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Writing a Conclusion for an Essay

The conclusion is the last paragraph of an essay. Although often brief in

comparison with the other paragraphs, the conclusion performs a
number of very signifcant functions.
Restate your thesis
Introuction!s thesis" Toay I will show how accurate the novel!s
character, setting, an plot matche the actual facts of the #copes Trial.
Conclusion!s thesis" Toay you learne how accurate $on%ey
Town!s character, setting, an plot matche the actual facts of the
#copes Trial.
#ummari&e the purpose of the essay
Introuction!s summary" 'ayton, Tennessee was a (uiet, conservative,
an religious small town. Insie the local rugstore, owner )re Robinson
rea a newspaper avertisement from the American Civil *iberties +nion
,AC*+- re(uesting a Tennessee teacher amit that he or she taught
evolution, which was against the law in Tennessee at the time, so that the
AC*+ coul efen him or her in a trial an hopefully get the law revo%e.
#ince 'ayton coul use a tourism boost, the town fathers! as%e local
teacher .ohn #copes to answer the a. /The rest,0 they say, /is history.0
Conclusion!s summary" 'ayton, Tennessee may have been a (uiet
community before this trial, but uring the summer of 1234, the
entire worl listene as a young teacher efene teaching of
Revisit your attention getter
)inish your story
o Introuction!s story" It was the summer of 1234 an school was 5ust
release for 14 year ol )rances Robinson. )rances was hoping to see
her crush, the young teacher .ohn #copes, aroun her father!s rug
store. 6owever something was going to be occupying .ohn!s time that
summer7 he was on trial.
o Conclusion!s story" In the en, )rances!s crush woul say
goo8bye an leave Tennessee, but she never forgot that
summer, an neither woul we.
Restate the (uote
o Introuction!s (uote" /We9re in a revolution 5ust over evolution. The
battle of ages is on. #ome scientists have claime We9re human 5ust by
name, That mon%eys an men are the same. :ut 'arwin9s theory
oesn9t soun goo to me. I might have mon%ey manners :ut with him
I can9t agree. ;ou can!t ma%e a mon%ey out of me.0 These are lyrics
from :illy Rose about the 1234 #copes Trial over evolution.
o Conclusions quote: <erhaps the song was correct that
/We!re in a revolution 5ust over evolution. The battle of ages
is on.0 It!s a battle that still goes on toay, but we have
learne so much since the #copes Trial.
Answer the rhetorical (uestion or as% another one
o Introuction!s (uestion" 'o you believe we have evolve from
o Conclusion!s (uestion" In 1234 you may not have believe
we evolve from mon%eys, but toay, we have the #copes
Trial to than% for starting our eucation of evolution.
Revisit the statistic
o Introuction!s statistic" In a recent survey from the <:# website,
32> of people believe evolution shoul be remove from state science
stanars, but in 'ayton, Tennessee uring 1234 that statistic woul
be rastically greater.
o Conclusion!s statistic" Toay, ?@> of people surveye by <:#
believe evolution shoul remain in science stanars. The
/mon%ey trial0 mae a iAerence.
Toay you learne how accurate $on%ey Town!s character, setting, an plot
matche the actual facts of the #copes Trial. 'ayton, Tennessee may have been a
(uiet community before this trial, but uring the summer of 1234, the entire worl
listene as a young teacher efene teaching of evolution. Toay, ?@> of people
surveye by <:# believe evolution shoul remain in science stanars. The
/mon%ey trial0 mae a iAerence.

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