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July 2006: A new author in the field of archaeo-astronomy has recently launched his book
internationally, and believes he has found the ultimate secret behind Egypt's enigmatic Sphinx.
Existing theories to date suggest that the side profile of the Sphinx represents the stars of Leo.
However they do not explain convincingly why its architects would have chosen this constellation
for its template. Wayne Herschel, an explorer of ancient civilisations for the last 17 years, proposes
an entirely new theory. In his book, 'The Hidden Records', he sets out to prove that the Sphinx is the
key to unlocking the secret behind a grand unified '50 pyramid' star map.
In 1995 author R. Bauval suggested that the three pyramids at Giza represented the three stars of
Orion's 'belt'. However because his theory did not find a way to incorporate the entire field of
pyramids, let alone the Sphinx, academics had difficulty accepting it.
In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his cosmic interpretation of the Sphinx which helped him
interpret the pyramids in a completely new way. He discovered that the angle at which the Sphinx
intersects the collective three Giza pyramids on the ground, is virtually identical to the angle at
which the brightest star of Leo, aligns with the collective row of stars that form Orion's 'belt'. (See
the image below).
Here are the critical clues in reasoning the theory. The Sphinx appears to have its stare fixed on the
rising stars each night (not just the rising Sun). Then at a very unique moment in the night sky, the
Sphinx watches its mirror image of itself rising in a perfectly upright stance as Leo.
It is here where the Sphinx is literally crying out:
"All the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent a ring of adjoining constellations around the Earth, and
the secret of the star map begins here at my feet with Leo."
But there is more to the secret of the Sphinx merely telling us that all the pyramids reproduce a
string of constellations. It is also the key to deciphering the pyramid mystery itself. It is showing the
observer where to begin in cracking the mystery of the star map, urging one to follow the three star
alignment direction of Orion's 'belt' as a 'cosmic signpost' to what seems to be the ultimate star.
Herschel's idea that the whole pyramid field in Lower Egypt represents stars was inspired by one of
the oldest known prophecies. The mystic Hermes Trismegistus. claimed:
"Egypt is an image of the heavens the 'whole' cosmos dwells here.
"Herschel subsequently conducted an experiment to prove all the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent
stars. He overlaid a transparency of the stars onto a map of the pyramids. The result was
breathtaking. All the brightest stars within the known constellations in one complete revolution of
the Milky Way had pyramid counterparts on the ground. However, there were some important stars
for which pyramids were apparently missing. In Giza for example, Herschel found four potential, as
yet unrecognised pyramid ruins on an antique early map that would conclude a previously
incomplete Orion interpretation at Giza.
One finding would lead to another. Not only were
his new correlations 'mirror images', but the
pyramids were virtually divided into two separate
layout scales on each side of the area of Abusir,
thus providing another clue. It seems the Solar
Temple obelisk was intentionally placed exactly at
the epicentre of the pyramid field. What could this
The giant obelisk was most likely the only ever gold
capped monument. Perhaps to highlight that it was
more important than any other. At last the meaning
of the star map becomes clear.
Do we have the proverbial 'x' that marks the spot?
Does it provide the reason that would have prompted the ancients to design their star map using
giant structures in the first place? One thing is certain, the star seems to be of paramount importance
as the place in the heavens that the three Orion 'belt' stars align with.
Astronomers can confirm that the Solar Temple obelisk is the only
monument in the entire pyramid field to emulate a 'Sun-like' star
(Ref HD 283271 'G' spectrum) and it is relatively nearby. The
correlation only occurred at its most precise position 17 250 years
ago, perhaps documenting the dawning of humanity. All the other
pyramids match bright stars that are nothing like our Sun. Herschel
suggests the 'Sun' Temple was named after a 'Sun'-like star and has
nothing to do with our Sun at all.
Only half of the star map is shown here. The author is convinced that the reason for the pyramid star
map was to isolate the 'star of the gods'. He believes it presents a whole new theory of who we are
and where we come from.
To add fuel to the fire, Herschel believes that he has found evidence of a repeating geometric
blueprint of the human form within other ancient pyramid and megalithic star map representations
found across the globe.
The geometric blueprint is unique only to the human form and is identical to the original geometric
man codex documented by a Roman engineer and writer, Marcus Vitruvius, who lived 25 years
before the birth of Christ.
Leonardo Da Vinci has acceded to fame for his
Vitruvian man, however few realise he reproduced it
from an ancient manuscript. Da Vinci did not show the
raised arms as you see here, but chose to reposition the
arms where the square touches the circle.
He may have chosen to depict his version like he did to
avoid the same fate that the German scholar, Agrippa
(who lived at the same time as Da Vinci), faced for
duplicating Vitruvius' work as seen in the image above.
Agrippa died a horrific death. He was burned at the
Without digressing too much, it is worth considering a
few very important 'what if' scenarios.
One would naturally expect that if the star maps are true then why doesn't the Christ story mention
If what was encapsulated in the representation of the human form by Agrippa and Da Vinci had
relevance to these star maps, why did Christ make no mention of this? It is indeed a very sensitive
question and is currently open to debate on the author's website. There are many sources of early
translations of the gospels that include references to the star associated with Christ's birth and other
stars, such as Orion and the Pleiades. There is also a lot more being debated than this.
For starters, the meaning of 'Sang-real' has been rumoured to mean 'sacred lineage'.
What if the Holy Grail is real and contains an inscribed record of who we are and where we come?
For arguments sake let us assume that it does. What if the ultimate secret was given to Judas by
Christ (as the Judas codex seems to suggest) on a beautiful metal plate that was uniquely inscribed?
(Wayne Herschel has a strong feeling that in Renaissance art this metal plate is shown symbolically
behind Christ's head). If one refers to the recently discovered Judas gospel, one could even conclude
that there is a chance Judas may have been captured by the Roman authorities with this artefact that
was to become known as the grail in his possession. An artefact that had inscribed on it detail of
humanity's lineage.
If this hypothetical scenario does indeed prove to be true, then one would have to ask whether the
Roman authorities murdered him to cover up the existence of this amazing artefact, and more
specifically its contents.
Perhaps we are approaching a new renaissance age in which humankind will begin to question its
true origins? It seems likely now that Vitruvius was not the first person to portray the human form in
this unique way.
In his book, 'The Hidden Records', Herschel goes to great lengths in detailing the snowball effect of
his story. He claims confidently that the geometry of the human blueprint is a code that fits
accurately into the layout at Giza, as well as that of Stonehenge, and last but not least in the layout of
the most controversial place of all. In the layout of what are perceived to be pyramids in an area
researchers call 'Cydonia'.
In later years it appears this geometry of the 'human code' was also encrypted in the paintings of
Leonardo Da Vinci and of his contemporary, Nicolas Poussin.
It may sound completely fabricated and fictional having such a vast collection of coincidences here,
but in light of the importance of the claims, the author has made his fundamental research freely
available for all to see. The human codex research, Renaissance paintings and star map images are
now available at website.
In summary, the author believes that by encrypting the human form in ancient pyramid star maps in
this unique way (a code that later made its reappearance in the paintings of the Renaissance era) the
ancients appear to show us that the human lineage is 'divine' so to speak and from above.
Coincidently the recent Judas gospel codex discovery makes another earth shattering claim, the
significance of which seems to have eluded most observers. Christ beckons Judas to look at the night
sky and says to him:
"Follow the star above it is also your star".
If the star maps are truly genuine, surely someone with a mission as unique as that of Christ would
have wanted to pass on to humanity this extraordinary piece of knowledge, even if it was not ready
for his time. He probably would want it to be revealed in the future at a time when it was safer to
debate such a 'provocative' version of humankind's genesis.
In time, the star maps and human code theory may well challenge the mystery of the 'missing link',
which academics on evolution are still grappling with to this very day. Perhaps human beings
evolved elsewhere in our vast universe, replacing Neanderthal after arriving here on Earth.
The author has taken his Egyptian star chart template and has tested it on Stonehenge in the UK,
Angkor in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala and on a nearby planet rumoured to have pyramid ruins.
The results delineated on the internet and in great detail in his book speak for themselves.
So at the end of the day, what does all this new material offer humanity?
A clear message is decipherable in three of the most conclusive cases of the star maps. They all
appear to display the unique human blueprint geometry code. A pictographic story can be interpreted
in relation to the star pattern.
Herschel believes its meaning is paramount in uniting all of humanity as one if the star map
'message' is true. Once we step back and review the original sources of great teachings from those
that came from above, the truth emerges. It speaks clearly of the place of Creation of the universe,
which has been told to humanity in many different lands, and sadly it has 'evolved' in every case,
into very disparate interpretations that we call 'religion'.
The original sources of sacred texts must be given priority for true meaning. It is here where we have
the chance of uniting humanity in one truth and understanding of a gentle Creator of the universe
who has given us the gift of life. Our confusion about what we believe is fast manifesting itself in an
ugly religious war that is playing out right now. Is it a coincidence that for the first time ever
missiles are landing at a historical site near the northern boarder of Israel known as the valley of
Meggiddo? It is here that prophecy has written where we will fight our last war.
If there is just a hint of truth in Wayne Herschel's collection of ancient star maps and his theory on
the human blueprint, it should be reason enough for scholars to test it.
And if there is one crucial question that still remains unanswered it has to be: Who is the cosmic
message intended for?
Why on earth is the grand secret represented with such massive constructions and pointing
Why can it only be deciphered completely, when it is viewed from a satellite?
2020 word article - editing by magazines and web hosts authorised - click here
For a full evaluation of the Egyptian star maps click here
Star map Egypt
New Orion theory
Sun worship or Sun-like star worship
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