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Upcoming Events at H.B.C.

Hardy Brown College Preps Parent Newsletter
August 25th, 2014 Week 4

Location: Multi-purpose Room unless
otherwise specified

August 21

Parenthood meeting @ 4:30 p.m.

August 29th
Mother & Son Dance @ 4:30 p.m.

September 5th
Donuts for Dads/Grandfathers @ 8 a.m.

September 8th
Muffins for Mom/Grandmothers @ 8 a.m.

September 9th
Carrusel Uniforms will be on campus from
8 a.m.-4 p.m. in the outside mall area

September 26

Fall Pictures-Everyday uniform only (H.B.C.P polo
and khaki bottoms)

Father & Daughter Dance @ 4:30 p.m.

H.B.C.Ps Afterschool Program begins
this week! Mr. Aldo is our Afterschool
Coordinator. If you are interested in our
program, please contact the office at
(909) 884-1410.

Remember: if your child is not enrolled
he/she WILL NOT be allowed to stay
after his/her dismissal time until
he/she is enrolled in the program.
After School Program
H.B.C.P is still enrolling! If you
know someone who is interested in
our school, send them our way. All
referrals must be written on the
referral form sent home on
Monday. All referral forms are
due by Friday, September 5
You can hand your referral form(s)
to your childs teacher. The class
with the most referrals will
receive a trip to Sky Town (see
picture to the left) in Redlands!
Lets go H.B.C.P! Bring the
referrals on!


NO Late Pick-ups
ALL scholars MUST be picked up by his/her grade level dismissal
time. Per the Student/Parent handbook, families picking their
children up more than 15 minutes after the dismissal time will be
charged $2 per minute due to the inconvenience. Law enforcement
will be notified in the case of a scholar who is consistently not
picked up on time from school, field lessons, or the After School
Program. Lets pick up our scholars on-time H.B.C.P families!

Early Release Wednesday
is every Wednesday!
Early Release Wednesdays will
continue this week and throughout
the entire school year. Wednesdays
are staff Professional Development
days. All scholars are released at 2
p.m. on Wednesdays and must be
picked up by 2 p.m. unless your
child is in the Afterschool
Program. Thank you to all the
families who picked their child up
on time last Wednesday!
Attendance Spotlight
Attendance Counts!! So far H.B.C.Ps
attendance has been good. However,
it can always get better. H.B.C.Ps
daily average attendance goal is
96%! Lets bring our scholars to
school on time, every day. Perfect
attendance awards/prizes will be
given to scholars who have perfect
attendance each trimester.
Congratulations to 1
, 3
, and 5

grade for having a 96% daily average
attendance last week!
Its almost time for Fall
pictures at H.B.C.P!
Information will be sent
home soon. In the
meantime, mark Friday,
September 26
on your
calendar. All scholars
must wear their H.B.C.P
polo shirt and khaki
bottoms for fall pictures.

Fall Pictures!

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