Baptism For Kids

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Talking to Children about Baptism

Read these suggested passages together:

Eph. 4:4-6, Acts 2:38-39, Matt. 28:19, Matt. 3:13-16, 2 Cor. 5:17
What is Baptism?Baptism is the outward testimony of what has happened in your heart,
when you put your faith in Christ and confess you have sinned and need His forgiveness. When
you get baptized you go under water and come out again. Baptism is a symbol of your heart
being washed clean. It is something you do in community, so that your church family can also
celebrate your decision to live life for Jesus!
Why should I be baptized?Baptism tells others that we belong to Jesus Christ and
His church. The Bible says that after we choose to follow Jesus we should be baptized.
Baptism is a symbol of our new life with Christ. You go into the water the old you, and you
come out of the water with new life, as a follower of Jesus! Are you still the same person? Yes,
but you are a part of Gods family!
What does baptism look like?Most often, baptisms of children and adults are done
by going completely under water (we call this dunking!) for a very brief moment and coming
back up (the pastor helps lower you down and raise you up). You can also be baptized by
getting sprinkled with water, or having water poured over your head. It can happen in a large
church bath, a swimming pool, or a lake or river! The important thing is that you get baptized in
community; surrounded by family and friends. When Jesus was baptized the Bible tells us the
Spirit of God descended like a dove on him. The dove, represents the Holy Spirit, which is
Gods gift to us so He can always be with us! God uses the Holy Spirit to speak to us, guide us,
and help us know His love.
When can I get baptized?It is good to get baptized when you recognize that Jesus is
the Leader of your life, and you want to follow Him forever. Maybe you prayed with your parents
or another adult, asking God to forgive you for sinning, or maybe you just realize that you love
Jesus and want to live your life for Him always, and you know that Jesus is Gods Son and
believe He died for might be a good time to be baptized.
How do I get Baptized?You and your parents can talk to a Pastor or the
Childrens Director. At Quest we do baptism services a several times a year. You
will meet with the Childrens Director to prepare for the baptism service and learn
how to share your testimony, which is the story of why you love Jesus and how
you came to faith in Him.
What if I was baptized as a baby?We practice both
infant baptism and believer baptism. If you were baptized as an infant,
you are already marked with the sign and seal of the new covenant, of
new life in Jesus (this means your parents prayed for the day you would
recognize that you are Gods son or daughter!). Once you have been baptized, you do not need
to be re-baptized. You can take a confirmation class to learn more about being a follower of
Jesus and sharing your testimony with others.

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