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The air pulses, an electric energy in the crowd. The man with the gun surveys those
gathered before him; tension binding them; a shared desire to be set free.
The strong instinctively move to the front of the mass, the weak finding their own
filtering to stand at their own determined distance to the man holding the firearm.
Every single one of them desires for the same outcome the anticipation is tangible.
Their breathing deepens, sucking in vast quantities of air in preparation.
The man with the gun paces he too can feel the pulse, he can feel the anxiety and
nervous energy growing into an almost living thing in its own right.
The gathered are beginning to voice their anticipations they must sense events are
about to progress.
The man steps forward, his palms begin to sweat, fingers curled around the grip of the
pistol. e slowly, for dramatic effect, raises his arm to its fullest extent. e now feels
anxious as he wants this to be clean; he wants to get it right with one shot; right first
time no mess ups. !rm stretched mind focused all his worth centred on his right
trigger finger he squee"es. !s one the whole assembly of people from all walks of life
take two actions, first they go silent, then they, almost unperceivable, lean forward.
The silence is compounded as trigger mechanism pulls on hammer, which in turn
takes its #ourney backwards only to be torn forwards by the energy stored in the
unseen springs. $mashing forward, unstoppable, the hammer strikes the cap of the
round in the chamber. ! chemical reaction takes place in a frame of time that cannot
be perceived by mere human eyes or ears. Gasses form, pressure builds in the casing
until it is all too much for the case to contain. !n explosion erupts forth along the
barrels belching fire and smoke. $ilence shattered at this point as the casing
capitulates to the pressure and rings forth a cacophonic medley of sound to the air.
%nstantly the air is disturbed by this the gathered ears begin the process of collecting
the vibrations in order for their brains to have them translated into recognisable
Time in the same instant slows to where a second is played out in what seems like
minutes. &eactions become epic #ourneys that in the blinking of an eye would be
missed in real time. $ome of the gathered let out primal sounds as their own pressure
and anxiety is released. 'thers begin the complex action of motion, brain synapses
fire nerves talk to muscles, who in turn tense or contract on ligaments and slowly but
surely limbs begin to move propelling the owner forwards gathering momentum. The
first foot lifted, the senses throbbing, lungs bursting, glands and systems working
overtime. Tensions lifted, shouting cheering running, motion and emotion expelled at
once. The man with the gun allows him self a smile as it is clean; he did get it right
first time the race was started with out a hitch(
)ord count *+,.

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