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Thomas M. Driscoll III 2801 Quebec Street, Apt.

Washington, D.C. 20008
(330) 770-0905 ∙


∙Passed July 2009 New York Bar Exam

∙University of Toledo College of Law, J.D., May 2009 Toledo, OH

∙Environmental Law Certification
∙President, Environmental Law Society, 2007-2008
∙Drafted resolution passed by Toledo City Council to endorse Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water
Resources Compact.
∙Environmental Law Moot Court Team, 2008-2009
∙Research Assistant to Professor Kenneth Kilbert, 2008-2009
∙Conducted academic research for The Public Trust Doctrine and the Great Lakes Shores, Cleveland State Law
Review, volume 58 (March 2009).

∙Saint Peter’s College, B.A. English, cum laude 2006 Jersey City, NJ

∙Legislative Research Intern, Office of Congressman Tim Ryan Washington, D.C.
September 2009 to present
∙Research environmental, energy and foreign policy issues for briefing legislative staff, including innovative site remediation
procedures and exposure to toxic chemicals.
∙Draft correspondence to constituents and government agencies on behalf of Congressman Ryan.
∙Interview concerned parties to gather information on behalf of Congressman Ryan to assist and inform the legislative

∙Legal Extern, Ohio Attorney General Toledo, OH

Spring Semester 2009
∙Assisted with Clean Air Act and landfill regulation enforcement, including evidence preparation for trial.
∙Drafted trial briefs and motions in unemployment benefit cases.

∙Law Clerk, United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C.

Office of Civil Enforcement
Summer 2008
∙In multimillion dollar civil judicial case alleging Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,
and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know violations, drafted judicial complaint including over 500 counts,
attended negotiations, and researched Agency interpretations to ensure consistency with EPA policy and practice.

∙Legal Advocate, Midwest Environmental Advocates Madison, WI

Summer 2007
∙Developed advocacy strategy for regulating a multimedia toxic pollutant posing a serious threat to human health under the
Clean Water Act.
∙Prepared testimony for Wisconsin Senate committee hearing on a bill designed to depoliticize the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources Secretary selection process.

∙Ohio Farmer, August 2009
“US EPA Clarifies CAFO Reporting”
∙Discusses EPA rule exempting many Ohio farms from reporting hazardous substances in animal waste, pursuant to Section
311(e)(5) of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.

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