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Grinding process simulation of free-formed WC-Co hard material

coated surfaces on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled

dexel representations
T. Siebrecht *, S. Rausch, P. Kersting, D. Biermann
Institute of Machining Technology, TU Dortmund University, Baroper Str. 301, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
1. Introduction
In many industrial applications, like in the automotive or the
aerospace industry, deep drawing is an important production
process [9]. Thermally sprayed abrasive-wear resistant tungsten
carbide (WC-Co) hard material coatings can be applied in order to
increase the endurance of the forming tools in the process [18]. An
investigation of the simulation of the grinding of such coated
surfaces was presented on the 3rd CIRP Conference on Process
Machine Interactions [14]. The previous work is extended by this
In order to use the coated tools for deep drawing, several
conditions have to be met. The material ow of the sheets in the
process is inuenced by the topology of the tool surface. For
example, a high surface roughness can inuence the quality of the
formed sheets negatively, because fractures can occur [16].
Another challenge is the achievement of a constant layer thickness
with thermal spraying processes [17]. Especially on free-formed
surfaces, deviations are likely to occur. The required geometry of
the blank holder and the dies is determined with great precision in
the tool design process in order to enable a precise forming of the
workpieces. To accomplish this, the shape of the coated tools must
be kept within sufciently small tolerances. It is necessary to nish
the hard material coatings to take these aspects into account.
Grinding on machining centers is exible method for this purpose
The production of coated deep drawing tools can be optimized
by simulating the whole process chain, including every necessary
step: the milling of the substrates [21], the deposition of the hard
material coatings [19] and the nal grinding. In the following, the
simulation of the grinding process is described. Grinding processes
have already been modeled and simulated in different ways [5].
Macroscopic geometric-kinematic approaches can be used to
estimate the process forces during the NC grinding of free-formed
surfaces [10]. In this approach, the tool shape is represented by
basic primitives like spheres or cylinders. In order to predict the
resulting topography and to provide a more accurate force
estimation, it is possible to model individual grains of the grinding
tool [1]. These can be used to estimate the surface roughness,
which is of interest for the deep drawing application. The abrasion
simulation with individual grains can be achieved by Finite
Element Analysis (FEA) [5] or Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
(SPH) [15], for example. The complexity of these approaches
restricts the amount of grains and the maximum workpiece size
which can be simulated with limited computational resources and
simulation time.
A simulation of every grain of a grinding tool is possible with
geometric-kinematic solutions. This is done by the simulation
system KSIM [2], which uses the chip cross sections of the
individual grains to estimate the process forces with an adapted
Kienzle equation [8]. In the previous work by [14], which is
extended by this paper, a geometric-kinematic approach is applied
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology xxx (2014) xxxxxx
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 49 2317555819.
E-mail address: (T. Siebrecht).
Article history:
Available online xxx
Geometric modeling
Hard material coating
Process force
Deep drawing tools are used in various production processes. In order to increase the life cycle of these
tools, thermally sprayed abrasive-wear resistant WC-Co hard material coatings can be applied. With
respect to the shape accuracy and surface quality of the forming tools, the coated surfaces have to be
nished. A suitable machining process to meet these conditions is grinding on machining centers. In this
paper, a geometric simulation model for this grinding process based on the modeling of individual grains
with constructive solid geometry techniques is presented. The workpiece is represented by poisson-disk
sampled dexels. Validation experiments show a good match of the simulated and measured process
forces in different engagement situations.
2014 CIRP.
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
Please cite this article in press as: Siebrecht, T., et al., Grinding process simulation of free-formed WC-Co hard material coated surfaces
on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
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as well. The grinding forces are directly calculated based on the
chip thickness. Instead of a complex grain model like triangle
meshes, a Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) [7] based approach is
used. In addition to the representation of workpieces by a grid-like
arrangement of dexels (height elds) or multi-dexel boards [10], a
poisson-disk sampling [6] based distribution of dexels on the
surface of the workpiece is analyzed. The experimental investiga-
tion of the force model is extended by the machining and
simulation of convex and concave surfaces.
The modeling of grinding tools, including the shape of
individual grains, is described in Section 2.1. In Section 2.2, the
modeling of the workpiece surface is explained and a process force
model is presented in Section 2.3. The experimental investigation
of the simulation of the grinding process is shown in Section 3.
2. Simulation of the NC grinding process
The goal of the simulation is the replication of the whole
production process chain for coated deep drawing tools. For this
reason, the simulation of NC grinding is integrated into an existing
software tool, which is already used to simulate the NC milling of
the uncoated substrate [20]. This allows an effortless exchange of
the workpiece shapes. Additionally, many software components,
like the NC program evaluation or the graphical user interface, can
be reused in the simulation of both processes. The simulated
kinematic movement of the tool is based on the same NC program
used to control the machine tool. This allows the comparison of the
simulated values to the real process without further effort [14].
Ideal material removal is assumed within the simulation model.
Effects like ploughing, friction or elastic deformations are
The considered forming tools consist of free-formed surfaces as
well as at areas. Fig. 1 shows an example of a segment of a free-
formed deep drawing tool. Varying contact situations occur at
different locations on the surface. To take this into account,
different grinding tool shapes can be used for an efcient grinding
process. This includes cylindrical tools for at areas or spherical
tools for curved surfaces.
2.1. Modeling of grinding tools
The modeling of individual grains of the grinding tool requires a
prior analysis of possibly occurring grain shapes. For the grinding
of the WC-Co coatings, diamond grains are used. Synthetic
diamonds can be shaped like hexahedrons, octahedrons or a
combination of both [4]. In order to represent these diamond
shapes in the simulation system, a CSG [7] based approach is
applied. The resulting shapes of the grains are given by the
intersection of hexahedrons and octahedrons with varying sizes, as
shown in Fig. 2. The numbers represent an index which can be
assigned to the different grain shapes [4]. This allows an efcient
classication of grains on a real grinding tool. The index ranges
from 0 (representing a plain hexahedron) to 8 (representing a plain
octahedron). Fig. 3 shows microscopic images of diamond grains.
In order to simulate the behavior of real grinding tools, the
shapes and the distribution of the grains on the tool surface have to
be modeled. In the presented approach, the positions and
orientations of the grains are chosen randomly until a specied
amount of grains is placed. The distance between a new grain and
every existing grain has to be longer than the sum of their radii.
This way, the generation of overlapping grains is prevented. In
addition to the distribution and amount of grains, the sizes, shapes
and protrusion heights have a major inuence on the result of the
grinding process simulation. The values of these properties are
generated using normal distributions, which are parameterized
based on representative microscopic images. Due to the neglection
of tool wear, grains completely inside the bond are never in contact
with the workpiece. Therefore, only grains on the tool surface have
to be modeled. Assuming ideal material removal, only the grains
are used to cut the workpiece and the bonding system is neglected
during the process simulation. The modeled tool topography is
depicted in Fig. 4.
2.2. Workpiece modeling
Workpieces can be represented with different models in
grinding simulations. This includes discrete displacement elds
on triangle meshes [3] and CSG based workpiece models [12]. In
contrast, dexel based models provide a exible and potentially
more efcient solution [14]. A dexel can be dened by its position
, direction d
and height d
. The surface point represented by the
dexel is given by d
+ d
. This way, material cutting corresponds
to a reduction of d
. If undercuts have to be modeled as well, it is
possible to store more than one height value for every dexel, which
Fig. 1. Shape of a segment of a free-formed deep drawing tool.
Fig. 2. Geometric model of diamond grains as intersections of an octahedron and a
Fig. 3. Microscopic images of diamond grains.
T. Siebrecht et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology xxx (2014) xxxxxx 2
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
Please cite this article in press as: Siebrecht, T., et al., Grinding process simulation of free-formed WC-Co hard material coated surfaces
on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
represent different points on the workpiece surface. This is
especially necessary for milling processes and can often be
neglected for grinding, because no undercuts occur. Depending
on the shape of the workpiece, different arrangements of the dexels
are possible. If only a at surface has to be ground, it is usually
sufcient to arrange them as a dexel board in a grid-like manner, as
shown in Fig. 5a. For free-formed surfaces, multi-dexel models can
be used [20]. These consist of three perpendicular dexel boards.
This is shown in Fig. 5b for a two-dimensional case.
Both of these workpiece representations have different
advantages and disadvantages. Using a height eld, it is difcult
to model free-formed surfaces, especially if there are perpendicu-
lar faces. This is true for the deep drawing tool shown in Fig. 1.
Resulting from the grid-like arrangement of dexels, another
problem occurs. In this case, the simulated process forces are
slightly inuenced by the cutting direction. This is analyzed in
Section 2.3 in more detail. Multi-dexel models have the same
drawback, since each of the three participating dexel boards is
structured as a grid as well. Another disadvantage is the
inhomogeneous density of the points representing the surface.
This can be seen in Fig. 5b, where the points are distributed evenly
on the at surface areas, but non-uniformly in the curved region. A
possible solution for this is a poisson-disk sampled distribution of
dexels along the surface, which is described in Section 2.4.
2.3. Force prediction
The calculation of the process forces is based on the simulated
chip thickness. Due to the shape of the grains, the depth of cut
varies along the grain width perpendicular to the cutting direction.
To take this into account, the grains are divided into small cutting
slices along the perpendicular direction, as shown in Fig. 6. In every
simulation step, the process forces are estimated for each of these
The process forces are expressed as vectors in the direction of
the grain face normals in the corresponding cutting slices. The
force affecting a grain is given by the superposition of the forces
acting on the individual slices. For the calculation of these forces,
the difference between the maximum dexel height h
before the cut
and the minimum dexel height h
after the cut is used to estimate
the chip thickness. A schematic view of this procedure is shown in
Fig. 7. The calculation includes the following steps:
1 kinematic grain movement according to the process parameters
and the given NC program,
2 determination of the set of dexels being cut by each slice,
3 calculation of the maximum dexel height h
before the cut within
the set,
4 reduction of the dexel heights to simulate the material removal,
5 calculation of the minimum dexel height h
after the cut within
the set,
6 calculation of the grain immersion depth d = h
7 projection d
of the immersion depth onto the normal n of the
cutting grain face,
8 and nally the estimation of the process forces using d
and n.
In the last step, an adopted Kienzle equation is used for the force
estimation [14,8]:
f n k
b d
; (1)
where k
and m
are the force model parameters, which
require a prior calibration, b is the width of the slice, and d
is 1mm.
The width b is necessary to ensure the independence of the
resulting force values of the slice size. In this force model, the
direction of the force vector directly depends on the direction of
the orientation of the cutting grain surface.
In the previous investigations, the ratio between the forces in
normal and tangential direction was comparable in the simulated
Fig. 4. Simulated grains on a cylindrical tool with a diameter of 15 mm and a height
of 10 mm.
Fig. 5. Dexel based representations of a workpiece.
Fig. 6. Slices of a grain.
Fig. 7. Calculation of the process forces [14].
T. Siebrecht et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology xxx (2014) xxxxxx 3
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
Please cite this article in press as: Siebrecht, T., et al., Grinding process simulation of free-formed WC-Co hard material coated surfaces
on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
and experimental results [14]. Using other types of abrasive grains
with different grain sizes, this correspondence turned out to be
invalid in some cases. Therefore, the force model was extended by
an additional set of Kienzle parameters. The rst parameter set is
used to estimate the force in the direction of the surface normal
) and the second set for the force in cutting direction (F
b d
; (2)
b d
; (3)
where x
and x
are unit vectors in normal and tangential direction.
The individual calibration of the different parameter sets ensures a
correct ratio between F
and F
The described force model is calibrated by estimating the four
parameters k
, m
, k
, and m
. Process forces for
this purpose can be measured by carrying out at grinding
processes. Due to the non-linear correlation between the chip
thickness and the process forces, experiments with varying process
parameters are necessary. For each of these parameter sets, two
revolutions of the grinding tool are simulated. The rst revolution
is necessary to prepare the topography of the workpiece surface.
During the second revolution, the process forces are predicted for
different values of m
, assuming k
= 1. Afterwards,
suitable values of k
are determined by linear regression. For
each simulated value of m
, the mean deviation from the
measured process forces is calculated. Finally, the force model is
calibrated by using the Kienzle parameter set with the lowest
In simple cases like the grinding of at surfaces with cylindrical
tools, the dexel board can be aligned with the cutting region as
shown in Fig. 8a. This means that a grain slice can be directly
assigned to a row of dexels. The size of the slice is then equal to the
distance between the dexels. In case of a rotation between the
cutting direction and the orientation of the dexel board, as shown
in Fig. 8b for an angle of 458, a more complicated way of dening
the slices and determining the set of dexels cut by each slice has to
be found. This can be done by assigning each cut dexel to the slice it
is located in. All dexels of a slice are then projected onto a plane
which is dened by the cutting direction and average dexel
direction in the cutting area. This reduces the problem to two
dimensions, allowing the application of the previously presented
force calculation model. The width of the slices has to be chosen
large enough to contain a sufcient amount of cut dexels in each
simulation step. If the width is too small, some slices could be
empty or contain a small amount of dexels only, leading to a poor
precision of the cutting depth estimation. To meet this require-
ment, the density of the dexel distribution on the surface has to be
taken into account. A homogeneous distribution is helpful for the
denition a globally well performing slice size.
2.4. Poisson-disk dexel distribution
The previous approaches of representing the workpiece have
the disadvantage of an inhomogeneous distribution of dexels along
the surface. To solve this problem, the dexels can be placed directly
on the surface, instead of arranging them as a grid with varying
heights as shown in Fig. 5a. This can been seen in Fig. 9a, where a
surface is represented by equally spaced dexels. The direction of
each dexel is oriented with the local normal vector of the surface.
Due to the placement of the dexels on the workpiece, the heights
are initially set to zero. The material removal resulting from the
grinding process can be expressed as a reduction of the dexel
heights. As shown in Fig. 9b, this results in negative values, because
the directions are facing outward and the surface points are moved
For the simulation of the grinding of coated surfaces, this
representation can be used to store the local thickness of the
coating in an implicit way. If the dexels are placed on the uncoated
surface and the initial height is set to the local thickness, the
resulting positions represent the coated surface. When a dexel
height is reduced to a negative value during the grinding processes,
the coating is completely removed at that point. This is shown in
Fig. 10. Additionally, the dexel heights after the process directly
show the remaining thickness of the coating.
Fig. 8. Top view of a single grain cutting a dexel board in two different directions.
Fig. 9. Placement of dexels on a surface before and after cutting.
T. Siebrecht et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology xxx (2014) xxxxxx 4
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
Please cite this article in press as: Siebrecht, T., et al., Grinding process simulation of free-formed WC-Co hard material coated surfaces
on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
Poisson-disk sampling [6] provides a suitable method for the
placement of the dexels on the workpiece surface. Random
samples of the surface are subsequently generated. For every new
sample, the minimum distance to any of the previously generated
samples is calculated. If it is less than a minimum value r, a new
sample is generated. This process terminates when no valid sample
can be found within a specied amount of tries. Fig. 11 shows the
distribution of dexels on a at area of 2 mm 2 mm with different
dexel distances.
For a verication of the applicability of the new poisson-disk
based dexel distribution, the grinding of a at workpiece of
5 mm 5 mm was simulated with both methods. In case of a 458
rotation, the pattern of the grid-like dexel distribution (Fig. 12a and
b) is different along the cutting direction. In contrast, the random
dexel distribution of the poisson-disk sampling does not show this
effect (Fig. 12c and d). In order to analyze the inuence of the
orientation on the simulated process forces, both approaches were
carried out with the two different cutting directions. The
simulation was performed with a dexel distance of 3mm in both
cases. The resulting process forces in normal direction are shown in
Fig. 13. It can be seen that both approaches lead to approximately
equal process forces. Due to the random distribution of dexels in
the poisson-disk approach, the forces contain slightly more noise,
but the deviation resulting from the different orientations seems to
be neglectable in both cases. The average force difference between
the two orientations was 0.06 N for the poisson-disk approach and
0.21 N for the grid-like approach. As expected, the difference is
small, but the grid-like approach leads to slightly biased results.
In summary, both approaches are applicable for the simulation
of grinding processes. The major advantage of the poisson-disk
based approach is the homogeneous distribution of dexels on at
and curved surfaces. This can be seen in Fig. 14, which shows a
free-formed surface represented by a multi-dexel board and a
poisson-disk distribution.
3. Experimental investigation
The coatings analyzed in the presented investigations are based
on tungsten carbide in a cobalt/chrome binder matrix. The material
was deposited by a High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) spraying
process on C45 warm working steel. The small particle size of range
210 mm in combination with the high particle velocity leads to a
lamellar layer structure and low porosity of the coating. The
workpiece was ground with a cylindrical, resin-bonded grinding
tool with a diameter of approximately 14 mm. Diamond was used
as cutting material due to the high hardness of the coating of
approximately 1300 HV0.3.
The experimental validation was performed on a Deckel Maho
DMU50 eVolution ve-axis machining center. In order to calibrate
the parameters of the process force model, a Design of Experiments
(DoE) based on a Latin Hypercube Design (LHD) [11] was used by
grinding a at surface with different process parameters. The
cutting speed v
was set to a constant value of 10 m s
and the
depth of cut a
, feed speed v
and width of cut a
were varied (a
1020 mm, v
: 200800 mm min
, a
: 2.03.3 mm). Overall, 20
experiments with 16 distinct parameter sets were performed. The
process parameters are shown in Table 1. For each of these
Fig. 10. Dexels representing a coated surface.
Fig. 11. Poisson-disk sampled dexel distribution on a at area of 2 mm 2 mm.
Fig. 12. Simulated grinding of a at workpiece at different orientations using a grid-
like and a poisson-disk dexel placement.
Fig. 13. Simulated process forces in normal direction.
T. Siebrecht et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology xxx (2014) xxxxxx 5
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
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on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
parameter sets, the resulting process forces were measured in
surface normal direction (F
) and feed direction (F
) by a three-
component dynamometer Kistler 9257B. The fourth measurement
representing the center of the parameter space was repeated
four times to determine the standard deviation of the process
forces. The mean values were 10.46 N in normal direction and
4.12 N in tangential direction with standard deviations of 0.21 N
and 0.08 N. A Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
(DACE) model [11] was generated based on the measured forces.
The coefcients of determination R
were 93.24% for F
and 93.17%
for F
. Fig. 15 shows the normal and tangential forces for varying
values of depth of cut a
and feed speed v
, and a xed width of cut
= 3.2 mm, as predicted by the generated DACE model.
In order to estimate the Kienzle parameters for the process force
model, as described in Section 2.1, the at surface grinding process
was simulated as well. The grinding tool was modeled as a cylinder
with a height of 3.2 mm. 3000 grains with a mean diameter of
182 mm, a mean shape index of 5.9 (Fig. 2), and a mean protrusion
height of 76 mm were distributed on the surface of the tool. For the
given experimental setup, the calibrated Kienzle parameters were
= 64.93 and m
= 1.05 for the force in normal direction
and k
= 59.8 and m
= 0.95 in tangential direction.
For the evaluation of the applicability of the developed
simulation system on free-formed surfaces, the process forces
were measured while grinding a curved workpiece with a coated
surface. Fig. 16 shows the shape of this workpiece, which contains
convex as well as concave surface areas. The experimental setup is
shown in Fig. 17. Due to the different curvatures, the contact
situation of the cylindrical tool varies along a single overrun.
Therefore, it is expected that the resulting process forces vary as
well. The process was performed with a feed speed of v
1000 mm min
, a depth of cut of a
= 10 mm, and a width of cut of
Fig. 14. Comparison of multi-dexel board and poisson-disk representation of the
free-formed surface shown in Fig. 1. The density of the point distribution is more
homogeneous in case of poisson-disk sampling.
Table 1
Calibration experiments based on a latin hypercube design [14].
# a
(mm min
# a
(mm min
1 14 790 2.7 11 13 480 2.0
2 11 560 2.5 12 19 370 2.3
3 13 750 2.2 13 19 710 2.6
4 15 520 2.6 14 15 520 2.6
5 17 600 2.1 15 15 520 2.6
6 12 330 3.0 16 18 670 3.1
7 15 250 2.2 17 16 400 3.2
8 15 520 2.6 18 15 520 2.6
9 20 440 2.9 19 10 290 2.4
10 11 630 3.0 20 17 210 2.8
Fig. 15. DACE model of the normal and tangential forces for a width of cut of
3.2 mm.
Fig. 16. Coated workpiece with convex and concave surface areas.
T. Siebrecht et al. / CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology xxx (2014) xxxxxx 6
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on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
= 5 mm. Fig. 18 shows the sum of the low-pass ltered and drift-
corrected process forces along the course of a single overrun. It can
be seen that the force is signicantly higher in the concave surface
area than in the convex areas. The force peaks at the beginning and
the end of the shown interval of time correspond to the at areas at
the edges of the workpiece.
In order to compare the simulation to the measured values, the
grinding process was simulated at three different locations on the
curved workpiece. One simulation was located in each of the
convex areas and one in the middle of the concave area. At each of
these locations, a full tool revolution was simulated. This
restriction to three local simulations is possible, because the
cutting situation is invariant as long as the curvature of the
workpiece does not change. Therefore, the process forces are
expected to be approximately constant within the concave and
convex areas. Only the orientation of the resulting force vector is
different. As stated before, the simulated height of the grinding tool
is 3.2 mm and the width of cut in the experimental setup is 5.0 mm.
Therefore, the simulated force values were extrapolated to the full
5.0 mm according to the slope of the DACE model. The extrapolated
simulated force values were 2.97 N and 3.26 N in the convex
surface areas and 5.76 N in the concave area. These forces are
visualized as horizontal lines in Fig. 18. The average of the
measured forces in the corresponding areas are 2.54 N, 3.12 N and
5.42 N, resulting in an average deviation of 9.2%.
4. Conclusions and outlook
In this paper, a force model for the simulation of the grinding
process of free-formed surfaces is presented, extending previous
work presented on the 3rd CIRP Conference on Process Machine
Interactions by [14]. This force model calculates the resulting
process forces based on individual grains distributed on the shape
of grinding tools in a geometric-kinematic simulation approach.
The grains are represented using CSG modeling techniques and the
workpiece is modeled by dexel boards.
In order to achieve a homogeneous distribution of points on the
surface of the workpiece, the application of a poisson-disk
sampling approach has been investigated as an alternative to
dexel boards or multi-dexel models. Using this method it is easily
possible to distribute dexels uniformly on complex surfaces. Due to
the random placement, the resulting simulated forces are slightly
more noisy but less biased in comparison to a grid-like dexel
arrangement. This was shown for the grinding of a at workpiece
at two different orientations.
The fundamental experimental investigations on grinding at
surfaces are extended by the machining of convex and concave
surfaces. The experiment as well as the simulation result in similar
forces, which are higher in the concave area. This shows that the
presented force model can be used for varying engagement
situations as well.
In further research, the developed process model will be used to
simulate the grinding of free-formed surfaces with differently
shaped tools. Additionally, currently neglected effects like tool
deection and wear will be integrated into the process simulation.
The investigations and scientic results described in this paper
are based on the research project A5 Simulation supported NC-
shape grinding as a nishing operation of thermally coated deep
drawing tools, which is kindly funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center (SFB)
708 3D-Surface Engineering of Tools for Sheet Metal Forming
Manufacturing, Modeling, Machining.
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
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on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),
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CIRPJ-264; No. of Pages 8
Please cite this article in press as: Siebrecht, T., et al., Grinding process simulation of free-formed WC-Co hard material coated surfaces
on machining centers using poisson-disk sampled dexel representations. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2014),

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