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Prayers can mitigate, delay, and avert prophesied events


11/14/2010: My word has to be strong. My children must listen. It is

out of pure love that I am giving them this Warning. Because I come
as judge and not savior it is through the prayers of My Beloved
Mother and My followers throughout the world that the time for
Judgment has been delayed in the past. This time it will not be.
9/12/2011: While this great chastisement has been prophesied it
can be mitigated through the power of prayer.
9/21/2011: Never forget My children that many secrets given to My
visionaries and seers foretelling future events to come have been
mitigated through prayer. Many many ecological disasters have been
averted because of the devotion shown to My Blessed Mother. Her
devotees have averted many earthquakes, floods and
Tsunamis because of their prayers. Prayer can be very powerful. One
persons prayers and suffering can save a nation. Remember that.

Prayers can mitigate, delay, and avert prophesied events


11/14/2011: So much confusion exists My daughter. So much terror and fear

instilled in My children about their future. If only souls would calm down and pray
for mercy then their prayers would be answered. Disasters will and can be
mitigated. Keep hope alive in your souls children. Never get bogged down with
judging each other and certainly never do this in My name.
Who dares to judge another through ridicule, in the name of Christianity, will have
to face Me. He who sins against My prophets will also have to answer to Me. My
word is not rejected out of love. My word is not rejected out of fear. No it is
rejected because of the sin of pride.
3/21/2012: Your prayers, children, have been very powerful and especially those
of you who recite My Crusade Prayers, My Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary daily.

Already they have delayed and prevented a nuclear war, saved millions of souls
from the fires of Hell as well as prevented many earthquakes.
Never forget that it is your prayers which are your greatest weapon against evil.
4/23/2012: These events will not take place immediately and much of this plan
can be averted and mitigated through your prayers and sacrifices.

Prayers can mitigate, delay, and avert prophesied events


8/23/2012: All the prophecies foretold can be mitigated in

many ways were all Gods children to accept the grace of
conversion. Conversion can weaken the impact of the antichrist.
Your daily prayers, including the recital of the Crusade Prayers
will help bring this about.
10/29/2012: However His great chastisements, of a magnitude
never witnessed in the world, before now, can be mitigated and
weakened through your prayers.
1/12/2013: Prayer, and much of it, can halt this wickedness.
And it is because of your prayers that the Divine Interventions,
to punish mankind, have been delayed.

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