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CVS Corporation Enhances Quality of Customer Service an Reuces

Costs !ith
"nte#rate Communications $latform
The largest retail provider of prescriptions in the U.S., CVS/pharmacy
operates approximately 4,100 stores and is one of the leaders in maret
share in !0 of the top 100 U.S. dr"gstore marets. The company is #"ilding
on its strong #ase $ith a gro$th strategy that calls for opening ne$ stores
ann"ally in high%potential and existing marets.
&n an e'ort to improve ("ality and service at all levels of the corporation,
$hile at the same time red"cing costs, CVS initiated a corporate%$ide
program to examine all aspects of the proc"rement of goods and services.
CVS cond"cted an extensive revie$ of in%store telecomm"nications systems
as a part of the corporate%$ide program. )fter a trial of the &nstant*'ice+
!,00 &ntegrated Comm"nications -latform .&C-/ from Vertical 0et$ors in
its ne$ stores and certain pilot marets, CVS decided to standardi1e on
Vertical 0et$ors2 sol"tion for all of its stores nation$ide.
CVS Enhances Services
The &nstant*'ice !,00 provides a complete, cost%e'ective comm"nications
sol"tion for stores and #ranch o'ices, integrating into one "nit
sophisticated voice services and high%performance data net$oring. &n
addition, the system streamlines comm"nications $ith ne$ applications and
services that tae advantage of the convergence of voice and data. )
remotely managea#le system designed speci3cally for stores and #ranch
o'ices $ith limited sta' and #"dget reso"rces, the &nstant*'ice !,00
1148 East Arques Ave, Sunnyvale, California 94085
Telephone: 408-5!-9"00 #a$si%ile: 408-5!-9"01
ena#les CVS to improve its a#ility to monitor and manage its voice and data
CVS $ill "se the Vertical 0et$ors system for converged voice and data
access facilities over integrated T1 lines, centrali1ed management, and
convergence of voice and data applications over CVS2s net$or
infrastr"ct"re. 4ach &nstant*'ice system $ill #e served $ith one T1 line
and $ill #e e("ipped $ith integrated a"to%attendant/voice mail capa#ility
and call center f"nctionality.
Supportin# Value%Ae Customer Applications
Vertical 0et$ors2 &nstant*'ice system $ill provide CVS $ith complete
voice capa#ilities, increase the capacity of its voice/data net$or5ena#ling
it to s"pport ne$ and enhanced applications immediately5and provide the
company a migration path to voice over &-. 6eca"se the system integrates
voice and data tra'ic over a single T1 line, CVS can eliminate some of the
m"ltiple voice lines that no$ serve each store. The retailer th"s expects to
deploy greater #and$idth for approximately the same price it no$ pays for
The com#ination of increased #and$idth and the &nstant*'ice system $ill
s"pport ne$ CVS applications that #ring val"e to c"stomers #"t re("ire
more #and$idth than the company2s existing applications. The &nstant*'ice
system allo$s CVS to r"n ne$ #"siness%enhancing applications right a$ay,
$hile integrating $ith the retailer2s existing in%store systems, lie CVS2s
&nteractive Voice 7esponse .&V7/ system for prescription re3lls. )dditionally,
the &nstant*'ice system provides CVS $ith a migration path to ne$
technologies, s"ch as voice over &-, $hen the company is ready.
A Call Center for "n%Store $harmacies
Vertical 0et$ors2 integrated sol"tion incl"des &nstant*'ice Call
8anagement S"ite, a soft$are application that allo$s CVS in%store
pharmacies, and indeed entire stores, to act lie small call centers. Call
8anagement S"ite $ill improve comm"nications and enhance c"stomer
interaction #y ("icly and e'iciently ro"ting in#o"nd calls, #ased on caller
needs, to pharmacies or other in%store departments. &n the f"t"re, this
f"nctionality $ill allo$ CVS to contin"e to #"ild c"stom applications that
improve c"stomer service. Vertical 0et$ors $ored $ith CVS to develop
c"stomi1ed call ro"ting and ("e"ing feat"res and integrate them $ith
existing CVS processes, s"ch as its &V7 system. )ltho"gh it provides the
f"nctionality of a high%end call center application, Call 8anagement S"ite is
not as costly or complex as other prod"cts designed for larger enterprises.
A&out CVS
CVS is )merica9s :1 pharmacy dispensing more retail prescriptions in more
stores than any other chain. ;ith ann"al reven"es of more than <=0 #illion,
CVS has created innovative approaches to serve the healthcare needs of all
of o"r c"stomers thro"gh its more than 4,100 CVS/pharmacy stores> CVS
-roCare, its specialty pharmacy #"siness>, its online pharmacy>
and -harmacare, its pharmacy #ene3t management company. ?eneral
information a#o"t CVS is availa#le thro"gh the &nvestor 7elations portion of
the Company9s $e#site, at http@//$$$
A&out Vertical 'et!or(s) "nc*
Vertical 0et$ors is the leading provider of &ntegrated Comm"nications
-latforms .&C-s/, the 3rst systems that com#ine voice, data, and
applications s"pport into one remotely managea#le platform. ;ith a "ni("e
foc"s on the needs of stores and #ranch o'ices, Vertical 0et$ors delivers
(a)e !
#"siness sol"tions to a $ide range of ind"stries, incl"ding 3nancial services,
medical, p"#lishing, and retail. To ens"re total c"stomer satisfaction,
Vertical 0et$ors2 strategic net$or service provider, reseller, and systems
integration partners o'er comprehensive s"pport services, incl"ding Ax=4
on%site s"pport.
Bor more information a#o"t Vertical 0et$ors or its prod"cts, visit the
company2s ;e# site at $$$ or call 40C%,=!%DA00.
(a)e 4

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