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General Business (Lessons 1-5)

Lesson 1:
1. abide by (v) to comply with; to conform: tun theo, lm theo
The two parties agreed to abide by the judges decision.
For years he has abided by a commitment to annual employee raises.
commitment !n" to st# to do st: l$i cam %&t'
2. agreement (n) ( a contract: s) th*a thu+n, h,p
The landlord and tenant were in agreement that the rent should be prorated to
the middle of
the month.
tenant !n" ng/$i thu0 nh; prorate !1, trans" chia !c2i g3" theo t4 l5'
6ccording to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the
caterer !n" ng/$i# c7ng ty cung c8p th)c ph9m cho m:t cu:c h;p m<t hay nh=ng
s) %i5n -<c
3. assurance (n) a guarantee, confidence
4. cancellation (n) stopping: s) h>y b*
contract lawyer: lu+t s/ lm 1i5c b0n m?ng h,p'
The cancellation clause appears at the bac% of the contract.
clause !n" -i@u %ho?n'
5. determine (v) to find out; to influence
be liable for st: chAu tr2ch nhi5m ph2p lB 1@; wage !n" h+u Cu?'
The s%ill of the union bargainer will determine if the automoti1e plant will
open neDt wee%.
plant !n" m2y mEc, thi&t bA, nh m2y, DB nghi5p'
6. engage (v) participate; in1ol1e
7. establish (v) to bring about
8. obligate (v) to bind legally and morally
9. arty (n) a person or group participating in an action or plan; the persons or sides
concerned in a
legal matter: b0n
The parties agreed to a settlement in their contract dispute.
settlentment !n" s) th*a thu+n; dispute !n" cu:c bn cFi, cu:c tranh lu+n'
1!. rovision (n) a stipulation: -i@u %ho?n !c>a m:t 1Gn b?n ph2p lH"
11. resolve (v) to deal with successfully, to declare: gi?i Cuy&t, Cuy&t -A
(n) con1iction: s) %i0n Cuy&t
12. seci"ic (a) particular
13. agree (v), agree to st# to do st; agreement !n"; agreeable !a", be agreeable to st
14. assure (v); assurance !n"; assuredly !ad1"
15. cancel (v); cancellation !n"; canceled !a"
16. obligate (v); obligation !n"; obligatory !a" bIt bu:c J obliged !a" bi&t Kn, be obliged
to sb !for sth"'
17. rovide (v); pro1ider !n"; pro1ision !n"
18. seci"y (v) ch4 rL, ghi rL, -Anh rL; specification !n"; specific !a"
Lesson 2:
M. attract (v) to draw by appeal
N. comare (v) to eDamine similaraties and differences
O. cometition (n) a contest or struggle
Pn the competition for afternoon diners, Qectors has come out on top.
diner !n" ng/$i tham d) b=a ti5c'
R. consume (v) to absorb, to use up: ti0u thS
The business plans comsumed all of FriTs attention this fall.
Uar%eting costs consume a good part of a companys budget.
budget !n" tVng thu chi'
W. convince (v) to bring to belie1e by argument, to persuade
X. currently (adv) happening at the present time, now
Y. "ad (n) a craTe: mZt !t[m th$i, nh8t th$i"
\. insriration (n) to st' ngu.n c?m h]ng
^. mar#et (v) the course of buying and selling a product: ti&p thA
(n) the demand for a product: c_u, nhu c_u
M`. ersuasion (n) the power to influence
MM. roductive (a) constructi1e: cE hi5u Cu?
MN. satis"action (n) happiness
MO. attract (v); attraction !n"; attracti1e !n"
MR. comare (v); comparison !n"; comparable !a"
home !a" n:i -Aa, trong n/ac; see% !1" b sought b sought'
To get an a1erage for home costs, the agent sought prices on comparable
home !n,c" a house of flat#apartment, etc., when you thin% of it as property that
can be bought
and sold'
MW. comete (v); competition !n"; competiti1e !a"
MX. mar#et (n or v); mar%eting !n" s) ti&p thA, ho[t -:ng ti&p thA;
mar%etable !a" !th/Kng m[i" thBch h,p -c b2n, -/,c /a chu:ng
!ti chBnh" cE thc b2n -/,c
MY. satis"y (v); satisfaction !n"; satisfactory !a"
M\. consume (v); consumer !n"; consumable !a" cE thc ti0u thS -/,c
Lesson :
M. characteristic (a) re1ealing of indi1idual traits: ti0u bicu
(n) an indi1idual trait: -<c -icm
N. conse$uence (n) that which follows necessarily: h+u Cu?
The conseCuence of not following the ser1ice instructions for your car is that
th/ warranty is
in1alidate !1, trans" lm cho m8t hi5u l)c'
6s a conseCuence of not ha1ing seen a dentist for se1eral years, dydia had
se1eral ca1ities.
O. consider (v) to thin% about carefully
R. cover (v) to pro1ide protection against: ( bao g.m
The warranty co1ers the cost of all repairs for a period of one year.
W. e%ire (v) to end
6fter the warranty eDpires, you will ha1e to pay for repairs yourself.
X. "re$uently (adv) occurring commonly
Y. imly (v) to indicate by inference: ngS H, 2m ch4
\. rotect (v) to guard
^. reutation (n) the o1erall Cuality of character
M`. re$uire (v) to deem necessary or essential
MM. variety (n) many different %inds
MN. romise (n) a pledge, a commitment
(v) to pledge to do, bring about or pro1ide
MO. characteri&e (v) ti0u bicu cho e, l -<c -icm c>ae
characteristic !a"; characteristically !ad1" m:t c2ch -<c tr/ng
6 warranty characteristically pro1ides for replacement or repair within certain
time limits.
MR. consider (v); consideration !n"; considerable !a" -2ng %c, nhi@u
MW. imly (v); implication !n"; implicit !a" 9n, ng_m
MX. rotect (v); protection !n"; protecti1e !a" b?o 15, b?o h:, t* H muZn b?o 15
MY. reutation (n); reputable !a" cE uy tBn, -2ng tin; reputed !a" -/,c cho le, -/,c coi
The new store is reputed to carry items that are not of the highest Cuality.
M\. re$uire (v); reCuirement !n"; reCuisite !a" -/,c -fi h*i, c_n thi&t
The warranty spelled out the reCuisite steps to ta%e to reCuest a replacement
spell out: gi?i thBch rL rng'
Lesson ":
M. address (n) a formal speech: bi dign 1Gn
(v) to direct to the attention of: t+p trung, h/ang s) chh H 1o
The article praised her address to the steering committee.
article !n" bi b2o; steering committee: ban ch4 -[o; praise !1" t2n d/Kng, ca
Uarcos business plan addresses the needs of small business owners.
N. avoid (v) to %eep from happening
O. demonstrate (v) to present by eDample: ch]ng minh, ch]ng t*
R. develo (v) to eDpand, progress or impro1e
W. evaluate (v) to determine the 1alue or impact of: -2nh gi2, -Anh gi2
The lenders e1aluated our creditability and decided to loan us money.
lender !n" ng/$i cho 1ay, ng/$i cho m/,n;
crediability !n" s) 1i 1ang, s) mang l[i l[i danh ti&ng
loan !1", loan sb st# loan st to sb'
X. gather (v) to accumulate, to conclude: thu th+p, t+p h;p
Y. o""er (n) a proposal
(v) to propose
\. rimarily (adv) first, importantly
^. ris# (n) the chance of loss or damage: r>i ro
M`. strategy (n) a plan of action: chi&n l/,c
MM. strengthen (v) ma%e stronger or more powerful
MN. substitution (n) replacement
MO. avoid (v); a1oidance !n"; a1oided !a"
MR. demonstrate (v); demonstration !n"; demonstrati1e !a"
The failure of that business is demonstrati1e of what can happen when there is
no business
MW. develo (v); de1elopment !n"; de1eloper !n"
MX. evaluate (v); a1aluation !n"; e1aluator !n"
MY. strategi&e (v) 1[ch chi&n l/,c; strategy !n"; strategic !a" !thu:c 1@" chi&n l/,c, mang
tBnh chi&n l/,c
M\. substitute (v) thay th&, !intrans" to substitute for sb#st, !trans" to substitute sb#st for
substitution !n"; substituted !a"
Lesson 5:
M. accommodate (v) to pro1ide with something needed
The meeting room was large enough to accommodate the 1arious needs of the
groups using
N. arrangement (n) the plan or organiTation
O. association (n) an organiTation of persons or groups ha1ing a common interest, a
relationship or
society: s) li0n h,p, h:i li0n hi5p
R. attend (v) to go to
W. get in touch (v) to ma%e contact with
X. hold (v) to contain, to conduct
Y. location (n) a position or site
\. overcro'ded (a) too crowded
^. register (n) a record: sV ghi danh s2ch
(v) record: ghi 1o sV, -Gng %B
M`. select (v) to choose from a group
(a) specially chosen: -/,c tuycn ch;n
MM. session (n) a meeting
MN. ta#e art in (v) to join or participate
MO. accommodate (v); accommodation !n"; accommodating !a" hay gihp -j, nhi5t t3nh
MR. arrangement (n); arrange !1"; arranged !a"
MW. association (n); associate !1"; associated !a" li0n Cuan, %km theo
MX. attend (v); attendee !n"; attendance !n" s) tham d), sZ ng/$i tham d)
MY. register (v or n); registration !n" s) -Gng %H
M\. select (v); selection !n";
selecti1e !a" cE tuycn ch;n, be selecti1e about sb#st: cE Du h/ang l)a ch;n c9n th+n
The planning committee was 1ery selecti1e about who recei1ed in1itations.
O&'e Issues (Lessons (-1))
Lesson (:
M. access (n) the ability or right to enter or use
(v) to obtain, to gain entry
N. allocate (v) to designate for a specific purpose: dlng# phn phZi# c8p c2i g3 1o mSc
-Bch -<c bi5t
me will need to allocate more space on the website for ad1ertising.
O. comatible (a) able to function together: t/Kng thBch, phl h,p
R. delete (v) to remo1e, to erase
W. dislay (n) what is 1isible on a monitor
(v) to show
X. dulicate (v) to produce something eCual, to ma%e identical: sao chnp
Y. "ailure (n) an unsuccessful wor% or effort: s) th8t b[i
oour failure to inform us about the changed password cost the company a
days wor%.
\. "igure out (v) to understand, to sol1e
py eDamining all the errors, the technicians figured out how to fiD the
^. ignore (v) not to notice, to disregard: phat l$
M`. search (n) in1estigation
(v) to loo% for
qur search of the database produced 1ery little information.
database !n" cK sr d= li5u'
MM. shut do'n (v) to turn off, to cease operations
me decided to shut down the blog after recei1ing so many bad comments.
MN. 'arning (n) an alert to danger or problems
The red flashing light gi1es a warning to users that the battery is low.
MO. access (v or n); accessible !a" cE thc ti&p c+n -/,c
some people are so busy they are accessible only by etmail.
MR. allocate (v); allocation !n"; allocated !a"
MW. dulicate (v or n); duplication !n"
MX. "ailure (n); fail !1"; fallible !a" cE thc gy lui
v1eryone can ma%e a mista%e. v1en a computer is fallible.
MY. ignore (v); ignorance !n"; ignored !a"
The ignored computer glitch caused the database to function improperly.
glitch !n" s) cZ %w thu+t'
M\. 'arn (v); warning !n or a"
Lesson -:
M. a""ordable (a) able to be paid for, not too eDpensi1e: !gi2 c?" ph?i chGng, 1xa ph?i
The companys first priority was to find an affordable phone system.
N. as needed (adv) as necessary: c_n thi&t, %hi c_n thi&t
The ser1ice contract states that repairs will be made on an astneeded basis.
O. caacity (n) the ability to contain or hold, the maDimum that something can hold or
do: s]c ch]a,
c7ng su8t
The memory reCuirements of this software application eDceed the capacity of
our computers.
eDceed !1" 1/,t Cu2'
R. durable (a) sturdy, strong, lasting: b@n b4, lu di
W. in charge (a) in control: phS tr2ch, %icm so2t
oour computer should not be in charge of you, rather you should be in charge
of your
X. initiative (n) the first step, an acti1e role: s) ch> -:ng, s2ng %i&n
vmployees are encouraged to ta%e the initiati1e to discuss their technology
needs with
ta%e the initiati1e: -i -_u; management !n" ban Cu?n lB, ban Cu?n -Zc'
Y. hysically (adv) with the senses, of the body: !thu:c" 1@ cK thc, thc ch8t J mentally
The computer screen is ma%ing her physically sic%.
\. rovider (n) a supplier: ng/$i cung c8p, nh cung c8p
^. recur (v) to occur again or repeatedly: t2i dign
M`. reduction (n) a lessening, a decrease: s) gi?m sht
MM. stay on to o" (v) to %now what is going on, to %now the latest information: !nghwa
bEng" theo s2t
Pts important to stay on top of supplies for the printers and reorder them
before they ran out.
MN. stoc# (v) to %eep on hand: tBch tr=
(n) a supply: ngu.n d) tr=, ngu.n cung c8p
The offices stoc% of toner for the faD machine was Cuic%ly running out.
toner !n" m)c in'
MO. a""ord (v) !ti@n b[c, th$i gian" -> %h? nGng# -i@u %i5n !-c lm g3", afford to do st#
afford st;
affordability !n" %h? nGng ti chBnh, %h? nGng chi tr?; affordable !a"
MR. initiate (v) bIt -_u, %hri -_u; initiati1e !n"; initiation !n" s) bIt -_u, s) %hri -_u
MW. hysi$ue (n) cK thc, 1Ec ng/$i; physical !a"; physically !ad1"
MX. rovide (v) cung c8p, Cuy -Anh, pro1ide sb with st# pro1ide st for sb;
The company pro1ides a fi1etyear warranty on its products.
pro1ider !n"; pro1ision !n" s) cung c8p, -i@u %ho?n
MY. recur (v); recurrence !n"; recurring !a"
M\. reduce (v); reduction !n"; reducible !a" cE thc gi?m bat
Lesson 0:
M. areciation (n) recognition, understanding, than%s: s) -2nh gi2 cao, s) c7ng nh+n,
s) c?m %Bch
oour appreciation of my efforts inspired me through the final stages of the
N. bring in (v) to hire or recruit, to cause to appear: thu0, tuycn dSng, giai thi5u, n0u ra
O. casually (adv) informally: %h7ng trang tr;ng
R. code (n) rules of beha1ior: Cuy tIc !]ng Dy", hnh 1i
v1en the most traditional companies are changing their dress code to
something less formal.
dress !a" thu:c 1@ trang phSc, c2ch Gn m<c !trang tr;ng, lAch s)"'
W. e%ose (v) to ma%e aware, to gi1e eDperience: phKi by, b:c l:, -<t 1o !t3nh th&e"
Uergers reCuire that employees be eDposed to different business pratices.
merger !n" s) li0n doanh, li0n %&t !th/Kng nghi5p"; be eDposed to: ti&p Dhc 1ai'
X. glimse (n) Cuic% loo%: c2i nh3n l/at Cua, c2i nh3n tho2ng Cua
The secretary caught a glimpse of her new boss as she was lea1ing the office.
catch a glimpse of'
Y. made o" (v) consisting of, produced from
This job will really test you what you are made of.
zeople say that the negotiator has ner1es made of steel.
\. outdated (a) obsolete, not currently in use
^. out o" (a) no longer ha1ing, missing
M`. ractice (n) method of doing something
(v) to repeat in order to learn
MM. rein"orce (v) to strengthen, support: tGng c/$ng, c>ng cZ
The financial officers uncon1entional method of analyTing data was
reinforced by the
business journal article.
uncon1entional !a" %h7ng theo Cuy /ac, -:c -2o; journal !n" b2o chuy0n -@, t+p
MN. verbally (adv) in spo%en form: b{ng mi5ng
she 1erbally reprinmanded the new hire in front of his entire team.
reprimand !1" %hicn tr2ch, Cur tr2ch; !n, c | unc" l$i %hicn tr2ch, Cur tr2ch'
The guarantee was made only 1erbally.
MO. areciation (n); appreciate !1"; appreciated !a"
The intern felt appreciated, li%e a member of the team.
intern !n" b2c sw th)c t+p n:i trh'
MR. casualness (n); casual !a"; casually !ad1"
Qer boss was unhappy with the casualness of her manner.
MW. e%ose (v); eDposure !n"; eDposed !a"
MX. ractice (n or v); practical !a" th)c t&, thi&t th)c
MY. rein"orce (v); reinforcement !n"; reinforceable !a" capable of being reinforced
The company dress code is reinforceable only if the managers follow it
dress code: y0u c_u# Cuy c2ch Gn m<c'
M\. verbally (adv); 1erbaliTe !1" ph2t bicu# dign -[t b{ng l$i nEi; 1erbal !a" b{ng l$i nEi,
b{ng mi5ng
The company operated on a practice of 1erbal and not written contracts.
Lesson 9:
M. device (n) a tool or a machine used for a specific tas%
N. "acilitate (v) to ma%e easier: lm cho dg dng, lm cho thu+n ti5n, -Kn gi?n hEa
The director tried to facilitate the transition to the new policy by meeting with
all staff who
would be affected.
transition !n, c | unc" s) chuycn -Vi, s) chuycn ti&p'
O. net'or# (v) to connect: %&t nZi; to broadcast: ph2t sEng, ph2t thanh, truy@n h3nh
(n) an interconnected group or system o1er a radio or T}: m[ng l/ai, h5
me set up a new networ% in my office to share files.
R. oularity (n) the state of being widely admired, sought, or accepted: s) phV bi&n
6fter the new commercials began running, the popularity of the batteries
commercial !n" Cu?ng c2o tr0n T} ho<c radio'
W. rocess (v) to put through a series of actions or prescribed procedure: Dy lH !d= li5u,.."
(n) a series of operations or actions to bring about a result: Cu2 tr3nh, Cuy
There is a process for determining why your computer is malfunctioning.
malfunction !1" to fail to wor% correctly'
X. relace (v) to ta%e the place of: thay th&
Y. revolution (n) a sudden or important change in a situation: cu:c c2ch m[ng, s) c2ch
\. shar (a) abrupt or acute: th3nh l3nh, -:t ng:t; smart: th7ng minh, sIc s?o
^. s#ill (n) a de1eloped ability
The software de1eloper has eDcellent technical s%ills and would be an asset to
our software
programming team.
asset !n" be an asset to sb# sth' a person or thing that is 1aluable or useful to sb#
M`. so"t'are (n) the programs for a computer
MM. store (v) to %eep
MN. technically (adv) with specialiTed s%ill or %nowledge: 1@ !ph/Kng di5n" chuy0n m7n;
according to
the eDact meaning, facts etc.: m:t c2ch nghi0m thc, m:t c2ch chBnh D2c
me find that our younger employees tend to be more technically s%illed.
Technically !spea%ing", the two countries are still at war.
MO. oulari&e (v) truy@n b2, phV bi&n; popularity !n"; popular !a"
The Pnternet has populariTed lasttminute tra1el.
lasttminute !a, usually before noun" done, decided or organiTed just before sth
happens or
before it is too late'
MR. relace (v); replacement !n"; replaceable !a"
MW. revolutioni&e (v); re1olution !n"; re1olutionary !a" in1ol1ing a great or complete
The Pnternet is re1olutionary in how it has changed the way we communicate.
MX. s#ill (n); s%illed !a"; s%illfully !ad1"
MY. store (v); store !n" ngu.n# %hZi l/,ng d) tr=; storage !n" s) d) tr=, s) l/u tr= !hng
hEa, d= li5ue"
me %eep a store of computer supplies in that closet.
closet !especially 6mv" phfng %ho, phfng -c -.'
me need a computer with greater storage capacity.
M\. technician (n); technical !a"; technically !ad1"
Lesson 10:
M. assemble (v) to put together, to bring together: t+p h,p, thu th+p
N. be"orehand (adv) in ad1ance, in anticipation
O. comlication (n) difficulty, compleD situation
~omplications always arise when we try to co1er too many topics in one letter.
arise !1, intr." to happen, to occur'
R. courier (n) a messenger, an official deli1ery person: ng/$i -/a th/, ng/$i -/a tin t]c
The courier ser1ice will clear the goods through the customs.
clear the goods through customs !fiDed phrase" lm c2c th> tSc h?i Cuan !-c l8y
ho<c gyi hng"'
W. distribute (v) to pass out to a 1ariety of people
X. e%ress (a) fast and direct: tZc hnh, h*a tZc
Y. "old (v) to bend paper
Fold the letter into three parts before stuffing it into the en1elope.
stuff !1" to fill a space tightly with sth; stuff 6 with p, stuff p in, into, under, etc.
\. layout (n) a format, the organiTation of material on a page: c2ch bi trB, c2ch sIp D&p
^. mention (n) something said or written: s) -@ c+p, c2i -/,c -@ c+p
(v) to refer to
M`. etition (n) a formal, written reCuest: -Kn Din, -Kn th4nh c_u, !ph2p lH" -Kn
(v) to ma%e a formal reCuest: th4nh c_u, %i&n nghA
MM. roo" (v) to loo% for errors: %icm ch]ng
zlease proof the memo one more time before you distribute it.
memo !n" !also memorandum pl. form: memoranda" an official note from one
person to
another in the same organiTation: th/ th7ng b2o, pl. form: memos'
MN. revise (v) to rewrite: Dem l[i, duy5t l[i
MO. comlicate (v( trans.); complication !n"; complicated !a"
MR. distribute (v); distribution !n"; distributor !n"
MW. mention (n or v); mentionable !a" cE thc -/,c -@ c+p, -2ng -/,c nhIc -&n
The mention of layoffs made us worry.
layoff !n" s) t[m giFn nhn c7ng !13 %h7ng cE 1i5c", th$i gian t[m ngxng s?n
6s P mentioned in my note to you, you should try to be less wordy and more
concise in your
concise !a" J wordy !a"'
o one considered me mediocre design a mentionable achie1ement.
mediocre !a" Dong, t_m th/$ng'
MX. etition (n or v); petitioner !n" ng/$i th4nh c_u, ng/$i %i&n nghA, !ph2p lH" ng/$i -5
The welders petitioned the factory to install air conditioning.
welder !n" th, hn; air conditioning !n, unc" h5 thZng m2y l[nh'
MY. roo" (v); proofreader !n" ng/$i -;c 1 sya b?n in thy; proofing !gerund"
M\. revise (v); re1ised !a"; re1ision !n"
6fter you re1ise the document, gi1e it a new name so that we will still ha1e
access to both
draft !n" b?n ph2c th?o'
oou may ha1e to do three or four full re1isions to this document before it is
do# ma%e a re1ision!s" to re1ise'

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