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Last/Surname First /Given Name
The Practice of Statistics I
Olga Fraser
Duration - 3 hours
Aids: Non-Programmable Calculators; 8-1/2 x 11" aid sheet, both sides
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Please turn the electronics off and put all unauthorized aids with your belongings at the
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Please note, you CANNOT petition to re-write an examination once the exam has begun.
Qn. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
Value 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100
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STA220H5F NAME________________________________
[10 marks]
1. If the statement is true under all conditions circle T otherwise circle F.
a. A bar graph is used to describe a quantitative variable. T F
b. In a relative frequency histogram 0.5 of the area is above
the mean. T F
c. : = : T F
d. The hypergeometric random variable is continuous. T F
e. P(A c B) = P(A) + P(B) T F
f. We reject Ho if the p-value is less than ". T F
g. The mean of the chis-quare distribution equals its degrees
of freedom. T F
h. A large width is a good feature in a confidence interval. T F
i. Chebyshevs theorem holds for mound shaped distributions. T F
j. In a Confidence Interval for p SE is maximum when p^ = 0.5 T F
[10 marks]
2. A. According to researchers 30% of women have been a victim of
domestic abuse.
large population. What is the probability that exactly 2 women
have been abused?
ii. What is the probability that at most 1 of the 5 has been
STA220H5F NAME_________________________________
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iii. If 150 women are randomly selected from this population, what is
the probability that at least 50 have been abused?
iv. Show how you check to see if the normal approximation can be used
in part iii. above.
B. The random variable x has the following probability distribution:
x p(x)
1 0.5
2 0.4
3 0.1
i. Find E(x)
ii. Find the standard deviation.
iii. Find the mode.
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iv. Find the lower quartile.
[10 marks]
3. A new running shoe has been developed and is being tested. Eight randomly
selected adults were asked to run a mile with their regular running shoes one day
and with the new type of shoes on a different day. Their running times in seconds
appear below.
Runner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Regular shoe 321 307 397 269 285 364 295 302
New type shoe 318 299 401 260 285 363 289 295
A. Test at " = 0.05 if the running times are lower with the new type of shoes.
B. Find the p-value of the test.
C. Test at " = .05 to see if the variance in the times for the new shoes is less
than 25 seconds.
STA220H5F NAME_________________________________
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[10 marks]
4. The following are times in minutes of rats running through a maze.
1.97 0.60 1.15 2.02 1.74 2.75 1.06 1.71 2.47 0.23 1.65
0.99 0.87 1.23 1.85 1.10 2.22 0.73 2.11 1.44 2.89 0.33
A. Give the stem and leaf display of the data.
B. Find the median.
This is a boxplot of
blood glucose levels of
patients in a large
diabetes clinic.
i. Describe the shape of the data.
ii. The range of the data is
iii. An estimate of the standard deviation is
STA220H5F NAME_________________________________
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iv. The median is
v. The second largest number in the data set is
[10 marks]
5. In a study to investigate the effect of marriage on their careers, in a random sample
of 750 male managers 642 were married and of 250 female managers 110 were
A. Test the hypothesis at " = 0.01 that there are more married male mangers
than female ones.
B. Use " = .01 to test the hypothesis that 40% of the female managers are
STA220H5F NAME_________________________________
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C. Using a 95% confidence interval how large a sample is required to estimate
within 5% the proportion of female managers who have children.
[10 marks]
6. In a random sample of 32 humerus bones the length-to-width ratio has a mean of
9.0 and standard deviation of 0.95.
A. Test at " = 0.05 whether the population mean ratio for all bones differs
from 8.5.
B. Find the p-value and show how to use it to make the conclusion of the test.
C. Compute the 95% confidence interval for the mean.
_______ _______
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D. Show how to use the confidence interval in part C. to make the conclusion
for the test in part A.
[10 marks]
7. The random variable x has a uniform distribution with c = 2 and d = 10.
A. What is the mean of x?
B. What is the standard deviation of x?
C. Find P(x < 8)
D. If random samples of size 36 are selected from this uniform distribution
what is the mean of the sampling distribution of 0?
E. If random samples of size 36 are selected from this uniform distribution
what is the standard error of the sampling distribution of 0?
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F. If a random sample of size 36 is selected from this uniform distribution and
its mean is computed what is the probability that this mean is less than 5?
G. State with symbols to show that the sample variance is an unbiased
estimator of the population variance.
[10 marks]
8. A. A random sample of 49 observations is obtained and the standard deviation
is 15. The researcher will test at " = 0.05 that the mean of the population is
equal to 50 versus the alternative that it does not equal 50. If the true mean
of the population is 48 what is the probability of a type II error?
STA220H5F NAME_________________________________
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B. The following is the cumulative probability distribution of the binomial
random variable x with n = 35 and p = 0.25
x cumulative x
0 0.00317
1 0.02431
2 0.09126
3 0.22516
4 0.41484
5 0.61717
6 0.78578
7 0.89819
8 0.95907
9 0.98614
10 0.99606
11 0.99906
12 0.99982
13 0.99997
14 1.00000
15 1.00000
i. P(x = 8) =
ii. P(x # 7) =
iii. P(x $ 5) =
C. The random variable x has a normal distribution with : = 10 and F = 4.
i. Find P( 8 < z < 13)
o o
ii. Find x so that P(x > x ) = 0.9222
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[10 marks]
9. A researcher is studying the difference in the pulse rates of smokers and nonsmokers.
Assume pulse rates are normally distributed. The data follows:
Nonsmokers Smokers
n = 14 n = 16
0 = 78 0 = 80
s = 8 s = 23
2 2
A. Test if the variances are equal at " = 0.05
B. Test if the means are equal at " = 0.05.
C. State the assumptions of the test in B.
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[10 marks]
10. A. A portion of a random numbers table is given below.
42494 78770 69002 39336 79180 97526 43092 04098
59037 33300 26695 62247 69927 76123 50842 43834
We need to select a random sample of 6 students from a university with
9850 students. These students are numbered from 1 to 9150. Starting with
the first number in the table and going across the row show the numbers of
the students who would be selected.
B. If the population of a village is 78 and 4 people are randomly selected how
many different samples of size 4 are possible?
C. What is the probability that any particular one of these samples from the
village is selected?
D. i. Two events A and B are independent. P(A) = 0.2 and P(B) = 0.6
Find P(A 1 B)
ii. Are A and B mutually exclusive? Show why.
iii. Find P(A | B )

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