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Freckles the Bunny Series

C/O Vickianne Caswell

P.O. Box 444
Humboldt Saskatchewan Canada S!" #$!
Vickianne Caswell Saskatchewan )riters* +uild member
and , Star award winnin- author would lo.e to read at
your school/
0112 2H1 CH$3$C213S
Freckles 4 She is the li5e lesson learner o5 the stories and a 0ini 3ex bunny.
6reamy 4 She is an Old 1n-lish +ame chick who to na'.
Boots 4 He is a 2abby kitten who to kee' clean.
2i-er 4 He is a Poodle 'u''y who to -rowl and 'ounce like a ti-er when he 'lays.
6onut 4 He is a Pekin- ducklin- who e.erythin- in circles and is a bit di55erent.
7orma 4 $ )hite&tailed 5awn who is shy and can run 5ast.
Stew 4 She is a 0ini 8o' bunny who a''ears in book 9 #. She is -entle and kind.
$BO:2 2H1 BOO"S
2he characters are based on real 'ets with the same uni;ue 'ersonalities.
1ach book comes with a li5e lesson or moral in the stories.
2he books contain <Fun Facts= in5ormation and short stories about the 'ets and where
ideas 5or the stories came 5rom.
2he books are written in a humorous way 5or both 'arents and children to en>oy.
2he a-e ran-e 5or the books .aries between 're&kinder-arten and u'. Some older children
ha.e liked the books as well because o5 the humour in them and the 5act that they are based
on real 'ets. ?t has not been unusual to be in.ited to read to a -rade @ and 4 classroom.
$BO:2 2H1 S2O3A 31$6?7+S
P31S172$2?O7 COS2
2his is all done FREE.
?t is asked that the teachers 'hotoco'y the order 5orm to send home 5or any 'arents
interested in 'urchasin- a book 5or their child. 2he teacher is to then send them back as
arran-ed either by mail or 'ick u' de'endin- u'on location.
Vickianne can send an e&book to you 'ri.ately should you wish to 'eruse it ahead o5 time.
)HO $22176S
2he author and her dau-hter attend the 'resentations. Vickianne*s dau-hter is a -reat hel'
and has co&authored Freckles the Bunny Series Book 9 B( 2he Freckle 0onster.
6e'endin- on the school*s decision the real Freckles usually comes in with me to meet the
children. 2his them a chance to meet her and 'et her i5 they would like. Stew usually
attends with her.
2?01 817+2H
2he 'resentation takes rou-hly an hour.
?t is recommended that the Christmas book not be chosen unless the whole classroom has
already had the 'resentation be5ore with the introduction to characters. 2he story is much
lon-er and would be hard to 5it in the short time 5rame.
)H$2 ?S ?7 ?7VO8V16 ?7 2H1 P31S172$2?O7
$ dis'lay board is brou-ht alon- as 'art o5 the 'resentation and the characters and their
'ersonalities are introduced.
2he story o5 choice is then read to the children and ;uestions can be asked a5ter. $s the
story is read the author usually tells the children a little bit about the story and why
certain 'arts were written in C5rom somethin- the 'et really didD. 2he children usually
interact 'artly throu-h as well sharin- their 'et stories.
Be5ore stickers and bookmarks are dis'ersed to the children.
2he teacher can choose which book is to be read the students or the author.
)H$2 V?C"?$771 )?88 7116 2O "7O)
0ost schools di.ide the readin- between two -rades at a time and ? stay 5or the day. ? will
need to know how you 'lan to s'lit the time.
)hat -rades and how many studentsE
Can Freckles and Stew attend at your schoolE
6o you ha.e a Smart BoardE
6o the -rou's ha.e a s'eci5ic book 'icked outE
?5 you are 'lannin- on a Sherlock readin- as well Csee his 'd5 5or more detailsD.
)H$2 ? 7116
$ table or two to 'lace the dis'lay board and a carrier.
$ Smart Board i5 you ha.e one as ? can show the 'ictures on the screen. ?5 you do not we
can walk around with the book.
$ lar-e enou-h room 5or the children to sit lined u' and 5or us to be able to walk down the
middle o5 each row with the rabbits 5or the children to 'et.
$BO:2 2H1 $:2HO3
Vickianne Caswell is married and has one
dau-hter who has an amaFin- -i5t with animals
Call animals wild or tame seem to lo.e herD.
Vickianne was raised an animal in the
cities o5 Saskatoon and 3e-ina. She has been
writin- at home since she was a teena-er a5ter
her 5ather -ot her interested in writin- when
he 'ublished a 'oem. She has done a 5ew
articles 5or a small 'a'er on animal care and
continues to ex'erience the >oys o5 'et
ownershi' on an acrea-e where the 5amily now
Vickianne be-an writin- a-ain in #!G# a5ter the ;uiet li5e and animals on an acrea-e
ins'ired her and is now a 'roud member o5 the Saskatchewan )riters* +uild. She had
wanted to create a set o5 children*s stories in memory o5 her rabbit Freckles and the desire
to teach morals that are sometimes 5or-otten. She 'ublished her 5irst book in the series
entitled HFreckles the Bunny SeriesH in #!G#. Since that time she has 'ublished 4 more
books in the series and a com'anion book that shares in5ormation about the real animals
5rom the stories. Vickianne is currently on her second series as well. HSherlock the
3emarkable Cat SeriesH was 'ublished in Ianuary o5 #!G4. She has won a 3eaders Fa.ourite
, Star 3e.iew $ward 5or most o5 her stories.
Vickianne*s children*s books are based on her real 'ets with the same uni;ue 'ersonalities.
0any were unwanted strays or rescues and each s'ecial in their own way. 1.ery book in
each series comes with HFun FactsH and a HBehind the StoryH at the back o5 e.ery book. She
is always more then ha''y to .isit a school with Freckles ??? and 'ut on a
'resentation/story hour 5or children.
Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 1:
Freckles is Scared of School
Freckles bein- at home with her mom. 2he day her
mom tells her that she must -o to school Freckles is both
scared and u'set. $t school she learns that thin-s are not
as scary as they seem and e.en makes a 5ew 5riends. 0eet
Boots the kitten he canJt sto' -roomin- his 'aws. 6reamy
the chick she to na'. 2i-er the 'u''y thinks heJs a
cat. 7orma the 5awn she is shy and can mo.e 5ast. 8astly
there is 6onut the ducklin- he to do e.erythin- in a
0O3$8S/8?F1 81SSO7S(
K O.ercomin- 5ear.
K 0akin- 5riends.
K 2ryin- new thin-s.
Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 2:
Freckles and the Less Fortunate
Freckles the bunny wants e.erythin- she sees in the stores
until one day she meets another bunny named Stew and
learns >ust how lucky she is to ha.e what she does. Stew*s
5amily can*t a55ord to buy e.erythin- new or sho' .ery
o5ten. Freckles soon be-ins to think o5 ways to hel' her
new 5riend. Ioin Freckles and her 5riends in another 5unny
story 5or you and your child to en>oy. Children will learn
>ust how lucky they are to ha.e what they do and -et a
better understandin- o5 those that don*t.
0O3$8S/8?F1 81SSO7S(
K $''reciate what you ha.e.
K 7ot e.eryone is as 5ortunate as others.
K Share.
K 6onate what you no lon-er use or need.
Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 3:
Freckles Lends a Paw
Freckles and her 5riends ha.e always been scared o5 that
one house. 2he house where a mean old rabbit 0r.
8o''ity Children ha.e always a.oided him but one
day Freckles learns that e.eryone must their
5ears and sometimes they can*t be a.oided. She learns
that sometimes the thin- that you 5ear most isn*t so scary
a5ter all. Freckles and her 5riends soon be-in hel'in- him
and also learn that a''earances can be Ioin
Freckles and her 5riends in another 5unny ad.enture this
time with their siblin-s.
0O3$8S/81SSO7S 81$3716(
K Hel'in- others makes you 5eel -ood inside.
K 6on*t belie.e e.erythin- you hear don*t.
K 8isten to rumours carin- 5or others
K Hel'in- the elderly.
K 2reat others* 'ro'erty with res'ect.
Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # 4:
Freckles and the True eanin! of "hrist#as
Freckles and her 5riends belie.e that Christmas is all about
'resents until their 5amilies decide to show them the true
meanin- o5 Christmas. 1ach 5amily embarks on a ma-ical
Christmas >ourney when they show their children that
Christmas is about the lo.e we ha.e 5or each other. For the 5irst
time meet the 5ull 5amily o5 each o5 the characters.
0O3$8S/81SSO7S 81$3716(
K 6onate or .olunteer time.
K Hel'in- others carin- and sharin-.
K Christmas is about the lo.e and carin- 5or each other not
about 'resents.
K Hel'in- makes you 5eel -ood inside.

Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # $:
Freckles and the "ost of Po%ularity
Freckles has always been a -ood little bunny that was tau-ht
to be nice and carin- towards others. 2he o''ortunity to be
'o'ular arises and Freckles soon 5inds hersel5 choosin-
'o'ularity 5riends. 2wo classes -et to -o on a 5ield tri' to
the local bakery where Boots* brother Sherlock works.
Freckles has been told that Boots* 5amily is not cool and
weird. Freckles and her new 5riends are soon lau-hin- at the
bakery owner and Boots* 5amily costin- Freckles her old
5riends. Ioin Freckles as she learns that bein- di55erent is
alri-ht and that bein- 'o'ular doesn*t mean you ha.e to be
mean in another 5unny ad.enture. +uest a''earances by
Sherlock a 'o'ular real animal and Purrsia a character that
will ha.e your child lookin- to see what is stuck in her 5ur in
e.ery illustration.
0O3$8S/81SSO7S 81$3716(
K Peer 'ressure.
K 6o what is ri-ht and not what others tell you.
K Bein- 'o'ular is not always as -ood as it seems.
K 2reat others the way you want to be treated.
K ?t is not nice to lau-h or make 5un o5 others* mis5ortunes.
Freckles the Bunny Series, Book # &:
The Freckle onster
Freckles is sure she is -oin- to win the anti&bullyin- 'oster
contest. Freckles is .ery disa''ointed when she learns Stew
wins and with the hel' o5 the snobby weasel -irls she be-ins
to show Stew how mad and >ealous she is. Can Freckles turn
thin-s around and 5ix the hurt 5eelin-s she has caused by
bullyin- or will the Freckle 0onster kee' controllin- herE
0eanwhile Freckles* lies has caused a lot o5 other 5i-htin-.
8yin- name callin- hittin- and much more ha''ens between
the classmates and someone -ets hurt. )ill the children
remember why they drew these 'osters or will they remain
bullies themsel.esE "'()* L+T, 2-14.
0O3$8S/81SSO7S 81$3716(
K Hittin- is wron-.
K ?t is not nice to be >ealous o5 others.
K Conse;uences o5 actions.
K 6on*t run at the 'ool.
K Iealousy can lead to bad thin-s.
K How to treat 5riends.
K How to o.ercome >ealousy and an-er.
K Bullyin- is wron- and the di55erent 5orms Cexce't cyber bullyin-D o5 bullyin-.
K 3e.en-e is wron- and leads to bad thin-s.
I am currently looking to set up visits in select areas at this time. I am always more then
happy to return to a school. I love getting feedback from the teachers and students. If you are
interested in setting up a visit to your school then please contact me via email as we are still
in the works of moving into our home after a house fire and have yet to set up a telephone. I
would prefer if possible to make this a day visit whether it be all Freckles books or a mix
between the two as we will be driving out to some areas. I will be available throughout the
year and look forward to hearing from you!
Vickianne aswell
If you no longer wish to receive mail from me, kindly contact me and it will stop. !hank you for your time!

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