Pro Biotic

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Probiotic, Prebiotic and Biogenic effects of LAB have

attracted the attention of people around the world.

OHHIRAS PROBIOTICS OM-X is an ideal dietary
supplement that posseses all these effects. OHHIRAS
PROBIOTICS OM-X exhibits Probiotic effects through the
activities of live lactic acid bacteria, Prebiotic effects by
activating indigenous bacteria in the intestine and
Biogenic effects brought by useful substances produced
by lactic acid bacteria during the fermentation.
Vegetables, seaweeds and mushrooms are fermented
and matured for five years by a total of 12 strains of
useful lactic acid bacteria. Of these 12 strains, the major
strain was isolated and identified from "Tempeh",a
traditional fermented food in Southeast Asia
Ohhira OM-X is a probiotic supplement manufactured
through Dr. Iichiroh Ohhiras study with a unique
fermentation method. It is strictly hand-made and all

OM-X contains live LAB.
Consumption of live LAB improves the bacterial balance
in your intestine. LAB and Bifidobacteria are friendly
bacteria that are beneficial to your health.

LAB and Bifidobacteria are contained in LAB added
foods and drinks,yogurt and fermented foods. Functions
of LAB and Bifidobacteria are well known to many
OM-X contains dietary fibers and oligosaccharides.
Dietary fibers and oligosaccharides are a so called "feed"
of friendly bacteria and help increase intestinal
microorganisms (LAB and Bifidobacteria). Dietary fibers
and oligosaccharides help increase friendly bacteria that
originally reside in our intestines. Various kinds of
sugars and proteins also function as a "feed" of LAB and
OM-X contains byproducts of LAB and nutritional
substances broken down by LAB fermentation.
Probiotics and Prebiotics mean that microorganisms
break down and ferment nutrients in the intestine to
produce useful substances for our health.
Biogenics means that we use various kinds of
microorganisms to break down and ferment nutrients
and functional substances that are beneficial to our
health in order to produce useful substances. This
process occurs outside the human body in places such
as fermentation vats. These useful substances exhibit
important functions in our bodies without being
influenced by heat or acids.
Why are they good for our heath?
What is good about the fermented foods is that the
nutrients derived from ingredients are broken down by
microorganisms,which makes it easier for us to digest
and absorb nutritional substances in our body when
consuming. For instance,it is easier to absorb protein
when it is broken down to peptides and amino acids
because molecular mass becomes smaller.
Furthermore,fermented foods contain LAB,various
organic acids produced by LAB,vitamins and minerals
derived from ingredients,and enzymes. Enzymes in food
are killed when the food is heated. Since fermented
foods are not heated,they still contain enzymes. Daily
consumption of the fermented foods leads to health
Enzymes" are functioning in many parts of the body.
However,when toxic metals are combined with
enzymes,the enzymes change their structures. This
decreases the energy metabolism of enzyme itself.
Therefore,we need to supplement the enzymes we get
from food. However,keep in mind when cooking that
enzymes are weak against heat.
"Minerals" and "amino acids" catch toxic metals and
excrete them from the body.
"Lactic acid bacteria" and "dietary fiber" have been
believed to be good for the stomach. They have been
consumed on a daily basis for many centuries. Since it is
said that 75% of toxic excretion is done through
stools,you should prevent the retention of toxins by
improving your intestinal environment. Making an
optimal intestinal environment allows for smooth toxin
Intentionally flush out the toxic minerals from your
body,and help the recovery of your digestive organs.
Improve your intestinal environment. All of these can
help your body regain its ability of detoxification and
boost the immune system that you were born with.

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