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Document Manager

ProjecTools Documents brings

together engineering design documents,
distribution and revision control together
ina user-friendly interface. The intuitive,
online review and transmittal process,
complete with audit history, ensures
clients receive a quality product every
time. Powerful reporting tools drive
transparency and accountability to
eliminate costly bottlenecks.
Supplier Data is maintained in a
searchable register by PO or Project.
Suppliers submit and receive transmittals
online to greatly reduce the overall
review time. Extensive reporting tools,
including late action reports, maintain
schedule compliance.
ProjecTools Documents resolves the problem of revision control, communication
management, and reporting in an online system.
Correspondence Manager
Correspondence Manager captures
and archives project communications,
memos, emails, letters, etc. Achieve
enhanced communication and
accountability using ProjecTools.
Document Interface
Document Interface provides automated,
rule-based integration with subs,
suppliers or client document systems.
Home Page
The ProjecTools Home Page allows
stakeholders to complete tasks as well
as view, download, mark-up and
submit fles for document package
review and approval.
Feature Beneft
Confgurable controls
Enforce workfows, prevent data
inaccuracies and duplicated efort
Routings & Transmittals
Create, distribute and track
document packages for internal or
external review and approval
Progress Milestones
Track actual progress and determine
earned progress by defnable milestones
Online Supplier Submittals
Reduce document control overhead, improve
collaboration and organize communications
Late action reports
Reveal breakdowns and bottlenecks to
maintain visibility and accountability
Batch Upload & Import
Drastically reduce resources needed to
maintain documents
Technical & Supplier Data Registers
Easily locate, manage and track documents
to reduce overhead, improve collaboration
and organize communication
Online Markups
Simplifes document review and
markup process
Distribution Matrix
Provides role-based access to
the latest document revision
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
Correspondence manager is the
best way to hold clients and
contractors accountable.
Carol Jones, MODEC
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
Systems Completion
Systems Completion provides an online
Commissioning Management System
(CMS) for mechanical completion,
pre-commissioning, commissioning and
handover. Auto-populate existing
Inspection Test Records (ITRs) or build
new forms using ProjecTools Smart Form
technology. Signifcantly reduce setup
time with auto-assignment rules and
keep the completion team focused on
defned priorities.
Issue ITRs and track progress by
company, system/sub-system, phase,
discipline, etc. Easily log progress and
load completed forms in bulk. Enforce
business rules to prevent certifcate
completion with outstanding items.
ProjecTools allows instant progress
reporting and identifes bottlenecks
before they afect the project schedule.
Engineering & Commissioning
ProjecTools online Engineering & Commissioning facilitates the planning, executing, and tracking
of complex engineering, procurement, and construction activities. A fully featured Commissioning
Management System (CMS) makes instant project progress reporting a reality.
Equipment Manager
Defne, track and manage equipment,
line and cable schedules by systems,
sub-systems, locations, functions, and
more. Monitor operating conditions and
easily access related documents.
Build weight and electrical load cases to
identify problems before they occur. Adhere
to safety and risk guidelines by tracking
equipment criticalities.
Collaborate electronically with
procurement to build bid packages
complete with technical documents,
supplier data requirements list, tagged
line items, and more.
Home Page
The ProjecTools Home Page provides
users easy online access to the Engineer-
ing & Commissioning Management
System (CMS) and provides the ability to
view and download documents.
Construction Punchlist
Maintain a searchable register of all
punchlist items for the project and assign
items for completion.
Bulk import punchlist items and link to
tag/ITR assignments, systems, locations,
and more. Place holds on ITR completion
for critical punchlist items.
Seamless integration with Equipment
Manager and Systems Completion
provides comprehensive status reporting
and audit-friendly history.
Feature Beneft
Engineering Requisitions
Leverage technical expertise by allowing
engineers to initiate requisitions
Defnable Tag Formats
Prevent errors and duplication
in tag numbering
Customized workfows
Enforce defnable organizational rules for
completing ITRs, certifcates, dossiers, etc.
ITR Smart Forms
Easily populate ITR forms
with equipment information
Punchlist Register
Allows easy online creation, search and
update of punchlist items
Online status reports
Quickly assess procurement and
commissioning progress
Bulk import & Update
Reduce data entry time and errors
SaaS Model
Commissioning Management System (CMS)
available anywhere in the world
Global Library
Standard ITRs and certifcates reduce
confusion and promote information
integrity across projects
ProjecTools Engineering &
Commissioning provide a
smooth fow and saves a lot of
wasted time.
Jennifer E. Roberts, GPS
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
Maintain a database of suppliers to
score and track for Historically
Underutilized Businesses (HUB). Easily
add, organize, and fnd suppliers with
defned manufacturers, commodity
codes and geographic region.
Utilize one centralized, online, multi-currency system providing intuitive tools to manage bid packages from
REQ/RFQ to RFP to Purchase Order.
Purchasing Setup
Defne and replicate time-saving
project templates for procurement
framework. Procurement templates
defne workfows including approved
suppliers, default letters, terms,
conditions, PO and CO text, etc.
Customize purchasing setup by buyer,
site, project and accounting company.
Requisition Manager
Generate and track Requests for Quote
(RFQ) with system-enforced workfows for
WBS, Supplier Data Requirement List
(SDRL), planned schedules, approvals,
technical and commercial documenta-
tion, revision updates, status reports, etc.
ProjecTools links information from
related internal and external business
units to streamline the procurement
With a few clicks of the mouse, select
approved suppliers for the RFQ from lists
defned according to rank, geographic
region, country, services, commodity
codes, and manufacturers. Import
standard terms and conditions, standard
line items and expected costs.
Route bid packages for online review and
approval using the ProjecTools routing
Suppliers bid online using ProjecTools
intuitive format. Uniform bid responses
simplify buyer evaluations and compari-
sons with the ability to rate and rank all
bids from a single screen.
Transition easily from RFQ to Request for
Purchase Order (RFP), verify met require-
ments, confrm delivery dates and
schedules as well as specify milestone
payments and warranty terms.
Integration with ProjecTools Procurement
means that all released purchase order
and change order information is available
to authorized materials managers
anywhere in the world. Instant access to
critical information allows easy coordina-
tion and tracking of expediting, shipping
and receiving.
Expediters develop and execute logistics
strategies using real-time information.
Schedule, assign, and log correspondence
with suppliers. Monitor slippages and
quality while documenting shipping
releases and storage requirements.
ProjecTools user-friendly system links
Receiving data, site inspections,
shortages, surplus and damage informa-
tion to equipment managers. Construc-
tion Managers update equipment
required dates with information linked
directly to expediters. Linked communica-
tion between suppliers, subs, and team
members facilitates efective team
collaboration and accountability to
protect the bottom line.
Create Quality Surveillance Plans
(QSPs) and manage budget information
by job or PO. Build custom Inspection
Test Plans (ITPs) and assign internal or
external inspectors. Receive site visit
reports and photos electronically
directly from the feld to immediately
communicate progress.
Materials Manager
Quality Surveillance
Purchase Order
Award purchase orders and
electronically route them to suppliers.
Request, approve and manage
change orders. ProjecTools integrated
system updates information from
purchase orders and change orders
to related areas of ProjecTools
eliminating double entry.
Supplier Manager
Feature Beneft
Standardized packages
Promotes consistent, efcient and
time-saving procurement processes
Schedule planning
Facilitates timely service
and equipment delivery
Standard forms and documents
Online platform improves information
integrity, uniformity and efciency
Routings & Approvals
Create, distribute and track procurement
packages for online review and approval
Request Response System
Promotes communication and problem-
solving during the procurement process
Online bidding
Centralized system
Simplifes bidding, evaluation
and award process
Allows visibility into each procurement
task and promotes accountability
ProjecTools cut the time it takes us to prepare a
procurement package from six weeks to one.
John Mock, MODEC
Cost Controller
Defne work breakdown structures (WBS),
build a profled baseline budget, and
manage administrative and contractual
change orders. Execute your budget plan
from start to closeout using a system-
controlled process. Use integrated, web-
based tools to manage each WBS with line
item precision from cost, man-hours, and
revenue perspectives. Generate reports to
predict cash fow requirements.
Other breakdown structures (OBS) allow
organizations to map existing WBS
formats consistent and familiar reporting.
Instantly replicate project control struc-
tures and best practices to rapidly deploy
new projects.
Cost Control
Manage cash fows, mitigate risks and produce concise reports using tools that integrate
critical information and communication with real-time, world-wide access.
Financial Interface
Integrate existing accounting systems
with ProjecTools Cost Control and
Procurement to generate precise,
fnancial data and reports in a secure
environment eliminating duplicated
efort and costly data entry errors.
Financial Interface pushes purchase order
and change order data directly and pulls
purchasing data, commitments and
actuals directly to and from your
companys accounting system, bypassing
cumbersome spreadsheets.
Scheduling Interface
Integrate existing scheduling
systems with ProjecTools for
true collaboration and
progress reporting.
Home Page
The ProjecTools Home Page allows
users to complete tasks as well as
view, download, mark-up, and
submit items as well as defne and
generate Cost Control Histograms.
Feature Beneft
Enforceable budget controls
Protects baseline with from
inception through closeout
Defneable work breakdown
structures (WBS)
Accuracy and consistency managing
and reporting on projects
Purchasing, fnancial and
scheduling integration
Single entry fnancial and scheduling data
prevent wasted time and inaccuracies
ProjecTools OBS (Other Breakdown Structure)
Provides mapping from WBS to multiple
stakeholder breakdown structures
SaaS model
Provides secure, worldwide access to real-time
project control data and reports
Extensive reporting tools Maintain fnancial visibility and credibility
Performance measurement
Accurately compute variance
and Earned Value
Budget Forecasting
Maintain accurate projections with
visibility into bid package progress
and pending change orders

Bryan Foushee,
Wison foating Systems
Wison Floating Systems realized
early on that ProjecTools would be a
great partner to assist us in growing
and enabling our EPCI global
management information systems.
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
Equipment Manager
Track parts and equipment by tag
numbers and manage requisitions
in the equipment register.
Correspondence Manager
Records project communication in
an easily accessible, searchable register.
Document Interface
Integrates ProjecTools with
other document systems.
Systems Completion
Complete commissioning management
system to manage ITRs, create certifcates,
and report on project progress.
Construction Punchlist
Track Punchlist items. Relate them
to ITRs in systems completion
and report on progress.
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
ProjecTools reduces risk, headaches, capital expenditures and maintenance costs with
a scalable solution that allows you to focus on business rather than technology.
SaaS Advantages
Focus on business rather than on technology.
Software systems should solve project manage-
ment problems, not create them. SaaS solutions
allow companies to focus on core functions
rather than infrastructure and maintenance
Reduce risk and time to value. Implementing
SaaS solutions minimizes IT investment. All that
is needed to start using a SaaS solution is a
subscription and a Web browser. This translates
to quick deployment allowing organizations to
focus on data collection, process refnement and
goal defnition.
Lower total-cost-of-ownership. With a SaaS
solution organizations gain immediate access to
software functionality and IT-support with no
costly hardware or maintenance fees while
reducing fxed IT overhead. In contrast, the total
cost of on-premise installation is neither fnite
nor predictable.
Increased fexibility. SaaS solutions allow
customers to quickly scale user licensing as
needs change. Avoid paying for unused licenses
common with enterprise software.
Leverage specialties. SaaS solution providers
success depends on keeping data secure and
accessible. Leverage this interest and economies
of scale to enjoy premium security and technol-
ogy at a reduced cost.
Easy upgrades. Hosted models provide rapid
product releases and improvements without
straining IT.
Stable cash fows. SaaS solutions stabilize
cash fows and require no signifcant up-front
cash outlays.
Subscription Model. SaaS solutions gener-
ally oer a subscription model converting
software costs from capital expenditure to
operating budget.
Scalability. SaaS solutions eciently scale
with changing business needs eliminating the
expense of scaling traditional enterprise
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
ProjecTools deploys with SAS 70 compliant data centers. Only world-class data centers such as
those employed by ProjecTools ofer the optimal environment to meet our strict requirements.
Why ProjecTools uses Data Centers
Data Center Advantages
Robust Power Infrastructure. World-class
data centers provide robust power infrastruc-
ture with the highest level of quality and
reliability. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
systems prevent power spikes, surges and
brownouts. Redundant diesel generators
maintain power in case of public utility failures.
Monitored, consistent power is distributed to
the equipment housed in racks. With no
spikes, brownouts, surges, or dips, this consis-
tent energy supply ensures the equipment is
well supported.
Reliable Physical Environment. World-class
data centers provide the precision HVAC
systems and employ robust preventive, detec-
tion, and suppression systems designed to
minimize and prevent disruption.
Physical Security. World-class data centers
utilize proven security equipment, techniques
and procedures to control access to the facility.
The data centers are staed with security
ocers to maintain fnancial-grade protection.

Customer Support. Data centers employ
on-site specialists for technical and logistical
support providing consistent word-wide
service while reducing fxed IT overhead.
Internet Diversity. Data centers employ
diverse networks and service providers to
optimize web trac providing clients speed
and fail-safe access to ProjecTools.
Dedicated Bandwidth. Hosting ProjecTools
at data centers oers burstable bandwidth
making sessions far less likely to be aected
by trac spikes.
Corporate Security. Using ProjecTools
reduces corporate IT strain by requiring
users to compute in a secure data center
Proven, Guaranteed Availability. World-class
data center infrastructure allows ProjecTools to
guarantee 99.5% uptime.
World-class data centers
allow ProjecTools to
deliver a secure, reliable,
efcient, scalable,
cost-efective project
management solution.
ProjecTools 4099 Hwy 36 N, Bellville, TX 77418 +1 (713) 371-9840 (Tel) +1 (713) 371-9841 (Fax)
ProjecTools provides continued operations during Hurricane Ike
Hurricane Ike Case Study
In September 2008 Hurricane Ike decimated
sections of Houston, Texas. Many ProjecTools
clients were directly in the path of the
Hurricane that made landfall as a Category
Two with sustained winds of 110 miles per
hour. Houston and surrounding areas
sufered the largest locally recorded power
outage. Hundreds of thousands of homes
and businesses, including many ProjecTools
clients, were without power for weeks.
Despite Houstons infrastructure failures,
ProjecTools data centers provided
uninterrupted access and prevented
the loss of any client data. ProjecTools
global clients from Scotland to Singapore
sufered no downtime in spite of
infrastructure failures and hurricane
conditions in Houston. ProjecTools
clients with global operations continued
business activities. Colleagues collaborated
from remote locations using ProjecTools
web-based system to assume the workload.
Throughout the storm the local data centers
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) was
active, utilizing backup generators until
power was fully restored and tested for
Had any ProjecTools clients hosted their
own project management software they
would have sufered considerable downtime
or worse.
Thanks to the network of data centers
employed by ProjecTools, clients were
provided uninterrupted service even
during Hurricane Ike.
ProjecTools international clients operations went uninterrupted

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