Wake Up To Politics - August 27, 2014

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Since 2011

Gabe Fleisher, Editor-in-Chief

wakeuptopolitics@gmail.com wakeuptopolitics.com @WakeUp2Politics

Election Central

Results: Florida The top race in Tuesdays Sunshine State primaries was
the gubernatorial race, where Gov. Rick Scott and former Gov. Charlie Crist
both advanced to the general election, as expected, the former as the
Republican nominee and the later as the Democrat.
With no serious challenger in the GOP primary, Scott easily won the
nomination for a second term as governor. Crist, a former Republican
governor-turned Independent-turned Democrat, cruised to a 74% win against
former state Sen. Nan Rich.
Polls show Scott and Crist neck-and-neck for the general election, less than
10 weeks away.
Results: Arizona The Grand Canyon State held the nights other high-
profile race Tuesday, also a gubernatorial primary.
In the Republican primary, candidates faced off to become the GOP
standard-bearer, as Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) is term-limited. Arizona
Treasurer Doug Ducey was the primarys winner, taking 37% of the vote, to
former Mesa mayor Scott Smiths 22%. Four other candidates were also in
the race.
Ducey won with the backing of the tea party, and endorsements from former
Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) and Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT)
while Smith is more moderate, and had Brewers backing.

Now, Ducey is favored to win in November against Democrat Fred DuVal.

White House Watch

Reports: Obama Sends Syria Surveillance Flights President Obama has
approved sending surveillance flights over Syria, according to many reports.
While no military action inside Syria has been authorized, these flights are a
step towards airstrikes. The President is hesitant to send airstrikes, putting
him approximately where he was one year ago: considering military action
in Syria, and whether to do it with Congress approval or to bypass the
legislature altogether.
Something that could be different this time: One year ago, this week, in a
nationally televised address, President Obama sat down and asked for the
American people and Congress to approve air strikes in Syria. And both
groups sent a strong no in response. Now, with the enemy no longer the
government, but rather, ISIS, Americans could be more likely to get behind
military action.

Question of the Day

Todays Question On Lyndon B. Johnsons birthday, LBJ was the only
President born and raised in Texas. Where were the other president
who counted Texas as their home state born?
Yesterdays Answer Tuesday's trivia question was on the Emmys, coming
after Monday night's award show. I asked which future Chief Justice of the
United States hosted the Emmys, and the answer was... Earl Warren, who
hosted the 3rd Primetime Emmy Awards on January 23, 1951 from the
Ambassador Hotel - where Sen. Robert F. Kennedy would be shot 17 years
later in the midst of a campaign for president - as Governor of California.
Warren would be appointed Chief Justice by President Dwight Eisenhower
in 1953.
GREAT JOBMarlee Millman and Jim Cornbleet, who both correctly
answered the trivia question!

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