethernet ports
subdivided by each port .....................................................................................................264
Verify the summary of the main counters of the Ethernet ports ................................................266
Verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered according to
the C-VID identifier ............................................................................................................269
Verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered according to
the S-VID and C-VID identifiers ...........................................................................................271
Verify/manage the main counters of an Ethernet port whose traffic is filtered according to
the value of priority 802.1p ................................................................................................268
Link identification number, verify/modify ...................................................................................140
Local User Input
Enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity ...............................................................292
Name, modify ...................................................................................................................291
Rest condition, modify ........................................................................................................292
Status and configuration, verify ...........................................................................................291
Lower threshold of the modulation, verify/ modify ......................................................................139
Verify the active manual operations ...................................................................................... 37
Verify/modify the manual operation timeout ........................................................................... 38
Management of Ethernet Enhanced functionality, verify/modify ....................................................134
Management of STM-1 streams, verify/modify ............................................................................135
Management of synchronisation, verify/modify ...........................................................................135
Management of the East-West modality, verify/modify ................................................................135
Mapping of tributaries A and B with Radio E1, verify/modify .........................................................136
Modify the structure of the Radio E1s ........................................................................................256
Modulation status of the RF carrier, verify/modify .......................................................................259
Network password and timeout, modify .....................................................................................130
Number of E1 streams assigned to an ACM profile (low priority streams), verify/modify ...................140
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 309
Number of high priority E1 streams, verify/modify ......................................................................140
Operating status of the adaptive modulation
Modify .............................................................................................................................139
Verify ..............................................................................................................................137
Operation of the RT power supply, verify/modify ........................................................................259
Operation of the transmitter, verify/modify ................................................................................259
Operations stored into the equipment controller
Delete ..............................................................................................................................105
Save to file .......................................................................................................................104
Password and timeout of the NMS5UX user, change ....................................................................131
Password and timeout of the System user, modify ......................................................................130
Activate a measure ........................................................................................................ 67, 71
Activate all measures in a group contemporaneously ............................................................... 68
Change the type of the displayed control parameters (G828..., G829...) .................................... 71
Change the type of the displayed control parameters (RxPwr Radio) .......................................... 98
Change the type of the displayed control parameters (TxPwr Radio) .........................................101
Change the type of the displayed counters (ACM Radio) ........................................................... 93
Deactivate a measure .................................................................................................... 68, 71
Deactivate all measure in a group contemporaneously ............................................................. 68
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the ACM Radio measure ...................... 91
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 E1 Line Side measure ........... 81
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 E1 Radio Side measure ......... 85
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 Radio measure .................... 78
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G828 Vc12... measure .................. 87
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 measure ...... 74
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the G829 RstB1 STM-1 measure .......... 69
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the RxPwr Radio measure ................... 97
Display the results and the threshold exceeding alarms of the TxPwr Radio measure ..................100
Modify the modality used to increase the counters (ACM Radio) ................................................ 95
Reset the threshold exceeding alarms ................................................................................... 71
Reset the values of the records (daily and primary) ................................................................. 70
Set the 2Mbit/s tributary used for the measure (G828 E1...) .................................................... 84
Set the thresholds of the alarms (ACM Radio) ......................................................................... 93
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 E1...) .............................. 82
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Radio) ............................. 79
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G828 Vc12...) ........................... 88
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G829 MstB2M1 STM-1) .............. 75
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (G829 RstB1 STM-1) ................... 72
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (RxPwr Radio) ............................ 99
Set the thresholds of the control parameters and of the alarms (TxPwr Radio) ...........................102
Verify the status of the measures ......................................................................................... 67
Port A (Enh.), Port B (Enh.)
Automatic learning of the addresses in the MAC Table for the internal port, verify/modify ...........210
Configurazione delle code di uscita della porta interna, verificare/modificare ..............................213
Connection cost of the internal port (STP), verify/modify ........................................................219
Control of Tag Vlan Id on the messages in input from the internal port, verify/modify .................215
Default VID value of the internal port, verify/modify ..............................................................216
Enabling status of the flow control of the internal port, verify/modify ........................................212
Enabling status of the internal port, verify/modify ..................................................................210
Enabling status of the S_Gentle functionality of the internal port, verify/modify .........................212
Force the value of Vid of the internal port to the default value .................................................216
Integration constant on the drop possibility in a RED context (internal port), verify/modify ..........212
Mapping of the priority (802.1p) inside the Tag VLan of the internal port, verify/modify ..............211
Ports through which the messages in input from the internal port, verify/modify ........................217
Priority criterion used to associate the packets in input from the internal port to the output
queue of the LAN ports, verify/modify ..................................................................................211
Priority of the internal port (STP), verify/modify ....................................................................219
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 310
Status of the internal port in relation to the STP, verify ..........................................................217
STP for the internal port, enable/disable ...............................................................................218
Value for Port Default, verify/modify ....................................................................................211
Port Configuration
Ethernet port configuration, verify/modify .............................................................................. 46
IP Over OSI port configuration, verify/modify ......................................................................... 51
LCT PPP port configuration, verify/modify .............................................................................. 47
Line EOC port configuration, verify/modify ............................................................................. 48
Radio 1A port configuration, verify/modify ............................................................................. 50
Radio 2A port configuration, verify/modify ............................................................................. 50
Radio port configuration, verify/modify .................................................................................. 49
Power profile of the RF transmitter, verify/modify .......................................................................139
Activate/reset the measure .................................................................................................275
Deactivate the measure .....................................................................................................276
Enable/disable the used E1 signal for the measure .................................................................276
Modify the pattern type used for the measure .......................................................................276
Verify the configuration parameters of the measure ...............................................................275
Verify the status of the measure ..........................................................................................275
Priority of the dynamic E1 stream, verify/modify ........................................................................140
Radio branch label, verify/modify .............................................................................................143
Radio configuration, verify/modify ............................................................................................134
Radio loop
Activate ...........................................................................................................................278
Deactivate ........................................................................................................................279
Verify the status ................................................................................................................278
Radio switch
Force the switch on the preferential branch without waiting for the Wait Time expiration .............283
Modify the management of the switching in reception .............................................................282
Modify the management of the switching in transmission ........................................................282
Modify the preferential branch for the service at transmission ..................................................282
Modify the Wait Time parameter ..........................................................................................283
Verify the configuration parameters of the switches ...............................................................281
Verify the switches status ...................................................................................................281
Reference band/modulation
Modify .............................................................................................................................138
Verify ..............................................................................................................................137
Remote equipment list
Add a station ..................................................................................................................... 30
Add an equipment .............................................................................................................. 31
Open the WEB LCT page of an equipment of the list (Remote Link) ........................................... 32
Remove a station ............................................................................................................... 31
Remove an equipment ........................................................................................................ 32
Rename a station ............................................................................................................... 30
Reset ................................................................................................................................ 32
Verify ............................................................................................................................... 29
Remote User Input
Enable/disable the alarm and to define the severity ...............................................................295
Name, modify ...................................................................................................................294
Status and configuration, verify ...........................................................................................294
Resolution of the received power (Prx), verify/modify ..................................................................260
Resolution of the transmitted power (Ptx), verify/modify .............................................................260
Restore Factory Default of the equipment .......................................................................... 120, 121
Retrieve the equipment configuration automatically saved by the program before the last operation
of configuration restore (configuration revert) ............................................................................124
RF channel, verify/modify ........................................................................................................258
Running Default Gateway
Delete ............................................................................................................................... 58
Set/modify ........................................................................................................................ 57
Verify ............................................................................................................................... 56
Running Routing Table
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 311
Add an element .................................................................................................................. 57
Remove one or more elements ............................................................................................. 57
Verify ............................................................................................................................... 56
S/N measure
Update the value ...............................................................................................................274
Verify the value .................................................................................................................274
Save the equipment configuration, the alarm/status signals and the operations executed
by the users to file .................................................................................................................104
Save the whole equipment configuration (configuration backup) ...................................................123
SD memory card
Automatic equipment restart from SD memory in case of replacement of IDU unit .....................111
Automatic update of the equipment sw from SD memory ........................................................112
Copy the equipment sw from SD memory to controller (Sw Dwl SD) .........................................114
Delete the configuration data and/or the equipment sw from SD memory .................................114
Disable the automatic equipment restart from SD memory (data + sw) ....................................114
Disable the deletion of the equipment sw present in the standby memory bench after
an automatic sw update from SD memory ............................................................................114
Force the restore, from SD memory to controller, of the configuration data and
of the equipment sw ..........................................................................................................114
Status and configuration, verify ................................................................................... 110, 113
Signals stored into the equipment controller
Delete ..............................................................................................................................105
Save to file .......................................................................................................................104
SNTP functionality
Activate ...........................................................................................................................107
Deactivate ........................................................................................................................107
Set the execution parameters .............................................................................................107
Verify the status ................................................................................................................106
Spanning Tree Protocol
Verify the MAC Address of a bridge ......................................................................................222
Verify the status of the ethernet ports ..................................................................................221
Verify/modify the Forward Delay interval ..............................................................................221
Verify/modify the maximum lifetime of the BPDU packets .......................................................221
Verify/modify the priority of a bridge ....................................................................................222
Verify/modify the transmission interval of the BPDU packets ...................................................220
Verify/modify the version ...................................................................................................220
Start-up of the WEB LCT application
From browser .................................................................................................................... 20
From SCT/LMT ................................................................................................................... 22
Status of the local/remote synchronization protocol, verify/modify ................................................143
Alarms status, verify ..........................................................................................................231
B2 Excessive BER alarm threshold, verify/modify ...................................................................231
B2 Signal Degrade alarm threshold, verify/modify ..................................................................231
Enabling status of the J0 Trace Identifier byte, verify/modify ...................................................230
Loop, verify/modify ...........................................................................................................229
Optical int.
Current status of the laser, verify ...................................................................................232
Enable manually the laser transmission ...........................................................................233
Enabling status of the laser, verify/modify .......................................................................232
Execute the laser functioning status test ..........................................................................234
Laser module type, verify ..............................................................................................232
Transmission mode of the laser, verify/modify ..................................................................233
Sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J0 Trace Identifier, verify/modify ............230
Status, verify/modify .........................................................................................................229
STM-1 switch
Force the switch on preferential STM-1 stream without waiting for the Wait Time expiration ........288
Modify the logic of switch ...................................................................................................287
Modify the switch management ...........................................................................................287
Modify the Wait Time parameter ..........................................................................................288
Set the primary STM-1 stream as preferential .......................................................................287
Verify the configuration parameters .....................................................................................286
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 312
Verify the switch status ......................................................................................................286
Stored Default Gateway
Delete ............................................................................................................................... 61
Set/modify ........................................................................................................................ 61
Verify ............................................................................................................................... 59
Stored Routing Table
Add an element .................................................................................................................. 60
Remove one or more elements ............................................................................................. 60
Verify ............................................................................................................................... 59
Enable/disable the T4 Squelch .............................................................................................151
Enable/disable the use of a synchronism source ....................................................................155
Enable/disable the use of the source quality into the choice criterion of the synchronism .............153
Force the quality level in input and/or output of a synchronism source ......................................158
Force the status of the T0 synchronisation ............................................................................151
Force the use of a synchronism source .................................................................................156
Manage the output of synchronism T12 on tributary A/B and set the interface (output/input)
of tributary A/B .................................................................................................................159
Modify the use priority of a synchronism source .....................................................................156
Restore the availability of a source for the selection of the T0 synchronism without waiting
for the expiry of Wait Time .................................................................................................159
Re-timing the E1s set for the contemporary transport of traffic and synchronisation ...................160
Set a synchronism source as preferential ..............................................................................157
Set the Hold Off Time parameter .........................................................................................152
Set the minimum quality level of the source that generates the T4 synchronism ........................153
Set the modality from which the T4 synchronism is extracted ..................................................151
Set the signal used as synchronism source for T2/T3-2 input ...................................................157
Set the signal used as synchronism source for TE LAN-A or TE LAN-B input ...............................158
Set the threshold levels of the LTI alarm ..............................................................................152
Set the WTR Time parameter ..............................................................................................152
Verify the status and configuration of the synchronism sources ................................................153
Verify the status and configuration of the T0 and T4 synchronism ............................................149
TDM matrix
Delete one or more connections ..........................................................................................248
Disable an Auto-Loop .........................................................................................................249
Display the connections of the equipment .............................................................................243
Enable the closing of a channel on itself (Auto-Loop) ..............................................................249
Execute a protected Tributary-Radio connection ....................................................................247
Execute a Tributary-Tributary connection ..............................................................................248
Execute an unprotected Tributary-Radio connection ...............................................................247
Force the switch on preferential connection without waiting for the Wait Time expiration .............252
Modify the connection label .................................................................................................250
Modify the modality used to manage the preferential connection ..............................................251
Modify the modality used to manage the switch in the protected connection ..............................251
Modify the structure of the Radio E1 involved by a connection .................................................252
Modify the Wait Time parameter (protected connection) .........................................................252
Verify the status and the configuration of a protected connection .............................................250
Threshold level of the signal at reception, verify/modify ..............................................................143
Transfer the equipment configuration previously saved (configuration restore) ...............................123
Tx Switch
Enabling status of the switch in transmission, verify/modify ....................................................144
Reset the Transmitter Switch on Remote... alarm ..................................................................145
T and N parameters, verify/modify ......................................................................................144
Upper threshold of the modulation, verify/modify .......................................................................139
User list
Add a user ........................................................................................................................128
Delete a user ....................................................................................................................130
Modify a user ....................................................................................................................129
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 313
Verify ..............................................................................................................................128
User Output
Force the activation ...........................................................................................................298
Functioning mode of the relay contacts, modify .....................................................................297
Name, modify ...................................................................................................................296
Remove the forcing ...........................................................................................................298
Signal coupled, modify .......................................................................................................297
Status and configuration, verify ...........................................................................................296
Users list
Force the logout of a user .................................................................................................... 28
Verify the users connected to the equipment .......................................................................... 28
Alarms status, verify ..........................................................................................................241
Enabling status of the J2 Trace Identifier byte, verify/modify ...................................................241
Sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J2 Trace Identifier, verify/modify ............242
Signal Label value, verify/modify .........................................................................................242
VC-12 Excessive BER alarm threshold, verify/modify ..............................................................240
VC-12 Signal Degrade alarm threshold, verify/modify .............................................................240
Alarms status, verify ..........................................................................................................237
B3 Excessive BER alarm threshold, verify/modify ...................................................................237
B3 Signal Degrade alarm threshold, verify/modify ..................................................................237
Enabling status of the J1 Trace Identifier, verify/modify ..........................................................236
Sequence of characters transmitted and/or received as J1 Trace Identifier, verify/modify ............236
Signal Label value, verify/modify .........................................................................................237
Wake Up functionality
Activate ...........................................................................................................................108
Deactivate ........................................................................................................................108
Set the execution parameters .............................................................................................108
Verify the status ................................................................................................................107
Update .............................................................................................................................120
Verify the version ..............................................................................................................119
Disable temporarily the function XPIC for a single branch ........................................................147
Enable/disable XPIC fault management procedure (FMP) .........................................................147
Restore the function XPIC after a fault detection ....................................................................147
Restore the XPIC function of the single branch ......................................................................147
Verify the configuration parameters of the XPIC function ........................................................146
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 314
STM-1 ................................................154
IP Address ........................................... 53
Mask .................................................. 53
Name ................................................. 53
Permission ........................................... 53
Status ................................................. 53
ACM Engine .............................................137
ACM Radio (PM) ........................................ 91
ACM Table ...............................................138
Ethernet Capacity ................................138
Global Capacity ...................................138
Max TDM Cap ......................................138
Profile ................................................138
TDM Capacity ......................................138
Advanced Stat. Mon.
1024 to Max Pkt size (Rx) byte ..............268
1024 to Max Pkt size (Tx + Rx) byte .....270,
128 to 255 (Rx) byte ...........................268
128 to 255 (Tx + Rx) byte ............ 270, 272
256 to 511 (Rx) byte ...........................268
256 to 511 (Tx + Rx) byte ............ 270, 272
512 to 1023 (Rx) byte ..........................268
512 to 1023 (Tx + Rx) byte .......... 270, 272
64 (Rx) byte .......................................268
64 (Tx + Rx) byte ....................... 270, 271
65 to 127 (Rx) byte .............................268
65 to 127 (Tx + Rx) byte .............. 270, 272
Bytes Sent ................................. 270, 271
Dropped Frame .................... 268, 270, 271
Frames Sent ............................... 270, 271
Received bytes ..................... 268, 270, 271
Received Frames .................. 268, 270, 271
Agent IP Address .................................. 25, 41
Alarm ...................................................... 38
Group/Alarm .......................................125
Severity .............................................125
Trap Notification ..................................125
ATPC Regulation ..................................261
Current ATPC Power .............................262
Max Ptx ..............................................261
Reference Modulation Tx Power Control ..260
Upper Modulation ATPC Thresholds
on Local PRx .......................................261
Bandwidth & Modulation ............................137
Carrier Only .............................................259
Communication stack
Current Stack .....................................120
Default Gateway ....................................... 58
AIS Alarm ...........................................225
Enable ...............................................225
Internal Loop ......................................225
Line Loop ...........................................225
LOS Alarm ..........................................225
Los Inversion ......................................225
Tributary Label ....................................225
East-West ...............................................136
LAN 1 ................................................223
LAN 2 ................................................223
LAN 3 ................................................223
LAN 4 ................................................223
Role ...................................................223
Status ................................................223
Equipment Date/Time ................................ 41
Equipment Feature .................................... 43
Equipment firmware
Actual Release ....................................118
Bench Status ......................................117
Downloading Status .............................118
Release Bench 1 ..................................118
Release Bench 2 ..................................118
Software ............................................118
Software Version .................................117
Unit ...................................................118
Equipment ID ...................................... 25, 41
Equipment Type ................................... 25, 41
Equipment unit
Expected Type ..................................... 44
HW Ver. .............................................. 44
Par Part Num ....................................... 44
Part Number ........................................ 44
Real Type ............................................ 44
Serial Number ...................................... 44
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 315
Unit Alarms ......................................... 44
Ethernet Enh. ..........................................134
Ethernet IP Address ................................... 42
Ethernet IP NetMask .................................. 42
Ethernet MAC Address ............................... 42
Ethernet Switch (Enh.)
LLF Hysteresis .....................................172
MAC Addr. Aging Time .........................171
MAC Learning Vid basis ........................171
Mac Table clear ...................................171
Max Packet Size ..................................171
Priority Lan To Radio
802.1p Priority ...............................179
MPLS Priority .................................180
MPLS to 802.1p Rewrite ..................180
Delay .......................................181
DSCP .......................................181
IP v4 DSCP ...............................181
IP v6 DSCP ...............................181
Precedence ...............................181
Queue Pri .................................181
Reliab ......................................181
Throug .....................................181
Value .......................................181
Priority Radio To Lan
802.1p Priority ...............................177
Delay .......................................178
DSCP .......................................178
IP v4 DSCP ...............................178
IP v6 DSCP ...............................178
Precedence ...............................178
Queue Pri .................................178
Reliab ......................................178
Throug .....................................178
Value .......................................178
QinQ ETH Type ....................................170
Radio Packet Fragm. ............................175
Switch default .....................................172
Default VLan ID ..............................173
Disable ..........................................172
Label ............................................172
Lan1 .............................................172
Lan2 .............................................173
Lan3 .............................................173
Lan4 .............................................173
Port A ...........................................173
Port B ...........................................173
Tagged .........................................172
Unmodif. .......................................173
Untag. ..........................................172
VLanID .........................................172
Factory Default ........................................120
Firmware Version ...................................... 41
Frequency/Channel selection ......................258
FTP, protocol ............................................ 12
G828 E1 Line Side (PM) .............................. 81
G828 E1 Radio Side (PM) ............................ 85
G828 Radio (PM) ....................................... 78
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 (PM) ........................ 74
G829 RstB1 STM-1 (PM) ............................. 69
Gosip Address ........................................... 43
Help Web Server ....................................... 12
IP ...........................................................120
IP Over OSI .............................................. 43
IP/OSI Stack ............................................. 41
LAN 1,2 (Enh.) - 3,4 (Enh.) (electrical int.)
Cable Crossover ..................................186
M/S Autoneg. ......................................188
Master/Slave ......................................188
LAN 1,2,3,4 (Enh.)
802.1q Settings ...................................195
Current 802.1Q Settings .......................191
Default Priority ....................................192
Default Vid .........................................194
Egress Priority Policy ............................194
Priority ..........................................201
Recommended Max .........................201
Recommended Min .........................201
Role ..............................................201
Status ...........................................201
STP/ELP ........................................201
Value ............................................201
Version .........................................201
Flow Control Full Dplx/
Back Pressure Half Dplx ........................187
Force Def. Vid .....................................195
Lan to Radio C_Vid Rewrite ...................197
Lan to Radio C_Vid Rewrite & Selective
QinQ ..................................................197
Line Loop ...........................................204
LLF ....................................................203
MAC Learning ......................................187
Mode .................................................189
Port Based VLAN .................................198
Port C_Vid ..........................................198
Port S_Vid ..........................................198
Priority Selection .................................191
Provider Port .......................................198
Rate Control .......................................186
Restart Autonegotiation ........................188
Selective Provider Tag ..........................196
Service Tag List ...................................193
Speed/Duplex .....................................186
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 316
Priority ..........................................199
Recommended Max .........................200
Recommended Min .........................200
Role ..............................................199
Status ...........................................199
STP/ELP ........................................199
Value ............................................199
Version .........................................199
Traffic Treatment ................................196
Partner Id ......................................203
Rx Pck Cnt .....................................203
Status ...........................................202
Trunk/LACP ...................................202
Tx Pck Cnt .....................................203
Untag to .............................................196
LAN 3,4 (Enh.)
Interface Type ....................................189
LAN 3,4 (Enh.) (optical)
Laser Control
Mode ............................................205
Module Type ..................................204
Transmitter Control .........................205
Lan Stat.Summary
Byte Rx ..............................................266
Byte Tx ..............................................266
CRC Err ..............................................266
Drop Frm ...........................................266
Frm Rx ...............................................266
Frm Tx ...............................................266
Lan Statistics
Broadcast Frames Received ..................264
Bytes Sent .........................................265
Collisions ............................................265
CRC Align Errors ..................................264
Dropped Frame ...................................264
Fragments ..........................................265
Frames 1024 to max pck size ................265
Frames 128 to 255 Oct .........................265
Frames 256 to 511 Oct. ........................265
Frames 512 to 1023 Oct .......................265
Frames 64 Oct. ...................................265
Frames 65 to 127 Oct. .........................265
Frames Sent .......................................265
In Pause Frames .................................265
Jabbers ..............................................265
Late Collisions .....................................265
Multicast Frames Received ....................264
Out Broadcast Frames ..........................265
Out Multicast Frames ...........................265
Out Pause Frames ...............................265
Out Unicast Frames .............................265
Oversize Frames .................................264
Total Byte Received .............................264
Total Frames Received .........................264
Undersize Frame .................................264
Valid Bytes Received ............................265
Valid Frames Received .........................265
LCT PPP IP Address .................................... 42
LCT PPP NetMask ...................................... 42
Link identification number .........................140
Local Link ID ...........................................140
Local User Input
Input Operation ..................................291
Label .................................................291
Severity .............................................291
Status ................................................291
Lower Modulation .....................................137
OSI ........................................................120
Permanent TDM Traffic ..............................138
ACM Radio ........................................... 91
G828 E1 Line Side ................................ 81
G828 E1 Radio Side .............................. 85
G828 Radio ......................................... 78
G828 Vc12 STM-1 ................................. 87
G828 Vc12 STM-1 (PM) ......................... 87
G829 MstB2M1 STM-1 ........................... 74
G829 RstB1 STM-1 ............................... 69
RxPwr Radio ........................................ 97
TxPwr Radio .......................................100
Port A (Enh.), Port B (Enh.)
Actual WFQ .........................................213
C Vid/S Vid Rewrite .............................217
Default Priority ....................................211
Default Vid .........................................216
Drop Type ..........................................213
Exp. Weighting Constant ......................212
Flow Control .......................................212
Force Default VID ................................216
Green Tokens .....................................214
Ingress Filtering Check .........................215
MAC Learning ......................................210
P max (G) ..........................................215
P max (Y). ..........................................215
Port ...................................................210
Port Based VLAN .................................217
Priority Selection .................................211
Queue ................................................213
Queue Length (Mbit) ............................213
S gentle (G) ........................................214
S gentle (Y) ........................................215
S max (G) ..........................................214
S max (Y) ...........................................215
S min (G) ...........................................214
S min (Y) ...........................................215
S-gentle .............................................212
Priority ..........................................218
Recommended Max .........................218
Recommended Min .........................218
Role ..............................................218
Status ...........................................218
STP ..............................................218
Value ............................................218
Version .........................................218
Type ..................................................213
View RED Curve ..................................215
WFQ Weight .......................................213
Yellow Tokens .....................................214
Port Configuration
Alarm Severity - MNGT ..................... 46
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 317
Cross Cable - MNGT ......................... 46
In Band Management - LAN .............. 47
In Band Management - VLan ID ......... 47
IP Address ...................................... 46
Net Mask ........................................ 46
Speed/Duplex - MNGT ...................... 46
EOC ............................................... 52
Gosip Address ................................. 52
IP Address ...................................... 51
IP Net Mask .................................... 51
Line EOC ........................................ 51
Radio ............................................. 52
Radio 1A ........................................ 52
Radio 2A ........................................ 52
Routing .......................................... 52
Signal Input .................................... 51
IP PPP Address ................................ 47
IP PPP NetMask ............................... 48
IP Unnumbered ............................... 48
PC IP Address ................................. 48
Line EOC
EOC ............................................... 49
IP Address ...................................... 48
IP NetMask ..................................... 48
IP Unnumbered ............................... 49
PPP Mode ....................................... 49
Signal Input .................................... 49
IP Address ...................................... 49
IP NetMask ..................................... 49
IP Unnumbered ............................... 49
PPP Mode ....................................... 49
Radio 1A
IP Address ...................................... 50
IP NetMask ..................................... 50
IP Unnumbered ............................... 50
PPP Mode ....................................... 50
Radio 2A
IP Address ...................................... 51
IP NetMask ..................................... 51
IP Unnumbered ............................... 51
PPP Mode ....................................... 51
PPP, protocol ............................................ 12
2 Mbit/s Selection ................................275
BER ...................................................275
E1 Signal ............................................275
Elapsed Time ......................................275
Errors ................................................275
Fail Alarms .........................................275
Start/Stop ..........................................275
Sync Loss Alarm ..................................275
Test Pattern ........................................275
Prx resolution ..........................................260
Ptx resolution ..........................................260
Radio ......................................................134
Radio Branch Label ...................................143
Radio switch
Rx Forced Switch .................................281
Tx Forced Switch .................................281
Tx Preferential ....................................281
Wait Time ...........................................281
Radio System ........................................... 25
Remote Element Table ............................... 32
Remote equipment list ............................... 32
Remote User Input
Label .................................................294
Severity .............................................294
Status ................................................294
Routing Table ........................................... 58
Routing Table (Running) ............................. 58
Routing Table (Stored) ............................... 58
RT PSU ...................................................259
Running Default Gateway ........................... 57
Default Gateway ................................... 57
Running Routing Table ............................... 56
Destination .......................................... 56
Hop .................................................... 56
Interface ............................................. 56
Net Mask ............................................. 56
Protocol .............................................. 56
Rx Signal Level Alarm Threshold .................143
RxPwr Radio (PM) ...................................... 97
S/N ........................................................274
SCT/LMT .................................................. 12
SD memory card
Automatic data restore from SD ............110
Automatic SW download from SD ..........110
EC serial number .................................111
EC system version ...............................111
Not running Sw delete ..........................110
Status ................................................110
SW system version ..............................111
Type ..................................................110
Main Server IP Address ........................106
NTP Server Lost Alarm .........................106
Polling Interval (Sec.) ..........................106
Polling Retries .....................................106
Polling Timeout (Sec.) ..........................106
Reserve Server IP Address ....................106
Status signal ............................................. 38
Alarms ...............................................231
B2 Excessive BER Threshold ..................231
B2 Signal Degrade Threshold ................231
Internal Side Loop ...............................230
J0 Path Trace
Expected .......................................230
Received .......................................230
Sent .............................................230
Type .............................................230
Line Side Loop ....................................230
Optical int.
Automatic Shutdown .......................233
Laser Control .................................233
Module Type ..................................232
Test Time ......................................234
Optical int.Auto Restart Time ................233
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 318
STM-1 Status ......................................229
STM-1 MST Mode .....................................135
STM-1 switch
Direction ............................................286
MSP Protection ....................................286
Primary STM-1 ....................................286
Protection Mode ..................................286
Protection STM-1 .................................286
Switch Status .....................................286
Wtr Time (Min.) ..................................286
Stored Default Gateway ............................. 59
Default Gateway ................................... 59
Stored Routing Table ................................. 59
Destination .......................................... 59
Hop .................................................... 59
Interface ............................................. 59
Net Mask ............................................. 59
Force Version ......................................220
Forward Delay ....................................221
Hello Time ..........................................220
LAN 1 ................................................221
LAN 2 ................................................221
LAN 3 ................................................221
LAN 4 ................................................221
MAC Address ......................................222
Max Age .............................................221
Port A ................................................221
Port B ................................................221
Priority ...............................................222
Role ..................................................221
Status ................................................222
Version ..............................................222
Sync Enable ............................................135
Alarms ...............................................149
E1 Retiming ........................................160
Enabled ..............................................150
Forced Switch .....................................154
Hold Off Time .....................................150
Internal ..............................................154
LTI Reset Time ....................................150
LTI Set Time .......................................150
Name ........................................ 154, 160
Ovw Rx Qlty .......................................155
Ovw Tx Qlty ........................................155
Preferential Switch ..............................154
Priority ...............................................154
Quality In ...........................................154
Quality S1 ..........................................155
RADIO 1 .............................................154
RADIO 2 .............................................154
Source ...............................................154
Status Control .....................................149
STM-1 ................................................154
Sync Alarm .........................................160
Sync Loss ...........................................154
T0 Current ..........................................150
T2/T3 1 ..............................................154
T2/T3-2 .............................................154
T4 Current ..........................................150
T4 Minimum Quality .............................150
T4 Squelch .........................................150
T4-T0 ................................................150
TE LAN-A ...........................................154
TE LAN-B ...........................................154
WTR Time ..........................................150
Synchronization Setup Protocol ..................144
TDM Matrix
1st Radio option ..................................245
1st Trib. option ...................................245
2nd Radio option .................................245
2nd Trib. option ..................................245
Channel .............................................244
Channel option ....................................246
Connection .........................................244
Linked Channel 1 option .......................246
Linked Channel 2 option .......................246
List area .............................................243
Matrix area .........................................243
Name option .......................................246
Path Protection
Active Link Alarms ..........................250
Forced Switch ................................250
Preferential Switch ..........................250
Primary Radio E1 Type ....................251
Secondary Radio E1 Type ................251
Standby Link Alarms .......................250
Switch Status .................................250
Wtr Time (min) ..............................251
Stream ..............................................244
Tributary option ..................................245
Tributary-Radio option .........................245
Tributary-Tributary option ....................245
Type option ........................................247
Tributary A Mapping .................................136
Tributary B Mapping .................................136
Tx Power Ramp Up To... ............................138
Tx Switch
Alarm Thres. .......................................144
Check Period .......................................144
Tx Switch on remote Alarms .................144
Tx Transmitter .........................................259
TXPwr Radio (PM) .....................................100
Upper Modulation .....................................137
NMS5UX .............................................132
System ..............................................132
User Force Logout ..................................... 28
User list ..................................................132
Profile ................................................128
Read & Write .................................128
Read Only .....................................128
Station Op. ....................................128
Timeout .............................................128
User Keep Alive ...................................128
User Name .........................................128
User Output
Active State ........................................296
Force Status .......................................296
Label .................................................296
Linked To ...........................................296
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 319
State .................................................296
Status ................................................296
Alarms ...............................................241
Excessive BER Threshold ......................240
J2 Path Trace
Expected .......................................242
Received .......................................242
Sent .............................................242
Status ...........................................241
Signal Degrade Threshold .....................240
Signal Label
Expected .......................................242
Sent .............................................242
Alarms ...............................................237
B3 Excessive BER Threshold ..................237
B3 Signal Degrade Threshold ................237
J1 Path Trace
Expected .......................................236
Received .......................................236
Sent .............................................236
Type .............................................236
Signal Label
Expected .......................................238
Received .......................................238
Sent .............................................238
WEB LCT ............................................. 16
Wake Up
Gosip Address .....................................108
NE Location ........................................108
NMS IP Address ..................................108
Status ................................................107
Timeout (Minutes) ...............................108
Code ..................................................119
Current version ...................................119
Description .........................................119
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU, application ........... 15
WEB Lct Console ....................................... 12
WEB LCT Product Code ............................... 41
WEB LCT Version ....................................... 41
Fault Management Procedure ................146
Radio 1A ............................................146
Radio 2A ............................................146
Remote Xpic Proc. Radio 1A Tx Off .........146
Remote Xpic Proc. Radio 2A Tx Off .........146
Xpic Proc. Block on Radio 1A .................146
Xpic Proc. Block on Radio 2A .................146
WEB LCT ALCplus2e IDU - MN.00268.E - 002 320
For more information, refer to the section relevant to the technical support on the Internet site of the com-
pany manufacturing the product.

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