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What is entrepreneurship?

Kiran Mazumdar Shaw

Chairman & MD, Biocon
Transcript for the video clip:
ou !now in man" of these !inds of initiatives, sometimes the word itself is ver" intimidatin# li!e
"ou !now $iotechnolo#" or $ioinformatics%and in the same wa" the word entrepreneurship is
ver" intimidatin# and & thin! a ver" stron# messa#e &'d li!e to #ive is that entrepreneurship is
nothin# $ut $usiness $uildin# of "our own%"ou are (ust $uildin# "our own $usiness) Creatin# a
(o$ for "ourself, creatin# a $usiness for "ourself, creatin# a $usiness of "our own that's what it's
all a$out and that's the stron# messa#e & want to conve"%don't #et lost with the (ar#on, it's a ver"
simple effective opportunit" and & thin! that's what "ou have to pursue)*
Created On: 10 Nov 2006
National Entrepreneurship Network
Entrepreneurship its a mindset
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
Chairman & MD, Biocon
Transcript for the video clip:
& thin! people have to feel a need to $e self+ emplo"ed) More than that people should $e ver"
e,cited $" the opportunit" the" see around them, in terms of $uildin# new $usinesses and & thin!
there's so much #oin# in the countr" toda") -nd & thin! this is somethin# "oun# people should
loo! at with a #reat sense of e,citement and a #reat sense of confidence that the" can do it) &
thin! what & reall" li!e to conve" from m" stor" is that if & could do it, so can "ou) That's reall" the
sin#le messa#e &'d li!e to conve" to "oun# people+ $ecause it is a$out a mindset)*
Created On: 10 Nov 2006
National Entrepreneurship Network
It all begins with a dream
Bela Katra!
Director, Colorlines

Transcript for the video clip:
.M" advice to entrepreneurs who would li!e to start $usiness toda" would $e firstl" to dream that
"ou want to do somethin#%and dream $e"ond "our circumstances).
./hen & was 0 "ears, & was sellin# lollipops, and when & was 12, & was sharpenin# pencils and
tr"in# to inscri$e people's names on it+ and from there till toda" it's $een a lon# wal!) /here &'ve
reached toda" is a far cr" from what & thou#ht when & was a little #irl%it's $een a stru##le%it's
$een a lot of hard wor!, persistence, focus).
Created On: 10 Nov 2006
National Entrepreneurship Network
Creativity and fun the entrepreneurs fuel
3aresh Malhotra
Director, Caf4 Coffee Da"
Transcript for the video clip:
& thin! unless "ou crave%and are creative that's a ver" essential 5ualit" of an entrepreneur%"ou
need to thin! out of the $o, and create somethin# that will surprise "ou also) -s an entrepreneur
"ou must have fun if "ou're not havin# fun "ou're dead% and when "ou com$ine wor! and fun &'ll
tell "ou "ou'll ma!e a lot of mone" too)))
Created On: 10 Nov 2006
National Entrepreneurship Network

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