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Chapter 8: Basic Measurements

Paper 1
This test paper contains 21 questions. Answer ALL the questions.
The diagrams accompanying the questions are not drawn to scale unless mentioned.
You are allowed to use a scientific calculator that cannot be programmed.
1 Convert 2 m ! cm into cm.
1 2! cm
2 2"! cm
3 2.! cm
4 2!" cm
2 2 #" g written in $g is
A ".2# $g
B 2.# $g
C 2#. $g
D 2# $g
3 %valuate 1 cm & mm ' ( cm ) mm.
A 1 cm # mm
B 2 cm # mm
C cm # mm
D ! cm # mm
4 %valuate * 2 $g &"" g + , ' * 1 $g -"" + 2,.
A 1 $g "" g
B 2 $g "" g
C $g "" g
D ! $g "" g
5 .etermine the value of ! $g 2"" g / ).
A 2& g
B !2& g
C &2& g
D -2& g
6 %valuate m &- cm 0 - m !& cm ' 2 m & cm.
A # m -- cm
B - m -- cm
C & m -- cm
D ! m -- cm
Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 1 Super Score Mathematics
Form 1
7 Convert - wee$s ! days to days.
A !" days
B !2 days
C !! days
D !- days
8 %valuate & minutes !& seconds + !.
A 2" minutes
B 2 minutes
C 2 minutes 1& seconds
D 2& minutes 1& seconds
9 %valuate
& hours &" minutes
0 hours " minutes
A ( hours 2" minutes
B ( hours " minutes
C ) hours 2" minutes
D ) hours 1" minutes
10 A tour bus left 1poh for 2uantan at )." p.m. The bus travelled for ) hours and & minutes
before arriving in 2uantan. .etermine the time at which the bus arrived in 2uantan.
A 2."& a.m
B ."& a.m
C !."& a.m
D &."& a.m
11 3hich of the following is not true4

$g 5 &"" g
B ".1 m 5 1" cm
C 12 cm 5 12" m
D & tonnes 5 & """ $g
12 A lorry carried 1
tonnes of bananas. 1t dropped off #&" $g of bananas at the 2ota 6ahru
mar$et. 7ind the mass8 in $g8 of the bananas in the lorry.
A 2&"
B &""
C #&"
Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 2 Super Score Mathematics
Form 1
D (""
13 A bottle has a mass of #)& g. 7ind the mass8 in $g8 of 12 similar bottles.
A ).!2
B (."2
C (.12
D (.!2
14 3rite &.!& p.m. using the 2!9hour system.
A 12!& hours
B 1&!& hours
C 1#!& hours
D 1(!& hours
15 :ow many hours and minutes is it from "2" hours to 12"" hours4
A # hours " minutes
B ) hours " minutes
C ( hours " minutes
D 1" hours " minutes
16 A train departed from station ; at 11& hours. 1t too$ ! hours and 2" minutes before
stopping at station Y for 1& minutes. 1t then travelled for 2 hours and 2& minutes before
arriving at station <. Calculate the time at which the train arrived at station <.
A #."" p.m.
B ).1& p.m.
C (.1& p.m.
D (.&" p.m.
17 Adibah=s brother8 A>ilan is 2 years and & months older than her. 1f A>ilan=s age is
1! years and months8 how old is Adibah4
A 11 years 1" months
B 1" years 1" months
C ( years 1" months
D ) years 1" months
18 ?waran Construction Company built a road from 2ampung @enora to 2ampung Aelam8 a
distance of &.&! $m. 1t then built a road connecting 2ampung Aelam to 2ampung Aman8
a distance of -.#) $m. Calculate the total length of road constructed by the company.
A 12 $m 2" m
B 1" $m 2" m
C 11 $m 2" m
D 1" $m 2" m
19 7ind the time8 in hours8 from .!& p.m. @onday 12
Buly 2""! to 11."" a.m. 3ednesday
Buly8 2""!.
Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 3 Super Score Mathematics
Form 1
A !"
B !1
C !2
D !
Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 4 Super Score Mathematics
Form 1
20 2rishnan is !2 years and 1" months old. @anisah is 2 years and 11 months old.
Calculate the difference between their ages.
A 1# years 11 months
B 1) years 11 months
C 1( years 11 months
D 2" years 11 months
21 The mass of a rod is 2."& $g and a wooden boC is -.( $g. Two rods are put into the wooden
boC. 7ind the total mass8 in $g8 of the rods and the boC.
A )
B (
C 1"
D 11
Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 5 Super Score Mathematics
Form 1
Daper 2
This test paper contains 1" questions. Answer ALL the questions.
The diagrams accompanying the questions are not drawn to scale unless mentioned.
You are not allowed to use a calculator.
Calculate the difference between 15 kg 550 g and 7 kg 750 g
!"aluate 3 # 45 c# $ 4
Change 435 %# t& the 24'h&ur ()(te#
!"aluate 2376 # ' 85 c#
A wire i( 4 # 25 c# l&ng Calculate the re#ainder &f the wire after a 75 c# wire i( cut &ff fr&#
*anice i( 14 )ear( 4 #&nth( &ld +er father i( f&ur ti#e( &lder than her Calculate her father,(
!"aluate 5 week( 4 da)( - 3
Calculate the ti#e 2 h&ur( and 55 #inute( after 645 %#
.ubtract 2 t&nne( 567 kg fr&# 6 t&nne( 400 kg
C&n"ert 358 c# int& #
Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 6 Super Score Mathematics
Form 1

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