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There are three basic types of bulkhead, watertight, non watertight and tank.
Different types of bulkheads are designed to carry out different functions.
The watertight bulkhead several important ones;
i. It divides the ship into watertight compartments giving a buoyancy reserve in the event of hull
being breached. The number of compartments is governed by regulation and type of vessel
ii. cargo separation
iii. They restrict the passage of flame
iv. Increased transverse strength, in effect they act like ends of a box
v. Longitudinal deck girders and deck longitudinal are supported by transverse watertight
bulkheads which act as pillars
Number of bulkheads (cargo ship)
Length of ship (m) Number of bulkheads
Aboe Not e!ceeding "achinery midships "achinery Aft
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The number of bulkheads depends upon the lenght of the ship and the postion of the
machinery. There must be a collision bulkhead positioned at least %,($th of the distance from the forward
perpendicular. This must be continuous to the uppermost continuous deck.
The stern tube must be enclosed in a watertight compartment formed by the stern frame and
the after peak bulkhead which may terminate at the first continuous deck aboe the waterline. The
engineroom must be contained between two watertight bulkheads one of which may be the after peak
-ach main hold watertight bulkhead must e!tend to the uppermost continuous deck unless
the freeboard is measured from the second deck in which case the bulkhead can e!tend to the second
A water tight bulkhead is formed from plates attached to the shell, deck and tank top by
means of welding. The bulkheads are designed to withstand a full head water pressure and because of
this the thickness of the plating at the bottom of the bulkhead may be greater than that at the top.
.ertical stiffeners are positioned *'$mm apart e!cept were corrugated bulkheads are used.
/atertight bulkheads must be tested with a hose at a pressure of ($$ 0n,m( . The test being
carried out from the side on which the stiffeners are fitted and the bulkhead must remain watertight.
/ater tight bulkheads which are penetrated by pipes, cables etc. must be proided with
suitable glands which preent the passage of water.
Water tight doors
Vertically mounted watertight door
To allow the passage for personnel water tight doors are fitted , openings must be cut only
were essential and they should be as small as possible. %.)m high, $.*m wide being the usual. Doors
should be of mild steel or cast steel, and they may be arranged to close ertically or hori1ontally.
The closing action must be positie i.e. it must not rely on graity. 2inged water tight doors
may be allowed in passenger ships and in watertight bulkheads aboe decks which are placed (.(m or
more aboe the waterline. 3imilar doors may be fitted in weather decks openings in cargo ships.
Hinged water tight door
2inged water tight doors consist of a heay section door which when closed seals on a
resilient packing mounted in channel bar welded to the door frame.
The door is held firmly in the door frame when closed by the dogging arrangements shown
which allow the doors to be opened from either side.Normally si! of these dogs are spread e4ually around
the periphery.
Automatic watertight operating gear
Automatic operating gear allows the remote operation of watertight doors. These are fitted on
many essels including passenger ships.
5n the eent of fire or flooding, operation of switches from bridge,fire control area sends a
signal to an oil dierter ale. 6il from a pressurised hydraulic system is sent to a ram moing the door.
The door may also be operated locally by a manual dierter ale. 5n addition, in the eent of
loss of system pressure the door may be operated by a local manual hand pump
remote door position indicators are fitted as well as were appropriate alarms to indicate
Bulkhead definitions
Class A
Are diisions forming bulkheads and decks that7
Constructed of steel or equivalent
suitably stiffened
Prevent passage of smoke and flame to the end of one hour standard fire test
Insulated using non-combustible material so that average temperature on eposed side does
not rise above !"#
C and point temperature above !$#
C% The time the bulkhead complies with
this governs its class
A-&# &#min
A-'# '#(in
A-!) !)(in
A-# #(in
Class *
These are diisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings and lining
Prevent passage of flame for first half hour of standard fire test
Insulated so average eposed side temperature does not rise more than !'+
C above original
and no single point rises more than ,,)
C above originalThe time the bulkhead complies with
this governs its class
*-!) !)(in
*-# #(in
Constructed of non-combustible material and all materials entering the construction are
similarly non-combustible ecept where permitted
Class C
These are diisions constructed of approed non8combustible materials. 9ombustible eneers
are allowed were they meet other criteria
(ain vertical -ones Diided by 9lass A bulkheads and not e!ceeding )$m in length

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