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Page No.
Executive Summary 6
Chapter I: Introduction to the Report
1.1. Origin of the Report 8
1.2. Rationality 8
1.3. O!ective" #
1.$. %uration #
1.&. 'rea of Operation 1(
1.6. )etho*ology 1(
1.+. ,imitation" 11
Chapter II: History of Prime Bank Ltd 13-1$
Chapter III: General Banking Services of Prime Bank Limited
3.1 .ntro*uction 16
3.2 %ifferent %epartment of /0 16
3.3 %ifferent type" of cu"tomer1'ccount hol*er 16
3.$ '12 Opening 3 %i"patch %epartment 1+
3.& Re4uirement"1Nece""ary formalitie" for opening each type
5 Of '1c. 1#
3.6 Eligiility to open an '1c 21
3.+ 'ccount" Opening of 2u"tomer 6ith the 0an7 21
3.8 .""uing of a 2he4ue 23
3.# 2learing Section 2+
3.1( 2ollection Section 28
3.11 'ccount" Section 2#
3.12 2a"h Section 31
3.13 2onclu"ion 32
Chapter I: !ther Banking services
$.1 Online 0ranch 0an7ing 3$-3&
$.2 )a"ter 2ar* 36-3+
$.3 S8.9: 3+
$.$ %epo"it Scheme" of Prime 0an7 38-$&
Chapter : Bank Rating
2')E, Rating of $8 0an7" $+
Chapter I: Recommendation" conclusion and Bi#liography
Recommen*ation &1
2onclu"ion &2
0iliography &$

$%ecutive Summary
:he report cover" the three month" intern"hip program a" the 00'
re4uirement". 9rom 16 'pril 2((8 to 1& ;uly 2((8< . have 6or7e* 6ith the
&epartment of General Banking Services of Prime Bank Ltd' at
0a"hun*hara 0ranch. :he o!ective of the pro!ect i" to analy=e the Overall
0an7ing Service" an* /eneral 0an7ing Service" offere* y Prime 0an7 ,t*.
>e"< Prime 0an7 ,t*. a an7 6ith a *ifference i" a fa"t gro6ing private
commercial an7 6hich i" primarily *rive y creating opportunitie" an*
pur"uing mar7et niche" not tra*itionally met y conventional an7". /eneral
an7ing "ervice" are the core activitie" of the an7 an* . have prepare* thi"
report a"e* on thi" *epartment. So thi" part i" the main part of thi" report.
:he "ervice" of Prime 0an7 ,t*. have alrea*y een e"tali"he* through out
. have prepare* thi" report 6ith Si% chapters. 'll chapter" inclu*e aout
Prime 0an7 ,t*. In chapter one" . have intro*uce* the report "uch a" origin<
rationality< o!ective< *uration< an* area of operation< (ethodology of the study
an* limitation" of the report.. :hen in chapter )*o" . have *i"cu""e* the
hi"tory of Prime 0an7 ,t*.
.n chapter three" . have highlighte* the main part of thi" report that i"
general an7ing "ervice" offere* y prime an7 lt*. ?ere . have *i"cu""e*
proce*ure of opening an account< type" of pro*uct1account< proce*ure" of
tran"ferring money "uch a" *eman* *raft @%%A< telegraphic tran"fer @::A<
pay or*er @POA< collection "ection an* finally clearing "ection of Prime 0an7
In chapter +our< . have Sho6e* other 0an7ing Service" of Prime 0an7 ,t*.
?ere . have *i"cu" Online 0ranch 0an7ing< type" of pro*uct1account.
.n chapter +ive" . have al"o "ho6e* the 0an7 Rating
finally in chapter Si% . conclu*e the report 6ith Recommen*ation<
2onclu"ion3 0iliography.
Introduction to the Report
,',' !rigin of the report:
0a"ically< thi" report i" a"e* on practical 6or7ing experience gathere*
from an exclu"ively inten"ive intern"hip program at P0, 0a"hun*hara
0ranch. Bnli7e univer"ity arrange" intern"hip program for their
"tu*ent" after the completion of theoretical cour"e" @i.e. after final
"eme"terA of the program of 0achelor of 0u"ine"" '*mini"tration
@00'A. Each intern mu"t e a""igne* 6ith a "pecific pro!ect that i"
a""igne* y the concerne* organi=ation an* for mo"t the intern"hip co
coor*inator of their univer"ity mu"t approve the pro!ect. .n thi"
particular report< 6e the internee of the previou"ly mentione* program
an* our concerne* organi=ation i" Prime 0an7 ,imite*. :hi" an7 i"
one of the prominent private an*
?ence . place* in the Prime 0an7 ,imite*< 0a"hun*hara 0ranch from
'pril< 2((8 to ;uly< 2((8.
,'-' Rationality:
.ntern"hip program i" the practical a"pect of our theoretical learning. .t
ma7e" a ri*ge et6een the gap of cla""room learning an* practical
learning. .n thi" vie6< .ntern"hip play" a pivotal role for each
profe""ional *egree li7e 00'. :he "tu*y 6ill help formulate "uitale
policie" ta7ing into con"i*eration *ifferent i*ea"< "ugge"tion" an*
feeling" of the cu"tomer" an* an7er". 9urther more< it may note* that
Prime 0an7 executive" 6ho are really executing the policie" un*erta7en
y the top management 6ill have a chance to communicate their
interaction an* provi*e nece""ary fee*ac7.
1.3 !B.$C)I$ !+ )H$ S)/&0
:he o!ective of the "tu*y i" to gather practical 7no6le*ge regar*ing
an7ing "y"tem an* it" operation". ' theoretical cla"" of 00' provi*e"
theorie" regar*ing *ifferent "u!ect 6herea" practical orientation give"
u" the chance to vie6 tho"e "y"tem" an* their operation". )ore
preci"ely 6e can i*entify the o!ective" of thi" report a" follo6"5
C :o earn practical experience an* 7no6le*ge aout the
an7ing operation" an* corporate function" performe* y a
commercial an7 li7e Prime 0an7 ,t*.
C :o *etermine the mo"t common o"tacle" tho"e are facing
y the client" of P0, an* their proale "olution"1
C :o o"erve the 6or7ing environment in commercial an7"
li7e P0,
C :o o"erve the variou" inve"tment in*icator" of P0,.
C :o examine the rule" an* regulation" of P0,.
C :o i*entify the prolem< if anyo*y face* y the official"
*ealing in an7ing u"ine"" an* to examine their vie6 to
"olve them.
C :o gather comprehen"ive 7no6le*ge on overall an7ing
function" of P0,.
C :o ac4uire practical 7no6le*ge aout the overall activitie"
of P0,.
,'1' &uration:
:he *uration of the "tu*y 6a" a very "hort "pan of time. .t 6a" three month
long intern"hip program @'pril2((8 to ;uly 2((8A. .t 6a" very much har* to
complete a report a" 6ell a" a""igne* ta"7" y the 0an7. So . ha* to complete
thi" "tu*y facing very much time pre""er.

,'2' 3rea of !peration:
:hi" report cover" only General Banking Services" activities and
procedures of Prime Bank Limited' E"pecially thi" report empha"i=e" on
the compari"on of *ifferent an7 intere"t rate an* *epo"it "cheme"< in a 6or*
financial pro*uct". .t con"i*er" only one 0ranch from all 6ell 7no6n private
,'4 (ethodology:
($)H!&!L!G0 !+ )H$ S)/&0
:he )etho*ology of the "tu*y can e *i"cu""e* un*er the follo6ing
ma!or hea*".
&ata sources:
:he *ata "ource" u"e* to prepare thi" report *elineate* a" follo6"5
'A Primary sources5
Primary "ource" *ata collecting from
9ace to face conver"ation 6ith officer" an* "taff".
9ace to face conver"ation 6ith client"
0A Secondary sources5
:he "econ*ary "ource" of *ata collecting from the follo6ing
%ifferent textoo7" 3 material"
%ifferent manual" 3 circular" of Prime 0an7 ,t*.
8e"ite of Prime 0an7 ,t*
Report" "umitte* y "everal intern"hip "tu*ent"
,'4',' LI(I)3)I!6S !+ )H$ S)/&0
:he pre"ent "tu*y 6a" not out of limitation". 9rom the eginning to
en*< the "tu*y ha" een complete* "incerely an* truthful. 0ut "ome
prolem ari"e" from con*ucting in the "tu*y. %uring the "tu*y it 6a"
not po""ile to vi"it the 6hole area covere* y the an7" although the
financial "tatement" an* other information regar*ing the "tu*y have
een covere*. Some limitation are given "tate* elo6-
D :he main con"traint of the "tu*y i" in"ufficiency of information<
6hich 6a" re4uire* for the "tu*y. :here are variou" information
the an7 employee canEt provi*e *ue to "ecurity an* other
corporate oligation".
D %ue to time limitation" many of the a"pect" coul* not e
*i"cu""e* in the pre"ent report.
D Every organi=ation ha" their o6n "ecrecy that i" not reveale* to
other". 8hile collecting *ata through intervie6ing the employee"<
they *i* not *i"clo"e much information for the "a7e of the
confi*entiality of the organi=ation.
History of Prime Bank Ltd
'ccor*ingly< Prime 0an7 ,t*. 6a" create* an* commencement of
u"ine"" "tarte* on 1+th 'pril 1##&. :he "pon"or" are repute*
per"onalitie" in the fiel* of tra*e an* commerce an* their "ta7e range"
from "hipping to textile an* finance to energy etc
'" a fully licen"e* commercial an7< Prime 0an7 ,t*. i" eing
manage* y a highly profe""ional an* *e*icate* team 6ith long
experience in an7ing. :hey con"tantly focu" on un*er"tan*ing an*
anticipating cu"tomer nee*". '" the an7ing "cenario un*ergoe"
change" "o i" the an7 an* it repo"ition" it"elf in the change* mar7et
Prime 0an7 ,t*. offer" all 7in*" of 2ommercial 2orporate an* Per"onal
0an7ing "ervice" covering all "egment" of "ociety 6ithin the
frame6or7 of 0an7ing 2ompany 'ct an* rule" an* regulation" lai*
*o6n y our central an7. %iver"ification of pro*uct" an* "ervice"
inclu*e 2orporate 0an7ing< Retail 0an7ing an* 2on"umer 0an7ing
right from in*u"try to agriculture< an* real "tate to "oft6are
:he an7 ha" con"i"tently turne* over goo* return" on '""et" an*
2apital. %uring the year 2((+< the an7 ha" po"te* an operating profit
of :7. 32&+ million an* it" capital fun*" "too* at :7 6382 million. Out
of thi"< :7. 22+& million con"i"t" of pai* up capital y "harehol*er" an*
:7. 26&#.21 million repre"ent" re"erve" an* retaine* earning". :he
an7F" current capital a*e4uacy ratio of 11.&(G i" in the mar7et. .n
"pite of complex u"ine"" environment an* *efault culture< 4uantum of
cla""ifie* loan in the an7 i" very in"ignificant an* "too* at le"" than
Prime 0an7 ,t*.< "ince it" eginning ha" attache* more importance in
technology integration. .n or*er to retain competitive e*ge< inve"tment
in technology i" al6ay" a top agen*a an* un*er con"tant focu". Heeping
the net6or7 6ithin a rea"onale limit< our "trategy i" to "erve the
cu"tomer" through capacity uil*ing acro"" multi *elivery channel".
Our pa"t performance give" an in*ication of our "trength. 8e are etter
place* an* poi"e* to ta7e our cu"tomer" through fa"t changing time"
an* enale them compete more effectively in the mar7et they operate

7',' Introduction:
8hen . *eci*e* to perform a" an intern an* "electe* y P0,< . ha* een
place* in the /eneral 0an7ing %epartment for 6hole time of my internee.
Several activitie" are performe* here. . have prepare* thi" report a"e* on
thi" *epartment. So thi" i" the core part of thi" report.
3.2 Different Departments Of General Banking
.t ha" five ma!or part" in the ranch to perform. :he "ection" are5
i. 'ccount opening "ection
ii. 2he4ue clearing
iii. 2a"h
iv. Remittance
v. 'ccount" "ection
3.3 Different Types Of Customers/ Account Holder
'ny one can open an account in Prime 0an7 ,t*. if he i" capale of entering
a vali* contract an* a an7er i" "ati"fie* hi" confi*e an* 6illing to inter into
the nece""ary u"ine"" relation 6ith him. So any one of the follo6ing type"
of cu"tomer" can open account5-
i. .n*ivi*ual @ per"onal A
ii. ;oint
iii. Proprietor"hip @ "ole tra*er" 1 regi"tere* or unregi"tere* A
iv. ;oint "toc7 companie" @ private1 pulic lt*. companie"A
3.! Account Opening and Dispatc" Department
'ccount opening i" the gate6ay to the an7. :he relation"hip et6een a
an7er an* it" cu"tomer egin" 6ith the opening of an account y the
cu"tomer. 9or thi"< account opening i" con"i*ere* the mo"t important
function of a commercial an7. 'll an7" generally maintain a "eparate
*epartment to open account".
:he function of account" opening *epartment can e cla""ifie* into the
follo6ing three categorie"5
1. Supplying variou" account" relate* information to the
2. Opening of account an*
3. .""uing che4ue oo7".
1. Supplying variou" account" relate* information to the cu"tomer"5
8hen a cu"tomer come" to open an account 6ith a an7< "1he nee*" to e
informe* aout variou" information relating to account opening. 'ccount
opening *epartment enthu"ia"tically provi*e" nece""ary information to the
9ollo6ing information i" "upplie* to the cu"tomer *epen*ing on their
:ype of account" maintaine* y the an7
Re4uirement"1Nece""ary formalitie" for opening each type of account"
Eligiility to open an account etc.
)ypes of accounts maintained #y PBL
'ccount" a"e* on operation" a" un*er5
2urrent 'ccount @2% '12A
Short :erm %epo"it 'ccount @S:% '12A
Saving" 0an7 'ccount @S0 '12A
9ixe* %epo"it Receipt 'ccount @9%R '12A
'ccount" a"e* on Nature of 2u"tomer" a" un*er5
Single1.n*ivi*ual 'ccount
;oint in*ivi*ual 'ccount
Sole :ra*er1 Proprietor"hip 'ccount
Partner"hip 'ccount
2ompany 'ccount etc.
Saving" account" are opene* for "ingle1in*ivi*ual an* !oint in*ivi*ual
cu"tomer. 0u"ine"" organi=ation"1enterpri"e" are not allo6e* to open "aving"
3.# $e%uirements/&ecessary formalities for opening eac" type of
Single1.n*ivi*ual Saving" 0an7 'ccount"5
.ntro*uction of cu"tomer @)u"t e either y an account hol*er
@S012% '12A or an employee of the an7.
Photograph"-:6o copie" @atte"te* y the .ntro*ucerA
Photocopy of vali* pa""port12iti=en"hip 2ertificate from 2hairman or
8ar* commi""ioner12ertificate from the employee of the an7.
:ran"action Profile
Signature on )oney laun*ering 2ircular
;oint .n*ivi*ual 'ccount5
No a**itional re4uirement"1formalitie" other than the Single1.n*ivi*ual
Saving" 0an7 'ccount".
Single .n*ivi*ual1;oint .n*ivi*ual 2% '12
Re4uirement"19ormalitie" a" li7e a" S0 '12< except here intro*ucer mu"t e
a 2% '12 hol*er of the an7.
Proprietor"hip 2% '12
.ntro*uction of the cu"tomer @)u"t e y a 2% '12 account hol*er
or an employee of the an7.
Photograph"- @:6o 2opie"A of the proprietor.
Iali* :ra*e ,icen"e.
2ompany Seal.
Photocopy of vali* pa""port of the proprietor12iti=en"hip1
2ertificate from 2hairman or 8ar* commi""ioner12ertificate from the
employee of the an7.
:ran"action Profile
Signature on )oney laun*ering 2ircular
Signature on H>2 form
Partner"hip 2% '12
.ntro*uction of the partner" @)u"t e y a 2% '12 account hol*er
or an employee of the an7.
Photograph"- @:6o 2opie"A of every partner.
Iali* :ra*e ,icen"e.
%ate of incorporation.
Photocopy of vali* pa""port of the proprietor12iti=en"hip
2ertificate or .*entity 2ertificate from 2hairman or 8ar*
commi""ioner12ertificate from the employee of the an7.
Partner"hip ,etter.
:ran"action Profile
Each partnerF" Signature on )oney laun*ering 2ircular
Each partnerF" Signature on H>2 form
,imite* 2ompany '12
.ntro*uction @)u"t e y a 2% '12 account hol*er or an employee
of the an7
Photograph"- @:6o 2opie"A
Iali* :ra*e ,icen"e
2ompany Seal
Re"olution of the 2ompany on companyF" letterhea*
2ertifie* an* atte"te* copy @atte"te* y )% or 2hairmanA of
)emoran*um of '""ociation an* 'rticle" of '""ociation
2ertifie* an* atte"te* copy of 2ertificate of incorporation
,i"t of %irector"
Photocopy of vali* pa""port12iti=en"hip 2ertificate or .*entity
2ertificate from 2hairman or 8ar* commi""ioner12ertificate from the
employee of the an7.
'nnexure E5 .*entification of %irector" an* 'uthori=e* Signatorie"
'nnexure %5 %irectorF" Signature on H>2 form
:ran"action Profile
3.' (ligi)ility to open an account
'nyone capale of entering into a vali* contract can open an account 6ith
the an7. ' minor can al"o open an account un*er guar*ian"hip or alone if
"1he i" at lea"t 12 year" ol*. 0ut a minor i" not allo6e* to open a current
,unatic< .n"olvent per"on1%run7er1,i4ui*ator1'ny other in*ivi*ual or
organi=ation y la6 cannot open an account 6ith an7.
3.* Accounts Opening of Customers +it" t"e Bank
Opening of an account involve" certain formalitie"< 6hich varie" accor*ing
to *ifferent type" of account" a" 6ell a" variou" categorie" of cu"tomer". :he
an7 "upplie" follo6ing printe* form" *uring opening an account of a
o 'ccount opening 9orm
o Specimen Signature 2ar*
o %epo"it Slip
o 2he4ue 0oo7 Re4ui"ition Slip
o H>2 Profile 9orm
o :ran"action Profile 9orm
2u"tomer" are re4ue"te* to rea* all the in"truction" carefully an* then fill up
the form" properly. 'ccount opening officer mu"t have to chec7 all the form"
or *ocument" i.e. 6hether the cu"tomer *uly "ign" them 6here nece""ary. '"
6ell a" intro*ucer mu"t intro*uce the cu"tomer y putting "ignature in the
"pace provi*e* on the account opening form.
3fter completion of all the formalities #y the customer" Prime #ank
officials have to perform the follo*ing functions chronologically:
Scrutini=ing account opening form an* Specimen "ignature car*
/etting the approval of account" y authori=e* officer
Putting entry in the account opening
Po"ting all the account information in the computer
.""uing a che4ue oo7
)aintaining all relevant paper"1*ocument" in
"eparate file in the name of the every account
Sen*ing the "pecimen "ignature car* to the ca"h
Sen*ing a than7" giving letter to the Ne6 account
openerF" a**re""
)aintaining all relevant paper"1*ocument" in
"eparate file in the name of the every account
Putting account numer on the form
3., -ssuing of a C"e%ue Book
' che4ue oo7 i" i""ue* to the cu"tomer at the time of the account opening
or may y i""ue* after 2-3 *ay" from account opening. 'n* a**itional
che4ue oo7 i" i""ue* at the re4ue"t of the cu"tomer accor*ing to hi"1her
9ollo6ing" are the formalitie" *uring i""uing a che4ue oo75
/etting the che4ue oo7 re4ui"ition "lip "igne* y the account hol*er
0y verifying the "ignature< i""uing the che4ue oo7
8riting *o6n the account numer on each leaf of the che4ue oo7
)a7ing entry to the che4ue i""ue regi"ter
Supplying the che4ue oo7 to the account hol*er after getting proper
ac7no6le*gement from the account hol*er
Inland Remittance &epartment
Remittance %epartment5 :hi" *epartment *eal" 6ith tran"fer of money from
one place to another place. Remittance can e cla""ifie* a" inlan* remittance
an* foreign remittanceJ ho6ever< remittance *epartment mainly *eal" 6ith
inlan* remittance rather than foreign remittance. .n"trument" u"e* for inlan*
remittance a" un*er5
o Pay Or*er @P.OA
o %eman* %raft @%%A
o :elegraphic :ran"fer @::A
Pay !rder: ' Pay Or*er i" a 6ritten or*er on a "pecific in"trument i.e.
generally calle* K0loc7L i""ue* y a an7 to pay a certain "um of money to
"pecific per"on< Organi=ation or a an7. .t i" calle* an7erF" che4ue< a" it i"
i""ue* y a an7 a" 6ell a" *ra6n upon on a an7.
Issuance of Pay !rder: i""uance of pay or*er involve" follo6ing "tep"5
Bpon re4ue"t" of cu"tomer< an7 "upplie" pre"crie* application
'pplicant ha" to provi*e *etaile* particular" of him1her"elf a"
6ell a" eneficiary or receiver of the Pay Or*er
:otal amount of the P.O mu"t e 6ritten oth in 6or*" an* in
figure" in the "pace provi*e*
2re*it voucher" are prepare*J one for commi""ion an* another
for I':
No6 cu"tomer i" re4ue"te* to *epo"it the P.O amount along
6ith I': an* 2ommi""ion charge" to the ca"h *epartment
2a"h *epartment relea"e" the application form 6ith authori=e*
"ignature an* ca"h receive* "eal
No6 Pay Or*er i" 6ritten on loc7 6hich ha" three part"5 9ir"t
part i" retaine* y the i""uing an7< Secon* part i" for cu"tomer
an* :hir* part i" for the eneficiary of the Pay Or*er
.n thi" "tage all the information i" entere* into the P.O regi"ter
Payment or $ncashment of Pay !rder:
.""uing an7 ma7e" payment of Pay Or*er upon pre"entation through
clearing hou"e. 8hen the P.O *oe" not con"i"t of *i"crepancie"< nece""arily
the procee*" of Pay Or*er i" cre*ite* to the account of payee1eneficiary.
?o6ever< efore ma7ing payment of P.O< the "ignature of i""uing officer i"
verifie* an* *ate of payment i" recor*e* in the Pay Or*er i""ue regi"ter.
&emand &raft
' %eman* %raft< 6hich in rief i" calle* %%. ' %% i" a 6ritten or*er on a
"pecific in"trument of one ranch of a an7 upon another ranch of the "ame
an7 to pay a certain "um of money to or to the or*er of a "pecifie* per"on or
of a "pecifie* organi=ation. .n practice %% i" not i""ue* et6een t6o
ranche" 6ithin the "ame city.
Issuance of &emand &raft: .""uance of %% involve" follo6ing "tep"5
2u"tomer i" a"7e* to fill up a form in "pecific form provi*e* y
an7 6hich i" al"o treate* a" a voucher
2ommi""ion an* 2harge" are al"o mentione* in the form
:6o cre*it voucher"J one for commi""ion an* another for I':
i" "taple* 6ith the form
2u"tomer pay" ca"h in the ca"h *epartment 6ith relevant
2a"h *ept. receive" ca"h an* *eliver" voucher" after completing
nece""ary formalitie"
No6 %% i" prepare* in a loc7
0ranch-6i"e "erial numer i" given on the *raft
:he *raft numer i" 6ritten on the voucher
%raft loc7 an* voucher along 6ith the regi"ter are "ent to the
officer in charge for chec7ing an* then "ent to manager1Secon*
in charge of the ranch for authori=ation
:he *raft may e cro""e* if cu"tomer *e"ire" an* finally
*elivere* to him1her again"t initial or ac7no6le*gement on the
Payment of &emand &raft:
'fter receiving the %%< the *ra6er ranch chec7" the *ate< amount oth in
6or*" an* figure" an* "ignature. .n ca"e of :e"t %%< :e"t numer mu"t e
reconcile* efore payment. 'n* then %% i" cancelle* an* payment *ate i"
note* in the regi"ter. .f the %% i" cro""e*< the payment i" ma*e through
clearing hou"e.
)elegraphic )ransfer
.n ca"e of :elegraphic :ran"fer< 6hich in rief i" calle* ::< an applicant ha"
to fill up pre"crie* form "upplie* y an7 to inform all the particular" aout
the "en*er a" 6ell a" the receiver1eneficiary of the ::. 0e"i*e"< follo6ing
point" "houl* e chec7e* in thi" regar*5
9ull name of the eneficiary an* hi" account numer if the
in"truction here i" Kcre*it to eneficiaryF" accountL< or full
a**re"" if in"truction i" there to a*vi"e 3 pay
2ommi""ion an* :elegram charge are recovere* from cu"tomer
' co"t memo ha" to prepare for cu"tomer in thi" regar*J
containing the amount of ::< commi""ion an* :elegram charge"
2u"tomer ha" to *epo"it ca"h in the ca"h *epartment along 6ith
voucher an* application
Remittance *epart finally chec7" all the particular" vi=. name of
the eneficiary< account numer of the eneficiary< name of the
an7< name of the ranch an* mo*e of payment etc.
Each an* every :: mu"t e :e"te* 6hatever the amount of ::
'uthori=e* officer then "en* the :: me""age through
:he i""uing ranch al"o "en*" a :: confirmation a*vice to the
*ra6er ranch an* one copy i" retaine* y the ranch
Payment of )elegraphic )ransfer 8))9:
:he payment of :: i" pai* only 6hen :: te"t numer" reconcile. ::
receiving ranch maintain" :: me""age receiving memo. On agreement of
:e"t< the "erial numer of :: i" entere* in the :: payale regi"ter. :he
i""uing ranch inform" if any numer i" mi"matche* or omitte*. :6o
voucher" are prepare* in thi" regar* a" un*er5
P0, /eneral '12MMMNNNNNN 0ranch----------%r.
0ill" Payale '12MM..@:: payaleA-------------2r.
:he :: amount i" then cre*ite* to the eneficiaryF" account if the
eneficiary1receiver of the :: i" an account hol*er of the ranchJ other6i"e a
Pay Or*er i" i""ue* if the eneficiary1receiver of :: i" an account hol*er of
another an7.
7':' Clearing Section:
'ccor*ing to the 'rticle 3+@2A of 0angla*e"h 0an7 Or*er< 1#+2< the an7"<
6hich are the memer of the clearinghou"e< are calle* a" Sche*ule* 0an7".
:he "che*ule* an7" clear the che4ue *ra6n upon one another through the
clearinghou"e. :hi" i" an arrangement y the central an7 6here every*ay
the repre"entative of the memer an7" gather" to clear the che4ue. 0an7"
for cre*it of the procee*" to the cu"tomer"F account" accept 2he4ue an*
other "imilar in"trument". :he an7 receive" many "uch in"trument" *uring
the *ay from account hol*er". )any of the"e in"trument" are *ra6n payale
at other an7". .f they 6ere to e pre"ente* at the *ra6er an7" to collect the
procee*"< it 6oul* e nece""ary to employ many me""enger" for the purpo"e.
Similarly< there 6oul* e many che4ue *ra6n on thi" the me""enger" of
other an7" 6oul* pre"ent an7 an* them at the counter. :he 6hole proce""
of collection an* payment 6oul* involve con"i*erale laor< *elay< ri"7 an*
'll the laor< Ri"7< *elay an* expen*iture are "u"tantially re*uce*< y the
repre"entative" of all the an7" meeting at a "pecifie* time< for exchanging
the in"trument" an* arriving at the net po"ition regar*ing receipt or payment.
:he place 6here the an7" meet an* "ettle their *ue" i" calle* the
7':',' 3ctivities of the Section:
@aA Preparation of 2learing Out6ar* an* .n6ar* ,o*gment an* recor*
maintenance of the "ame.
@A 0atch po"ting a" an* 6hen re4uire*.
On receipt of in"trument"< the "ame i" en*or"e* here. :hen clearing "ection
6ill "ent .0%' to hea* Office for clearing purpo"e an* on receipt of .02'
from ?ea* Office amount i" cre*ite* to cu"tomer" account an* vice ver"a. .f
the in"trument i" return then the "ame i" given ac7 to the cu"tomer.
7',; Collection Section:
2hec7"< *raft" etc. are *ro6n on an7 locate* out"i*e clearing hou"e are "ent
for collection. )oti!heel 0ranch collect" it" clientF" aove-mentione*
in"trument" from other ranche" of P0, an* ranche" other than P0,. .n
ca"e of out 6ar* ill" for collection cu"tomer" account i" cre*ite* after
fini"hing the collection proce""or. 'n* in ca"e of in 6ar* ill" cu"tomer"
account i" *eite* for thi" purpo"e. So it place" *ual role a" follo6"5
iA 2ollecting 0an7er
iiA Paying 0an7er.
7',;',' 3ctivities of the Section:
Preparing of Out6ar* an* .n6ar* 2ollection .tem.
.nter-0ranch :ran"fer.
0atch po"ting an* chec7ing a" an* 6hen re4uire*.
Other 6or7" a" an* 6hen re4uire.
Collection is done *hen
@iA Paying 0an7 i" locate* out "i*e %ha7a 2ity.
@iiA Paying 0an7 i" other ranche" of P0, "ituate* in"i*e %ha7a 2ity.
8i9 Paying Bank is outside &haka City:
2ollection *epartment of )oti!heel 0ranch @Principal 0ranchA< P0, "en*"
out6ar* ill" for collection @O02A to the concerne* paying an7 to get inter
0an7 2re*it '*vice @.02'A from paying 0an7. .f the paying an7 *i"honor"
the in"trument< the "ame i" returne* to principal 0ranch.
8ii9 )he Paying Bank of their o*n #ranches inside &haka
2ollection %epartment "en*" tran"fer *elivery item to other ranche" of
"ame an7 "ituate* in"i*e %ha7a 2ity. Bpon receiving .02' cu"tomerF" a1c
i" cre*ite*.
7',;'-' Procedures for !ut*ard Bills for Collection:

7',,' 3ccounts Section:
.n an7ing u"ine"" tran"action" are *one every *ay an* the"e tran"action"
are to e recor*e* properly an* "y"tematically a" the an7" *eal 6ith the
*epo"itor"F money. 'ny *eviation in proper recor*ing may hamper pulic
confi*ence an* the an7 ha" to "uffer a lot. .mproper recor*ing of
tran"action" 6ill lea* to the mi"match in the *eit "i*e an* cre*it "i*e. :o
avoi* the"e mi"hap"< the an7 provi*e" a "eparate *epartment 6ho"e
function i" to chec7 the mi"ta7e" in pa""ing voucher" or 6rong entrie" or
frau* or forgery. :hi" *epartment i" calle* 'ccount" %epartment.
*epo"it-"lip %epo"iting the che4ue
along 6ith
2ro""ing of the che4ue are *one
in*icating the 0ranch a" collecting an7
En*or"ement KPayeeF" '12 6ill e
cre*ite* on reali=ationL i" given
Entrie" are given in the Out6ar*
2learing Regi"ter
0e"i*e" the"e< the ranch ha" to prepare "ome internal "tatement" a" 6ell a"
"ome "tatutory "tatement"< 6hich are to e "umitte* to the 2entral 0an7 an*
the ?ea* Office. :hi" *epartment prepare" all the"e "tatement".
7',,',' +unctions of 3ccounting &epartment:
8e can *ivi*e the function" of accounting *epartment into t6o categorie".
One i" *ay-to-*ay ta"7 an* another i" perio*ical ta"7.
a' &ay to day functions: ?ere *ay-to-*ay function refer" to the every
*ay ta"7". 'ccounting *epartment of P0, perform" the follo6ing *ay to *ay
Recor*ing of tran"action in the ca"hoo7< general an* "u"i*iary
Preparing the *aily po"ition of *epo"it an* ca"h.
)a7ing the payment of the expen"e of the ranch.
Recor*ing" of inter ranch fun* tran"fer.
2hec7ing 6hether all the voucher" are correctly pa""e*.
Recor*ing the voucher in the voucher regi"ter.
Pac7ing an* maintain" the total *eit an* total cre*it voucher".
#' Periodical functions: Perio*ical function" of account" *epartment
inclu*e the preparation of *ifferent 6ee7ly< fortnightly< monthly< 4uarterly
an* annual "tatement. :he account" *epartment prepare" the follo6ing
)onthly "tatement of *epo"it"< loan" an* a*vance"< profit an*
lo"" etc.
Ouarterly "tatement of *epo"it"< loan" an* a*vance"< profit an*
lo"" etc.
>early "tatement of *epo"it"< loan" an* a*vance"< profit an* lo""
>early "tatement of cla""ifie* ,oan" an* '*vance".
Statement of 'ffair".
>early 0u*get of the 0ranch< etc.
7',-Cash Section :
2a"h "ection i" a very "en"itive organ of the ranch an* han*le 6ith extra
care. Operation of thi" "ection egin" at the "tart of the an7ing hour. 2a"h
officer egin" hi"1her tran"action 6ith ta7ing money from the vault< 7no6n
a" the opening ca"h alance. Iault i" 7ept in a much "ecure* room. Hey" to
the room are 7ept un*er control of ca"h officer an* ranch in charge. :he
amount of opening ca"h alance i" entere* into a regi"ter. 'fter 6hole *ay"F
tran"action< the "urplu" money remain in the ca"h counter i" put ac7 in the
vault an* 7no6n a" the clo"ing alance. )oney i" receive* an* pai* in thi"
7',-', Cash Receipt:
't fir"t the *epo"itor fill" up the %epo"it in Slip. 9or "aving account
an* current account "ame %epo"it in Slip i" u"e* in thi" 0ranch.
'fter filling the re4uire* *epo"it in "lip< *epo"itor *epo"it" the
Officer" at the ca"h counter receive" the money< count it< enter the
amount of money in the regi"ter 7ept at the counter< "eal the *epo"it
in "lip an* "ign on it 6ith *ate an* 7eep the an7"F part of the "lip.
Other part i" given to the *epo"itor.
.n thi" ranch< i.e.< )oti!heel 0ranch< t6o *ifferent officer" maintain
t6o *ifferent oo7" for entering "uch entrie". 'll *epo"it" of "aving
account are maintaine* y one officer an* other account" y another
't the en* of the *ay entrie" of oth of the"e regi"ter" are cro""
chec7e* 6ith the regi"ter 7ept at the ca"h counter to "ee 6hether the
tran"action" are correct or not.
7',-'-' Cash Payment:
8hen a per"on come" to the an7 to ca"h a che4ue< @"Ahe fir"t give" it to
the computer *e"7 to 7no6 the po"ition of the chec7 an* po"ting of the
che4ue. .f the account ha" "ufficient fun* the computer in charge 6ill
po"t it into the computer< 6ill "ign it an* "eal it.
:hi" che4ue i" then "ent to the concerne* officer. :here are t6o officer"
6ho verify the che4ue" P one for "aving" an* "imilar type" of account
an* another for current an* "imilar type" of account.
'fter receiving the che4ue re"pective officer fir"t chec7" it very
carefully for any 7in* of frau*ulent activity. @SA ?e al"o chec7" the *ate
of the che4ue< amount in 6or*< amount in figure an* "ignature of the
.f the in"trument i" free of all 7in* of error the officer 6ill a"7 the earer
to "ign on the ac7 of it.
?e 6ill then put hi"1her initial e"i*e the earer"F "ignature. @SAhe 6ill
al"o "ign it on it" face< 6ill 6rite *o6n the amount y re* pen.
:hen the che4ue 6ill e "ent to the ca"h counter. 't the ca"h counter
earer 6ill e a"7e* again to "ign on the ac7 of the in"trument.
:he ca"h officer 6ill then enter the *etail" of the che4ue in hi"1her
regi"ter an* 6ill pay the money to the earer.
't the en* of the *ay the"e regi"ter" 6ill e compare* to en"ure the
correctne"" of the entrie".
7',7 Conclusion:
0an7 i" the large"t organi=ation of moili=ing "urplu" *ome"tic "aving".
'ttractive Saving" Scheme" are offere* y P0, "uch a" 2ontriutory
Saving" Scheme< )onthly 0enefit %epo"it Scheme< Special %epo"it
Scheme< E*ucation Saving" Scheme< 9ixe* %epo"it Scheme< Prime 0an7
)oney Scheme< Prime 0an7 .n"ure* 9ixe* %epo"it Scheme a" 6ell a"
*ifferent account" to "ave money. Scheme" are *e"igne* concentrating in
*ifferent purpo"e" to help the fixe* income group people to help in nee*.
0an7-Official" are al"o 6hole-hearte* an* *e*icate* to "erve their cu"tomer
6ith utmo"t care.

1' , !nline Branch Banking
:he 0an7 ha" "et up a 8i*e 'rea Net6or7 @8'NA acro"" the country
to provi*e online ranch an7ing facility to it" value* client". Bn*er the
Scheme< client" of any ranch "hall e ale to *o an7ing tran"action at other
ranche" of the an7.
Bn*er thi" "y"tem a client 6ill to e ale to *o follo6ing type of tran"action"
Q 2a"h 6ith*ra6al from hi"1her account at any ranch of the 0an7
irre"pective of location.
Q 2a"h *epo"it in hi"1her account at any ranch of the 0an7 irre"pective of
Q 2a"h *epo"it in otherE" account at any ranch of the 0an7 irre"pective of
Q :ran"fer of money from hi"1her account 6ith any ranch of the 0an7.
'ny amount can e *epo"ite* or tran"ferre* un*er Prime ,ine. .n the "y"tem<
ho6ever< at pre"ent there i" a limit for ca"h 6ith*ra6al through earer or y
account hol*er him"elf.
)erms < Conditions of !nline Branch Banking Service
!6LI6$ BR36CH B36=I6G S$RIC$ i" *e"igne* to "erve it" value*
client". Bn*er thi" "y"tem< you "hall e ale to *o the follo6ing type of
Q 2a"h 6ith*ra6al from your account at any ranch of the 0an7
Q %epo"it in your account at any 0ranch of the 0an7.
Q :ran"fer of money from your account to any other account 6ith any
0ranch of the 0an7
)ransaction Limit
(1.)aximum ceiling of ca"h 6ith*ra6al y "elf i" :7. 1(<((<(((1- @ten lacA
only per tran"action
(2. )aximum ceiling of ca"h 6ith*ra6al y thir* party @earerA per
tran"action i" elo6 :7............... Only @plea"e mention the limit you 6an* to
(3. 2a"h *epo"it1tran"fer y online tran"action i" unlimite*
!nline )ransaction (em#ership +ee
)emer"hip fee of :7. &(1- per month for the Online 0ranch 0an7ing
Charges for !nline )ransaction
,' :here 6ill e no charge for tran"action 6ithin the city 6here the
account i" *omicile*
-' 9ee :7. &(1- 6ill e reali=e* from the cu"tomerF" account for each
remote tran"action @inter-cityA for amount upto :7. 1<((<((( @one lacA.
7' 9ee at the rate of (.(+&G 6ill e reali=e* from the cu"tomerF" account
for each remote tran"action of amount more than :7. 1<((<((( @one
>ho can get this service
:he 2lient" 6ho ha" account in prime an7 or 6ho 6ill open account in
prime an7 an* 6oul* e intere"te* to maintain "u"tantial *epo"it" in
Savings" Current or S)& account"< 6ill e eligile to get Prime ,ine
Ho* one can get this service
.nten*ing an* eligile client" have to apply in pre"crie* application form
to their ranch @6here account i" maintaine*A to get the online "ervice
from the an7. :he client "houl* "umit t6o copie" photograph" an*
"ignature car*" along6ith the application form. :o avail the Prime ,ine
"ervice< no charge "houl* e pai* for online tran"action 6ithin a locality
6here the account i" *omicile*. 0ut charge" "houl* e pai* y the
cu"tomer for inter city online tran"action
>hen a account *ill #e activated for online
8ithin 1& *ay" from the *ate of "umi""ion application a account 6ill e
activate* for online "ervice
Prime 0an7 ,imite* otaine* Principal )emer"hip of )a"ter-2ar*
.nternational in the month of )ay 1###. 8ithin a perio* of 6 month"< the
an7 "ucce""fully launche* )a"ter 2ar*-2re*it 2ar* 6hich create* a ne6
*imen"ion in it" cu"tomer "ervice an* con"umer financing.
:he Special feature of the Prime 0an7 )a"ter 2ar* i" that it" ear" the car*
hol*erF" photo on the car*< 6hich i" the fir"t of it" 7in* in 0angla*e"h an*
a**" "ecurity again"t mi"u"e. Prime 0an7 ,imite* i""ue" 1 types of cards.
:he"e are Gold Local < International an* Silver Local < International.
,ocal car*" can e u"e* in 0angla*e"h only.
1'- +ollo*ings are the main feature of (asterCard Credit
(1.Prime 0an7 En"ure ?igh ,evel of Security y in"erting your
Photograph on the 2ar*.
(2. 2( to &( *ay" cre*it form the *ate of tran"action. 8hen you receive
your monthly "tatement< you can either choo"e to pay in full or !u"t
minimum *ue amount "ho6n on the "tatement. No intere"t i" charge* if
you pay in full 6ithin payment *ue *ate
(3. 2$ hour" a *ay< 36& *ay" 6orl*6i*e "ervice.
($. No !oining1a*mini"trative fee".
(&. 6aiver of annual fee" for .nternational 2ar*5 .f you accumulate
2(<((( Prime 0an7 0onu" Point for your /ol* 2ar* or< 1(<((( 0onu"
Point for your Silver 2ar* in a year then you en!oy our 2ar* 6ithout fee"@
R 1 purcha"e5 1 0onu"A.
(6. 8aiver of annual fee for ,ocal 2ar*5 .f you accumulate 1(<((( Prime
0an7 0onu" Point for your /ol* 2ar* or 8<((( 0onu" Point for your
Silver 2ar* in a year then you en!oy our 2ar* 6ithout fee"@ :7. &(1-
purcha"e 5 1 0onu" pointA.
(+. :he ?ighe"t Prime 0an7 0onu" Point hol*er can en!oy free air tic7et
%ha7a-0ang7o7-%ha7a. @0u"ine"" 2la""A.
(8. 2a"h a*vance facilitie".
(#. 1<3#<((<((( location" accept )a"ter2ar* 6orl*6i*e
+acilities 3vaila#le *ith the Card :
:he 2ar* can e u"e* for5
(1.)a7ing payment" to )erchant" again"t purcha"e of all goo*" an*
"ervice" y the 2ar*hol*er form )archant@"AJ an*
(2. 'vailing 2a"h '*vance"5
2.1 9rom any of P0, 0ranche" or any memer of )a"ter2ar* of any
)erchant authori=e* to ma7e 2a"h '*vance"J a" may e agree* upon
y P0, or
2.2 0y the u"e of the 2ar* on any ':) of P0, or of )a"ter2ar*. Su!ect
to the"e term" an* con*ition" an* in compliance 6ith "uch
re4uirement"< limitation" an* proce*ure" a" may e impo"e* y P0,<
any )erchant or )a"ter2ar* from time to time.
1'7 S>I+)
Prime 0an7 ,imite* i" one of the fir"t fe6 0angla*e"hi 0an7" 6ho have
ecome memer of S>I+) @Society for >orl*6i*e Inter-an7 +inancial
)elecommunicationA in 1###. S>I+) i" memer" o6ne* co-operative<
6hich provi*e" a fa"t an* accurate communication net6or7 for financial
tran"action" "uch a" ,etter" of 2re*it< 9un* tran"fer etc. 0y ecoming a
memer of S>I+)< the an7 ha" opene* up po""iilitie" for uninterrupte*
connectivity 6ith over &<+(( u"er in"titution" in 1&( countrie" aroun* the
S8.9: No.5 PR0,0%%?
&eposit Schemes of Prime Bank Limited:
Bank is the largest mobilizer of surplus domestic savings. For
poverty alleviation, we need self employment , for self-employment
we need investment and for investment we need savings. In the
other words, savings help capital formations and the capital
formations help investments in the country. The investment in its
turn helps industrialization leading towards creation of wealth of
the country. nd the wealth finally takes the country on road to
progress and prosperity. s such, savings is considered the very
basis of prosperity of the country. The more the growth of savings,
the more will be the prosperity of the nation.
The savings rate in Bangladesh is one of the lowest in the world.
In order to improve the savings rate, Financial Institutions
responsible for mobilization of savings should offer attractive
!avings !chemes so that the marginal propensity to save
increases. The savings do not, of course, depend only on the
"uantum of income but largely depend on the habit of savings of
the people.
Contri#utory Savings Scheme 5
This is a !avings !cheme in which a person gets the opportunity to
build up savings by contributing monthly installments and receives an
attractive fi#ed amount at the end of a specified term.
The !cheme is designed to help the fi#ed income group to save
money and build up a sizable funds with which they can go for some
income generating venture to improve the "uality of their life and$or
meet any future financial obligations
The salient features of the Scheme are given below:
% &inimum size of monthly installment shall be Tk. '(($- and multiplies of
Tk. )((($-. &a#imum installment size shall be Tk. *',((($-
% The +eposit shall be for a period of ' years.
,ump sum amount shall be paid after maturity or monthly -ension shall be
paid for the ne#t ' years according to the size of deposit. brief chart of
lump sum amount and monthly pension installments payable are shown
Size of monthly
deposit (Taka)
Terminal value after 5
years (Taka)
Pension for net 5 years
'(($- /(,((($- 01($-
),((($- 0(,((($- ),123$-
*,((($- ),4(,((($- 2,/10$-
2,((($- *,/(,((($- ',*)1$-
/,((($- 2,*(,((($- 4,3'4$-
',((($- /,((,((($- 0,43'$-
4,((($- /,0(,((($- )(,/2/$-
1,((($- ',4(,((($- )*,)12$-
0,((($- 4,/(,((($- )2,3)*$-
3,((($- 1,*(,((($- )',4')$-
)(,((($- 0,((,((($- )1,23($-
)),((($- 0,0(,((($- )3,)*3$-
)*,((($- 3,4(,((($- *(,040$-
)2,((($- )(,/(,((($- **,4(1$-
)/,((($- )),*(,((($- */,2/4$-
)',((($- )*,((,((($- *4,(0'$-
)4,((($- )*,0(,((($- *1,0*/$-
)1,((($- )2,4(,((($- *3,'42$-
)0,((($- )/,/(,((($- 2),2(*$-
)3,((($- )',*(,((($- 22,(/)$-
*(,((($- )4,((,((($- 2/,10($-
*),((($- )4,0(,((($- 24,')3$-
**,((($- )1,4(,((($- 20,*'0$-
*2,((($- )0,/(,((($- 23,331$-
*/,((($- )3,*(,((($- /),124$-
*',((($- *(,((,((($- /2,/1'$-
Short )erm &eposit
(1. ' "hort term *epo"it @S:%A account i" a running account 6ith
amount" eing pai* into an* *ra6n out of the account continuou"ly.
(2. :he"e account" are calle* %eman* %epo"it" or %eman* ,iailitie"
"ince the an7er i" un*er oligation to pay the money in "uch *epo"it"
on *eman*.
(3. :he"e account" are generally opene* y 0u"ine"" Organi=ation<
Pulic .n"titution< an* 2orporate 0o*ie".
($. 'n S:% account may e opene* y an in*ivi*ual per"on.
(&. .t i" an intere"t earing *epo"it. .ntere"t i" calculate* on *aily a"i" a"
per 0an7" Pre"crie* Rate an* i" cre*ite* to account on half yearly
2urrent intere"t rate on S:% account i" 4 Percent.
E*ucation Saving" Scheme
:he e*ucational expen"e" particularly the expen"e" for higher e*ucation
are "harply increa"ing *ay y *ay in our country. Sometime"< the
chil*ren are *eprive* of getting the *e"ire* level of e*ucation ecau"e of
the inaility of the parent" to meet their e*ucational expen"e". 0ut the
parent" 6oul* not feel any *ifficulty to *efray "uch expen"e" if a proper
financial planning i" ma*e much ahea* of time.
)oreover< 6e are receiving *eman*" from the ."lamic min*e* people of
our country for an attractive Saving" Scheme on the a"i" of ."lamic
Sariah "o a" to encourage them to "ave in ."lamic 6ay for e*ucation of
their chil*ren.
8ith thi" en* in vie6< Prime 0an7 ,imite* ha" intro*uce* a Saving"
Scheme entitle* KE*ucation Saving" SchemeL in accor*ance 6ith the
principle" of ."lamic Sariah i.e.< on the a"i" of profit an* lo"" "haring.
:he "cheme provi*e" a uni4ue opportunity to the parent" to ma7e a future
provi"ion for the e*ucational expen"e" of their chil*ren 6hen they enter
into School"< 2ollege" an* Bniver"itie" out of the enefit of a "mall
amount of "aving" 6ith the 0an7 at an opportune moment
)he salient features of the Scheme are given #elo*:
(1.:he Scheme "hall e implemente* through all Prime ranche"< though
it i" "pecially *e"igne* for ."lamic 0an7ing ranche".
(2. %epo"it of :7. &(<(((1- an* multiple" thereof ut maximum limit of
:7. &< ((<(((1- at a time 6ill e acceptale un*er the Scheme.
(3. ' "pecially *e"igne* Receipt "hall e i""ue* for the *epo"it un*er the
Scheme in the "ame manner a" i""ue* in ca"e of 9%R. 0ranche" "hall
u"e the ESS receipt" that u"e* for exi"ting "cheme.
($. :he in"trument "hall e i""ue* for a perio* of & year" term.
(&. On maturity a lump "um amount of :7. 8&<3821- "hall e payale or
e*ucation allo6ance D :7. 1<8&$1- per month per :7. &(<(((1- "hall
e payale on the a"i" of *epo"it amount for next & year" "tarting
from the completion of the term a" per follo6ing tale. .ncome :ax
D1(G on intere"t may e *e*ucte* at "ource at the time of payment
of lump "um amount.
Initial &eposit 8)aka9

Lump sum amount
paya#le at maturity
3mount of $ducation
allo*ance per month
&(<(((1- 8&<3821- 1<8&$1-
1<((<(((1- 1<+(<+631- 3<+(&1-
1<&(<(((1- 2<&6<1$&1- &<&&81-
2<((<(((1- 3<$1<&261- +<$1(1-
2<&(<(((1- $<26<#(81- #<2631-
3<((<(((1- $<6#<+($1- 11<11&1-
3<&(<(((1- &<$+<#881- 12<#681-
$<((<(((1- 6<26<2+21- 1$<82(1-
$<&(<(((1- +<($<&&61- 16<6+31-
&<((<(((1- +<82<8$(1- 18<&2&1-
&ou#le Benefit &eposit Scheme
(1.:he Scheme "hall e implemente* through all the ranche" of Prime
0an7 ,imite*.
(2. %epo"it of :7. 2&<(((1- @:a7a t6enty five thou"an*A an* multiplie"
thereof ut maximum limit of :7. 2&<((<(((1- @:a7a t6enty five lacA at
a time 6ill e acceptale un*er the "cheme.
(3. :he in"trument "hall e i""ue* for (6 @"ixA year" term.
($. 't maturity after (6 @"ixA year" *oule the amount of *epo"it 6ill e
pai* to the *epo"itor.
(&. Photograph of Nominee< *uly atte"te* y the *epo"itor< "hall e
otaine* at the time of opening the account.
(6. Normally no 6ith*ra6al 6ill e allo6e* efore maturity. 0ut if any
*epo"itor inten*" to 6ith*ra6 hi" *epo"it efore maturity< the
follo6ing rule" 6ill apply5
(+. @aANo enefit inclu*ing intere"t1profit "hall e allo6e* for pre-mature
enca"hment 6ithin one year.
@A .f the account" 1 *epo"it" are clo"e* 1 enca"he* after one year of it"
opening< enefit "hall e allo6e* on the *epo"it at normal Saving"
%epo"it rate
(8. :he in"trument 6ill e acceptale a" collateral "ecurity again"t any
inve"tment "u!ect to regi"tering lien 6ith the i""uing ranch.
(#. .n ca"e of *eath of a *epo"itor< the amount of in"trument 6ill e pai*
to the nominee< to the legal heir" of the *epo"itor on pro*uction of
"ucce""ion certificate.
1(. .n ca"e of in"trument i" lo"t the proce*ure for the i""uance of a
*uplicate receipt 6ill e the "ame a" applicale in ca"e of lo"" of 9%R.
11. Bn*er the "cheme *epo"tior can get free in"urance facility.
12. .n"urance coverange i" only applicale to per"onal acci*ent an*
"eriou" illne"" relate* in"urance policy.
13 %epo"tor can ta7e loan agin"t hi"1her *epo"it un*er thi" "cheme
1$. 't pre"ent no income tax 6ill e *e*ucte* from the intere"t earne*.
0ut in future for any change in the government policy 0an7 re"erve"
the right to *e*uct income tax.
+i%ed &eposit Scheme
:hi" type of *epo"it "houl* e 7ept for a fixe* term or perio*. Prime
0an7 ,imite* *eal" 6ith the follo6ing term" *epo"it.
Particulars Interest Rate
1@OneA month 8.((G
3@:hreeA month 11.&(G

6@SixA month 11.&(G
1@OneA year 12.((G
,a7hopati %epo"it Scheme
@aA)onthly .n"tallment "i=e< tenure an* terminal value of the "cheme 6ill
e a" follo6"5
Monthly Installment
Size (Taka)
Amount to be paid after
maturity (Taka)
2&(1- 1& year" 1<((<(((1-
&((1- 1( year" 1<((<(((1-
1<28&1- & year" 1<((<(((1-
2<$((1- 3 year" 1<((<(((1-
Prime )illionaire Scheme
)onthly in"tallment "hall e :7. 12<$6&.(( 1:7. +<8#(.(( 1:7. $<&+(.((
for the tenor of &1+11( year" re"pectively
Si?e of monthly
deposit 8in
)enor 8in
3fter the investment
)enor the terminal
value of the Scheme
8in )aka9
Pension si?e of
according to the
years Invested 8in
)aka 9
12<$6&1- & 1<(((<(((1- 21<+$81-
+<8#(1- + 1<(((<(((1- 1+<13+1-
$<&+(1- 1( 1<(((<(((1- 13<+861-
?ou"e 0uil*ing %epo"it Scheme
Q :he tenor of the ?ou"e 0uil*ing %epo"it Scheme 6ill e &1+11( year".
Q )inimum E4uity uil*ing amount "hall e :7. 1(.(( lac.
Si?e of
deposit in
Si?e of
deposit in )k'
)enor 8in
3ge Limit
8in 0ear9@
3fter the
)enor the
terminal value
of the Scheme
8in )aka9@@
$<&+(1- $<+(&1- 1( 18 to 3& 1<(((<(((1-
+<8#(1- 8<($&1- + 18 to 38 1<(((<(((1-
12<$6&1- 12<6$(1- & 18 to $( 1<(((<(((1-
#<13&1- N1' 1( 18 to 3& 2<(((<(((1-
1&<++(1- N1' + 18 to 38 2<(((<(((1-
2$<#2&1- N1' & 18 to $( 2<(((<(((1-
N 'ge upper limit 6ill e applicale for ?0, facilitie" only
NN .n"urance 2overage 6ill e re"tricte* to terminal amount of :7.
1<(((<(((1-@:a7a :en ,acA only< here the age limit 6ill e from 18
year" to 6( year"
Q ' per"on can open more than one account ut House Building Loan
facility "hall e on one account only.
Q 'ccount in the name of minor" can e opene* too un*er the Scheme ut
6ithout in"urance coverage.
Q :he in"tallment "hall e payale y the 8th *ay @in ca"e of holi*ay the
next 6or7ing *ayA of every month. '*vance payment of any numer
of in"tallment" i" acceptale.

C3($L Rating of 1A Banks:
:he capital a*e4uacy< '""et 4uality< )anagement "tan*ar*< Earning an*
,i4ui*ity rating @2')E,A of all commercial an7" on the a"i" of cre*it
management performance till %ecemer 2((+ have een rate* y
0angla*e"h 0an7 @00A. .t i" mentionale that Prime 0an7 ,t*. got the top
po"ition in K'L cla"" an7".
C3($L Rating :
'naly=ing the overall operational activitie" of all commercial an*
"peciali=e* an7"J central an7< the regulatory authority of countryF" an7ing
"ector ha" ran7e* 6 S'-cla""F< 2+ S0-cla""F< 8 S2-cla""F<& S%-cla""F an* 2 SE-
cla""F an7" y the en* of 2((+< 6hich 6a" complete* recently.
35Class Banks:
1. Prime 0an7 ,t*.
2. Shah!alal ."lami 0an7 ,t*.
3. 2ommercial 0an7 of 2eylon.
$. 2itian7 N.'.
&. State 0an7 of .n*ia
6. Stan*ar* chartere* 0an7
B B Class Banks:
1. Ea"tern 0an7 ,t*.
2. Premier 0an7 ,t*.
3. :he :ru"t 0an7 ,t*.
$. 0R'2 0an7 ,t*.
&. Southea"t 0an7 ,t*.
6. N22 0an7 ,t*.
+. One 0an7 ,t*.
8. Stan*ar* 0an7 ,t*.
#. 8oori 0an7
1(. 0an7 'lfalah ,t*.
11. National 0an7 of Pa7i"tan.
12.%utch 0angla 0an7 ,t*.
13.Exim 0an7 ,t*.
1$.)utual :ru"t 0an7 ,t*.
1&.;amuna 0an7 ,t*.
16.0an7 '"ia
1+. ."lami 0an7 0angla*e"h ,t*.
18. Bttara 0an7 ,t*.
1#. National 0an7 ,t*
2(. :he 2ity 0an7 ,t*
21. 0a"ic 0an7 ,t*.
22. ?ai 0an7 ,t*.
2$. Puali 0an7 ,t*.
2&.)ercantile 0an7 ,t*.
26.Social .nve"tment 0an7 ,t*.
2+.%ha7a 0an7.
C5 Class Banks:
1. 9ir"t Security 0an7 ,t*.
2. B20,
3. 'l-'rafa ."lami 0an7
$. 0angla*e"h Shilpa Rin Sang"tha
&. .9.2 0an7 ,t*.
6. '0 0an7 ,t*.
+. 'grani 0an7 ,t*.
8. Rupali 0an7 ,t*.
&5 Class Banks:
1. Sonali 0an7 ,t*.
2. 0angla*e"h Hri"hi 0an7
3. 0angla*e"h Shilpa 0an7
$. ;anata 0an7 ,t*.
&. R'HB0
E-2la"" 0an75
1. 0angla*e"h 2ommerce 0an7 ,t*.
2. Oriental 0an7 ,t*.
3fter o#serving the operation procedure of PBL" I recommended
the follo*ing:
Prime 0an7 ha" fe6 ':) ooth" in the %ha7a city< ut the"e are not
"ufficient to give "ervice to the cu"tomerF" .So Prime 0an7 ha" arrange*
an agreement 6ith %utch 0angla 0an7 limite* "o that the cu"tomer" of
the Prime 0an7 can u"e it" ooth. :o give "mooth "ervice to the
cu"tomer" Prime 0an7 "houl* increa"e it" o6n ':) 0ooth.
Prime 0an7 "houl* open ranche" in the all *i"trict to6n" e"i*e"
%ha7a city for expan"ion it" u"ine"" area.
Interest Rate: Prime 0an7 "houl* .ncrea"e intere"t rate on 9%R an*
other *epo"it "cheme.
Islamic Banking Branch: 0angla*e"h i" a )u"lim ma!ority country<
"o Prime 0an7 "houl* increa"e their ."lamic 0an7ing 0ranch in 0angla*e"h.
.n 0a"hun*hara ranch . have een 6or7ing for 3 month"< y thi" time .
have foun* "ome goo* "trength" an* opportunitie"< Prime 0an7 0a"hun*hara
0ranch ha" a "trong opportunity to achieve "trong mar7et in 0a"hun*hara
area ecau"e it i" "ituate* in a appropriate an* attractive place. .n "hort time
0a"hun*hara 0ranch gathere* 3( core *epo"it< thi" i" a great achievement for
Ba"hun*hara ranch an* al"o achieving healthy profit a" a ne6 ranch.

9rom my vie6< thi" ranch ha" "ome Strengths an* Pro#lems the"e
1. Prime 0an7 ha" 6ell reputation in the mar7et. .t i" numer one
Private commercial 0an7 in 0angla*e"h.
2. .n 0a"hun*hara ranch efficient management practice.
3 0a"hun*hara ranch i" 8ell-furni"he* an* 'ir-con*itione* 0an7.
$. Prime 0an7F" Officer" are highly e*ucate*.
&. Prime 0an7F" Executive" are highly 4ualifie* an* experience*.
6. 2re*it %epartment of 0a"hun*hara ranch i" "trong pro"pective
+. Prime 0an7 gathere* maximum mar7et "hare in 0an7ing
8. Prime 0an7 not engage* in unfair u"ine"" practice.
#. Prime 0an7 ha" many attractive *epo"it "cheme".

1(. Prime 0an7 ecome" more reliale to the all 7in* of people.

I have founding some pro#lem in Bashundhara #ranch prime
,' In Bashundhara #ranch have no foreign e%change division
and this maCor pro#lem of this #ranch'
-' Bashundhara #ranch taking only &$SC! #ill' But not
taking others #ill like telephone" *ater" gas #ill etc'
1. %ifferent type" of pulication".
2. %i"cu""ion 6ith the employee of particular 0ranch.
3. Practical experience from 0ranch
$. 8e"ite5

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