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Minister for Education

Leader of the House
Higher education reform bi introduced to
Legislation that will ensure Australian students can get the best higher education in
the world was introduced into the House of Representatives today.

The Higher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill !"# contains reforms
announced in the !"#$"% Budget to e&pand opportunity and choice for Australian
'or the first time in Australian history( )ommonwealth financial support will be
provided to all those studying higher education diplomas( advanced diplomas and
associate degrees( as well as those studying bachelor degrees( with all registered
higher education institutions( whether in the city or the bush.
Minister for Education the Hon )hristopher *yne M* said the Abbott +overnment is
determined to ensure Australia,s higher education system is not left behind.
-This historic Bill gives effect to some of the greatest higher education and research
reforms of our time(. Mr *yne said.
-This Bill will spread opportunity to more students( including disadvantaged and rural
and regional students( e/uip Australian universities to face the challenges of the "st
century and ensure Australia is not left behind intensifying global competition and
new technologies.
Mr *yne said and an additional 0!(!!! students per year will be supported by !"0.
The Bill also establishes a new )ommonwealth 1cholarship scheme to which
universities will contribute 2" of every 2% they receive from additional revenue. This
will increase access for disadvantaged students across Australia.
-1tudents will not have to pay a dollar upfront for their course because they will have
access to the HE)1 Higher Education Loan *rogramme(. Mr *yne said.
The Bill also removes loan fees for undergraduate students for 'EE$HEL* and 3ET
'EE$HEL*4 ensures graduates will only begin repaying their HEL* debt when they
are earning a decent income4 and provides a fair interest rate on HE)1 HEL* where
the +overnment lends to students at a rate that broadly reflects the cost of
+overnment borrowings to fund their student loans.
-The amount of funding the +overnment provides through HEL* loans is going to
double over the ne&t few years. 5n !"6 we will be lending students 2"! billion..
-The +overnment,s measures will result in a much fairer situation. 5n !"7 higher
education students $ who benefit from having tertiary /ualifications $ will be
contributing( on average( around %! per cent of the cost of their higher education(.
Mr *yne said.
-Australian university graduates on average earn up to 6% per cent more than those
who do not go on to higher education after secondary school. 8ver their lifetime
graduates may earn around 2" million more than if they had not studied at university.
5t is only fair that graduates pay an e/ual share of their costs..
As part of the higher education reform pac9age( the +overnment will invest 2""
billion over four years in research in Australian universities( including 2":; million for
the 'uture 'ellowships scheme and 2"%! million in !"%$"7 to continue the <ational
)ollaborative Research 5nfrastructure 1trategy.
Mr *yne said the +overnment,s changes will give Australian universities the freedom
and autonomy to wor9 to their strengths( be internationally competitive and manage
economic and social changes to the best of their abilities.
-The +overnment will support students studying a wider range of higher education
/ualifications at TA'Es( private universities and private higher education institutions.
-1tudents will en=oy improved teaching and learning from higher education
institutions offering innovative and creative courses to compete for students,
interests. 1tudents will be able to choose from a wider range of courses and will
have better information to help them ma9e decisions about where and what they will
-The passage of the Bill will spread access and opportunity to higher education to
more Australians( including disadvantaged and rural and regional students.
-5t,s passage is essential for the future prosperity of our nation(. Mr *yne said.

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